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Universidad Alonso de Ojeda

Facultad de Ingeniería y Administración

Escuela de Industrial
Cátedra: Ingles
Profesor (a):
Alumno (a): Nohelia Espinoza
Sección: GM311
write the description physical, the personality and what are wearing two
characters, artists or player that you prefer, it has to include a picture of the
characters you are describing and use the vocabulary studied, grammar,
orthography and the redaction itself will be evaluated

Description of Messi

Lionel Andrs Messi (born June 24, 1987 in Rosario) is an Argentine football.

Lionel Messi started playing football at a very early age in his hometowns. ... Despite
his youth, On September 25, 2005 Messi obtained a Spanish citizenship and was
finally able to make his debut in this season's Spanish First Division.

His stature is short but his build is strong, athletic and flexible. He has short, straight,
dark hair, his eyes small, bright and brown.
Description of Ronaldo

Cristiano is tall, 1.85m tall and weighs 84kg. He has

brown eyes, short black hair.

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