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Zero (Always 😊)

We always use zero conditional when it’s a fact:

If water reaches 100° C, it boils.
If + Present simple + Present simple + When
If I study, I can pass.

If you finish your soup, you can go out.

First Conditional (Might)

It talks about things that “might” happen in the future or that

are possibly coming through.
If + Present simple + will + infinitive
If it rains, I won’t go to the park.
If Maria doesn’t come, I won’t go
Second conditional (hardly ☹)

It’s to talk about things in the future that are unlikely to

happen. And to talk about some things in the present which
are impossible because they are not true.
If + Past simple + would + infinitive
If I won the lottery, I would buy a big house.
If I wrote so good like you, I would be a writer.

Third conditional (never)

Talks about the past is like the phrase “El hubiera no existe”
If + past perfect + would have + past
If she had accepted that job, she would be rich.
If he had eated more vegetables he wouldn’t be diabetic.

going to
El tiempo futuro con «going to» se usa más comúnmente en el lenguaje hablado cuando se
quiere hacer referencia al futuro inmediato, es decir, a algo que está por ocurrir.

She is going to pay with a credit card
I am going to drop off my prescription over there
También se emplea para hablar de intenciones o planes para hacer algo:
I’m going to learn English

El futuro con «will» se utiliza para hablar de decisiones que se toman mientras se habla:

I need to get my medicine. I will go to the pharmacy tonight.
I need some cash. I will pay with my debit card and ask for cash back.
También es usado para decir predicciones de carácter general:
I’m sure it will rain tomorrow.
Gerardo Gómez will win the election.

simple with
The present simple is used to refer to events in the future which are certain because they are
facts, or because there is a clear or fixed schedule or timetable:
Her birthday falls on a Friday next year. (a known fact about the future)
She has her driving test next week, does she? (a fixed arrangement)

English future
speakers often use the present continuous tense (subject + 'be' = verb-ing) to talk
about future arrangements. A future arrangement is a plan that you have decided and
organized with another person.
I'm spending Christmas and New Year with my Mum and Dad.
We're meeting Susan at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon.
Sometimes the arrangement is between a person and a group of people, or an organisation
or company:
I'm working over the New Year. (this arrangement is between Alice and her employer)
They are flying to New York tomorrow morning. (they have made this arrangement with
the airline)

Para indicar que una acción que está en ejecución en el futuro es interrumpida por otra
acción específica.

I will be studying when you call me.

Estaré estudiando cuando me llames.

 2  Para expresar acciones que estarán en proceso de realización o teniendo lugar en un

momento específico del futuro.

Tonight I'll be watching the premiere of last season.

Esta noche estaré viendo el estreno de la última temporada.

 3  Para expresar acciones futuras que se desarrollan paralelamente.

Tonight we will be dancing and having a good time.

Esta noche estaremos bailando y pasándolo bien.

 4  Para expresar una acción que ha sido planeada para el futuro y que debe llevarse a cabo
dentro de un determinado momento (la traducción no será literal, sino con matiz de futuro).

She will be visiting us next Christmas.

Va a visitarnos las próximas Navidades.

En este sentido la diferencia con el "futuro simple" es que "will" suele dar el matiz de
voluntad o intención.

Will she visit us next Chrismas?

¿Nos visitará las próximas Navidades? (¿Quiere venir a visitarnos ...?)

Will she be visiting us next Christmas?

¿Va a visitarnos las próximas Navidades? (¿Tiene planeado venir ...?)

 5  Para expresar probabilidad, deducción.

We have not called her and she will be getting angry.

No la hemos llamado y estará enfadada.

 6  Para preguntar educadamente acerca de los planes de alguien.

Will you be coming tomorrow morning?

¿Vendrás mañana por la mañana? (simplemente quiero saber tus planes de una forma
educada; no presiono, ni ordeno)
Are you going to come tomorrow morning? (presiono tu decisión)
Will you come tomorrow morning? (pregunto u ordeno, dependiendo de la entonación)

El futuro perfecto o "future perfect" se usa para acciones o estados que habrán
terminado en un momento dado en el futuro.

Suele ir acompañado por la preposición "by" (por/para) o la expresión adverbial

"by the time" (para cuando).

I'll have finished my exams by next Monday.

Habré terminado mis exámenes para el lunes que viene.

También se usa para indicar suposición.

Don't phone her. She will have left.

No la llames por teléfono. Se habrá marchado.


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