Roses and Champagne

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Roses and champagne Inside World

roses and vines

rose and wolf

rose and kiss

secret rose

Table of Contents






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all rights

-Continued in Volume 2-


Lee Won was out of breath and ran down the street. Usually he would
walk around a section of the train in a fun way, but today it became a
concern. Would it be better to change trains? As he ran, my mind
quickly counted the money. Every day was a hectic life.

I need to save some money.

Lee Won quickly checked the old clock and decided to run faster. It's
just a section, so let's do our best. At that moment, the bitter wind of
Buk-gu mercilessly slapped my cheeks. It was to the point of being
convicted and sworn. In the scenery of the rapidly passing buildings, he
suddenly found a tall man walking from the opposite side, talking on a
cell phone.


It's too late. The running foot could not overcome the acceleration and
ran as it was. The moment he squeezed his eyes shut, he caught a
glimpse of the man turning his head to look at him with a surprised
expression on his face.

The moment he saw himself crashing and falling mercilessly in 0.1
seconds, the man grabbed Lee Won's waist with a brief resistance. For
a brief moment, he gasped. The quickness of the man who escaped for
a moment was admirable, but the result was not very good.

It was good to hug and hold Lee Won's waist, who was almost on the
verge of collapse, but thanks to this, he suddenly felt a strong pressure
in his stomach and re lexively vomited.


Lee Won, who barely raised his head without stuttering, was surprised
to see the face of a man who was placed higher than him unexpectedly.
As Lee Won, who belongs to quite a tall person, it was not common to
see an opponent with their head held high and looking up.

But the man seemed to be exactly one head larger than him.

The irst thing that came into my sight was platinum blonde hair that
shone so coldly. Lee Won, who had been staring at the platinum blonde
gently swaying in the wind, quickly regained consciousness and looked
down, and there were silver-gray eyes looking at him.

ixedly. The moment he inadvertently caught his breath, the man

gasped, his silver-grey eyes sparkling like wolves in the snow.

"Where are you hurt?"

"Oh that's OK."

Lee Won, who had quickly regained consciousness, quickly moved

away from him. The man who willingly released him smiled brie ly. He
regained his sanity and came face to face, but he still caught his
attention. The tall, tall man seemed to glow with the light of the
northern lights from his body. The man, who wore a long fur coat that
looked like it had trapped four animals over a black suit elegantly
wrapped around his muscular body, was incomparably splendid
compared to Lee Won, who was frantically running through the streets
in a cheap suit. .

Why is this man going through such a shabby alley?

Suddenly thinking, white fangs revealed themselves between the man's

lustful lips. Lee Won realized that she had been looking at him
frantically and hurriedly opened his mouth.

"Sorry for the inconvenience."

"you're welcome."

The man who answered brie ly with a smooth lowing tone looked at
Lee Won. Lee Won involuntarily felt awkward at the stare without even

"I will then."

As he was about to inish my greeting, a man suddenly called out to


"for a moment."

Looking at him puzzled, the man said without taking his eyes off Lee
"You, how about you wear sunglasses?"

Lee Won blinked at the unexpected words. I heard that sunlight

re lected off snow has stronger ultraviolet rays than in the summer. In
Russia, where half the year is winter, it can be a natural thing to say, but
say something like that to someone you're seeing for the irst time
because you're not even wearing sunglasses. Also, I have silver gray
eyes that are much more vulnerable than black ones, is this just passing

Remembering the temperament of Russians, who are prone to scolding

even strangers, Lee Won quickly ignored those words. Without
af irming or denying, he showed an ambiguous smile and soon came
back to reality and erased what had just happened.

Oh man, it's totally late.

As he began to run again, the man stopped there and continued to look
at him.

“… … .”

A voice came over the phone. Then the man picked up the phone and
opened his mouth.

"Oh, Dmitri. There has been an accident for a while. … … It's no big

He smiled brie ly as he kept his gaze on the trail of Lee Won, who had

"I saw a walking pornography."


“Damn it, don't you get it? I told you that this store is ours from today!
Get out of here right now!”

A middle-aged woman with an anguished face, crouched down in a

corner and cried, not even able to protest at the swearing of coarse men
who randomly knocked over tables and chairs along with screams.

Suddenly, the crowd gathered and looked around her, but no one
wanted to step forward.

The men were even more energetic, throwing furniture and making a
lot of noise.

“If you don't want to die, didn't I tell you to empty it right away and
leave? You don't seem to understand what you're saying, do you want
to be beaten until you understand? That's right, do you want to die?"

In the end, it was a moment when big and small applause lowed from
those who watched as the ists were swung at the woman. Suddenly
the man's arm was locked in midair and he whipped his head around,
surprised at the unexpected restraint.

"What what?"

For an instant, cold air blew out, and a black shadow appeared in the
backlight that he had stabbed.
The man, who had inadvertently frowned, blinked rapidly and only
then was he able to recognize the existence standing in his way.

The rather tall man was rather skinny, but he had a nice physique that
suited him well in a suit. The muscles attached gracefully to the long-
jointed skeleton were just the right amount, not too weak or too weak
to match the slim line of his face. He also had dark black eyes, with
black hair that even had a blue tint at irst glance, which was obviously
mixed blood or foreign blood that was not suitable for Slavs.

As he, taller than average, looked at a man smaller than himself with a
cold blue gaze reminiscent of a glacier, the man who met his gaze fell for
a moment despite this situation. He had never before seen such a
beautiful man. No, I didn't even imagine it. How can a man be so
attractive despite his obvious appearance?

The expression 'obscene' suits him perfectly, and he melted his

opponent's waist in one go just by looking at him with a cold gaze. A
brief instinctive fright broke his ighting spirit. However, looking at the
man who had lost his mind blankly, he nonchalantly opened his mouth
as if this was a common thing.

“It is illegal to do something like that. Please come back legally."

"What what?"

“Ivanov, what are you doing? Get rid of that right now!”

Just like the man who was caught by the arm, the men who had only
blinked screamed and beat their comrades. Feeling ashamed of himself
for being angry at the man, Ivanov hurriedly swung his other ist
instead of the arm that was trapped, but he couldn't even hit the man,
let alone swing it properly. The man who broke the arm holding him
twisted it behind Ivanov's.


The men, taken aback by the sight of Ivanov struggling and screaming
uncontrollably, yelled and all entered at once. The man pushed Ivanov
to the ground and threw his body without hesitation at the leeing men,
throwing punches and kicks at them.

The crowd widened their eyes and held their breath, but the ight of
the man against the four men ended in an absurdly overwhelming
victory. Dodging the leg of the last man who lew in, he immediately
reached out and kicked hard between the largely empty legs. Desperate
screams rang out, and the men, who had been torn apart, cried so much
that they became pathetic and led with limping steps.

Only after con irming that even the shadow of the last one had
disappeared, did the man lightly shake his suit and turn his head. The
woman, who had been hiding in the corner until that

At the moment, she hadn't been able to do anything, but when her eyes
met his, she turned contemplative and she took a deep breath.

The man, who had ixed her suit with a familiar gesture, approached
her, held out her hand, and recalled a friendly smile.

"Are you okay? Sorry for the delay. The tank broke down and I ran a

Belatedly, she found the man's dark hair, damp with sweat, plastered to
her forehead. But still hesitating to take his hand, the woman looked at
him in disbelief and fear.
“You, hell… … What did you do? You know who they are?

"I have a rough idea, but you'll have to hear from a counselor for

With a bright smile on her face, instead of laughing at her, her

absurdity disappeared.

“You mean you intervened unknowingly? Even while punching, what

the hell are you thinking… … .”

However, despite the woman's puzzled question, he was still relaxed.

“Because it's a creed that if you get hit in the face, you have to break the
arm that hit you. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, violence for

She shuddered and rose from her seat with a look of disbelief. It
seemed that her trembling legs still hadn't gained strength, but she
didn't try to grab the man's outstretched hand.

“Then why did you help me? What did you come here for?

The man reached into the inside pocket of her suit, and she still hadn't
turned off her surveillance light. However, it was a thin business card
that I handed to the woman who quickly gulped and stiffened. The man
opened his mouth at her, who blinked in embarrassment as if her
expectations were not correct.

"It's too late to say goodbye. Did you call the of ice yesterday? I am
Jeong Yi-won.”
The woman's eyes widened when she saw the business card the man
had given her.

As if she couldn't believe it, she looked at him with a refreshing smile.

"A lawyer."

The ramshackle ive-story building, said to have been built for 100
years, was old enough to withstand the bitter blizzard that blows every
winter, let alone an elevator. The noisy, swaying windows seemed to
creak and cough in its senile body, but somehow it endured each year
with amazing strength.

"Wait a little longer. I have another hundred years to live.

The grandmother, owner of the boarding house, who had a strong

affection for the old building she had bought with the money she had
accumulated throughout her life, as if in blood and gore, would always
build it up as if she were a child. As the window shook with the strong
wind blowing, Lee Won smiled bitterly at the familiar back of the old
woman who was caressing the window sill as usual and muttering to

"It's a building that has outlived my grandmother."

Her smiling face entered the old woman's presbyopia as she looked
back up at the voice.

"It's a building that will outlive you."

As always, Lee Won approached her lightly and kissed her gray hair.

It's a little late, did you have a bad day today?"

"Is there anything different? It's almost dinner time. Wash up and come

Lee Won agreed without saying anything and went straight up the
stairs through the back door leading to the kitchen. Even for a long-
legged Lee Won, the steep stairs of a 100-year-old building are not a
good combination. This is especially true for grandmothers with

Thankfully, the second loor facing the street is connected to Grandma's

room behind the old cafe. Her room was upstairs. Because of his innate
lightness, he can jump tall stairs with ease, but this old, old staircase
gives a sense of tension and excitement every time.

The reason why he, who was using the top loor, was moved to the
second loor was when his grandmother suddenly collapsed last winter.
After that, Lee Won would go upstairs to his

room through the cafe instead of the entrance of a separate building. It

is one of the routines that has become customary after changing rooms
to check on Grandma's condition and let her know that she has
returned home, but fortunately there were no signs of her health
worsening especially from that day.
Returning to his of ice and living room, Lee Won immediately took off
his suit and changed into an old sweater and old jeans. Only two sticks
should be perfectly groomed for the next time. With familiar and quick
hand movements, he organized the suit and hung it in the closet, then
went back downstairs.

"Is there anything I can do to help you?"

To Lee Won's question, Grandma responded with a glance.

"Put the dishes on the table. Don't forget to clean up irst."

Despite her constant nagging, he did not complain and took the wet
towel she had brought and wiped the table. This kind of thing has now
become a habit. Lee Won, who has been staying here since he irst came
to Russia, helped out at the cafe whenever he had time while attending
law school.

It was still the same today. At irst, Grandma's attitude was cold, but as
time went on she got used to it and became warm as blood and began
to take care of small things as well as meals. Lee Won was never
dissatis ied with her, as he was well aware of her deep affection hidden
in the slightest discomfort.

Now, as blood and blood, eating together two or three times a day has
become a daily routine. In the same way, Lee Won was like a grandson
to the grandmother owner, who was a short blood. Lee Won was also
genuinely treating her as his own grandmother.

She asked as she watched the old woman's wrinkled and rough hands
lift a large pot and set it down on the table, as if telling her life story.
"Is dinner easy? It must be delicious.

Sheep, my grandmother's organ, is a traditional Russian dish made with

pork fat seasoned with garlic, and was always served once a week. Lee
Won, who has never complained about food, always enjoyed any of her
dishes and praised them. Of course, it stemmed from her special
affection for her grandmother, but also from the goodness of her nature.

Without saying anything, Grandma put down the basket full of bread
and sat down in front of him. When Lee Won saw her close her eyes, he
closed his eyes without saying a word and clasped his hands together.

"God, you have given us our daily bread today... ... ."

Like many Russians, she was an Orthodox Christian. Lee Won was
almost an atheist, but he had no intention of hurting her by praying
before a meal. After a brief prayer, Grandma asked who prepared the
dish herself and placed it in front of him.

"How did it go today, no big deal?

Most of the cases Lee Won took on were the work of people who were
not so rich and not so powerless. Even if you win, you can't expect a big
price, and if you lose, you feel bitter.

This time was not much different either.

"Yes, it was a simple touch. We'll have to wait a little longer, but I think
we'll be able to protect the store."

"I don't think I can earn a lot of fees this time too."

At his words, the old woman frowned and rolled her eyes.

"Isn't it natural? Law enforcement shouldn't expect money."

Because another person's life is at stake.

From the moment I irst learned that she was a law student, her words
were always the same. Even if I didn't have to listen to what he said, Lee
Won already knew. He smiled silently and put the food back on the
empty plate. He asked the old woman who pushed the potato salad in
front of him tearing the dry bread.

"Nikolai is gone.

This is the story of the man living on the third loor. More middle-aged,
he worked hard, and the factory he had recently bought absurdly
passed to someone else, so he asked him for help.

I will go upstairs after dinner.

In response to Lee Won's brief nod and conclusion, Grandma put the
mashed potato salad on a plate and popped it into her mouth several

"... ... ... Wouldn't that be easy?"

After breaking the silence and asking the question, he calmly put the
whistle to his mouth instead of worrying Grandma with deep
conversation. However, he had long known that the eyes of a woman
over 80 years old are close to those of animals.
"Tomorrow I plan to visit Mr. Zhdanov's of ice and talk to him in

After a brief conversation, the grandmother averted her gaze without

going any deeper. Putting the potato back in her mouth, she tried to
speak again, but this time Lee Won was quick.

"I'd like to put tea in advance. Or would you like some vodka?

At his question, which deliberately changed the subject, Grandma

remained silent and nodded.

"I'd like vodka."


Lee Won took the inished dishes to the kitchen and took half of the
vodka out of the cupboard. Lee Won, who serves vodka to his
grandmother who usually has a side dish at meals, kissed her gray hair
and added.

"Then I'll go see Nikolai. I'm sorry I couldn't help you clean it."

"That's all right. Don't work too hard."


After adding his usual greeting, he opened the door to the ire escape
that led to the back of the kitchen.

He looked back at the ringing sound again. Added Grandma with a stern

"Don't smoke."

When Lee Won paused for a moment, he rolled his eyes slightly. he
seemed to have igured it out. He smiled awkwardly, took a crumpled
pack of cigarettes out of his pocket, and instead took out a match from
the matchbox on the stove and asked. Grandma smiled bitterly at the
sight of him smacking matches, turning around and walking out, and
she soon began to take care of the cleaning.


Heh heh heh heh heh heh.

The sound of heavy breathing spreads in all directions. The sound of

promiscuous footsteps running through the alleys clapped in front of
me and hit my ear. The old red brick buildings that stretched on
endlessly for a long time dug into the alleys that connected here and
there like a spider's web, casting a long, gloomy shadow.

No exit. Already knew. But instinct forced him to lee without ceasing.
The man gasped as his breath hit his chin, and he struggled to his feet
with his knees bent. A feeling that couldn't exist for a moment burst
into my brain. Perhaps it was the desperate cry of an instinct that felt a

The roar resounded in the dark alley, passed through the old mansions
and ran iercely as if he was leeing through the narrow alleys. A few
roars followed, following the irst note he had heard as he gasped. The
last faint tremor, which had not yet reached the end of the road, lost
strength and dispersed into the air.

A black car with an ominous energy was parked over the faint echo.
The man sitting in the back seat of the car leaned back and inhaled the
aroma of the cigarette slowly, smelling the familiar scent of leather. The
tip of a half-burnt cigar glows faintly. The thick layer of ashes could not
bear the weight and was about to fall, but the man did not miss a break
and gently brushed the body of the cigar in the ashtray.

As the cigar, which had been dripping with ashes as if in relief, took a
seat between his parted lips with a light body again, someone simply
tapped on the heavily tinted car window twice. The man did not
respond, but the man who knocked on the window waited for a
moment as if it were normal, then opened the car door and slipped

"It has been solved".

After a short report, the man just looked at Yurihi with a thin eye, took
out a handkerchief and wiped his hands. Dark silver-gray eyes gleamed
in the dark. Eurich continued reporting.

“Ivan will take care of the rest. Three days is enough.

To Yuri, who spoke con idently, the man was still silent. Was it
annoying to waste time like that on something so obvious? Yurich
stopped talking and nervously waited for his reaction.

Cesar Alexandrovich Sergeev.

He is the next boss of the Sergeev organization, one of the giant ma ias
that dominate all of Russia.

As the only child of his predecessor, he gained his position thanks to a

well-rounded education from an early age, and he has been a man who
has never been terribly secretive. His full name is Caesar, but no one
called him that. Called Tsar, the Russian pronunciation of Caesar, he
was truly the Emperor of Darkness. His father, Sasha, had not yet
retired, but the royal power had already passed to his son.

A man who can't understand his heart at all with his almost unchanged
expression and tone.

Except for Dmitry, even Yurich, who prides herself on being his closest
con idant, had a hard time guessing his thoughts. Again, seeing the
unfeeling side of Caesar's face, who once again sucked on the cigar he
was enjoying and slowly exhaled the smoke, Yuri was impatient at what
he was thinking. But there was no choice but to wait.

Is it really the right thing? Was the tsar satis ied?

Traitors never forgive. A summary judgment is natural.

Perhaps you had other thoughts? If it was, I would have issued a

restraining order. … …

What the hell are you thinking?

It was after having smoked all the remaining cigars that he opened his
mouth, who only drank the smoke from the cigar, disregarding Yurich's
anxious inner feelings.
"If you talk too much, you die soon."

It was a word that seemed to have penetrated Yurihi's inner feelings,

but it was also a term that referred to the informant. As if he agreed
with that, the man bowed his head brie ly and rubbed his smoked
cigarette on the ashtray and tapped on the car window. The driver, who
was interested in listening, immediately started the car, and soon after,
a thick partition between the driver's seat and the seat was blocked.
Caesar gasped in the car that had become an almost perfectly closed

"What happened to Zdanov?"

With almost no accent, Yuri immediately brought out the reply he had
prepared in a terrifyingly low voice.

"It's soft. As expected, there is resistance, but it won't be long."

"He is longer than he thought."

At Caesar's brief words, Yurich immediately opened his mouth


"I'm sorry. It's taking longer than expected due to unexpected

variables, but sooner or later, the results will turn out as expected. It
seems that Nikolai believes in him and puts up with it, but anyway... … ."

"He is that guy."

Suddenly, the words that continued as excuses were cut off, and a cold
voice pointed out a word. Yuri had no choice but to answer the
unavoidable question with a listless look.
"I am a lawyer."

Caesar's platinum blonde gleamed brilliantly in the light of a streetlight

that suddenly passed by. At the same time, a dark shadow was cast on
his face with light features, clearly revealing his distorted forehead.


After rummaging through the data all night, Lee Won, who barely
opened his eyes at dawn, inished getting ready early and went down to
the cafe.

"Are you leaving already?"

He nodded when the owner's grandmother asked him while preparing

hot tea and bread.

"I have business to attend to in the morning. I have Nikolai's business to

attend to in the afternoon."

"Is it business, that's why?"

Grandma knew the fundamental reason why Lee Won came to Russia.
She quickly responded to the implied comment.
"Yes, I just found the owner of my old house, but I'm trying to con irm
the address."

She nodded and took the bread.

"I hope I can ind him this time."

Lee Won replied with a smile.

"Yes, it should be."

He soon began to eat without a word. It's been almost 30 years now. I
don't think I'll ever be able to ind it either. Besides, all he knew was a
common name. There was little chance. However, it was hard to give up
hope even if there were no expectations. In order not to get tired before
guessing the lever, Lee Won shook his thoughts and gave more strength
than usual to chew dry bread.


The councilman's of ice, located in a newly constructed building in the

city, made us feel the power just by listening to the location. As long as
you live in Russia, you must have heard the name at least once. wealth
and power, including everything. Of course, there was an indispensable
assistant there.

"How it is. First of all, Yuri said that everything was going well."
In response to Zdanov's soft and lattering, but also thoughtful voice,
Caesar removed the cigar he had put in his mouth and instead spat out
a long smoke. Sunlight slowly streaming in through the window spread
across the spacious of ice, casting a shadow over the man's well-
polished handmade shoes.

Twenty minutes have passed since his visit, and so far he hasn't said a
word. It was Zdanov who forced Caesar to come to the of ice, who had
initially refused because he had no time, but it was dif icult this way. He
was too openly expressing his displeasure at having brought it to this

Zhdanov had to use the hour or so until all of Caesar's cigars were
burned out, desperately trying to get a con ident answer.

"I owe Sasha a lot. Were they really inseparable from each other?

He let out a sly word about his father and looked him in the eye, but still
he didn't move. It was an indifferent attitude as if it had nothing to do
with me. Zhdanov felt a loud cry inside him, but he couldn't help it. No
matter how much that man, the threat was never going to work.

Everyone knew that in Russia, if you disobeyed that man, you would
become a corpse in less than an hour. You have to adjust the mood
appropriately and draw the response you want.

"Maybe Sasha knows. I keep my promises. I will de initely give you this
case without any regrets, so please be careful."

This time, he made a rather direct request without saying anything. But
he still did not respond. Impatient, Zhdanov spoke again.
"Tsar, I need an answer. You have to say something, aren't you getting

The man, who had not spoken to Zhdanov, who had inally revealed his
feelings and expressed his displeasure, put the cigar in his mouth and
spat out a long smoke. Zhdanov was startled by the hazy smoke that cut
through the air as if blowing a whistle. Only then did Caesar turn his
gaze back to him. With a cold expression he still couldn't ind a trace of
a smile.

"I am a busy man, Senator Zhdanov. Why do you call me all the way
here and make a fuss over my words?

"I beg your pardon?"

Zhdanov was surprised by his arrogant question, but fortunately Caesar

was quicker.

"If it was an irresponsible deal, I wouldn't have accepted it in the irst

place. Knowing that, you would have asked me. wrong?"

"But... ... ."

Zhdanov hesitated and continued, as if complaining.

"Sorry, I stopped being impatient. Some unplanned guy is interfering

and making things a nuisance. If the Tsar can help, it will be resolved
immediately .... ... ."

Caesar asked, slowly raising his cigar to his mouth.

"You mean that lawyer?"

ding dong.

Hearing the sound of the elevator stopping, Lee Won raised his head.
Shortly after, the state-of-the-art high-speed elevator doors open,
revealing an eerily polished expanse of space. The elevator in the new-
style building, which can't be compared to the old building Lee Won
lived in, was cold and sophisticated enough to light up his face as he
pressed the number of loors.

Lee Won looked at his re lection on the wall as he held up a sealed

paper bag. His hair and suit are perfect. Care must be taken that this
work is not smeared in the smallest detail.

Especially when you think about who your opponent is.

For several days, Lee Won had to listen to Nikolai's complaints late. In
short, the only thing they said was 'they made false documents and
tried to remove the factory that they had built with blood and sweat',
but the situation was not that easy.

Above all, the opponent was not good. Judging by the documents
alone, it was clearly a forgery. Even if Lee Won didn't have to do it,
anyone who saw it would say that it was absurd nonsense. The
problem was the person who forged the document.

George Zdanov. Former KGB and current city councilor.

With enormous wealth and connections, he was free to commit all
kinds of corruption. These crude documents are enough for Zhdanov to
hijack the factory. Lee Won was also not expecting a big win. But it's
unfortunate to let it go and lose it like that. If you don't ight until you

The bell rang again and after a while the elevator door opened. He
didn't try to hide his disgust as he stared out into the glowing hallway,
like the interior of the elevator.

"What did you come here for?"

To the secretary's question as he got up from his seat, he responded


“I have a business for you, Senator Zhdanov. I will deliver this

document myself.


At the sound of the blow, Zhdanov turned his head. The secretary, who
came in soon after, politely bowed his head and said:

"I'm sorry. There is a guest who came suddenly."


To Zhdanov's question, she answered with embarrassment.

"That I… … ."

“Excuse me, Senator. I came to you with no contact, but I don't think
you're going to kick me out. I know that all the citizens of the city
deserve to see you, am I wrong?

Zhdanov's face contorted for a moment as he saw the man who

immediately appeared behind the secretary, speaking like a stream.
The dark-haired lawyer smiled at him.

"Sorry you're busy, I have something to deliver. Looks like you have an
appointment... … ."

The words that lowed without hesitation as if they had already been
prepared immediately stopped. A long line of sunlight spread across
the of ice, illuminating the igure of a man sitting on an old-fashioned
sofa. The languid light of the afternoon sun turned the man's platinum-
blond hair silver.

A man in a dark silver pinstripe suit was sitting with his long legs
crossed, smoking a thick cigar and looking at Lee Won. His
characteristic dark silver-grey eyes stared at him coldly, as if
penetrating Lee Won's entire body. Lee Won knew him. I did not
remember. Who dares to forget, such an intense man.

He reminded me of a silver wolf in Siberia due to his platinum silver

hair and dark silver gray eyes, and he wasn't any different from when
we met by chance a few days ago. Lee Won suddenly realized the sense
of incongruity and pressure that he felt when he met him.

A few seconds of silence cut iercely through the icy air. Lee Won was
the irst to open his mouth after a heavy silence that would have echoed
through the of ice if anyone had swallowed dry saliva.

“Excuse me. You have been disrespectful.”

Lee Won, who boldly broke through this suffocating tension without
hesitation, smiled brightly. The voice of the bass baritone, which had
been established early, resonated pleasantly. Facing the gaze of the wolf
silently staring into his black eyes, Lee Won continued to speak without
fear or backing down.

“This is the document that I am going to deliver. As I said last time,

there has been no response yet, so I'm going to continue the work on
my side irst. This is the request for objection, and this is the order of
the court to stay the execution. Related documents are attached as well,
so take a quick look at them when you have time.”

Zhdanov's face contorted to look good at the explanation he added,

willingly handing over the envelope. Despite the look that stared at Lee
Won with his lifeless eyes, he smiled boldly on the contrary. He must
have provoked Zhdanov. Zhdanov could not contain the rising anger
and gritted his teeth.

"Are you saying you want to try the topic of being a young girl on me
right now?"

To the question that was no different than bullying, Lee Won replied

“There is no way the legislator doesn't know what I, a young lady,

know, so the factory case will be over soon. That is good."

Veins appeared on Zhdanov's forehead. Oh man, they say you have

high blood pressure, so it must be a big deal. Inwardly, Lee Won
thought. Even if he fell over, it wouldn't be too unfortunate, but it was
the speci ication that bothered him. Lee Won decided to take a step
back from this point and turned his head. At that moment, what came
into view was a man

silver smoking a cigar as he sat cross-legged on a comfortable leather


Until now, Caesar had been watching him without wasting a moment.
From the moment he entered the of ice, Lee Won recognized his silver-
grey eyes that were staring at him with such force that it stung her skin.

Lee Won, who was pretending to pay attention to Zhdanov and

deliberately ignoring him, had no choice but to do so. The irst time I
came face to face with him, Cesar, who had been looking at him up to
that point, narrowed his eyes. There was no awkward giggling or
pretending not to know.

Rather, Caesar ixed his gaze on him with silver gray eyes that felt even
creepy, as if he was going to do something now.

I could have ignored it and gone. Like before. However, Lee Won
willingly chose to talk to him.

Hello, my name is Lee Won Jeong. A lawyer."

Lee Won, who deliberately explained herself with clever pronunciation,

took out a business card from the inside pocket of the suit and handed
it over. Don't forget to add a smile.

"He left it to you."

As if meeting someone for the irst time, she politely greeted me. I
didn't want to talk about this brief accidental encounter. It was unclear
if the opponent would remember it due to the blow lasting less than a

What was important to him now was who this man was. What if he
was a man who was enough to sit face to face with Senator Zhdanov
and have a conversation, and even see Lee Won's sudden intrusion
without being shaken at all?

Perhaps it is the ma ia that is associating with Zhdanov?

Lee Won, who quickly rolled over her thoughts, was more or less
convinced of his own thoughts. Zhdanov's corruption is known as soon
as it is known, and there is no one in Russia with power and wealth
who is not af iliated with the ma ia. What he wanted to know was what
organization this man was from.

The man who hadn't said a word until now opened his mouth as if to

"Who are you?"

"Call me Caesar."

When I received the thin business card that was handed to me along
with the horse, I thought that Lee Won was a foreigner. But no matter
how you look at it, he was a Russian who couldn't hide.

The name on the trade card was also Caesar, not exactly Tsar. I waited
for the next one, thinking Cesar is amazing, but that was it. Caesar
simply put the cigar in his mouth and looked at it through the smoke.
Instead of getting angry at the quizzical look, Lee Won took on a polite
but cold demeanor. Then, after a short speech, he this time he left the
of ice. She, too, did not forget to respectfully greet Zhdanov. There was
a thud and the quiet sound of the door echoing through the of ice. And
the silence returned.

“That cheeky bastard! How dare you in front of me… …!”

It was then that Zdanov exploded with anger. With a harsh cry, he
threw away the envelope Lee Won brought and immediately turned to
Caesar and yelled.

“Look, what a bastard! You dare not challenge me! I should have
served you sooner! ... ... are you listening Damn it, Caesar! If you leave
him alone, he will surely mess things up!”

Zhdanov shouted his name with excitement, but by the time he realized
his mistake, he had already spilled his words. Fortunately, though,
Cesar didn't seem to pay much attention. First of all, Zhdanov's words
may have come out of one ear. Zhdanov coughed hastily and cleared his
tone before opening his mouth again.

“Tsar, are you going to leave him alone? It will probably soon become a
headache. If you don't break the spirit in some way before then, some
problems can arise later on.

It will de initely be bothersome and bothersome in the future, so it

would be better to get rid of it in advance.”

Zdanov calmly tried to persuade him, but Caesar remained silent. After
burning all the ends of a long cigar, he inally slowly exhaled the last of
the smoke and opened his mouth in a low whisper. His gaze was still
ixed on the door where Lee Won left.


Lee Won left the of ice and headed straight for the bathroom at the end
of the hall. As in the entire building, he entered the clean and elegant
bathroom with the latest equipment, immediately turned on the cold
water, rolled up his arms and washed his face.

It was only after washing it with cold water a few times that I came to
my senses. His black eyes re lected in the mirror were tinted darker
than usual. After a short sigh, he turned his head and pulled a paper
towel from the wall to wipe his hands before stopping. The fur on his
arms was standing up. It was then that Lee Won realized the reality of
the strange emotion that he had felt for the irst time.

At that moment, a bone-chilling shiver ran through my brain as a

creepy, creepy feeling ran through my body again. I just looked at the
man and got goosebumps all over my body. Lee Won quickly wiped his
pale face with a paper towel and distorted his forehead.

"It will not be easy… … ."

Although the body is lighter than the general public, the old stairs were
constantly screaming and complaining. The reason why the habit of
running up the stairs as if taking a step with one foot is so scary since
taking the next step has stuck to the body may be because the pathetic
cry is considered pitiful.

As usual, she went up with steps much lighter than the creaking of the
stairs, and stopped when she saw the face of a middle-aged man
standing in front of her door.

"Uncle Nikolai, when did you come?"

As we approached while talking intimately, the man who raised his

head upon hearing the footsteps asked impatiently.

“Did you say that you went to see Zhdanov today? How are you, have
you talked to me? What did you say?"

I know you're nervous, but it wasn't something to talk about at the

front door. Instead of answering, Lee Won reached into his pocket, took
out the key and put it into the narrow hole. The keyhole in the door is
no exception in weathered buildings, so it was quite dif icult to open
the door even if you had the key unless you were already used to it
through many years of experience. After a couple of shrieks, she
opened the door, looked at Nikolai, and said:

"Let's talk inside. I just had black tea and it's good."

Nikolai hesitated and soon followed Lee Won to his house. In a narrow
mansion with one bedroom, a living room, and a bathroom/toilet, Lee
Won uses the living room as an of ice and the bedroom as a bedroom.
As soon as he opened the door, he led Nikolai into the of ice/living
room which was immediately followed, he took out a pot from the small
kitchen, poured water and made a cup of tea.

He took out the guest's teacup and his own cup, heated the inside with
hot water once, and poured black tea. The black tea he got in exchange
for kicking out the gangsters acting like haengpae wasn't expensive, but
it smelled pretty good. Mix a little brandy and add milk and you'll be

"Can I get you some milk?"

"Okay. Just a lemon, please."

Lee Won, who took out a lemon from the refrigerator, put it into slices,
and made a cup of hot tea for Nikolai and a cup of milk tea with brandy
and milk for himself, returned to the living room where Nikolai was

“First of all, I think it will be more dif icult than I expected. There is a
letter hidden in Zdanov."

"A card?"

Nikolai asked without even drinking the tea that Lee Won had given
him. Lee Won tasted the milk tea and without realizing it he frowned. I
added too much brandy.

“It doesn't look like we're going to let go of Zdanov easily. Of course,
they would not have thought of any compromise in the irst place.
There will be no minimum compensation.

"What are you talking about? Who the hell what?

Nikolai, who had been speaking hastily, paused for a moment.

“… …Maybe the ma ia… … ?”

Lee Won calmly nodded at his questioning voice, hesitant and even
breathing softly.

“I'm not sure, but I've seen him with an unusual man. I say Caesar, you

Nikolai shook his head in bewilderment, but there was no blood on his
face. Lee Won hesitated and opened his mouth.

“I heard rumors that there is a ma ia behind Senator Zhdanov, but it

seems certain. I looked around a bit... ...Most likely Sergeev's side.
Maybe that man is an executive.

Lee Won took out the business card he had received from the man and
showed his back. As soon as he saw the sentence printed in gold leaf,
Nikolai's calm breathing stopped. As soon as he saw his pale face, the
blood drained from him, Lee Won felt embarrassed and embarrassed.

Victory or defeat had already been decided. Zdanov is only dif icult,
but one of the largest organizations in Russia, Sergeyevrani. Sergeev's
coat of arms, proudly emblazoned on his business card, signi ied that
he was a high-ranking executive within the organization. If the
executives came to the of ice to talk to them, the situation was already
over. Nikolai will lose everything.

Nikolai's trembling hands grasped the glass and brought it to his

mouth. The tea, which had been properly leveled, spilled and spilled,
but he didn't notice. It was only after he drank the tea out loud that he
seemed to have calmed his shock to some extent. Just by hearing
Sergeev's name, Nikolai had already lost all of his ighting spirit.

"And now what should I do?"

It's about how you're going to live in the future. Lee Won saw everyone
he couldn't lose pass before his eyes, including his young daughter, his
wife, who was still pregnant, and a handful of factory workers.

“It is impossible to protect the factory. Instead of-."

"instead of?"

Nikolai's eyes widened as if surprised by the fact that there was an

alternative. Lee Won carefully opened his mouth.

"I can't take it off like this, so I have to ask for money."


Nikolai was surprised by the unexpected words and repeated only Lee
Won's words. Lee Won nodded brie ly and then continued.

“It is a claim for damages for improper acquisition. Of course, Zhdanov

will never commit. It seems impossible to convince him. But… … ."


Nikolai hastened to say the next words. Lee Won narrowed his eyes.

"It will be different for the mob."


"This is a gift from Senator Zhdanov."

What Yuri took out was a small rectangular object. Caesar, who had
untied the rope that had wrapped her carefully, opened the box with a
look of annoyance on his face. Inside was a fountain pen from a famous
company that was recently sold for a limited time.

Limited to 100 pieces, the pre-order sold out in an hour, so it's

currently out of stock, selling for close to ten times the original price at
auction, but rarely seen. Yurich gasped when he saw Caesar looking at
the fountain pen that even had his initials engraved in gold.

"It's something you were looking for. Senator Zhdanov knew this very

He must have heard from 'someone' that Cesar had a hobby of

collecting fountain pens.

The fact that he was able to ind and save one of the few collections
that he did not collect is an indication that this 'someone' knew about

Seeing the silver eyes that lashed at him, Yuri was unknowingly
startled. UPS. I'm sorry, but it's already too late. It was as if Yuri had
made a confession. Of course, even if Shichimi had snapped, Caesar
would have found out.
"I would have said I don't like men who talk a lot."

Cesar spoke quietly and opened the lid of the fountain pen. Yurich
hastily apologized and bowed his head.

"I'm sorry. When Senator Zhdanov asked what he would like to give the
Tsar as a gift, he thought he would be ine……I'll be careful in the

Caesar did not reply. Yuri, who was hesitant to keep an eye on him,
kept her distance and then added.

“He said that this is just a greeting, and once things are settled, it will
be a separate case. Aren't you happy about something?

Caesar easily expressed his true intentions.

"I do not like it."

Although he thought he was unexpected, Yurihi's face lit up in an

instant. Without even looking at him, Caesar looked at the tip of the nib
and pursed his lips.

"So awkward."

For a moment, Yuri was aware of the feeling that his brain was freezing.
At the same time, his mind went blank and he couldn't say any
lattering words or excuses.

pissed off that man

As I took a deep breath for fear of drying my mouth, I heard a dull thud,
and after a while, a subordinate guarding the front of the of ice entered.

“I'm sorry, Tsar. who came I made a promise.

Yuri was deeply grateful for the timely visitor. Shaking his chest with a
sigh of relief, he quickly changed the subject and asked.

“Who did you say? I should have checked the czar's schedule today.

“Yes, it seems that they contacted me, but it was not written in the
schedule. I mean, it's about Senator Zhdanov, and he's a lawyer for a
man who says something about Nikolai. They say they are looking for

In response to the cautious addition, Yuri quickly turned to Caesar and

tried to explain.

"I told you last time."

"Say no."

Caesar interrupted Yurich's words as if there was no need to listen.

“I have nothing to say or hear about it. Tell him to ight as much as he
wants. Because nothing changes."

"It's ine."

At Cesar's cold words, his subordinate quickly bowed her head and left
the of ice.
Yuri spoke hurriedly without breaking his mood.

“In the words of Senator Zhdanov, he wants us to introduce ourselves

now. That I have to do."

"Remove this."

It wasn't the answer to the question Yuri asked. Eurich said, looking at
the fountain pen Cesar had left behind.

“But it is said to be a special order item. Can you get some of this? He
may be offended that Senator Zhdanov ignored his sincerity…….”

There was no time to speak further at the sudden loud noise.

Surprised, Yurich re lexively got up from his seat and Caesar also
looked towards the door. The door opened with a violent kicking noise,
and Yurich, who immediately took the Beretta from his arms, headed
straight for the gun. At the same time, he saw the man appear and his
eyes widened in surprise.

You seem busy, Cesar.

With those words, Yuri looked at the attractive and handsome face of
the lawyer with a smile on his face, unconsciously delighted.

Silence fell in the spacious of ice. Lee Won gasped as he ine-tuned the
disheveled look he had gotten after the expected ight.

“I apologize for the rudeness. I'm also very busy, so I can't always make
time for it, so I have no choice but to do it. I called you in advance, but
you kept lying that you didn't, so there was no other way."

Caesar looked at Lee Won's smiling face without saying a word. The
exceptionally black hair, only the part that received the light, was
mysteriously dyed blue-black, giving it a shine. When he smiled, his
long, thin unicorn eyes slanted down like a crescent moon, making her
look terrifyingly obscene. After straightening his tie, his long ingers
brushed back the loose hair and his messy look soon came to life. But
unfortunately it rather seemed more decadent.

I prefer to have my clothes wrinkled and in a mess. Then I wouldn't

have a strong desire to rip that clean shirt off and tie my wrists with a

Yuri, who had inadvertently swallowed dry saliva out loud, belatedly
realized reality and hurriedly put Beretta in his arms.


Caesar, who had been looking at Lee Won up until that moment,
opened his mouth at the voice that called out to him as if he was going
to do something.

"I would have said I wouldn't see you."

"I also said that I don't have time, but now."

Lee Won, who responded to Caesar's words without going through
Eurich, took a big step, straightened his back, and looked at him.

“Did you say hello last time? It's about the factory that Senator
Zhdanov is trying to take over.

I guess you have a lot of in luence over him, are you wrong?

Cesar, who was sitting cross-legged, sunk deep into the one-person
leather sofa, took out a cigar box from his arms with an indifferent face.

"Well I do not know".

Lee Won, who was looking at Yurihi who was quickly taking out a
lighter and lighting the tip of the cigar, said.

“I met you in Senator Zhdanov's of ice, don't you remember?

Obviously, I gave you a business card and introduced myself.”

Cesar didn't immediately answer the question with a moderately

broken pronunciation, either intentional or stammering, but he just
took a deep breath of cigarette smoke. After a few seconds of pausing,
he let out a long puff of smoke before opening his mouth.

"That happens? Sorry. I don't remember Because all the faces of

Asians are there”.

At that, Yuri burst into a short, soft laugh. Caesar was ignoring Lee
Won with an expressionless face. What Lee Won did in the next
moment was something neither of them expected.

Yuri didn't even have time to stop Lee Won, who immediately reached
out and grabbed the fountain pen that was on the table as if he was
snatching it. In the blink of an eye, it was all over. The sharp tip of the
fountain pen smashed through the thick leather of the sofa and a dull
sound erupted like an explosion of air.

Behind the pale gaze of Yurich, who gasped in surprise, was Caesar, still
lying on the leather sofa. Caesar stared at him with a cigar in his
mouth, his dark black eyes staring up at him. In his vision, a fountain
pen stuck next to his temple and Lee Won's long ingers still gripping it
tightly re lected in his eyes.

This intrepid man, lacking in audacity, dared to put a fountain pen right
next to Caesar Alexandrovich Sergeev's face.

Yurich was so surprised that his mind went blank. At that moment, the
lawyer, who was leaning over Cesar's stomach, opened his mouth.

"Now you will remember."

At the sound of his low voice, Yuri frowned, unable to speak. Cesar, still
speechless, slowly opened his mouth.

"iced coffee."

His silver gray eyes darkened.

"I'm sure you know."

The quiet, muf led voice seemed to cover his entire body in secret. Lee
Won, who was looking at him silently, raised his back. He looked at
Caesar as he stood and suddenly smiled. Yuri was surprised again. As if
he didn't know anything about what had just happened, he looked at
Cesar with a bright smile.

"So, shall we continue?"

Silence passed. As he faced Caesar, who was looking at him with thin
eyes without saying a word, Lee Won continued.

“I am here for the factories and land that Senator Zhdanov is trying to
extort from my clients. I guess, but it sounds like you're helping.

He deliberately cut off the conversation, but Cesar didn't say a word.
So, he was just looking at Lee Won with a strange expression as if he
wanted to say something. Lee Won added a purpose without dragging
him down for long.

“As you may already know, Senator Zhdanov is under investigation for
years of graft and corruption. The position of the legislators in the
party is quite unstable, and from the point of view of the party, I think
that he can eliminate many councilors who have lost their hearts for the
next elections”.

At Caesar, who was still speechless, Lee Won smiled brightly.

"So isn't it just a matter of time before Senator Zhdanov is arrested


Yurich reached into the inside pocket of the suit, as if he was going to
shoot him every time he gave an order. However, Lee Won continued to
speak as he kept his gaze ixed on Caesar.
“If that happens, he'll get a botched background check, let alone the
price he promised. He would never be good for the organization.”

Lee Won's voice sank as if he was tempting him.

"You don't want to be a ma ia executive and do things that don't bene it

the organization,


He passed the silence. In the quiet of ice, Lee Won and Caesar stared at
each other doggedly, not even blinking. This time too, it was Lee Won
who opened his mouth.

“The documents you want to review are inside, so take a look at them
and contact us. If I don't get a call within three days, I'll be back."

It was an incredibly clean voice, but I couldn't feel relieved. As for why
those words sound like bullying, anyone looking at the fountain pen still
on the chair would understand. Lee Won just said his own words, put
the briefcase he had brought on the table and left with a brief smile
instead of waving. The silence he returned was quite different from

“What is that child? Who dares to do such a thing? Are you okay, tsar?
Are there injured?

Yurihi, who woke up late, was angry as if he was absurd. He spoke

quickly, but Cesar didn't respond. Yuri, who was impatient and blamed
herself for just looking at her with a blank face, seriously thought if she
should bring Lee Won and put a bullet in his head.
"Shouldn't we catch him right away and change his habit?"

She waited impatiently as if to give an order, but Cesar ignored him and
turned his head without a word. Caesar's gaze went irst to the
fountain pen embedded in the sofa.

Looking at her face, which still hadn't changed expression, Yuri kept
her mouth shut with a stiff expression.

Regardless of Yurich's reaction, Caesar's long ingers gently stroked his

cool fountain pen. Yuri held her breath and looked at him as if he was
caressing her with her soft ingers. In the next moment, Caesar, who
took it out immediately, threw it away. The fountain pen smashed
against the wall, making a terrifyingly loud wind noise, and soon broke
completely and rolled on the loor.

"I can't return it."

Yuri's goosebumps broke out at the dry voice that still couldn't be felt
at all. Caesar said, turning his chair and looking directly out the

Tell me about that man. My family relationships, my hometown, my

school, and how many books I have.”

“You mean that lawyer? But… … ."

Baf led by the unexpected order, Yuri, who was about to ask the reason,
quickly bowed his head and replied, "I understand." Caesar's silver-
gray eyes slanted with a strange gleam.

"I always wanted to have a tiger."


The secret club, which has recently been secretly known to the wealthy,
is located in a secluded spot, despite its reputation. On the outskirts of
the city, where few people pass, the luxury cars stopped one by one, and
the big men guarding the front of the club approached them, veri ied
their identities, and guided them into the club through a gate. separate

It didn't matter who owned the club or what the club was built for. As
long as you get what you want, that's enough. And there were as many
requests as there were people visiting the club. Nothing was
impossible. If only you had money and power.

"Come on brother".

Dmitry, who had been enjoying sitting with several women at a large
table in his private room, opened the door and saw Cesar enter,
immediately raising a hand in welcome. The manager, who politely led
Caesar to the table, turned to the side and Caesar took Dmitry's hand
without a particular expression.

But as if a irm handshake wasn't enough, Dmitry pulled Cesar tight

and kissed him passionately on the cheek. Cesar was patient, but not
his lips.

"Up to this point."

Caesar, who stopped the kiss from speaking brie ly, sat down across
from him, and then Dmitry put a dissatis ied expression on his face.

"You let me do it when I was young."

"Because I was young."

Cesar spoke bitterly and emptied the glass in front of him immediately.
A woman sitting next to me illed a glass of vodka. Within ive minutes
of Caesar's arrival at the club, he was already surrounded by dozens of

To please Cesar, she looked at him, but she wasn't about to rub his body
and shiver before him because she already knew the man's true
identity. Plus, all they have to do is hold their breath, wait, and
surrender their bodies when a man wants them.

However, unlike the women on Caesar's side, who were so nervous and
staring at each other, the women around Dmitry were laughing out
loud, touching and kissing his body.

Unlike Caesar, who was reminiscent of a silver wolf, Dmitry, who had
dark brown hair and dark green eyes, was very different in appearance
and personality. Even the atmosphere that is clearly revealed by the
huge table facing each other.

On one side, the Arctic cold snap is raging, and on the other side is a
tropical rainforest. Although they are cousins, perhaps they are so
different. Every time I saw them, people always thought the same thing.

Again, unlike Caesar, who didn't even look at the women, let alone
touch them, it wasn't enough to sit with a woman on each arm, he
seemed too busy to do so.

If you include the women who immediately push the woman off
Dmitry's arm and ight for his place, more than ten women crowd
around Dmitry.

But in the meantime, Dmitry did not neglect a single one. Once again
the beauty, who had failed to take the seat next to Dmitry, smiled as he
smiled and rubbed his lips against his exposed chest.

"So, Caesar."

Dmitry, one of the few who called him by her name, smiled at the
woman's relaxed face and continued.

"How are things going?"

Cesar answered brie ly.


Dmitry frowned as he scooped the vodka into his mouth. The manager,
who was looking at him as a signal, quickly made a sign. The women
who had been swarming with him immediately stood up and
disappeared in an instant. The table, which had been packed with
women until recently, quickly became empty. Even after the manager
had disappeared, Dmitry looked up from the tightly closed private room
door and looked at Caesar.

"Have you seen the documents on Zhdanov?"

Caesar once again responded brie ly.


“But are you going to continue?”

In response to Dmitry's question, Cesar said nothing this time. His

cousin Dmitry is a former KGB and now the owner of this secret club.
Despite his previous work, he was still known

like the KGB. There is no information that he cannot get his hands on.
This is the information Dmitry gave me, so it's true. Unlike before,
Dmitry spoke with a rather serious face.

“We are still holding out, but if the investigation team inds a decisive
one, it will end immediately. Enough, Caesar. If Zdanov is bothering
you, I'll take care of it… … .”

Caesar's lips twisted coldly.

"Do you think I'm afraid of something like Zdanov?"

In response to the calm and slow response, Dmitry immediately


"Of course I don't think so."

"Well then."

Caesar himself poured vodka into an empty glass. Dmitry looked at

him and opened his mouth.
"Still, there's nothing to gain anyway, so wouldn't it be better to get rid
of him?"

At the question in a slightly softened tone, Cesar unexpectedly smiled

brie ly.

"To tame a tiger, you need to feed it."


Dmitry nodded, but Caesar emptied the vodka without further

explanation. Dmitry gasped at the sight of him voluntarily standing up.

"They said Mikhail fell."

Caesar straightened up and looked at him. In Russia, Mikhail is a

common name, but they speak of only one Mikhail.

"You're old enough to be careful."

In response to Caesar's calm response, Dmitry continued.

“They are quiet within Mikhail's organization, but it is a rumor that has
already been secretly spread. Lomonosov has no successor, so if
Mikhail ends up like this... … .”

Dmitry was speechless, but they both knew the conclusion. A slight
smile appeared on Cesar's lips.

"Russia will come into my hands."

Greetings to the Tsar.

Dmitry said meaningfully and immediately emptied the highball glass.

Caesar turned around and tried to leave the private room. As he had
just grabbed the doorknob, Dmitry said abruptly.

"It's the room on the right at the end of the hall."

Caesar looked back, and Dmitry smiled bitterly.

"Keep it easy. They are the best kids."

Caesar turned and left the private room without another word. As if on
cue, the women ran into the room. The manager quickly came in
behind the women who were arguing with each other on Dmitry's side
and said:

"Once he has asked, ten people have been prepared."

"Okay, have you stocked up on alcohol?"

The manager nodded with a stiff face.

“We have three times more reserves than we normally have. Just in
case, I told the company that supplies alcohol to wait all night for a call

“It takes a lot to get you drunk, so we bring alcohol from time to time.

You should never drop alcohol on the road."

Re-emphasizing Dmitry's victory, he smiled sweetly at the blonde
beauty who sat next to him. The woman who was pushed out of the
ight and inally sat on the other side quickly spoke to Dmitry to draw
attention away from him.

“By the way, Dmitry, are you really dealing with ten people in one
night? only?"

Dmitry laughed out loud at the disbelieving expression.

“Can't you believe it? It's true. He looks ascetic from the outside, but
the nature of him is a beast.”

Dmitry remembered a vague expression on his face, as if he was tracing

memories with a smile on his face.

"We've only had sex together once."

Dmitry's empty glass was full of vodka, and Dmitry continued to raise
the full glass.

“I bought ive girls and rolled them. But do you know what happened
the next day?

The women opened their eyes and looked at Dmitry. Dmitry said with
a smile.

“Three of them were hospitalized. I can't afford one of those guys."

Breathing sounds could be heard everywhere. Dmitry emptied the

vodka immediately and put the glass down at his reaction as they
looked at each other doubtfully.
“Since then, he has been drinking non-stop when he has sex. Why do
you think it's her?"

This time there was no answer. Dmitry did not wait and gave an

"I drink all night, and when I'm so drunk I can't take it, then he stops."

The private room suddenly became as silent as a dead mouse. Dmitry

gently smiled at the girls who had forgotten what to say as they held
their breath.

"I mean, that guy never gets tired."

No one spoke yet, only Dmitry raised the vodka with a look of joy and

"Let's see how long it will be this time."


The cold, which had been raging for a long time, was swept away. Lee
Won, who woke up at the same time as usual, got out of bed with a light
feeling in the warmer weather than usual. He today he was going to
solve a personal matter after a long time. The schedule is simple. Get
on the train to the last stop and meet the person who lives at the
Chasing the only clue.

He looked at the note he had in his hand. I didn't want to have high
expectations, but I couldn't help but feel lighter in a corner of my heart.

"I'm going."

After greeting Grandma who escorted her to the front door, Lee Won
hurried forward. Even though the day had cleared, as he walked
through the streets of Russia, which was still very cold, he involuntarily
thought: 'It's hot today', and then smiled bitterly.

He seemed quite familiar with Russia. When I irst came here, I

thought that he would freeze to death without being able to survive a
single day.

It's been 7 years...

Suddenly, Lee Won remembered that day and his eyes hurt.

- Won-ah Lee, can you do it?

I remembered my mother's face, caressing her cheek helplessly. She let

out a small sigh and made up her mind again. let's be stronger I'm sure
you can ind it. Lee Won, who lightly clenched his ists, bustled forward
with more powerful steps.
He traveled to a wide country and reached his destination after a long
time on a wobbly streetcar.

The outskirts of the city, where the city dwellers used to buy small
gardens or villas to grow their own crops, were quiet on weekdays as
there were not many people there.

The sight of a foreigner walking down a quiet country street was

inevitably eye-catching.

In particular, for some reason, Lee Won used to draw attention

wherever he went.

Again, he greeted with a brief smile on the face of the peasant girl who
was staring at him while he was still farming.

Leaving behind the fact that he was still spying on her after returning
her awkward greeting, Lee Won hurriedly walked towards the address
written on the note. After walking alone for some time along a quiet
country road, he inally reached his destination.

I knocked softly on the door, and after a while, the answer came.

"Who are you?"

The sound of footsteps was followed by the old man's voice trembling
slightly. As he waited for her to walk out the front door, Lee Won's
heart began to beat cautiously. Until now, I have been lazing all the
time. It was a clue that he had barely found after 7

years. Maybe I can get something this time.

The door opened with a resounding chime, and the wrinkled face of an
old man confronted Lee Won in the shabby doorway. Lee Won showed
a bright smile and now spoke the lines that he had in his mouth as

"Hello. My name is Lee Won Jung, a lawyer."

Lee Won, who took out a business card and handed it over, added that
the lawyer looked at him reluctantly as if he was wondering what was
going on.

Are you Mr Sibernik?

"He is."

To him, who was still looking suspiciously, Lee Won answered softly
and nervously.

“I came here because I wanted to ask something. Perhaps… … Do you

know a Korean woman who stayed in this house about 30 years ago?
My name is Jeongsu-yeon, no, my name is Suyeon-jeong.”

The old man, who had blinked blankly, suddenly looked surprised after
a few seconds of pausing. With him, Lee Won's heart began to pound

It wasn't until late at night that Lee Won returned with trembling and
weak steps.

It was a clue he had barely found.

The old man remembered his mother. But that was it. A true and
wonderful lady from Korea.

It was dif icult to ind the information she wanted from him, who
barely remembered that she suddenly left the place one day. He
lamented that he couldn't help Lee Won, who was visibly disappointed,
and offered to ind out about the village maiden who was close to Lee
Won's mother at the time. Of course, it was dif icult to ind her trace
because she had been gone from the village for a long time, but she
promised to ind out and held Lee Won's hand tightly.

it's up to here

I sighed again. Finding the old man's house also required a lot of effort.
Few people remember what happened nearly 30 years ago, and his
whereabouts were often obscure after clues were found. Anyway, for
now, he had no choice but to wait for a call from the old man.

Another point.

He shrugged, unable to hide the emptiness from him. The cafe lights
were off. It seems that the owner's grandmother went to bed early. Lee
Won, careful not to wake her, entered the back door and changed from
his dusty shoes to slippers. I no longer have energy to do anything

Come on, wash up and go to sleep.

He thought as he climbed the creaking stairs breathing as much as he
could. After opening the door to calm the lock that was still in trouble,
Lee Won, who had inally caught his breath, tried to enter and stopped.

There was something left on the ground. There was nothing suspicious
about the envelope that someone had shoved through the crack in the
door. Tearing open the envelope, he trudged straight to the bed and
collapsed on the loor, inadvertently rummaging through his pockets
and then left.

Thoughts of cigarettes illed his mind, but unfortunately there wasn't a

single cigarette left. He had already smoked an entire pack of cigarettes
on the way home. With a bitter sigh, Lee Won looked into the thin
envelope of his and suddenly frowned.

… … This… … ?

All that was inside was a single bill. Lee Won, who was blankly looking
at the tickets for the ballet performance at the Bolshoi Theater, looked
back at the envelope with a frown. Either way, there was only one
ticket. It was also the next night's performance. What the hell is this?
After that, Lee Won, who found a thin business card inside the
envelope, soon understood the situation.

- Cease.

Reviewing the same business card that he had received earlier, he

remembered that tomorrow was the deadline for the date he had
declared for her. Are you going to give me the answer there? What do
you think of coming up here and leaving only the ticket?

Lee Won, who looked at the ticket again with an unfamiliar face, put it
back in the envelope and put it on the table. He had no intention of
going to the show, but there was no reason to avoid meeting a man.
Whether Caesar agrees or not, both sides have a plan in place.

I hope we don't waste each other's time.

After taking a short shower, Lee Won thought, he went to bed early.
Putting aside hard work.

After the night passed, the cold weather started again and the sky often
turned dark.

Lee Won tucked in his coat collar and barely reached his destination
through the ierce wind. The train, which frequently broke down, also
stopped at two or more stations. Standing waiting for the next train
was like torture. He gritted his teeth and frantically ran down the street
for the equivalent of two seasons.

"Welcome to."

When he barely arrived, Lee Won was out of breath and his shoulders
were trembling with a lushed face.

As soon as he entered, he gave a brief greeting and left his coat in the
doorway, and only then did he come to. He looked around the room as
he felt his brain, which had been hardened by the cold, move little by
The theater, as grand as its ancient history, was quite full of people
coming to see the performance. Will he be able to ind the man among
the people who gather and talk in formal attire for the performance?

Worries were only in the air. With just a brief scan of the hallway, Lee
Won found the man immediately. Very prominent was the igure of him
sitting cross-legged on the sofa to one side and reading a brochure.
However, the movement of the man, whose only action was to turn the
pages slowly, was so cold that he sighed.

A perfectly cut dark brown suit that wrapped around his body was a
simple yet noble choice, but the diamond tie clip as an investment with
a neat tie seemed to tell the whole story of a man. Lee Won could see
all the people passing by, frantically spying on him.

How would the reaction of those people change if they found out that
this man was a mobster?

He was curious, but couldn't ind the answer. Wasting no time, Lee
Won moved directly towards him. When I stopped right in front of him,
the hand of the man who was slowly turning the pages also stopped.
Lee Won gasped as he looked at his golden hair shining in the light of
the inner light.

"Lord Caesar."

The man looked up at the sweet voice. Dark silver-gray eyes that
reminded him of snowy skies from endless blizzards faced Lee Won.
The man did not react.

I just closed the brochure and smiled brie ly.


Lee Won was momentarily distracted by the unexpected smile. His ine
smile was unexpectedly so innocent that it made him hesitate, even
though he already knew that he was an executive of a large ma ia

How could a man like that have such an innocent smile?

Lee Won lost his mind for a moment and looked at him. Fortunately,
the magic was quickly broken. The moment Caesar got up, the huge
shadow of a man fell on Lee Won, causing Lee Won to suddenly realize
reality. Lee Won thanked Lee Sung for coming back and opened his
mouth in a different tone than usual.

Now answer me.

Just then, he rang the bell to signal the start of the show. When Lee
Won, who had inadvertently turned his head, looked back at Caesar, he
opened his mouth as he looked at the concert hall.

“I will start soon. Come on."

"I beg your pardon?"

At the unexpected words, he stopped making a shrill sound. However,

Caesar didn't panic at all, holding the rolled-up brochure in one hand
and holding Lee Won's arm in the other. Lee Won, who was suddenly
grabbed by his arm, stopped, but Caesar didn't hesitate and dragged
him away. Lee Won exhaled quickly as he was suddenly pulled by him.
“Wait, I'm only here for an answer. I'm thinking of going to see a

"I'll give you an answer when I see the performance."

At Caesar's words, Lee Won paused. To Lee Won, who looked at him
embarrassed, Caesar asked nonchalantly.

“The answer was until today. There are still ive hours left, don't you
have that much patience?"

The tone of his voice didn't change much, but Lee Won suddenly
realized that he was making fun of him. If you thought you would be
nervous and hysterical, you were wrong. Lee Won responded by
looking at him de iantly.

"I hate wasting time."

"Giselle is wasting her time, too much."

Caesar, who spoke in a tone that was neither disappointed nor

surprised, looked at Iwon.

So how are you going to do it? The answer was already decided. Lee
Won said, looking at him stubbornly.

"I hope it's worth the investment of her precious time."

Cesar's eyes narrowed slightly. Lee Won instinctively noticed that he

was smiling sincerely.
“Giselle well worth it.”

The bell rang once more, and just before the door closed, the two
entered the arena.


The performance of the proud ballet company of Russia took the soul
away. It was a shame to see a performance like this under such
circumstances. Giselle, a country girl who is teased by an aristocratic
playboy, chooses to die. The ballet company was excellent, but Lee Won
couldn't enjoy it. He couldn't concentrate on the stage because he was
impatient to know what kind of answer the man sitting next to him
would give him, when and how.

After a short rest, he managed to calm down. This guy is going to

speak after he inishes the show. The more anxious and terri ied he
became, the more sure he was of pleasing this man. He will never go
your way. Lee Won was determined and focused on acting seriously.

Unlike the cheerful and bright part 1, part 2 was melancholic and calm.
The dancer's body, which is about to break, turns into spirit and swims
in the air for a moment.

A love that cannot be given up even after being betrayed and dying.
Gisele's pitiful moves to save the man continued, and the audience held
their breath in regret.
As Lee Won, who had fallen in love with her nose, calmed her
breathing, a low sound like a whisper was suddenly heard.

"Don't respond to the offer."

The nerves that had been on stage for an instant at Caesar's deep voice
focused on him immediately. As he waited for an answer, paying
attention to his words, Caesar, who had deliberately stopped himself,

"There can be no negotiations or compromises with me."

Lee Won stiffened as he was. At that moment, the lights went out and
the people applauded.

The performance is over. Everyone here and there cheered excitedly

and applauded for the broken palms, but Lee Won didn't move. Slowly
his mind turned and he struggled to accept the current situation.

In the end, hearing the word of rejection, I was forced to sit next to this
man and watch the show.

At that moment, Cesar stood up. When Lee Won, who was blinking
with a puzzled expression, looked at him, Caesar also looked at him and
smiled slightly.

"Let's go eat together?"


A shocking exclamation came out on its own. Lee Won, whose

expression immediately changed, jumped up and looked at him.
"Do you think I'm going to have dinner with you in peace now?"

He didn't need any more precautions or anything. Cesar opened his

mouth as he shouted in a violent tone.

"Well, isn't it?"

In contrast, Lee Won ignored the question as if it was strange and

turned around.

Son of a bitch, he should have put a fountain pen to my neck then.

Unable to contain the rising anger, his footsteps naturally turned

violent. Lee Won hurriedly left the concert hall with jerky steps.
Watching his back, Cesar only smiled strangely, but didn't try to catch

A man who had been watching them from a secret location hid and
pressed the button on his cell phone.

“Yes, Senator Zhdanov. That's me. I called because I have something to

tell you, but… … .”


It felt like my body was glued to the mattress. Lee Won made a sound
of pain and slowly jerked and turned around.
I made a mistake.

I blamed myself over and over, but the headache didn't get better. It
was because he drank too much with cheap alcohol. That's why you
shouldn't drink alcohol when you're in a bad mood. I couldn't control
what I was drinking. I regretted it again, but nothing changed. I was
still spitting out a boiling moan from the headache constantly pounding
on my head, but suddenly I heard a bang outside.

"Hi are you there?"

Grandma's screeching voice echoed dully. It was obvious that Lee Won,
who went downstairs every day at the same time, was worried and
went upstairs. Lee Won sighed and replied.

"Yes, I woke up."

Even though he could hear himself, a rough and cracked voice abruptly
leaked out. Grandma walked in with the door open and clicked her
tongue at the igure of Lee Won, who was lying on the bed and couldn't

“What kind of alcohol did you drink like that? What happened."

She moaned before answering, but opened her mouth bitterly.

"I got a little angry, so it's alright now… …."

She felt a sense of shame at her voice, which wasn't even good enough
for him to hear, and the sound faded. I could feel my shirt and pants,
which he had worn the night before, going to sleep. Grandma rolled her
eyes as if she knew everything and she said it willingly.
“I think you should take a break today. I'll get you my car so you can
drink and sleep. You have to drink alcohol in moderation, is it okay to
drink enough to hurt your body? huh… ….”

Along with the sound of footsteps walking down the hall, the
discomfort also vanished.

Moments later, when Grandma returned with honey tea, he was asleep


A violent sound woke Lee Won up immediately. Lee Won, who had
been sleeping soundly, opened his eyes and stayed there for a while. It
didn't take long for the next sound to echo in his ear as he lay silent
with his forehead severely distorted.

“Guys, what are you doing! Can't you stop right now?!"

The moment another violent bang was heard along with the old lady's
scream, Lee Won didn't hesitate any longer and jumped out of bed. In
an instant, my eyes trembled violently. is. He collapsed to the ground
and hit his face, but quickly got up, swallowing swear words into his
mouth. The riots continued.

"Grandma, what's going on?"

Lee Won, who ran down the stairs in a hurry, stopped screaming. The
scene that unfolded in front of me was a real chaos. The moment he
saw the scene in the cafe, which was broken, broken, and messy, he
hardened, even for a short time. Old chairs rolled on the loor, tables
overturned and split in half, teacups and bowls shattered. The men
who were rioting at Lee Won's shout turned to look at him, and the old
woman, who used evil as she chased after the tough men, stopped.

“Grandma, what the hell is this… … .”

Lee Won, who hastily removed her so as not to hurt himself, turned his
back on her grandmother, who was about to attack the men again, and
immediately faced them.

“What's up guys? Where do you dare to go now?

The men stopped when they shouted in an angry voice, then blinked at
each other.

"It seems you are that good lawyer."

This time, Lee Won stopped. But it didn't last long.

“I'll listen to what you say, so why bother people? I should have told
you to get rid of Nikolai right away!”

As soon as the man threw a ist, Lee Won pushed Grandma away and
kicked the man.

“Hey, these guys, these rookies! Stop, stop now! You can not stop?!"
A scream like a grandmother's scream came from behind. There were
a total of ive assailants. Nikolai, who went down a beat before Lee
Won, was already stretched out there. I felt holding my breath, not even
having the courage to help others. Lee Won shook his head frantically
trying to somehow sort out the men who quickly attacked him.

Meanwhile, the remaining men were breaking their furniture.

"Enough you sons of bitches!"

Lee Won spat harsh words and hit the men. The sound of teeth lying
and bones breaking could be heard one after another. Unable to even
scream, he jumped on the seated man and immediately tried to run
towards the acting man, but he grabbed his shoulder from behind him.
As he turned around, Lee Won threw out his ist and left the man
sitting up with a scream and headed towards the other guy. The man
was about to throw away the old port. A contemplative old woman
called out from behind.

"No, that's… … !"

Lee Won gritted his teeth and stretched out his hand as hard as he
could, but another man lunged at him before that. Along with the dull
popping sound, there was the loud sound of pottery breaking. When
Lee Won, who had knocked the man down, urgently turned his head, it
was already too late. It was after the port was shattered.
Contemplating and still, I saw the igure of my grandmother. The men
who got up late attacked Lee Won again, and Lee Won gritted his teeth
and hit the men.

“These bastards… … !”

It wasn't long before the men who had been ighting for a while limped
back. It was rare for Lee Won to chase a running opponent, wave his
ists, and kick him. However, this time, Lee Won ran nearly 100 meters
to chase after them, who raced in front of them and led in the car. In
the end, he took a deep breath, looking at the tail of the car that
disappeared in front of his eyes.

The scene that remained after the men returned was even worse. In
the stillness, in a cafe that was broken and broken and without
furniture in good repair, the grandmother squatted and looked at
something. It was the broken pieces of the pot that were put together
one by one with his wrinkled hands. The port that she had prepared
when she married her husband was one of the few items with precious
memories of her husband that she left before her.

She, who was usually digni ied and never bent her back when she
stood up, was too small and ragged right now. The moment she saw fat
tears falling from Grandma's trembling hands as she silently picked up
the pieces of her, Lee Won gritted her teeth. There was only one person
who could do this.

Are you saying that you are going to show the denial you declared the
day before in action?

Seeing his wife crying while she was holding Nikolai's messy evidence,
Lee Won didn't hesitate anymore, he pulled her coat as if she was
snatching it and ran away.

i can't forgive
Where to go was already decided. It was César, who was in charge of
ordering this absurd thing.

The sweet aroma of tea permeated the of ice. Like most Russians,
Caesar loved tea. In particular, a cup of tea in the morning was
important enough to in luence his mood throughout the day. Caesar,
who was perfectly equipped in the best of his suit, took off his jacket
and handed it to Yuri, who quickly took it and asked.

"How are you?"

Yurich, who had been waiting for Cesar to drink his tea, asked
cautiously. After taking a sip after tasting the incense, the corners of
Caesar's eyes softened.

Yuri immediately noticed the answer. Caesar said brie ly.

"Lyudmila's workmanship is always good."

In other words, his job skills were lacking. He often left out memos and
documents he wrote had typos, making it dif icult for him to organize a
simple schedule. He survived only because he could make Caesar's
favorite tea.

Seeing Caesar's reaction, who was also satis ied this time, Yuri was
admiring Lyudmila on the other side of the door. Making tea was all
Lyudmila was good at, but that was enough. Thanks to this, everyone in
the of ice was able to keep the peace of the morning.
Also, the Tsar's mood today seemed better than usual for some reason.
You seem to really like yesterday's performance. Yurich took a break
and tried to apply for a job with a lawyer. It soon became clear. In a
completely different situation than he expected.


At the sound of the door opening without knocking, Cesar and Eurich
looked up at the same time. It was Lyudmila who entered. It was
impossible even for the erroneous Lyudmila to open the door without
permission and enter. But her pale blue face made it clear that it wasn't
just an accidental mistake.

"The cow, the customer, the customer has come."

With a face that seemed to be about to cry at any moment, Lyudmila

gasped and barely spoke. And behind her, a tall, tall man appeared.
Embarrassed by his unexpected appearance, Yurich realized later why
he was trembling so much. I saw Lee Won holding something on his

“You, this guy… … !”

He was about to yell, "What are you doing?" Suddenly, Lee Won took
his hand off his back. It was a thick fountain pen that came into view of
Lyudmila, who screamed and retreated. When she realized that it was a
simple pen, not a gun, that threatened her, her face twitched even more.
Her contemplative gaze went directly to Cesar. Lee Won gasped behind
her, terri ied that he had made a mistake and let in an unscheduled

"I'm sorry I scared you."

Seeing him bow his head as he politely apologized, Lyudmila was
shocked once again and she didn't know what to do. Lee Won, who
raised his head, looked at Caesar with a look.

"I have to meet you."

Eurich tried to be late, but Cesar was faster.

"What happened this morning?

As usual, Lee Won looked directly at him in response to his relaxed


"I have something to tell you."

“Whoever wants… … .”

"I have to serve tea to the guests."

Caesar, who had blocked Yurich when he was about to leave, gave him a
sidelong glance. Unable to overcome the silent pressure, Yuri had to
leave the of ice clutching Lyudmila's shoulder, who was crying and


With the silent sound of the door, they were left alone. Dressed in a
new vest over a shirt, Caesar spoke casually.

"You got lucky. Lyudmila is good at making tea.

Sitting on the single sofa, he pointed to the long sofa next to him as if he
was going to sit down. Lee Won, who was looking at him, silently
followed him and sat down on the long sofa. It didn't take long for
Lyudmila to return with her car. As she left the car in a much calmer
state than before, Lee Won smiled bitterly as if he was sorry. Lyudmila
looked at him, blinking red and puffy eyes, and she left the of ice
without saying a word.

"Morning tea is great to wake up to."

As he said, Caesar, who had a cup of tea and savored the aroma, took a
sip and immediately seemed satis ied. Caesar looked at Yi-Won as if he
was asking you to drink too, but he didn't move. He just looked at
Caesar with a hard expression that wasn't too different from his usual
one. It was just that his eyes burned intensely.

For the fact that he threatened the secretary and attacked him without
warning, the man today was strange.

Although it was not an expensive suit, he always had a neat

appearance, but today was very different from usual. A wrinkled shirt
tucked into messy pants, the coat casually draped and unbuttoned, and
he wasn't even wearing a shapeka, a must-have for going out.

Also, the back of his head was wildly extended as if he hadn't looked at
himself in the mirror, as if he had just woken up and jumped.

Was there even an earthquake?

With that in mind, Caesar suddenly found a blood-covered ist and a

large bruise on the side of his handsome face, and frowned slightly.
Have you ever had a ight in one day? Thinking of his heart, Caesar
nonchalantly brought up the subject.
“This tea is not very high quality, but when the temperature and
concentration are right, it is incredibly fragrant. Lyudmila was the irst
secretary to extract the aroma of this tea so amazingly perfectly. I
haven't been able to ind it since."

Cesar laughed brie ly.

"Because if one talent is too great, it's okay to ruin everything else."

Inwardly, Lee Won looked at him with an incredible feeling. How could
he be so virtuous with the guy that he committed such a thing? It was
the irst time he had an iron face covering. Indeed, Lee Won thought.
Ma ia executive Sergeev must have that level of chutzpah.

Lee Won irst opened his mouth to Caesar, who added, “I can't do it.”

"I didn't come here to talk about tea with you."

Caesar looked at Lee Won through his teacup. He has been staring at
Cesar ever since he walked into the of ice. Caesar savored the lavor of
the gradually cooling tea once more and set the cup down.

"Can't you afford a cup of tea in the morning?"

Caesar, who looked away from Lee Won's untouched teacup, looked at

"Okay, what's the purpose?"

Lee Won bit his lip and looked at him wordlessly at the gaze that ran
over his entire body as if in such an embarrassing way. Cesar was so
calm that he got goosebumps. What does this man think of himself,
who ran to this place in anger over such a thing?

Even if I kill a few people, it wouldn't be a blink of an eye.

Lee Won stopped biting his lip and spoke calmly.

“I already know enough about the mob that they will do anything to
help lawmakers back him.”

Continuing to speak in a harsh tone, he ixed his gaze on Cesar.

“But it was serious that I even used violence against my grandmother,

that she had nothing to do with it. Thanks to you, I became more
determined. We will never lose to you."

Lee Won glared at him.

"Let's go to the end, who will win?"

Caesar was speechless. He just looked at Lee Won with an

expressionless face. Cesar, who hadn't said anything for a while,
opened his mouth.


At the one word that came out so simply and in vain, Lee Won raised
his chin and asked provocatively.

"Are you asking because you don't know?"

Caesar frowned instead of replying. What the hell is this guy talking
about? You come to me all the time and say things that are completely
contradictory and wonder why you don't know.

Caesar, who was looking at him with a more noble attitude than Lee
Won on the topic of the ma ia, opened his mouth only after Lee Won
stopped talking.

"Did you even dream?"


Lee Won stopped at the sudden words. For a moment, with a puzzled
expression on his face, looking at Man Lee Won, Caesar continued to
speak slowly.

“I was wondering if I had a strange dream at night and came here to

make a fuss. It's embarrassing to interrupt and say things that have no
context. In fact, it is different from the ma ia.

That is what a noble lawyer should do.”

Cesar, who was sarcastic in a relaxed tone, narrowed his eyes.

"Or are you going to try something like that because it's clear you can't

"what… … !"

Caesar's provocation was valid. With the proper pouring of oil, Iwon's
anger lared immediately. Lee Won, who lost his temper for a moment,
took a cup of tea that hadn't been touched until that moment and
poured it for Caesar. If he didn't shoot him in the face, which was
glaring at him, he felt like he was going to throw tantrums and die. The
tea being poured precisely at the man was quite intentional. Until
Cesar got up from his chair.


By the time I realized my mistake, it was already too late. Suddenly,

Lee Won felt déjà vu.

The tea sprayed at him and the sight of him getting up from his seat felt
like slow motion.

The situation was very similar to the previous one, but one thing was
different. Caesar got up from the chair and at the same time dodged,
grabbed Lee Won's arm, not his waist, and snatched it away.


Mann Lee-won re lexively yelled as he was thrown onto the sofa. César,
who bent his arm behind him and pressed him, rested an arm on the
sofa and opened his mouth.

"You're pretty hot-tempered."

“Let him go, damn child… … Cowardly!”

Caesar clicked his tongue brie ly from the top of the struggling Iwon.

“Who the hell did you learn that curse from? I have to ind out who he
is and give him my soul.
"Do what you want, violence and intimidation will be your life."

Suddenly, Caesar smiled slightly at Lee Won, who shouted vigorously at

the crushed guy.

"As soon as I opened my eyes, I immediately ran."

Lee Won stopped at the unexpected words. Caesar raised his hand that
was on the sofa and gently stroked Lee Won's hair, which was sticking
out to the side.

“My clothes are the same as yesterday and my body smells of alcohol.
Looks like he drank quite a bit."

"Does matters… … !"

Caesar continued, ignoring Lee Won's screams, shaking his body again.

"When you wake up from sleep, a person's body odor is the most

Caesar, who buried his nose in Lee Won's hair, whispered.

"This is your smell."

As if trying to remember, Lee Won stiffened at the sound of a deep


In the quiet of ice, Caesar's breath rang out with a particularly strong
echo. The man's body felt through his back was so realistic. Even
though he was wearing a thick coat, Lee Won could feel his entire body
so strongly.

Cesar's hand lowered and he removed the cheap coat that was between
them. The man's body touched under the coat pushed by the hasty
hand. Lee Won noticed for the irst time that his pants were very thin.
There was no doubt about the sensation of touching the buttocks.
Caesar, testing the scent through his hair, brought his lips close to his
ear. He whispered as he released the pinna he had been biting into

"Open your legs."

A dark shadow fell across the statuesque face of the man who pushed
Lee Won. As the stunningly beautiful beast raised its teeth at her, Lee
Won could feel it very clearly, even in every cell of her body. The pulse
of the man who stood up as hot as the sound of a strong heartbeat
clearly felt like a lump of meat.

He felt as if he had already hardened into her body. Feeling a weapon

that seemed to tear inside immediately, Lee Won slowly turned his
head. Cold silver-gray eyes awaited him where he was staring with
dif iculty.

The moment his eyes met, satisfaction and disappointment crossed

Caesar's face at the same time. There was no fear on Lee Won's face as
he looked at Caesar. Rather, Lee Won, who distorted his beautiful
eyebrows, opened his mouth as if this situation was very annoying.

"Do you always show your power like this?"

The male, who looked at the elegantly handsome twisted man in

disgust, showed his lust and made a dangerous cynicism.
“Until now, it was Lynch. But you are too beautiful for that.

Lee Won pursed his lips sarcastically.

"Convenient. If you like your face, do you sleep?"

Cesar didn't answer right away. Instead, he raised his long inger and
grabbed Lee Won's chin and caressed his lower lip with the tip of his

"You must be beautiful with blood."

Hard ingers stopped moving and gently pressed the red lesh inside
his lips.

Caesar's eyes narrowed at the gaze of Lee Won, who kept looking at
him without saying a word, and a sigh lowed from his lips like a sigh.
With a low whisper, a faint breath seeped into his red, wet lesh.

"And you, stained with my semen?"

To Caesar's question, Lee Won only had one answer.

"Imagine your funeral."

Unexpectedly, Caesar let out a short laugh at the words he said as he

gritted his teeth. Frowning at the unexpected reaction, Cesar jerked
back and let him go. Lee Won, who re lexively stood up and stepped
back, looked at him suspiciously. But César, as if nothing had happened,
opened the humidor on the table and took out a cigarette.
“Shall we get back to the point? Is coffee a mess?

Lee Won watched as he painstakingly lit a cigarette cut with a cutter,

feeling annoyed and embarrassed at the same time.

"You would know better."

"I? Why do you think that?"

Caesar asked, bringing the cigar to his mouth. Lee Won immediately
raised his eyes terrifyingly at him.

“Of course, because you are taking care of Senator Zhdanov… … .”

Lee Won, who was speaking, paused for a moment. Suddenly, a strange
thought occurred to me. Isn't this guy?

"Does your face hurt like this?"

He closed his mouth at the words he asked before Lee Won. Even if I
die, I won't say that it's not a proud ight medal, but that I fell off the
bed by myself and got bruises.

"You did not do it?"

Instead of answering, Caesar narrowed his eyes at the question he

asked suspiciously.

"Well, what do you think?"

He spoke strangely without giving a quick reply.

“I thought, of course, that there must be a reason to come and make a
fuss at a time like this. It is not?"

Of course, there was a reason. There's no reason to come and shake

now. But he felt a little out of place.

"Be honest. Have you?"

Caesar let out a long puff of smoke that he had inhaled deeply. When
Lee Won inadvertently frowned at the pungent smell of the cigar,
Caesar gasped.

"If that's me, what are you going to do next?"

"Of course I will sue."

Caesar asked Lee Won, who responded immediately.


When Lee Won stopped, Caesar continued to speak calmly.

“You know better than I do that if you doubt someone prematurely, you
are guilty of innocence, right?

It's hard with heart disease alone. Please list the evidence that I
ordered everything and the exact circumstances behind the incident.

The side of the newspaper has changed. When Lee Won embarrassedly
couldn't ind anything to say, Caesar smiled silently and put the cigar in
his mouth.
“If you were a lawyer and you barged in without evidence, of course
you would have lost your case.”

Lee Won bit his lip. He was angry, but I couldn't help but admit it. It
was a clean defeat.

How could I make such a mistake? The problem was that he lost his
temper by letting himself get carried away by anger.

His wrinkled self-esteem fell to the ground, but he calmly accepted the

"… … Excuse me."

Lee Won, who barely returned to his usual appearance, straightened

his back and opened his mouth in a reassuring voice.

“Okay. Next time, I will come to you with evidence.”

Then, after saying goodbye and adding a short greeting, Lee Won
turned around.

"Mr. Lawyer."

Lee Won, who was about to leave the of ice as he was, was called out by
Caesar. Reluctantly looking back, Caesar, who was sitting at the desk,

"He was talking about it earlier."

I wonder if that's not the case, Lee Won thought, but unfortunately it

“When you get lynched, the eardrum ruptures and the cornea falls out
is just the beginning. There are cases where they just die."

Cesar said calmly, as if it was someone else's business. As if there was

nothing like a person dying before his eyes. Of course, it was someone
else's business. Does anyone in the world dare to lynch that man?

Caesar's last suggestion.

"Choose. Would you be blind or would you spread your legs?"

Lee Won returned the question as he was.

"If it were you, would you be eaten by a hungry lion, or would you be
tied up and buried alive?"

Cesar paused and unexpectedly laughed out loud. When Lee Won
blinked at the unexpected reaction, Caesar said with a smile on his face.

"It's hard, I can't prove it because I only have one life."

Lee Won nonchalantly added as if he knew he would.

"If you choose, I will answer."

With those words, Lee Won immediately turned around and walked
out of the of ice without looking back. When he was forced to look back
to close the door, Cesar, who had been watching him up until that
moment, slightly raised a hand to wave goodbye. After crushing Lee
Won's pride to the last, Caesar disappeared through the closed door.


After con irming that Lee Won was leaving, Yuri hurriedly entered the
of ice and looked around at Caesar.

"Are you okay? Do you have a problem? Why the hell does that lawyer
boy always come to visit me in such a hurry? … ."


Cesar's voice interrupted Yurich, who was speaking hurriedly. When

Yurich closed his mouth, Cesar quietly gave the order.

"Look behind Zhdanov, what he is doing."

"Yes? Senator Zhdanov?

Ignoring the startled Yurich, Caesar took a deep breath.

You commissioned me to do something else behind the scenes.

His gray eyes, narrowed through the misty cigarette smoke, shone

Restoring the coffee was quite dif icult. After two full days of eating just
cleaning, Lee Won decided to buy the materials himself and make the
table and chairs.

Grandma's frustration didn't last long. As a Russian who has always

faced trials and tribulations, she resolutely got up and started a new

“I would like to take this opportunity to change the interior.”

Instead of the messy coffee, Lee Won went to Lee Won's of ice and
handed her a crumpled up piece of paper, and when she said, Lee Won
readily agreed. The old wooden table was cracked here and there, and
the legs weren't the right length, making a rattling noise every time.
Grandma wanted a sturdy chair and table made of metal this time.

"I can do it, but wouldn't the wood be warm in winter?"

When Lee Won carefully gave him advice on the design that she had
given him after careful consideration, he was soon in trouble again. The
winter in Russia was harsh enough to simply crush the desire for
interior design. In Russia, where the north wind has been blowing for
more than a year and a half, Lee Won's advice was quite effective.

In the end, Lee Won promised to make new furniture whenever his
grandmother needed it, and then agreed to make a wooden table and
Nikolai, who had been sick for three days after being severely beaten,
barely managed to regain his strength and participate in the work.

"It's my fault. I'm sorry, Grandma Ivana."

Grandma told Nikolai bluntly, who quickly moistened his eyes.

"Okay, broken vodka or a man."

That night, Nikolai stole his money and bought a fancy vodka for his
grandmother. Other neighbors, who couldn't get out because of fear,
also donated some money by helping and raising money. People did not
hesitate to help each other, even though they had to live a hard life and

all days. Thanks to this, Grandma's cafe was restored to its former
appearance much faster than expected.


It didn't snow for several days, and the sunny and warm weather
continued. People joined her voice and said goodbye to the
grandmother saying that it was a good sign. Lee Won got up feeling
refreshed, immediately changed his clothes and went downstairs.

It was a repetition of the same routine every day. During the day, she
helped rebuild the cafe and prepared a test with Nikolai from afternoon
to night. Currently, the only way left was to report the injustice of the
situation through a lawsuit. There was little chance of winning, but Lee
Won decided that he would never give up until the end.

It was the same with Nikolai. Those who had nothing more to lose
banded together to help Nikolai and his grandmother. But there are
also too many things that people who have nothing can do. The key
was to uncover Zhdanov's corruption and prove that the land and
factories were taken unjustly, but valid evidence was hard to ind even
after running on worn-out feet, and there was no one to testify on Lee's
side. Won or Nikolai.

It was an afternoon, when time had passed and the trial was not far off.
As he cut down the tree to make the last table, Lee Won thought about
the trial against Zhdanov in his head. Wouldn't it be great if it all ended
with just proving that the documents were forged? A document that is
clearly forged to anyone who sees it is not enough evidence. Even
thinking about it again, my heart illed with frustration.

It was time to cut down the trees in a hurry. With a bang, the old door
opened and someone entered.

Although the business stopped, the villagers came and went from time
to time, so Lee Won lifted his head without thinking and then stopped.
Surprisingly tall, he staggered through the front door, tall enough for
the average person, head down. Thanks to this, Lee Won saw the
palanquin in front of his face. Of course, his unique hair was enough to
tell who he was.


Lee Won watched silently as he straightened his back and looked

around the store once. The coffee, which was dusty from cutting and
gluing wood, was still getting a good spread. Caesar, who had been
looking at the wooden table that Lee Won made himself, moved
the look. It was then that he met Lee Won's eyes for the irst time after
entering the store.

"Long time not see you."

At Caesar, who greeted him brie ly, Lee Won glared at him, showing
hostility, instead of greeting him face to face.

"What's going on?"

However, Lee Won, who had inadvertently spat at him in a harsh tone,
did not dare to correct him. Caesar continued to speak without any
reaction to the de iant look he gave her.

“I have something to give you. You'll probably want to have it."

Then, Lee Won directed his gaze to the briefcase he was holding. The
rather thick envelope was hermetically sealed so you couldn't see
inside. Caesar gasped as he looked at him suspiciously with an
unwilling face.

"Are you on trial against Zhdanov?"


Lee Won angrily urged the next words. But Caesar didn't show any
sign of hurry at all, he just took it in stride.

“It would be quite dif icult if the councilman was the opponent. Also, I
have connections with high-ranking of icials.”
"Tell me about it."

Lee Won stared at the door. It's like they're going to kick you out if you
hold out any longer. Caesar's silver-gray eyes luttered softly, as if in

"Evidence, don't you need it?"

Like a isherman casting a bait, Lee Won stopped at the enticing voice.
Cesar spoke in a relaxed tone.

“There is evidence of all corruption. We cling to the weaknesses of

others for fear that the other will betray us.

Caesar lifted the briefcase lightly.

"That's exactly what you use it for."

Lee Won's expression changed. Is Zhdanov's corruption hidden in that

envelope?! In an unfavorable trial, where even the jury was likely to
have been bribed, evidence was more urgent than anything else. The
next question was why the man was suddenly doing this. If true, that
must have been exactly what Lee Won wanted.

With a momentary look of longing on his face, Caesar remembered a

slight smile as if he knew he would.

"If you want to have it, change your clothes in 20 minutes and come
downstairs, because it's hard in that out it."

Caesar looked at the dusty old jeans and shirt Lee Won was wearing,
Caesar said.
“Reservation time is over.”


Puzzled, Caesar quickly replied to Lee Won, who asked him what he
had said.

"We had dinner together and talked."

Lee Won immediately frowned, but Caesar's reaction didn't change. He

looked at his wristwatch.

Nineteen minutes left.

"How can I trust you?"

"I don't use the same trick twice."

Caesar, who had simply ignored Lee Won's suspicions, bowed his head.

"Isn't this necessary?"

Watching him shake thick papers in front of his eyes, Lee Won bit his
lip. Caesar added Lee Won, who turned around with a low swear word.

"I cursed you, so I'll cut it down to 10 minutes."

“Damn, don't be ridiculous. who likes it... … ."

"5 minutes."
Cesar answered immediately and turned around.

“I'm leaving in exactly ive minutes, so if you need proof, take care of it.
And I hate those ugly clothes. Dress in the best you have."

Caesar, who scanned Lee Won's entire body as if he was displeased,

opened the door and walked out.

I'm leaving in exactly ive minutes.

As if to prove his words, seeing him go straight to the car he was

waiting for, Lee Won swallowed his swear words and ran upstairs.


Exactly ive minutes later, Lee Won, who managed to get into the starter
car, headed to a big restaurant in the city. I saw the building several
times as I passed by, but that was the irst time I knew it was a
restaurant. Remarkably gigantic buildings, structures, and things can
often be found in Russia, which has a "big is better" mentality, but it
was the irst time a restaurant on such a large scale.

"Welcome, Tsar."

The man who politely bowed seemed to be the manager of the

restaurant. It was surprising that he came to the entrance and led him
to his seat, but it was Caesar's attitude as if it was too natural for them
to lead and move along with his lead.
After all, outside of the giant ma ia snow, you will be stuck on a frozen
lake in the cold winter and have to wait for spring to come.

The manager pointed to the table with a friendly smile at Lee Won,
who had thought sarcastically of his heart. As soon as I sat in the chair
that the employee following me, the manager who handed out the
menu book disappeared along with the employee.

Inside the restaurant, as big as it looked from the outside, many people
who came to enjoy their food were sitting at full tables. The number
written next to the menu was equivalent to Lee Won's monthly living
expenses, but for the people gathered here, it would only be a number
for one meal.

Lee Won looked at the familiar igure of Caesar choosing wine before
eating. As he raised his head, the employee waiting to the side quickly
approached and bowed his body. Caesar, who ordered the 1982 Petrus
wine, looked at Lee Won. how do you like Lee Won just frowned

In fact, if he drank several thousand rubles of wine or fresh water, it did

not make much difference to him.

The important thing now was the information the man had. What the
hell is in that envelope? I was curious, but after leaving my coat at the
entrance of the restaurant, I turned around and found that there was
nothing in Cesar's hand. Lee Won was nervous, but he decided to wait
and see.

If it's a big deal, I'll puncture your carotid artery.

Looking at the knife on the table, Caesar gasped.

"Georgian wine is good, but I like French wine."

As if that's what you think, Caesar stared at Lee Won. Lee Won
responded with a sullen face.

I don't know much about wine.

"There was a theory that Georgian wine was the irst wine in the world,
what do you think?"

Lee Won frowned.

"Does the taste change if you meet and eat it?"

Caesar said enthusiastically.

“Because the diversity of the senses is proportional to the amount of

knowledge. The more you know, the more sensitive you become.”

It was the sound of a ghost eating shit. Lee Won has a sore throat
because he wants to tell her to put the envelope out immediately
because he can live without distinguishing between wine and such.
However, Caesar kept talking about wine as if he had completely
forgotten why he had brought Lee Won to this place.

“If you drink it side by side, you can de initely feel the difference in
taste. Doesn't each wine have its own character? French wines are
elegant but demanding. American wine is hard but strong. What is
Georgian wine like? At irst it's lat and hard like a stubborn virgin, but
once you get used to it, it's like an irreplaceable yobu... … .”
Just in time, the staff returned with wine from Petrus. Caesar, checking
the label, nodded after a light taste. When permission was granted, the
clerk poured wine into Lee Won's glass and then stepped back again.
Caesar said, raising his glass slightly as if he were toasting.

"Enjoy. Cooking is also an art."

You don't seem to know that art was the exclusive preserve of the

Thinking of his heart, Lee Won silently brought the wine to his mouth.

“Unfortunately, sports cars are useless in Russia. It snows from time to

time and strong winds blow, but it is very dif icult without a roof. But I
keep buying it. Even expanding the garage for a car I won't be traveling

Okay, come on, give me the envelope!

He had felt it before, but he was a man who tested the end of patience.
During the hour-long meal, Caesar didn't even mention paperwork.
The wine was just the beginning. After moving from talking about
football to talking about heritage and the writer who recently won the
Nobel Prize, it is now the story of a supercar that he will see at least
once in his life.

Lee Won gripped the corner of the napkin and barely resisted the urge
to swing the knife at Caesar. His eyes kept looking around Caesar's.
Where the hell did you put it?!
Lee Won blurted out his praise for Caesar's European car through one
ear and struggled to hold back, wanting to grab the envelope right away.

When we talked about football after wine, we paused, but we kept


It was also because I thought it was polite to answer a conversation to

a certain extent since I accepted a meal. But now it was boring. Lee
Won, who has reached the limit of his patience, decided not to put up
with Caesar anymore if he brought up a new topic and put it off.


I thought he was done, but I was wrong. Unfortunately, the

restaurant's special menu, dessert, consisted of only ive courses.
When the irst dessert, ice cream, came out, Cesar opened his mouth.

“The origin of ice cream is… … .”

At the same time, Lee Won jumped out of the spot. The napkin in his
lap fell to the loor, but he ignored it. To Caesar, who stopped talking
and looked at him, Lee Won spoke in a cold voice.

"If you don't give me the papers, there's no reason to spend time with
you like this."

I was going to go back to my original decision, but the clerk there

immediately walked up to me and handed an envelope to Caesar. As
Lee Won stopped and watched, Caesar took the envelope in one hand
and looked at it.
"Here is the."

When Lee Won leaned across the table and tried to snatch it away,
Caesar simply pulled his arm out of him and destroyed it.

"Not free."

Are the tortures you have suffered enough? When Lee Won raised his
eyebrows and looked at him, Caesar said.

"If you kiss me, I'll give it to you."

During the busiest nighttime hours, the famous restaurant was packed
with diners and staff. There were also many gazes from people spying
on the two of them in a strange environment. What can I do?" Caesar
narrowed his eyes.

Lee Won did not hesitate.

Standing with the table in the middle, Lee Won leaned back and
pressed his own against Caesar's lips. He wanted to feel soft, elastic lips
touching Caesar's manicured ones, and then he pressed them gently.

Involuntarily, Cesar closed his eyes. As a sigh came out like a sigh, Lee
Won's hand snatched the envelope Caesar was holding as if he were
snatching it. And the kiss is over.

Lee Won stood up excitedly and looked at Caesar with an

expressionless face that was no different from usual.

"Then it stops."
After leaving a brief goodbye, he immediately turned around and left
the restaurant. All that was left was Caesar and the men who looked at
them in amazement. A smile slowly appeared on Caesar's lips, who
silently looked at Lee Won's back. The hesitant and observant staff
cautiously approached, cleaned the empty bowl and placed the next
dessert in front of Cesar.

A delicious jelly marinated in wine was placed in front of him. Without

touching the dessert, Caesar took a cigarette from inside his jacket and
lit it. The smoky smoke penetrated deep into his lungs.

you're funny too

A smile that was more satisfying than ever remained on his face as he
calmly exhaled smoke.


“My God, you are amazing!”

As soon as he left the courthouse after the trial, Nikolai screamed with
excitement. For him, who was even contemplating suicide with the
foreboding of utter defeat, today's trial was indeed close to a miracle.
Lee Won smiled and warned him not to calm down, but a complicated
feeling remained inside him.

The documents that César gave him were amazing. Although it was
already 10 years ago, Zhdanov used the same method as this time to
take other people's land and buildings. The evidence of evil has
remained so clear. The person who created the falsi ied documents, the
procedure that was processed in an instant without any suspicion, and
even the family who lost their lives in the dif iculties as a result.

All the evidence was clear. Of course, if they had all these documents at
that time, they would have lost everything. Even after 10 years, it was
hard to be sure of victory. Still, Russia was a haven for corruption.
However, it was true that sunlight the size of a needle hole streamed
out from the deep tunnel.

“Now is the beginning. Eat stronger. There will be unimaginable

threats in the future.”

"Um okay."

Nikolai nodded irmly with a still remembered face. At that time,

Zhdanov came out with the lawyers. He glanced at Nikolai and Lee Won
with fearful eyes once, and soon disappeared from sight as he walked
down the hall at a brisk pace.

“Well then, today… … .”

“Yes, it was a lot of work. I have to go and tell my wife. Thank you
thank you very much."

Nikolai waved one after another and quickly turned around and ran as
if he were lying. Lee Won, who looked back, soon smiled bitterly.

He was thinking of preparing me for the next trial.

Well, one day it will be ine. Lee Won thought and immediately
followed him out of the courthouse. It's just the beginning, but it wasn't
bad to begin with. The problem is that the future is bigger. That was all
the evidence he had prepared. Will the court side with Nikolai with
that? … ?

Lee Won, who had sighed involuntarily, suddenly felt his gaze and
raised his head.

A sleek sedan was parked at the side of the road where the sunlight
peeked through. The tinted car window made it hard to even tell if
someone was inside, but instinctively she could feel it. It was then that
I realized that the car was familiar to me. Suddenly my steps slowed.
The car window quietly rolled down in front of Lee Won, who slowly
approached him.

"Hello, Mr. Lawyer."

The silver-colored man who spoke in a relaxed voice smiled.

"The test result is not good?"

Lee Won answered without trying to hide the unpleasant expression

on his face.

"This is just the beginning."

"Hey, that's a long way to go."

Cesar, who invented his tone of voice as if he was sad, heard something.

"It would be useful to have something like this."

Lee Won stood still without saying a word. He knew without even
asking. It must have been something Nikolai desperately needed right
now. There was a dull sound of the door opening from inside the closed
car. He looked at the car door opening gently. Cesar looked at him with
a smile. like what to do


After a while, the car door closed and Lee Won left the seat in Caesar's


Hearing the blow, Lee Won raised his head. After waiting for a while, it
was the owner's grandmother who opened the door.

"Get some rest."

Grandma brought homemade cookies and tea and gave them to Lee
Won. She got up hurriedly and picked up the tray, but she had nowhere
to put it. When I looked at the desks and loors littered with papers,
materials, and books with a puzzled face, the old lady also clicked her

Naturally, she shrugged with a premonition of the annoyances that

would spill over.

"Where, can I keep this?"

Pointing to a bed full of papers, Grandma asked. Lee Won remembered
the content as the location of the document and nodded.

“Yes, if you push it… … .”

Grandma pushed the papers away with a hand more cautious than
usual. Lee Won, who had just prepared a place to place the tray,
breathed a sigh of relief and looked at her.

"Thank you."

The raw cookie was not the right shape. The grandmother asked Lee
Won, who took one of them and put it in his mouth.

"There's still a lot?"

Lee Won drank the hot tea she brought and cleared his mouth before

“Because the trial process is long……she Lo she was waiting for.

"Nikolai must have been very tired."

She nodded at her grandmother's words.

"Most people fall exhausted during the trial process."

There was still a long way to go until the verdict. Zhdanov was really
making the last move. He hit it hard with clear evidence, but the result
was unpredictable nonetheless.
I need a decisive one.

Lee Won chewed the cookie slowly with a serious face. There was only
one face that came to mind.


At the end of each trial she would appear and deliver the necessary
clues or conclusive evidence, one by one. His actions, which continued
like a habit, made Lee Won look forward to the next one.

Although not very nice.

It was irresistible. Because he was the only one who could give
convincing evidence of Zhdanov's corruption and absurdity.

The problem is that it is not free.

Everything in the world has a price. It was an experience that he had

done countless times in my life. Once again, Lee Won searched for clues
by tracing the whereabouts of Zhdanov's ired secretary, whom Caesar
had informed him of. He had already gone abroad, but the rest of the
family implicitly revealed that there had been some kind of deal
between him and Zhdanov. Using this to dig a little deeper, it would be
circumstantial evidence of bribery.

… … But… … .

I ran and meditated until my feet got tired, but I couldn't ind a way to
solve Nikolai's work in a cool way. It is said that a champion gets
knocked down by the jab, but the jab alone doesn't work.
I need the last counter.

Lee Won thought and furrowed the deep wrinkles on her forehead



At the sound of the call, Caesar raised his head. Lyudmila entered with
an awkward expression and reported.

“I have a visitor… … .”

Caesar suddenly remembered the ridiculous shock of the day before at

the voice that faded without self-con idence. Looking behind her, the
visitor waved her hand with a bright face.

"Hi brother."

It was Dmitry. She walked over to Caesar, who just stared at him
without saying a word, and smiled as usual.

“It is a disappointment. Who have you been waiting for?

Lyudmila took a step back and looked at Cesar's expression, but she
couldn't tell what was different from usual. When she bowed her head
and closed the door, Caesar only gasped.
"What's wrong? No contact.

"Did I ever call you?"

Sitting peacefully on the long sofa, taking out a cigarette, Dmitry looked
at Cesar. Like most people, Caesar shared a living room and an of ice.
Few people dared to walk into the of ice like that and take a seat for

Dmitry always came to the of ice like this, certain that he was "special"
to Cesar. He always made Cesar's face frown, but he was never
punished. But today was different.

"Make an appointment from now on, because I'm busy."

"If you are not here, I can play with Lyudmila."

"Then make an appointment with Lyudmila."

Dmitry, who was about to inhale the smoke, stopped and looked at him.
A puzzled expression was clearly visible, but Caesar continued to speak

"I have a date from now on."

"What? What a schedule. It must have been empty today.

Instead of answering, Dmitry waved his cigarette at Caesar, who

frowned at the door.

"It's not Lyudmila."

Caesar immediately went to the phone.

"I would have told you not to DJ."

To the calm voice, Dmitry replied matter-of-factly.

"Stalking you is the joy of my life."

Cesar got up without saying anything else. Finding and eliminating the
spies installed by Dmitry has now become a part of life. If I remove it
anyway, I'll install it again, so I had no choice but to leave it alone. So
Caesar, who thought the KGB was angry at his heart, put on his suit
jacket which he quietly hung up.

"You are leaving me?"

Even if a guy over 190 pretends to be cute, he doesn't work. Caesar

silently stroked Dmitry's head with one hand and left the of ice. Dmitry
shrugged, ruf ling his disheveled hair, but he didn't follow.

Lyudmila, who was looking at herself in the mirror and carefully

painting her lips, stood up abruptly, surprised by the appearance of
Cesar leaving the of ice. Thanks to this, her red lipstick slid all over her
lips, but Caesar strode past her, seemingly uninterested.

Yuri stopped in front of the sedan he was waiting for. As soon as she
saw Caesar's appearance, she quickly walked up to him and reported
something, and Caesar nodded. A slight smile appeared on his lips as
he looked at the watch on his wrist.

It's time to feed the hungry tiger.


As he barely inished the test and walked out, Nikolai's face darkened
to the point of almost gray. It was evident that he was tired from the
endless battle. On the other hand, the face of Zhdanov, who left late,
was full of con idence. Zhdanov, who led the lawyers out with a hand
on Nikolai's shoulder and silently encouraged him, sneered at Zhdanov
without hesitation. It's like they say, "It's all of you who get tired of
running away anyway."

When Nikolai smoothly looked at his back, Lee Won said with a serious

“You must not give up now. I didn't tell you from the beginning, the test
is the most important thing, what lasts the longest. Stay strong, a child
will be born soon."

The term wife anxiously awaited the results at home. Lee Won happily
watched as Nikolai barely regained his energy as he thought of his
beloved wife and the child to be born.

“Would you like to have dinner at my house? Your wife will be waiting
for you.

At Nikolai's suggestion, Lee Won shook his head.

"Sorry, I need to ind out because of the trial."

“You are suffering a lot because of me. I'm sorry."

Shortly after, on his dead face, he deliberately smiled brightly.

“Of course, that is the job of a lawyer. It does not matter."

Lightly patting him on the shoulder, Lee Won walked out of the
courtroom together. Lee Won, who unintentionally looked around her,
witnessed an unexpected sight. A family sedan was standing by the
side of the road. Lee Won soon turned his attention from him to Nikolai
and spoke.

“Uncle, can I go home alone? I have business to attend to from now on.

Nikolai nodded without reacting.

"It's a very hard job for me."

"Don't say things like that."

Lee Won, who shared a light hug with a bitter smile, moved towards
the sedan as Nikolai turned his back to get on the tram. Without
waiting for the driver to get out, he opened the car door and slid into
the car, and the driver immediately started it.

The pungent smell of cigarettes, now quite familiar, wafted through the
car. He looked to the side and took the long cigar Cesar was burning
from his mouth and spoke.

"You look pretty tired."

"It's a long ight."

I don't remember falling asleep after the trial started. It was a

continuous nap every day. It is inevitable, because unlike Zhdanov, who
has a large law irm

foreigner behind him, there is only one lawyer here. Nikolai was also
helping Nikolai a lot with the housework, but in the end most of the
work was done by two people.

It was natural to be tired. It was when he sighed involuntarily as he

buried himself deep in the sedan's leather seat, which was more
comfortable than his own bed.

"I have a request for you."

When Lee Won rolled his eyes and looked to the side, Caesar looked at
him with thin eyes.

"The fee is high."

"I don't work in the ma ia."

Caesar blinked, pretending to be surprised at the answer that he

immediately came without thinking for a moment.

"Isn't that just a refusal without even thinking about it?"

Lee Won looked ahead.

"Anyway, I don't."
Caesar put the cigar in his mouth. A red lame rose from the cigarette
that was slowly inhaled. Slowly exhaling hazy smoke, Caesar spoke

"It looks like the trial is dragging on."

There was thick smoke coming from inside the car. Caesar said, adding
one more act to it.

"You want proof that it can be inished once and for all, right?"

At Caesar's calm question, Lee Won turned his head. The silver-gray
eyes that looked at him with thin eyes were already familiar to him.
Eyes that ask for a bargain. Lee Won raised his eyebrows suspiciously.
Caesar turned and looked at him.

"It's been a ri le until now, but this time it's a bazooka... ... ."

Caesar, deliberately sulking, continued to speak slowly.

"If you accept my quest, you will also be able to obtain it."

Lee Won didn't speak easily this time. He just looked at Caesar with a
suspicious frown. He was waving a giant tuna in front of a hungry cat.
Lee Won bit his

lip. He didn't mean to be pretentious. In any case, thanks to the

evidence that Caesar gave him, it was true that the trial had hardly
progressed, and it was a fact that both parties knew quite a bit.

Judging by the experience thus far, the 'bazooka' Cesar speaks of

cannot be compared with the evidence thus far. It was clear that he
would become a decisive material that could win the trial in one fell
swoop. But Lee Won just kept his mouth shut. Cesar said, calmly taking
the cigar to his mouth.

"Isn't that an easier choice than choosing between being eaten by lions
or being buried alive?"

Through the thick smoke of cigarettes, the two looked at each other
without saying a word.

Suddenly, the car arrived at the apartment where Lee Won lived. The
car slowly slowed down and stopped shortly after.

"let's think."

Caesar took a small note out of his pocket and put it in Lee Won's coat
pocket. Shortly after, the backseat door clicked open. Lee Won, who
paused for a moment, immediately grabbed his bag and turned around.

"for a moment."

At the sudden voice, Lee Won involuntarily turned around. Cesar put a
slightly burned cigar in his mouth and smiled.

"Aren't you going to kiss me goodbye today?"

Lee Won warned him with an expressionless face towards him, who
was looking forward with his arms spread wide.

"Do not go up".

With a cold voice, he immediately turned around and got out of the car.
Suddenly, I heard laughter from behind. Lee Won took out a note and
tried to throw it away, but the car had already driven away. Lee Won
raised his eyebrows and looked at the back of the car driving away. He
still had a wrinkled note in his hand.

He could have knocked it to the ground, but he hesitated for some

reason as he thought about it. Lee Won, who stayed there for a while,
eventually put it back in his pocket and walked towards the house with
a more complex feeling than ever.

"Come here."

The old woman who was clearing the table found him through the
window and opened the door irst. Lee Won smiled as usual and kissed
her on both cheeks.

"I'm home."

“Okay, is it dinner yet? wash and down Dinner tonight is very


Lee Won, who is well aware of the strict living conditions, looked at
him puzzled, and his grandmother continued.

"Nikolai's wife sent you pork to thank you."

Lee Won just looked at her without saying a word. The grandmother
continued to make bread, busily.

She “she said that he would sit on the street if he lost in court and that
he didn't know how to live in the future. I told you because you seem
worried. You are the best lawyer in Russia, no, in the world, so I am
sure you will win. It is not like this?"

Grandma turned her head and looked at Lee Won. At the light of
con idence clearly revealed in his forceful expression, Lee Won smiled
awkwardly but was unable to reply.

I went up the stairs which creaked slowly, unlike usual. As soon as he

opened the door, he sat on the bed instead of taking off his coat.
Hesitating, Lee Won reached into his pocket and took out a note. An
unknown number was written there. He looked down and tossed it in
the trash.


♩ ♪♬♪♪♬… … .
I couldn't focus on the particularly disturbing feeling since morning.
Lee Won, who was making tea to cool his head, came out of the kitchen
upon hearing the phone ring.

It was a call from Nikolai. It's time to work in a factory, what's going
on? He answered the phone with some kind of bad feeling.

"Site. what… … ."

"Hey, something's wrong, come here!"

Nikolai's voice was so urgent that he nearly cried. Before Lee Won
could even ask why, he yelled at him.

"The factory is closed!"

In an instant, Lee Won's body stiffened. The factory is closing, what do

you mean?

The scare did not last long. He quickly found the reason, took off his
coat and said.

"I'll go now!"

It was as if people were clamoring for the phone to hang up. It

shouldn't be a big deal. I prayed as he walked down the stairs two or
three at a time, but Lee Won knew better than anyone that the situation
was not going well.

A bad feeling never went wrong. Perhaps it is due to the human

instinct to be more sensitive to unhappiness than to happiness. Lee
Won stared at them in front of the factory, which had become a mess
with screams and clamor.

The factory gate was irmly closed. The two letters 'closed' written in
large red paint did not leave my sight. But this was not the time to sit
still. The men in suits scattered all over the place, screaming and
running towards Nikolai and the staff, pushing and assaulting them
mercilessly. Even Nikolai's wife, who was doing of ice work, was
brought to term and ejaculating before them.
"Uncle Nikolai!"

Lee Won quickly approached him seeing him scream and fall. Nikolai,
who was hit in the face from the front, fell down, bled from the nose
and was unable to stand up. Lee Won immediately protested.

"What's this?!"

The man who hit Nikolai looked at Lee Won, and instead of explaining,
he also tried to hit him with his ist. Barely resisting the ist that was
about to come out, Lee Won only avoided himself. No matter how you
looked at them, the men didn't look like gangsters. If you hit a civilian,
your back is annoying. First, it was important to understand the

"Bastard, what are you?"

He yelled in a high-pitched voice at the man who was about to push Lee
Won again by spitting out abusive language.

“I am a lawyer, Mr. Nikolai. What is this now? Who the hell are you?"

He paused when he said that he was a lawyer. But there was never a
face of shame. The man said, clearly showing his expression that he
was simply upset.

“It is an order from the mayor. Close the factory."

Belatedly, Lee Won realized that they were city of icials.

“I think that Senator Zhdanov would not have the right to do that. Isn't
it clearly illegal to arbitrarily shut down a factory while he is still on
trial? I'm going to call the police."

“I don't know, this is an order. Now you're good? Come on, turn it off!

The man yelled as he pushed the crumpled papers towards Lee Won.
Reluctantly, Lee Won's face twitched as he took a step back and quickly
glanced at the documents.

“Hey, how is it? Why, what does it say? Is that document true?

To Nikolai's hasty question without hesitation, Lee Won replied with a

pale face.


His voice came out rough, as if caught in the vocal chords.

"It is real."

There was the sound of a squawk, a squat. There were ights between
factory workers and men trying to enter the factory from all sides.
Screams and cries rang out, but of course they belonged to the
workers. Lee Won bit his lip as he held the document. There were no
procedural laws. There was nothing Lee Won could do either.


A wrinkled woman's scream came from among the rough men.

Turning re lexively, Nikolai's wife, writhing on her stomach, came into
view. Looking at Nikolai, she clutched her bloody nose and ran.
"Honey, Anna!"

"Ma'am, are you okay?"

Lee Won also shouted urgently and ran over, and she, who had been
sitting down, blinked wide-eyed.

“Honey, the boy… … .”

At the same time, Nikolai and Lee Won's eyes went to her stomach. It
was then that he realized that his maternity clothes were wet. the
amniotic luid has burst The crying of the child who came out before
the expected date was light. Nikolai looked at the small body that
barely occupied an arm for a long time.

"Good job, you."

Feeling sorry for his wife's haggard appearance, Lee Won silently
watched as Nikolai took his hand. When he left the room after
congratulating him, Nikolai looked more tired than ever.


Lee Won placed a hand on his shoulder to encourage his courage.

“I am going to take a closer look and protest. The trial is still ongoing,
and such an order is an abuse of power by a legislator. If this gets out, it
will probably resonate with the jury."

"Okay, yes."
Nikolai's voice was still weak. When Lee Won tried to open his mouth
again, he spoke irst.

"I know what you mean. I know you've been working hard all this
time. Yes, you have to be strong. Now that even a child has come into
the world, I can't sit like this. We have to hold on, we have to win."

Nikolai's voice trembled slightly.

"It's hard."

Nikolai closed his eyes. I wondered if the man's rough, hard hand
would linger around the damp eyes for a while, but I didn't know how
to leave. Lee Won was speechless and simply put a hand on her
shoulder and remained silent. The sound of footsteps entering and
leaving the hallway echoes. Lee Won stood there and looked at
Nikolai's despair and couldn't do anything.


A dead silence fell in the room. Lee Won sat on the bed, motionless for
several hours. No matter how much he thought and thought, there was
only one way. After taking a deep breath, he stood up before changing
his mind.

His footsteps went towards the trash can, but his mood was in the
background. Reluctantly, Lee Won, who had been rummaging around
inside with a trash can, suddenly frowned. Belatedly, he realized that
he had emptied the trash in the morning. Immediately, Lee Won's face
turned hard.


Lee Won kicked the trash can. What do we do. A groan of pain
emanated from his throat.

Closing her eyes and letting out a slow-burning breath toward the
ceiling, she made up her mind and reached for something else this time.
Lee Won, who barely found a business card in the stack of iles, pressed
the button faster than looking at the number for a moment. Suddenly, I
wondered what if this number was a no-no. But there was no such

“Yes, thanks for calling. This is the secretariat.

He paused, then opened his mouth.

“This is a lawyer I met the other day. I would like to talk to Caesar-san.”

Lyudmila seemed to suck in her breath for a moment, but she forgot
the guide's words and hastily pressed the button. A monotonous
ringing sound was heard, and after a while the waiting voice continued.

“What did you do with the number you gave me? I'm surprised you
called the of ice."

In an unsurprising voice, Caesar sarcastically. That Lee Won had

thrown away the memo was a pitch that he had already guessed. Lee
Won turned around without replying.
“Commission, I will accept it. You can't just kill or have someone die."

She could feel Caesar chuckling. Without making it too long, he said.

I'll send the car home tomorrow.

I wondered if that would be the end, but added Caesar, as if he thought

it was too late.

"It's not illegal."

After those words, the phone actually hung up. Lee Won looked at his
cell phone and let out a shaky breath. The election is over. Now only
the action remains.

Cesar did not say the time. Lee Won made no unnecessary effort to call
back and ask what time to send the car. There can be no such thing as a
man as thorough as Caesar who "forgot and did not speak."

You can deliberately pretend that you forgot.

They're looking forward to seeing the car show up in a panic at any

moment. Of course, Lee Won had no intention of wasting time on such
unnecessary things.
After staying in the hospital with Nikolai until dawn, Lee Won fell
asleep and went downstairs at the same time as usual. After a simple
breakfast with his grandmother, he returned to his room and
concentrated on preparing for Nikolai's trial again.

He didn't know what Cesar would give me, but other than that, he had
to prepare everything perfectly. While he was busy searching for
precedents and materials, and re lecting on the results of the previous
trial, he passed the time and it was noon.

"Hey look."

When Grandma tapped him on the shoulder, showing a sign of

hesitation, Lee Won was focused enough to swallow his breath in
surprise. Looking at Lee Won with wide eyes, Grandma smiled bitterly.

A guest has arrived.

"Oh yeah."

At this time, Lee Won nodded and checked the place he was looking at.
Putting on their coats and walking down the stairs, the familiar Cesar
men stood there.

"Aren't you going out to lunch?"

When Lee Won addressed his grandmother's question, his subordinate

spoke irst.

"You are waiting."

It was a voice that clearly showed impatience. It was clear that Lee
Won was impatient, fearing that he would keep Caesar waiting. Lee
Won smiled at his grandmother.

“I have to meet with the client, sorry. I'll come to dinner."

As Lee Won, who had gently kissed him, turned around, his
subordinate hurriedly left the cafe, showing a sign of relief. Lee Won
got into the car that he was waiting for without asking any questions.
The sedan skillfully ran through the busy streets of trams and cars.


He seemed to have slept for a while. Lee Won woke up to the feeling
that the car was slowing down. It was the irst place he had seen when
I looked out the window with a blank face.

Have you ever had a park like this? As he looked at the lush forest on
both sides of the well-maintained road, Lee Won suddenly realized that
it was private property.

The butler he was expecting opened the door as the organizer stopped
the car.

"Welcome to."

After politely greeting him, Lee Won raised his head. The scale of the
mansion was beyond imagination. The huge mansion Lee Won lived in
could it several entire apartments, as if he was looking at the other
person and laughing at the visitors.

"That's it."

As Lee Won turned his head, the butler took the lead and guided him.
Men in black suits standing on either side of Lee Won, who were
quietly walking towards the front door, followed him and averted their

A suffocating silence enveloped the entire house. Suddenly, Lee Won

felt something strange. Having lived in Russia for over 7 years, where
con licts over race and ethnicity were ierce, it was an instinct that
came naturally to me. What they faced towards Lee Won was open

Lee Won, who was passing through the main gate, met the man who
was standing guard in front of him. Lee Won kept his gaze ixed as he
was and moved forward. The man looked directly at Lee Won and
pursed his lips.


Imitating a shot with his mouth, he pretended to shoot with his ingers
at the same time. Lee Won walked past him with a polite and
expressionless face.

The hall had a structure similar to that of a greenhouse. Through the

walls and ceiling made entirely of glass, Buk-gu's precious sunlight
streamed in. All the furniture was a comfortable but dated sofa, table
and clock. Instead, the walls and loors were made of dirt, grass, and
wood. In it, Lee Won found a chair that was reminiscent of a cocoon as
it loated in the air with a rope attached to the ceiling instead of four

The oval shape that looks like a vertically cut egg looked comfortable at
irst glance.

When he suddenly saw the long legs dangling below him, the butler
apologized to Lee Won. Lee Won watched him go straight to the chair
and speak quietly. The chair, which was shaking slowly, stopped
moving, and a man's tall back entered, lifting his body.

"Come on, Mr. Lawyer."

Caesar looked at Lee Won with a slight smile. The northern sunlight
shattered and shone on the silver man.


"Did you have any discomfort while you came?"

Caesar, who led Lee Won into another room and sat down, opened his
mouth. The butler, who quietly disappeared and appeared, put the
teacups in front of Lee Won and Caesar, respectively.

"not really."

After Lee Won spoke brie ly, Caesar smiled softly and brought the tea to
his mouth.
He soon frowned slightly, but said nothing. Only after the butler left
the room did Lee Won know the reason.

"As expected, no one can match Lyudmila's tea."

Lee Won just looked at him silently shaking his head. Today's Caesar
wore comfortable knitwear and cotton pants instead of a suit. Even his
platinum blonde hair, which he had always neatly combed, was messy
today. Seeing the comfortable igure of a powerful man taking a long
break, Lee Won gasped.

"Is this your house?"

At the calm question, Caesar returned his words with a relaxed



Lee Won answered honestly.

"Heating will cost a lot."

Caesar blinked and said with a curious face as if he was holding back a

"It's not that I can't afford it."

"I am going to."

Seeing Caesar's face as he spoke insigni icantly, Lee Won immediately

brought up the main point.
"What I am going to do?"

Caesar held out his hand. He was nervous for a moment, but his hand
turned to the humidor.

“It's not a big deal, it's just a little ight over property rights… … .”

As he spoke, Cesar chose a cigarette. Lee Won frowned, but Caesar

continued nonchalantly as he fumbled through his cigars.

"Do you know the name of Berdyaev?"

of the former mayor. Now he is a cold corpse and is buried in the

ground. Lee Won stared at the elegant hands of Caesar, who was still
chopping cigars without saying a word, annoyed. Despite Lee Won's
frown, Caesar still turned away from him and just looked at the cigar.
Of course, Lee Won was very upset with his attitude and had no
intention of putting up with it.

Lee Won's outstretched hand gripped Caesar's strong wrist. Caesar

looked away at the sudden action, and his eyes met. Lee Won looked at
him with fearful eyes and opened his mouth.

"It is polite to look at the other person when he speaks to himself."

Cesar said nothing. He was silent in front of Lee Won. He could feel the
strong bones of the man in his tightly clenched hands. The gray eyes
that were wrapped in hair-like platinum lashes were dyed exceptionally
deep. Caesar's lips parted as if he were seducing himself.

"Excuse me."
With a faint smile on his face, Lee Won let go of the hand that he had
been holding tightly to her up until now and laid her down on the sofa.
Caesar stopped conscientiously picking up cigars and left the humidor.

"I'm talking about the market."

"To know."

Then Lee Won replied.

"The mayor's cause was questionable."

When Lee Won, who said nonchalantly, turned his gaze, Caesar smiled

"People are destined to die somehow."

It was true, but the 'how' was the problem. Caesar slowly opened his
mouth at Lee Won's gaze, who raised his eyebrows and looked at him

“It is a prejudice to think that the ma ia only does illegal things every

It was true, but Lee Won still didn't take his suspicious gaze off him.
Caesar said, resting his arms comfortably on the back of the couch.

“There were many women in the market, but they were not of icially
married. There were no children, no family, no one else."

Cesar's eyes narrowed.

"All that's left is huge real estate and cash."

Lee Won immediately noticed the content of the request.

"So, would you like to have it?"

"Is there any reason not to?"

Caesar asked.

"If I don't have it anyway, someone else will."

I didn't like it, but it was true. Rumors abounded that there was a large
ma ia with power behind the wealth of the market. Anyone could have
imagined that there would be a war between the ma ia for a
considerable legacy. Lee Won asked again.

"So what does that have to do with my trial?"

"There is no direct connection."

Cesar laughed brie ly.

"But corruption is not committed alone."

Caesar, not wanting to look at his empty hands, directed his gaze to the
humidor, then shrugged and added.

"Flies always come in swarms."

Suddenly, a puzzle in my head came together. Lee Won raised his
eyebrows and slowly opened his mouth.

“The mayor has committed corruption with representative Zhdanov…

… ?”

Instead of answering, Cesar asked a question.

"Now do you see why you have to take this job?"

With a silent smile on his face, Lee Won thought with a serious face. In
fact, if that's the case, then it makes sense. If Zhdanov's corruption is
exposed through a dispute on this side, that alone would be a huge

If he uses the media well, he can be deprived of his seat as a member of

parliament and even imprisoned. Then we can win Nikolai's trial.

Lee Won was con ident. Corruption is always your weakness. The
joint venture of corrupt politicians will boomerang and come back to
them. Caesar, who watched Lee Won's reaction, smiled and talked to

"My tiger ate food?"

Lee Won frowned. What are you talking about all of a sudden? But
César didn't say anything.

"Then let me guide you to the room."

Taken aback by the unexpected words, Caesar nodded slightly and

“Igor must have left some urgent papers in your room. Everything else
is in the library. The next room is connected to the study, so check it out

"wait a second."

Lee Won quickly stopped his words.

“I have no intention of staying at your house. Send the materials to my

house, I will investigate them and get back to you.”

Caesar had a surprised expression on his face, but Lee Won knew
immediately that it was a hoax.

"Are you kidding me? If you put everything in your little house, you'll
have to sleep in the hallway."

It was a tone that seemed to look even at Lee Won's house. Maybe it
was. Lee Won, who had suddenly thought about it, furrowed his brows.
I hope not. Caesar continued talking to Lee Won, who was slowly
suppressing his reluctant suspicions.

“I can't believe I lived in a house like this for 7 years. Why don't you
move it somewhere else?"

Of course, you can get a bigger pension for a similar price. But Lee
Won had a reason why he couldn't give up.

"Because every home has its own bathroom."

At Lee Won's response, Caesar smiled as if he was ridiculous.

"Of course, that is."

Most of the apartments have shared bathrooms and toilets. The reason
why I have never moved since I irst came to Russia is because my
friendship with my grandmother was precious, but the private
bathroom was also a big plus. However, Lee Won had no intention of
explaining it to Caesar.

"Of course not."

Instead of a lengthy explanation, Cesar frowned at the one word he

inished in no time.


He seemed genuinely surprised, unlike before. Caesar, who was

arguing with all kinds of common sense, found out that there was
something he didn't know, but Lee Won wasn't too happy.

Maybe this man won't know for the rest of his life. Feeling bitter, he
suddenly remembered a few years ago when all the bathrooms in the
building froze and everyone in the apartment complex panicked.
Thanks to that, the grandmother collected money in each house and
built one more shared bathroom and toilet.

The shared bathroom kept at a constant temperature did not freeze in

any cold, but on the contrary, when severe cold came, everyone in the
building had to run and stand in line to wait for their turn. Thinking of
the bathroom, where an accident always happens once a year, Won Lee
I'm glad it's not frozen yet.

"Then I will travel to your house, so leave the data alone."

"You are going to travel?"

Caesar repeated Lee Won's words again. He nodded brie ly, then stood

“I go to work from 9 am to 5 pm. Lunch will be provided.”

Lee Won, who made a simple condition, added.

"Come back tomorrow. Let's go then."

After a brief greeting, Caesar looked at him.

"I can't go looking for you every day."

To Caesar, who spoke with his eyes narrowed, Lee Won replied with an
expressionless face.

"Okay. I'm going to take the train."

For a moment, Cesar made a strange expression.

"I'm sorry. There is no streetcar that comes to my front door. If you

want, I can make a station for you."

"Okay, I'll take care of it."

As Lee Won spoke, Caesar shrugged his shoulders slightly. How to do
what you like. Lee Won, who looked at him with an expressionless face,
immediately turned around and walked out.

of the living room The butler, who had been waiting outside the door,
hurriedly followed him, glimpsed through the closed door.

you know, the.

Then Caesar took a cigar out of the humidor and smiled slightly.

I am looking forward to it.


The next day, shortly after 9 o'clock, Caesar left the mansion and soon
understood Lee Won's meaning. As he was about to get into the car, the
unpleasant sound of an old machine engine reached his ears. I gave up
trying to get into the car and turned my head to see a scooter receding
out of sight. Everyone watching from Caesar's side turned their eyes to
immediately follow him. With the eyes of the crowd of men ixed, the
scooter that was about to break down made a painful noise and ran
hard and arrived at the front gate of the mansion at exactly 9 o'clock.

In the suffocating silence, the man in the cheap suit removed his
helmet. Suddenly, I heard a small breathing sound from the side.
Caesar only looked at Lee Won, who got off the scooter without saying
a word. What the hell is that garbage? Lee Won said to Caesar who was
staring at him.

"It is nine o'clock."

And he walked past Cesar as if nothing had happened. In tension, Lee

Won walked proudly. Despite the open hostility of the Ruskis (pure
Russian people) towards the stranger, he showed no hesitation, much
less despair. When he stopped in front of the front door, the men who
were looking at him with ierce gazes seemed quite tired. Turning his
head, Lee Won looked at the butler with a calm face.

"Can you guide me?"

Confused, the butler alternately looked at Caesar and Lee Won. As if he

was worried about not having to see the owner go to work. Then
Caesar gave a brief order.

"Guide me."

"Yes, Tsar."

The butler quickly ran over to Lee Won, opened the door, and ushered
him in. Until that moment, Caesar had been looking at his back without
saying a word. Suddenly, a smile appeared on Caesar's face as he
watched Lee Won anxiously enter the room following the butler. At that
moment, everyone who was holding their breath stopped breathing in
complete surprise.

the tsar is laughing

It was the irst time he had seen his face, with his sour eyes softening
and a comfortable smile on his face. As everyone looked on in
amazement, Caesar immediately turned his head and got into the car.
Among them, the irst man to come to his senses quickly bowed his
head, followed by the other men as well. The sedan pulled out of the
garden with a soft engine noise, leaving behind the pale-faced men
bathed in cold sweat. Cesar, who was deeply sunk in his seat, did not go
through the humidor as usual, but silently immersed himself in his

he is a scooter

"It's annoying."

The man who was driving in the silence of the internal dialogue was
startled and looked at his face through the mirror. But Cesar said
nothing more.


"Welcome to."

The butler politely greeted Lee Won, who had left for work at the same
time as usual for several days. On the irst day of work, Won Lee
experienced irsthand that what Caesar had said was true. The material
is extensive, and if they had taken him to Lee Won's house, the hallway
would not have been enough, so he would have had to go outside to

As became clear during the investigation, the dead man had as much
corruption as the amount of wealth he had. There was nothing he could
say other than that something was really horrible, so I suddenly
thought that Lee Won deserved death. Mind you, he was soon coldly
immersed in his work, to the exclusion of his emotions.

Caesar left at the same time every day and didn't come back until Lee
Won got off work. What I was worried about had never happened yet.
The only time Lee Won met him

It was in the morning, and he was passing through the front door.
Thanks to this, Lee Won was able to focus on his work with ease.

"That's it."

Lee Won followed the butler's guidance on a path that he could take on
his own. The ine-eyed butler, unlike ordinary Russians, did not open
up easily. I always do my best on my mission, but that's about it. Of
course, all the men in the organization who openly show hostility
towards Lee Won every morning would be similar.

Is this man also Rusky?

Lee Won suddenly thought. Although there is a lot of terrorism and

con lict in Russia, the racial problem is also serious. Rusky and Russky
(commonly known as the people of all republics, including Russia)
often slandered each other and quarreled. It's just an ideal that all
mankind can get along with.

When she entered the mansion on the irst day, she could feel the
hostility towards him deep inside his skin.

She knew without even asking. That they are a group made up of only
Ruskis who completely exclude outsiders.
As an executive of such a group, he was a man who couldn't understand
the truth behind calling himself home to work. Fortunately, I never felt
any threat, but it was extremely inconvenient to go in and out of the
base in a group that was openly displeased. Even the butler who served
Lee Won did not hide that it was something he had to do by order,
showing his displeasure. Again following him as he walks with his
mouth shut except for the words that are absolutely necessary, Lee Won
vows to inish his work quickly and never come near this house again.

"So if you need anything, call me."

The butler, who guided Lee Won to the study, politely said and left. Lee
Won voluntarily opened the door and entered. The spacious study
room was cluttered with the materials he had messed up the day
before, so there was no mess. Using the empty space in Yongke's
documents as a springboard, he barely took off his jacket, put it down
along with his bag, found a seat and sat down.

Good today.

Lee Won, who picked up the un inished documents the day before from
the mountain of scattered documents all at once, immediately focused
on the typeface. It was a document that traced the process of the death
of a man's fortune. I have been holding on to this for three days
because of how big it is.

I will de initely inish it today.

Lee Won made up his mind and raised his eyebrows seriously.

The butler glanced at the closed study door, then moved again and
walked down the hall. It was time to execute the master's orders
received in the morning. With a disgusted face, he opened the door and
left the mansion. Not far from the front door, he left behind a
dilapidated scooter. The butler looked at him disdainfully.



Lee Won took a deep breath and closed the last page. My eyes were
stiff and I thought I was going crazy, but I managed to do it. Even the
highlighted part is quite a bit, but I got the information I needed

The question is how to legally obtain the property obtained as a result

of various corruptions.

The moment he raised his head, Lee Won blinked at the scenery he saw
from the window.

He obviously started when the languid sunlight came in, but now it's
completely dark. Startled, he hurriedly checked the time and froze. I
didn't notice because of the chandelier that brightly lit the interior of
the study, but it was already past midnight.


At the irst thought that came to mind, Lee Won jumped in

contemplation, but the result did not change. Although he was busy,
she skipped over the documents without disturbing them, and as soon
as she opened the study door and walked out, she bumped into him


Said the man who hugged Lee Won, who was about to fall.

You always throw your whole body at me.

When he looked up at the voice of laughter, there was Caesar with a

slight smile looking up at him.

Due to the impact, Lee Won was unable to react immediately. Perhaps
he was still puzzled by the unexpected situation. Still, he looked at
Caesar with a blank expression on his face and said nothing.

Suddenly, the smile disappeared from Cesar's face. Cesar's gaze was
ixed on his parted lips without realizing it. The gaze that looked at
Mulgeukmi Lee Won had lost its usual sharp light and softened
inde initely.

For a while they looked at each other like that, but didn't say anything.
They just stared at each other in such hushed silence that even the
blink of an eye could be heard.

Suddenly Caesar cocked his head. The arm that was holding his waist
gently pulled Lee Won, and the gently falling long silver eyelashes were
exceptionally focused in Lee Won's vision. The moment Caesar's breath
passed his gently parted wet lips, Lee Won snapped back to reality.

Caesar, who had been alert at Lee Won's hand, who re lexively pushed
his shoulder, let him go. The two looked at each other with surprised
eyes. Of course, the reasons were different.
Unexpectedly, Lee Won quickly opened her mouth, embarrassed by the
feeling of emptiness at his waist.

"A little, in a hurry."

Lee Won, who had stammered involuntarily, closed his mouth again. At
other times, the butler always indicated the time of return. Was he too
engrossed to hear it?

Caesar looked at him wordlessly as he frowned with a sense of

embarrassment. His hand stayed in the air after being pushed by Lee
Won. Caesar opened his mouth. It was then that he lowered his hand.

“You seem pretty busy. What will happen?"

Cesar's face, with a slight smile, was the same as always. Thanks to
this, Lee Won, who found the opposite sex, defused the situation for a
moment of re lection. It was clear that the train had already been cut
off. My eyes darkened as I thought of riding home on my old scooter.

Even now, several times, I barely moved and rode to a stop in the

He held back the sigh that came out involuntarily, but his problems
were solved in an absurd way.

He hurried out of the mansion, saw the scooter he had parked, and
stopped. The objects he knew were no longer there. Instead, what
used to be a 'signature scooter' has now become a 'scooter junk' and is
in disrepair. Lee Won stood there speechless as the ferocious warrior
on the scooter barely hung from the broken wheel that had collapsed to
such an extent that he couldn't recognize the shape of it.

"Hey, there must have been an accident."

Cesar said, following him slowly. He added negligibly to Lee Won's

suspicious look, immediately looking back.

“Maybe even a cat rode it. How about this?"

Cesar, who had delivered it like a line in a play, said with a bitter smile.

"I'll have to stay here until I get a new scooter."

Lee Won looked at him silently and clenched his ists.

This shameless mob bastard... … !

Lee Won felt his head boil at the tragic end of his only means of
transportation, which he had prepared with money he didn't have. He
wanted to go even on foot, but reason prevented me. Even if he came
out of the garden, there was no streetcar. He was jailed.

Lee Won, who was counting to settle his stomach, didn't release her ist
until he counted to 3,245 before looking back. When his eyes met,
Caesar blinked. Innocent as if he didn't know anything at all. Lee Won
endured his stomach boiling again and opened his mouth.

“Send overtime pay to his account. Do I have to tell you?

When asked sarcastically, Caesar smiled brie ly.

"No I know."

You know how many moles I have on my body.

Lee Won thought to himself and immediately entered the mansion.

The sound of Caesar's slow footsteps mingled behind the footsteps that
couldn't contain his anger and moved quickly.


He was calm inside the mansion. As if everyone in the world had fallen
asleep, not a single breath could be heard. Breaking the cold silence,
Lee Won's rough footsteps echoed. There is only one way to choose.
Lee Won returned to the study and frowned angrily.

Another step from behind was annoying. They were the footsteps of
Caesar. Unable to bear the sound of the comfortable shoes of the man
following him, he hastily turned his head.

"You have something to tell me? Why do you chase me?

At his high-pitched, nervous voice, Cesar opened his mouth with a face
not unlike his usual.

"How were things?"

Lee Won hesitated for a moment in embarrassment. A sudden feeling
of embarrassment arose, and he quickly turned his head and replied.


"I want to know the exact situation."

Cesar's request was natural as a client. Lee Won walked towards the
library with his mouth shut.

After the door opened, Caesar stood up at the scene unfolding in front
of him. He just stared at the loor without saying a word, as if he didn't
know where to put his foot among the piles of papers. Ignoring the tall
igure behind him, Lee Won voluntarily stepped forward and walked
past him.

Lee Won, who was used to stepping over documents like a bridge,
looked at him. Caesar stood there frowning, pushing the papers away
with the toe of his shoe and walking over to where Lee Won was. After
a few slow steps, Caesar faced Lee Won. For now, Lee Won is the only
one with his neck stretched out and looking at him, looking at him with
a feeling of disgust and opening his mouth.

"Sit down, we'll talk from now on."

Caesar let out a short exclamation as he pushed the papers off the sofa
in front of him and made a place to sit.

"I lived. I thought I would have to be on my feet for a long time."

Lee Won looked at the ground and pointed.

"If you step on that paperwork, I'll have you lie down for a few days."

Caesar barely escaped from the papers that had been placed where he
was about to set foot. Caesar, who came to the seat that Lee Won had
made, looking for an empty spot, sat down and let out a heavy sigh.
Ignoring his shake of the head, he took out the documents that Lee
Won had prepared.

"I'm reading right now."

When Caesar accepted the document that was handed to him, Lee Won
quickly turned his head to ind the one he was looking for among the
many documents lying around.

“This is a related document. This too."

Without hesitation, Lee Won quickly found the documents he wanted

and immediately handed Caesar a stack of documents.

“First of all, the main thing we will ight against is real estate there. If a
lawsuit is iled for this, the other properties will also be traced. Do you
want them all?

Caesar put the papers on his lap and looked at Lee Won.


Lee Won replied nonchalantly.

"The ight will be long, dirty and hard."

It was then that I suddenly felt that there was a different meaning
hidden in Cesar's words. Cesar spoke again with a slight smile.

“What if not everything?”

This time, Lee Won answered easily.

"You will suffer less than having it all."

Caesar did not answer easily. I thought he was thinking of making a

decision, but he was wrong. Caesar looked at Lee Won with a strange
expression and asked.

"It seems you don't have the con idence to get it all."

Lee Won silently frowned. Lee Won opened his mouth to Caesar, who
was watching what kind of answer he was going to give.


Caesar blinked in surprise at the unexpected response. Lee Won

continued to speak with an expressionless face.

“I cannot afford to waste time putting off a grueling trial. I will only
work for as long as it takes."

At that moment, Caesar's eyes narrowed and the corners of his mouth
twitched as if he knew.

"Just long enough for Nikolai's trial, right?"


After giving the same answer this time, Lee Won kicked the documents
away with his feet and sat down.

“If you have any questions while watching, ask. I will do my job.

Looking to the side, Caesar took off his jacket with an indifferent face.
The way he was sitting on the couch in his best suit and rummaging
through the documents was enough to tell anyone he was dry.

When I saw that, I got quite upset. For some reason, I felt as if he had
taken a seat to no purpose. My stomach churned when I was upset.
Rubbing his stomach mindlessly, he later realized that he had been
starving all day today. Realizing that, he got angry again.

Why the heck did this happen?

At this point, he had to lie down in his own bed with a comfortable
body but a comfortable mind and fall into a comfortable sleep. But it's
not enough to look at the documents all day, so the scooter breaks and
it's like being locked in the house. Plus, I was so hungry I felt like I was
going to pass out.

It was better not to know. When I realized that I had been starving all
day, I felt like crazy. I'd even bring some chocolate. Regrets washed
over me, but I was really hungry, so I couldn't even ask for something to
eat, even if I died. Lee Won gritted his teeth and chose to keep his pride
to himself. When you put force into the eyes and open the material.

gurgling gurgling-.
In an instant, he hardened into that state. The sound of Caesar
shuf ling the papers stopped at the same time. I felt Cesar raise his
head. Pretending nothing happened, Lee Won took off the shichimi and
pressed on his stomach. In silence he held his breath and gave her
strength, but reality did not follow his expectations.

Curl, Curl, Curl... … .

At the sound of thunder that echoed one after another, Lee Won
realized the fact that reason was nothing against the power of instinct.
Caesar opened his mouth on Lee Won's face, which had been
mercilessly distorted.

"By the way, I'm hungry."

Unexpectedly, he brought up the subject without a hint of sarcastic

sarcasm as usual.

"Wait, let the chef cook something."

Seeing Caesar ready to stand up, he quickly stood up.

“Why do you wake up a sleeping person?”

Caesar looked at Iwon like he was weird again.

"It's your job to make food whenever and wherever you want."

Lee Won resisted the groan that he was about to let out. However, the
sound in his stomach continued despite his will. He said irritably as he
brushed his hair loose.
“Okay, leave him alone. I'll keep it simple."


Cesar asked, seemingly unexpected. Lee Won asked instead of


"Where's the kitchen?"

Caesar looked at him as if he was going to follow him. Lee Won

followed him with a disgusted face and followed him.

Like a big mansion, the distance to the refrigerator was long and far. I
felt like I was going to starve on the way to the kitchen. Lee Won cursed
the mansion enough to be ignorant as he cursed inside. After walking
for a long time and barely reaching the

kitchen, which was big enough to it the entire house and of ice where
he lived, Lee Won sighed deeply. Caesar, who entered irst, stopped and
looked back.

"Wear what you want."

Seeing him speak slowly with open arms, Lee Won leaned on the table
and looked around the kitchen. There was a splendid kitchen that was
hard to see even in my imagination. All the kitchen utensils were
French or German, and all the knives and forks were silver and the
cutlery was old.
The most surprising thing was the fridge. The several giant
refrigerators that took up an entire wall of the wide and spacious
kitchen were enough to marvel at just looking at. Lee Won took a step
and went to the refrigerator. Anything that can be eaten right away is

When he thought of instant noodles in Korea, which could be easily

eaten in 5 minutes, the gates of heaven opened in front of Lee Won.

The refrigerator was illed with enormous amounts of meat and ham.
There was beef and pork, as well as lamb, beef, and turkey. However,
what surprised Lee Won the most was the price of the meat.

Every time he went to the supermarket, expensive meat that he

couldn't afford was piled up like a mountain there, just looking at her
with longing eyes. The memory of wandering like a hyena in search of
cheap meat in a cramped home shone in his mind like a lashlight, and
for a moment, Lee Won completely forgot that he was imprisoned in the

Caesar gasped as he stared at the piled meat, lost in his ecstasy, the
refrigerator door wide open and not moving.

"Is there something you need?"

He looked like he was going to slaughter a cow right in front of his eyes.
Lee Won looked away from the sky and back at Caesar. For the irst
time, Lee Won looked at Caesar with his eyes shining like stars.

"Can I use everything here?"

Caesar was startled. Lee Won looked at him with a happy smile on his
face. With a smile that bloomed brightly like a lower, her long eyes
curved like a crescent evoked an erotic imagination. Caesar was taken
aback for a moment and subconsciously nodded his head.


As soon as the permit dropped, Lee Won opened his mouth and smiled
brightly with a smile on his face. Leaving Caesar behind, who simply
stared at him with wide eyes, Lee Won suddenly turned around and
began to gather meat at a terrifying speed. this, this, this, this and this.

When Caesar came to his senses, the counter was already full of meat.
Finally, Lee Won took out a huge ham and closed the refrigerator door
with a satis ied face. Holding the ham in both hands, he looked around
and drew a large knife in front of Cesar. Lee Won, who looked at the
sharp silver blade with a happy face, put the ham down on the empty
space and immediately took the knife.


The severed blade struck his chin in the middle of the ham, and he
stopped and didn't move. Lee Won frowned and cut the ham harder
with his hands. But the blade was embedded in the thick lesh and did
not move.

What the hell is this for?

Lee Won was upset and grabbed the sword handle with both hands,
and a long arm suddenly stretched out from behind. I involuntarily
turned around and saw Caesar looking at him with a strange
expression. Without saying a word, Caesar let go of Lee Won's hand
that was holding the sword and picked up the ham. Then, as Lee Won
watched, he took the giant ham and put it into the machine without
saying a word, and pressed the button.

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh.

The machine began to move back and forth with a monotonous sound.
Soon after, slices of thinly sliced ham were piled up in front of us. As
the ham piled up, Caesar pressed the button again to stop the machine.
He reopened the cupboard, took out a plate, and served it to Lee Won
with the heaped ham.


Lee Won, who was embarrassed by what he had done and awkwardly
accepted the plate, spoke as if nothing had happened.

"I will do only mine."

Cesar spoke casually, as if he had already expected it.

"As you like."

When Lee Won looked at him, he moved over, pulled out the
refrigerator, and started looking for ingredients. Lee Won soon turned
around and opened cabinets and drawers here and there to ind the
desired tool. Caesar returned to his seat without saying a word as he
saw him bustling behind him.

maybe it was a mistake

I cut the black bread without thinking, but it's empty! There was a dull
sound. When I turned my head, I saw Lee Won cutting up a large piece
of meat in an instant. To his surprise, instead of cutting the meat, he
dumped it into the pan like a lump. When Caesar blinked, Lee Won
casually turned around and this time cut another piece of meat into
pieces. And the meat was thrown into the pan as it was.

He was busy walking around, cutting up all kinds of meat and throwing
it into the pan, but Cesar had an idea. Caesar told Lee Won, who
received the black bread he cut and handed it to him.

"You should add vegetables."


Lee Won simply refused. César did not give up, distributed his
tomatoes and spoke again.

"Put this on too."

"Because it's already done."

Again, at Lee Won, who refused this time, Caesar frowned.

"You will regret it."

"I will not do it."

After saying this, Lee Won cut another piece of meat and threw it into
the pan. Caesar made no further recommendations and turned her
attention to his sandwich.

Lee Won, who picked up the overcooked meat one by one with tongs,
looked back and tilted his head. What, it's not ripe. Without giving it
much thought, he put the meat back on and lit the pan.

He suddenly wondered about Caesar. He never had a ire. The burner

was generous, but somehow he was worried, so Lee Won looked at him.

Unexpectedly, Cesar was familiar with the kitchen. He shredded the

lettuce by hand and left her. The size of a lettuce, all divided into equal
sizes, Lee Won inadvertently pierced it and

he saw. Meanwhile, Cesar cut the round ham and placed it on top. Lee
Won inadvertently admired the appearance of laying a round tomato on
its side and cutting it into thin slices.

It was an unexpected look. Who in the world can imagine Cesar

cooking while he's standing in the kitchen? Plus, he's so smart.

For the irst time, Lee Won felt Caesar's lickering light from more than
just his appearance.

Caesar, realizing that Lee Won was unintentionally staring blankly,

raised his head.

When his eyes met, he smiled and said.

"I'm good at using a knife."

He cut the tomatoes like crazy. Caesar held up a paper-thin tomato and
smiled brightly at the red tomato.

"People can cut like that."

Lee Won soon agreed with a sullen face.

"Of course."

Turning around as if he was convinced, Lee Won was soon focused on

his cooking again. The prime meats that were randomly placed were


After a while, the two of them, faced with a completely different type of
sandwich, didn't say anything for a while. Cesar's sandwich was
delicious to anyone who looked at it. Cesar looked away from the
healthy, well-proportioned plate with just the right amount of
vegetables and just the right amount of meat, and opened his mouth

“… …I thought I would be good at cooking.”

Subtle expectations were shattered. The ham was not a mistake.

Caesar, who was looking at the unfamiliar food in front of Lee Won,

"What did you do?"


Lee Won responded as if it was natural. If a sandwich is a sandwich

with food ingredients sandwiched between the bread, you're right. It
could even be called a sandwich. However, Caesar's expression was not
so bright. The sandwich he thought of was 'a plate with the right
ingredients in between the bread'. It wasn't a 'properly sandwiched
unidenti ied object' like the one Lee Won made.

No, it wasn't 'nothing'. To be precise, it was an unidenti ied object with

meat stuffed between the buns. There were no vegetables. It was just
meat. Beef on black bread, pork on top, ham on top, turkey on top, ham
again, beef again, pork again, ham again, and so on again, and inally,
black bread came out again. It was just a meat sandwich, meat, only

"Is this human food too?"

Lee Won said proudly to Caesar, who asked Caesar with a disgusted
look at the precariously stacked pieces of meat.

"It's the same once you get on the boat anyway."

Lee Won opened his mouth. I felt like I was going to starve. Take a bite
and eat the rest on the go. In an instant, I could see the meat of the
sandwich, which he had lifted in advance.

"It's not ripe."

In response to Caesar's restraint, Lee Won said insigni icantly.

"Originally, the meat should be rare."


There was no time to say 'It's pig'. Lee Won took a big bite and asked.
if this is Juicy that spreads in the mouth, smooth texture, tasty inish,
and the taste of meat that spreads through the nose... …


Lee Won stopped chewing and looked at the sandwich. The taste of the
meat that illed his mouth was completely different from what he
expected. The half-burnt, half-ripe meat rolls and slides into his mouth.
The various meats that had gathered here and there turned into lumps
and stuck together, and the mistakenly cut bone fragments rattled
between the teeth.

… … Wow.

For a moment, his stomach seemed to drop, but the moment he

brought his hand to his mouth, Lee Won saw. Caesar's face looking at
him from across the table.

He narrowed his eyes and looked at Lee Won. As we will see if they
really eat it. Lee Won could never spit out what he ate in front of him.
It was hot and the lump chewed in his mouth. Lee Won slowly chewed
the meat and picked up the plate. Caesar followed him wordlessly as he
walked out of the kitchen with his sandwich as if nothing had

What he said was not wrong. Lee Won thought. I simply overlooked
the fact that food has to pass through the mouth before entering the
stomach. And I realized that even if I'm so hungry, food that doesn't
taste good doesn't taste good.
Lee Won, who walked through the spacious house and returned to the
studio, was now dizzy and hungry. But he couldn't eat his sandwich. At
that moment, a loud roar came from inside the ship. It looked like they
were protesting when the heck the rice was coming.

Even expensive meat cannot be eaten like this.

With a contorted face, Lee Won slowly began to chew on the sandwich.
The objective was to reduce the time in the mouth as much as possible,
but it was not easy. I felt like I was crying out for something to eat in
my stomach and crying out in my mouth that I didn't want to eat this.
Lee Won pretended to look at the documents and frowned.

Caesar was eating his sandwich, regardless of the anguish of the two.
As his strong jaw moved slowly, there was the sound of crisp
vegetables. Lee Won barely swallowed the saliva he was illing up
trying to silence the sound. It was better when there was no food.
When I smelled the sweet sandwich, I felt my intestines twist. Caesar,
who had been watching until now, opened his mouth to Lee Won, who
was holding back his anguish through clenched teeth.

“Aren't you eating? The quantity is enough.

At the slight invitation, Lee Won calmly declined.

"Okay, I have it too."

He didn't have much con idence in what he was saying with the
sandwich he didn't even talk about anymore. Still, Lee Won stubbornly
ignored him and opened the documents. Caesar made no further
recommendations and began to eat the sandwich on his own. Lee Won
wanted to ix his gaze on the documents, but the guy no longer caught
his eye. All attention was focused on Caesar's sandwich re lected in the
edge of his ield of vision. Carefully swallowing his saliva without
realizing it, Caesar opened his mouth.

"How many taxes are behind this land?"

At the sudden question, Lee Won reluctantly raised his head. Cesar's
hand was empty as if he had eaten them all before he knew it. He felt a
sense of regret along with the thought that he was lucky, but he
pretended not to know. Lee Won put down the sandwich he was
holding without wasting any time and found the material with more
haste than usual.

Caesar, looking at the number, reached out and picked up the sandwich.
Staring at the document, Lee Won gulped involuntarily as he watched
him cut and bite into the bread, then quickly turned his head. Again, my
stomach hurts and I frown, but Caesar suddenly drops the papers.

"I'm tired. See you tomorrow."

He got up hurriedly and padded out of the study with his jacket
hanging on the sofa. Lee Won stood motionless and pretended to look
at the documents until the sound of the library door opening and
closing was heard.

For a while, Lee Won stood still. The study room was silent and no
sound could be heard. After Caesar left, all that was left was Iwon and
the sandwiches.

I listened carefully, but there was no sound of footsteps. He got up,

opened the door and looked out into the hallway. Not a single ant was
to be seen in the quiet mansion. After carefully examining the
surroundings, Lee Won closed the door again, turned around and
looked at the plate.

Just then, a violent howl leaked from his stomach and he quickly
clenched it.

He returned to his seat and sat down, facing forward. There were two
types of sandwiches left. One of the plates was made by himself and the
other by Caesar.

… … Because everything remains

The reason was enough. Lee Won hesitantly reached out his hand and
brought it to one of the plates.

Unfortunately, the chosen one was not his. Lee Won's lips parted
hesitantly and Caesar's sandwich went in.

The irst thing I smelled was the sour smell of black bread. The
fermented lavor commonly felt in black bread, enjoyed by Russians,
was familiar, but curiously it stimulated the appetite. As soon as you
bite into it, the rich lavor of the food spreads in your mouth. At the
same time, the crisp texture of the vegetables stimulated the tongue
and the soft meat of the fresh raw ham melted in the mouth.

She opened her eyes involuntarily. It felt like an orchestra was playing
in my mouth.

I could not believe it. Why is it so delicious?! Lee Won put down the
sandwich he was eating, opened the bun, and checked inside. It was
just an ordinary sandwich.

Is it because you're hungry?

But still, what he did was something he couldn't possibly eat. Lee Won
looked at the sandwich with a frown. Lee Won, who looked
suspiciously at the exposed interior, immediately covered the bun and
brought the sandwich to his mouth. The crisp lettuce tasted sweet in
the mouth.

There were still plenty of sandwiches left. Even if one or two

disappeared, it didn't seem to be noticeable. Lee Won opened the
document and lipped through the font, chewing on the sandwich. After
a few hours, I felt my head spinning. He happily immersed himself in
the material and strove to stand out. Suddenly the huge sandwiches
disappeared into my mouth one by one.

stutter stutter

Lee Won, who had inadvertently stretched out his hand on the plate,
felt something empty and raised his head. For a moment, he widened
his eyes. The plate that had been full was soon empty. Lee Won looked
at the plate without saying a word for a while. I wanted to deny it, but
the feeling of fullness in my stomach told me that it was a reality.

He crossed his arms and looked at the plate with raised eyebrows. No
matter how much I looked, the empty plate was never re illed. Lee
Won's gaze lickered to the plate next to him. The sandwich he had
made was left untouched. Lee Won quickly reached out and opened the
bread. He moved the ingredients for the sandwich, which was loaded
with random meat, little by little to shape it, then re-covered the bread
and moved it to the next plate.

I do not want to do this

As I looked around with a frown on the sandwich, which looked sloppy
to anyone, I suddenly felt a strange look. Lee Won, who had
inadvertently turned his head, stopped looking at him. A tall man was
leaning against the study door and staring at him. With his platinum
blonde hair lowing naturally and a scratchy shirt, Lee Won realized
that he did not go to sleep, but he came to change his clothes. Lee Won,
who hadn't said anything for a while, opened his mouth.

"I will add a condition, but if you work overtime, you must provide a
night snack."

Cesar said with a small smile.

"What else do you need?"

Lee Won immediately turned his head.

"Not at all."

He pretended to be indifferent, but he could tell himself his ears were

burning. I can't do it because I'm hungry. Lee Won thought, ixed his
gaze on the documents, and walked away from Caesar.

Caesar, who had been silent for a while, stirred and headed for the
couch. Suddenly his bare feet came into view and he felt him ind an
empty seat on the couch and sit down.

Lee Won silently pretended to concentrate on his work without saying

anything. There was a slight smell of body shampoo. Of course, the
source was very clear. Considering that he wanted to raise his head
involuntarily, Lee Won forcibly gathered his scattered attention.
I stared at the font, but couldn't igure out the meaning until I read the
same line over and over again. As he carefully read each line and
highlighted the highlights, he could barely regain his former
concentration. Suddenly, Cesar cupped his chin with one hand and
looked at him, who had been frantically absorbed with a deep wrinkle
etched into his forehead.

When the butler, waking up at dawn, carefully opened the study door,
he witnessed an amazing sight. It was the look of the emaciated lawyer
scanning the documents, and the owner looking at him like that.
Incredibly, Caesar looked at Yi Won and smiled slightly.


The weird sunny weather seemed to continue, and then the clouds
started to form again.

As the suspicious dark clouds gathered and prepared to snow again,

people bustled down the street with restless steps. The centrally
located building stood tall, overwhelming the people passing by. It was
quite a sight to see people frolicking around the gloomy building. The
feeling of looking at them from the top loor was incomparable to
anything. But today, Tutchev did not behave well.

"What do you mean the tsar is bringing foreigners to his house?"

To the high-pitched voice, the person who made the report responded
with a suffocating voice on the phone.
"It's called a lawyer and I'm in charge of Berdiaev's work."

"Is it Berdiaev's business?"

“That, the land. other property.”

Blood ran to Tuchev's swollen cheeks.

“Did the Tsar really say he was going to get it? Are you going to go toe
to toe with Lomonosov!?”

The man on the other end of the irritated voice responded with a lot of

“Looks like that. Also, the lawyers are quite tenacious.”

Tuchev took a deep breath and wiped the thin top of his head with a

"why… … It's hard to stimulate Lomonosov more than this! Isn't that
enough, leave the organization's advisers alone and use a blue foreign
lawyer to carry out the job?

Also, you are doing things your way without giving any information to
the executives! What the hell are you doing? You got to this point, what
did you do? Why didn't you report earlier?"

“I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It's more about monitoring the situation and
giving a report… ….”
As if in front of him, Tuchev spat out abusive language at him, who
urgently bowed his head and apologized. His mind was illed with
dissatisfaction with Caesar. The boy did not like it from the beginning.
The heir to the great Russian thoroughbred organization hangs out
with foreigners.

After all, he is in no position to take over the organization. Tuchev

thought and opened his mouth.

“Find out what these guys are doing right now and report it. Find out
how far Verdiaev got, to whom the lawyer belongs and how far he
knows, and what the Tsar is arranging with that lawyer, and report it!

"it's ine."

The other party who responded in a hurry continued to speak


“I, by the way, the lawyer… …Because I'm too jealous, I sleep in the
study and eat in the study. I used to commute to work, but now I sit in
my mansion and work all day, so I can't get any data... … .”

At his stammering words, Tuchev gritted his teeth.

“If you are so passionate, it is even more dif icult!”

Tuchev continued to speak as he walked through the of ice.

“Somehow, get the information. Either convince the lawyer to talk, or

threaten him, use his head anyway.”

He got angry and stopped walking.

"If it does not work".

Tuchev's voice sank further and his small eyes glittered.

"Get rid of the lawyer."


The restaurant was silent. There was no noise other than the
occasional footsteps of the butler bringing the empty plate and bringing
out the food, and the occasional clanking of plates. In the silence that
followed, Lee Won carefully cut the meat and popped it into his mouth.
Since he is a steak since morning, he would have been surprised at
other times, but today he was an exception.

Is this meat from yesterday?

The taste of the meat he ate the day before was completely different.
Lee Won admired and deeply tasted the inest steak, which was
properly grilled and split with fragrant juice in his mouth. Caesar drank
wine slowly and looked at him like this. Lee Won, who had been eating
the entire time without saying a word, suddenly opened his mouth.

"What happened to my scooter?"

Caesar's hand as he raised the wine glass to his mouth stopped. Caesar
casually said to Lee Won, who was using a large piece of steak in half.
"It's not easy to ind a scooter that looks exactly like this."

A vein of blood rose on the side of Lee Won's forehead. Lee Won, who
took the cut piece of meat with a fork, put the steak in his mouth
without saying a word. Caesar, who was drinking wine lightly, put
down his glass and smiled.

"The show schedule at the Bolshoi Theater has changed, how about

When Lee Won looked at him, Caesar continued.

"They said it was a nutcracker."

Lee Won asked with an expressionless face.

"Does the trial end when I see the Nutcracker?"

Cesar said still smiling.

"No, it has nothing to do with it."

Lee Won put the last piece in his mouth as if he knew. After clearing
the plate, he wiped his mouth with a napkin and stood up. Caesar
spoke again to Lee Won, who was about to leave.

"It would be frustrating if I stayed home."

Lee Won looked at him indifferently and replied.

"I came to work, not to play."

As he was about to walk past Caesar, he suddenly saw a basket full of
bread in sight.

Seeing the bread as good as the steak, he reached out without

hesitation. Caesar stared at him wordlessly when he saw Lee Won's
back as he walked out with a piece of bread in hand. with a slightly
disappointed expression.

As he walked straight to the library, Lee Won frowned.

What the hell are you thinking, boy?

The more he thought about it, the more ridiculous he became. Are you
asking for a kiss or deliberately destroying the scooter? With my
current attitude, the scooter would never come until the job was done.
Also, being an executive of a group formed only by Ruskey, he dragged
me to his work and now he has me inside the house. I don't know why
on a scale of one to ten. It wouldn't be strange at all if one day a
subordinate shot and killed him.

The truth is that he cannot be trusted. If Cesar loses interest in the

middle and withdraws his hand, all his suffering will be in vain. As long
as he's still interested, he should somehow take advantage of the
opportunity here as well. The conclusion was already clear.

I'm going to use all my concentration and get this job done in no time.
Lee Won, who had already made up his mind, took a big bite of the
bread in his hand and took a quick step forward. He made a rough plan,
assigning the job in his head.

If you are fully immersed in this task, you can inish it in the next few
days. With that thought in mind, Lee Won opened the study door. The
calculation wasn't too bad. However, there were obstacles that Lee
Won had not taken into account.



Lee Won's efforts were in vain as he heard a knock as he was about to

concentrate on paperwork. As soon as he frowned and raised his head,
the study door opened and a red rose appeared. It was Cesar who
brought lowers.

"It is said that the morning rose blooms for its beauty."

Caesar gave Lee Won a lower and smiled. As if there was any certainty
that Lee Won would happily accept it. But the only thing he returned
was Lee Won's cold gaze.

that guy is crazy

Caesar asked Lee Won, who coldly turned his head instead of receiving
the lower.
"Don't you like roses?"

Lee Won was still looking at the documents without saying a word. But
it wasn't so easy to concentrate on work. Before an obstructor who
insists on doing it and interferes with the work. Caesar continued.

“It's strange, it suits you perfectly. Even things with thorns... ... Or
maybe you like acacia?

After all, acacia is more useful than roses. Because you can get honey…
… .”


Lee Won noisily closed the papers and raised his head. His face,
looking at Cesar, was contorted with disgust.

"What are you doing? Here. What time are you doing this? Aren't you
working? Aren't you going?"

When I pinched Cesar, who went out every day at the same time, Cesar
responded calmly.

"It's a job, you can do it at home."

He did not end there. Caesar turned to the couch, found an empty seat,
and willingly sat down.

Lee Won blinked in surprise. This troublemaker has now completely

calmed down and has sat down. Feeling the rush of stress, Lee Won
shuf led the papers in annoyance.
Since the owners have already moved to stop the persecution, it is
painful to ind out who the rightful owner is. Lee Won ignored him and
tried to focus on his work, but again, Caesar didn't leave him alone.

"The document I saw yesterday, where is it?"

Saying nothing, Lee Won reached out and picked up a stack of papers.
Before Caesar could use it again, Iwon placed it on his lap irst. I kept
my mouth shut and looked back at the highlighted part, Caesar said.

"Work is good, but sometimes it's good to take a break."

Lee Won did not reply. Cesar kept talking.

“Follow your free path as your free soul wishes to go, demanding no
reward for your noble deeds.

The reward is yours… … .”

Caesar laughed brie ly and added.

"Pushkin is always good."

"If you want to write a poem, go out and write it."

Cesar said, unable to contain his irritation.

"Should we go together?"

"Because I do not like".

Caesar laughed.

"It would be funny."

This time he didn't say anything. I tried to ignore it, but without
realizing it, I stopped talking. Lee Won promised to remain silent again
and ixed his gaze on the documents. Where is the case law that can be
used in this case? Other times I found the things I needed right away,
but this time I couldn't think about it. Of course, it was because of that
man in front of him.

Caesar was now humming to Arya and lipping through the documents
Lee Won gave him. He just tries to disappear even though he is one of
those. Inwardly, Lee Won hoped that it would be so. I'll kick you out
right now

He was taking care of Caesar from time to time and handing over the
documents curtly, but Caesar put down the documents and looked at
Lee Won. His gaze looked at him as if he wanted something, but Lee
Won lipped through the documents with complete indifference.

After looking like that for a while, I heard a bouquet of roses that Cesar
had brought. He was choosing a red rose with beautiful buds, he picked
one up and took it out. Suddenly, Lee Won's vision saw Caesar leaning
towards him.


A rosebud lightly hit Lee Won's head, and at the same time, Lee Won
yelled in anger.

"What are you doing!"

The pent-up irritation exploded and Lee Won immediately threw it
away. But what happened next was unexpected.

A sharp sound resounded. Lee Won's eyes widened in surprise. Cesar,

who had been authentically slapped, was wide-eyed in surprise.

The two looked at each other for a while. Neither the one who hit him
nor the one who was hit were stunned and did not move. Caesar's
cheeks slowly turned red and Lee Won's handprints slowly began to
appear. It was Lee Won who came to his senses irst.

"Im sorry it was not my intention".

It was a mistake, but I slapped him in the slap. Caesar was still looking
at Lee Won blankly, as if he was still lost in the impossible. He without
even thinking of hugging his slightly swollen cheeks. It was the irst
time Cesar's face was so stupid. Seeing his devastated appearance, Lee
Won made up his mind.

"Hit one."

It was an eye for an eye and a cheek for a cheek. Lee Won looked at
Caesar and closed his eyes. He ignored Caesar's hand, which he had
looked at before closing his eyes. I decided to forget for a moment the
shape of his elegant long-boned hands, but at the same time, the
strength I felt and his deft knife handling as he made the sandwiches
the day before. However, he didn't forget to clench his ists and grind
his molars hard.

He wasn't used to being hit in the face. But, I hope this ends sooner
rather than later. He lifted his chin as if urged. He foresaw that a large
hand was about to slap him across the cheek, but unexpectedly, Caesar
didn't slap him. He was just staring at it. I wish he could do it sooner.
Lee Won blinked his eyes closed in tension.

César, who was looking at his long, ine and trembling eyelashes,
inclined his head.

With a sudden sigh, something sweet touched Lee Won's lips. He

stopped at the unexpected sensation. But that moment did not last
long. The moment the gently touching lips sucked on Lee Won's lower
lip, Lee Won immediately clenched his ist.

With a resounding snap, Caesar this time grabbed the opposite cheek
and stepped back. It was the next time Lee Won yelled.

"What are you doing now!? I said hit me. Who wants to kiss me?"

Caesar naturally laughed at Lee Won, who was angry.

"I thought I should kiss you to close my eyes and stick my face out."

As Lee Won twisted his face in disbelief, Caesar said, pointing to his
new footprint.

"Can you kiss me a second time now?"

At Caesar, who willingly bowed his head, Lee Won immediately

clenched his ist. I punched him without remorse, but this time he
didn't get hit. Caesar, who easily escaped, grabbed the wrist of Lee
Won, who had missed hitting him, and pulled him close.

When Lee Won was suddenly taken away, Caesar unexpectedly laughed
out loud.
Unlike Lee Won, who immediately frowned and raised his head, Caesar
averted his eyes. His gaze turned to Lee Won's clenched ists in his
hand, and Caesar's lips lowered behind him. When Lee Won was
startled by the light kiss, Caesar looked up and looked at him.

"I guess I got paid for this."

With those words, Caesar let go of Lee Won's hand. Caesar smiled
slightly at Lee Won, who had unintentionally quit, and immediately
turned around and left the study. He stared at the silently closed study
door for a moment. By the time he realized that he had suffered, it was
already too late.

"What, that boy!"

Lee Won spat out abusive language and kicked the papers on the
ground. But soon regret returned. In the eyes of others, it was a mess,
but the documents that had his own order scattered all at once.


He collapsed to the ground, his face contorted, a groan of pain boiling

from deep in his throat. As he quickly reassembled the papers, my
stomach continued to boil. Anyway, let's count it as a trade from time to
time. I was the one who hit you irst. He tried to rationally convince
him, but his distorted face couldn't straighten up.

He never knew. The situation has already been resolved, so why do I

keep getting so angry? Lee Won, who had inadvertently rubbed his lips
with the back of his hand, suddenly stopped moving. The warmth that
had brushed his lips met the warmth that remained on the back of his
hand. Another vibration seemed strangely transmitted to his heart,
which was beating with belated anger.

From early in the morning, the bustling noises continued. Lee Won,
who suddenly woke up to the sound of footsteps, was puzzled by the
unknown landscape that appeared before his eyes, but he soon
understood. This was not a guest house in an old apartment complex.
In a spacious and luxurious room worthy of a grand mansion, he sat
down with a feeling that he was not yet familiar with.

The interior of the room full of old fashioned furniture was dated and
too luxurious.

The pottery scattered here and there seemed to be several centuries

old, and the oil paintings on the walls were also signed by an artist they
had heard of somewhere.

Lee Won wasn't particularly interested in all of that, but the bed was
different. The mattress, the sheets, and even the thick comforter were
indescribably soft and comfortable, as if lying on a cloud.

That's why the rich eat in bed.

Lee Won got up from the bed after convincing himself. I'll be back
soon, but it's hard to get used to a bed like this. Thinking so, he looked
down at the bed regretfully.

Footsteps were heard again. When I stepped forward and looked out
the window, I saw a family sedan at the ready. It seemed that Cesar was
about to go to work. Lee Won, who looked at the fast-moving men in
black suits, thought of something.

Occasional snow blanketed the black sedan's window with a scant

mist. The sky was making a face and it looked like it was going to rain a
lot of snow soon. Caesar looked up at the sky and moved without
hesitation. The black-robed men standing in two rows bowed their
heads at him at once.

Caesar walked to the car, expressionless as usual. Snow and feet lew
one by one over the thick, rich fur coat that gradually faded from white
to black from shoulder to foot.

The man, who had stood still, opened the back door of the car and
Cesar bowed his head.

After Caesar got into the car, the man who got back into the driver's
seat started the engine and the door that had been locked suddenly
opened. When Caesar turned his head, Lee Won, who quickly went
upstairs, closed the door and said.

"Leave it on the road."

Speaking nonchalantly, Caesar frowned as he stared straight ahead.

what do you mean?

Lee Won opened his mouth with a suspicious look.

"I'm not leaving until I'm done. I'm going to buy a book."
To Caesar, who said nothing, he said hastily:

"What are you doing? Come on."

Caesar turned his head and blinked through the mirror. The organizer,
who was looking nervously, hurriedly started the car. Behind the
smooth-running car, the men of the organization followed in line.

The car left the mansion and entered the road with the snow gradually
thickening. Lee Won, who was looking out the window, opened his
mouth as soon as the sedan was about to head towards the crowd of
passing cars.

I'll get you out of here.

He said before getting into serious traf ic jams. Caesar asked, as the
man stopped and looked back through the mirror.

"Where are you going? I want you."

“You said you were going to the bookstore. Okay, I can catch the train
from here. Could you stop for a moment? I get off here.

Caesar said nothing to the request he made directly to the man driving
the car. As the man had no choice but to stop the car, Lee Won put on
his coat collar and headed out onto the road.
I saw vans lined up behind the stopped sedan. I was about to look
away and head to the train station, but suddenly I felt a strange
presence. Lee Won looked back and stopped looking at him.

Following him, Caesar got out of the car and looked at him with a
straight back. The door of the truck that stopped with him opened and
the men ran out, racing in front of him. The sight of those rushing
through the gradually thickening snow and leeing screaming and
running was re lected in my vision. Lee Won blinked in embarrassment
and looked at Caesar.

Is there anything to do nearby?

Looking at him puzzled, Cesar held out what he was holding in his
hand. It was Shapeka.

"Walking down the street without a hat is dangerous."

Caesar spoke in a calm voice and placed Shapka on top of Lee Won's
head. Of course, Lee Won was also well aware of the harsh cold in Buk-
gu, where he couldn't survive without a shapeka and a fur coat.
However, I was unable to use the Sharpka because he was wearing a
helmet while he was riding the scooter. Of course, the scooter is now

Caesar put his Shapeka on Yi Won and watched him silently. Lee Won
realized the power of natural hair that was soft and warm enough to
admire. Shapka, soft and light, incomparable to his own, gently
wrapped the damp hair around his eyes and feet. He was only wearing
a hat, but it seemed that the cold had eased a bit. Lee Won said without

"Thank you. I'll return it to you when I get home."

Anyway, Caesar will be in his own car, so he'll be ine. When Lee Won
thought about that and said thank you, Caesar smiled slightly.
Suddenly, Lee Won realized that the snow that had fallen on his
shoulder had thickened considerably. Even with a fur coat, it's hard to
withstand North Korea's strong winds. However, Caesar was willing to
put his hat on Lee Won. Lee Won felt a strange feeling and looked at the
man who had relented Shapka looking at him with white eyes.

Caesar raised his hand. Long-jointed ingers gently brushed past Lee
Won's eyebrows.

The drops of water that had formed in the lying snow fell on Caesar's
ingers. Lee Won, who had been staring at him for a while, decided to
inish greeting him soon.

If I go, Caesar will get in the car too. Lee Won just opened his mouth,
but Caesar spoke irst.

"Where is the station?"

Lee Won responded to the calm voice without much thought.

“It's right there. So I just… ….”

After a light wave, Lee Won bustled forward. Suddenly, he heard

footsteps behind him. Without a second thought, Lee Won continued
towards the tram station.

It wasn't long before he thought it was strange. It was because the

sound of men's shoes itting together like an army kept haunting him.
I hope not.

Even though he had a bad feeling, he refused to look back. I just

thought it was an illusion. But the sound of footsteps coming from
behind was very clear. Unfortunately it wasn't one. Lee Won hesitated
and looked back. And at the same time he saw. Cesar following him
and dozens of men in black coats following him.

"Why are you following me?"

Lee Won, who arrived at the station just in time, turned around and
asked. As Lee Won stopped walking, Caesar also stopped walking, and
the men chasing him stopped as well. Contrary to Lee Won's look with
a frown on his forehead, Caesar said with a smile.

"I want to go with you."

Lee Won didn't say anything. He just looked at him with a puzzled
expression. The people waiting for the train were contemplative and
looked at them. He wanted to ask what she was doing, but he didn't
want to make a fuss in the street. If you were someone who would
listen to you just because you were talking about this and that, you
wouldn't have followed others like that in the irst place.

I'm an idiot who was moved by something like Shapeka.

Lee Won turned around with an angry face and got on the train that had
just arrived. Then Caesar followed him, followed by men in black suits.
After rush hour, the silent train was full of big men. Lee Won-eun
struggled to swallow the moan that was boiling inside him.
But that was only the beginning of the agony. As Lee Won took his seat,
Caesar stood next to him and the men immediately surrounded them in
a circle. At the same time, the members of the organization looked at
each of the passengers sitting on the seats with their sharp eyes
shining. Until then, the people who were talking on the phone or
speaking with comfortable faces here and there began to fall silent one
by one.

The young man who was listening to loud music in a strange

environment hesitated and turned off the machine. Soon the interior of
the train was as silent as a dead mouse. All he could hear was the rattle
of the train. It was when Lee Won inadvertently frowned.

"Your seat is empty, Tsar."

At someone's call, Cesar turned his head. At the same time, the men
parted all at once like the Red Sea, forcing its way before Caesar's eyes.
The owner of the seat, who had moved his hips involuntarily, became
contemplative in an unexpected situation and was forced to get up
suddenly. Caesar turned his head as the middle-aged guy stood up
crying and disappeared behind the men.

"Sit down."

Even though he had perfect manners that anyone could see, Lee Won
already knew his true identity. No, everyone on the train will know. No
matter how well decorated they are, the identities of a group of men
around them were very clear. Lee Won replied with a cold voice.


I refused, but soon changed my mind. At the same time, the chariot
swayed and stumbled wildly, and Caesar caught Lee Won. At the same
time, when Lee Won's face collided with Caesar's shoulder, Caesar
inadvertently took a step back. At that moment, the members of the
organization ran from all sides screaming.


"Tsar, are you alright?"

"Bastard, can't you drive straight?"

The interior of the train quickly became a mess. Watched by the sound
of one of the gang members yelling and frantically kicking the door, the
driver inally started yelling from inside, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." People
all over the place screamed and ran to the door, and after a while, when
the tram pulled into the station, everyone inside screamed and ran out.
Leaving only Caesar's group, including Lee Won, who stiffened from
the contemplation.

"Hey hey!"

Lee Won, who turned his head at the sound of a breathless cry, looked
at him. The image of a driver running out of the taxi and running
towards the street. Unfortunately, even the appearance of being caught
by a gang member and dragged back inside.


Lee Won turned his head at the sudden voice. Caesar looked at him.
With a smiling face that is no different than usual.

"How far should I go to the bookstore?"

Lee Won forcefully swallowed a moan that he boiled deep in his throat
without saying a word.


After passing a few stations, Lee Won was the irst to get off the train
when he reached his destination. Again, César followed him, followed
by the members of the organization. As soon as the last crew member
got off, the train ran frantically without any passengers on board. Lee
Won walked towards the bookstore without saying a word with a bitter

The famous bookstores in the city had as many books as size. The
bookstore, which is always full of customers, was quite full even in the
morning. After waiting for the man to come out, Lee Won walked past
him and immediately began scanning the shelves to ind the book he
was looking for. On other occasions, he would have enjoyed the daily
leisure of reading new books or buying a simple hobby book, sitting in a
separate seat in the bookstore, but that was not the case today. The
reason, of course, was the huge hump immediately following it.

Lee Won walked straight ahead, ignoring Caesar who was looking
around him. His purpose was very clear. Lee Won quickly looked
around the bookshelves to ind a place where law-related books were
stored, and then took out a few of the featured books and looked at the
contents. After choosing a few books, I turned my head to see Caesar.
Lee Won unintentionally looked around him and found him standing
not far away. To be precise, seeing a group of men dressed in black
erecting a barricade, Lee Won thought that Caesar would be there.
As expected, after a while, a platinum blonde head came out of her.

Then yes.

When I turned around, I heard a voice calling me from behind.

"Mr. Lawyer."

Hearing his voice echo in the quiet bookstore, Lee Won inadvertently
furrowed his brows.

As if why, as if he looked around him, Caesar walked between the men

who had parted at once.

"It's a gift."

With a smile, Lee Won looked at the book he held out to her.

「A dish that anyone can easily cook」

On the side of Lee Won's forehead, a blood vessel sprouted.

"I dont need."

After relentlessly exhaling, Lee Won immediately turned around. As he

recalled the shameful memories he had buried, my stomach swelled. If
it continues like this, it will be a feeling of ridicule for the rest of my life.

That was when I frowned at the word I had inadvertently thought of.
An employee who was cleaning the inside of the box saw Lee Won and
came out.

"Please count."

As Lee Won said and put down the book, the staff started to check the
amount one by one.

As I watched him silently calculate, a book suddenly fell from Lee

Won's head.

Lee Won's face, who had inadvertently picked up the book, was
contorted. Behind him, Cesar said.

"Along with this".

Cesar, who threw away the disgusting cookbook, smiled brightly. Don't
laugh like that at a subject that turns upside down! Lee Won thought to
himself and opened his mouth with a hard face at him.

"What the hell are you doing? I don't need it.

Cesar's reaction was unexpectedly serious.

"No way. I really need it. You're going to die of food poisoning one day."

Seeing him shake his head with a smile, his bua tightened.

“Because it's already done. I've had a good life so far. I will never see
anything like this again."
“Life is more precious than pride. Seriously reconsider.”

“It's in stock and it's noisy. Please return it.

“I looked it up and it looks pretty good. These are dishes that even a
beginner like you can make.”

"Because I'm going to bring it... … !"


Lee Won, who was getting angry at the sudden interruption, stopped
and turned his head. The staff looked at them with expressionless

"It's 1,324 rubles."

Lee Won pushed aside the envelope handed to him by the clerk and
quickly took out the wallet from it.

Hey? 1,300? Lee Won, who handed over the money, tilted his head at
the number that was different from the calculation he had made. When
he received the bill that the clerk handed him along with the change, he
immediately turned his head to check the inside of the envelope. and
he saw The book “Cooking that anyone can do easily” proudly shines
Lee Won radiated a seething irritation from his body and stormed
through a dilapidated alley with few people. In the envelope in hand,
there were several useless cookbooks along with the law-related books
they were intended for.

Why do I have to spend 480 rubles on a book that I will never read?

Furthermore, this useless book was outrageously expensive for a

subject with only a few pages. The thickness is less than the thickness
of a inger, how dare you say that the price is the same as the law code?

It was when he trudged, erasing the growing resentment again. César,

who was following me, spoke to me.

"If you study just one page a day, you can also escape the danger of

When Lee Won looked at him with fearful eyes, Caesar smiled brightly

"It's tragic to shop and die after eating your own food."

Would you like to experience the misery of being beaten to the edge of
a cookbook?

That's when I looked at the hardcover cookbook and thought.

Suddenly, children ran from inside the alley screaming. With no time
to escape, they were surrounded by children. Looking at the dirty faces
and old clothes, Lee Won soon realized that they were street kids.
Foreigners and the rich are good targets for them. beg or pickpocket It
was when Lee Won tried to stop them seeing the children who were
screaming and running, wiping their eyes and bending down to clean
their shoes.

Suddenly, Caesar mercilessly hit the boy who had run towards him.
The slender body of the boy, who had been unable to eat properly and
was poisoned with drugs, could not even scream and lew away. Lee
Won was shocked by the unexpected situation and stiffened. I didn't
even have time to scream at what he was doing. Caesar immediately
took the Glock from his arms and put the gun to the forehead of another
boy who had grabbed his coat. Lee Won, who had become
contemplative, widened his eyes, and the frightened children screamed
and ran away.

At that time, Lee Won had hardened as he was. The impossible was
happening before my eyes. Caesar looked at him without hesitation, a
gun to the boy's head. The goosebumps that he had felt earlier ran all
over Lee Won's body. A man with no expression on his face as he
pointed a gun at such a small child relentlessly. A face that doesn't feel
laughter, anger, sadness, or any other emotion as he takes someone's

His face expressionless and frozen, Caesar pointed his gun at the boy.

There was a click and the safety of the pistol disengaged. At that
moment, Lee Won realized. This man would pull the trigger without


Belatedly, Lee Won yelled and interrupted the two. In an instant,

Caesar pointed his gun into the air and a ghastly shot split the air.

Unknowingly, Lee Won covered his ears. His eardrums seemed to be
buzzing, but Caesar didn't respond. Rather, he just looked at him with a

"What are you doing? You almost hurt yourself.

"What are you doing? You're trying to shoot a child!"

As Lee Won yelled with one ear covered, Caesar didn't say anything.

"You touched me."

“What about that?! What the hell are you thinking of pointing a gun at
something a kid did!”

Caesar kept looking at Lee Won with an unconvinced face. It's like he
doesn't know why he's so mad at himself.

"I don't know why you criticize me. I just did what I had to do."

"Shoot a child?"

At Lee Won's harsh voice, Caesar coldly asked.

"What's different about a child?"

Lee Won was speechless. It was the irst time that he, who is a lawyer
who makes his living with words, was speechless. However, Caesar
didn't give Lee Won time to collect his thoughts.

"If that's all you have to say, get out of here now."
Caesar aimed his gun again. This time, he intends to shoot the boy.
Surprised, Lee Won unknowingly wrapped his arms around the boy
and stepped back. I tried to tell him to run away, but it was impossible.
Lee Won quickly turned his head to look at the boy and saw that his old
pants were soaked through. The boy froze without crying and only
urinated. It was impossible for the child to escape. Lee Won bit his lip
and looked Caesar in the face again.

"If you want to shoot like that, shoot me."


Caesar paused and frowned. Lee Won looked directly at him and said
in a high-pitched voice.

"You can not understand? If you're going to shoot this guy, shoot me
irst! I even hit you

It is not like this? According to what you said, he would be summarily

executed. Why don't you shoot?"

Caesar looked at him without saying a word at the sullen voice. Lee
Won was sincere. Even if he pulled the trigger, it was clear that he
would never avoid it.

A heavy silence passed between the two. Caesar standing with the gun
pointed at the boy, the boy frozen, Lee Won looking at Caesar as he
blocked the distance between the two, and none of the organization
members watching them spoke.

The heaviest snowballs landed around him with a rattling, rattling

As the gang members held their breath and watched them, Caesar, who
was looking

Silently at Lee Won, he lowered the gun. At the same time, the boy
swallowed hard and ran off in a panic. After con irming that he was
running away, Lee Won turned his head again.

Caesar had the gun he had just held in his arms. The strength was
released from Lee Won's shoulders. Anger was next. The moment he
opened his mouth to say something, Caesar glanced at Lee Won's back
and then suddenly moved. Unconsciously lustered by the unexpected
action, Lee Won hurriedly followed him and moved his gaze from him. I
had a terrifying thought that he might be shooting a running kid, but he
was wrong.

Cesar leaned down and pulled something half-buried out of his eye.
When he turned around, Lee Won knew the identity of 'something'. It
was the book envelope that Lee Won threw away. Cesar, who picked up
the books that had been thrown away in an urgent situation and wiped
his eyes, raised his head. He willingly walked over to Lee Won and
handed him an envelope. What he did next was completely unexpected.
Lee Won was speechless at Caesar's subsequent words and expression.

“You can't lose this. A book that will save your life, right?

Caesar spoke quietly and smiled at Yi Won. Faced with the sudden
change, Lee Won simply stared at him. Before long, he was back to the
usual Caesar of his. With the face of him teasing Lee Won, he scratched
his stomach and laughed loudly.

Lee Won couldn't adjust to the terrible feeling of separation. If it

wasn't for the faint smell of gunpowder that still lingered on the tip of
his nose, he had changed so much that he believed he was dreaming
with his eyes open. How could this be? How could a topic that was
about to kill a child change so suddenly? Lee Won felt dizzy and

“You, you… … Are you alright?”

At Lee Won's question, Caesar tilted his head.


Lee Won couldn't contain his emotions and yelled.

“You mean you don't feel anything when you do that to a child? How
can you be so carefree? No matter what you call the mob, how can a kid
like that be so shameless with a gun pointed at him? … !”

Lee Won's voice, which had been shouting, had calmed down. Still,
Caesar was looking at him with a strange face. There was a moment of
disappointment. I felt like an idiot for being angry.

No matter what you say, this man doesn't understand.

Lee Won also knows that you shouldn't show any sympathy for street
kids. However, what Caesar did was not simply a sanction. For him, life
is really nothing.

even if it's a child.

As he closed his mouth without saying a word, my phone rang. I heard

an urgent phone call, and one of the members of the organization came
and reported it.
“Hey, Tsar. A car is waiting nearby, what should I do?

When Caesar turned his head, sedans and station wagons were
standing in a row with lashing lights on. Caesar nodded and turned his
gaze to Lee Won.

"Are you coming back? Is the business over?

Lee Won, who hadn't spoken up until now, opened his mouth to Caesar,
who quickly held out his hand.

"I'm done. Go alone."

Caesar frowned. Lee Won exhaled harshly with his voice cracking.

“Can't you hear the people? You told me to go alone.

Lee Won violently grabbed the envelope Caesar was holding and
turned around. Caesar didn't dare catch Lee Won seeing his back as he
walked away from him. Lee Won could feel Caesar's gaze looking at
him. But I didn't look back. After all, the man will never know why he
is angry.

Suddenly, the wind blew and Lee Won inadvertently put his hand to his
head. He felt smooth and soft natural hair. I belatedly remembered
Cesar putting Shapka on his head. Even then and before that, Lee Won
only looked at Caesar like that.

But he is wrong.

Lee Won walked and walked again, feeling an extreme sense of

disparity from his hidden appearance, which he had never known
before. Suddenly, thick snow piled heavily on his shoulders.


It was late at night when Lee Won returned to the mansion. He walked
from the bookstore to the house, as well as up the wide garden path
from the gate to the mansion. Caesar looked down through the
window, as he had just come home after a few hours. After a while, a
member of the organization following Lee Won knocked on the door.

“There was nothing special. just walking... … ."

Caesar nodded at the brief report. The organizer soon bowed his head
and left the room. Cesar took out a cigarette and lit it. He inhaled the
bitter smoke into his lungs, but the complicated feeling didn't go away.

What the hell did I do wrong?

I thought about it several times, but couldn't igure it out. Caesar just
did what he had to do. Those who stumble are eliminated. Why do you
have to be different just because you're a boy? Why are you so angry?

Caesar raised his eyebrows and inhaled the smoke again. Thoughts
came and went, but no answer came.

The entire world was covered in white from the snow that had fallen
overnight. The noise of snow removal was heard in the morning, but it
was still snowing. Lee Won got up at the same time as usual and
headed to the table.

As expected, Cesar sat down irst at the table. Hearing the sound of
footsteps, he turned his head, looked at Lee Won's face, and
immediately smiled.

"He is snowing again."

Caesar shook his head as if he couldn't. Lee Won went to his seat
without saying a word and sat down. Unfolding the napkin and picking
up the bread, Cesar opened his mouth.

“It has become dif icult to go to work. I will have to work from home
for a while.”

Caesar continued talking to Lee Won, who was still speechless.

“It is said that if you add salt, the snow does not accumulate. … .”


Suddenly, Lee Won interrupted Caesar's words. When Caesar saw him
smile, Lee Won said with a blank face.

"I'm not in the mood to talk to you."

That was the end. After giving a cold warning, Lee Won quietly puts
the food the butler brought into his mouth, but he no longer opens his
mouth. Caesar, who was looking at Lee Won with a hand on his chin,

"Are you going to stay in study hall and work?"

As expected, Caesar didn't pretend to listen to Yi Won. Instead of

replying, Lee Won silently put the food in his mouth.

“Picking the roses in the greenhouse… … .”

Before Caesar could inish speaking, Lee Won put down his napkin and
stood up.

"I really enjoyed the food."

Caesar looked at Lee Won, who left without saying goodbye to the
butler. The butler, who was cleaning the empty plates, looked at him
and asked.

"Why are you there?"


Caesar said.

"I dont know."

You really don't know, man.

Lee Won thought with a frown. I have no idea why he was so angry. So
I guess you're just kidding like that.

He could never understand a man named Caesar. Why is it that a man

who is pointing a gun at a child without hesitation can laugh, joke and
talk about himself in such a way? It is clear that he is cold-blooded
without blood or tears, but he smiles as if he is not in front of him. He
was an unidenti ied man. Lee Won was upset by Caesar's actions.

It is best to hurry up and go home.

Remembering his resolve, he hurried into the study.


For several days, Lee Won stayed in the library struggling with the
documents. The reason why he was so attached to his work that he
admired himself was because he wanted to get out of this mansion as
soon as possible. And he wanted to end my life without ever meeting
this Caesar again.

I ate as much as I could in the study and slept as little as possible. It's
like turning on the lights and working.

As planned, the meetings with Cesar were reduced. At best, that was
all they found as they ate or walked down the hall. If it hadn't been for

César's need to stay home after several days of snow, we would not
have met.

Caesar did not change at all. When their faces met, they made a silly
noise and touched Lee Won's insides. Lee Won, who was upset at irst,
soon changed his demeanor to ignore him. He always wanted to
pretend that he didn't know, but the reality was that he didn't.
Unfortunately, Caesar was a customer.


Lee Won looked at the documents with a frown. There he detailed how
and to whom the ownership of the land under development was
transferred. No matter how much you checked the documents, the inal
owner was unknown. It was known that it was owned by the former
mayor, but the truth was different. In the current situation, it was more
accurate to say that he did not belong to anyone. A market that is in a
state of large tax arrears is more likely to report reducing its wealth as
much as possible. If so, did you change his name to another?

Contemplating, he immediately grabbed the papers and rose from his

seat. It was time to go see Cesar.

Leaving the studio, Lee Won suddenly realized that this was his irst
time visiting Caesar. Looking back, he always felt like he had appeared
in front of Lee Won before he called out. As if he had always been there,
like the air.

Lee Won, who was walking with a strange feeling, ran into a butler
walking from the other side.

"Anything you need?"

He responded to the butler who spoke to him irst.

“Yes, perhaps Caesar… … Do you know where the Tsar is?

When he inadvertently called out his name, the butler made a strange
expression for a moment. Lee Won quickly changed his name to Tsar,
like everyone else, and then asked. The butler quickly changed his
expression and responded nonchalantly as usual.

You are in the private room. Go to the end of the hall on the irst loor
and you'll ind out.

"Thank you."

After a brief greeting, Lee Won turned around. Roughly remembering

the inside of the building in his head, he immediately remembered what
kind of place it was. When Lee Won entered the mansion at Caesar's
request, it was the irst place he was guided to.

There was no sound in the quiet mansion except the sound of his own
footsteps. The entire wall became my ears, and I even felt as if I could
hear the sound of my own breathing. Lee Won, who was walking with a
strange creepy feeling, inally reached his destination.

A glass wall exposed the interior with no seepage. The private room,
which seems to have subtly compromised the boundary between the
garden and the mansion, was thus part of the mansion as well as part of
the garden. If it had been in an area where the sunlight was a bit
stronger, it would have been enough to sunbathe.

He involuntarily glanced at the loor and noticed that a pair of slippers

had been knocked over. He knew who he was without asking. Lee Won
took off his slippers and entered through the sliding glass door as well
as the wall.

The feeling of silence was still there, but for some reason, I felt
comfortable here. Maybe it's because of the trees and bushes that make
it feel like a corner of the garden even though it's inside the mansion.
The soft grass under his feet silently swallowed the sound of Lee Won's
footsteps. A cocoon could be seen hanging from the ceiling above the
fallen branches. The chair, which seemed comfortable as a caterpillar
crouched in an egg, was half turned towards the binary, unlike the irst
time I saw it. At that moment, Lee Won realized that it was a cocoon-
shaped chair.

Cesar, who lay comfortably on his long, tall body, slept with a book on
his chest.

Lee Won abruptly stopped walking when he saw him half lying down
with his long bare legs dangling haphazardly and the other leg on a
chair with his eyes closed.

The emotion that was close to the shock of seeing it for the irst time
was revived. A man whose entire body shone like a light. It was still
the same today. No, now he seems to be shining brighter than that. If
an angel really exists, he must have been this man.

Lee Won stood there and looked at Caesar. As he moved my gaze along
the silver hair in the light, the contours of his shadowed face were
clearly revealed. Lee Won was able to see Caesar's face in detail for the
irst time. The lashes on the slanted side were shaded and shimmered
with gold, while the side that received the light was silver.

His soft hair swayed slowly gold or silver in the sunlight. His lips,
which were usually sarcastic or scratched at Lee Won's insides, were
now closed, revealing a well-groomed mouth.

Lee Won inadvertently walked over and took it to Caesar. Suddenly, he

wanted to touch his hair. The elegant golden waves shimmered brightly
in front of them. As he gently reached out and brushed his hair,
Caesar's eyes widened.


At the same time, a loud sound rang in my ears. It was then that I
realized the situation. Caesar, who suddenly took out the Glock, looked
at Lee Won with cold eyes. Instinct reacted before reason. Lee Won felt
his entire body freeze and he stopped breathing.

Only then did he realize that Caesar was pointing a gun at him.

For a brief moment, there was a suffocating silence. Caesar's

expression, which had been looking at Lee Won with an unrelentingly
cold face, suddenly changed.

"It must have been a disaster."

As usual, with a smile on his face, Caesar with his gun ired, pushed
Glock into the back of the chair and said.

"From now on, say my name to wake me up, because I might regret it."

Cesar, paying little attention, rose from his chair. The chair suspended
in the air was slowly swaying back and forth like a swing.

"I was shocked, I thought you would never speak to me for the rest of
my life."

His slightly sarcastic comments were the same ones Lee Won was
familiar with. At that moment, Lee Won found the opposite sex and
opened his mouth.

“I have something to check. We can speak now?"

"Does it work again?"

Caesar frowned in disappointment, then shrugged.

“Let's talk while drinking tea. Follow."

Following Caesar who turned irst, Won Lee continued on. As soon as
the sliding door opened and he stepped out into the hallway, a cold
silence enveloped him. I felt as if I had been suddenly thrown from a
warm bed onto a rough street. With a strange sense of disparity, Lee
Won slowly followed Caesar's back as he walked alone.

Among the many rooms, Caesar led us directly to a small tea room.
Although small, it was much larger than Lee Won's boardroom, but
considering the size of the mansion, it could be said that it was quite

"So what are we talking about?"

Waiting for the butler to drop the car and drive off, Caesar asked. It
was no different than usual. It was as if he didn't know anything about
the fact that he had just pointed a gun at Lee Won. The memory of
Mogol being momentarily shot by a shot aimed at him felt like a dream.

But it was reality. The goosebumps that still hadn't subsided was
telling Lee Won about it. He again he realized. After all, the mob is the
mob. Lee Won thought and opened his mouth in an extremely serious

“It is the land that Senator Zhdanov and the former mayor touched
together, but the title is different.”

Lee Won willingly mentioned the fact that he had inferred. Cesar, who
had been listening in silence, opened his mouth.

"So, are you trying to ind the person who borrowed your name?"

Lee Won nodded and continued.

“We will have to investigate, but that person is the lead. If possible, he
should persuade them to testify. If everything goes according to plan, it
will be a great help for the trial.”
If all goes well, this will be over soon. Caesar didn't say anything to Lee
Won, who had come up with a solution. He was just looking at Lee
Won's face. Thinking if further explanation was needed, Lee Won took a
bite of the cookie that was placed with the tea and continued.

“Perhaps the methods are all the same or the same. Once he inds out
about this land and inds the person with the title, he starts looking for
that person. If I ask if there is a similar example and keep chasing after
it, another land… ….”

"I'm afraid?"

The sound of crackling and chewing cookies suddenly stopped. Lee

Won looked directly at Caesar. Cesar with a somewhat desolate look
stared at him. Lee Won was still chewing on the cookie with an
expressionless face.

"What do you mean?"

Caesar responded quietly to the calm voice.

"You're protecting me."

Caesar, who at other times would have been spinning or sarcastic

about it, unexpectedly asked directly. In contrast, Lee Won had nothing
to say.

"It's nothing special."

Lee Won added quietly.

"I thought the mob was the mob."

Caesar looked at Lee Won sadly. Caesar, who hadn't spoken for a while,
asked again.

"Are you still mad that I pulled a gun on you?"

"Anyway, you don't understand."

added Lee Won.

"How I don't understand you."

The two looked at each other in the still silence. It was Caesar who
spoke irst.

"I don't like that you walk away from me."

Lee Won frowned and asked.

"It doesn't matter what I think of you."

Caesar looked at Lee Won wordlessly and opened his mouth.

"Because I'm interested in you."

Lee Won stopped at the unexpected words. Blinking his round eyes, he
remembered the past. Asking for a kiss with papers as bait, taking
someone to his house on request, destroying a motorcycle and inally
putting him in jail.
"Is that what you were interested in?"

Thinking about it, I got upset. Caesar didn't respond to the provocative
raised gaze. As usual, he didn't smile lightly or make a useless noise,
and he didn't scratch Lee Won's insides. He just looked at Lee Won
without saying a word. Surprised by his unexpected reaction, Lee Won
inadvertently raised his eyebrows. Caesar, who had silently stared at
Lee Won's face for a while, opened his mouth.

"Llamas in sight everywhere."

“Because you are tall.”

When Lee Won spoke as if it was natural, Caesar smiled bitterly.

Caesar, who was looking at Lee Won's face, held out his hand.
Involuntarily, he stopped. However, to Lee Won, who mirrored his
vigilance, Caesar silently touched his hair with his ingertips.

While Lee Won couldn't easily react to the unexpected action, Caesar
slowly moved his ingers and ran through Lee Won's hair. Lee Won was
surprised by the unexpected action. Caesar's gaze was ixed on Lee
Won's face, and he could see him lifting his body. Slowly and slowly so
that Lee Won wouldn't be surprised, he leaned across the table. He
approaches him silently as if talking to himself, but with an in initely
soft face.

Caesar whispered in his ear as he put his hand in Lee Won's hair and
stroked it gently.

"I feel sorry for the men who look up to you."

The fuzz stood up at the low whisper in his ear. Lee Won was taken
aback by the unexpected encouragement and stopped breathing. A
warm breath rushed through my ears, and my heart started racing as if
it were going to burst out of my mouth. At that moment, Lee Won
jumped up and declared.

"I have to go to work."

After spitting out only his own words, he turned around and left the
room. Caesar's gaze ixed on his back seemed to sting, but he ignored it.

What are you thinking, boy?

Lee Won deliberately stomped his feet and walked down the empty
corridor. Are you suddenly saying the wrong thing or touching your
head? what do you mean?

The memory came back suddenly. Even the touch of the ingers that
entered Lee Won's hair, the silver-grey eyes that gazed at him, and the
low voice that whispered in his ear.

He felt his breath for a moment, and unconsciously grabbed his ear. My
heart was beating like crazy. I couldn't stand the heat on my body. Lee
Won immediately entered the room and slammed the door shut behind
his back.

playing with people

The more I thought about it, the angrier I got. But what made him even
angrier was his reaction. The ingers touching his hair and his low
voice kept coming to life. Even the soft breath that whispered in my ear.

The snow that had been falling for several days had barely stopped. It
was only after shoveling the snow all morning that the car was able to
drive through the garden. Lee Won, who fell asleep while immersing
himself in work late, woke up to the sound of wiping his eyes. That's
when I felt a bit relieved when I saw people who were busy going out
the window and clearing their eyes. Looking at the snowballs that
disappeared in an instant, he came out with papers to look at while he
ate his breakfast.


Lee Won, who opened the door without much thought, nearly collided
with Caesar, who was walking down the hall, head-on. Cesar was in a
rough out it because he had been home the whole time, but today was
different. He could see the butler with his coat and arms behind him,
fully dressed in his gray suit, just as he had seen him for the irst time.
Caesar smiled and said:

"Hey, I missed a precious opportunity."

Seeing him with open arms, Lee Won didn't say anything. When the
events of the previous day suddenly came to life, I burst into anger. Lee
Won tossed the papers he was holding at Caesar, who turned and held
out his arms to him. Caesar, who re lexively accepted the document,
was spat out by Lee Won.

"We'll go through all of that and talk about it today."

And Lee Won turned around and walked into the study room. Cesar's
laughter seemed to be heard behind him. He screwed up his forehead
in annoyance. What the heck is so much fun to play with other people?

After all, they are mobsters. Lee Won violently brushed his hair.


It didn't work until late afternoon. Lee Won had to go back and read
the same place several times while he delivered the documents. I
thought he had to be cool, but on the other hand, he was sure he
couldn't agree to that.

When things weren't going well, he made me nervous. I took on this

task to inish Nikolai's trial, but instead of looking for evidence, I was
wasting my time with endless paperwork.

How long do you have to keep doing this?

After hours of mindless repetition, he inally gave up and dropped the

papers. It should not be like that. I want you to cool your head a bit.

Shall we go for a walk after a long time?

Recalling the past few days when he was almost housebound in the
pouring snow, Lee Won got up excitedly. He stopped what he was doing
and went straight to his room through the door that communicated
with the study, took off his coat and left the room. At that moment, a
calm voice suddenly came from behind.

“Even if you need… … ?”

When Lee Won turned around, startled, the butler was standing there
looking at him as expected. It was hard for Lee Won to get used to the
appearance of the butler who appeared in front of him every time, to
feel like he was always being watched. Seeing the butler's thin eyes
looking at the coat, Lee Won said.

"I just want to take a little walk."

In an instant, the butler's eyes shone brightly. The butler opened his
mouth in a nonchalant voice at Lee Won, who was inadvertently

“Is that so, then wait a minute… … .”

He disappeared after apologizing, and when he reappeared, he had a

hat in his hand.

"If you go out, the Tsar told you to put it on."

Lee Won silently looked at Shapka, whose soft fur was thick. He
wanted to get it out because he didn't think it was necessary. But the
idea of walking through the snowy garden without Shapeka already
made me feel cold. After staring at him for a while, he thanked her
brie ly and put Shapka on her head.

"Are you going on a trip?"

At the butler's question, Lee Won was speechless.

"Yes… …perhaps. I'll be back in time for dinner."

When Lee Won added, the butler didn't say anything.

"The food will be prepared whenever you want, so feel free to come."

Lee Won eagerly nodded his head.

"That's ine thanks."

After leaving a light greeting, she left the mansion. The butler watched
with piercing eyes as he walked down the snow-cleared garden path.

His eyes, which were less clear under his feet, made a popping sound.
Lee Won slowly took a step forward, slowly spitting out the escaping
white breath. The garden was in initely spacious. I wonder if I could
get lost in this place.

However, the snow-covered white garden was so dramatic that it was

so beautiful that anyone who saw it would want to walk in this garden
at least once. However, as he looked at the wonderful and fantastic
scenery of snow-capped coniferous trees lined up towards the sky, Lee
Won was not impressed. The dizzying thoughts continued to move
from one place to another, and it was dif icult for her to calm his mind.
Lee Won, who had inadvertently pushed up the tilted Sharpka, stopped
his hand.

The long ingers stroking his hair suddenly came to mind. Lee Won
kept walking while keeping his eyebrows together. His mind was
inextricably intertwined with links between Nikolai's trial and
Berdiaev's denial.

His steps were getting slower, but he didn't notice. I tried to ignore it,
but the thought went back to the beginning. The silver gray eyes
looking up at him, the lips in a faint smile and the long ingers reaching
out for him.

For a moment, he subconsciously covered his ears, then frowned.

Why the hell do I have to think like that?

Lee Won thought it was strange that he was worried. It wasn't the man
who was upset, it was himself. He hated even getting angry at a man
who was obviously joking and making fun of him. A thick coniferous
tree came into view of Lee Won, who had inadvertently frowned. Lee
Won kicked him out of anger.

The old wooden post shook heavily with a dull bang. The problem was
the following. An ominous rumble resounded from above. A dark
shadow fell over him, and he involuntarily raised his head to see a large
mass falling on him.

100 million.

Before a scream could escape from his inadvertently opened mouth,

the snowball hit Lee Won.

Lee Won, who had collapsed on the ground, tried to let out a belated
groan, but this too was impossible. Lee Won hurriedly spit out the
snow that had entered his mouth and barely made it through the
snowballs that had piled up on him.

Molgol was already a mess. Sharpka was crushed by snow, his coat was
wet and he felt a chill run through his body. The bits of snow that still
remained in his mouth were crumbling along with the broken leaves.


Lee Won stopped kicking the tree again, but instead he raised his ist
into the air. He was so upset that he was about to explode. I get angry
for worrying about useless things, but I get soaked in the snow. Lee
Won abandoned the walk and turned around. As he returned to the
mansion with shrugged shoulders, he constantly spat out abusive
language with his bad teeth.

It's all because of that boy.

When I inally got back to the mansion, the sun was already setting.
After 30 minutes of walking, I was already hungry. Lee Won was
shivering with cold and walked towards the room at regular intervals.
Shall I ask you to prepare something to eat? First, submerge his body
in hot water.
He gritted his teeth and grabbed the doorknob.

It was then that I felt a creepy sensation. Something unpleasant felt.

Lee Won slowly turned the handle as he kept his eyebrows together. A
shuddering chill rushed through the air. He silenced the sound and
quietly opened the door. A familiar view of the room entered through
the crack of the door that slowly opened. and.

Lee Won frantically opened the drawer and saw the shadow of a
strange man rummaging inside. For a moment, he exclaimed in a high-
pitched voice.

"Who are you?!"

The man, who had turned on a lashlight and searched the room in the
darkened room, was startled by the raucous screams and quickly
turned around. Due to the thick curtains, the man's face could not be
seen, but it was clear what he was doing. The man, embarrassed by Lee
Won's sudden appearance, looked around and tried to run away. Seeing
him head straight for the door that led to the study, Lee Won didn't
hesitate and lew away.

"Bastard, where are you going?"

Lee Won, who grabbed his shoulders, hit his ist hard. The man
couldn't even scream and ran away. Lee Won immediately turned on
the light and tried to identify the man. However, as soon as he was
afraid to reach the wall, a round-shaped man grabbed Lee Won's leg.
With a loud noise, Lee Won crashed to the ground and soon after a
ight broke out.

Fighting in a dark room was more dif icult than having multiple
opponents. In a situation where they couldn't accurately ind and stab
the opponent's vital points, Lee Won and the man would throw punches
and kicks at each other, occasionally throwing them across the room.

The man was struggling to escape somehow. Frustrated, screeching

ists continued to graze Lee Won's cheeks and missed. As he avoided
his ist, Lee Won leaned over and kicked the man's shin.

The sound of bones colliding with precision was heard, and the man
screamed. Lee Won didn't miss the opportunity and walked up to the

Was when. Suddenly, the sound of a car engine was heard outside the
mansion. It was a mistake to stop without realizing it. The man did not
miss the opportunity and suddenly grabbed Lee Won's shoulder and hit
his temple with his elbow. For a moment, Lee Won gulped and sat
down. At the same time, there was the sound of a man running out of
the room frantically. Lee Won felt dizzy and wobbled on his feet.

“Bastard, don’t just stand there… …?!”

The moment he came out screaming and stammering, the bright light
in the room suddenly spilled out and Lee Won squeezed his eyes shut.

"Why? What happened?!"

The butler, who had rushed over, hurriedly asked. After con irming it
by voice, Lee Won closed his eyes and opened his mouth.

“Who… …Who hasn't seen a suspicious person? You should have left
my room.

“Yes? I haven’t seen anything like that… ….”

He stuttered in a voice with a hint of bewilderment. Lee Won grabbed
one of his forehead and let out a deep moan from deep in his throat.
Then came the sound of urgent footsteps approaching.

"What happened? What did you hear?"

“Wait, isn't it bleeding? Lawyers, put your hands on me.”

"Hello! Call the doctor, right now!"

Amidst the sudden chaos, Lee Won felt dizzy and sat down on the spot.
Belatedly, he realized that the hand cupping his forehead was wet. He
was the next to con irm the identity of the sticky liquid that wets his
hands. Lee Won barely woke up and witnessed red blood soaking at his
feet. Other voices mingled among the men who were making a ruckus.

"What are you doing now?"

A cold, familiar voice whispered in my ear. In an instant, the murmur

of the men disappeared and I could feel them bowing in unison. Lee
Won raised his head as he held the bloody wound with his hand. There
was Cesar with a surprised face. There was nothing like a normal smile
on his face as he looked at him as he stood in the same out it he had
seen in the morning.

Caesar, who had been silent for a long time with a pale complexion,
opened his mouth. For a moment, Lee Won watched. His expression
turned cold in an instant. It was the same face he had when he pointed
a gun at a child and at himself. Before Caesar opened his mouth, Lee
Won irst punched the player into talking.

"Someone broke in."

Caesar paused for a while before opening his mouth.

“… …Intrusion?”

Caesar's voice was calm, but Lee Won felt even creepier. He said he,
forcing the blood that lowed between his ingers over and over again.

“It would be good to check the surroundings irst. Because he just ran

When Cesar looked at him, a group of men quickly turned and ran.
Caesar saw that the rest of the group had scattered and began to search
the house, so he leaned forward and approached Lee Won.

“It would be better to get treatment irst. We'll talk later."

Although not very reluctant, Lee Won accepted the favor from him. He
was bleeding so much that he would get dizzy even sitting down.

He didn't want to be seen as stubborn and restless. As he stood up,

gently holding Cesar's hand, he was met by the butler, who had been
looking at them with a hardened expression until now. He immediately
bowed his head and said.

“I'm sorry, Tsar. This accident happened to a client because I couldn't

look around. We will make sure this never happens again. sorry."

Lee Won looked at him with a strange feeling as the butler, who had
always looked at Lee Won with wide eyes and a look of displeasure,
offered one apology after another with an attitude completely different
from his usual arrogant appearance. Caesar looked at him with a cold
face and opened his mouth.
“You will be responsible later. First of all, go into the house and see if
you don't see a suspicious guy."

"It's ine."

The butler immediately turned around and started walking. He bowed

his head and his face darkened.

"Go to my room irst."

Lee Won told Caesar that he was going to take Lee Won away.

"Wait a minute. Before that, I need to check my room irst."

Rejecting Caesar who continued to support him, Lee Won moved and
entered his room. The moment he entered the room, he wondered if he
had entered the study by mistake. Of course, it was the bedroom. Lee
Won slowly moved his gaze one by one with a frown.

His few personal belongings were scattered outside. He looked at the

boxer shorts half hanging in the drawer, and immediately pulled out the
drawer and turned it over. Ignoring the spilled underwear, Lee Won
checked the bottom of the overturned drawer. There was a paper
envelope secured with tape.

"What's that?"

When Lee Won took out the envelope, Caesar asked as if he was
surprised. Lee Won replied nonchalantly.

“I omitted important documents. I do not know what will happen".

Caesar, who had been waiting for Lee Won to check the contents of the
envelope, opened his mouth.

"What's missing?"

At Cesar's question, he closed the envelope again.

"It's okay, because this is okay."

Lee Won exhaled as if he was exhausted and sat up on the bed. It

cannot be said that it was a coincidence that a thief broke into Lee
Won's room in such a high-security mansion. It was obviously related
to the case that Lee Won was investigating. who the heck? While I was
silent in my thoughts, Caesar suddenly asked.

"You are very sick?"

Lee Won replied sarcastically.

"small. not a big deal."

His blood-soaked hands kept slipping. Lee Won pressed his temple
again and smelled something different, mixed with the smell of blood.
It was the scent of Caesar's Eau de Cologne that was faintly
transmitted. When I looked up, Caesar handed me a handkerchief. It
was the handkerchief

it was tucked into Cesar's suit jacket. Looking at him, Caesar took Lee
Won's hand and put the handkerchief into it.

He left without saying a word as Caesar placed his hands on top of Lee
Won's wet hands and squeezed them gently. Suddenly Cesar raised his
other hand. A hand that seemed to hesitate for a moment gently
stroked Lee Won's loose hair. Lee Won also left him alone this time.

Caesar's face, looking down at the two circles, returned as usual. Lee
Won looked at him again, feeling a strange sense of separation. Caesar
opened his mouth. What are you trying to say? When he suddenly
wondered, Cesar closed his mouth again. Instead, he turned his head
and changed the subject.

"Looks like a doctor is here."

At those words, Lee Won heard the sound of a car engine hurriedly
approaching among the voices of men talking here and there and the
sound of footsteps.


The entire house turned into chaos, and the violent footsteps and
screaming continued nonstop.

While receiving treatment with Caesar behind him, who was leaning
against a wall with his arms crossed without saying a word, Won Lee
sat quietly and didn't say a word. The bleeding barely stopped, but the
wound was so big that the doctor had to sew three or four needles into
the side of Lee Won's forehead with the medical kit he had brought.

"Won't it leave a scar?"

Caesar was the irst to speak to the bandaging doctor. The doctor was
startled and lost the Band-Aid. Thanks to this, the bandage wrapped
around Lee Won's forehead was leaking, and Lee Won, who quickly
grabbed the bandage instead of the doctor and ixed it, opened his

"You can think of it like having a tattoo."

"It's a bad hobby to have such a useless tattoo."

Caesar, who said indifferently, turned his gaze to the doctor with a look.
The doctor hastily cut the Band-Aid and answered.

“Okay, it'll be ine. Yes, it's not a big wound, yes."

The doctor, who was sweating profusely, inally inished the treatment
and grabbed his travel bag.

A member of the organization, who opened the door late, reported in a

quick tone.

"Tsar, I searched the house and garden, but there was no shadow of a
suspicious person."

Lee Won immediately looked at him with a frown. As soon as the

monster left, I immediately followed it. There was a gap, but it was a
short time. After that, the gang members came running, but wasn't he
there? Lee Won's expression quickly changed to one of reluctance.
Caesar asked the men about him.

"Is there any sign of intrusion?"


Cesar opened his mouth to the same answer.

"Did you see who it was?"

When Lee Won raised his head, Caesar was looking at him. Lee Won
shook his head.

“No, the room is dark…… I just thought he was a man with a rough
body shape.”

Caesar murmured as if to himself.

"You seem to be pretty good at escaping, too."

Lee Won said nonchalantly.

"I'll see how well you do when the same situation comes up one day."

Caesar smiled brie ly, then turned his head. The organizer, who had
been waiting until now, quickly grew lustered and bowed his head.
Caesar opened his mouth.

“Strengthen your guard. It's clearly your fault there's an intruder.

A scowl slid across Caesar's lips.

“An intruder entered the mansion. When I wake up in the morning, the
irst thing I do is look at myself in the mirror. We'll have to make sure
the head is attached."
The organizer quickly bowed his head with a hardened expression.

“Sorry, tsar! It won't happen again."


At Cesar's words, the members of the organization immediately closed

the door and disappeared. When the two of them were alone, Caesar
turned to Lee Won.

"The documents are intact and there are no suspicious persons."

"I can't believe I missed it."

As Lee Won frowned and mumbled to himself, Caesar narrowed his


"Yeah, that's weird."

Lee Won, who was deeply immersed in his thoughts, did not realize
what his unusually calm voice meant.


The morning was bright in a chaotic environment. Lee Won, who was
guided to another room instead of the messy room, tossed and turned
all night, fell asleep, and inally woke up.
When I came out, rubbing my swollen eyes, a man in a suit was
standing in the hallway.

there wasn't one. Seeing the men sporadically exchanging bloody

glances as they walked, he moved with a disgusted face. As usual, as
soon as he left the room, the butler following him immediately led him
into the dining room. In the stinging gaze of the Ruskis, he walked with
a straight back.

The irst thing he saw was the back of Caesar, who was sitting with his
back to Lee Won. The man who was standing next to him and reporting
something in a whisper saw Lee Won and immediately straightened his
back and closed his mouth. Lee Won was not in a good mood, but since
the situation was the situation, he pretended not to know and moved
on. As Lee Won sat down, Caesar, who was watching, opened his

"Security has been tightened."

I already know it. There were three or four men coming and going in
the corridor, and there were also men in suits standing in each corner
of the dining room. Lee Won began to eat with a reluctant face, feeling
that he was going to have indigestion. He made my heart ache to think
of these men wandering around the house all day. Caesar said to Lee
Won, who silently cut the bread and put it in his mouth.

“I don't want to make such an upset face. Security was tightened

because he was out of the mansion.

The interior of the mansion will be the same as before.

When Lee Won looked back, Caesar added.

"It's probably the work of an outsider, so there's nothing to worry
about as long as you make sure the outside of the mansion and the
garden are safe."

Caesar smiled as if he was ine now. Lee Won didn't laugh, but seeing
the men standing in a motionless posture, surprised here and there
without iltering, he came into view. Lee Won turned his head, feeling a
strange sensation, towards the face of Caesar who was smiling at him
without taking into account the commotion around him.


After Cesar left for work, as he had said, the men who had been
walking around the mansion disappeared in an instant. Instead, the
number of people guarding the outside of the mansion and the garden
seemed to have increased, but Lee Won was satis ied not to see them in
front of his eyes.

He must have been con ined to the study hall anyway, but he had no
choice but to be worried. Remembering what had happened in the
morning, he shook his head. If I imagined something like this every
time I left the studio, I even thought that it would be better for me to
stay inside until everything was over.

I shook my head as if trying to shake off my uncomfortable thoughts,

when I heard a knock outside. After waiting a while for an answer, the
door opened and the butler looked inside. He slowly pushed his face
inward, and when his eyes met Lee Won's, he seemed to pause for a
moment. The butler, who returned to his usual expressionless face,
opened his mouth.

"Take a break for a while."

Before Lee Won could speak, he brought out a tray and bowed politely.
I thought I would leave the car behind as usual, but today was different.
The butler placed the tray on the loor where Lee Won was sitting,
straightened his back and sat down in front of him. When Lee Won
seemed surprised by the unexpected action, he placed the teacup in
front of Lee Won. Lee Won was shocked once again.

Why is this person doing this?

It was dif icult for Lee Won to easily adjust to the sudden change in
attitude from him, who had always looked down on Lee Won with his
white eyes. The butler said with a blank face at the reaction of Lee
Won, who was only watching from afar.

"Yesterday, were you really surprised?"

With those words, Lee Won understood a bit. Did you come to watch
me because I was afraid of Caesar's reprimand?

Slowly, I heard the sound of tea being poured into the teacup. The
butler poured well-brewed black tea sparingly and placed it in front of
Lee Won.

“It's my fault that you even got hurt. sorry."

Seeing him apologize politely, Lee Won shook his head.

“No, thanks. There was nothing wrong with the butler. Fortunately,
nothing was missing… ….”

The butler smiled at Lee Won for the irst time. Lee Won said while he
was holding the tea that the butler had pushed him.

I will drink.

The butler nodded slightly in exchange for the recommendation. As

Lee Won took a sip of tea, the butler, who was staring at him, opened his

"I didn't expect a lawyer to be that good at ighting."

At the lightly given words of praise, Lee Won accepted the favor and
smiled face to face.

“It's just about protecting yourself. I was lucky."

At Lee Won's reply, the butler immediately said with a troubled face.

"Is there an item missing?"

Lee Won nodded.

“Yes, the important documents were there. I'm happy."

The butler looked at him with thin eyes.

"… … Is that so… … ."

Lee Won put the car in his mouth. Suddenly, I felt a bitter taste. Did
you drink too much tea?

When he thought of Cesar, who didn't much like the tea the butler was
preparing, his eyes suddenly clouded over. Lee Won blinked and drew
his eyebrows together. An eerie silence passed and the butler smiled.
His eyes aren't smiling at all.

Suddenly, I felt dizzy. There were two butlers in front of me. For a
moment he looked at his cup of tea. The brown tea vibrated weakly.

What's this... … ?

Lee Won, who was about to get up, fell back down. When I thought
about it, he had already dropped the cup of tea. The hot tea spilled
happily and spread over the papers.

Ah, that's why she didn't want to eat while he was working.

Suddenly he thought beyond his hazy awareness. Shortly after, his eyes
closed and he collapsed onto the paperwork.

The black sedan parked at the side of the lawn was silent with the
engine off. A suffocating silence also illed the car. Smoky cigar smoke
spread out behind the man who was holding his breath with great
tension. The man who was sitting in the driver's seat and listening
carefully was suddenly startled. Listening to the situation through the
headphones on his ears, she looked behind him through the rearview
"Tsar, the mouse bit the cheese."

After that, a long puff of smoke was heard. I could see the platinum-
haired man in the mirror in the room with a slight frown. Cesar, who
was sunk in his seat, smoking a cigarette, opened his mouth.

"Then let's go catch a mouse."

Where are you where are you? He must be here.

Igor, the butler, quickly looked around the place. He collected whatever
documents he could ind and ri led through the drawers. He must have
been hiding somewhere. Igor, who had turned around in a hurry, fell to
the ground with stabbing pain. His gaze crouched down from him,
clutching his shin, he turned to Lee Won spitefully.

Lee Won was still unconscious. He won't be able to come back to his
senses easily because he has used a strong drug. Igor bit his lip and
looked at him. All because of this man. From the beginning, everything
was because of this man.

You must leave this mansion.

Igor frantically searched through the papers scattered on the loor. He

couldn't come back empty handed. Tuchev will be angry and his life
will not be guaranteed.

Then Igor suddenly found an envelope hidden under the sofa.

In an instant, both eyes lit up. Igor bent down as hard as he could and
felt the ground.

I felt the thick sensation of paper on my ingertips. Igor, who barely

took out the envelope and quickly opened the inside, widened his eyes.

that's it

It was then that Igor's face lit up.


It was then that he heard a heavy metal noise above his head. The
moment I gobbled it down, he hardened as he was. In an instant, the
long legs of the men around them were re lected in the wide open ield
of vision. As he slowly raised his head, dozens of weapons were
pointed directly at him. Igor's ears, frozen in contemplation, heard the
sound of silent footsteps.

Hello, Igor.

Caesar entered among the men who quickly stepped aside. The silver
czar smiled coldly at him.

"Finally, the tail is caught."

Igor swallowed dry saliva, his face pale and tired, but he didn't say

A faint sound of footsteps is heard. The vibration of the body was also
transmitted. Suddenly I remembered a boat ride when he was a child.
As I smiled slightly, I felt someone gently kiss my head.

Mom… … ?

Lee Won slowly opened his eyes. Someone shined through my eyes. It
was a familiar face. But it took me a little longer to ind out who he was.

"Are you awake?"

he said kindly. Lee Won blinked blurry eyes and looked at him. The
shaking continued.

What… … ?

It took some time to realize the situation. He shifted his blank gaze and
found his body wrapped in a blanket irst. Then I felt a warm warmth
on my cheek. When he lifted his sleepy eyes, he inally saw Caesar's
face in front of him.

Suddenly my mind lashed. He opened his eyes and tried to get up.
However, the blanket-wrapped body was all he had to squirm for a
moment. Caesar, who was walking with Lee Won at the sudden
movement, stopped.

"Like he did…is it going to be? I…you……why."

Lee Won asked urgently, but it was just a thought. His voice leaked
everywhere and his mouth was heavy. Was it so hard to talk? I couldn't
understand why. My mind was still confused and my body was still
sinking. Lee Won groaned as he creased a deep frown on his forehead
as he forced himself to remember the memories. I focused my mind on
the idea of being interrupted, but it wasn't easy. Caesar said as Lee Won
closed his eyes with a light sigh.

"Okay. You can sleep more.

Lee Won was forcefully woken up and opened his mouth.

“Get off, I will… … .”

"Yes Yes."

Lee Won was annoyed at Caesar's calm response, as if he accepted the

foolishness of a child. But what was even more disturbing was his own
body, which was dif icult to move.

"where are we going… … ."

Caesar responded to Lee Won, who was mumbling helplessly as he was

wrapped in a blanket.

"In my room."

Lee Won blinked his eyes half open and whispered.

“My body is strange… … .”

Cesar said in a soft whisper.

“Okay, so rest. It will be for a few days."

Lee Won had a strange thought at the seemingly natural response.

Suddenly, I remembered the last cup of tea I drank. There was clearly
something to it. It tasted terribly bitter.

Lee Won resented not moving as he intended and grabbed Caesar's

shoulder with all his might.

"The Butler… … ."

Lee Won spoke with dif iculty.

“I gave you a car… … .”

"Yes, I know everything."

Caesar released Lee Won's hand that was holding his arm and smiled.

"Don't worry, sleep. because I took care of it. Documents are well.

Suddenly, Lee Won felt a strange sense of alienation. What is this

discomfort? Caesar looked at him with a smile, but he had a bad
feeling. Hopefully so.

“You… …I already knew… … ?”

Caesar did not respond to the dif icult words. I only smiled brie ly. In
an instant he realized.
Everything is invented by this man.

It felt like my blood suddenly ran cold. Lee Won was used by this man
as bait.

As a tool to draw out traitors and reveal their true colors. When I
realized this, I was startled and could not utter a word.

But the only thing that didn't come out was that he was worried about
this man. Didn't you already know that he is a man who can con idently
hold a gun to a child's head? A man who casually uses anyone as a tool
for any purpose. Here, this time, they were just taking advantage of

Laugh and treat people like idiots.

Lee Won was angry and pushed Caesar's chest. In an instant, the
careless Caesar did not see Lee Won, and Lee Won was shocked and fell
to the ground.


Cesar's voice was heard. But he stood there with his eyes wide open.

Oh my God.

Lee Won didn't even show any resentment. He fell to the ground, but
felt no pain. It was just a dull, dull sound passing through my ears.

I couldn't take it because he was so angry that they tricked me into

taking medicine and being like that. Caesar quickly walked over to Lee
Won and spoke to Lee Won, who gritted his teeth and swallowed hard.

"What are you doing all of a sudden?"

Caesar tried to hug him again, but Lee Won pushed him away with all
his might. For a moment, my eyes luttered dizzily. Caesar quickly
caught Lee Won, who was falling behind him. A sharp breathing sound
was heard, and Caesar's hand wrapped around Lee Won's head, which
was badly broken.

It was as if he could hear harsh breathing in his ears. Lee Won barely
opened her eyes at the warm body temperature on his cheeks. Cesar
was hugging him. A heartbeat was heard. His heart was pounding, as if
he had run a marathon.

"Oh my gosh, I thought he was having a concussion."

Caesar said. However, Lee Won had no intention of continuing to hold

him in his arms.

He bit his lip and pushed it back.

"Let it go."

"Where are you going? Listen to me."

Caesar snorted angrily. Although his brain trembled with vertigo, Lee
Won laughed at the absurdity. Of course it is. Everything you do is
natural and everyone has a reason.

You don't even understand why I'm mad.

Yi Won pushed Caesar's shoulder with all his might and barely escaped
from him. Caesar, who was suddenly pushed away, looked at Lee Won
with an embarrassed look. It's like you don't know why you're doing

However, Lee Won was angry to the top of his head at him. With a body
that was about to fall, Lee Won stood up. My weak legs kept trying to
break. Lee Won gritted his teeth, held on, and took a step forward.
Caesar quickly walked over to Lee Won, who swayed for a moment.
But Lee Won sharpened it. In Caesar's surprised eyes, Lee Won's face
was re lected, looking at him with fearful eyes.

"Just… …I can go, I can.

"Don't say things that can't be done when you can't stand up properly."

Lee Won shook off Caesar's outstretched hand again. Contrary to his
red, bloodshot eyes that seemed to burn, he opened his mouth in a cold
voice that was no different from usual.

"As much as you can, do it."

Lee Won continued to speak with an evil mouth.

“You wrote everything you needed. Also… …do you have anything left
to wear?

Caesar's face hardened. But Lee Won only looked at him with a cold
gaze and then turned his head again. Caesar, who saw Lee Won
staggering and slowly dragging his feet from him, opened his mouth.

"You were the best option for that situation."

Lee Won looked back. With a contemptuous smile on his lips.

“Yes, anyway… …To you, the existence of another… …From chess, it's
just horses.”

Caesar's face hardened. Lee Won averted his gaze and looked forward
again. It's not just Caesar's use of it that makes him angry. Didn't you
know you're human anyway? Even knowing this, he made himself even
angrier for caring about Caesar. I was out of my mind. It was time to
take a deep breath and barely step forward.

Suddenly, footsteps were heard from behind. A long arm stretched out
in front of him following the sound of rapidly running footsteps.
Immediately, he was violently grabbed around the waist and Caesar
hugged Lee Won from behind without even having time to swallow his

"… … They're not here."

Cesar's voice was cloudy. Caesar's harsh breath hit the nape of his
neck. Surprised by the sudden situation, Lee Won blinked and Caesar,
who had set his teeth on his shoulder, opened his mouth.

"… … I did not mean that.

just for you

A trembling voice, like a sigh, echoed in my ears. Lee Won bit his lip
lightly and then put it back. Slowly turning his gaze, Caesar raised his
The devastated silver-gray eyes shone and looked at Lee Won. Lee
Won looked at him, barely catching the awareness that he was getting
further and further away. Cesar slowly opened his mouth.

"that… … ."

After barely exhaling, Caesar closed his mouth. As if he came out of the
depths of his body, Caesar, who spoke with dif iculty, bit his lip and
looked at Lee Won, face to face. It was Lee Won who was used, but
Caesar's side had a hurt face. Lee Won looked at his pale face.

like a fool

Lee Won thought.

So irst of all, don't do anything you'll regret.

Suddenly, the strength in his legs that he had been holding up until that
moment disappeared.

I wondered if I could hear the frightened Caesar's voice screaming, but

Lee Won immediately fell into darkness.


The sound of calm breathing continued in the quiet room. Caesar

looked at the man's face, sleeping like a child, drunk on drugs. He
suddenly wanted to touch it. He gently raised his hand and ruf led the
scattered hair on his forehead. At that moment, Lee Won frowned.
Caesar smiled involuntarily, apparently annoyed at not touching him.
Was when.


A knock was heard. As Caesar turned his head, a man's voice came
from outside the door.

"Tsar, I have something to report to you."

Caesar looked at Lee Won's face in silence at the man's clerical voice.
The man he had been waiting for opened his mouth again.

"Tsar, may I come in?"

A slightly tense voice sounded slightly trembling. Caesar raised his

hand from Yi Won's forehead with a displeased face.


Cesar's reply was brief, and he turned and left the room so that the
man was no longer working on him.

As soon as he closed the door, the smile on Caesar's face disappeared

like a mask.

Caesar gasped as his men hurriedly bowed their backs to his

completely expressionless face.

"Look, what is it?"

The subordinate replied with a hardened face.

“I cleaned it as you ordered. What about the body?

In response to his subordinate's question, Caesar spoke in a cold voice

as usual.

"Cut it up and send it as a gift to Tuchev and the others, with a card

“What message would you like to write?”

When the man asked the question again, a cynicism crept onto Cesar's
lips. For a moment, Caesar gasped at the surprised gangster.

"They give back what they left behind."

The organizer responded in an extremely professional tone.

"It's ine."

As soon as the gang disappeared, Caesar turned around and walked

back into the room.

As soon as the igure of Lee Won, who was sleeping soundly, appeared,
an innocent smile appeared on his face.

Lee Won woke up to a light knocking sound. I went to bed with my eyes
blankly blinking, and after a while a strange man came in with the door
open and his head bowed.

"Are you awake? It will be breakfast time soon. The bathroom is to the
right and you have clothes to change into. Come downstairs."

Then Lee Won slowly got up and sat down with a puzzled look on the
back of the man who came out again. The igure of a man he had never
seen for the irst time or an unfamiliar room came into view. It must
have been that Caesar had brought him here after he had passed out.

The spacious room, which seemed to be twice the size of the room he
lived in, was illed with all kinds of art and antique furniture. There
was old furniture and antiques that at irst glance appeared to be
several hundred years old, as well as a large, elegant canopy that hung
over the bed. As he had thought before, it was a very luxurious
mansion. Thinking it was the teacher's pleasure, he remembered what
had happened the day before.

He frowned as the memories slowly returned.

How could I have been fooled so easily?

He was very angry because I had to eat as much as the others gave me
and I ended up like this. Why didn't you suspect the man? Come to
think of it, there were only a couple of suspicious corners.

Falling for a trick that only works for a ive year old, idiot. Cursing
himself, Lee Won gritted his teeth.
It was his mistake not to be so vigilant after entering the ma ia lair.
Also, he was drunk on drugs and showed so much ugliness. Not only
did Caesar carry him, but he also fell and stuttered in front of him, and
when all those memories came back, Lee Won couldn't take it and
broke the bed. Yes, but all I could hear was a hollow sound. For some
reason, he became even more upset, so Lee Won got up from the bed
and went to the bathroom.

In the spacious bathroom, Lee Won's clothes were carefully washed

and arranged. Suddenly, Lee Won remembered that this was the job the
butler used to do. If so, is that man the new butler? So what happened
to the former butler?

As he showered me, my thoughts gradually became more complex.

Since when did Caesar know that the butler's behavior was strange?
Thinking of that, she revived his disgust at Caesar's use of him as bait.
Lee Won quickly left the bathroom and got dressed, violently shaking
his wet hair.

This was something I didn't like. What I didn't like the most was the
fact that this all happened because of my own negligence. Lee Won left
the room with an annoyed face.

As soon as I entered the restaurant, what caught my eye was his

familiar blonde hair. Hearing the footsteps, Cesar turned his head and
his eyes met.

"Come on. Did you sleep well?"

Unexpectedly, Caesar waved to each other for a moment. A thin smile

and tone of voice were the same as always, but Lee Won didn't miss the
moment when he fell silent. Lee Won turned her head and walked to
his seat, ignoring him. With a face that said, "Don't talk to me because
you're still angry." Caesar also seemed to notice and, as usual, he didn't
speak any more.

As he sat quietly, the new butler who had woken up earlier came and
placed the plate in front of Lee Won. Lee Won carefully looked around
again. Once again, the ex-butler did not appear.


Caesar asked. Just in time, the butler took the empty basket and
brought new bread. Lee Won turned his involuntary gaze to him and
opened his mouth.

How was the old butler?

"I got ired."

Before Lee Won could inish speaking, Caesar replied.

" ire?"

Could he have ended it? You mean you put people in that trap just to
get ired? Caesar gave a strange smile to Lee Won, who was hesitant.

"It's hard to breathe."

Lee Won involuntarily frowned. Suddenly, I remembered what Cesar

had said the day before.

- You'll igure it out.

"Don't hide it, tell me. How are you? I think I have a right to know.
As Lee Won spoke in a high-pitched voice, Caesar looked at him in
bewilderment. Lee Won continued speaking.

“What was the man looking for? Does it have something to do with the
trial? I'm a lawyer. I need to know something. Do you have any
af iliation with Senator Zhdanov?

In a moment of re lection, Lee Won asked. Caesar silently listened to

Lee Won's hasty question.

"Though related."

Cesar spoke slowly.

"You don't need to know."

"Then don't even dream of winning a trial."

Lee Won said coldly.

“If the client has something to hide, he cannot win the lawsuit. Besides,
you seem to be forgetting that I took over Uncle Nikolai's defense
before you did. The priority of everything is there. If there is a single
situation that negatively affects Uncle Nikolai's judgment, I will
withdraw from this matter immediately."

When the last statement was made, there was instant silence in the
dining room. The men surrounding the restaurant watched the two
with bated breath. Caesar, who looked at Lee Won wordlessly for a
while, slowly opened his mouth.
"Then the witnesses you just found will be useless."


At the unexpected words, Lee Won unknowingly asked. Cesar

responded with a slight smile.

"Remember? As for the land, a joint product of Zhdanov and Berdiaev."

Countless words lashed through Lee Won's mind. Caesar spoke slowly
to Lee Won, who was looking at him with a seriously raised eyebrow.

"I found the person who borrowed the name you mentioned."

In an instant, Lee Won's eyes lit up. Cesar said with a small smile.

"If only we could meet."


The small village in the suburbs, where people who are tired of the city
seem to seek rest from their homes, had strict guards coming and
going, unsuitable for a quiet country town. The villagers looked at the
strangers in suits wandering around right after the person who bought
the villa moved out, but no one had the courage to go up and ind out.

It must be the mob.

they growled. Even if they didn't have to hide it, anyone could know
their identities.

I just don't say it out loud. The villagers tried to stay away from the
villages as much as possible. They all knew that going through the path
in front of the village was the closest thing to reaching the city, but they
dared to go back a long way. Thanks to this, the surroundings of the
villa were so quiet that even strangers couldn't ind a shadow.

Mikhail Lomonosov was leaning back in a comfortable chair and

looking out the window. In the landscape in front of me, only the
members of the organization who always keep an eye on the
surroundings walked, and not a single dog passed by. Two months had
passed since I left the city to recover.

Little by little, spring was approaching, but the day when Mikhail
would recover his health was far away.

he lived a long time

Mikhail thought. The head of Opposition Sergeev, Sasha and Mikhail,

were the same age, but recently he felt much older than Sasha. It is not
the presence or absence of disease, but perhaps the difference between
those who have someone to depend on and those who do not.

He suddenly looked into the distance with blurry eyes.

I miss you... … .

As he recalled the memories buried in the vague memories, suddenly a

black sedan rushing from afar appeared in my sight. Mikhail sat
motionless and watched the car approach. Lev comes, an assistant.
"Lomonosov, have you been at peace?"

The man who bowed deeply and paid his respects raised his head.
Mikhail's pale face stared up at him. Deep in his heart, Lev was
worried. Mikhail, who inherited the organization when he was 20, had
no children. Despite the wishes of his subordinates who had
recommended marriage several times, he was single until now.

There were rumors that he had a wife that he had hidden from time to
time, but no women came to visit him.

When Mikhail was healthy, it was no big deal. But now it is different.
Lev felt an unavoidable sense of insecurity as he faced Mikhail, who
looked 10 years old in just two months.

"You drank a lot. Are you eating well?"

Mikhail nodded at the concerned question from his entourage.

"It's ine. Thank you for your concern."

His calm voice was the same as before, but Lev was still unsettled. If
this man disappears, the organization will disintegrate. Somehow
Mikhail Lomonosov had to exist. Like a lion stronger than anyone.

Perhaps the deepest thoughts had appeared on his face, Mikhail

opened his mouth softly.
“I am still in good health. Don't look at me with that serious face."

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

Lev, who hastily apologized, asked Mikhail to change the subject.

“Okay, why did you come today? Did Vladimir do something wrong?

Lev quickly shook his head at the name of the second person who was
temporarily in charge of the organization in Mikhail's place.

"Not so. Vladimir is doing very well. But, Mr. Lomonosov, we are all
hoping that Mr. Lomonosov will recover soon and lead us again.
Vladimir, of course, is of the same opinion.

Mikhail smiled slightly as if he knew everything. Lev took a breath and


“I am here to report the past. The move from Sergeev's side is not

Straight ahead, Lev brought up the main point.

“Not only did we get rid of the mayor of Berdiaev, but we targeted the
mayor's remaining fortunes. Looks like things have progressed quite a
bit. For now, we are watching, but in an emergency, I will use my hand.”

Mikhail's eyes, which had been calmly slanted up until that moment,
lashed iercely in an instant. Lev shrugged in surprise, admiring
Mikhail's authority to himself.
“Someone who dares to cross the kingdom of Lomonosov. He is your

"That's right. Czar."

Lev responded quickly.

“For now, we are keeping an eye on him, but if the opportunity arises,
we will immediately threaten him.”

“That son… … .”

Mikhail muttered to himself and narrowed his eyes.

Caesar Sergeyev.

Mikhail thought of Sasha's son, who seemed to radiate light from his
entire body. He was a complete mobster to the bone.

A monster without blood or tears.

To create such a monster.

Mikhail soon felt bitter. After all, aren't we all monsters?


Following Mikhail's instructions, Lev hurriedly continued.

“If they provoke from the shadows, we will respond in what we can,
but we are walking legally. Knowing that everything in Berdiaev
belongs to our organization, this is an obvious provocation."

Lev's voice gradually grew faster, unable to hide the emotion from him.
Mikhail raised his eyebrows with a serious face. From the moment he
had already dealt with Berdiaev, it was as if he had challenged
Lomonosov. But that's not enough, and now you're facing me head-on.

Mikhail's hand, which was resting on the armrest, slowly gained

strength. Lev watched, his heart pounding as he resentfully regained
his will.

“This is what we have investigated so far. It's not much, but… … .”

Mikhail frowned as he accepted the ile his subordinate had handed


"Why only this?"

The thin stack was de initely poor. Lev replied, puzzled.

“That is, bloody Sergeev bought an external lawyer from the

organization, not an adviser. Also, it seems like all the investigations
and preparations are done inside his mansion, so it's hard to get any

"Then we should get a lawyer."

At Mikhail's piercing voice, Lev was stunned.

I mean, stay in the Tsar's house and do the job. It's impossible to get a
lawyer unless you go straight in."
A curse escaped Mikhail's mouth. Lev frowned and met his eyes.
Mikhail said nothing more, opening the ile with a grim expression.
Some papers luttered rapidly across the pages. It wasn't long before
his gaze, which seemed to be scanning the contents, suddenly stopped.

There was a photo. One was Caesar, the son of Sasha, as we all know.
But Mikhail's attention was not on him, but on the other man he was
photographed with. Lev, who looked towards the place where Mikhail
ixed his gaze on him, said hurriedly.

“Oh, he is this guy. He is the lawyer that the Tsar himself has been
looking for. I've been following you the whole time and just took a
photo a few days ago."

Mikhail looked closely at Caesar, standing next to him at the bookstore


I wish it could be

"I don't think he is pure Russian, is he mestizo?"

Michael asked in a nonchalant voice. Lev nodded to Mikhail, who

pretended to read the document and hid his expression by bowing his

“Yes, I think I am of mixed ethnicity with Koreans. He said that he was

from Korea. material… … ."

Lev soon put on a puzzled expression.

“It is written there. The surname is dif icult to pronounce… … .”

After asking for his understanding, Lev opened the documents himself
and showed Mikhail Lee Won's record. Mikhail's gaze, slowly scanning
the letters, stopped and his mouth fell open.

"It's a pretty unusual race."

“It has been 7 years since you came to Russia, but you seem to have
good skills. We are watching to see if there are any obstacles.”

"It is."

Mikhail, who was silent for a moment, quickly casually closed the ile.

But what happened next.

“I have been resting for a long time. I should go now."

"Yes? Where are you talking?

Lev was surprised by the appearance of a tall man who suddenly stood
up and unknowingly asked. He was thin from a recent illness, but
nonetheless, in a stiff, unruf led posture, Mikhail looked at Lev and said,
For a moment, Lev shivered. Gone was the sickly old man who had lost
his energy and sat up. The igure of Mikhail, called the lion, was right in
front of his eyes.

"Of course I will return to the organization."

Lev's eyes widened. He was puzzled and hurriedly asked.

"You will die? Are you talking now?

Joy and anxiety intersected. Mikhail, who was ready to move,
staggered. Lev hastily supported him.

“Lomonosov, are you okay? The one that takes a little longer to
recover… … .”

But instead of answering, Mikhail pointed to the side. Lev stepped

gingerly away from Mikhail's side, quickly returning with his staff.
Mikhail stood up with a cane and straightened his back.

"I can't let Sergeev's successor go crazy."

Lev found a dazzling light behind him after a long time. My heart was
trembling. How long have you been waiting for this day?

"Okay. I'll prepare it soon."

It was the return of the lion.


On the island far from the mainland, a sharp, stabbing wind blew
endlessly through his body.

Lee Won walked out of the airport at a brisk pace, crouching as low as
he could on the court. He wanted to go to a warm hotel and rest. No,
even a little coffee is ine. No, even if it's just a bon ire... … .
"It's hotter than he thought."

A creak was heard from behind. When Lee Won quickly turned his
head, Caesar, covered in colorful fur, was standing there. Of course, it
must be hot because I covered other people's hair like that. Lee Won
sharpened his teeth and stared at him. He dreams of being bitten by a
raccoon at night.

A cold snap that seemed to chill even 100 years of love, Lee Won
hurried to ind a taxi. Fortunately, not far away, a taxi was stopped at
Odokani. Lee Won ran straight to the taxi without looking at Caesar's
side. When Lee Won hurriedly got into the taxi and told him the
destination, the driver asked with a puzzled face.

"It's a rural area with nothing to see, what are you going to do there?"

At the same time, Caesar followed Lee Won. The gentleman's eyes
widened when he saw him in a black pinstripe suit and colorful zebra
print fur coat. Instead of starting the car, he looks at Caesar, looking at
him, Lee Won said hastily.

“Please go ahead. Busy… … .”

"Aren't you a celebrity?"

The knight ignored Lee Won's words and asked Caesar with a crude
tone. Through dark sunglasses, Caesar looked at him wordlessly. Then
the gentleman clapped his hands and did not know what to do.

"That's right! I de initely saw it in my newspaper~ I did it! Oh man, I

live in a corner like this, and I see all the celebrities~. My God, you made
Looking at the simple mature man who was stomping on his seat and
not knowing what to do, Lee Won felt the blood drain from his face. If
he had remembered not only the photos but

also the content of the newspaper, he would never have said such a
thing. However, the knight was still happy and chatting without

“What is going on in this corner of the village because of the person

you are, Myung Yu? Do you have any footage?

As the knight looked around with an excited face, he suddenly saw

Caesar frowning. Caesar opened his mouth and Lee Won, taken aback,
quickly stopped him.

“It's just a vacation. I'm sorry, but could you hurry up? occupied… … ."

The knight looked disappointed, then turned his attention back to


“Okay, run like my bullet. By the way, can you give me an autograph
when I get off? It's the irst time I see a celebrity in my life. I will keep
it as an heirloom for life.

Instead, I will not charge a taxi fare. Then do it yourself!”

The driver who ended the deal without waiting for a response got
excited and started the car. In a warm car, Lee Won experienced his
body freezing with more than just cold. Outside the window, a mound
of snow was piled precariously on the side of the road.

Two days ago the trip was suddenly decided. At the breakfast table,
Lee Won's head twisted awkwardly as he heard the 'expected news'.
Caesar looked at Lee Won with a slight smile. How to choose whether
to be a witness or a deacon.

This makes it impossible for the butler to ask what happened or what
happened. But as a witness, he was a bait that could not be missed.

If this case is solved properly, Uncle Nikolai's trial... … !

Lee Won bit his lip. The long-awaited opportunity has now arrived. He
could never give me up.

He clenched his ists in his lap and let out a deep breath. His gaze on
Caesar again held an indelible suspicion.

"He, the butler's job has nothing to do with the trial, right?"

Even if there is, I wish I could tell you there isn't, Lee Won thought.
Caesar responded to Lee Won, who was looking at him with a serious

"Not at all."

"Well then."

Before Lee Won could change his mind, he quickly asked for the bait.
“Hey, how did you ind the owner? What kind of relationship am I with
the market? Do you have any af iliation with Senator Zhdanov?

To Lee Won, who immediately changed the subject and quickly asked
questions, Caesar remembered a faint smile as if he knew.

"If you drop gang members on the loor, there's nothing you can't ind."

He felt a bit creepy. When Lee Won didn't say anything, Caesar

"He owed former mayor Berdiaev."

"Thus… … ."

Lee Won felt that he was putting together a puzzle in his head. After
making a choice, the next decision was quick. We need to meet with
him immediately to get information and ind evidence. If necessary, try
to persuade them to appear as witnesses. A three day program would
suf ice. I went back and reviewed Uncle Nikolai's judgment again... … .

There was little time. You have to divide your day into seconds and
work. Lee Won, who had a busy schedule on his mind, looked at Caesar.
Cesar looked at him without saying a word.

"Are you sure about the information?"


Caesar gave a brief reply and continued.

"You go alone?"

Lee Won gave strength and nodded his head.

"Sure. I'll go right now.

After answering, Lee Won waited for Caesar to give him the
information. He was planning to go beyond the mainland. However,
Caesar just looked at Lee Won and didn't say anything.

I can call my men and bring them back.

At Caesar's slow tone, Lee Won frowned.

“Do you want to do it legally? Even if you threaten to receive testimony,

it will eventually be null and void. No matter what you are, you are
important to my judgment. Never let the witnesses you ind so far be in

As soon as he refused, Caesar was speechless again. Seeing the rare

wrinkle on his well-groomed forehead, Lee Won involuntarily blinked
in amazement.

"Can not."

At the end of Caesar's words, Lee Won opened his mouth saying “Well
then”, but Caesar spoke irst.

"I will go with you."

At that moment, Lee Won's chin fell off. Caesar continued to talk
slowly to Lee Won, who blinked with a puzzled expression.

“I'm busy, but I can do it in two days. Are you going tomorrow?"

"What are you going to do with me?"

Interrupting Caesar's words, Lee Won asked. Cesar drank his tea
gracefully and responded nonchalantly.

“I am the informant. Of course I think I'm entitled.

As soon as Caesar chasing after him and the black-suited army

following him came to mind, Lee Won immediately cut off his words.

"To be honest, you're just a hindrance."

As Caesar frowned, Lee Won continued speaking.

“I'm going alone, so give me the address. Did you check your identity
too? Give me all the materials you have.

Caesar said to Lee Won, who quickly reached out and waved a hand.



Why are you so stubborn as a child? When Lee Won raised his
eyebrows, Caesar continued.
“If I can't go, neither can you. I have no intention of giving you any
information, and if you're going to meet him, you'll have to go with me.

Lee Won's face twitched. He wanted to know where the hell such a
stupid idea came from. A man who is sel ish from one to ten. I
suddenly remembered that he had taken advantage of me the day
before. At the same time, veins sprouted on the side of his forehead and
his anger exploded within Lee Won.

"I don't want to run like a dog with you and your men!"

Lee Won's shrill scream echoed in all directions. UPS. Lee Won
noticed, but it was already too late. Iwon's furious roar echoed and
spread throughout the quiet dining room where Caesar's countless
gang members were lined up. As Echo was about to disappear, Cesar
opened his mouth.


Lee Won had a somewhat sinister feeling. Caesar said.

"Can I go alone?"


With Lee Won's questioning voice, all the members of the organization
looked at Caesar at once. Facing the hardened members of the
organization and Lee Won's face, Caesar spoke slowly.

"Then do it."
Seeing his face smiling at him, Lee Won was speechless for the third



Lee Won, who had returned to the past, sighed involuntarily. There
were only three conditions for Lee Won, who had no choice but to
accompany Caesar in a situation where he could neither subtract nor

First, never carry a gun.

Second, his subordinates must never accompany him.

Third, he never looks like the mob.

He was anxious just before he left, but Caesar unexpectedly clari ied
the condition. The airport security check that I was worried about also
passed, and the underlings didn't cast a shadow and, above all, they
never looked like the mob.

It's a problem to look like a celebrity.

Lee Won looked at Caesar's side face with dark sunglasses. In fact, this
was probably the easiest condition of all. Unless he was dragging his
men like a cloud, this man never looked like a mob. As proof of that, no
one doubted the man's identity while he was arriving here from the
airport. He looked like a successful businessman, a model, an actor, or
even a nobleman descended from a small country.

Even Lee Won, who well knew that he was the typical mobster with no
blood or tears, wanted to doubt him for this moment.

Caesar stared out the window the entire time, deep in thought of him.
Lee Won thought as he ixed his gaze on Caesar's side face. This man's
face is sinful.

He has such an angelic face when it comes to casually shooting people.

Although Lee Won knew it, he couldn't take his eyes off her. Lee Won
lost his mind and looked at him like this.

When we arrived at our destination town, the sun was already setting.
Although it was still late, the sun was already hurrying to prepare to
set. At the sunset time before the mainland, Lee Won rushed to act.
After I managed to convince the taxi driver who was clinging to me to
sign an autograph and pay the amount, I could barely afford to look
around town.

He soon understood the taxi driver's words. All there were were old
houses, no more than twenty at most, dimly lit by irst light. The space
between the houses was wide and the town was so wide that it seemed
that not even the screams from next door would be heard. Not far from
the village, I could see the dark sea swaying with the sound of gentle
waves, and behind the village was a small frozen mountain.
Just in time, some villagers returning from ishing came walking in
with buckets of ish in their hands. Lee Won smiled awkwardly at the
people who were looking at them with wide eyes.

strangers. However, they still looked at Lee Won and Caesar with
unsure faces and passed by without saying a word.

Being a small island where most of the villagers are ishing, the only
people who came from abroad used to be ishermen. No matter where
they looked, the villagers didn't lose their suspicions by their
appearance since they didn't come to ish. Lee Won looked away from
them and turned to Caesar.

“What is your accommodation?”

Caesar looked to the side. A small sign shone from across town.
Looking around, it was the only place that looked like a hostel. Lee
Won, who looked away from the small inn, looked at Caesar this time.
Standing with his beautiful fur coat swathed from head to toe, he didn't
suit this small country town at all. Lee Won immediately frowned and
turned around.

Are you here for tourism or for work?

I told him not to notice, but when I opened the door to the inn, I saw
another man come in behind me. A gentle-looking man, similar in
height to Lee Won and with a normal physique, he was carrying a huge
amount of luggage in his hands and arms. Caesar looked at him and Lee
Won opened the door and stepped aside. The man wearing a fedora
nodded slightly in greeting and entered irst. The lobby of the small but
clean inn came into view of Lee Won, who went to the next step.
The inn, where ishermen are the island's main patrons, was illed with
photos of patrons catching big ish and ishing-themed wall

The thin rugs on the loor were old, but there was little dust, and the
ireplace was illed with burning wood, which seemed to soothe the
cold-weary mind and body. In addition, to one side of the hall there was
even a small corner where ishing gear was sold or rented. It was when
Lee Won deeply admired the meticulous interior created by actively
utilizing a small space.

"Could you give me a room?"

The man said in a voice that was as comfortable as it sounded. The

man I met at the entrance was standing at the front desk and checking
in. When Lee Won moved and headed towards the reception, the man
turned his head. When his eyes met, the man smiled.

His narrow eyes seemed very kind. Lee Won, who smiled face to face,
left Caesar's frown behind and headed to the empty reception right
next to him. While he waited for the rest of the staff to ring the bell, the
owner took out a thick accommodation book and asked the previous

"You're going to be alone?"

"If it is."

As the man nodded, the owner looked in surprise at the luggage he had
left on the loor.

“It is a heavy load. What the hell is this?"

When the owner looked surprised at the number of suitcases that a
person could not believe, the man responded by writing down the
accommodation book.

“Fishing is my hobby, so I have a lot of tools. Some people seem to

think that ishing is just a waste of time and stupid, which is nonsense.
Because once you fall in love with ishing, you can't leave it. If it comes
out today, why don't you get mad at your wife about the ishing and
who is she going to pick?

The owner said with a smile.

“Okay, once you start ishing, you're done. Even if I get divorced, I can't
help it."

“Also, how expensive the equipment is… …But even if you buy it, you
want to keep buying it.”

"So you're scratching the scam again."

"It is a vicious circle".

They both laughed. At that moment, the hostess came out and found
Lee Won waiting for the staff. When our eyes met, he opened his eyes
and spoke in a very friendly voice.

“Mom, I'm sorry. I made you wait. Welcome."

She smiled as she added a belated greeting. With a somewhat shy

smile, Lee Won smiled softly. Then the woman's smile got even bigger.
The wife opened her mouth again, just as the owner next to her spoke.
"Ah, yes. Leonid, that's it. Honey, this is the accommodation

At the man's act of delivering what she had been waiting for, the wife
sent a wild look delicately. Soon, she opened the empty space, handed
Lee Won a pen, and asked.

"Can I have a room?"

"No, two single rooms, please."

Lee Won said and looked back. The woman, who had inadvertently
looked away, quickly opened her eyes. Caesar was standing in the
middle of her foyer, watching her. The woman's face lit up even more.

"Oh, that's right. Are you with him?"

"… … If that."

When Lee Won awkwardly pretended, his wife looked away from
Caesar with dif iculty, and this time, she gave Lee Won an ecstatic look.

"What do I have to do? Now there is only one room."


Il Soon Lee Won frowned. But the warm look from him to him was still

“There were only two left, but he only took one… …But I'm happy. The
rest of the room is for two people.”
She smiled as if she was relieved, but Lee Won was in no mood to smile.

“Just one room? That's right?"

At Lee Won's hasty question, the wife blinked a smile on her face as if
she was embarrassed.

"Yes… … I'm really sorry, but… … ."

Lee Won almost involuntarily let out a groan. Do you want me to share
the same room with him?!

“Because there are two beds… … .”

"Excuse me, but are there other inns nearby?"

To Lee Won, who quickly crossed his words, he quickly put on a sad

"Yes, the inn is our only home."

This time, Lee Won let out a groan. All kinds of thoughts ran through
my mind. alone with that man? same room? Caesar said from behind
Lee Won, who was deep in thought of him.

"I don't mind being in the same room."

When Lee Won turned around, Caesar looked at him with a strange

"Or do I look scary?"

Lee Won's eyes shone brightly. He soon turned to his wife again.

"Give me that room."

"Oh, well thought out."

The woman smiled brightly and took out the key from inside. My
husband just inished checking in and left the counter.

“Leonid, I will guide you to your room. I'll pick up the luggage.

“Thank you, then this… … .”

The owner, who was handed one of the many bags, took the initiative.
Following him, Leonid took the rest of the bag and began to walk.

Caesar was looking at the man sullenly. The thin carpet completely
swallowed the sound of his footsteps, and Leonid silently brushed past
Caesar. At the same time, said Lee Won, who was writing the
accommodation book.

“It seems that there are only a few pieces of furniture in this place, so
most of you will probably know about it.”

As Caesar silently watched Leonid standing in front of the elevator a

few steps away, the wife nodded willingly.

"Okay, I know. Everyone in our town knows each other."

The woman's face was full of curiosity, as if she was asking why. Lee
Won spoke carefully.
“Actually, who was I looking for… …Do you know a man named Vasily
Shiskin? They say they live at this address.”

Seeing the note Lee Won gave her, the wife tilted her head and
responded immediately.

“Well, the person who lives in this house has a different name… …
Perhaps you have come to the wrong place?

She asked her again calmly, without hesitation.

“So, are you a native of this place? Aren't you the one who came from

The woman nodded this time.

“That's right. I moved here 3 or 4 years ago. To be honest, I don't really

know much about the townspeople… …Nobody comes to visit him and
he's always alone.”

In an instant, Lee Won's eyes shone brightly. Just then, the elevator
door opened and Leonid got on. When the owner pressed the close
button, he turned and looked straight ahead.

At that moment, Leonid's eyes met Caesar's, who had been watching
him until that moment. The door closed and Caesar looked up. His face
smiling brightly at himself. For a moment, Caesar's forehead twisted.

Then the door closed and Caesar, who had been staring at the elevator
Leonid had boarded for a while, turned his head. And he just hardened.
"So where is this address?"

The wife looked puzzled at Lee Won's question, but she immediately
gave instructions.

"It's the fourth red-roofed house on the right as you exit."

It was when Lee Won turned her head following his hand.

Caesar's cold, hard face suddenly appeared. Seeing him standing

without saying a word, Lee Won looked down, puzzled.

At Cesar's feet was a little girl. Seeing the boy wiggling his ingers and
playing with his long fur with his other hand, Lee Won stiffened like
Caesar. Slowly Caesar brought his hands together, and soon the bones
of his hard ingers bristled.

At that moment, Lee Won saw. Cesar's cold-blooded gaze looking at

the boy with a cold and hardened face. When the past suddenly
revived, Lee Won re lexively tried to pull the child out. Then the
woman smiled and spoke.

“Mom, Katy, what are you doing? For."

The wife walked around the counter and patted the child.

"Come on, Katie. You can't do this to your guests. Sorry, he still doesn't
know what."

The woman smiled brightly, showing her gums, but Cesar didn't smile.
The wife, who smiled awkwardly, hurriedly tried to pull the child out.
However, when the small body was raised, the boy suddenly reached
out with both hands and grabbed the coat tightly, and was dragged up.
The wife immediately panicked and shook the child.

“Why is it like this? Katy, let go of your hand. not good."

She was a woman waving back and forth, urging the child, but the child
crawled, clutching the fur in his hands.

“Sorry, he's still young…… Please understand.”

The wife laughed in embarrassment, but what Lee Won was looking at
was not a child. She stood in the distance, looking at Cesar. Contrary to
her nervousness for a moment, Cesar posed no threat to the boy. All I
could do was look down without touching a single inger.

But he is a man who pulls the gun on him even when he sleeps. Why
does he just look at the boy with his pale face and his clenched ists?
Lee Won couldn't help but think strangely at the completely different
reaction from last time.

As he bowed his head involuntarily, the boy smiled and looked at Cesar.
But Cesar's face as he looked at the boy was not smiling at all. The
boy's eyes widened as if he was surprised by the cold face that looked
at him with fearful eyes for a moment.


Suddenly, the boy burst into tears. The owner, not knowing what to do,
began to pacify the boy.

However, the scream grew louder and Lee Won, who saw it, quickly
intervened between them.
"Thanks. First of all, it's prepaid. I'll go get the room guide."

He quickly pulled out cash and paid for the room, then immediately
turned around. The wife, who was trying to force the child out,
widened her eyes in surprise, but Lee Won was already pulling Caesar's
arm and walking out. The child's hand that was holding the coat fell,
and after that, the child continued to cry.


As soon as we left the inn, a strong wind blew. Caesar said behind Lee
Won, who froze for a moment in the cold.

“He is quite active. Do you want to be alone like this?

Immediately, Lee Won let go of Caesar's arm that was holding him.
Caesar just smiled as if nothing had happened. It was already dark
outside. Soon the sun will set completely. Caesar, who looked up at the
gloomy sky, complained.

"It's late, isn't it better if you rest in your room?"

"Who did you go out for?"

Lee Won, who ran out without even looking at the room, immediately
shot him. I can't, because the hours are short anyway. He hurried
forward with an annoyed eyebrow. Caesar immediately followed him.
"Are you sure he's the man?"

"No one hides and uses their own name."

Lee Won continued to speak assertively.

“I don't know what the name was changed to, but it must be fake. I
have to check it out right now.

Caesar followed Lee Won, who con idently took a small step, without
saying a word. It was not dif icult to ind the house that my wife
showed me. After seeing the red roof of the fourth house on the right,
he immediately opened the gate of the fence and entered.

The house he was looking for, like other places, showed signs of age.
As I walked past the cracked and broken walls, I came upon a small,
lighted porch. When Lee Won rang the doorbell a moment later,
footsteps were heard falling from inside the house.

"Yes… …Nushu?

The man who came out with a tired face alternately looked at Lee Won
and Caesar. Lee Won asked, looking carefully at his face.

"Excuse me, are you Vasily Shiskin?"

For a moment, the man stopped. It was only for a moment, but Lee
Won didn't miss it.

“You came to the wrong place. There is no such person."

Lee Won quickly grabbed the door which was immediately closed with
sharp words. Lee Won opened his mouth to the man who shook the
immovable door and impressed.

"Mr. Berdiaev is dead."

The man's face hardened rapidly. Lee Won opened his mouth to him,
who was shocked and unable to speak.

“I have something to tell you, how about we do it inside?”

Despite Lee Won's gentle suggestion, the man turned contemplative

and just tried to close the door. Caesar suddenly stretched out his arm
behind him as he saw the man holding the door that Lee Won held
tightly and wouldn't let go and shook it. Before Sheskin could even
scream, Caesar grabbed her by the throat and glared at Sheskin.

"Let's talk inside."

"Cuck, cack, applause."

"What are you doing!"

Lee Won turned contemplative and stopped him, but Caesar grabbed
him by the throat and pushed him into the house. Embarrassed by
Sheskin's bluish face as he grappled with her neck and backed away,
Lee Won hurriedly followed her inside.

The interior of the house was simply decorated. A cute candle was
placed in the ireplace where warm lames burned, and a picture of the
village scenery was hung on the wall as if it had been taken directly.
Lee Won, who passed by the rough wooden table, hurriedly asked.
"I'm sorry. Are you okay?"

To Lee Won, who apologized belatedly, Sheskin turned contemplative

and snorted again and again. Lee Won looked at Caesar annoyed that
his gaze was spying on Caesar with fearful eyes. But Cesar took off his
coat, draped it over his arm, and looked around the house as if he knew

When two tall men entered the small house, the place seemed to
explode. Caesar looked at Sheskin with a frown.

"There are no chairs?"

Sheskin hastily pulled out a small chair. After Lee Won asked
permission and sat down on the chair, Caesar followed him and sat
down next to him. The old chair, whose legs weren't quite the same
length, made a rattling sound, and then Caesar frowned. Lee Won
spoke while he ignored him.

“Are you calming down? You can talk?"

Lee Won-eun paused and opened her mouth to see that Sheskin was
still breathing heavily.

“There is something I want to know about the former mayor of

Berdiaev. I am now investigating the corruption in the old market. We
found evidence that Mr. Sheskin was involved.”

Sheskin's eyes widened in surprise. Seeing him roll his eyes with a pale
face, Caesar suddenly pulled something out of his arms and waved
carelessly. At the same time, a sharp razor swung open with a sharp
sound. Immediately, Lee Won looked at Caesar with fearful eyes, and
Caesar pretended not to know and stuck the knife in again. But Shiskin,
who had already seen it, was startled and began to scream.

"Mr Sheskin."

Lee Won, who quickly got up and grabbed Sheskin who was about to
run away, sat up and opened his mouth with a soft tone.

"Don't worry. I'm a lawyer, so don't worry, I'm here to ask you a few

Sheskin trembled as he listened to Lee Won's explanation, which he

followed step by step. He was constantly iddling with the buttons of
the cardigan with both hands, as if he was impatient and insufferable.
Lee Won looked at the worn button in the corner to see if he had that
habit often enough, and then looked back at Sheskin's face. He was
patiently coaxed by Lee Won, who was so lustered that he couldn't
even respond properly.

“Your testimony of him is essential in the trial. Could you be a witness?

At the end of the conversation, Lee Won smiled, but Shiskin crouched
down and trembled without answering.

"Mr Sheskin."

Vasily Sheskin.

As soon as Lee Won opened his mouth, Caesar interrupted his words
with a cold and lively voice.

"Do you want to meet with Berdiaev?"

mouth. C. Water. there can't you?!

A terrifying aura like lames erupted from Lee Won's body. At that
moment, Caesar closed his mouth and Lee Won bubbled up and calmed
Sheskin who was out of breath. But instead of saying anything,

Cesar opened and folded the knife again. Sheskin's face hardened and
he looked at the button as he iddled with it.

“Wait, just a glass of water… … .”

Sheskin, who spoke with a trembling voice, staggered and stood up.
Lee Won looked at him without saying a word. It is not bad to give
yourself some time to think. Lee Won thought so, but Caesar was
different. He just looked in the direction Shiskin had gone, but he didn't
move at all.

It was when Lee Won furrowed his brows with a strange tension.
Sheskin left the kitchen with the sound of restless footsteps. Then the
igure of Sheskin appeared holding something with both hands.

I felt something strange. The moment Lee Won unintentionally got up

from his seat, Sheskin pointed a gun at him.

"Do not move… … !"

Lee Won stiffened as he was, and Caesar also looked at him without
moving. Unlike his sensitive nerves, his perception dulls. Lee Won
stood up with a lustered face and held out his hand.

“Calm down, Mr. Sheskin. I'm just here to talk. Put down your
weapon… ….”
“I told you not to move. Do not get close to me!"

Sheskin, who had been watching, suddenly pulled the trigger. The
bullet barely touched Lee Won's cheek, leaving a stinging sensation.
Then the dull sound of bullets hitting the old wall resounded loudly.

He was the next to see Cesar on the move. No, he only re lected in my
eyes. As soon as Sheskin linched from the recoil of the shot, Caesar
reached out and grabbed the man's gun. Shiskin was subsequently
dragged away with a pistol and grabbed by Caesar's arm.


The weapon he was holding immediately fell to the ground and

Sheskin's arm snapped back. There was a loud bone-twisting sound.
Then Sheskin's scream rang even louder.

"What are you doing, stop!"

Belatedly, Lee Won yelled. But Caesar did not stop. He looked at
Sheskin with a face as cold as a glacier and gave strength to the hand he
was holding. Again, there was an unpleasant sound.

It looked like it was going to break. Lee Won yelled sharply.

“He is an important witness. You can not stop?!"

Caesar paused. As a result, the sound of bones writhing also ceased.

When Cesar released his hand, the man fell to the ground, moaning and
crying. Lee Won walked up to him quickly and said:
“I'm not here to hurt you, calm down and listen. Please."

As he politely comforted him, Caesar kicked the weapon Shiskin had

dropped. The gun spun quickly across the loor, rolled, and sank under
a heavy cabinet. Lee Won managed to calm the sobbing Sheskin and sat
her down on a chair.

Even after he had barely stopped crying, Sheskin was still shaking with
fear. Seeing the look of him spying on Caesar with eyes full of fear, Lee
Won frowned at Caesar as if he saw it.

But no matter what he said after that, Shiskin didn't say a word. He
was terri ied and just screamed nonsense over and over again. In the
end, Lee Won gave up trying to convince him to see the Sheskin who
was about to pass out with bubbles.

“If you can think of something to say later, give me a call. I'm staying at
the inn across from this.

Lee Won, unable to get up from his seat, once again asked Sheskin, who
was terri ied.

“Don't worry, you'll never get hurt. We will protect you.

After signi icantly adding, Lee Won took out a business card and placed
it on the table. He said goodbye to Shiskin, who was still sitting there,
and then left. The courteous and friendly attitude was there. As soon
as Caesar followed him and the front door closed, Lee Won immediately
opened his ax eyes and turned around.

“I would have told you not to look like the ma ia… … !”

As soon as he left Shiskin's house, Lee Won roared and ran towards
him, but Caesar responded nonchalantly and without any hesitation.

"I was just negotiating to get an answer."

"It must be a threat!"

Lee Won raised his eyes iercely and asked.

“What the hell is that sword? Why did you bring that?

"I didn't say you couldn't use a knife."

“If you don't have a gun, you can't even have a knife! What is the
difference between you two!?”

How the hell did you get on a plane with a knife?

Lee Won, who was bewildered and bubbly, quickly spat it out before
Caesar spoke again.

“Are you trying to screw up the trial or are you trying to help? Also,
you almost broke your arm!

At Lee Won's urging, Caesar smiled coldly.

"If you didn't do that, you'd be dead."

As it was true, Lee Won had nothing to say this time. He obeyed with a
look of discontent, but cleanly.
"Thanks for that."

Caesar smiled like he was funny.

"Isn't it too simple to give up like this?"

Lee Won cried again and stared at him.

“That's that and this is this. Anyway, I de initely warned you. If you do
that again, I'll take that knife and stick it in your groin, okay?!"

The answer?! Caesar smiled at the dazzling gaze.

"You are threatening me right now."

"No, it's a warning."

Lee Won looked at Caesar as if he wasn't going to forgive him if this

happened one more time, and then turned around. Caesar smiled softly
at the back of Lee Won, who was walking quickly.


Sheskin hid behind a curtain and watched Lee Won walking fast and
Caesar following behind.

What do we do.
My body spontaneously shivered and cold sweat ran down my back.
His hand continued to nervously press the button on her cardigan. I
couldn't bear the fear. I ran all the way here, but you're inding me.

The words Lee Won left behind loated through my mind. Most
shocking of all, Berdiaev was also dead. Who killed him and why? He
knew that Berdiaev, who had been under Lomonosov's protection, was
under investigation for involvement in corruption. Isn't that why he ran
away here? But he is dead.

Now, what if the market is dead… …?!

Sheskin's face, as she turned her thoughts over to him, quickly turned

It was clear that the organization would use his hands immediately if
the job became a nuisance. Perhaps Berdiaev was also killed by
Lomonosov's side. For fear of endangering the organization through a
corruption investigation.

I no longer had the luxury of going back and forth. He desperately

needed someone to protect him before someone killed him. In an
instant, he remembered the man who had just threatened him. I got
goosebumps all over my body again, but the next thing I thought of was
another man named Lawyer.

Shiskin quickly rolled his thoughts. There is still a chance. Wouldn't

that man help in some way if we all talked about it? When he
remembered how he tried to persuade the silver-haired man who was
threatening him, he gained a bit of con idence. Having hardened his
mind, Sheskin quickly turned around to ind the business card that Lee
Won had left on the table. At that time.
Something cold and hard touched his forehead. Startled, Shiskin
stopped on the spot, her eyes widening.

There was another man besides him in the gloomy living room with a
small light on. Sheskin turned contemplative and froze as she was. He
couldn't even hear footsteps approaching, much less entering. What
the heck is the true identity of this man… …?!

Hopefully, Shiskin barely opened his mouth in a trembling voice.

"Everyone, you, nu, who."

The man smiled into the twilight. Strangely, the man's soft smile made
her heart shudder even more.

"You should know better, Sheskin."

The man pressed the barrel irmly against Sheskin's forehead. Sheskin
opened his mouth wide, but no sound came out of his mouth in fear.
Maybe the sniper they sent?

“Wait, no, ro, lomo… … .”

At the barely stuttered words, the man replied with a soft smile on his


A faint sound emanated from the cold barrel. There was an empty
sound as if the air was being sucked out, and after a while there was
<Continued with Volume 2>

rose and champagne 1

Issue date_September 14, 2017


cover design_mui

Publisher_Yomi Books

Editor_Shin Woo-mi

Editor_Lee Eun-joo

Publication record_ January 19, 2016 (No. 2016-000015) telephone_



ISBN 979-11-6100-082-4 05810

Copyright ⓒ ZIG 2017
All rights reserved

The Korean version of this book is copyrighted by Yomi Books.

Reproduction and reproduction without written permission is

Table of Contents





all rights





all rights



Lee Won, who had just returned to the inn, was led into the room by his
wife, who was waiting for him. He wanted to warm me in a warm bed.
You should take a shower irst.

He thought and shivered, his body still frozen.

"Come on. Small but nice room."

The wife led them straight into the room and lung the door wide open.
What she said was true. Except for saying it's good.

Lee Won stood in front of the musty room and looked inside without
saying a word. The walls with cracks in several places seemed about to
break at any moment, there was black mold in the corners, graf iti all
over the walls, and even dust on the loor.
There was one thing he just couldn't get over, even if everything else
was over. it was the bed he looked at the bed without saying a word.
No matter how many times I thought about it, this was not the case.

No matter how small a ryokan is, bunk beds are not bad.

"I, ma'am."

Lee Won, who called back with a hoho smile, said.

“Is this really the only room? Do you have other rooms

To Lee Won's desperate question, the wife answered with an awkward


“This is the only room left now. Actually, it's not a room I use much, but
since there are so many guests at the moment... ...It's high season.

Even in a desperate mood, Lee Won hardly found a silver lining. He

won't freeze to death.

"I'll give you a discount on the accommodation fee."

After politely adding that he turned around and walked away from him,
Lee Won turned his dismayed gaze around the room. He sighed with a
puzzled expression on his face, then suddenly turned his gaze to Caesar.

Caesar stood up and looked around the room without saying a word.
Thinking that he must have seen a room like this for the irst time in
his life, Lee Won gasped.
"Is this your irst time staying in a room like this?"

It must be the irst time she's seen him, he thought, but his
expectations were completely wrong.


In response to the short and nonchalant reply, Lee Won blinked and
looked at him.

“Have you been there before? When?"

Caesar, who paused for a moment, replied.

"When I was four years old, when I was seven and when I was twelve."

It was a strange time difference. Lee Won asked curiously.

"Are you in a bad mood?"

I thought maybe he was asking something too private, but Caesar

didn't respond without much response.

"I was kidnapped".

Lee Won was taken aback by the unexpected words and looked at him
from afar.

"Three times?"
When she was asked again in bewilderment, Caesar answered easily
this time.

"Twice for kidnapping, once for survival."

Cesar continued speaking indifferently.

“I learned that if I got caught and put in jail, I had to be able to get out
on my own. Thanks to you, I came out of it easily when I was 12 years

Lee Won stared at him at the unbelievable words. Suddenly, Cesar's

presence felt so far away. He knew that he was a man from a
completely different world, but it seemed like it was the irst time that
he felt it so realistically.

“Kidnapping, for money?”

Lee Won couldn't take it and asked. I asked him, knowing he was rude,
but Caesar answered without showing any kind of hiding or hesitation.

“No, Lomonosov often wanted to kill me. He failed many times”.

Caesar added, as if he were talking about someone else's business.

"Maybe one day I'll be successful."

Lee Won was speechless. He was looking at Caesar with a smile, when
he rang the phone in the room. Lee Won reluctantly moved and entered
the room.
"Are you going to eat?"

Lee Won responded appropriately to his wife's cheerful voice and hung
up the phone. He looked around the room once more and immediately
resigned himself. There is no other option, right?

A sigh escaped from Lee Won's mouth.

"up and down?"

When Lee Won turned around and asked, Caesar smiled strangely.

"I have no hobbies."

You asked for the bed.

As Lee Won grunted and exhaled, Caesar shrugged.

"I have never given my stomach to anyone."

Considering that he wanted to jump up and occupy the top right away,
Lee Won sat down on the bottom bed. The night was already dark.
Outside the window, there was a constant roar of the wind.

It had been a long time since she was lying in his bed, but Lee Won
couldn't sleep. The unfamiliarity with the new bed and the discomfort
of the bed also played a part, but what bothered me the most was the
sound. He was as attentive to the noises coming from above as he was
to the windows that swung noisily every time the wind blew.

The old bed creaked and screeched with every shake. Cesar also
seemed unable to sleep and would sometimes toss and turn. Lee Won
couldn't help but be aware of the screeching noise he heard every time
he moved his body.

It was the irst time that she was so worried even by the sound of the
other person's breathing. It was dif icult for Lee Won to even move her
body in the gloomy room. She suddenly shifted her position, but at the
cracking sound she heard from time to time, she stopped moving
quickly and listened quietly. There was no sound from above.

As I silently sighed, I heard a small crack as if waiting.

Caesar moved as if in response. Even in the dark, Lee Won could

understand her movements very well. Every time she heard a sound in
Caesar's bed, Lee Won felt like she was actually seeing it right in front of

Even though the space was partitioned from top to bottom, Lee Won
stood tall, aware of Caesar's existence down to the last drop of his hair.
Without saying a word, I listened to the rattling of the swaying window
and the occasional creak of the bed.

how long has it been? He fell asleep and woke up to the sound of the
tree screaming again. As he laid me down with blinking eyes for a
moment, I suddenly felt a sense of popularity. Another crack was heard
above Lee Won, who lay still holding his breath. It was a different
sound than before. he was moving Lee Won gulped dry saliva without
making a sound. The power entered my body. The screeching sound
changed. Caesar climbed down the ladder from the bed. Lee Won
hurriedly closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep. When Caesar put
his feet on the ground, the creaking stopped.

He could feel Caesar's gaze looking at Iwon. Lee Won held his breath
with all the might of him. It was quite dif icult to calm the strained
breathing by pretending to be asleep. Lee Won clenched his ists under
the blanket and took a deep breath. Cesar, who hadn't moved for a
while, turned around.

I could feel him walking away one step at a time. But there was no sign
of leaving. Lee Won, who was holding his breath, heard a small sound
of opening the closet. He opened his eyes silently. With the white light
coming through the window, Lee Won could see it.

Caesar turned his back on him and was pulling something out of his
coat. Lee Won frowned and blinked.

After a while, Caesar turned around and held up the Glock he was

After all, you did bring a gun.

Lee Won was furious when he found out that he had deceived himself
with an innocent face. But now that he came, he couldn't get up and
ask. I'll pretend I woke up earlier.

Caesar, pressing hard on his swollen stomach, took a step forward. Lee
Won hurriedly closed his eyes and pretended to sleep again.

What are you trying to do?

My breathing was disturbed by anxiety and fear.

As Lee Won crouched tense, Caesar walked past. When I opened my

eyes again, I saw him sitting on the windowsill. The glass window
swaying in the steady wind made a dull sound, but he didn't answer. He
was calmly looking out the window.

Lee Won held his breath silently and watched him. But he was there.
Cesar did not move at once. All he could do was stare out the window
with the Glock in one hand.

What are you doing... … ?

Lee Won frowned and blinked. Seeing him barely move, I got impatient
on this side. He tried to move his body gently, but Caesar suddenly
turned his head. Lee Won was startled and stopped moving. He could
feel Caesar's gaze watching him. He fought to catch his breath.

I was so worried that the sound of my own breathing might be louder

than the sound of the wind.

Lee Won, who had been forcing his body like this for a while, slowly
opened his eyes.

Cesar looked out the window again. A sigh of relief came out
involuntarily. He didn't know what the hell he was doing. Do you plan
to spend the night sitting by the window after bringing your own gun?
Lee Won couldn't understand, but now he couldn't even ask the reason.

It was repeated all night. Caesar, who had been looking out the
window the whole time, occasionally glanced at Yi Won's bed. At that
moment, Lee Won hurriedly pretended to be asleep and closed his eyes.
After a while, when he opened his eyes, he was looking out the window
again. Caesar didn't do anything, but Lee Won couldn't stand it because
he was worried. In the end, Lee Won stayed up all night in that state.



Lee Won yawned. I don't know how many times already. Blinking the
tears from his eyes, he slowly cut the pancake and popped it into his
mouth. At the restaurant we went down to for breakfast, other
customers had already taken their seats.

Fortunately, he found an empty seat and yawned continuously even

after sitting down.

She brought the strong coffee to her mouth, but her mind was still
fuzzy. Lee Won blinked hard with his heavy eyelids.

Just ine.

Hearing a light click in front of him, she quickly opened her eyes.
Caesar looked at him like he was enjoying himself.

"Sleep or eat, one or the other."

For whom is this?

"I can do both."

Lee Won spoke bluntly, picked up a bottle of syrup, and then threw it
away. He quickly picked up the bottle, but the syrup had already hit the
table and fallen to the loor.


The man sitting next to me involuntarily spat out an exclamation. A

couple of drops of syrup fell, staining the hem of his pants brown.

“Sorry. He slipped my hand…….”

He quickly apologized and lifted his head, stopping at the familiar face.
It was the man who checked in with him the day before. Name… … ?

"You're the person I checked in with yesterday."

Leonid greeted me irst. Lee Won, who belatedly remembered his

name, hurriedly said.

"Yes Leonid. Excuse me. Are you okay?"

Leonid smiled happily and waved his hand.

"Okay do not worry. How much."

Leonid, who had just gotten over the situation, asked.

"It's your last name?"

“My name is Wonjeong Lee. Nice to meet you."

Leonid said, shaking her hand lightly.

“Last night the wind blew so hard I wondered if the window was falling
down. It seems that Lee Won is also sleep deprived.”

"Unfortunately yes".

Lee Won resented Caesar in his heart and continued.

"Mr. Leonid looks better than me."

Leonid laughed happily.

“Before going down, I already took a deep breath. Is the seat next to
me empty? I spilled the coffee.

"Hey, I'm on the good side."

When Lee Won laughed out loud, Leonid laughed too. The only one
who didn't laugh was Caesar, who sat on the other side of Lee Won. He
was looking at Leonid sitting next to Lee Won with an expressionless
face and chatting. His face was completely different from the one he
had smiled the day before.

Caesar stared at him with a scrutinizing gaze, and Leonid lifted the
syrup from him and looked at the two of them as if necessary. Lee Won
voluntarily reached out his hand and attempted to hand over the bottle.

After she spilled the syrup on Lee Won's hand, Leonid exclaimed in

As he looked at her hand without thinking, he suddenly grabbed Lee

Won's hand.

"Hey, you made a mistake."

In an instant, Caesar's expression changed. He was looking at Leonid's

hand holding Lee Won, but Lee Won, who didn't notice his gaze, said.

"Fine. It was also a mistake I made."

"Is this a draw?"

"I might add another point soon."

Leonid laughed out loud at Lee Won's joke. Meanwhile, he held Lee
Won's hand and didn't let go.

"It's a hand that would look good on the piano."

He frowned at Leonid's words as he idgeted with Lee Won's hand.

What he did next was completely unexpected, even Caesar, let alone
Iwon. Leonid, who suddenly took Lee Won's hand, pursed his lips. In
an instant, Caesar was hard as stone. Lee Won was also startled and
froze, so he slightly stuck out his tongue and licked the syrup on the
back of her hand. Lee Won felt like chicken skin was sprouting all over
her body. Leonid smiled at Lee Won, who looked at him with a pale

"It is sweet."
I felt the life behind Lee Won. When Lee Won, who quickly put out his
hand, turned to look at him, Caesar stood up from his seat and looked at
Leonid with fearful eyes. Lee Won, who had a bad feeling for a moment,
quickly stood up and blocked the gap between Caesar and Leonid. In
the morning or whatever, I thought I had to leave this place.

"Then Leonid-san, I'm ine… … ."

"Mr. Lee Won."

Leonid, who called out to Lee Won, who was about to turn around,
stood up. He offered something to Lee Won, who looked at him as if he
was wondering what was going on.

"I left something behind."

As Lee Won reached out, Leonid placed an object in his palm and
clenched his ist. At Leonid's light smile, Lee Won bowed his head and
held out his hand. I felt something round in the palm of my hand.
Seeing it with his own eyes, he was taken aback by the unexpected.

button… … ?

Lee Won, who bowed his head, looked for Leonid, but he had already
left. Lee Won looked at the button, which was obviously not his, with a
strange feeling.

I think I saw it somewhere.

Lee Won, who carefully looked at the worn round button, put it in his
pocket and left the restaurant. He felt a bit strange.
Even before leaving the inn, Cesar was in a bad mood. Lee Won
ignored him as he followed him, giving off an aura of displeasure from
his body and walked away from him. Feeling much closer than when
they walked the dark path the day before, after a while they reached
Sheskin's house. Lee Won walked straight to the front door and rang
the bell, expecting footsteps to be heard, but the room was silent.

Sheskin, are you there? This is the lawyer who came to see me

Lee Won, who had yelled with his neck stretched out, waited for an
answer again. This time, there was no sound from inside. I had a bad
feeling. Lee Won knocked on the door with his ist, but he was still
there. After hesitating, Lee Won turned the door handle and was
surprised to see that the door opened smoothly.

"Mr Sheskin?"

Hesitantly, Lee Won, who opened the door, called out to the owner. But
still there was no answer. He cautiously entered the house. There was
a heavy silence in the room. Lee Won's sinister feeling grew even more
as the warm heat of the previous day suddenly turned cold. Suddenly,
an unpleasant odor hit the tip of his nose. Caesar stopped in front of
him as he inadvertently frowned.


Lee Won re lexively followed the unexpected order. The reason soon
became apparent. The cramped living room didn't change much from
what he had seen the day before. Except for the long smears of blood
that fell to Caesar's feet, he froze. Stunned for a moment, he glanced
down the veins and found Sheskin sitting in a chair. But he couldn't say
anything more.

“Mr. Sheskin… … !”

Lee Won tried to run, but Caesar stopped him before he could.


"How do you know that?"

In response to Lee Won's protest, Caesar spoke in a cold voice.

"Half your brain is blown up, but if you're alive, you're not human."

What he said was true. The place was a mess with scattered pieces of
lesh and blood. Sheskin sat strapped to a chair without even moving.
They shot him in the head as if he had been executed.

"Who is this… … ."

Caesar didn't say anything at the words of Lee Won, who had been
mumbling in confusion.

He opened his eyes and looked at the body. He had seen a corpse in the
same way before. A corpse shot in the head and tied to a chair. It was
an execution method unique to the Lomonosov organization. A deep
wrinkle was carved into Caesar's forehead.

Perhaps an old lion... … .

He was looking at him in an unsure mood and I saw Lee Won moving
his body.

"wait a second."

Caesar immediately pulled the Glock from his suit. As if it was too
natural, Lee Won involuntarily got goosebumps at the sight of him
hiding Lee Won behind his back and walking silently. He was soon back
in the mob. the irst time I saw him.

It was as if the hairs all over his body stood up. Without explanation,
Caesar leaned against the wall and looked around the house, holding
the Glock in one hand. I couldn't hear any footsteps, although he was
clearly seeing it moving right in front of my eyes. Lee Won felt like he
was watching an old silent movie. The loudest sound in the house
seemed to be his own breathing.

When I looked back, not far away was Sheskin's body. He held his
breath and carefully extended his hand. He quietly placed his hand
over Sheskin's nose and con irmed that he couldn't feel her breath. He
put his hand to his neck and checked her pulse, but it wasn't. Lee Won
bit his lip and looked at the body. Caesar is right. My head was kind of
blown off, but I don't know what I expected.

When he felt a sense of disappointment, he suddenly stopped looking

at him. There was no second button on the cardigan, which was
perfectly laced. In an instant, Lee Won hurriedly reached into his
pocket and took out the button he was holding. The buttons with the
frayed corners were like the other buttons on the cardigan. Lee Won,
who hesitated and looked away, con irmed the exact position of the
empty button and froze.
I heard silent footsteps coming from inside the house. Unlike before,
Cesar advanced by pretending to be popular.

"There is nobody here."

Lee Won didn't say anything. César felt something strange and
approached him.

"What's happening?"

Lee Won held out the button he was holding while staring at the
corpse. Lee Won opened his mouth to Caesar, who looked at the button
as if to ask what it was.

"This morning, Leonid-san gave it to me."

For a moment, Caesar's eyes turned sharp. Lee Won continued.

"I said I quit."

Cesar said nothing. When Caesar silently returned the button, Lee Won
looked at him in disbelief.

“Is that really true? That man, really… ….”

“You are a lawyer, but you have no eyes for people. Isn't it too easy to
trust others?"

Cesar, slightly sarcastic, looked at the corpse and opened his mouth.

“It's the job of a professional sniper. That's pretty good."

There were no traces left inside the house. Without the body, she
would have thought Sheskin had gotten away. But he was here. They
had become corpses waiting for them. Lee Won, who bit his lip, looked
at Caesar.

"Did you ever know?"

Cesar nodded nonchalantly.

"From the beginning."

"First? … … When do we meet at the reception?

No, said Caesar.

"When we meet at the door."

since then?! Lee Won blinked in surprise. Caesar continued to speak


"The boy was suspicious from start to inish."

Suddenly, Caesar looked at Lee Won, as if he had suddenly remembered


"But you… … ."

He waited for something to say, but Caesar looked at Iwon wordlessly

and then looked away.

"I'd like to get out of here for now."

Caesar, who suddenly changed the subject, grabbed Lee Won's arm and
turned around. Lee Won barely took his eyes off the corpse and
continued on. I have come here and this is the result.

Immediately, a dark feeling washed over me. Why did you go back to
the inn then?

I had to convince him somehow. He bit his lip in frustration. Now

maybe the future is good. Caesar looked down at the two circles with a

“I can't help it. We have no choice but to return to the mainland.”

Cesar stepped out of the porch and looked up at the sky.

"He's going to snow soon."

It was when Lee Won inadvertently raised his head. Suddenly Caesar
stopped. Lee Won, who was immersed in his thoughts, didn't notice his
movement. Caesar suddenly yelled at Lee Won, who was staring at the

"Move on!"

Before even reacting, Caesar irst hugged Lee Won. At the same time, a
loud shot rang out, walls shattered in all directions, and glass lew. He
fell to the ground in Caesar's arms, but Lee Won's eyes widened in
surprise, but he didn't have time to look at the situation. The bullets
ricocheted off the ground right in front of his eyes, and the hard, icy
ground shattered like ice.
The shooting continued rapidly. There were crushed and lying
fragments all over the place.

Caesar was lying on his back, hugging Yi Won tightly, wrapped around
his body. The terrifying sound of gunshots kept ringing in my ears, and
then my mind wandered.


He didn't even notice that the attack had stopped for a moment. Lee
Won was attracted to Caesar, who started running after him and ran
after him.

The re lections of the target were quite good. Leonid, who was taking
aim at a target while he was hiding behind the sight of them leeing
from the aim, put down his automatic ri le.

With no sign of hurry, he put the used gun in his bag and this time
pulled out the gun.

This hunt will be fun.

He hummed down the shallow hill and walked toward the mountain
where the signs led.

ha ha.

Lee Won barely stopped, breathing heavily. He felt like he was out of

When he opened his eyes and looked forward, a pale-faced Caesar was
looking somewhere far away. There were few places to hide in the few
mountains, where there were only rocks made of hardened snow ice
and sparsely cultivated conifers.

Cesar was concentrating all his nerves on listening. I'm sure he will
follow. The last shot must have been just to scare you. Like a cat
playing with a mouse, he must be quietly trying to hunt down the

He is a dangerous guy.

Caesar thought. This is a decent sniper. He must have been moved

under someone's orders.

Am I aiming, or... … .

Instinct moved faster than momentary calculation. Caesar hugged Lee

Won and at the same time crouched on the ground. The sound was
heard next. A slight creak was heard.

Is he a beast or a human? Caesar calmly calmed his heartbeat and

grabbed the Glock.
Lee Won held his breath and quickly recalled his thoughts. Was it Mr.
Leonid who ired the gun? I guess too. What are you looking for?
Wasn't it just Mr. Sheskin? Or is he just a threat? For what purpose... …

Lee Won looked at Caesar's side face as if he expected an answer.

There was no fear, no trembling, no nervousness, nothing on Cesar's
expressionless face. As if he had become a weapon, Lee Won felt a
sense of distance on his indifferent face.

Even in this dire situation, Caesar was acting too calm. It's like waking
up in the morning to be normal. Caesar, who had stood still for a while,
lowered his gun. Lee Won blinked in surprise and suddenly came
across a cat walking by in the distance. It was then that he realized that
the sound was actually a cat.

Caesar, who had stood still for a moment, suddenly pushed Lee Won.
Lee Won was surprised to see Caesar take off his coat. The day quickly
darkened and the wind grew stronger, and Cesar took off his coat,
revealing his thin suit.

What are you doing?

Lee Won yelled with a mouth. Instead of answering, Cesar covered his
mouth with his inger as if he wanted to shut up. Lee Won, who had no
choice but to keep his mouth shut, was startled again and gulped.
Caesar's suit was soaked with blood.

"You are injured?"

Without knowing it, I asked. Caesar frowned, then suddenly covered

Lee Won's mouth with his hand.
we talk later

Cesar, who instead spoke with his mouth, listened in silence. Lee Won
didn't ask any more questions and just blinked in surprise. Caesar soon
released him, but Lee Won kept his mouth shut.

Here it is.

Caesar, speaking silently, immediately moved and moved, using rocks

and wood as a shield. Lee Won soon learned why Caesar had taken off
his coat. When he took off his thick coat, his body moved ever so

Lee Won froze in his seat following Caesar's instructions. If that's the
case, hypothermia will hit before the Sniper. Lee Won didn't know
which one was more dangerous. His lips were already discolored blue.
However, attention continued to focus solely on Caesar's injuries. Did
you hurt yourself before running? It would be, probably. How hurt are
you? If there was that much blood, it would have been a serious injury.

The bleeding started from his shoulder. As proof, Caesar was holding
the Glock in a hand other than his own.

If you have ever injured an artery… … .

It was time to stop thinking about the sinister imagination. Caesar's

gaze locked and he felt his body harden. Caesar pushed the barrel of
the Glock aside. Lee Won was taken aback for a moment and re lexively
looked back. There was nothing to be seen from the other side of the
gloomy forest. There wasn't even a sound. But Caesar pointed his gun
directly at him and didn't even blink.
A shadow fell like sculpture over his face as darkness fell. The clouds
gathered in the gray sky made an unusual sound and dropped a blurry
piece of dust one by one. As soon as the snow lakes that lew like petals
touched Cesar's cheek, he pulled the trigger.

A loud gunshot rang out, vibrating the air. Lee Won, who had hurriedly
bowed, had his face contorted in a series of gunshots that followed. He
had no idea where the hell someone was shooting. He couldn't even tell
if Caesar was shooting or if he was being attacked one-sidedly. He
covered his ears and just dodged the loud gunshots that vibrated
throughout the forest.

Suddenly I heard someone running. When Lee Won, startled, raised his
head, Caesar, who was right in front of him, grabbed his arm and
dragged him away. Getting up in a hurry, Lee Won grabbed the coat that
Caesar had taken off without missing a chance. Suddenly, thick snow
covered the forest like mist.

Drops of dried blood mixed with the snow fell to the ground. Leonid
looked at him slowly and raised his head.

Like you said, Czar.

Inwardly, I admired him. In such a situation, he took his partner and

hid, from what I heard, his father, Sasha, seemed to have put a lot of
effort into creating the play.

Leonid narrowed his eyes. This was outside of commissioned work.

But he itched. How excited would it be to hit that man's heart? If you
blow your head off, blood and meat spread everywhere.

Just imagining it was exciting. Leonid walked slowly along the dripping
drops of blood.


It was a big problem.

Lee Won thought with a pale face. Caesar breathed. The breath, which
he had held well until now, now hits hard as if it were the limit. The
sniper was still chasing them. Without any special training or feeling,
Lee Won knew.

Cesar's bleeding was worse than expected. There was no trace of

blood on his white face.

But the bloodstained hand that held the weapon did not lose its
strength at all. As he looked anxiously at Caesar, he suddenly heard a
voice behind him. As he turned around in surprise, Caesar grabbed Lee
Won's shoulder and pulled him closer.

"Okay, it's the sound of leaves."

After a while, with a small whisper, the same sound was heard, and Lee
Won noticed that the dry leaves made a sound when struck from a
distance. Cesar sat leaning against a rock with his eyes closed. When I
looked down from the arm that was holding my shoulder, I saw a hand
holding a Glock. Even with the weapon in a hand other than the one he
normally uses, there was no tremor.

Lee Won, who was looking at him, put Caesar's coat that he had
brought over his body later. Cesar, who woke up with the sudden heat,
made a joke.

"You took such good care of me."

"It's like you never forget your gun."

Caesar smiled bitterly as he pointed out the breach of promise and

ired. Cesar's body was already cold. Lee Won was now worried about
the sniper and hypothermia, as well as Caesar's bleeding. Suddenly, I
felt Cesar's brief laugh. Turning his head in puzzlement, Cesar said.

"Don't worry. There was something worse than this."

Caesar laboriously raised his hand and stroked Yi Won's head.

"Don't worry, I'll protect you no matter what."

Lee Won didn't say anything. At this time, according to what he said, he
seemed like he had never trusted anyone.

To that extent, Lee Won was feeling the sincerity in his words, actions,
and everything about him.

What the hell have you been through? Lee Won thought. Now that his
life is frequently threatened, he received survival training in
preparation for the kidnapping and survived all the dangers, what kind
of memories is he recalling? Lee Won didn't know. It was the irst time
I felt so powerless. At this point, there is nothing you can do about it.
Rather, he just gets in the way.

Lee Won, biting his lip, suddenly realized that Caesar wasn't saying

I felt bad. However, Lee Won, who quickly shook Caesar's shoulder,
was taken aback by Caesar's lack of response.


I called my name involuntarily, but there was no answer. Lee Won

turned contemplative and shook his shoulder roughly.

… …Sorry, I have to die.

He said with a very guilty expression.

I don't feel comfortable trying to kill a child like you, but I can't.

Caesar looked at the woman who was pointing the gun at him. There
was no fear or regret. All he could do was think about it again. These
things have been exhausting. They were thrown into the mountains,
stabbed and left without food. I remembered the teacher at school who
asked me to write about my future. When I wrote 'someday I'm going
to die', the teacher was embarrassed and told me to call my parents.

I still don't know if he really feels it or not. She just put the gun to
Caesar's head, and he did what he knew best. He put his hand on his
back and pulled out a knife. He squeezed the trigger and Cesar lung his
sword at the same time. The sword was pierced right through the
woman's heart, and Caesar was also pierced through his shoulder.

But anyway, it was Caesar who survived. He quickly looked at the

woman who was drenched in blood.

She was Caesar's tutor.

"Caesar… …Caesar!"

He barely regained consciousness as he heard a voice calling out to

him. My God, did you pass out?

Cesar wanted to bite his tongue. It was a shame that he lost his mind
like that. When Caesar opened his eyes, Lee Won's face, which he had
been looking at, improved a bit.

As he stroked his hair like he didn't care, Lee Won's expression turned
strange. But Caesar didn't care and he checked the Glock magazine.
There was only one bullet left. It was clear that the situation was in
crisis. Cesar took a deep breath and opened his mouth.

"When I shoot, run immediately."

Cesar gave the order in a low voice, whispered.

"Stay strong, no compromise."

Caesar, quietly reciting Hans Scholl's last words, suddenly pushed the
one he was holding and stood up at the same time. Without a moment
to scream, Lee Won fell to the ground.

A man was walking from afar. The forest covered in darkness, snow,
and mist barely showed the opponent's form. Caesar aimed the gun
directly at the target and pulled the trigger.


A loud shot sounded as if it shook the heavens and the earth, and then
the snow, which had accumulated on the trees and hills, fell between
the man and Caesar. Lee Won immediately lew away and started
running with Caesar.



The door opened with a loud noise. The woman who was cleaning the
hall turned her head in surprise. At the same time, the large shadow of
a tall man suddenly entered her ield of vision.

Without knowing it, the woman widened her eyes and took a deep
breath. It was then that she realized he was a guest at her inn. The
silver man covered in pure white eyes looked at her, breathing heavily.
Lee Won hurriedly tried to support him, but it was already too late.
Caesar lost consciousness. When the woman saw César fall, bleeding,
she cried out in surprise. Lee Won quickly supported Caesar, but he
couldn't bear the weight of him, so he hesitated and backed away.

"Oh my gosh, what's going on!?"

The wife, who had been contemplating too late, urgently asked. Lee
Won said as he panted.

“Anything…… No. While he was out for a walk……injured. Could you

please call a doctor?”

“My God, yes, it should be! Honey, I'm going to call Miss Boris right
now! OMG,

how did you get so hurt Go Go! Come on, stop bleeding… … .”

The wife and the owner rushed to support them. Lee Won looked
anxiously at Caesar, who was losing consciousness with a pale face.

It was not long before the doctor visited the inn. He barely opened the
door, he rushed to ind the patient, who entered through the eyes with a
royal suitcase.

“I was injured while walking. look at the blood. How did this happen?

The doctor hurried to check the wounds at the words of his wife, who
made a quick chatter in contemplation. It was then that she saw him
start to linch.
“Master, why are you like this? What's going on? Are you serious?"

Again the wife asked busy. The doctor looked at the wound for a
moment and opened his mouth.

"No, it's not like that… …Would you like to leave the party alone and let
the others hang out for a bit? It interferes with the treatment."

At the harsh words of the doctor, the woman blushed and hurriedly left
with her mistress.

When the two were left alone, the doctor was speechless. Lee Won,
feeling a sinister feeling, waited for his words. The doctor, who rubbed
the antiseptic into the wound

bloodied, he carefully checked the depth of the wound. The doctor

opened his mouth, pressing on the spot where the bleeding continued
with a clean cotton swab.

"You said you went for a walk."

Lee Won responded nervously to the tone that seemed like a


"Yes a little bit… … ."

The doctor said, changing the cotton and pressing the wound again.

"It's hard to tell it's a mountain, but I often go up to the fortress at the
back of town."
Lee Won stopped at the calm voice. The doctor spoke slowly.

“Heard quite a few different sounds today. People were quite anxious.
In addition, shots were heard in the village… … .”

Lee Won was shocked as his heart stopped. The doctor turned to Lee
Won, who said nothing with a pale face. For the irst time, Lee Won met
the doctor's gaze.

“Whether it's yours or not, I don't care. I just don't want strangers
ruining the city."

The doctor who removed the swab checked the bleeding again and
pressed the wound with a new swab. As the doctor treated the wound,
Lee Won just watched. The doctor who stitched up the wounds and
bandaged them, he said as he unpacked his belongings.

“The bullets appear to have pierced cleanly. The bleeding has stopped
and the necessary irst aid has been completed, so please leave this
place as soon as you wake up.”

The doctor got up from his seat with the bag and looked directly at Lee

“This is a quiet and peaceful town. I hope you don't get caught up in
the riots."

With the last word as a warning, the doctor left the room. Lee Won just
looked at the closed door with a worried face.

I felt a burning pain in my shoulder. It felt like there was ire all over
my body. How long has it been, this feeling. Cesar thought with his
eyes closed. Yes, I was shot. Long time not see you. Even feeling a
strange longing, he opened his eyes. Something lashed through my
blurry vision. Caesar, who had been inactive for a while, blinked.
Belatedly focused, the igure of an animal was revealed in front of me.

Big eyes closed and open. The long hair and small lips that rested on
his forehead re lected immensely in the sight of him. When he saw the
round face staring at Caesar right in front of his eyes, Caesar linched.
At that moment, the boy jumped off Cesar and screamed.

“My eyes are open, my eyes are open! Uncle, mom.

Caesar stared at the boy's back as he ran noisily. He was still numb.

This was also the fever I felt in a long time. As I was lying on my bed
and blinking, I heard footsteps running towards me. Caesar, who
re lexively turned his head, immediately opened the door and saw a
familiar face appear and was relieved. Lee Won quickly walked up to
him with a pale face and looked at him.

"Are you awake? How are you?"

Lee Won carefully brushed the hair off Caesar's forehead. He looked
like he still hadn't regained consciousness. Caesar attributed his
confused awareness to the heat.
"it's ine."

The voice came out unexpectedly. When he inadvertently frowned, Lee

Won smiled bitterly. Caesar suddenly wondered at his appearance as if
he was worried about something.

Lee Won opened his mouth.

"He is snowing, just like you said."

At that moment, Cesar looked out the window, but all he could see was
the darkness of the night, covered in white snow. Lee Won spoke in a
low voice.

“I found out, but the light has already been cancelled. It seems wrong
to go back to the schedule ”.

In this state, neither ships nor planes have prospects. Caesar was about
to say that he did, but he soon closed his mouth at the sound of heavy
footsteps that followed. It was the innkeeper's daughter who pushed
hard on the old door. In the little boy's hand was a water cup illed with

"Come on, water."

The boy held out the cup with one hand and smiled. Lee Won was
nervous inside and waited for Caesar's answer. I didn't think it would
do anything to the child in this state, but I couldn't help but worry.
Looking down, Caesar tried to get up. Seeing him clenching his arms
tightly, Lee Won held out his hand.

"I can help?"

Instead of answering, Cesar sat alone. Lee Won pulled his hand away
and looked at him. Caesar turned his gaze back to the boy. Standing
outside the narrow bed, the boy held out a cup all the time waiting for
him. Caesar, who looked at the boy, extended his hand. Facing Lee Won,
who was looking at him nervously, Caesar calmly took a glass of water
and brought it to his mouth. Although relieved, Lee Won looked at him
in astonishment. César drank the entire glass of water, apparently
thirsty, and handed an empty glass to the boy.


At the words that lowed like a machine, the boy's face turned bright
and half colored. Lee Won, who was watching, widened his eyes in
surprise. But it was reality. Lee Won was speechless at the incredible
sight, the boy said.

"You are like an angel."

Surprisingly, Caesar was the same. When I looked at the boy with a
frown, the boy lit up his eyes and said.

"Shine. The hair and eyes are so pretty. It's like the painting of the angel
I saw in church."

Cesar said nothing. All I did was extend the glass as if he was going to
urge. That was when the boy happily reached out to receive the cup
Cesar was holding.

Suddenly, a strange sound mixed with the strong wind. The moment
Lee Won stopped, the glass window shattered with a loud noise and
lew out, smashing the glass of water Caesar was holding.
It really happened in an instant. Cesar, who was about to give the boy
the cup, was instantly left with nothing. Shattered glass shards lew in
all directions, and the girl blankly reached out her hand with shocked

Each moment passed in just a few seconds. But for Lee Won, he was
recognized too slowly. The lying shards of glass, the boy wide-eyed in
surprise, and the broken glass in Caesar's hand slowly passed in front
of Lee Won's eyes like a slow screen.

He was clearly in front of me, and I knew it, but my body didn't move.
Lee Won was enraptured and watched as Caesar's empty hands pulled
the boy's head and hugged him with his whole body. Before he could
scream, the little boy's body was hidden in Caesar's arms, and Caesar
jumped out of bed and yelled at Lee Won.

"What are you doing! Get down, now!"

Lee Won quickly ducked and led to the corner. As if waiting, shots
rang out one after another and there were holes in the walls. The
regular sound of gunshots, as if to match the rhythm, inally stopped.
Lee Won lay down and listened quietly. All he could hear was the wind.

Was over... … ?

Lee Won barely got up and saw Caesar, who was crouched on the
ground just like him. He looked out the dark outside through the
broken window, as if con irming that the shooting was over.

Caesar, who had been silent for a while, turned his head. Until then, the
child was held tightly in his arms. Only then did Cesar realize. At the
same time, Lee Won saw his wide eyes.
Incredible would be Caesar's side instead of himself. He holds and
protects the child. Caesar looked at the boy curiously, as if he were
blushing. The boy, who had only blinked as if he was frantic, wondered
if his face was distorted and then burst into tears. Cesar clumsily held
the crying child.

Seeing him like this made Lee Won's heart ache for other reasons.
Although it was sudden, he couldn't do anything. He could neither
protect the child nor protect Caesar. All he did was stand there blankly.

How can you be so helpless?

As he bit his lip, his owner and his wife rushed in with a loud sound of

"My God, Katie!"

“What is this?! How did this happen… …!”

The owner and his wife and his guests who came running after hearing
the shot became confused and shouted. Caesar staggered to his feet
and without a word handed the child over to his master and his wife.
When the wife saw the child's tear-stained face, she was shocked and
snatched the child from her.

Immediately in contemplation, she stepped back, looked into the room,

and stopped breathing. Seeing the messy interior, the owner and other
guests sniffed around and exchanged unusual glances.

“Come to think of it, there were shots ired during the day… … .”

"There is talk of someone dead."

“At times like this… … .”

All the gossip was directed at Iwon and Caesar. Everyone, including his
master and his wife, were no longer favorable to them. Everyone's gaze
was visceral with antipathy and suspicion. The moment the owner
opened his mouth, Lee Won knew what he was going to say.

“Excuse me, do you want to go? The room is like this… … We will
refund the accommodation fee.”

The owner was gibberish with a pale face. His attitude showed that he
wanted to kick them out. Lee Won looked at Caesar in puzzlement.
Aside from himself, Caesar was now seriously injured. It was hard to
be expelled like that.

“I'm sorry, but until the snow stops, no, until the sun comes up… … .”

Lee Won stopped talking immediately. The faces of everyone who

looked at them were hard. It was an atmosphere that seemed to force
him out if he didn't listen. Reluctantly, Lee Won won.

Maybe the sniper is waiting outside.

He was a little nervous, but Caesar didn't answer. Rather, as if natural,

he found his suit stained with blood and put it on.

When Caesar turned around and put on the coat that Lee Won had
taken out, the people who were watching immediately turned around.
Lee Won's heart soured at the sight of people dividing neatly back and
forth, but Caesar still didn't say anything.

The sound of Caesar's footsteps was particularly loud. Lee Won felt a
complicated feeling looking at his back as he walked silently. It was so
direct. It seems that this is an everyday thing. It was the attitude that it
didn't matter if he feared him, he feared him or he hated him. At that
moment, Lee Won saw the absolute loneliness that surrounded him.

He was terribly lonely, always.

As Caesar passed by his master and his wife, the boy suddenly reached
out his hand to catch up with Caesar.

"Hey, why are you here?"

The wife hastily stopped him, but the boy did not listen. The wife had
no choice but to leave the child while she struggled with her arms. As
soon as her feet hit the ground, the boy ran to Cesar.

"Thanks dude."

The boy looked at Cesar with clear eyes. People held their breath and
watched what happened next. César, who looked at the boy without
saying a word, held out his hand. A large hand involuntarily ruf led the
boy's hair, then moved away. Lee Won, who was looking at his back,
averted his eyes and tilted his head towards the owner and his wife.


When Lee Won apologized, the owner and his wife greeted each other
with disgusted faces. And he left the inn after chasing Caesar, who
walked without hesitation into the torrential blizzard.

When I opened the door, I couldn't see an inch in front of me, and a mix
of pure white snow and total darkness lowed out. Lee Won, who
grabbed Caesar as he silently moved his footsteps, said.

"It's dangerous. You have to look around you.

"Anyway, in this state, even a divine sniper can't shoot."

Caesar said nonchalantly.

"Besides, if he really wanted to shoot, he would have done it sooner."

"Then why… … ."

Caesar smiled brie ly at Lee Won, who was taken aback.

“There are many reasons, like wanting to appeal that he is safe, or

showing that he can kill us at any time. It must have been some kind of

In any case, it was fortunate that the sniper did not aim more. He
maybe he thought he would freeze to death without even iring a gun.
Lee Won said as he felt his face immediately freeze from the intense

"You're going?"
Caesar just looked at Yiwon in silence. Lee Won opened his mouth as if
he knew.

“And if I go out without any measures? If that was the case, I would
have had to force myself to endure it.”


When Caesar frowned and asked, as if it was the same with you, Lee
Won said con idently.

"I do not move without measures under any circumstances."

Caesar just frowned without saying a word. In the snowstorm, Lee

Won con idently turned around. The falling snow lew like dust,
making it hard to see ahead. Lee Won, who was a few steps ahead,
stopped and looked back. Cesar walked slowly, at a slower pace than
usual. He walked without asking for help or telling her to wait. only.

Lee Won, who had been looking at him silently, turned around again.
One step at a time, I approached him. Caesar looked at Lee Won, who
was inally standing in front of him, as if he was puzzled. like what's
going on Without a word, Lee Won grabbed his arm and put it on his
shoulder. Caesar was surprised to see Lee Won start walking again, but
Lee Won just walked silently. Cesar's face softened little by little and he
soon walked on in silence.

In the blizzard, the two of them walked without saying a word. But for
some reason, Lee Won felt like she was talking more than ever.

After walking for so long, facing the pouring snow, Lee Won barely
found the house. Caesar, standing in front of the house with Lee Won,
doubted his eyes for a moment.

"Here… … ."

"So is."

lee won said

It's Shskin's house.


I just gently pushed it, but the front door made a loud noise and
jumped back. After letting Caesar in, Lee Won hurriedly closed the
door. Since I barely closed the door, struggling with the wind that was
blowing, I got tired quickly. Lee Won sighed and looked back.

Caesar sat on the loor leaning against the wall. He wears a lot of fur,
but he won't last long in that state. Also, since he was seriously injured,
his body temperature must have dropped signi icantly. First, Lee Won
groped on the wall to ind the switch.

Fortunately, the electricity came immediately. In the light, Caesar's

white face looked even paler. Lee Won quickly turned around to ind a
place to rest. At that moment, a corpse in the middle of the room
caught my attention.

The owner of the house was there just as he was when he last saw him.
Although it was natural. As if it wasn't easy to rot in the harsh cold, it
remained cold. Seeing him frozen and motionless, Lee Won got
goosebumps for reasons other than the cold.

But there was no choice. It was better to spend the night with a corpse
than to freeze to death outside. Lee Won made up his mind and looked
around. After gazing for a while between curtains and rugs, Lee Won
soon realized why he was so cold and windy even though he was
indoors. All the windows were broken. Even the hard icicles were
frozen in the living room where the sharp north wind blew.

Damn bastard, just see you again.

Lee Won was belatedly gnashing his teeth and lifted the rug once. The
blood on the carpet had already dried and hardened, but he was still
hesitant. Lee Won immediately covered Sheskin's body and dragged
him to the chair, moving him as far away from the living room as

Next was the window. Lee Won searched the house to ind a useful tool
kit and immediately blocked the window by nailing it down. After
completing the small construction, I was relieved. Since the wind did
not come, it seemed that he was going to live. After barely inishing the
scheme, Lee Won immediately moved on to Caesar.

"Can you stand up?"

When he held out his hand, Caesar just looked at him indifferently. He
felt like taming a wild animal for some reason. Lee Won held his breath
and silently waited for Caesar's response. Caesar, who had only been
silently watching, reached out and took Lee Won's hand. At that
moment, for some reason, a sigh of relief escaped from Lee Won's
Lee Won, who supported the staggering Caesar and sat him down near
the stove, quickly piled up irewood. He brought paper and a lighter to
set ire to the woodpile, but contrary to his wishes, the ire didn't light
up well. It wasn't enough for Lee Won to gather all the paper and burn
it, so he took off his coat and forced a ire with a gust of wind. Seeing
the lames barely rising, Lee Won smiled brightly without realizing it.

Suddenly, he sounded like a laugh. Turning his head, Caesar poked him
in the face. Lee Won, who had been involuntarily touching his face,
frowned when he saw the soot on his palms. Cesar said with a smile.

"You really believe that you can live even if you fall in the desert."

As Lee Won looked at him as if to say what he wanted to say, Caesar

looked at Sheskin's body.

“I didn't know you were going to ask me to come here. I thought

ordinary people would tremble when they said corpse.”

Of course, Lee Won also had goosebumps. But if that's the case, anyone
has to do it. Lee Won replied nonchalantly.

"You can't freeze to death outside just because you're afraid of a dead


Caesar agreed and said lightly.

“Sometimes you are more gangsters than me”.

Lee Won immediately denied it.

"It's reasonable."

I didn't express it, but inside I wanted to jump and jump. With the
memory of Caesar shooting in front of him without hesitation, Lee
Won's complexion turned pale as he suddenly relived the day. He had
so much to do that he had forgotten the purpose of coming here. Lee
Won unintentionally spoke to himself.

Who the hell killed Mr. Sheskin? … ?”

For what purpose.

It was clear that someone was involved in the corruption. But hiring a
sniper complicates things too much. who… … ?

Caesar also had the same concerns as Lee Won. However, he did have a
suspect that he de initely narrowed down.

Lomonosov, or the other.

The execution method that was so safe was quite questionable. Caesar
raised his eyebrows and thought deeply.

"Don't you know anything about Leonid?"

At Lee Won's question, Caesar shook his head brie ly.

"He's a pretty good guy, but I've never seen a sniper face in person."

Of course, Caesar is the one who gives the orders, not the one who
executes them. Still, Lee Won asked again.
"If he is from that high class, isn't it too much?"

Caesar nodded brie ly.

Not even hot.

one of them Who would hire such a sniper to work with... … .

In the end, the thoughts went round and round in the same place. Lee
Won seriously raised his eyebrows. Without the sole witness, the
future was bleak. The person who killed the Witness must be smiling.
If so, he must be the person who bene its after the witness's death…….

"Are you a member of parliament Zhdanov?"

Everything is possible if we work together. In addition, he is still facing

several lawsuits. Caesar shook his head at Lee Won, who was muttering

"I do not believe it."


Caesar didn't answer Lee Won's question. Cesar, who was silent for a
moment, opened his mouth.

"This has certainly made the trial uncertain."

It was when Lee Won's expression hardened in embarrassment at the

murmur as if he was talking to himself.
"But he wouldn't hurt to dig on Zhdanov's side."

Lee Won blinked at the unexpected words.


When Lee Won asked, Caesar continued to speak slowly.

"If Berdiaev and Zdanov committed the same fraudulent method,

would there not be witnesses to testify that Zdanov also borrowed the

Caesar added with a slight smile.

"However, it's just my guess."

However, Lee Won's thoughts were different. It was quite a useful idea.
Yeah, we dug up Berdiaev, but there's nothing you can't beat Zhdanov.
Besides, the living Zhdanov could be more useful than the dead
Berdiaev... … !

Lee Won, who had been thinking up until now, smiled genuinely and

"Its worth doing".

Caesar looked at Lee Won with a smile. However, Lee Won did not stop
smiling at him. For a moment, the two looked at each other in silence.
Little by little, the smile disappeared from their faces and neither of
them smiled anymore. But he didn't look away. We just look at each
Suddenly, Lee Won felt his mouth go dry. His gazes were ixed on the
other's lips, and they didn't move. The distance approaches without
realizing it. When he opened his eyes, Lee Won was close enough to
touch Caesar's breath. The moment he realized that, Lee Won quickly
backed away.

"I'd like to have some tea."

He moved as fast as he immediately jumped. Caesar was still sitting

there, looking at Lee Won's back. Lee Won went around the wall and
hid in the kitchen, but his pulse still hadn't stopped. It seemed that
Caesar's gaze was still attached to him. Suddenly, the inside of my body
heated up. Lee Won tried to calm his heavy breathing, but it was never


Outside, everything was white with snow. Lee Won barely woke up
from the light re lected in his eyes and blinked blankly while he was
lying down. Suddenly, bright blonde hair came into view. Lee Won then
realized that what he felt was not the light in his eyes but Caesar's hair.

Caesar was still asleep. After barely lighting a ire the day before, the
two of them slept in front of the ireplace, covered in furs. I consciously
tried to fall, but when I opened my eyes, this was the situation. Lee
Won lay face to face with Caesar. But somehow I didn't want to get up.
Lee Won froze and looked at Caesar's sleeping face.
Depending on the light, he sometimes turns gold or silver, and the
eyelashes, which change frequently, now shine golden in the sunlight.
Near-silver platinum blondes were scattered haphazardly across her
forehead, and the corners of her mouth, which had usually been tightly
closed, were loose. Suddenly, I remembered the words of the
innkeeper's daughter.

Sleeping really is like an angel.

Lee Won hesitated and quietly raised his hand. A soft sigh touched her
and he felt her soft lips on the tips of her ingers. Lee Won slowly
caressed Caesar's lips with the tips of his ingers. Lee Won, who had
been gently pressing his elastic lips, let go of his hand. Suddenly, his
face came right in front of Lee Won's gaze. My heartbeat gradually
quickened. Lee Won tilted his head as he felt his breath involuntarily

Caesar's brow furrowed as his eyes were about to close. will wake up
Lee Won was shocked and snapped back to reality. Realizing that he
was about to kiss him later, he got up quickly. Instead of inding myself
like this, I prefer to bite my tongue right here.

Lee Won thought and walked away very busy.

Hearing the sound of footsteps walking away, Caesar slowly opened his
eyes. Lee Won, who had just been lying face to face with him, was no
longer there. Caesar closed his eyes again and crouched down where
Lee Won lay. It was a morning that he didn't want to get up.
Cesar opened his eyes at the sound of heavy footsteps. Still feeling
sorry for the empty seat, Lee Won said above him.

"Stop getting up."

The next words brought Caesar awake in an instant.

"Eat food."

When Caesar turned his head, Lee Won was holding a tray and looking
at him. Caesar slowly got up and sat down with a disgusted expression
on his face. Lee Won continued.

“It's cold in the kitchen, so eat here. ruler."

Instead of taking the tray that Lee Won was offering, Caesar asked.

"Did you make the food?"

Lee Won asked nonchalantly.

"If it wasn't for you, would I?"

Caesar frowned and gasped as he looked at Lee Won.

"What did you do?"

lee won said

Cesar's complexion changed. Lee Won added with a still
expressionless face.

"There's meat in the fridge, so I put that in too."

Lee Won added the silent Caesar.


He passed a silent silence. With Caesar's gaze staring at him without

saying a word, Lee Won decided to tell the truth. If he went on like this
for another minute, it seemed that Cesar would die of a heart attack.
Lee Won put down the tray and said.

"It was a lie. I heated the can.


As soon as he saw the soup on the plate, Caesar breathed a sigh of

relief. Lee Won frowned, but Caesar was distracted at the moment and
put on a very happy expression.

"My heart almost stopped."

Cesar then put a smile on his face. Lee Won replied nonchalantly.

"That was a joke."

Then Caesar immediately shook his head.

"Stop. When I see what I hate, a boy I like is enough."

Lee Won blinked as if he was going to say something. Caesar added
without explanation.

"I'll see you soon."

Caesar looked away after a brief comment. When Lee Won tried to
reach for the tray that he had placed on the ground, Lee Won irst took a
spoon and stirred the soup lightly.


Caesar didn't say anything to Lee Won, who took out the soup and
handed it to him. He just looked at Lee Won with a very cold gaze. how
is this

He passed a suffocating silence. Lee Won blinked and looked at Caesar

as if something was wrong. Caesar opened his mouth.

"I can do it."

And as if to prove it, he took the spoon from Lee Won's hand and ate
the soup himself. Lee Won said later, embarrassed.

"I was just trying to help because he was hurt."

Caesar did not reply. They just continued to eat in silence. Lee Won
looked at him without saying a word and got up late.

"I'll bring you some bread."

Thinking that he said unnecessary words, Lee Won headed to the
kitchen. As he put the leftover food on the tray, Lee Won recalled the
emotions he felt. He didn't want to know the identity of the strange
feeling I felt when I saw Cesar eating alone.

The soup, ham and bread were placed in front of the two sitting across
from each other.

Fortunately, the soup was canned and the bread was frozen. Lee Won
and Caesar ate together in front of the ireplace in the living room
where the wood was burning.

As he ate, Lee Won experienced numbness in his legs after a long time.

Looking at Caesar with a look, he also seemed to be in trouble and was

changing his posture several times.

"Are we going to eat at the table next time, even if it's cold?"

At Lee Won's question, Caesar put on a serious expression.

"It's hard. Life is also a choice."

In other times it would have been absurd to talk about both life and
where to eat. But this time, Lee Won also sympathized. Will you roll
your body all day while eating a humble meal, or will you eat a humble
meal with your body frozen and shaking instead of having a
comfortable posture?
"It's the same as abusing your body in any way."

As Caesar spoke bitterly, Lee Won opened his mouth.

"I thought about moving the table."

Lee Won added after putting it between them.

"If you put that here, we have to sleep on the table."

At that, Caesar laughed. Inwardly, Lee Won thought with a strange

feeling. I don't know why this man smiles every time I say something. I
don't think he's the type to laugh badly. To Lee Won, who was still
puzzled, Caesar said with a still smiling face.

"That's tough. If you fall and get hurt, it's a big deal."

There, Lee Won also agreed. Lee Won, who stirred the soup with an
involuntary sigh, said.

“I'm glad Leonid-san gave up and left. If I had been kicked out in this
situation, I wouldn't have been able to live."

Lee Won suddenly thought.

Why the hell did you hire Leonid to kill us? Do you have any guesses?

I could never ind out the reason. The only suspect I can think of is
Zhdanov, but Cesar denies it without hesitation. So who is Caesar's
guess? Caesar seemed to think about Lee Won's question for a moment
and then opened his mouth.
"The method of execution is that of Lomonosov."

Lee Won remembered the name of a giant ma ia organization that he

had heard about. A large organization that is hostile to Caesar's
organization. They say they don't hesitate to threaten their lives
because they have ights with each other on a daily basis. Didn't Caesar
also say that he was about to die several times? It was probably the
cause... … .

Caesar told Lee Won, who remembered a newspaper article he had

read one day.

"But I don't think an old lion would leave his prey so conspicuous."

"Old lion?"

Caesar said with indifference at the unknown words.

“I am the current owner of Lomonosov. It is said that he collapsed

from illness a while ago…….”

Caesar narrowed his eyes.

"It would be unwise to do this while master returns."


Caesar soon showed a cynical smile.

"A traitor within the organization."

As Lee Won widened his eyes in surprise at the unexpected words,
Caesar continued to speak lightly.

"I thought that if he touched Berdiaev, the traitors in the organization

would be revealed."

Lee Won silently listened to Caesar's voice which continued as an

internal dialogue. Now what?!

“What do you mean touch Berdiaev? that. I just want to legally own a
property… …


When he remembered what he knew, Cesar said nonchalantly.

“If it was the ownership of the property, I would have entrusted it to

the organization's attorney.

I asked you, not the organization's lawyer, to prevent information from

leaking inside."

Lee Won's head went blank. Do you mean to say that you were doing
this on purpose to remove traitors from the organization? After
completely shocking people with evidence and everything, in the end
the intention was somewhere else?!

Slowly, things began to make sense. Lee Won's head suddenly went

Fooled from the start Lee Won admitted the fact with dif iculty. The
reason he came here in the irst place was to set a trap using the
evidence as an excuse.

"I thought it was weird even if it wasn't."

Lee Won looked at Caesar with thin eyes.

“That was the purpose from the beginning. Information in favor of a

trial Everything they said was nonsense and in reality they were trying
to ind out the identity of the enemy by setting a trap. After all, you
can't come all this way because you're thinking of me."

Unknowingly, Lee Won blamed himself for his incompetence and felt
guilty for Cesar.

How stupid is this? It even felt like self-loathing. Stupidly falling into a
trap again for a subject that has already been discussed once.

Lee Won said cynically.

"You're using me to the end."

Caesar quickly frowned.

"It was a transaction, not a use."

"A deal?"

Being absurd, he repeated Caesar's words as they were, and drew a

cold line for Man Yiwon.

“Do you also gain something from this? You wanted evidence and I was
just trying to identify the opposition within the organization. I didn't
say the whole purpose, but isn't it a mutually agreed upon fact?"

Lee Won was speechless seeing him calmly presenting his reasons as if
it was too natural. Theoretically correct. From the beginning, Lee
Won's purpose was clear.

There is no reason to change that now. He was rationally convinced,

but his emotions were different.

"Why didn't you tell me in the irst place?"

To Lee Won's question, Caesar responded brie ly.

"If it was, you wouldn't have taken this job."

Of course it was. Lee Won was even more worried by the fact that this
man had dug a trap by looking through him. Caesar continued.

“It was a common thing to get what you and I want from each other.
Taking it so seriously… … .”


Lee Won interrupted Caesar's words.

“Enough, I understand. Before I cut your tongue out with a knife.

Lee Won tightened his grip on the knife that was cutting the ham.
Caesar frowned, but didn't say anything else. Lee Won continued to eat
in silence, but his stomach was boiling. That man really has a different
brain structure than me. Lee Won thought. The man again knew
If not, you're probably ignoring it.

Lee Won gritted his teeth.

But why does a man like that hurt me?

Looking down at the mulgan soup, he didn't want to eat any more.


The snow, which had stopped for a while, began to fall again. The gray
sky was full of snow, and the white masses dripped endlessly. Lee Won
checked outside through the small gap left by the broken window
where the wind was blowing. Lee Won, who was still procrastinating
and looking at the cloudy clouds, turned his head as he sprinkled snow.
As the wood was thrown into the burning ireplace, the lame that had
lickered for a moment ignited. The heat spread rapidly, but Lee Won's
expression was not bright.

The problem was that wood burns fast but goes out quickly. There was
very little irewood left. Also, it's snowing again, so until the snow
stops and the road opens up, we'll have to stay cooped up here.

Lee Won calmly recalled the items in the house in his head. If he
properly divides the canned and stored food in the warehouse, he can
survive for a week. If you run out of irewood, you can break the
furniture in the house and put it.
Suddenly, a cynical laugh spread. Even in this situation, he was
completely rational.

Even in such a complicated situation.

Lee Won looked at the burning wood. In fact, he thought. what it

means to be different The same goes for his relationship with Caesar.
Get what you want from each other and that's it. There is no reason to
gossip about it. The conclusion was clear, but the sentiment was bitter.

Lee Won already knew. That his feelings for him are clearly different
from before.

Will I be able to treat Caesar as casually as he used to after returning


Suddenly, I heard something ringing in my ear. Lee Won turned his

head and checked the direction of the sound. A rattling noise sounded
again, and Lee Won continued forward. The sound soon stopped.

Lee Won was puzzled and looked around. It was a sound from within.

The kitchen and bathroom were empty. I carefully opened the door to
the room and saw the back of Caesar, sitting on the bed. Even though
he was inside, in the bedroom where white breath escaped, he didn't
have his shirt on. Lee Won, who seemed puzzled, saw the irst aid kit
next to Caesar and immediately understood the situation.

With familiar skill, he found medicine from the irst aid kit, disinfected
the wound, and applied a bandage. I did the whole process by myself.
As if he had never received help from anyone else. Sitting with her
back to his body, old and new scars mingled here and there.
Lee Won watched him silently.

Has that man killed his emotions as much as the number of wounds?

Gazing at Caesar's strong back, Lee Won didn't speak.

just being alone

Lee Won, who was silently looking at Caesar, moved. Caesar paused as
he backed away loudly as if to listen on purpose. Without a word, Lee
Won opened the irst aid kit and took out a cotton pad.

"Just enough."

Cesar said without looking back. Lee Won carelessly opened his

"I can do this too."

Lee Won added disinfectant to the cotton pad.

"Because I saw it in a movie."

I felt Cesar stop. Maybe he is now making the same expression as

when Lee Won made a sandwich for breakfast. Instead of checking his
expression, Lee Won cleaned the wound on his shoulder blade with a
cotton swab. A long, unhealed wound still stung, but Cesar didn't
respond. Lee Won silently disinfected the wound and opened his
"I thought I was living a pretty hard life too, but I can't even give you a
business card."

Caesar's laugh was felt at the calm voice.

“I didn't know you were going to help me. Did you really not want to
kill me?"

"I don't kill any human being, no matter what."

Caesar did not respond to the expression 'the end of a human being'.
Lee Won kept his mouth shut without saying anything else. Cesar, who
had been silent for a while, opened his mouth.

"This was not planned."

Lee Won, who had stopped, threw the used cotton into the trash
without saying a word. Reaching out to pick up the gauze, Cesar
suddenly grabbed it. When Lee Won stopped moving, Caesar placed his
lips on Yi Won's arm. When he felt the gentle pressure on his lips
through the thick sweater, Lee Won frowned slightly. Fearing that his
agitation would be discovered, he said nothing and left Caesar alone.

Getting to his feet, Caesar rolled up the sleeves of his sweater loosely
and pressed his lips against the pulse of his wrist. He sounded like he
could be heard hitting and hitting. Lee Won

He forced his breath in, but Caesar whispered as he put his lips to
Won's wrist.

“… …I put you in danger.

Lee Won gasped as he looked at his oven, which seemed to have died
from the grass.

"It was you who was injured."

Caesar didn't respond to Lee Won's indifferent voice. Lee Won paused
and then continued speaking in a tone that did not contain any emotion
as usual.

"Are you okay."

I could feel Caesar stop at the calm voice. Lee Won continued speaking.

“Everyone gets what they want, and that's it. Not bad because I wanted
something from you too."

Lee Won said as he pulled his arm out that he was caught by Caesar.

"After all, we will never see each other again."

Lee Won, who de ined the relationship very coldly, walked over to a
irst aid kit. Suddenly Cesar grabbed the hand that was reaching for the
gauze to cover the sterilized wound. When Lee Won looked down at
the unexpected situation, Caesar was looking at him.

"Now what?"

Lee Won frowned.

"You listened… … ."

Before he could inish speaking, Caesar violently pulled Lee Won
forward. Lee Won, who was dragged away after being helpless, fell onto
the bed just as he was.

"What are you doing… … ."


Caesar looked at Iwon.

"I won't forgive you if you say that again."

Lee Won spat out a short exclamation saying, "I'm amazed."

"What kind of nonsense are you using people to your heart's content?"

Annoyed, he tried to push Cesar down, but instead he grabbed his

hand. Caesar dropped Lee Won's arm on the bed, ixed it, and climbed

"You are proud of yourself."


As if it were a monstrous sound, Lee Won repeated Caesar's words.

Caesar wondered if he would laugh silently, but his expression soon
turned serious. The hand holding his wrist lost its strength and instead
gently caressed Lee Won's forehead. Caesar, who gently rolled Lee
Won's black hair from the tip of his inger as if he was joking, opened
his mouth.
"I was drawn to that."

A low whisper was heard. And the next moment, Caesar's lips met Yi
Won's. The lips that had gently touched each other quickly tangled
together. Lee Won, who re lexively took a deep breath, didn't push
Caesar away. His shaky lashes lowered and he closed his eyes.

Caesar, who had stopped at his unexpected reaction, quickly parted his
lips violently and took hold of his mouth. His soaked tongue drew back,
and Cesar sucked on the lips that he had painlessly bitten back. A soft
tongue came back through the parted lips and touched Lee Won's
tongue, rubbing the nubs of his tongue and tickling his insides.

So many times I bit my lips and parted them. The mixture of saliva and
tongue stunned his mind.

Following the drop of the lips, Lee Won irst sticks out his tongue and
sucks on it. Caesar's body was completely superimposed on him. The
ragged breaths continued in a hurry.

Both of them could see that the excited lower body had risen to its feet.

After a while, Cesar parted his lips. Even when he looked at him with a
deep sigh and longing, Lee Won left him alone.

Suddenly Caesar let out a tragic sigh. Lee Won frowned. But Cesar was
looking at him in such a way that he was mesmerized.

Black eyes like the abyss were in front of him. It was re lected in his
eyes, which stared at him without trembling. Caesar bowed his head
and the wet breaths met again. The moment his soft tongue touched
between parted lips, ah, Caesar thought with a low sigh.
Even God would be jealous of me.

His breaths met and someone let out a shaky breath. Lee Won didn't
know if it was him or Caesar. But the truth is that he realized it the
moment his lips met.

How long have you been longing for this kiss?

Lee Won didn't dare hold back his gasping breath. Rather, he left him
alone and traced Cesar's naked body. The sound of suffocating breaths
dispersed in the other's mouth. Lee Won felt Caesar's weight with his
entire body and hugged him from behind. His tense muscles rippled
like waves under his palm. A sigh escaped deep in his throat.

As soon as Lee Won bowed his head, Caesar bit down on his neck. He
was so excited that my head was numb. Lee Won took Caesar's lips,
sucked on them, turned around and climbed on top of him. At the same
time, Caesar grabbed Yi Won's sweater and pulled it up, rubbing his lips
against her exposed nipples after his lips parted for a moment.

"Sigh… … ."

A deep moan came from inside Lee Won's throat. Lee Won leaned back
again and his bare skins touched. When the nipples slid and rubbed
against each other, Caesar let out a scalding moan. A man who didn't
blink even when he poured the disinfectant on his gunshot wound
groaned harshly under Lee Won. Lee Won leaned down and buried his
lips on his nipples. As he shivered to his feet, Caesar gritted his teeth
and rolled onto the bed, hugging him again.

For a moment, I wondered if their bodies would tilt, and the two fell to
the ground with a loud crash. However, the arms that embraced each
other did not let go and his lips desired each other iercely.
Lee Won, who took up the top again, rubbed Caesar's lower body. His
genitals were touching the old jeans between them. A scalding moan
escaped Caesar's mouth.

Caesar immediately placed his hand on Yi Won's waist and quickly

unfastened the buckle. Lee Won also opened Caesar's pants and pulled
them down.

The moment Lee Won's hand touched the exposed genitalia, Caesar
swallowed violently like a scream. Lee Won stopped his hand and
raised his head. His warm breath mixed with the cool air. Excited faces
looked at each other.

For a moment, Lee Won hesitated. With hesitation clearly visible in his
eyes, Caesar immediately tugged at Lee Won's hair. As if he was forcing
her to rub her lips and suck on her tongue, Lee Won, who was hesitant,
also took a deep breath and stuck his tongue into her mouth. Caesar's
eyes were more excited than he expected. Feeling his tongue tingle

Lee Won licked her teeth and lifted her tongue with it, caressing the
underside of his thick muscles. Caesar's harsh breathing paused for an
instant, and at the same time, Lee Won stuck out his almost bitten
tongue at him in a matter of seconds.

Caesar, who gritted his teeth and barely took off Lee Won's pants,
grabbed him by the butt.

A large hand grasped his irm buttocks, and at the same time, Caesar's
taut penis came into contact with Lee Won's erection. Lee Won's eyes
widened as if he was puzzled, and Caesar's face twitched for a moment.
It was only a leeting moment, but he hesitated. And that hesitation
turned into poison.


The sound of breathing that had continued as a sob stopped in an

instant at the sudden roar. The two looked at each other blankly,
breathless, their faces lushed. But that was only the start. Shortly
after, violent footsteps echoed and the screams of an unknown man
were heard.

"Caesar, where are you? Cease!"

Caesar's face immediately contracted. Lee Won heard abusive

language from his mouth for the irst time. When Lee Won came to his
senses late and got up in a hurry, Caesar also got up in a hurry. The
moment Lee Won quickly buttoned up his pants and Caesar sat on the
bed and pulled up his pants with his boxers, the bedroom door was
lung open with a loud bang.


Lee Won looked at the man who burst in with a harsh cry with shocked
eyes. Standing on thick padding, he looked like a snowman. Snow piled
up on his head, shoulders, and boots, and behind him a terrible north
wind blew with the snow. Seeing a snowman as tall as Caesar's, Lee
Won stiffened. But as soon as he took off his quilted cap, he ran straight
at Cesar.

“Oh my gosh, it's alright! How worried he was, Caesar! Do you know
how much your pulse dropped? If anything happens, I'm here to kill
you all!"
Caesar sat up in bed and stopped the man from trying to hug Caesar
while he made repairs. The man who took the exact punch to the
stomach rolled on the ground, Caesar said with an annoyed look on his

"It's loud, so shut up."

Caesar mumbled something incomprehensible again. I couldn't hear it

well, but Lee Won thought it was an insult. However, the man, who had
been mercilessly punched in the stomach, quickly stood up and began
to speak tirelessly.

"Come on. The doctor also brought what the hell happened? Everyone
said there was a ruckus. It seems like there was a lot of bleeding, but
was there any shock?"

As he spoke rapidly, it was as if he knew everything about Caesar.

Caesar irst left the room and told Yi Won.

"Go out slowly."

At Caesar's consideration, that he knew the state of the two circles

better than anyone, Dmitry looked at him. Immediately, Cesar covered
his eyes with a large hand and dragged him away. Then the door closed
and Lee Won was barely alone.

As soon as I got out, a cool wind blew. Caesar frowned at the badly
broken front door. It was obvious that the culprit didn't even have to
“Char, you need to warm up your body, but in this cold… … . Hurry up
and get on the helicopter, I'll take care of you inside."

As soon as he saw Cesar's naked upper body, the doctor became

contemplative and shivered. When Caesar turned around, Dmitry told
him not to worry.

“Take treatment. I'll take it for you.

Dmitry added quietly.

"My blood pressure dropped to 60. Everyone is ready to go to war."

As they said, the faces of the bodyguards were all hardened. Their
usually expressionless faces rarely showed their emotions. Now was
such a weird time. One of his men quickly took the coat and slung it
over Caesar's shoulder. Caesar walked towards the helicopter without
saying a word.

“What the hell happened? Do you know how surprised he was?

Dmitry frowned as he guided Caesar to the helicopter. Caesar still

stared ahead and stepped forward.

“There was a sniper. It's just a little pain."

"A sniper?"

Immediately, Dmitry's eyes sparkled. After the strange words

disappeared, Caesar opened his mouth. His expressionless face
hardened, exuding a strange lesh. For a moment, Dmitry was
mesmerized by his face. Cesar said with a cold, cold expression on his

"If you like the way Lomonosov was executed, you have no choice but
to do the same."

Hearing his words like an internal dialogue, Dmitry shuddered. He

closed his thin eyes and responded with a smile.

"Of course, Tsar."


After inishing only the reluctant post-processing, Lee Won left the
room. Suddenly the living room was quietly empty. Lee Won, who was
looking around him in bewilderment, just collided with a yeti that was
entering the house. When Lee Won stopped by, Seol In greeted him
with a smile.

"Mr. Lawyer, this is the irst time we have met in person."

Lee Won involuntarily frowned. Does this man know me? He stared at
him silently at his rude tone, but the Yeti didn't care and held out a

“I am Dimitri. Caesar's cousin.

Lee Won faced a man who seemed to resemble Caesar, but was
completely different, with a strange feeling. After a light handshake,
Dmitry immediately withdrew his hand from him and continued.

“César is undergoing treatment now. I will guide you."

Lee Won, looking for his coat from him lying on the ground, followed
him as he walked out of the house. The snow had stopped to some
extent, but the snow lakes were still blowing. The snow was piled up to
our knees, but this was good enough. Following in the footsteps of
those who walked before, Lee Won asked a question.

“But how did you know about this place? Planes and ships are said to
have been moored due to heavy snowfall.”

Then Dmitry laughed quietly and said:

"The coordinates are on the Tsar's body."

Blinking at the unexpected words, Dmitry continued.

“César has an electronic chip in his body that activates an alarm when
he is injured or in danger. So when vital signs like pulse or body
temperature luctuate, he becomes an emergency. The location is
determined by the satellite, so you can ind it even in the sea.”

Lee Won was speechless. He had only heard of putting something like
that inside a human body, but it was the irst time he had seen it in
person. I thought it was just an unrealistic electronic device. Dmitry
said to Lee Won, who was speechless from a strange feeling.

"Come on."
When I opened my eyes, a huge helicopter was in front of me. Lee Won
felt embarrassed again that what he only knew as a military helicopter
was being used for personal use. When he boarded the helicopter
without saying a word, Dmitry, who was looking at him, opened his

"I have a question, what were you two doing?"

For a moment, Lee Won stopped and looked at him. Dmitry said with a
face that he had not changed at all.

“The whole house was completely frozen, but it was only warm there.
What were you doing?

A bruise on Caesar's back. They say the only thing the sniper got was
shots… … .”

Lee Won frowned at his smiling face as he turned around.

"I have no obligation to respond."

After speaking quietly, when he turned around, Dmitry opened his


"I don't know if you will be a poison or a bene it to Caesar."

Dmitry, who walked over to Lee Won, who had inadvertently stopped
walking, whispered in her ear.

"If you get in the way, I can always kill you with a smile."
As Lee Won turned around with a frown, Dmitry smiled.

"I know."

And he passed with a light step as if nothing had happened. When I

turned my head, a group of people were murmuring. Lee Won stood up
in the helicopter to the sound of chaotic footsteps. A crowd of people
surrounded Caesar.

A man who looked like a doctor and a man who looked like a doctor
and an unknown man, each with a machine they saw for the irst time,
walked, while Dmitry con idently walked through them and
approached Caesar and talked to him. As Dmitry whispered something,
Caesar listened intently, raising his eyebrows.

When Lee Won looked at them, the doctor who had inished the
treatment in a hurry signed a sign that he could go. Shortly after, gang
members guarding the outside of the helicopter ran inside. It was a
small unit that existed for Caesar. The medical staff and the
countermeasure team who will show the best of him with little
equipment, and even the members of the organization who are willing
to risk their lives for him.

Once again, Lee Won felt a strange sense of distance. The man he had
just kissed earlier was now too far away. Lee Won, feeling awkward,
found an empty seat and sat down. A loud noise was heard, and after a
while, a heavy helicopter lew over. On the helicopter heading to the
mainland, Lee Won felt extremely tired and thought about the future.
As soon as he got off the helicopter lying through the heavy snow,
Cesar entered the house surrounded by medical personnel. Meanwhile,
he couldn't speak a word with Cesar. Lee Won looked at the
transparent window of Caesar's room. He could see people busily
coming and going from the window. Lee Won, who stood there for a
while, turned around and walked away.

And he really did go home after a long time.


"No, who is this!"

The old lady, who turned her head at the sound of the cafe door
opening, was shocked and cried out in remorse. Lee Won hugged her,
who was happy, tenderly.

"How have you been?"

“Well then, of course. You must have suffered a lot. My face is split in

Lee Won continued as he listened to the old lady curse her employer
and kick her tongue.

“I stopped after a while. Is Uncle Nikolai up there?

Grandma nodded quickly.

“He's ine, let's go upstairs. Be thirsty, only you are waiting. If you
listen to me, I will feel better.”

After brie ly greeting the anxious grandmother, Lee Won went upstairs.
I called softly, and after a while a familiar face appeared.

"Not you!"

Nikolai quickly shoved him inside, moaning with pleasure. There were
obvious signs of a child inside the house. The smell of dirty clothes and
baby feces all over the place slightly irritated the tip of her nose. Lee
Won smiled brightly as he moved over to the small bed in the middle of
the living room.

"Hi, how are you?"

When he extended his inger to wave, the boy raised his hand and
grabbed Lee Won's inger. Behind Lee Won, who smiled sweetly,
Nikolai's wife spoke to him.

“Welcome, Mr. Lee Won. You said you couldn't come for a while
because of work, did it go well?

When he set the teacup down on the small tea table, his face was illed
with anticipation. Lee Won was expected to inally focus on his trial.
Lee Won responded with deep regret.

“No, it's still happening. But from now on, I'll be commuting to work,
so if you have something to do, come to my room anytime."

Disappointed, he quickly smiled. Lee Won sat on the chair provided by

the couple, drank tea, and brie ly explained what had happened. The
couple's faces shone like the sun as he told them that the job they are
currently working on is related to Senator Zhdanov, and if we get it
right, we can get decisive evidence.

“As soon as a witness is found, the trial is over. Please hold on a little

Encouraged by Lee Won, the couple held hands and nodded their
heads. However, with their faces illed with hope, a part of Lee Won's
heart was not at ease. It was easy to say, but the question was how to
solve it. This time, you have to dig around Zhdanov.

Perhaps Lee Won was hiding the fact that he was the same as the origin

When I left Nikolai's house, my grandmother was walking up the stairs.

Before she could ask what was going on, Lee Won, who ran for her with
arthritis, handed her a note.

“Someone came to see you while you were away. Now I remember

"Is that so?"

It can be the client. Lee Won, who opened the note saying it's hard for
a while, tilted his head when he saw the note with his name and phone
number written on it. Grandma continued.
“She was a pretty old lady…… I went to ask you to contact me. Do not
forget to call me".

"It's ine."

Leaving Lee Won's words of thanks behind, Grandma struggled down

the stairs.

Lee Won looked at the note and headed to her room. Both name and
number were unknown. Lee Won entered the room with his head
bowed and immediately took out his cell phone and dialed the number.

There was no one answering the phone despite the constant ringing.
Lee Won patiently waited for the opponent to receive. After waiting for
a long time, the signal inally led to the guidance tone of the machine,
and Lee Won hung up the phone and bowed his head again.


♪♩ ♬♩ ♬♪♪… … .
The two of them were sitting across from each other with a tea table in
the middle in the living room where warm sunlight streamed in. The
phone was constantly ringing, but the woman did not answer the
phone. The constant ringing of the phone inally stopped. The man
sitting on the other side nonchalantly put down the teacup and said.
"Isn't that the point of saying that we just came to see each other for
the irst time in 20 years?"

She arched her eyebrows at the calm voice. He was full of deep water
with a wrinkled face.

"I'm talking about something important, Mikhail."

She narrowed her eyes and added.

"No, Mr. Lomonosov."

Mikhail looked across the street at her without saying a word. The
once brilliant beauty of the woman now had the passage of time on her
face that could not be ignored. Michael opened his mouth.

“When did you hear from me? Natasha.

To the low voice, she answered with a straight back.

"Have you forgotten? I'm a journalist. It's not hard to ind out.

Mikhail laughed silently. Natasha's spine quivered for a moment, but

she mustered the courage to continue.

“I think it was a good decision for you to leave Suyeon's side. At that
time, he was resentful.”

Natasha asked with a hard face.

"Can't we use that determination again this time?"

Michael narrowed his eyes. He passed a heavy silence. After a while he
opened his mouth.

“Are you telling me to go away again…? … ?”

"Why not? Isn't that what you've already done?"

Natasha lifted her chin de iantly.

“Now live in peace. Now, are you going to step in and mess everything
up? You know better why Lomonosov-san abandoned Suyeon.”

Natasha added in a strong tone.

"If you showed up, you wouldn't be helping him."

Michael was speechless again. Natasha watched nervously as she

quietly took the cup of tea and raised it to her mouth. The teacup
crashed against the pedestal and made a small sound. Mikhail looked
at Natasha and opened his mouth.

"I understand what you're saying."

Natasha's face lit up for a moment. But what Mikhail said next was not
what she expected.

"But if you're looking for me like this, wouldn't it make sense to meet

"I beg your pardon?"

Natasha made a high-pitched sound of disbelief. Mikhail looked at her
with a bitter smile.

"Thank you for your concern. But I do my job."

To Natasha, who had turned pale, Mikhail was the irst to get up and

“I can't say goodbye because I'm busy with work, so please understand.
Well then, go ahead.

Without a moment to catch him, she left the room. Through the closing
door, he could see the gang members waiting outside immediately
following him. Natasha tried to drink the tea with trembling hands,
then put it down again. She bit her lip in anger.

Damn bastard, nothing has changed.


♪♩ ♬♩ ♬♪♪… … .
As soon as I hung up the phone with the unanswered ringtone, Lee
Won's phone rang. When Lee Won, who had paused, answered the
phone, he paused for a moment as if to catch his breath, and then the
other person opened his mouth.

"I thought you weren't the type to run away."

Lee Won involuntarily furrowed his brows.

“I don't run away. I just got home after a long time.”

He added brie ly.

"I wasn't in the mood to do anything right now anyway."

Can I ask how your body is?

Lee Won faltered at the thought that suddenly lashed through his
head. You'll be ine anyway. There are people everywhere.

However, he was always alone. Now that he already knew, he couldn't

pretend that he didn't. While he hesitated, Cesar opened his mouth.
With a voice mixed with a short laugh.

"It's unfortunate. Loss of opportunity."

Belatedly, Lee Won realized another meaning behind his words. In an

instant, his face turned hot. He should have told her not to suck, but I'm
out of time.

Caesar spoke to Lee Won irst, who opened his mouth late.

"So when is the next one?"

His voice, slower and deeper than usual, seemed to clarify his
intentions. Lee Won deliberately replied bluntly.

"When I Want."
Caesar laughed again. He itched my back all the time. It seemed that
someone was speaking behind him.

"How about the day after tomorrow?"

As if asking for a date, he asked him. say no? Lee Won momentarily
felt the need to test Caesar, but he resisted.

"Great. The sooner the job is done, the better."

Lee Won, who still answered bluntly, immediately hung up the phone.
Cesar said something, but he didn't hear it. It must have sounded
obvious at least.


The clear blue sky rarely shone. Lee Won, who had been stuck in the
endless snowfall until recently, was thankful for the city's winter that
felt much warmer and clearer than that. The scooter I lent my
grandmother the day before had similar performance to the old one,
but with a different design. Lee Won went to work at Caesar's house,
being careful not to stop the scooter in the middle by controlling the
speed properly.

"Welcome to."

The face of the butler who greeted him appeared again. Lee Won
greeted each other and headed to the library following his lead. The
study was still the same one he had left. Suddenly, I felt a strange but
familiar sensation. Everything that had happened in the past felt like a
dream. It seemed like it would take some time to get used to the
documents he was looking at again. With that in mind, Lee Won turned
around and called out to the butler.

“Kai… …Is the Tsar at home?

The butler turned and looked at Lee Won, then answered.

"You did not go to work".

The butler spoke to Lee Won, who felt vaguely disappointed, as if he

had remembered too late.

"I told you to wait because I'll get off work on time."

The butler, who added in a very professional tone, said so and turned
around. Lee Won suddenly felt his heart pounding and he ran into the

Okay, I can talk about Senator Zhdanov.

Remembering the words of the new witness on the island, Lee Won sat
up. It took me a while to concentrate on my work. Lee Won, who
frequently checked the time, thought it was all due to his eagerness to
ind new witnesses. But it was only a few hours later that he could
barely concentrate on the paperwork and focus on his work.
Suddenly, I heard the sound of a car. Lee Won, who had been worried
about the paperwork, suddenly raised his head. A faint light from the
headlamp seemed to shine through the darkened window.

Lee Won looked at the document again as if nothing had happened, but
the typeface, which had illed his ield of vision until recently, only
trembled black and he couldn't understand the content.

It was when I inadvertently frowned and listened to other documents.

I heard footsteps walking down the hall. Unintentionally lustered, Lee
Won stiffened his posture stif ly and pretended to diligently read the
documents. The sound of footsteps approached.


The door opened immediately and Lee Won inadvertently held his
breath. He was silently lowering his head, pretending not to know,
when a man who entered voluntarily opened his mouth.

"Isn't it time to go to work?"

Lee Won stopped at the rude man's voice. He inadvertently opened his
forehead, which had been frowned upon, and raised his head, but was
soon frowning again. Dmitry was looking at him with a thick fur
draped over one shoulder. It was his irst time seeing a dark purple suit
and it gave Lee Won a new feeling, who didn't even know that a suit of
that color could be produced. A suit that would have looked like a
clown if others had unexpectedly worn it suited Dmitry.

Lee Won, who looked at him silently, responded with a frown.

"I have something to tell you with Cesar."

He realized that he had inadvertently said his name, but Lee Won didn't
bother to change his name. Then Dmitry smiled brightly, leaned
forward, and squatted in front of Lee Won.

“Me too. K.I.S.L.Rang.”

said Dmitry, who had deliberately cut off the pronunciation.

"Just the two of us."


Lee Won turned his gaze indifferently and returned to the document.
There was no time for this. The trial must end soon. Days after closing
the factory, Lee Won tried to focus his mind on the Nikolai couple and
his children who were suffering hardships, but his nerves kept turning
towards the man sitting next to him.

"I have a question for you."

Dmitri said.

"You are in good shape?"

Lee Won frowned at the sudden question and looked at Dmitry. Dmitry
continued with a smile on his face.

“How many times have they been treated in one day? Caesar would be
dif icult to handle with only a few men.
As if Lee Won was speaking, he blinked and scowled at him, and Dmitry
narrowed his eyes.

"A lawyer with a face that seems to have eaten some men."

At that moment, the sound of a car engine was heard outside. This
time, Caesar has returned. Dmitry stood up abruptly, arguing alone
with Lee Won, who didn't say anything.

"I wonder if he really has the skills."

Seeing Dmitry's back as he turned around and walked away, Lee Won
was absurd and only let out a short exclamation. Then, footsteps were
heard in the hallway. This time it was Caesar's. He got up from his seat
and inadvertently groped and touched his clothes. At other times, I
didn't even care if he was wrinkled or not, but now I'm somehow really
worried about it. When he woke me up, he was always groping at the
back of my hair to check, and I heard a light knock. When Lee Won
turned his head, after a while the door opened and Caesar appeared.

tapping... ... .

Suddenly, it was as if my heartbeat was heard right in my ear. Caesar,

who was also silently looking at Lee Won, who was staring at him,
stepped inside with a faint smile.


"… … Hello."

It was the same as before. Lee Won, who was worried about what his
body would be like, felt relieved inside as he didn't look uncomfortable
in his complexion or demeanor. Caesar spoke in a calm voice, as usual.

"It's a little late, but I was worried that he might be gone."

Lee Won replied blankly.

“I have been waiting for you because I have something to tell you. He
was talking about Senator Zhdanov on the island.

Cesar smiled bitterly at the added words, as if he wasn't mistaken.

“I was going to talk about that too. … … Go to the living room.

Caesar turned irst and left the study. As he went through the
paperwork and went out into the hall, Lee Won sighed at this
unbearable tension and confusion.


When he entered the room late, two men were waiting for him inside.
They were Cesar and Dmitry.

Coincidentally, they each sat on a love seat with a table in the middle,
looking at the twins. Lee Won thought for a moment, feeling puzzled at
the gaze of the two men who were staring at him.

Are you an unpleasant person or an awkward person?

Sitting next to Caesar was unwilling for some reason. He looked
uncomfortable, and he didn't want to receive Dmitry's suspicious look.
Above all, it was the worst that my heart was beating like this.

But the seat next to Dmitry was just as uncomfortable. It was for a
completely different reason.

Lee Won, who hesitated for a moment at the gaze of the two looking at
them, quickly shook off useless thoughts. Why do I care about this?
You can sit anywhere.

Lee Won immediately moved his feet and headed to the right as usual.
As he sat down beside Dmitry nonchalantly, Caesar, who was watching
closely, extended his hand.

with a cup of tea. He lowered his eyes and hid his expression, but
Dmitry didn't let him pass. When he put down the cup of tea, Cesar,
who had already returned to his usual face, opened his mouth.

"It's about Senator Zhdanov."

Caesar told Dmitry and Iwon.

“The witness is now dead, so he is the only member of the council. I

want to use my skills a bit.”

"Tell me whatever."

Like a fairy in a lamp, Dmitry said willingly.

"I need a photo, of the corpse."

At Caesar's words without hesitation, Lee Won frowned, but Dmitry
nodded indifferently.

“I already ilmed it, in case I have any use for it.”

"Well then."

Cesar continued speaking indifferently.

“I am a member of the National Assembly who resigns on his behalf, so

if he does well, there is no problem.”

Lee Won frowned.

"Is it possible for him to have survived until now?"

"Why don't you look like you don't have con idence?"

It was Dmitry who asked. Lee Won looked at him and then turned his
attention to Caesar.

"Does the senator have anything to submit?"

"I do not have one."

Cesar's eyes narrowed. Lee Won frowned at his face with a strange

Caesar casually added.

"But he has a lot."

He said something unfamiliar and brought the cup of tea to his mouth.
Lee Won, who looked at Caesar with a smile, nodded.

“He's ine, I think. So can I go to Senator Zhdanov's of ice tomorrow?"


Caesar said.

"The time must be exact."

"of course."

Lee Won gave a suspicious look as if he wanted to do well on that side

and got up from his seat.

"Then I'll go home from work."

For a moment, he felt Caesar stop. Inwardly, Lee Won waited for what
he would say, but unexpectedly, he didn't show any other reaction. Lee
Won was a bit disappointed and left the room after leaving a short
greeting. After hearing the small creak of the door closing, Caesar
reached for his cup again. I drank the tea carelessly, and Dmitry, who
had been watching until now, opened his mouth in an annoyed manner.

"He has been empty since before."

At that, Caesar paused and looked at the cup of tea. As he said, there
was no longer a drop of tea left.
Caesar put the teacup down casually, but Dmitry didn't let go of it. His
expression immediately came to mind.


After several days of sunny weather, Zhdanov was in a very good mood.
Preparations for the upcoming vacation were also underway. He was
going to go to the Mediterranean and he would come with a lot of meat.
By the time you get back, everything will be ine.

upset lawyer.

When he thought of Lee Won, his smiling face turned hard re lexively.
He was so upset, but I still stick with it. I don't know what kind of
relationship she has with Sergeev, but soon I'll have to give her a big
deal. I have to stomp the ground so I don't dare to attack again... … !

That's when I made a decision and clenched my ist. The intercom rang
and the secretary's voice continued.

“Sir, he has a visitor. They call me a lawyer."


When I asked the question, taken aback by the unexpected moment, he

replied in a thin voice.
“My name is Nikolai's lawyer. They say you have something to say
about the lawsuit.

Are you OK?

A converted smile appeared on Zdanov's face. Finally, it has arrived. It

looks like this kid has his hands up. He responded as if he expected.

“Tell me to come in. Two cups of coffee come.

Zhdanov happily hung up the intercom and waited for the visitor with
a smile. After a while, the door opened and the expected face appeared.

"Oh my gosh, this is someone."

In the most arrogant voice, Zhdanov spoke words of welcome. After

politely greeting, Lee Won opened his mouth.

"Sorry no date."

"No, it's ine. I can't do it if it's urgent."

Zhdanov added softly.

"Unless you jump abruptly."

To Zhdanov, who hinted at what happened last time, Lee Won replied
with a deadpan face.

"If you give your time fairly, this side will not even enter."
this guy

Zhdanov had a vein on the side of his forehead, but he endured it.
Anyway, let's be patient for now. If the factory and the site intersect, I'll
stomp on this guy right away. Zhdanov, who had blinked his small eyes,
coughed and opened his mouth.

"Well alright. Now that we don't have to blush, let's do this. Yeah, did
you bring all the documents? Can I just sign it?"

Zhdanov asked, pulling a fountain pen from his suit jacket. Lee Won
said yes, took out a document from the envelope he had brought and
held it up in front of him. Zhdanov, who was about to sign the papers
with a satis ied face, stopped. I blinked several times, but the content
did not change. It was the complete opposite of what he had imagined.

"What's this?!"

To the voice that he had unknowingly made, Lee Won replied in an

of icial manner.

“This is a return to the unfair acquisition of factories and land. If you

admit the facts and waive the trial, there will be no disadvantages for
the legislator in the future."


Zhdanov screamed in anger.

“This little bastard is making fun of me about where I am right now!

return letter?! If you don't have con idence, you will have a clean
monk's robe. How dare you against me! You want me to give up the
lawyer right now, huh?!”

To Zhdanov, who was hitting, Lee Won still spoke calmly.

“It is the legislator who took unfair advantage. They forged factories
and intact land with false documents, kidnapped them, and even used
people for violence. If he goes to trial in this regard, it will not be good
for the legislator's honor."

"Funny! Are you threatening me now? Pyramid boy, you're done! I'm
going to disqualify you right now, okay? With just one call, I can get rid
of things like you without so much as a mouse or a bird, how?" you
dare? … !"

Disappointed with expectations, Zhdanov abruptly raised his voice and

built a pedestal.

The more he thought about it, the angrier he made me. How dare this
guy get on me twice?

I'll never forgive I'm gonna throw you in the gutter right now! Unable
to contain his anger, Zhdanov tore up the paperwork in front of him.

Was when. Suddenly, the door behind Lee Won opened and a tall man
entered. Zhdanov, who had been yelling with a heated face, turned his
head with a stern look, then stiffened. Caesar was entering, leading the
men in black suits. Zhdanov was visibly taken aback by the visit of a
completely unexpected person.

“Tsar, tsar. How did you get here? Just like that, no contact."
Zhdanov quickly changed his attitude and spoke. Cesar opened his
mouth with an expressionless face when he saw him wiping the cold
sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief and smiling subserviently.

"You must have heard everything."


Zhdanov blinked in surprise, and Caesar looked at the ground. There

was a mess of torn papers scattered all over the place. Caesar's gaze
turned to the senator.

"Are you going to waive the trial or do you want to be buried alive in a

"Po, don't give up. What do you mean by that?!"

Looking at Zhdanov he shouted one after another. Caesar continued

with an indifferent face.

"I know you are working with Lomonosov to weigh Sergeev and

With him, Zhdanov stopped breathing. His blue face looked desperate,
as if cyanosis was coming. Cesar looked at him like that, but he opened
his mouth without any emotion.

Everyone knows what Berdyaev has been up to with you. The fact that
they are hiding their wealth by buying someone else's name. And what
happened to them after that?

"Hey, how's it going?"

As if the words were a signal, the man behind him wordlessly took out
a small envelope and handed it to Zhdanov. Zhdanov, who received the
envelope with a pale face, looked inside. Then, as if he was in shock, he
swallowed hard and dropped it. The photograph of a corpse tied to a
chair came half empty from an envelope that had fallen to the loor.

Caesar spoke to Zdanov, who was trembling with contemplation.

“Lomonosov's side is killing everyone involved. This man was the last
in charge.

Berdiaev dies, the nominees die."

Cesar's gaze at the photograph turned to Zdanov.

"Who do you think he will be next?"

In an instant, Zhdanov fell to the ground with a scream that he nearly


“Oh no no! Sa, please help me, I was wrong. Wrong! Forgive me, please
buy me, save me.”

Zhdanov, rushing to grab onto Caesar's leg, was stopped by a gang

member from behind. Zhdanov, unable even to touch the toe of
Caesar's shoe, trembled and wept. Lee Won, who was looking at him,
seemed to have a vague understanding of the meaning of Caesar's
words the day before.

Zhdanov was too scared.

It's such a small thing, how did the corruption happen?

Lee Won thought, kicking his tongue in. Caesar looked at the tearful
Zdanov and opened his mouth.

"Then sign it."

When Zhdanov looked at him with a bare face, Caesar continued.

"I will guarantee your life if you sign a confession that you and
Berdyyev have acquired all the properties that they have seized."

Cesar's eyes narrowed.

"I will also protect you from Lomonosov."

“Ha, I will. I'd like to I'll sign anything!

Another gang member stepped forward and presented a new

document to Zhdanov, who was screaming and banging his head. As he
hurriedly took out a pen and signed, the papers quickly became stained
with Zhdanov's tears and sweat. As soon as the noisy autograph ended,
the documents fell into the hands of the organizers as if they had been
snatched from them, and Zhdanov looked at him trembling. But he did
not end there. The organizer presented another document.

“Hey, what is this… … ?”

Cesar told Zdanov as he sobbed.

“Documents about the factory and the land where the trial is currently
taking place. You just booted it.

Looking at Zhdanov, whose eyes were wide with bewilderment, Cesar


“The factory and the land belong to someone else from today. So you
let go.

A smile crept across Cesar's lips.

"Or do you want to protest me?"

"Oh no no. Yes, I'll sign it. Yes!"

Zhdanov hurriedly fell to the ground and signed the papers. His
trembling hands showed a sign of disgust, but he couldn't resist Caesar.
Finally, after drawing the last stroke, the organizers immediately took
the documents. Caesar, who visually checked the documents held by
the gang members, nodded brie ly, and his subordinate immediately
put it in an envelope and left. Caesar turned to Lee Won, who had been
sitting on the sofa until now, looked at him and said:

"Then let's go, Mr. Lawyer."

For a moment, Zhdanov widened his eyes in astonishment. In his

shocked eyes, Lee Won got up and stood next to Caesar. Caesar opened
his mouth.

“Well, the presentation was late. This is my new lawyer.”

Zhdanov's face hardened. His complex face, as if all the thoughts were
coming to his head, immediately turned red with anger.

“I did too! You were cheating on me! That's why I joined Lomonosov!
Even if you're packing it… …!”

Cesar said with a slight smile at Zdanov, who quickly changed and

"That's good to know. Please keep that in mind so there are no

misunderstandings in the future."

Leaving behind Zdanov, who swallowed silently, Cesar turned his back
on him. Zhdanov sat in his chair as if he had lost his strength. With a
pale and tired face, Lee Won bowed slightly to him, who was only
trembling, and followed Caesar. Men in black suits followed him in a
line, and after a while only Zhdanov was left in the of ice. with vain



Caesar, who left the building, stood in an alley and handed the envelope
he had received from his subordinate to Lee Won. Lee Won held his
breath and accepted the envelope. Caesar smiled at the sight of him
glancing hurriedly inside.

At that moment, Lee Won closed his eyes tightly and hugged the
envelope tightly. I couldn't contain my joy. Caesar watched with a faint
smile as Lee Won was moved to the point of swallowing even a scream.


After he spent a moment of passion, Lee Won yelled. But he did not
end there. Unable to hide his joy from him, Lee Won suddenly opened
his arms and hugged Caesar. Caesar's eyes widened in surprise at the
unexpected situation.

“Good job, very good job!”

Caesar blinked white in response to Lee Won's reaction as he hugged

his shoulders as he repeated the same words. He did not end there.
Lee Won grabbed Caesar's face and kissed him on the cheek. As Caesar
and everyone watching froze like ice, Lee Won, who had barely let go of
his arm and faced Caesar, smiled brightly and patted Caesar's shoulder
with one hand.

It was the irst time he had seen Lee Won so happy. A smile slowly
faded from Caesar's face as he stared at him as he laughed out loud.

“It's good that you're happy. I made a reservation for a restaurant

today... ….”

"Oh, sorry. Not today."

Lee Won refused too politely. To Caesar, who had stiffened for a
moment, Lee Won waved his hand vigorously and said with a bright

"I have to tell everyone this good news, I'll call you later. Hi!"

Lee Won, who had been waving his hand vigorously, quickly released it
and turned around. Confused, Caesar re lexively grabbed his arm. But
to no avail, Lee Won just threw it away and ran at the speed of light. In
the blink of an eye, Lee Won, who had already come this far, turned
around and said, “Hello!” and scream. Caesar stared at the running
back. One hand still in front. A gentle breeze blew past him. After a
while he thought.

Am I a car?

The gang member, who was driving, looked at the Tsar's face in the
rearview mirror. After getting into the car, no, even before that, the
Tsar's mood was not very good. Seeing him smoking a

cigar with a frown, the members of the organization became nervous

inside and handled carefully. There was a silence heavier than the
interior of the silently running car.

Back at the mansion, the situation was even worse. As soon as Caesar
got out of the car, he found the butler greeting him with an
embarrassed face. The reason soon became apparent.

"Caesar, I've been waiting for you."

Caesar's reaction upon seeing the face of Dmitry, who greeted him with
a shining face, was cold.

Dmitry paused as Cesar passed by without saying a word, but he


“You don't even come to the clubs these days, everyone is waiting for
you. I'm angry because I want to see you. How about not going today
after a long time? I also bought a beautiful whiskey.

Caesar didn't even answer and walked towards his room. Damn, why is
this house so big? Dmitry continued, ignoring Caesar's sentiments as
he walked away, annoyed at the size of the house for the irst time.

“Yes, there is a new girl you may like. I didn't even turn it off on
purpose because of you. Cease,

you are listening? Cease."

Dmitry said, waving Caesar's arm.

“Come on, I'll let you play. Today there are twenty and thirty, and you
can do what you want. Have you been doing this for a long time? quite
crowded? Isn't it time to slowly relax?

I probably wouldn't have gone to another store, so be prepared. we go.

The drinks are also of the highest quality. . . … .”

Dmitry, who had been sarcastic, paused for a moment. Cesar looked at
him with fearful eyes.
Confused, Dmitry inadvertently let go of his hand. Caesar said nothing
and went straight to his room and closed the door in front of Dmitry's
eyes. Dmitry, alone in the corridor, stared at the closed door, then

"It's hard."

He turned around and looked at the closed door after a few steps.

This is dif icult, Cesar.

Dmitry stood there for a while with a frown.

Finally alone, Cesar violently grabbed him by the tie and threw him on
the bed. The wounds on his body that had not yet healed from the
violent movement wobbled and cracked.

Realizing this, Caesar became even more upset. I don't know how long
it's been since I felt so bad. Maybe it's the irst time you're born.
Caesar frowned and ruf led his hair nervously.

He didn't know about the factory.

The private room in the famous restaurant that he had at best was in
vain. It was a position I got by threatening the manager that he would
have to wait three months.
The more he thought about it, the more his anger grew, and Caesar
stalked toward the bathroom.

At that time, Lee Won was intoxicated as he sang with the people in the
apartment building using the bottle as a microphone.


The silent clock's second hand passed with a smooth rotation. The
butler, who glanced at the clock that read 10 AM, moved cautiously and
re illed the empty glass with hot tea. As he withdrew, he looked at his
teacher's face with an anxious look.

Regardless of the butler's attitude, Caesar looked at the steam rising

from the tea with a fearful face.

It was time to go to work at other times, but Cesar today was different.
It had already been an hour since he had left, and he didn't think to
move. The owner's unwillingness to move even though he was looking
at the clock with an annoyed face, both the butler and the organization
members showed signs of anxiety. Caesar silently reached for his
teacup. The tea, several cups already emptied, was lowing back into
his mouth. Cesar put down his teacup and opened his mouth.

"A lawyer?"

In the suffocating silence, the butler hastily replied.

"Still… … They don't even answer the phone."

A wrinkle was etched into Cesar's forehead. And another 30 minutes

passed. Cesar, who had taken one last sip, stood up abruptly from his
seat. At the same time, the butler

he was tense and straightened his back, and the members of the
organization bowed their heads. Caesar immediately grabbed the suit
coat from the butler's hand and said as he walked away from him.

"If you don't come, I have no choice but to pick you up."

The scene unfolding before my eyes was a spectacle. Caesar stopped at

the mess inside the house and was speechless. As soon as he opened
the door ajar and entered, the terrible smell of alcohol hit him
immediately. No matter how much he drank, the entire room was illed
with the smell of cheap alcohol. César, with a very contracted face,
covered his nose with a handkerchief and entered.

While Lee Won was working, the studio had always been a mess, but it
was less than it is today. Caesar entered the room where there were no
steps to step on, pushing the papers with the balls of his feet. And
when he inally reached his target, he was so stunned that he forgot to

Lee Won lay down on the bed and fell asleep. Usually, he would appear
in front of Caesar like a sword at 9 o'clock, but he showed no signs of
waking up even though it was now 12 o'clock.
His head was like a magpie house, his pants were halfway up and for
some reason he was holding an empty wine bottle in his hand.

But the worst was the smell of alcohol. The smell of alcohol from Lee
Won's body illed the room.

You drank to death.

Caesar thought. Judging from the situation, it was obvious that Lee
Won would soon be in trouble. César, who was looking at him in
silence, tucked the handkerchief that covered his nose into his suit and
extended an arm.

Caesar wrapped his good arm around Lee Won's waist and
immediately slid it over his shoulder. And he strode out and quickly
escaped the stench of booze hell.

Even as he got up like a sack, Lee Won snored a bit and never woke up.


I felt a soft touch on my cheek. I felt as if I had felt it before. It's

de initely not my bed. With his eyes closed, Lee Won rubbed his cheek
and smiled in satisfaction. He slowly regained consciousness and
started a stabbing pain on the side of his head.

Lee Won frowned and buried his face in the soft sheet again. He
wanted to sleep more. But he couldn't sleep because of the pain.
Finally unable to get over the headache, Lee Won opened his eyes. I
entered the irst room I had never seen before, with a faintly awake
view. The thick, solid curtains, minimalist furniture, and clean design of
the bed were unfamiliar to me.

Where are you?

Lee Won blinked blankly. I drank too much the night before. Have you
ever gone to the wrong house because the movie cut out while you
were drinking? Thinking so far, Lee Won found it. Cesar's face with his
arms crossed and looking at him with a face of fear.

Lee Won looked at him silently with his face buried in the sheet. Cesar
stared at him too, but he didn't move. Lee Won slowly closed his eyes.
From atop Lee Won, who was secretly turning his head in the opposite
direction, Caesar watched him with a huge aura. In the end, Lee Won,
who couldn't take the pressure, complained in a sick voice.

“Okay, I'll be working hard starting tomorrow, so take a look today. I

think my head is going to break!”

Seeing him moan and clutch his head, Caesar clicked his tongue brie ly.

“It's because I drink cheap alcohol. How the hell did you drink?

Lee Won responded with a groan.

"Even if it's expensive or cheap, it doesn't matter when you put it in

your mouth."

Is it the same principle as a sandwich?

Caesar looked at Yi Won with a distorted face, remembering not long
ago. Lee Won, who had been grabbing his hair that was pulled
mercilessly, let out a groan. Reluctantly, Cesar called the butler. After a
while, the butler came in with aspirin and water.

"Take your medicine".

At Caesar's words, Lee Won staggered and poured the medicine into
Caesar's mouth. Suddenly, Caesar clucked his tongue at the sight of him
chewing the medicine.

"You should drink water."

Then, as if thinking about it, Lee Won poured the entire glass of water
into his mouth. Then he roughly wiped the corner of his mouth with
the back of his hand and lay down on the bed. Seeing him curl up in a
circle and sleep like a cocoon, Cesar gasped.

"Are you okay again?"

"Even if you kill me today, I can't work."

Whatever he had done the day before, his voice was strained. He was
in no condition to work. Caesar, who was looking at Yiwon, sat down
next to the bed. Lee Won's dark hair was sticking out from the rolled-
up blanket. Caesar looked at him silently and silently extended his

His soft hair tangled between his ingers as lightly as a dog's hair.
Caesar slowly iddled with the single hair that sprouted from his body
as he wrapped his body in a blanket. Suddenly, a sigh of relief came
from inside the blanket. Shortly after, the sound of breathing was

Caesar, who looked at him silently, rested his head on Iwon's cocoon.
Cesar, who had been quiet for a while, whispered.

"If you don't wake up, he will attack you."

At the small voice, Lee Won simply responded with a silent sigh.
Caesar, who looked at Lee Won, smiled bitterly and hit Lee Won's head
like a blow. At the same time, Lee Won impressed and sharpened his
teeth. Caesar saw this and covered his mouth, bowed his head and
trembled slightly. Without realizing it, Lee Won sighed and fell asleep


Really expensive alcohol doesn't give you a headache?

Lee Won, who barely opened his eyes with a serious face twisting his
forehead, was startled when he leaned his head out of the blanket as he
procrastinated. There was a brilliant platinum blonde right in front of
me. How did this happen? Meanwhile, Caesar was still sleeping, lying
next to Yi Won.

Belatedly, Lee Won recalled a brief moment before he fell asleep again.
Is this Caesar's house? Lee Won unintentionally looked around the
room. The scenery inside the room was very different from the other
rooms. To have such a modern and simple room in a house full of
antique furniture, Lee Won felt strange and comfortable.

Come to think of it, I've heard that in such a big house, each room has a
different interior, so you sleep in a completely different room
depending on your mood.

I snorted when I heard it, but now I understand it to a certain extent.

The drab and simple interior of the room seemed to ease Lee Won's
headache. Lee Won lay down and took a deep breath to calm the
remaining headache. He should have expected this hangover in

No, he knew it. But I couldn't help but accept it. Yesterday was a
monumental day.

Seeing Nikolai and his wife crying endlessly with tears of emotion,
everyone in the apartment building toasted one after another. I drank
as much wine as his tears. And this is the result.

Oh why doesn't life always have a happy ending? He was so good when
he was drinking.

Lee Won thought, pressing his throbbing head. Meanwhile, Cesar was
still asleep. Lee Won lay down and looked at his face in silence.
Suddenly, the work on the island came to life. Will I wake up like I did
then? Will I frown before I wake up? If I come to you to kiss you, will
you suddenly open your eyes?
The answer was three. At the sudden lash of silver-gray eyes, Lee Won
froze. For a moment, the two stood still and looked at each other. An
awkward silence passed. Lee Won turned his thoughts around like a
madman, searching for words to say. But in the end, Lee Won couldn't
say anything, and the same thing happened to Caesar.

Little by little, Lee Won's face grew hot. Unable to bear the gaze of
Caesar who was facing each other, Lee Won hurriedly turned his head.

“Um, hey, sorry for the sudden absence from work. I drank too much."

"It seems."

Following Lee Won, Caesar also stood up. Lee Won sat facing away and
scratched at his hair that was spreading in all directions.

"I'm going to work immediately tomorrow... ... ."

"Okay. Did you have a better headache than that?"

At Caesar's question, Lee Won nodded. Then he turned around and

saw Cesar standing and looking at him. Caesar smiled slightly at Lee
Won, who was puzzled.


Suddenly it occurred to me that he might kiss me. In due time, Caesar


"If I kiss you now, will you hit me?"

Lee Won looked at him with a half lowered gaze. Silver-gray eyes
regarded him silently.

"Aren't you going to do it if I tell you to hit me?"

Caesar chuckled at the low voice. And instead of answering, he licked

his lips. Lee Won closed his eyes so naturally. I later realized that I had
no intention of hitting him in the irst place.

All too naturally, Cesar carried the weight. Unintentionally, Lee Won
took a step back. Soon the sheet touched my body and then I lay down
on the soft mattress. Cesar, who had stubbornly sucked his lips and
licked his tongue, took advantage of the space between his lips and

"He disappointed me that he chose alcohol over me."

He felt more sincere than ever. I felt that I should apologize in some
way. Am I so wrong? I was belatedly puzzled, but couldn't think any
further. It was because Caesar pulled up his shirt and bit Lee Won's


For a moment, he surprised me so much that my body jumped.

Meanwhile, biting the small nipple, Cesar laughed silently. The sound
of sucking and sucking was so naked that goosebumps spread all over
my body. Shortly after, Caesar pulled down Lee Won's pants along with
his underpants. Suddenly his lower back felt cold, but there was no
time to panic. It was because Caesar immediately approached him.

Lee Won woke up with a certain feeling that hit rock bottom. It was
undeniably clear. It was Caesar's erect penis.

Dare Lee Won couldn't see it with his own eyes. Just the weight and
shape you felt was enough to make your spine shudder with its size. In
an instant, so many thoughts ran through my mind and my mind went

"What's happening?"

Caesar asked if he suddenly felt something strange. Lee Won blinked in


“Eh, there… …So, are you going to put it?”

"Yes because?"

Lee Won was speechless at such a refreshing response. Caesar smiled

and kissed Iwon on the lips as a joke.


The whispering voice sounded like a joke. I was going to ask why you
have to put it on, but I didn't even want to put it on myself. Many words
came to my mind, how to put it in, how about just caress it, etc., but it
didn't come out of my mouth. Everything I said here felt like an excuse.

What the hell am I afraid of?

Lee Won thought that and looked at Caesar. At that look, Caesar
narrowed his eyes and let out a low sigh.
"You don't know how much I endured."

When they kissed again, it was no longer sweet. He licked his lips and
bit his tongue, then curled his tongue back up and his teeth clicked
together. Caesar hurried over as if he was really going to eat it.
Unexpectedly, Lee Won also got a boner. It was the irst time he knew
that he was so excited by rough sex. Unknowingly, he reached down
and grabbed the genitals, and Caesar followed him and took Lee Won's
hand away.

“… … !”

Subsequently, he was directed by Caesar and the genitals on his hands

belonged to him. The thick penis had grown so large that it would not
it in his hand, and he stood his ground. To Lee Won, who had suddenly
turned white, Caesar sucked on his earlobe and spoke in a rough voice.

"Touch me."

Suddenly, the sound of rapid breathing rang in my ears. Lee Won

subconsciously swallowed dry saliva. As he tentatively moved his hand,
Caesar's forehead twisted and he groaned.

With that sound, Lee Won gained a bit of con idence. Even with a
simple swipe up and down gesture, Caesar showed a clear reaction.


Suddenly trapped below, Lee Won inadvertently made a short sound.

As he looked up involuntarily, Caesar's eyes met. The two looked at
each other tenaciously and waved their hands. Busty girls sweeping
and rubbing their hands collided with each other. This was obvious
masturbation. But it was also sex. Just the fact that it wasn't his own
hands made his body heat up like crazy.

“Sigh… … !”

Involuntarily, the force entered his hand and scanned Cesar's genitals.
Then Cesar let out a moan from deep in his throat. Suddenly, his hands
quickened. Lee Won completely lost his mind from shaking hands. As if
he were jerking off, he rubbed himself and looked down, but it was
Caesar's hand that really touched him.

"... ... Oh."

Involuntarily, Lee Won twisted his forehead. It was because something

hot splashed on his face. It was then that he realized it was Cesar's
semen. He could taste the salty taste even though he had something in
his mouth. Belatedly, Lee Won discovered that he had inadvertently
received some of the semen with his mouth open.

Taking the hand of Lee Won, who had stopped, Caesar urged him on.
Lee Won continued to quickly scan Caesar's genitalia. Even after Lee
Won's ejaculation ended, Caesar continued to spill more bodily luids.
When the ejaculation inally ended, Lee Won's body was covered with
cum from himself and Caesar. Most of them belonged to Caesar.

What was surprising, however, was that Caesar's penis was still erect

After ejaculation, Lee Won, who had been numb with pleasure, woke
up to see a huge penis still rising. Caesar, who was wide-eyed and
involuntarily looked down at Lee Won's hardened igure, said ouch.

"What would you like to eat?"

Lee Won was speechless when he was asked so casually, as if he was a
natural. What about that? Caesar said with indifference to the look he
was looking towards.

"This is OK. Because I'll igure it out. Aren't you hungry?"

Having said that, Lee Won looked at his face with a soft smile.

Dinner was truly heavenly. Lee Won was satis ied and illed her
stomach with food that she wouldn't normally eat. Cesar looked at him,
who was only satis ied after eating three thick French tenderloin steaks,
with a face that he didn't know if he was admiring or astonished. The
butler brought wine, but Lee Won refused. Instead, Cesar scoffed at
him when he asked for carbonated water.

"You must have drunk all the alcohol of your life in one day."

Lee Won lightly denied it.

“Not for life. It will be about a week."

At the face of Lee Won, who smiled as if he would eat as much as he

could if he had the chance, Caesar seemed startled and then smiled

“I didn't know my lawyer was such a drinker. Let's drink together

Caesar's smile subtly changed.

"Until drunk."

Lee Won replied without thinking.

"Okay everything is ine."

Caesar narrowed his eyes at Lee Won, who immediately agreed.

“… …Sometimes I drink myself to death.

"Oh, I often do."

This time, Lee Won received the words refreshingly. Caesar looked at
her face and smiled bitterly.

“I would prefer to resign. If you do it to me, you will die.

Lee Won was furious and declared proudly.

"Are you making fun of me? I don't know how strong you are, but I'm
pretty good too. You'll be the irst out."

Caesar narrowed his eyes.

"Well, is that so?"

As Lee Won spoke con idently and drank carbonated water, Caesar
silently watched.

He restrained himself gently, as he wanted to put his teeth on a loudly

resonating neck stick. Lee Won said, completely unaware of Caesar's
intense agitation.

"The sun is already setting."

The sun coming through the front window was tinted red everywhere.
In the light of the scorching sun as if he had expressed the wish for him,
Caesar muttered as if in a whisper.


And he didn't say anything else. A peaceful silence silently enveloped


"Well then, have a good dream."

Unexpectedly, Caesar expelled Lee Won brie ly before his visit.

Inwardly, Lee Won, who was paying attention to the morning's
business, looked at him with a feeling of doubt. Cesar said with a bitter

"Not today. I don't drink enough.

“… … ? Did you order a drink today?

Puzzled, Caesar looked up wordlessly and brought his hand to Yi Won's

The tip of his inger gently brushed her cheek and then moved away
from him.

"I don't have sex without alcohol."

It was then that Lee Won understood the meaning. But the questions
immediately followed.

"If you don't drink, you won't get an erection?"

He looked ine in the morning, but when he thought about it, Caesar
suddenly burst out laughing.

Seriously, it's so much fun I can't stand it.

"If I had known this would happen, I would have illed the warehouse
sooner, right?"

Lee Won still couldn't understand the words he asked as he continued

to smile. But Caesar walked away without further explanation.

"You will be tired, so rest well and stay home tomorrow."

He then turned around and went to his room. Lee Won gave him a
puzzled look, shrugged, and walked into the room.

Lee Won noisily stretched and got up from his seat. I slept all day and
the next day the headache barely subsided. Looking at the sky, the
weather was pretty good. Lee Won stroked his chin, looking out at the
sprawling garden that was out of sight. The day before, he hadn't
thought about it. To kidnap a sleeping person, after all, the ma ia has
no choice but to do so.

Lee Won, who was thoughtful for a moment, found a family sedan
passing through the garden. It was Cesar's car. Suddenly, I
remembered what Cesar had said the day before.

“You must be tired, so rest well and stay home tomorrow.

If you're going to rest, there's no reason to stay home.

Lee Won, who thought that, immediately had a good idea.

After making the decision, Lee Won, who had never hesitated,
immediately grabbed his coat and walked out. The butler, who was
walking down the hall, saw him and spoke to him politely.

"Where are you going?"

“A little walk.”

The butler indifferently watched as Lee Won, who spoke brie ly,
hurried down the stairs. Lee Won hurriedly left the mansion and
crossed the garden.
He was already out of breath, but my heart was refreshed.


Lee Won raised his arms high and ran towards the eyes like a child.

"This makes sense?!"

At that moment, César was watching the speech of the executive who
was screaming whales and raising his voice. It is always like this in the
days of the cadres of the Sergeev organization. Some people

They shouted and others just looked at them. Today was nothing
special. Except for the inside of Caesar's heart watching them. Tuchev
let out a harsh breath and pounded on the desk.

“Attacking the successor of an organization is an obvious provocation!

You can't be suffering like this.

Let's Jailbreak too! Declare war on Lomonosov!”

There was a movement to sympathize with his ierce shout, but others
showed a lukewarm response.

Tuchev was deeply embarrassed when the expected reaction did not
come. I thought everyone would wake up excited to learn that the Tsar
had been attacked.
It would have been much better if he had died.

Tuchev looked at Caesar, who had at most one shot, not fatal, but one
shot in his shoulder. It was a shame that he ended up with only one
injury. Tuchev, inding it hard to look away, looked around the room
again. The executives continued to take their seats uncertainly. When
the response was less than expected, he showed a sign of impatience
and got angry.

“Only when executives don't have this self-respect will members of the
organization trust and trust the organization. It's very frustrating!"

"Tuchev, I understand, but times are not different."

One of the executives he hadn't seen opened his mouth.

“This is not the time when we used to ight with guns and swords. The
government is no longer what it used to be… … .”

Another of icer next to him agreed.

"The time has come for the organization to change as well."

Again, a voice of agreement came from the other end.

“I understand your opinion, Tuchev, please take a seat. Let's talk more

Tuchev scowled at the roaring executives. He looked at Cesar as if he

was going to do something. Immediately, all the of icers' eyes turned to
Cesar, and Cesar, who was sitting on top of the long conference table,
opened his mouth.
"I understand Tuchev's concern, but this is my personal matter and has
nothing to do with the organization."

"What are you talking about!"

Tuchev yelled as if he expected.

“The security of the successor is the security of the organization! You

dare to point to a successor in Lomonosov, are you telling us to be
patient? Czar, have you no pride? Why do we have to put up with it in

The last words burst out at the other executives. There were
executives who showed no reaction, but there were also those who
hesitated. As they chatted and talked, Tuchev looked at them
con idently. Now what are you going to do?

When Tutchev turned his head back to Caesar, Caesar, who was
supporting his chin with one hand, opened his mouth.

"You can't move without proof that Lomonosov did it."

At Caesar's conclusion, there were groans everywhere. Caesar could

see that the of icers were buzzing at the different response than he
expected. He still spoke in a calm voice.

“It is not acceptable to move prematurely and cause chaos. Everyone

should know that the safety of the organization is more important than

“Is it an organization without self-esteem?”

Tuchev spat as if he was waiting.

“Besides, Tsar is rare these days. Have you forgotten Ruskey's pride?
Not only did they not respond to the provocations, but they even
brought foreigners to their homes to work!”

Tuchev's revelations caused a stir among the executives for an instant.

With a smile of conversion in his heart, Tutchev criticized Caesar more

“I heard that you are a lawyer, but there is a consulting lawyer within
the organization, so why did you hire a foreigner? I've been patient so
far, but I'll have to listen today!

I must know what the Tsar is thinking!

The of icers watched Cesar with their mouths closed. A group of

Ruskis, including Tuchev, were staring at him. Hyenas searching for
prey seemed to surround the table. Caesar looked at Tuchev with a
cold, expressionless face.

“I understood the meaning of Tuchev. I'm just passing through.

The executives who had been waiting for a moment clamored and

“I cannot, Tsar. I need an explanation!"

“No, what are you talking about? The tsar brought foreigners to his
house! Someone please explain to me, convince me!”
“Tsar, can you do this? This is treason. I can't even kill Lomonosov,
what is so monstrous?! Sasha would never have tolerated this.”

Caesar exclaimed sharply at the last cry.

"I am not a father."

The paused of icers closed their mouths and Caesar continued in a cold

“If you have any complaints, I will listen to you. However, retaliation is
not allowed. As Molotov said, times have changed. The use of force
against an opponent is no longer acceptable."

Caesar added, looking at Tutsev.

"If you want to write numbers behind me, you have to be prepared."

The conference room fell silent in an instant. Even the noisy executives
could no longer speak. When Tuchev hesitated and sat down, another
executive, who was taking notice, got the right to speak. Listening to his
words about the interests of the provinces in one ear, Tuchev looked at
Caesar without hiding his discontent.

After the meeting, the executives divided their cards and headed to the
bar they frequented.
At the sulpan, which was no more than a monthly event, they used to
shake off discontent with the tsar or discontent with the organization
with alcohol and words. But this time it was a little different. On other
occasions, they had always called the women, but today the table was
full of bottles of wine and there was no one outside of them.

"How is it possible? Times have changed, do you mean you have to put
up with it like this?

The other of icers sympathized with the anger of one of the executives.

“They say that Sergeev is not the same as he used to be on the streets.
It's all because of the tsar.

"The tsar does not move, so we cannot act."

“He is a coward without determination. If Lomonosov targeted the

organization's successor and kept silent, not everyone would laugh at

“It can't be like that. Let us accuse the Tsar."

They all looked at someone's words and exchanged glances. The

of icer who was watching opened his mouth.

"Wait. Sasha hasn't retired yet."

Immediately, strong criticism lew at him.

“What is the difference between retirement and retirement? All

meetings are run by the Tsar, and all orders come from the Tsar. Has
anyone seen Sasha recently? It must have been years since I saw Sasha!
Again, a murmur broke out among the executives. Tuchev, who was
watching the scene slowly, opened his mouth.

"Now. Everyone knows. Let's do it for now."

When everyone stopped talking and turned around, Tuchev continued

to speak slowly.

“It seems to be true that we are all dissatis ied with the tsar, and it only
remains how to behave.

There is a way to tell this to Sasha, but can you really believe that she is

"You mean you don't trust Sasha?"

At someone's disgruntled comments, Tuchev laughed quietly.

“Of course, Sasha was the leader who made Sergeev the best in the
organization. But that is what the Tsar created. Can you believe it?"

They all hesitated and looked into each other's eyes. Tuchev narrowed
his eyes.

“He was a ruthless leader, but he was also the father of a child. How
many parents in the world do you think can amputate their children?
see it right now It's not hard to see Sasha's face after entrusting the
organization to the tsar. She left the organization entirely.”

There was a movement of assent in agreement with Tuchev's

conclusion. Tuchev said, pouring alcohol into a glass.
“Now what we have to do is leave the organization to the tsar as it is
and just look around and decide whether the organization will
disintegrate or come and use our own hands.

Can you hear?"

One of the executives opened his mouth in an anxious voice.

"But then what are we going to do with the tsar?"

Tuchev slowly looked at the executives one by one through the glass.

"The end of the emperor who descended from the throne is not clear."

Tuchev immediately emptied his drink and added a grim smile.

"He is going to die."

The of icers held their breath and looked at each other, but said


The world-class art museum, where works by famous painters are

exhibited, was always packed with people, but today was different.
Despite the good weather, the number of spectators was only half the
usual. Thanks to you, I was able to enjoy painting at a leisurely pace.
Lee Won borrowed an audio guide, put it to his ear, and leisurely
walked through the spacious venue.

I don't know how long this freedom lasts. The little desire for some
alone time after the incident was inally over was almost thwarted by
Caesar's scandalous kidnapping.

But that was not the reason to give up. Knowing that Lee Won has
disappeared, they will surely attack him from the house he lives in. You
will be frustrated and confused. You wouldn't even think he'd be here.

That's when I kept a little complaint.

Couldn't you come up here?

At the sudden thought, Lee Won smiled and shook his head. Shaking
the absurd imagination from him, he moved slowly, pressing the audio
number according to the picture number. Genuine works by painters
with deep history caught his attention one by one. Among them, Lee
Won inadvertently stopped walking on a drawing that caught his

As I stopped and looked at the painting, I felt someone sneak up on me

and stand next to me.

"Do you like Rubens too?"

Lee Won raised her head at his soft voice. He later realized that the
painting he was looking at was by Rubens.

"If that."
When he looked back with a vague answer, there was a tall old man
standing there. Wearing a fedora on a perfectly itted suit, he gazed at
the painting with a cane in one hand.

The slim pro ile of his side face was quite deep, making me dare to
imagine my youthful appearance.

He, who seemed like a perfect gentleman by anyone, turned his head.
The old man smiled brightly at Lee Won, who was taken aback by the
moment his eyes met. The soft, curved eyes further softened the
impression of him. Lee Won also smiled involuntarily. The man opened
his mouth.

"I also like Rubens."

In fact, Lee Won didn't know much about painting. He was admiring
the artist's powerful touch and bold composition. The man spoke to
Lee Won, who looked at the painting again.

“This painting is particularly great among his works. I often come to

this museum on purpose to see this painting. Can't you feel the solemn
yet dynamic power? Rubens is the godfather of baroque art. Look at
this beautiful touch. Take the sadness out of Caravaggio's art, and
Rubens will remain."

What is this déjà vu?

Lee Won looked at the old man with a strange feeling. In the lateral
face of the old man who slightly extended his hands and sang like a
poem, he was superimposed on César, who unstoppably praised the
wine. At that moment, Lee Won suddenly burst out laughing. As the
man turned around, puzzled, Lee Won waved his hand in
"No, sorry. I have someone to remember.

Even when he apologized, the smile did not leave Lee Won's face. If
Caesar had been here, he would have said exactly that. Seeing an old
man who inadvertently reminds him of him, Lee Won naturally put on a
friendly smile. Suddenly I thought. what is he doing now? The old man,
who was looking at Lee Won's smiling face, opened his mouth.

“If you're not busy, why don't we have tea together? I want to talk

There was no reason to refuse. Lee Won willingly accepted his request.

Little by little, the darkness fell. It was faster than usual, but the
longitude of the sun was not that different. In the car that entered the
large garden, César looked silently out the window.

He had a lot to think about, but one thing was for sure. The executive
meeting is also a very useless procedure.

There was no particular objection to the system created by his father,

Sasha, but he wanted to get rid of it. If the seat is completely
transferred to him, the irst thing he must do is remove the executive
committee. So Caesar thought. The executives will disappear before
the meeting disappears.

Caesar narrowed his eyes. The events in the conference room lashed
through his mind in an instant. Responsiveness of each of the

I know more or less.

The car slowed down and the butler ran out the front door.

"Have you returned, Tsar?"

Cesar, who took off his coat and handed it to the butler, who bowed his
head politely, went straight to the study, and the butler opened his

“The lawyer is not here now, but… … .”

For a moment, Caesar stopped walking.

"… … No?"

His face hardened as he looked back.


"You had a nice cup of tea, Petro."

As Lee Won said with a smile, the old man in the back seat of the car
smiled sweetly.

“I really enjoyed it a lot. I hope to see you again."

Lee Won hesitated for a moment, then took out a business card from
his inside pocket and handed it to the old man through the open car

"I'll see you later when I have time."

"Yes thanks."

The old man who received the business card smiled. Lee Won, feeling
his heart warm at his smiling face, gave a short bow before turning
around. The old man watched the back of Lee Won, who was slowly
walking away. In his hand was a business card that he had forgotten.
When Lee Won's appearance disappeared, he looked at his business
card. A soft, sad smile spread across his lips.

He is very similar to that person.

"Lomonosov-san, can I go?""

At the organizer's careful question, Mikhail nodded. The heavy sedan

sped away without a sound, and Mikhail raised his head again and
looked down the dark street. At the address where Lee Won
disappeared, there was no trace of him left.

Lee Won hurriedly walked down the street late at night as if he was
running. As night fell, the wind pierced her like a sword. As he walked
sensibly to avoid slipping, I suddenly remembered the irst time he
came to Russia.
I often hit the rear wheel… … .

It was when I remembered the memory of complaining that they were

not going to leave my ass and I smiled. I saw someone standing in front
of the apartment building not far away. Lee Won was puzzled and tilted
his head. When he nonchalantly thought if he was a resident of the
building where he had lost the key, Lee Won realized that the tall
shadow re lected in his ield of vision looked familiar.


Lee Won, who noticed it too late, slowed down the steps he was taking
in a hurry. Caesar stood silently under the dimly lit lamp on the porch
of the apartment building, looking at the two circles. Although the light
was dim, Lee Won could see it clearly.

Caesar was staring at him without saying a word.

Arms crossed, Lee Won was somewhat embarrassed to see him silently
pouring out anger from his entire body. He inadvertently raised a hand
in greeting, but lowered it again and smiled awkwardly instead. As if to
say, I got it.

But it was like pouring oil on the ire again. Caesar's face hardened
iercely. At the intense aura from him that seemed to let his entire body
know that he was angry, Lee Won stopped laughing and put on an
embarrassed expression. Maybe it's not like yelling or yelling in the
street at this hour.

He had never seen Caesar lose his temper, but he looked like he would.
Inwardly, it was time to think about what to do and how to deal with it

Caesar, who was looking at Lee Won as if he was going to eat him,
suddenly sighed. As Lee Won blinked in surprise at the unexpected
action, Caesar said with a tired face.

"Everything is ine."

Lee Won looked at him in surprise. But that was all Caesar had to say.
He rubbed his forehead and turned around. Lee Won was surprised
when he left his seat. It was a better time to look at yourself. When his
pale face turned without a word, Lee Won felt guilty inside.

"What happened?"

Caesar stopped walking and looked at Lee Won, who spoke hesitantly.
Lee Won felt a bitter sensation once again at the thick shadow along
the delicate line of his face. He hesitated and opened his mouth, but
Cesar answered irst.

"Have you gone."

Lee Won was speechless and looked at him. Caesar's smiling face was
before him. I asked seriously at most, but in the end was it a joke? Lee
Won was deeply irritated inside.

"The commissioned work will be inished in a short time."

Lee Won said casually.

"Then I'll never see you again."

After speaking, he realized. which is reality. Suddenly, an unexpected
weight weighed down on Lee Won. That was true. When Berdiaev's
work is solved, everything ends. There will be no reason to stay in
Caesar's house, there will be no excuse to meet this man forever.


Caesar, who had been silent until then, opened his mouth.

"Because I no longer have anything to do business with you."

Lee Won stopped at the unexpected words. Cesar's face was pale, as if
he were somewhat tired. Lee Won was puzzled, but now that he has
come, there is nothing more to say. Caesar turned around and Yi Won
stood there. Lee Won just looked at Caesar's back as he walked away
and didn't say anything.


He looks like he snowed all night. Lee Won woke up to the sound of
snow being shoveled outside. Outside the window, I could see people
busy coming and going, clearing snow. Suddenly, I remembered what
had happened the day before. The exhilarating feeling soon subsided.

What the hell is going on?

There must have been a problem, but I couldn't igure it out because I
didn't say anything. It didn't seem like he was going to give me a proper
answer just because I asked him. Lee Won hated worrying without a
solution. But now the situation was just that.

I can't be bothered to spit it out.

I frowned involuntarily, when I heard a knock outside.


When I opened the door, Nikolai was standing there. When I entered
the room, surprised by the unexpected visit, Nikolai said.

“As of today, the factory is open again. I would like to talk to you about
that… ….”

Nikolai's face was full of hope. It was completely different from the
complexion that quickly turned earthy when talking about the factory.
Lee Won responded with a sense of satisfaction.

"Yeah, what's going on?"

"Let's take a look at these irst."

Nikolai handed him a crumpled piece of paper on which he had written

much. These were trivial matters like taxes, workers' wages, and
bene its they could receive while they were out of business. Lee Won,
who brie ly reviewed the memorandum, said.

"Okay. I'll ind out and talk to you."

"Yes please."
Nikolai turned and walked out, stopping and looking at Iwon.

"I'm so glad it's you and my neighbor."

At Nikolai, who had a smile on his face, Lee Won smiled face to face. A
new beginning is always good. Lee Won smiled brightly as she put the
note that Nikolai had given her on the board. Then I'll investigate this
separately and do the rest of the work Cesar commissioned.

Ignoring that his heart was about to darken again, Lee Won took out
his coat and put it on. It was when Lee Won came downstairs at the
same time as always and was about to greet his grandmother. The cafe
door opened and customers entered. At the appearance of a woman in
elegant attire and light makeup, Lee Won suddenly turned his gaze.

There are all kinds of people visiting the cafe at this hour.

Lee Won thought of her without a second thought and made her faint.
Suddenly, she turned to Lee Won.

With her eyes narrowed and blinking, she, who was carefully spying on
Lee Won, slipped away and called out.

"I… … ."

Lee Won, who was wearing a helmet only to get on the scooter, turned
his head upon hearing a call.

A woman who had just passed the cafe was looking at him. She
swallowed dry saliva and opened her mouth to Lee Won, who looked at
him as if she was passing by.
“I, maybe… … I came to see you after hearing Mr. Sibernik.”

She spoke tough. For a moment, Lee Won stopped. At Lee Won, who
was looking at her with her round eyes, she bit her lip several times.

"Are you binary?"

Lee Won's eyes widened even more. She then she said with a dif icult

"You are Suyeon's son."

At the same time, Lee Won blankly opened his mouth inside the


"That's it."

Lee Won, who led her to her room, suddenly felt embarrassed. I
thought about putting it away, but it was already spilled water. Instead,
he hastily gathered up the scattered papers on the loor and sat down.

"Go ahead."

Seeing Lee Won waving his arms full of documents to the side of the
room, he smiled a little. The woman who introduced herself as Natasha
was her mother's friend whom she had been longing for. Lee Won, who
had made tea in an old teacup, sat with her, feeling tension and
trembling intersect.

“I heard from Mr. Sibernik. They are looking for me.

The old man's promise was not in vain. Lee Won nodded his head,
deeply grateful to him.

“Yes, it was. I met my mother… … .”

“She was close, Suyeon and me. … …Yes, Suyeon is dead.”

He looked at Lee Won with a vague expression on his face as if he was

searching for memories.

“I look much more like my mother than my father.”

At those words, Lee Won's heart seemed to sink.


Lee Won swallowed dry saliva. This man knows it, Father. Lee Won
answered nervously inside.

"My mother said I look like my father."

When he smiled awkwardly, he unexpectedly turned his face away and

denied it.

“No, I never did. Can not be."

Lee Won was taken aback by the strange tone of his voice. Lee Won,
who waited for her to drink tea and put it down, opened his mouth.

“I, maybe… …do you know my father?”

She stopped and stiffened. Lee Won waited for her answer, feeling the
tension in her stomach.

"Why you ask?"

Instead of answering, she returned the question. With that, Lee Won
convinced her that she had information about her father.

"Where are you? Do you know the address or contact information?

Please give me any information you know. Please."

She was the only one with a clue. Lee Won couldn't pass up this
opportunity. Lee Won told him, who bit his lip with a puzzled face.

“I came to Russia because of my mother's last request. I need to meet

my father. When he inds you, I have something to tell you…….”

"Do not search it".

She interrupted Lee Won's desperate words with a dull voice. Natasha
spoke with a dark face to Lee Won, who was immediately puzzled.

“I like not seeing you. For."

She was just saying things that were completely incomprehensible.

Lee Won, who had only blinked in surprise, belatedly opened his

"Fine. Whoever my father is, I'm prepared, so let me know. There's

nothing to trouble him, and you just need to spread the word. I'm never
going to bother my wife."

Natasha looked at Lee Won, showing a sign of anxiety. Lee Won waited
anxiously for her to open her mouth. Natasha, who had hesitated
several times, spoke with dif iculty.

"The man is dead."

Lee Won's eyes widened at the unexpected words. No, he was thinking.
that such a thing can happen. But is it really? There is no father in the
world... … ? Natasha watched with a dark face as the handsome young
man stiffened in doubt.

"Isn't it too much to say that a living person is dead?"

Natasha's body stiffened at the calm voice from behind, and Lee Won
blinked in surprise. A familiar man stood behind the open door. The
appearance of a digni ied gentleman with a cane in one hand
immediately revived in Lee Won's memory. He was a man I met in an
art gallery.

"We met again."

Seeing his smiling face at him, Lee Won got up from his seat.

"you are… … ."

He would have warned you.

Before Lee Won, he opened his mouth. Natasha turned slowly and
looked the man in the face. Lee Won blinked in surprise for a moment.
When Lee Won turned to his round eyes, Natasha continued.

“Aren't you giving up after all? Don't you feel sorry for Suyeon?"

Mikhail turned his gaze to Lee Won instead of responding to the

stinging words. From Lee Won's face, who alternately looked at
Natasha and Mikhail with a puzzled face, Mikhail narrowed his eyes as
if he thought of someone he missed, Mikhail said.

"So now you're trying to pay for your sins."


Natasha let out a short sigh. She nervously ruf led her arranged hair.
Lee Won, who watched the tension between the two, chimed in
without missing a break.

“I'm sorry, but what happened… … . Petro, please sit down… ….”

"Mr Petro?"

Natasha asked mischievously. As Lee Won looked at her, Natasha


“Have you met that person? where?"

When she was asked the question, Lee Won was puzzled and answered.

“I saw it in an art gallery. I was casually chatting… … .”

"Accidentally, you say?"

Natasha turned to look at Mikhail as if he was funny. Lee Won felt his
palms grow damp with tension and he turned his gaze to Mikhail.
Natasha's reaction was too abrupt. What happened? What kind of
relationship? Maybe, maybe that person… …?! Natasha's sharp voice
could be heard in the ears of Lee Won, who seemed to hesitate.

"When did your name become Petro, Mikhail Petrovich Lomonosov?"

Lee Won widened his eyes as if his ears were being opened. Mikhail
Petrovich Lomonosov. Lomonosov.

I knew without having to go through my memory. A name I have heard

many times. A huge ma ia organization that shakes the whole world.
The head of the Lomonosov organization named Leon.

Lee Won looked at him with a pale face. Mikhail Petrovich Lomonosov.

Mikhail opened his mouth for Lee Won, who subconsciously swallowed
dry saliva.

"Now I can meet you."

Like the irst time she had seen him, Mikhail opened his arms with the
most benevolent face.

"My son."

Lee Won was frozen in place of him. Mikhail's blue eyes looking at Lee
Won were wet with tears.

In a black sedan, Lee Won entered through a huge iron gate, saw the
huge mansion that came into view after a while, and inadvertently
frowned. The size of the mansion was enormous. Lee Won felt a
sensation similar to the one he had once had when he irst saw Caesar's
mansion come to life.

"Are you back, Lomonosov?"

The man who was waiting nodded and greeted me. He seemed to be a
member of the organization, but his pronunciation was strange. Lee
Won soon realized that he was not a pure Rusky. he wasn't inished.
Among the passersby, there seemed to be only a handful of pure
Ruskeys. As proof of this, they cast curious glances at Lee Won who was
walking behind Mikhail, but did not

They looked at them with neither contempt nor hatred. Rather, seeing
them greet each other with smiles, Lee Won was reminded of the major
cause of the dispute between Sergeev and Lomonosov, which he had
heard about a long time ago.

The struggle for power, even called the War of Pure Rusky and Russky,
was also related to the composition of the members. Unlike Caesar's
organization, which was purely Russky's group, Mikhail's organization
was open to anyone who wanted to join, regardless of their background.
It was ironic to give the most equal opportunity in the most illegal
ma ia, but it was true. Since Lee Won saw it with his own eyes, he no
longer doubted it.
Lee Won, who silently walked behind Mikhail, was inally guided to a
room off to the side.

The grand mansion, which retains the unique ancient feeling of the old
mansion, was comparable to Caesar's in scale, but the atmosphere was
completely different. Unlike Caesar's mansion, which was the epitome
of splendor without missing a single piece of furniture or interior,
Mikhail's mansion was simple and frugal. Lee Won, who had thought so
far, added that although the size of the house was far from frugal, he
added himself.

The butler, who had pulled out a chair for the guest, quietly
disappeared, and after a while brought tea and biscuits. Without saying
a word, he put the tea in front of Mikhail and Lee Won, respectively.
Suddenly, Lee Won felt a subtle aroma emanating from every corner of
the mansion. The aroma of freshly brewed black tea mixed with the
subtle scent of the house, creating a strange sense of comfort. Mikhail
opened his mouth to Lee Won, who was staring at the tea in silence.

"Don't you like tea?"

At Mikhail's friendly voice, Won-eun Lee opened her mouth.

"I like."

Mikhail asked with a smile as he answered bluntly.

“Then I guess you don't like this car. Don't ask me to take my other car.

"It's done."
Before Mikhail called the clerk, Lee Won refused and brought the cup
to his mouth. The tea was great. Unlike the sweet aroma of tropical
fruits, the taste was moderately bitter and light. After taking a sip of
carefully brewed expensive black tea, Lee Won put it down again.
Michael said again.

"Your mom used to eat cookies right after she had a sip of tea."

Whether he was homesick or he had found a common conversation

with Lee Won, Mikhail still nonchalantly responded to Mikhail's words.


The conversation was interrupted again and Mikhail looked at Lee Won
with a puzzled expression on his face. But Lee Won had nothing more
to say. No, he had nothing to say.

He would rather have known him as an informed old man. When he

came out as a father, he was a mob, and it was just amazing.

After learning that Mikhail Lomonosov was his father, Lee Won
followed him as if he had been plucked out of nowhere. As he headed
to Mikhail's house, Mikhail didn't say anything special.

He didn't want to keep quiet. He just had nothing to say. This time too,
Mikhail opened his mouth to Lee Won, who was drinking only black tea
without saying a word.

“I think you must have been very disappointed… … .”

Hesitantly, he continued.
“I left you and your mother… … .”

Mikhail closed his mouth again, as if he couldn't get any words out. Lee
Won just looked at him with a cold gaze.

"You don't even have to tell me."

It wasn't meant to be a consideration for him. He hated to see him

hesitate and forcefully bring it up.

At Lee Won's cold voice, Mikhail looked down with a dark face.

old lion

I remembered what Cesar once said. The king of the roaring crowd
when he was young was now old and sick and losing his energy. On the
one hand, he makes me sad, but on the other hand, it makes me cold
because he still hasn't forgiven what this man has done.

It's just that I deceived my mother and myself.

Anyway, Lee Won didn't remember it at all. The father, who

disappeared before he could walk, was like nothing in his life. But my
mother was different. She missed this man for the rest of her life, she
cried for him and died without inally knowing why she left his side.
And to achieve his last wish, Lee Won has come all the way here.

However, as soon as he met his father, everything became boring for

Lee Won. Now,

what would you do if you had to ask about the past? Nothing would
change. His mother had already
deceased, and all he had left was duty. The words my mother told me
to say. Lee Won opened his mouth to execute him.

"I found you."

Lee Won deliberately used the expression 'you' instead of 'father'. Lee
Won continued as Mikhail looked at him.

“Because there was something that I wanted my mother to pass on.”

After I tell you, I'll get up and come right back. Lee Won thought that.
There is absolutely no reason for him to stay in this house, and no
reason to sit face to face with this man and continue this awkward
atmosphere. Lee Won still opened his mouth in a low voice.

"I do not hold grudges".

Michael shuddered. Lee Won spoke calmly.

“I'm just curious, why did you abandon me? But if in spite of
everything you loved me.

lee won said

"It's enough."

Michael didn't say anything. He held his breath and waited for Lee
Won's next words. Lee Won inished speaking.

"Your wife still loves you."

For a moment, Mikhail's blue eyes trembled and illed with water. The
man quickly covered his mouth with his hand, but he couldn't stop the
tears from lowing. Lee Won looked at him with an expressionless face.
Michael was crying silently. Lee Won just stared at his tears, which
silently dripped tears.

Now all you have to do is inish. Lee Won thought. The reason he had
come this far and his mission was over. The limit of a mother who was
alone until the end.

"… … I'm sorry."

Mikhail muttered after a while.

"I'm sorry I couldn't protect you."

You should apologize to your mother. At least that's what Lee Won
thought. Because it was your mother who believed in you until the end
and she gave all her heart for you.

But it's too late now.

Lee Won sat quietly, looking at the sobbing man as he shook his

It had been a long time since Mikhail, who had been sobbing
continuously, barely shed tears. Mikhail, still barely raising his red eyes,
looked at Lee Won.
"I hate you?"

Michael asked hoarsely. Lee Won looked at him with a blank face and
opened his mouth.

"Before it was, but not now."

Lee Won said nonchalantly.

"There are no emotions."

Mikhail's lips trembled slightly and Lee Won stood up.

"Then I'll go."

"You're going?!"

Mikhail exclaimed in surprise. Lee Won looked at him and continued.

“My mother's words were delivered. That's all I've been looking for
you. Now that I have done my duty, I will go.”

"Come on, wait!"

Mikhail hurriedly stood up and grabbed Lee Won's arm. Lee Won
frowned, but didn't shake it off. Mikhail panicked and stuttered.

"Why are you going? You are my only son. It means blood. Didn't you
stay here with me?"

Where are you going? … !”

Lee Won said with an expressionless face at Mikhail, who was in a
hurry to catch him.

“I have no reason to be here. I'm going."

"You are my son!"

Mikhail exclaimed urgently.

“There was a reason I left you, that you were a baby. It's not what I
wanted either. Now aren't you trying to make up for that?"

"I never asked for a reward."

At Lee Won's cold words, Mikhail quickly searched for something to


“But still… …can't you accept me as a father? We get along pretty well,
don't we? Yes, we talk about painting, we drink tea.”

Mikhail was desperate. But Lee Won's heart was cold.

"So I didn't know you were a father."

Lee Won added quietly.

"Especially the fact that my father is a mobster."

Mikhail's face turned pale. The man who had tried so hard to hold on
to Lee Won just before was standing there, as if he had forgotten what
to say. Lee Won nonchalantly averted his gaze and gave a short salute.

“Then I'll go. Bye."

Lee Won, who greeted him calmly like he would a stranger, turned
around and his father caught him again.

"Come on, wait a minute."

This time, Lee Won looked at Mikhail like he was something. Mikhail
gasped, looking up at him with a weedy face.

“Okay, if you hate it so much, don't force it. But just one… …Can't you
just listen to one thing?”

Faced with the serious voice, Lee Won couldn't shake it off. Mikhail
coughed in vain, looking at him, clearing his throat, then said.

“It's my birthday soon. We're having a birthday party at home, and if

you come, you can come back. Don't hug me anymore.

Mikhail added before Lee Won frowned.

"I want to congratulate you, even if it's just once."

Lee Won looked at him without saying a word. I thought I had to let
him go, but my emotions were shaken. The mob despises him, but this
man was his father. Blood is a strange thing.

A person who was not even aware of its existence until recently
becomes a part of life.
In it, Lee Won saw the old and tired father before the mob boss. The
man my mother loved. my father

Lee Won's feelings looking at him were complicated. I felt compelled to

feel the loving feeling, but it wasn't true. The part of life that appeared
before him was not easy at all.

Rather, Lee Won nodded his head, feeling the burden of being crushed
under the heavy weight.


Caesar was pacing the of ice nervously. He passed the time, but his
only concern did not go away.

Lee Won disappeared.

Cesar nervously ruf led his hair. She was so nervous that she couldn't
stand it. His whereabouts have been unknown for several days. That
was the last time I saw him in front of the apartment building that day.

If she had known it was going to be like this, she would have brought it.

I'm sorry, but it's already too late. There are only noisy things around,
but in this situation, Lee Won disappears. Who the hell is doing this? I
thought about the unsettling forces within the organization and the
ones I had as enemies, but there were too many opponents.
No, kidnapping or kidnapping was still too soon. Above all, for what
purpose is it easy to attract Lee Won? But it was hard to see that he
disappeared alone. He has been looking for him with all his might, but
he is completely gone. Caesar was so worried that it was impossible

make a rational decision. He sucked in cigarette smoke, then raised his

head at the sudden sound of footsteps.

no way.

The door burst open, and soon the man she least wanted to see walked

"Caesar, how are you?"

Caesar turned his head to ignore Dmitry's face as he greeted him

warmly. But Dmitry didn't mind and he sat down on the sofa as if he
was ready to move.

“You say you don't feel well these days? Lyudmila is trembling with
fear. Yurich even went to the fortune teller and asked how to please

Cesar said nothing. I didn't know anything about that. His nerves were
all focused on one thing.

Dmitry gasped when he saw Caesar walking silently through the of ice,
inhaling cigarette smoke.

"Are you sure that lewd looking lawyer is delusional?"

Caesar's footsteps stopped. As he slowly looked back, Dmitry smiled.

"It seems to be the correct answer."

Caesar walked away without saying a word. Dmitry gasped, looking at

Caesar with a serious face, smoking a cigar and walking slowly from
one end of the of ice to the other.

"It's weird, you. He doesn't even come to the club, and he loses his
temper when it comes to that lawyer. Why are you doing this again
now? Did you even kick it?


For the irst time, Caesar spoke. However, his nervous voice only made
Dmitry's guess harden with certainty. Dmitri's eyes narrowed.

"Haven't you been with him yet?"

Cesar said nothing this time. He just looked at him with raised
eyebrows. Dmitry said slowly, as if he already knew.

“If he went with you, he wouldn't be able to walk like this. He must
have been dead or sick. If you look at that guy, he makes a difference
being a virgin.”

Dmitry added slowly, taking a cigarette out of his suit pocket.

“I don't know again. Looking at that face, I must have eaten quite a few
through the hole in the back.

An eerie metallic sound could be heard overhead. Dmitry stopped in
the same position as he was taking the cigarette out of him. A cold
muzzle hit his head. Caesar's Glock sent a chill over Dmitry's head.

"Just a warning."

At Caesar's calm voice, Dmitry raised his hands slightly as if he

understood. Caesar reached for the weapon, but life lingered around
him for quite some time after that. This time, Dmitry took a cigarette
out of his pocket and put it in his mouth. Caesar rubbed the old
cigarette in the ashtray and stubbed it out, searching for a new one.
Dmitry, looking at the already full ashtray, pressed the bell and called

"You can change it?"

When Dmitry asked with a smile, Lyudmila hurriedly brought a new

ashtray. Dmitry watched wordlessly as ashes from the illing ashtray
piled up behind her as he hurried along.

"You look quite serious."

After Lyudmila left, Dmitry opened his mouth.

“It's great self-control to be able to stand it while walking in front of

you. I can't even pretend.

Dmitry said, taking a deep breath of smoke from a burning cigarette.

"Besides, you're nobody else."

Before Caesar drew the Glock again, Dmitry continued.

“It's a private life, but can you trust him? Rusky or not.


Cesar responded quickly. Dmitry said: "Well", and narrowed his eyes.

"Is that so?"

Caesar frowned as if he was trying to say something. Dmitry sighed

after a short sigh, then smiled.

"Shall we bet?"


To Caesar's questionable question, Dmitry replied.

"It's simple. You just have to choose yes or no. The prizes are… … ."

Dmitry laughed softly.

"Let's do it for the glory of the winner."

Cesar's face grew more suspicious. Over the smoke, Dmitry opened his

"Vote for that lawyer who sooner or later will betray you."

Cesar looked at him with a frown. But Dmitry just smiled and put the
cigarette in his mouth.
You will be abandoned, Caesar.

Dmitri thought. His dark green eyes clouded over the misty smoke.

If not, I'll do it like this.


A few days ago, the people in the mansion were busy moving. It was
the birthday of Mikhail Lomonosov, the head of the giant ma ia
organization. Furthermore, it was even more signi icant because
Mikhail, who had been recalled from the front line, returned.

The preparations for the birthday party, which had been painstakingly
prepared for over a month, became ierce enough to burn down the
battle ield on the same day. Gang members often looked for suspicious
people and even caught a local dog walking, followed it, searched it, and
then released it.

Lee Won woke up early to the noise and boisterous footsteps that
started in the morning.

When I got up and looked outside, I saw people running busily. The
catering chefs beckoned to discuss the menu, and neatly dressed men
deftly walked past them with a mountain of trays. Looking at the man
pulling the cart covered with a curtain, Lee Won noticed that it was a
In the midst of the turbulent scene, I saw men who at irst glance were
suspicious, shining brightly in their eyes and communicating. Of
course, they were members of Lomonosov.

Lee Won let out a bitter sigh. I don't know if it was a good thing. Also,
if Caesar inds out about the current situation. He still couldn't get over
the idea that he might have made the wrong decision out of sympathy.
But the election is over.

Cause I'll be back tomorrow

Lee Won thought. He annoyed me that he couldn't keep in touch with

me after breaking up like that.

I hope he didn't come to see me after that……?

Should I have called?

Lee Won frowned at the sudden thought.

You'll say?

When I turned my head towards the sound of the knock I heard, the
maid came in with a big box.

"It's the clothes you're going to wear today."

The freckled young woman with a kind smile bowed her knees as a
joke to greet and then left the room. Lee Won looked at the box with
the designer's logo, which he could only see in department stores. I
opened the box and found a tuxedo prepared for the party. Lee Won
thought for a moment and took off his clothes. Even if you don't have to
wear it, the clothes will it you. It must be a made-to-order product
especially for Lee Won.

During Lee Won's stay at the mansion for only a few days, Mikhail
generously spent money for his son. As if he was trying to do
everything he hadn't been able to do before, he bought and bought
again. Things couldn't move Lee Won's heart, but Mikhail's desperate
efforts made Lee Won break a bit.

I don't really like the gift bombardment, but today is Mikhail's birthday.
For just one day, Lee Won decided to act like a son the way he wanted.
Lee Won took out a tuxedo and put it on the bed, and opened the box
that Mikhail sent with the tuxedo. Lee Won, who looked at the
gorgeous diamond watch, put the box down on the tuxedo, turned
around and headed for the bathroom.

It looked like it was going to be a busy day.

"Welcome, Tsar."

The man who greeted him courteously at the entrance asked his
permission and examined Cesar's body.

It is not uncommon to have a metal detector in front of the door of a

mansion. As the head of the organization, who must always beware of
assassinations, he couldn't feel relieved that it was a birthday party.

After a brief investigation, the organization member bowed deeply and

Caesar moved on. There were already many people in the room. Not
only in luential igures in political and inancial circles, but also his
spouses or lovers, or all sorts of people who couldn't de ine a
relationship, he could feel their gazes searching each other as they
greeted each other. Of course, most of them were the heads of a fairly
large organization.

Although Caesar came alone, it was often noted that he had also
brought his wife or children. Since it is the birthday of no one else,
Mikhail Lomonosov, this may be natural. Most people would have been
here for the future. It is dif icult to survive in Russia ignoring the
existence of Mikhail Lomonosov.

Caesar also came here for the same reason in a sense. However, in his
case, there was also an intention to check Mikhail's condition with his
own eyes.

Caesar slowly swirled the champagne glass in his hand with a deep
frown creasing his forehead.

He was rationally making precise calculations, but his emotions were a

mess. Of course, there was a reason. Caesar suffered from so much
anxiety that he couldn't sleep well after Lee Won disappeared.

It was the irst time he had known that his imagination was so rich.
Lee Won of all kinds got to the point where he couldn't take it. Even
now, Caesar was barely suppressing the urge to leave the ballroom and
wander the streets looking for Lee Won.

You'll ind it soon. In the worst case, he was even thinking of

borrowing Dmitry's power. Of course, that was the last option.

As he raised his head with a short sigh, the daughter of a prominent

politician spoke to me. Cesar turned her words around dryly and
looked away from her indifferently. Suddenly I had a strange feeling.
People were screaming and looking at something. Cesar, who had
inadvertently turned his head, stiffened.

I hope this is a fantasy

Dressed in an elegant classic tuxedo and a precious diamond watch, his

voluptuous igure with neatly combed hair caught everyone's attention.
The champagne, which he held lightly with the tips of his ingers,
bubbled steadily, golden liquid running down his throat with every
slight tilt of the glass.

Lee Won looked at the peacocks gathered in groups here and there
with indifferent eyes. It was the irst time for him to attend a party like
this, but it was no surprise or surprise. They all smiled with their
mouths and were busy scanning their opponents with their eyes,
degrading them in jest and casually displaying their pride.

Lee Won did not like the position of these snobs. In my heart, I wanted
to return to my place of residence as soon as possible.

It's probably because I'm more familiar with the sour liquor made by
my grandmother than I am with champagne with an old-fashioned label
like this.

A man approached Lee Won, who was thinking nonchalantly. A man

named Leph, as Mikhail's right arm. He seemed more than happy to be
in this position, showing a burning respect for him that anyone could
see as excessive loyalty.
"young master."

Lev, stepping through the crowd, bowed his head brie ly.

“Soon there will be a speech by Mr. Lomonosov. Don't leave your seat,
just in case you're looking for it."

Lee Won nodded without thinking. After checking Lee Won's response,
Lev went back the way he had come. He could feel the gazes of people
everywhere. If anyone can see it, it must be strange that there are
people who don't it in here. Lee Won understood them the way he did.

That was when he tipped the champagne back into his mouth with an
expressionless face.

Suddenly, violently, her shoulders were grabbed. Lee Won was shocked
for a moment and dropped the glass. An elongated glass fell in a
parabola, and a transparent golden liquid swam like a wave and swam
in the air with it.

It was then that I heard the sound of glass breaking. People looked at
them in astonishment, but Lee Won didn't notice. A contemplative man
looked at him with surprised eyes.

"… … Cease?"

When he called out his name involuntarily, his face twitched in an

instant. Lee Won looked at him without knowing the English language.
Why is this man here? what the hell It seems that families

mobsters also attended the party, but were the executives invited? As
he pondered the thought, Caesar spat it out of his mouth.
"What are you?"

Lee Won blinked in puzzlement at the shrill voice. Caesar continued to

push him away in a quick tone.

"What happened! Why are you here?! Do you know how much I found
you? I thought I was gone, but what the hell are you doing in a place like

I was speechless for a moment at the harsh question. Belatedly, he

remembered that he had been in hiding for several days without
receiving a single call. Only then did Lee Won understand why the man
in front of him was running around so angry and agitated.

“Sorry. I have a situation… … .”

It was an urgent situation that he couldn't afford to look around him

for, but it was too much for Caesar to understand. Besides, I didn't
think Caesar would have been looking for it like that. Along with the
guilt, one problem after another came to mind that I hadn't thought of.

Lee Won is the son of Mikhail Lomonosov. Whether Lee Won admits it
or not, he doesn't change. Caesar is said to have been threatened with
death from an early age. And Lomonosov, who was aiming for his life.
He couldn't even imagine what would happen if the identity of his
father was revealed between two opposing organizations. Lee Won
hurriedly collected his thoughts and grabbed Caesar's arm. It was
important to get out of here irst.

“Let's go out and talk… … .”

"You're asking why you're here!"

Caesar shook Lee Won's hand and got furious.

“Besides, what is that? Why are you here like this! Do you know what
this place is? How the hell did you get in!”

At Caesar's insistent question, Lee Won took offense. But now was not
the time to ight. Lee Won clutched his stomach and said it again.

"I'll do it later. Rather, why did you come here? Did you see everything?
Nothing wrong? Let's go out irst.

Lee Won, who was speaking faster than Caesar, grabbed his arm. I
thought I'd make my way through the crowd, but the timing wasn't
right. At that moment, the lights in the corridor went out and people
began to murmur. Moments later, one of the many lights lashed,
illuminating the low stage inside the hall. It was Mikhail who appeared
shortly after.

People cheered and applauded. Lee Won had no choice but to applaud
Caesar. Caesar also looked at the stage with an uneasy face. Mikhail
took the microphone and started waving.

“Thank you to everyone who came to this place in the midst of his busy
schedule. I think today will be a more meaningful birthday… … .”

Lee Won decided to leave the room through the dark gap. As he
grabbed Caesar's arm again, Mikhail's voice suddenly reached his ears.

“… …To those who have worried about my health, I apologize for

causing concern.
There is someone I would like to take advantage of today to introduce
you to.”

In the midst of the crowd, Mikhail walked off the stage. With each step
he took, the murmur of the crowd gradually diminished in reverse
proportion. Lee Won held his breath in surprise as he saw Mikhail
walking directly towards him. Hopefully, it is not. The light that
illuminated him moved along with Mikhail's footsteps. When he felt the
need to run away for a moment, Mikhail stood in front of Lee Won.

Immediately, the light poured over Lee Won and Mikhail. Mikhail, who
smiled brightly at Lee Won, who was looking at him embarrassed,
suddenly stretched out his arms and hugged him. People murmured
here and there as if they were surprised, and Lee Won stiffened as he

Mikhail looked at the people with an arm in his arms.

“I've been hiding it all this time, but actually, I also had a son. I grew up
in another country due to various risks, but I plan to stay here with me
in the future.”


Lee Won was taken aback by the unexpected and forgot what to say.
The same thing happened with Caesar. As if he was still and turned to
stone, he was hardened and motionless. Amid the noise and bustle of
people here and there, Mikhail found Caesar, standing tall like a warrior.

"There was also a successor to Sergeev."

People's eyes moved and I also saw Lee Won. Cesar's face that looked
at him without understanding and lost his head. Mikhail kept talking.

"Be a good match for my son from now on, Tsar."

… … What?

For a moment, Lee Won doubted his ears. It was even more surprising
than when Mikhail introduced himself with absurd words. In front of
Lee Won, who blinked with a puzzled face, Caesar

He didn't say anything and just looked at him. It was the same with Lee
Won. As Mikhail smiled broadly and proudly patted Lee Won on his
shoulder, the two just looked at each other and didn't say a word.


Damn inspiration.

Grinding his teeth, Lee Won walked down the dark street. The more he
thought about it, the angrier he made me. being used as a fool It was
bad for him, whose heart was weakened by the old man's tears. He
should have come just when I decided. Lee Won spat out abusive
language and moved violently.

I don't even know how the party ended. Lee Won was taken aback by
the sudden burst of interest and gaze, and he barely made it out of the
room. It was lucky we got out of there, but one regret remained.
He should have shot him in the face.

Lee Won thought and sharpened his teeth. The problem was that there
were suddenly too many people around him. Also, people were
gathering like cockroaches around Mikhail. In the end, the clenched ist
was in vain. It was like hearing a voice calling from behind, but I
ignored it. But now that my stomach is boiling, I can't help it.

The footsteps he was walking slowly slowed down a bit. Lee Won
walked slowly, immersed in thoughts of him. Was she still implicitly
thinking of him as a father?

Lee Won looked back at his thoughts. It wasn't just anger at Mikhail's
ruthless behavior that he felt. He knew that the empty corner of his
heart was for another reason. I feel like I've become an idiot who was
meant to sincerely congratulate him. Lee Won let out a small sigh that
came out of his own volition.

Maybe he waited a bit.

That's when I thought. Someone was standing under a lamppost not

far away. There is only one way to the apartment complex. Whether
you like it or not, you must go through this path. If someone decides to
do it, you can meet him here. Like Caesar now.

Lee Won stopped walking and stood there. Cesar turned his head at
the sound of footsteps and looked at him. For a while, the two looked at
each other and said nothing. It was Caesar who spoke irst.

"… … What happened?"

Lee Won felt a strange sensation at the low voice. What is the reason
that anxiety comes along with relief? Lee Won paused and opened his

“Whatever it is, as I heard. Mikhail Lomonosov is my father."

For a moment, Caesar's face darkened. Lee Won noted that he had
barely suppressed his anger until now. Caesar said, slowly taking her
thick leather gloved hand.

"Since when?"

It was a fun question. But Lee Won didn't laugh.

"Well, from birth."

He sounded like sharp teeth grinding. Caesar gritted his teeth and
looked at Lee Won, but he barely opened his mouth.

"Did you intentionally get close to me from the beginning?"

Lee Won frowned at the unexpected words. But Cesar did not stop and
continued talking.

“I had no idea that he was Lomonosov's successor. You must have been
laughing at me the whole time. It is not?"

"Do not jump. You were the irst to approach me.

I wondered if Caesar's eyes gleamed at Lee Won's lustered response,

and then he held out his hand. A strong hand suddenly grabbed his
neck, and for a moment, Lee Won distorted his face.

"Then make up an excuse."

As he held Lee Won's neck with one hand, Caesar exhaled sharply.

“Say something, so you can convince me. I will believe anything.

The hand that held his neck was sincere. It was so threatening as if he
was going to give Lee Won breath immediately by giving him strength.
The terrifying look of Caesar looking at him was enough to predict.

But despite all the threats and forebodings, he had nothing to say. It
was all true.

Lee Won was Lomonosov's son and he is not the heir, but now, that
kind of talk won't work.

"I didn't mean to hide it."

Lee Won spoke in a low voice.

“I just didn't get a chance to speak. … … That's it."

Cesar said nothing. All he could do was silently stare at Lee Won under
the dimly lit streetlight. Suddenly, he felt strength in his hand. Caesar's
face darkened as he contemplated whether to throttle Lee Won as he
was or just leave him alone.

As he felt the crisis of life, Lee Won just looked at Caesar and didn't say
anything else. Suddenly Cesar gave strength to his ingertips. When
Lee Won's face involuntarily contracted in pain, Caesar bit his lip and
jerked it away.

Lee Won, who was suddenly pushed around and unable to concentrate,
staggered a lot. Caesar stared at him without saying a word. I heard
footsteps turning around. When Lee Won raised his head as he rubbed
his aching neck, Caesar had already gone that far.


Dmitry, who was warming himself in front of the ireplace at the sound
of the door being slammed open, immediately turned his head.
Through the open hall door, I could see Cesar storm in.


Dmitry happily ran out of the room, but that was it. He didn't even go
near Caesar. His face as he walked straight ahead was scarier than ever.
Even Dmitry's heart was cold. We've known each other since we were
young, but it was the irst time we hadn't even talked to him. Even the
face of the butler, who was running after him and serving him, was
frozen like an icicle.

Dmitry looked at the butler, who was running hard with contemplation
as if he was about to cry. It was the irst time Caesar had thrown life out
of his body like that. In any case, I have never had such a violent
expression of emotion.

What happened?!
Dmitry, who had inadvertently rubbed his arm, moved to Caesar's
room late.

I saw the butler run out of the room from afar. Dmitry lightly clicked
his tongue on the back of the butler, who must have had a nightmare

The door was half open. It was evident that the butler could not close
it earlier and left.

Dmitry watched Caesar's movements through the crack in the open

door. Caesar did nothing. He was standing by the window and looking
out. Seeing that he had a glass of whiskey in his hand, Dmitry opened
the door and entered.

"What's wrong? The butler turned white and left."

He asked in a rather serious tone instead of his usual teasing tone, but
Caesar didn't reply.

He was looking out the window with a smile.

"What is there?"

As Dmitry was about to take a step towards the spear, Caesar suddenly
opened his mouth.

"What is the dragon?"

Dmitry stopped at the cold voice and answered.

“I have something to report. But I don't think he's in the mood to talk."

Dmitry did not miss a moment and joked.

“Where is the lawyer that you always have with you? I did not see it.

At that moment, Caesar suddenly looked at Dmitry with fearful eyes. If

he could kill people with my eyes, I thought he would kill them easily.
Dmitry, surprised, involuntarily took a step back and said:

"okay. go I'm going."

Dmitry, who even waved his hand, quickly left the room. Caesar's back
face was hard with anger as he closed the door and turned around.
Wasting no time walking down the hall, Dmitry immediately pressed
the button on his phone.

“Yes, ind out. What happened today at Lomonosov's party? … …


After a while, the news that Dmitry received was surprising. The
subordinate, who quickly and concisely conveyed the situation, came
up with unexpected information.


Dmitry nodded involuntarily. After hanging up the phone, he was

confused for a moment. A capable subordinate also brie ly provided
information about Lomonosov's son.
“Mikhail named the lawyer as his successor.

Information recently emerged that Lee Won was taken to Lomonosov.

But maybe it was his son. I thought it would be a betrayal if he did

It would be quite useful...

Dmitry's narrowed eyes glittered mysteriously.


I slept all night and when I woke up it was morning. Lee Won rubbed
his swollen eyes and got out of bed with dif iculty. A bed with a hard
mattress was familiar enough, but today it was very uncomfortable.
Has your body already adapted to the softness of the bed in which you
have only been for a few days? I tried to analyze the situation in my
own way, but it was just a habit and I wasn't very curious. Lee Won
looked into the distance while he was sitting on the bed.

I have to get up... … .

I thought, but my body didn't move. It wasn't just because of tiredness.

The reason was the same as why he had trouble sleeping all night. Lee
Won sat like that idly for a while, then got up with dif iculty. I forcefully
swallowed the sigh that came out of my mouth, but the breath escaped
from my mouth. Sighing is not my hobby, but I have been sighing more
recently. The reason was also obvious.
Cesar's eyes that had haunted him all night came to life. He was
looking at him with obvious hatred.

Would it have been better if he had made an excuse?

Lee Won regretted it later. Even knowing that nothing will change. I
washed my face, but my mind is still fuzzy. I saw myself in the mirror.
His face, which was wet and looking at him, looked somewhat


Hearing a light knock, Lee Won turned his head. After a momentary
pause, the door opened and Grandma poked her head out.

A guest has arrived.


Unknowingly, Lee Won stood up. It was only when he saw the man
who appeared afterward that Lee Won realized that he had
expectations that he would never be. Mikhail was there, dressed like a
dapper gentleman as he had irst seen him. Lee Won looked at him,
feeling his face suddenly disappear from his smile.

I come here when my mind is disturbed.

As Mikhail said, the museum was a strangely quiet place. Lee Won
didn't say anything for a while, moving from painting to painting with
Mikhail. The place where Mikhail stopped, walking in silence, was the
place where the Rembrandt painting was. Mikhail, who was looking at
the painting, opened his mouth.

“I heard that a lot of people are moved by this work.”

Lee Won followed him and looked up. It was an image of a father
comforting his son on his knees. Mikhail continued talking to Lee Won,
who was looking at him.

“Don't you think that the contrast between the brothers, who stare
hard in the dark, and the father, who receives the light and forgives his
son, is quite striking, don't you think? After all, when there is light and
darkness, there is sin and forgiveness… … .”

It was a signi icant word. Lee Won ixed his gaze on the photo and
didn't say anything. Mikhail, who was looking at the painting, opened
his mouth.

"It seems that you are still very angry."

"Isn't it natural that you handle things arbitrarily?"

Mikhail bowed his head bitterly at the involuntary, frank voice. Lee
Won felt sorry inside, but he didn't apologize. Mikhail, who had been
silent for a while, opened his mouth.
"I was afraid that even you would leave me."

Lee Won stopped at the calm voice. Mikhail continued to speak, his
voice still muf led.

“Since you keep saying that you're going to come back, it seems like
you've gone too far to use a hard line for others. Sorry. I didn't mean to

Seeing the old man with dead grass, Lee Won felt uneasy. He maybe he
was doing this on purpose knowing that he was shocked by this
apparition. When I thought about it, my father opened his mouth.

"You were also coveted."

When Lee Won blinked at the unexpected words, Mikhail continued.

“I heard a lot about you. People say that he is a very good lawyer.
When I took him in person, he was a better young man than the

Mikhail had a sour expression on his face.

“I wanted you to follow me… … .”

"I do not like it".

As soon as he refused, Mikhail burst out laughing, as expected. At the

sound of laughter that felt somewhat lonely, Lee Won immediately put a
puzzled expression on his face. Mikhail said still with a smile.
"You look like your mother. She mercilessly rejected everything she
didn't like."

Mikhail had a vague expression on his face, as if he was searching for


“I don't know if you heard from your mother. When I irst confessed
my love to her, she was fed up. I even called Aria for her to accept my

But even the pain of that time has now become a memory. Mikhail
looked at Lee Won with a bitter face.

“It would have been nice if I had seen you grow up with Suyeon.”

Even as she said that, there was no regret on Mikhail's face. only regret
remains. With that look, Lee Won realized. The fact that my father
would leave them in the same situation again.

"Because… … ."

Lee Won opened and closed his mouth. Michael looked at him with a
puzzled face. Lee Won immediately shook his head.

"It's no big deal."

Mikhail, who looked at Lee Won, smiled bitterly and tapped his
shoulder a couple of times.

"Think about it, though."

When we left the museum together, Mikhail once again recommended.

“There will come a day when you will need strength. Then I will lend
you my strength.”

"I do not like it".

Lee Won also refused this time.

"I don't want the power to trample on others."

"To protect it, you also need the power to trample on it."

Lee Won saw the light of his companions with Mikhail's Caesar on his
cold face, revealed for a moment. He was also a man who lived by
blood. Lee Won calmly responded to the illusion that he was inhaling a
scent of blood.

"I never want that power."


Michael narrowed his eyes.

"The things of the world are unpredictable, son."

It was when he inadvertently frowned at his last words. A small man in

a beret walked past from the other end of his ield of vision. He is a
man with an ordinary appearance everywhere, but he strangely caught
Lee Won's attention. Lee Won inadvertently ixed his gaze on the man.
He approached me with moderate steps that were neither slow nor
fast. But he somehow seemed to be more highly calculated for that

Am I hypersensitive...? … ?

As Lee Won thought about it, he suddenly reached into his pocket.
Suddenly everything felt like slow motion. The man took his hand out
of his coat and saw that the metal inside it shone with a cold light. Oh,
when I let out a short sigh, the man whispered.

"Die, Lomonosov."

At the same time, he took his hand out of his pocket and pointed the
gun at Lee Won. A cannon of cold metal entered Lee Won's open vision,
and Mikhail yelled something and held out his hand. Soon after, a roar
like thunder rang in my ears.


A terrifying sound tore at the eardrums. Lee Won stood there with his
eyes wide open. He felt strangely as if the world had stopped. The gray
sky plummets toward him, and the ground rises and plunges in unison.
The surrounding air rushes forward and compresses his lungs…….

When he barely escaped the fright, the man he attacked was already
gone. Lee Won was embarrassed and looked around hurriedly. No
matter how much I looked at him, he showed no signs of being hurt.
What happened?! The answer would soon be known. The moment he
saw the half-white old man lying at his feet, Lee Won unknowingly

"... ... Oh."

A sharp voice forced out the sentence. He was confused on what to call
it, but he had no idea what to call it. When an embarrassed Lee Won
stiffened, Mikhail held out his hand.

“The wounded place… … isn't there?”

Lee Won hurriedly shook his head at the calm voice as usual.

"I'm ine. Don't tell me, I'll call an ambulance soon."

Mikhail gently smiled at Lee Won, who spoke with embarrassment.

"You should be ine."

He was there. Mikhail said nothing more. Belatedly, Lee Won found
blood stains on his body. At irst it was a small speck, but it quickly
spread like a lower. As Lee Won hesitated in embarrassment, a small
puddle formed under Mikhail's body as he continued to bleed. Lee
Won, who was watching the scene, yelled in surprise.

“Who called an ambulance… …This is an emergency patient! Call an


The people passing by the urgent cry looked at him in astonishment.

Lee Won grabbed Mikhail and cried out involuntarily.

"I mean my father… … !"

♪♬♩ ♬♬♪♬♩ … … .
The man sitting humming with the plugged-in headphones sounded
like nothing more than a leisurely teatime. Wearing dark sunglasses, he
sat by the window of a cafe and quietly read the newspaper with a cup
of espresso in front of him, his mouth humming the words of a popular
song. That was when I looked up from the newspaper he was reading
and put my hand on the cup of espresso.


A slight smile appeared on Dmitry's lips at the faint sound of gun ire.



A small bubble appeared in the hanging sap packet. The sap that had
been illed with it had gone down 1/3 of the way. Lee Won looked at
Mikhail's pale face without saying a word.

I don't remember how I got to the hospital. My mind panicked and

nothing came to mind. It was still the same today. Lee Won just looked
at the igure of the man lying there with a blank expression on his face.

As I watched the quiet hospital room alone, I suddenly heard a hurried

knock, and then a familiar man ran in.
"Mr. Lomonosov!"

The man who turned contemplative was Lev, Mikhail's henchman.

When Lee Won got up from his seat, he ran to the side as if he couldn't
see Lee Won. Lev, who looked around at Mikhail's state, aimed his
arrow at Lee Won this time.

"How the hell did this happen?!"

Lee Won responded with a bitter face.

“We walked out of the art museum together and all of a sudden a man I
met for the irst time came running in… ….”

“How dare someone… … !”

When he found out that he got hurt by wrapping himself up, Lev
seemed to want to touch Lee Won irst. Lee Won kept his mouth shut in
embarrassment. At the end of his involuntary gaze was his father.

Lee Won looked at him silently. I felt confused.

As soon as news of Mikhail's injury broke, the hospital was illed with
numerous Lomonosov gang members. Inside and outside the hospital
room, there was no place where they couldn't be seen. In the event of
another attack, the gang members stayed up all night to guard Mikhail's
It was past midnight when Mikhail woke up. Lee Won, who was
guarding his hospital room, asked as soon as he opened his eyes.

"Are you okay?"

Mikhail blinked, lying expressionless with a tired face. Lee Won

hurriedly said.

“It's a hospital. They shot him and brought him in right away.”

As he explained, Lee Won was suddenly embarrassed. Mikhail was

injured through his own fault.

Maybe this person is trying to trap me with this as an excuse.

What he had inadvertently thought appeared on his face. Mikhail

smiled bitterly at Lee Won.

As soon as Lee Won smiled awkwardly, he changed the subject.

"I heard a loud noise."

I thought he was passing out, but I think I heard him. Lee Won told the

“The members of the organization are guarding the surroundings. It

may be so."

As he spoke, Mikhail clicked his tongue. When Lee Won stopped

talking, Mikhail opened his mouth.
"Without anything... ...People these days are too small, aren't they?"

Lee Won added an excuse for them instead of answering them as if he

asked them to take care of them together.

“Everyone is desperate to protect their environment. Strict entry and

exit even when medical personnel go... … .”

Lee Won, who was speaking, closed his mouth. Why do I have to talk
like that? Mikhail, who looked at Lee Won, who fell silent again, opened
his mouth.

"I don't know if I made a mistake."

Lee Won stopped at the sudden words. Mikhail looked at Lee Won and
continued talking.

"As long as you've inherited blood, you can't get rid of it completely."

He followed a calm voice.

“She just wanted to protect you…… Now he thought she had the power.
I was sure that nothing would happen even if I had you by my side.

Mikhail chimed in, then added self help.

"I was arrogant."

Lee Won looked at Mikhail without saying a word. A heavy silence

descended. Lee Won, who hadn't said anything for a while, simply
opened his mouth, and at that moment a hurried knock was heard. Lee
Won quickly got up and went to the door. The face he saw through the
narrow space was Lev's.

"I have something to tell you, did you wake up?"

Lee Won answered in a voice full of anxiety.

“You woke up. Go ahead… ….”

Before he could inish speaking, Lev hurriedly opened the door. Lee
Won, who almost crashed into the gate, retreated after a short time and
avoided getting injured. Without looking around, Lev ran to the bed
and knelt beside Mikhail.

“Mr. Lomonosov, you have regained consciousness! Fortunately, he.

How worried... … !

Thanks God!"

Mikhail looked at Lev, who added a fervent sentence, with a cold face.

“Enough, Levi. It's as loud as a gunshot wound."

His rough voice was completely different from the weak one he had
when dealing with Lee Won. For the irst time, Lee Won seemed to see
the reality of his father, who was called a lion. Facing Lee Won, who
was silently watching, Mikhail returned to his original face very easily.
Suddenly, Lee Won thought. Does your mother even know that face?

"What is the current situation? Who is in charge of directing? Vladimir?

“Yes, for now, but… … .”

Lev was speechless and looked at Lee Won.

“Right now, there is no alternative. Excuse me."


Mikhail spoke coldly.

“Have you found the culprit? behind the scenes?"

"Oh yeah."

Lev replied with a dark face as if he just remembered.

"That was something Sergeev invented."

Mikhail's eyes gleamed coldly, and at the same time, Lee Won's face


"Lomonosov was shot?"

After reporting Caesar's high-pitched voice, Yurich replied in surprise.

"That's right. It is said that there was an attack on the side of the road.
It is said that life is not affected, but...
… .”

Caesar frowned without saying a word. Who did that... … ?

I had a bad feeling. In the current situation where the confrontation

with Lomonosov is spreading, there is a high possibility that Sergeev
will be singled out as the culprit. It was clear that Mikhail was
de initely not the type of person to go overboard, so he was sure to dig
in after him. But unfortunately, he wasn't even sure he thought it was
Sergeev. Even without Caesar's orders, there are many squares that
move independently. Rather, they were a group of people who could
not stimulate Lomonosov.

… … who among them

Caesar narrowed his eyes. Caesar gasped as he quickly scanned the

faces he might have guessed as a panorama.

"What happened to the son of Lomonosov?"

Yuri hastily replied.

“It is said that they are always by his side and taking care of them.”

"Correct… … ."

Caesar closed his mouth. Yuri looked at him and waited for his next
words. But Caesar took a deep breath of cigar smoke and didn't speak.

I'll leave you and go.

Dmitry's words echoed in Caesar's mind. The anxiety seeds that were
twisted like snakes only grew larger and larger. Through the misty
smoke, Caesar carved a deep furrow into his forehead. It doesn't make
sense to end like this. I can't believe it was all lies from the start. That
kiss, that caress, that touch were lies? Even those eyes that looked at


Yuri was surprised by Caesar's voice, which came out after a while, and
he quickly bowed his head and left. The door closed and Cesar, alone,
rested his head on a cigarette that he had in one hand. I closed my eyes,
but the wrinkles between my forehead did not disappear. Biting his lip,
he thought to himself.

To return. I still believe


In the dark, Lee Won was deep in thought of him. Lev, a loyal servant
who listened to Mikhail with a serious face, also left the room, and he
and Mikhail were left alone in the hospital room. Mikhail opened his
mouth to Lee Won, who was sitting on the guardians' chair and was

"You are not sleeping?"

At the calm question, Lee Won raised his head. Michael was looking at
"I have something to think about."

When Lee Won replied, Mikhail looked at him with a completely

different attitude than the way he treated Lev.

“You must be tired, so he comes back. A hospital is a place for sick

people, not a place for healthy people.”

His smiling face made her forget that he was a ruthless mob without
blood or tears.

My mother probably didn't know either. Mikhail tilted her head as if

taken aback by Lee Won's silent gaze.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Lee Won, who had been staring at him wordlessly for a while, inally
opened his mouth.

"… … I can not either.

What if my father told the truth?

"You can not?"

Lee Won spoke quietly to Mikhail, who asked again.

At that time, my mother would be gone.

"I can't stand this kind of life."

The smile disappeared from Mikhail's face. Lee Won was still speaking
in a calm voice.

“For a moment, I wondered if I could do that. But it can't be either. I

grew up normal, and this environment is too radical.”


Mikhail, who had hurriedly opened his mouth, stopped speaking. He

was some time before he spoke, barely moving his trembling lips.

"I'm not there… …I'll do anything you ask me to do, so stay by my side. I
need you."

Mikhail took Lee Won's hand urgently. Lee Won looked down at his
skinny hands with exposed bones, then back at Mikhail. There is no
feeling of heat rising inside. I can't even call him father.

But this man was his father. no matter how much you reject it.


I can't follow you, I can't betray Caesar.

Lee Won said in a whisper.

“All my work in Russia is inished. I'll just go."

In the end, Lee Won was unable to choose any. The only way left was to
let them both go.
Mikhail was speechless at the inal conclusion his son had made. He
just looked at him with wide eyes. Lee Won looked down. Mikhail was
still holding Lee Won's hand. Lee Won took his hand and said.

"… … It was nice meeting you."

Mikhail said nothing to the handshake he gave her with a soft smile.
Remorse and pain permeated the crinkled corners of his eyes. Mikhail
pulled Lee Won's hand and gently held him in his arms. He let out a
deep breath as he hugged his child for the irst time.

"Yes go."

Mikhail continued in a voice full of sadness.

"Do not let me go. But, son, be careful. This is the irst and the last."

Mikhail let go of the arm holding Lee Won and looked directly at him.
It was the face of a lion that Lee Won rarely saw.

"The day I ind you again, I will not let you go."

Lee Won saw tears in his father's eyes. Lee Won, who was calmly in
front of him, grabbed his hand that was holding his shoulder. Lee Won
left him silent and got up from his seat.

Mikhail watched silently as he straightened and bowed to give his last

goodbye. And Lee Won turned his back on her. The eldest son
straightened up and walked. Without hesitation, without stopping,
without looking back.
After the door was closed, Mikhail chased his son's disappearance to
no avail.


Caesar looked out the window, where darkness had begun to fall. It
was time to leave work, but he didn't think to come back. As usual, he
just stared at the gloomy gray clouds. Although he had many problems,
such as internal con licts and external pressures, there was only one
thing that bothered him the most.

Why do not you call me... … ?

Caesar stared at the phone, which was simply silent, with a straight


Caesar looked at the man who came through the door out of nowhere
with a frown. Dmitry, who had come in a hurry, said as he entered the

"It's going to be like this in the end."

Suddenly, as if saying something, Caesar looked at him. Dmitry slowly

took off his coat and answered.
“I knew I was going to win, but after all, if it's not in kind, it's trivial. If
he had known this would happen, would he have paid a million rubles?

"Tell me the point."

Caesar groaned angrily. Even if it wasn't for Dmitry, it was already

complicated enough. Dmitry gasped at the sight of him closing his eyes
as he rubbed the wrinkles on his forehead with the tips of his ingers.

"He's leaving Russia, isn't he?"

The hand rubbing his forehead stopped. Cesar opened his eyes and
looked at him. Dmitri narrowed his eyes.

"That lawyer, I don't think he'll ever get back together with you."

He continued as Caesar stared at him with a straight face.

“It looked like he was going to catch a train. For a son of Lomonosov,
he is unpretentious."

Dmitry spoke slowly and sat down at his desk.

"Did I say? He will betray you and leave.

Cesar's face froze. Seeing Caesar's silent gaze, Dmitry leaned down and
brought his face closer. He got close enough to touch his lips and
opened his mouth. A cynical smile formed around Dmitry's narrowed

"You are abandoned, Caesar."

Dmitry's laugh mingled behind the low whisper. For a moment Cesar
pushed him violently, snatched his coat, and ran.

After Cesar left, Dmitry sat there for a while. Looking around to see
where Caesar was sitting, he quickly got up and went back to the desk.
He buried himself deep in a comfortable leather chair and casually
picked up the of ice phone and pressed the button.

After a few beeps, the voice he had been waiting for came out. Dmitry
opened his mouth in a business tone that was completely different from

“The tsar is gone. Oh yeah. of course. I told him about the lawyer and
he ran off right away. It is true that Lomonosov and the Tsar are

Dmitry continued in silence.

“It seems that more time is meaningless. We gave them enough


His eyes glittered sharply, and cynicism crept around his lips.

"I don't need a boss who doesn't know Rusky's pride."

There were hardly any human shadows on the train platform.
Fortunately, when the igure of the staff cleaning the platform
disappeared, only Lee Won remained. Lee Won looked into the distance
with a bag full of small luggage. He came here without being able to
properly greet the people he knew.

As he thought of the faces of his neighbors and friends, Lee Won found
the shape of the train he was waiting for. As he watched, a train that
was far away rushed towards me. Lee Won stared at the approaching

There was no regret. no regrets. But over and over again, my heart
beat strangely.

Now I'll never see you again

The reason he leaves without saying anything is probably because he's

a coward, a coward, or both.

Have you ever escaped like this?

Lee Won thought. Anyway, I'll get in touch with you. After settling in a
new city, a simple greeting is enough.

It just isn't now.


It was when she spat out curses under her breath and ruf led her hair
Lee Won turned his head at the sudden sound of footsteps. There was
no one in the quiet train station.

Except for Lee Won and that man.

Lee Won looked at Caesar's face, which hadn't changed much since the
last time he saw him, with an expressionless face.

How are you here?

That was the only thought that came to mind. In the eyes of Lee Won,
who had been looking at him, he saw him move. The man strides over
and pulls out a gun. towards the gun Pull the trigger. Lee Won was
watching everything slowly like slow motion.


A stabbing sensation spread as the loud gunshots echoed in my ears.

… … Huh… … ?

As I looked down, the red color that was like a small drop of water on
my shoulder gradually darkened and spread. Before he could feel pain,
the next shot rang out.

As it was, Lee Won's body lew away. His leg was exposed to Lee Won
after he rolled badly on the ground. As soon as his blood-soaked thighs
shone in his eyes, Caesar, who was striding along, turned his gun on him
again. Lee Won looked at Caesar and said with a frown.

“……He was trying to contact you.

Caesar smiled.


Lee Won had nothing to say. Caesar narrowed his eyes as if he knew.

"You made me like this."

A low whisper spread like a sigh. Lee Won stopped breathing the
moment he met her moist eyes that were tinted as dark as the snowy
gray sky. At the same time, Cesar pulled the trigger.


In the last shot that fell like thunder, Lee Won lost consciousness.


A burning pain engulfs his entire body. My throat was dry and
throbbing. I feel like my whole body is on ire… … .

When he opened his eyes, barely breathing, Lee Won didn't notice
where he was for a while. The ceiling spun and the ground shook, and
the air was cold. It wasn't long after I closed my eyes again that I
realized it was me who had the problem.

Lee Won frowned and bit his lip. I felt a strange sensation in my body.
His condition was so bad that it was dif icult to ind out where the
strange place was. Lee Won, who had unintentionally moved his waist,
opened his eyes and felt an unknown sensation within his body.

It felt like something was stroking my intestines. As the foreign object

that had entered underneath gently rubbed inside, the ield of vision
became brighter than before, but the feeling of excitement in the body
was still there. As Lee Won took a deep breath and blinked blankly, a
familiar voice came from above him.

"I woke up."

Caesar opened his mouth in a voice cold enough to chill his body. It
was shocking to see him looking down from above, but it was even
more shocking to Lee Won that he was completely naked. But being
naked was not enough. They were facing each other naked on the bed.

Surprised, Lee Won blinked several times and tried to comprehend the
current reality. Maybe I'm dreaming. He tried to escape reality for a
moment, but the pain he felt throughout his body was so real. Later,
Lee Won recalled that he had been shot.

"What's this… … !"

A gasp of astonishment resounded. Lee Won immediately raised his

leg and kicked Caesar. There was a dull sound and something came out
of my body. Lee Won swallowed involuntarily, feeling a weak feeling in
his stomach emptying in an instant.

There was no room for hesitation. Lee Won gritted his teeth and
quickly stood up. At the same time, Caesar grabbed his ankle from
behind him and immediately pulled him up.

A desperate cry erupted from deep in his throat. A terrible pain spread
throughout his body. Lee Won endured the dizzying pain as he lay on
his back, panting. Above him, Caesar spoke. As always, with an
indifferent voice.

“It's good to be quiet. It could leave you crippled for the rest of your

Saying that, Lee Won quickly turned around and checked his legs. The
thick bandages on his thighs were already soaked with blood. It wasn't
the only place it hurt. Even my punctured stomach hurt so much that I
lost consciousness every time I breathed. Lee Won gritted his teeth and
gasped, looking at Caesar.

“Do you know what I'm doing now? This is a kidnapping."

"iced coffee."

Caesar said nonchalantly.

"I will rape you."

In an instant, goosebumps appeared on Lee Won's body. Is this man


Eyes wide, Cesar approached him, who was still rigid. As he re lexively
tried to back up, Caesar immediately grabbed Lee Won's injured leg and
violently dragged him down.
I screamed again in excruciating pain.

Lee Won gritted his teeth with tears in his eyes, but he had no intention
of showing the weak side of him even if he died. He could feel Caesar
approaching from behind. Lee Won grabbed his still-intact hand and
turned it toward Caesar. Unfortunately, he missed and was immediately
caught on the opposite shoulder. At the same time, Cesar gripped her
shoulders tightly over a thick bandage.

In an instant, Lee Won lost consciousness. For the irst time

experiencing a blackout, he didn't even know what had happened to
him. Frowning, he desperately traced the memories of him and his legs
were broken from below. For a moment, Lee Won was startled.

i wish i was

Unfortunately, the hideous imagination was a reality. Lee Won looked

at Caesar's penis, which was tall enough to reach his stomach. Cesar
had put it in his stomach until he regained consciousness.

“Crazy bastard, what are you doing now? Drop it now, drop it!”

Caesar scoffed at Lee Won's harsh voice.

"Are you asking because you don't know?"

"I don't know, I don't know, so let it go!"

Caesar let out a cynical exclamation.

"You left me."

For a moment, Lee Won forgot what to say. throw away? who?

It was true that he had tried to leave him without any contact. But then
what is it?

this crazy bastard

Lee Won's eyes turned bright red with anger.

“What is the relationship between you and me?”

Caesar stopped at the pointed question. Lee Won sharpened his teeth
kicking and kicking at the man who got between his crotch.

"Kiss? Caress? You can do that with a passerby too. What do you have
to do with me? I'll leave you Ha, don't be funny. I was nothing to you in
the irst place!"

At that moment, a thick and hot thing rose with force and rushed
straight into the room.


It wasn't because of the pain where the shot hit him that he screamed.
Deeper than that, I felt a crack inside my body. With a pale and tired
face, Lee Won barely looked down, gasping for air. The burning pain
started in his shoulder. As he looked down from his heavily bandaged
shoulder, the bandage wrapped around my stomach came into view.

As she looked down from his abdomen, where she felt a hot, sharp pain
every time he breathed, his thigh, which was also wrapped in bandages,

A man's body was wedged between his crotch, which was wide open.
Lee Won widened his eyes at the incredible sight.

"What is your relationship?"

Caesar's low voice continued ominously.

"Speak again."

As it was, Caesar pushed his waist up and a scream came out of Lee
Won's mouth. Pain spread before my eyes, and my breathing became
heavy on its own. Caesar grabbed Lee Won around the waist and pulled
Lee Won, who was about to run away with clenched teeth. Lee Won
was dragged as he was and pushed down hard. When Lee Won shook
his head with a shout, Caesar just looked at him with a merciless gaze.

"No relationship?"

Cesar's voice scattered wildly.

"Am I nothing to you?"

Immediately with harsh accusations, he hit hard. Lee Won gritted his
teeth and closed his eyes. He instinctively realized. that Caesar was
going to kill him. When he opened his eyes again, there was a terrifying
life in his eyes.

"Damn mob bastard, don't talk nonsense, and if you want to hit him,
shut up and hit him."
Caesar's face changed terribly. With the sharp sound of grinding teeth,
he grabbed Lee Won's neck. He bristled a tendon in his big hand and
stopped breathing as he was. Lee Won, who was choking, grabbed his
arm and tried to force it away, but it didn't work.

The strength in the hand holding his neck swelled and Lee Won's face
quickly turned red.

Caesar looked down cynically as Lee Won trembled with the ield

Holding his neck, Caesar patted him on the back. The man's furious
genitals pierced the spread legs.

I also do it with beggars.

The dark gray eyes were tinted black and looked at Lee Won.
Meanwhile, his back kept moving. The sound of sticky, squeaky meat
could be heard in Lee Won's ears. Lee Won gasped and touched
Caesar's hand with all his might. But Caesar did not move.

Caesar, who had been holding Lee Won's neck, moving his waist and
jerking in and out, spoke between harsh breaths with anger and

"Then he suffers until you die."

The moment the eyes that were cold and dry like dry ice shone with a
cold light, his lips violently met. The lack of oxygen and the pain made
his mind wander, but Lee Won recognized it as his instinct. that this
will only be the beginning. Fear gripped my mind.
"Move on… … !"

Lee Won pushed Caesar with all his might. As soon as I twisted my
upper body to put my arms behind my back and stood up, I
immediately felt my lower legs slip and my body lose strength.
Swallowing his breath like a scream, he collapsed again, and Caesar
grabbed him around the waist and yanked him from behind. Lee Won,
who had been dragged into the seat, raised his head in surprise, and
Caesar looked at him with an expressionless face. For a moment, he
gave me goosebumps. Late he realized It wasn't that he pushed him,
but that Caesar had let him go.

I can't run away

As if on cue, a single thought lashed through my head.

I can never run away unless this man comes.

Looking at Lee Won's pale and tired face, Caesar spread his legs. Lying
on his side, his legs scissored open, and the man inserted himself into
the small space that was exposed.

“… … Yuck… … !”

A scream that could not be tolerated by the violent insertion leaked

from his mouth again. Lee Won belatedly gritted his teeth and gripped
the seat. His body trembled and the pain spread.

It seemed as if it was going dark before my eyes. Pain and humiliation

engulfed my entire body at the same time. With Lee Won's legs raised
above his thick thighs, Caesar was in and out quickly. Every time his
genitals pricked inside, Lee Won seemed to faint. He tried to lee, but
the bandaged wounds betrayed his will.

Caesar grabbed Lee Won's shoulder as he struggled to pull away. As

the wound was crushed by the grip of his big hand, Lee Won let out a
terrible scream. Caesar, however, did not let him go. Rather, he was just
pressing his shoulders harder and harder.

Suddenly my shoulders were wet. The wound had burst and blood
soaked the bandages and sheets. When he returned the blurry gaze
from him, Lee Won looked over. Caesar's strong hand gripped his
shoulder, drenched in his own blood.

Unable to control the re lex to shed tears, he gritted his teeth. He was
angry, but there was nothing Lee Won could do. It's just opening your
legs and pushing them down without a pulse.

"You are the worst… …pup."

Lee Won gasped and spat out swear words. He was maddening to the
point that it was the only thing he could do. But all he got back was
Caesar's cold cynicism. As if mocking him, Lee Won stopped screaming
as he violently thrust his hips downward.

Even after bleeding, screaming and cursing, Cesar didn't stop. He kept
going in and out of Lee Won, and just pulled the guts out of him. Caesar
just looked at all the hate, anger, frustration and pain that appeared on
Lee Won's face, shaking his body without hesitation. With an
expressionless face like a doll.
He seemed to have lost consciousness for a moment. Lee Won opened
his eyes with dif iculty. The ceiling was shaking uncontrollably. He
became aware of the existence of the man hovering over him with his
body instead of his gaze. The genitals that occupied Lee Won's insides
were still there. He did not turn off or go down.

With limbs drooping from him, Lee Won received her pent-up anger
and lust intact within his body. He passed out several times, but every
time he opened his eyes, the man was still inside him. Not even the
passage of time did he feel Lee Won. It may have been hours or days.
All they had during that time was endless sex, sex, sex. Lee Won
cynically thought of his confused mind.

I wish one-sided excretion could be sex.

"… … Wow... … ."

Above the two circles, Caesar let out a deep breath and shivered
slightly. At the same time, Lee Won's ship's speed was boiling. An
unknown number of circumstances took place within Lee Won. He felt
as if my stomach had been illed with someone else's semen. Caesar
looked at him. The man's face, drenched in sweat, looks at Lee Won.
Beads of sweat dripping from his chin entered Lee Won's mouth.
Caesar narrowed his eyes and let out an exhilarating sigh as his sweat
dripped onto her red tongue poking out through his parted lips.

Caesar leaned in and, at the same time, a thick penis plunged into his
stomach. As Lee Won linched, his lips met and Caesar kissed him.
After each ejaculation, he would kiss me so softly. As if this wasn't
violence, it was a disguise of cuteness. The kiss was so hot as he
released such a ferocious beast beneath. It's like making love.
The kiss that had rested on his eyebrows, cheeks, and lips moved to his
collarbone, and he moved again. Lee Won already had a feeling that this
was not the end. As he left his penis rubbing his insides again with a
feeling of resignation, Cesar whispered in his ear.

"Now no one can say you're a virgin."

It was a voice that seemed to be somewhat satis ied. All he did was
look at him with a crooked eyebrow.

He felt like my whole body was paralyzed. I thought pain was

something humans could never get used to, but in extreme situations, it
seems that's not the case.

Lee Won simply dropped his limbs and the throbbing pain throughout
his entire body went unheeded.

Caesar grabbed Iwon's waist and pulled him on top of him. Thanks to
this, Lee Won, who was dragged while lying on his lap, distorted his face
and Caesar leaned back in the opposite direction. He leaned back with
both hands outstretched, shaking his upper body as he looked down.
He could see his hard penis moving in and out through the space
between them. Every time he poured his bodily luids in and out of Lee
Won, he foamed up and emptied himself. For a moment, Caesar's
forehead distorted and the lower part of him expanded.

"I was patient."

Caesar withstood ejaculation and exhaled through harsh breaths. Lee

Won lay down and looked at him. like he wasn't even funny. Even
though his body was in tatters, he was still exasperated. A cynical
cynicism slipped over Cesar's lips.
“I thought you would accept me, one day. So I waited like a dog."

He was in and out of Lee Won as if he was bouncing off a shallow blow
to the back of him.

Every time the gap widened and hooked, Lee Won's forehead distorted,
and Caesar's breathing became even more pronounced on the contrary.

"By the way, is there no relationship?"

Lee Won looked at Caesar with a fearful face.

“Don’t be ridiculous… … ! who was to blame… …!?”

As he gritted his teeth and spoke the words, a wound lashed across
Cesar's eyes.

“You tried to leave me and run away. You have to pay the price."

Caesar leaned over him. The penis, which had slipped away for a while,
became entangled with the lower lesh again, and Lee Won swallowed a
groan with a distorted face. Cesar said, caressing his swollen lips with a

"Let's see who wins?"

Caesar licked Yi Won's lips and chewed on it. Caesar said, removing his
painfully rubbed lip.

"I'll keep an eye on you to see if you can survive even if I don't get
And Caesar burrowed back into Lee Won's body.


"So Tsar, it's not normal to have sex with a Tsar, so I didn't tell my sister
and I to have sex with you."

Complaints were heard nearby. Lee Won closed his eyes and listened
to the sound. Going through the hazy memories of him, she vaguely
remembered that he was the doctor she had seen at Cesar's house. At
that moment, a familiar voice came from above.

"Take care of yourself."

Suddenly, I felt a pain in my shoulder. When Lee Won inadvertently

frowned, Caesar hugged Lee Won's body.

"Pee… …it's ine."

Warm lips landed on the parched temple.

"Don't cry, it's okay."

He wasn't crying. Lee Won was mad at him and wanted to shake his
ist, but his body didn't move. The doctor responded with a gloomy
look at Lee Won's appearance just as he was.

“Please be patient. If you do it like this, you will die.

Caesar responded with indifference to the voice of repentance.

"This guy is ine."

At the unexpected comment, the doctor blinked as if he was puzzled

and then spoke hurriedly.

“Ah, of course he is physically strong. Just having won the Tsar so much
is a sentiment from the Guinness Book of Records. But still, considering
that the other person is a human being and taking it easy… … .”

Caesar did not reply. He slowly brushed the hair back from Lee Won's
face. I felt the doctor bandaging my leg. Lee Won inadvertently twisted
his forehead at the stabbing pain. Immediately, Caesar's lips touched
his frown.

“Then I'll leave the medicine behind, so make sure you take it with
you… …Don't forget. It's an antibiotic, so you have to take it."

After the new order, the doctor left the room. I heard footsteps walking
away and the door slammed shut. As if the sound was a signal, Lee Won
widened his eyes.

no way.

He was nervous, but my expectations weren't wrong. Lee Won was still
naked and his body was covered in dried semen and freshly spread
semen. Cesar hugged him from behind, but his body was
unquestionably naked. Bringing a person into a room lying naked on a
bed full of signs of an affair.
There was no sensation in the lower part, but his stomach was still full.
Lee Won was afraid to check whether it was the semen that Caesar had
spilled multiple times or something else, so he couldn't look down.

Even if it was to treat injuries, treating a person by lying like that was a
great doctor in a sense. Caesar, unaware that Lee Won had opened his
eyes, hugged him tightly from behind. At the same time, my stomach
lurched. Once again, he was still inside the circle.

Lee Won frowned involuntarily, but didn't say anything. No matter

what you say, I won't listen. I'll beat you like a beast again. Lee Won bit
his lip, feeling Caesar's cum low from below even with a slight
movement. They had been working all week, day and night, and this
man was still waiting. Lee Won recorded his resolve as he felt Caesar's
heavy lower body hit bottom. He closed his eyes

wondering if it was a new start, but no matter how long he waited, he

didn't feel the throbbing sensation creeping up inside him. just stay
inside Clinging to him, Caesar hugged Lee Won from behind and kissed
his bare skin. in the head, in the neck, in the shoulders. The repeated
kiss felt more than just lust. Lee Won bit his lip.

He had no intention of being forgiven for doing something like this.

Even if he suddenly felt like stroking his hair, that was an entirely
different matter.

The lips that touched the wing bone fell, and suddenly a sigh came to
me. Caesar silently pressed his earlobe against his lips. Lee Won
forcefully swallowed the moan that came out of his mouth. Caesar
whispered like a sigh.

"Next time I will really kill you."

Lee Won did not respond to the sad murmur. He just pretended to be
asleep and closed his eyes, exhaling evenly. Caesar buried his face in Yi
Won's shoulder. I felt him grit his teeth.

Then he murmured with a sigh.

"Then don't run away."

With a low whisper, Caesar gently hugged Lee Won. Lee Won turned
his back to him and bit his lip as he lay down. Caesar did not move
anymore in that state. The arm holding Lee Won's waist was strong,
but that was it. Until Lee Won went back to sleep, the arms around his
waist never let go.


The mansion, as spacious as the outside, had an in initely long corridor.

The man who received the invitation looked at the artworks hanging at
regular intervals in the corridor one by one as he walked with a regular
sound. He was quite a hospitable owner. The man thought. If you are
the owner of Lomonosov, shouldn't you have a hobby like this?

That was when I involuntarily smiled. The butler in front stopped

walking and opened the door to the drawing room. After greeting him
with a slight bow, he walked in and there was an old man sitting there
looking at him.

Mikhail Lomonosov. The old lion of Lomonosov.

He was old, but the lion was a lion. Noticing his sharp look at him, the
man took off the fedora he was wearing. Mikhail, who was looking for a
man, opened his mouth.

You are a Leonida.

he asked him quietly.

"You said if you get paid, you can igure anything out?"

"Most of them are."

Leonid smiled. With his gentle smile, which no one can imagine as a
professional killer, Mikhail didn't take long and brought up the main

"There is someone to ind you."

At that signal, the butler came and placed the painting on the table.
Leonid's expression as he took the photo involuntarily changed to
surprise. Mikhail kept talking.

"He's my son. He suddenly disappeared a week ago. You said you were
leaving this country, but neither the plane nor the ship have a name. I
found the only witness, and he said that he saw a man driving my son in
a car.”

Mikhail's complexion darkened.

“He must have been Sergeev's successor. Find my son immediately and
I will give you the money you ask for.”
Seeing Leonid take a picture of him, he said.

"And he lets Sergeev's successor take care of that."

Mikhail's voice was illed with resentment. Leonid sympathized with

the furious roar of the old lion. He gasped, looking at the photo

“This is the son… … ?”


Lee Won lay expressionless and stared at the ceiling. It's been ten days
since I was shot and taken away. He was still lying on the bed. The
endless sex inally came to an end in eight days. He couldn't even
imagine how long it would have lasted if Lee Won hadn't needed an
emergency blood transfusion due to excessive bleeding.

But nothing has changed since then. Lee Won was still captured by
Caesar, and for now, even though Caesar pushed him away, he couldn't
get out. Because he couldn't even get me out of bed. Lee Won was lying
on the new bed that had barely been moved and was counting the
patterns on the ceiling with nothing to do. Even in a confused mind,
what was to come was only frustrating.

Learning of this fact, Michael will try to kill Caesar. war may be
imminent. Caesar also tried to kill Mikhail from time to time. No one
would hear me tell me to stop, and I had no right to. After all, he was a
complete stranger and that was what he desperately wanted. It ended
up being the deepest commitment between the two, who never wanted
to get involved.

Lee Won sighed in frustration. Suddenly, I saw snow lakes falling

outside the window. Lee Won, who was lying motionless, shivered at
the sight of the snow lakes lying like feathers. Lee Won, who had been
looking out the window for a while, slowly stood up.


Every time he moved me, he felt pain all over his body. Face contorted
with stabbing pain, he barely got up from his seat, staggered, and
headed for the door.

"… … I know. I'll be leaving soon.

Caesar fastened the cuffs on his wrists and spoke into the phone over
one shoulder.

“Well, about an hour? He looks like he is starting to snow…….”

Cesar, who was talking and looking out the window, stopped talking. I
saw a tall man walking outside the window. Cesar said when he saw
the back of his snow white shirt and nothing underneath, stepping on
the dazzling snow.

"No, it will take about two hours."

There was the sound of eyes crunching and breaking under your feet.
Lee Won moved slowly and smoothly sticking out his tongue. The
snow lakes hit his tongues and quickly turned to water and
disappeared. His bare feet were terribly cold in the snow.

But Lee Won didn't want to go back. The cool air blowing past the tip
of his nose seemed to clear his lungs.

Now that I think about it, it's been a while since I smoked… … .

When he surprised me that I didn't even notice, I heard footsteps

behind me. When Lee Won turned his head, Caesar was still standing

Did you think he was trying to run away?

Lee Won thought and looked at his hand. He was empty handed.
Caesar smiled as if he realized the meaning of the look. As if he was
looking inside Lee Won's head.

"Even you can't run away with a body like that."

“Did they shoot you? Or do they stab you to death?

Caesar shrugged at the sarcastic comment.

“The weapon will no longer ire. If possible, it is better to have fun.”

Lee Won looked at him with bitter eyes.

"Are you the only one having fun?"

Caesar said cheekily.

"Isn't it better to enjoy one or the other than not to enjoy both?"

He wanted to collect the snow, but that was the limit. In this state, he
couldn't even walk a hundred meters.

Even just coming this far, I felt like I was going to break down already.
Caesar walked over to him and took off his coat, putting it on his
breath. Caesar's fur was a bit big for Lee Won, but it wasn't bad.

He looked at Lee Won silently and stroked his cheek with his inger.
The long bones of his ingers gently brushed her cheeks, and the
warmth of heat lingered and then disappeared. Lee Won didn't say

He could see Caesar, who had been watching him silently, tilting his
head. His lips overlapped, but Lee Won didn't help it. Only his lips felt
warm on his cold body. His tongues mingled slowly and his lips met.
Lee Won was accepting the kiss from him,

but neither he nor he hugged her around the waist, neither he pulled
her, nor caressed her cheek. All Lee Won did was leave him alone. Like
it used to be when you were forced to have one-sided sex.

Cesar, who was exchanging saliva mixing and rubbing his tongue,
raised his head. Caesar's expression was surprised when he saw the
face of Lee Won, who was looking at him with an expressionless face.

"I thought you were going to bite your tongue."

The fact that Lee Won silently accepted the kiss seemed hard to
believe. Lee Won immediately narrowed his eyes and looked at him.

"You can do whatever you want?"


Caesar inally laughed out loud. As if he couldn't take it because he was

so pleasurable, Lee Won only frowned seeing him smile for a long time
as he bowed down to his waist.

he was just going to ask

Caesar, who barely stopped laughing, suddenly grabbed Lee Won's

waist and pulled him closer.

Immediately, their bodies entangled and collapsed together. Caesar,

who fell with Lee Won, faced Lee Won, who was lying on his back. He
gently stroked Lee Won's cheek with his inger and opened his mouth.

"There's an executive meeting."

It was then that Lee Won realized that he was wearing a perfect suit.
Caesar responded, looking at Yi Won as he lay in the snow.

"It will take a while. It will be over soon."

Lee Won still didn't say anything. Caesar walked over to Lee Won, who
was just staring at him, and pulled his head. His lips met, but that was
it. Lee Won didn't respond to the kiss as he licked and rubbed his
mouth in regret and regret.
The hand that caressed his cheek slid down his neck. The hand that
had been caressing Lee Won's body over his thin shirt lifted his shirt
and grabbed his buttocks from under him.

In an instant, Lee Won's entire body stiffened. His lips parted, and
Caesar and Iwon looked at each other wordlessly.

"… … I will be back."

Caesar said. Lee Won did not reply. Caesar smiled bitterly as if he
knew. In his silver-grey eyes, which were somehow moist, Lee Won
didn't show any emotion until the end.


The club on the outskirts of the city was not far from Cesar's villa.
Caesar, who arrived at Dmitry's club through the snow that was
beginning to accumulate, passed the man who was strictly monitoring
the surroundings at the entrance and entered with familiarity. This day,
the usual club holiday, was very different from the usual noisy interior.
In a silence that seemed to hear even the drop of the needle, not to
mention the sound of music, Caesar was guided into the innermost

When I opened the door and walked past the retired employee, most of
the executives were already gathered inside. The executives, chatting
over drinks, clamped their mouths shut and put down their glasses as
soon as they saw Cesar. In an instant, a cold silence fell, and everyone
looked at Caesar with strange and strange eyes.
"Hey, come on, Tsar."

Dmitry suddenly appeared behind Caesar and tapped him on the

shoulder. Looking back, Dmitry smiled calmly and pointed at Choi

"It's the king's seat."

At Dmitry's words, Caesar frowned as if saying something useless, but

he turned around without saying a word. Caesar's footsteps echoed
ominously in the still silence.

"Okay, now that everyone is gathered, shall we start?"

Dmitry smiled brightly and sat down next to Cesar as if to appreciate

him. Tuchev, who was sitting opposite Dmitry and at the same time on
the opposite side from Caesar, looked at Dmitry and smiled slightly.

"It's good."

The glass in front of the executives was illed with alcohol, and after
everyone had toasted, it was immediately emptied. Caesar also
emptied his glass and put it down. Dmitry, who had been watching him
silently, said, illing his glass again.

"You seem to be in bad shape these days, but you look good now, don't

"not really."
Cesar said nonchalantly and emptied his glass again. Dmitry quickly
poured the drink and continued.

“Still, everyone has said it, it's good that you got rid of the lawyers that
were hanging around you.

Also, did he say that he was the hidden son of Lomonosov?

At Dmitry's words, words of sympathy spilled out here and there.

"It can't be helped, Lomonosofran."

“No meeting of hybrids. Vulgar things that don't even know the
meaning of pure blood."

"Organizing an organization with Lucy Skis embarrasses us all."

Caesar suddenly gasped at the sound of the screech without missing an



With a word, everyone closed their mouths. Seeing the executives

looking at each other in embarrassment, Dmitry opened his mouth.

“What are you doing with me just joking around? And it's true."

Dmitry smiled meaningfully.

"And that lawyer is a garbage mongrel."

For a moment, Caesar's eyes glittered and he looked at Dmitry. In an
instant, an icy silence fell within the room. In the silence of death,
Cesar opened his mouth.

"If you say that again, I'll rip your tongue out."

"why? It's just a joke."

Seeing Dmitry looking at the other executives as if he was looking for

sympathy, Tuchev stepped forward as if he was waiting.

“Anyway, they are not hybrids of a different kind than ours. Whatever
you say, what does it mean?

Caesar spoke sharply again this time.

“I said I didn't want to hear it. For."

Silence fell again. In the unsettling atmosphere that suddenly lowed,

everyone looked into each other's eyes without even raising a glass.
Between them, Dmitry opened his mouth.

“You haven't done that before, have you? Why did you suddenly change
your attitude when we only allow ourselves to joke around or curse at

Caesar responded nonchalantly.

"You haven't been taught that making fun of others is bad behavior,
"Yeah, I never learned it."

Dmitry narrowed his eyes and said.

"But I've been taught that mixed races and lucyskis are trash."

"Well well."

“Why don't we talk a little bit about Lucyski? They're not even worms

“Things that are not cool even if you step on them. It is because of
them that our Russia cannot develop."

César opened his mouth to the executives who poured their discontent
and complaints about him.

"They have their own rules and we have ours."

As if he was waiting for this moment, Tuchev walked out.

“What are our rules? Are you going to bear it? Or do you bow your
head to the Lucisskis?

Caesar frowned at the provocative question, and another of icer

hurried out.

"What do you say? The tsar just says to be careful."

"Discretion? Because of that prudence, our entire organization is at

risk. When we go down the street, children make fun of us for being
cowards. How are you going to handle this?"

Tuchev denounced in a furious voice. Disappointed gossip ensued

everywhere. Cesar, who had been watching him in silence, opened his

"So you mean it's okay to unconditionally kill and oppress him just
because he's Lucy?"

"We are not fundamentally different from the blood!"

Tuchev groaned.

“Tsar, be more careful. If you continue to do things that are not in line
with Sergeev's faction like this, you will have no choice but to contact

The of icers kept their mouths shut and watched Caesar's reaction.
César, who looked at him without saying a word, opened his mouth.

“Isn't Sergeev's intention to kill unconditionally and cause an incident?

Anyway, that's what happened to me and I said it was ine, so leave it

The of icers looked at Cesar in silence. It was when Cesar, who had
emptied the glass in front of him immediately, put down the cup of tea.

"So you say no, Tsar."

In a low whisper, Dmitry took something out and held it out to her.
Cesar did not react immediately to the unexpected situation. Dmitri

A burning pain spread through my stomach. Caesar blinked

involuntarily. He could feel my shirt getting wet quickly. The faces of
the crowd watching him were full of life and fear. Suddenly I thought.
He said that he had a feeling that one day he would end up like this.

Cesar looked at the face of the man who did not hesitate to pierce his
stomach. My feet were soaked from the blood that gushed out. Unable
to do anything with his bent knee, Caesar held out his hand.

A red, wet hand grasped the man's shoulder. The pure white suit was
quickly dyed nude. The man whispered as he smiled to himself.

"I told you, I do anything for money."

Unfortunately, he was.

Caesar thought.

I made a mistake trusting you.

Caesar's eyes clouded over and a scowl slid across his lips. It is ironic
to say that history repeats itself, and to be in the same situation as the
owner of the name. Cesar held out his hand.

He bowed his head and closed his eyes. Cold lips met and Dmitry's
eyes widened in surprise. Caesar licked his lips and smiled.

"Dmitry, even you."

Finally, Cesar closed his eyes, sighing like a whisper mixed with


Lee Won woke up feeling the pain as if his entire body was being cut.
Have you ever fallen asleep? Lee Won stumbled and sat up. The rain
that had been falling now turned into snow and began to fall in earnest.
Lee Won stared at the teary eyes.

Suddenly, I thought I was going to give up. I can't let go or hold on In a

situation where he couldn't do this or that, Lee Won was now tired and
upset. If you run away again this time, you'll shoot me in the heart. Lee
Won thought vaguely. It was a moment when I suddenly got
goosebumps from a dream that was so realistic.

The sound of a car engine was heard outside the window. It seemed
that Caesar had returned. Lee Won involuntarily frowned. He didn't
want me to stay in bed like that, like I was waiting for him. He could
have run away, but he didn't. After rationalizing me like that, he wanted
to show that he wasn't afraid of her. Lee Won gritted his teeth and
managed to get out of bed, limping and getting dressed.

He took a long time to come out. Lee Won, who couldn't ind his own
clothes, searched for Caesar's clothes and put them on. The baggy
pants were fastened with a belt, but barefoot they had nothing to wear
except slippers. Lee Won, who had no choice but to put on slippers and
lean against the wall, slowly shuf ling, suddenly stopped when he heard
an unknown voice from outside the front door.
It was not the voice of a single person. It was when Lee Won stopped
walking and quietly listened to the strange Russian that seemed to be
mixed with dialects. Suddenly, a snowstorm rushed in with the sound
of a door breaking.

"Hey, here you go, lawyer."

He raised his head in amazement and saw Dmitry standing behind the
broken door, looking at him. In an unexpected situation, Lee Won
looked at the sudden intruders with shocked eyes. Dmitry continued
speaking with a smile on his face.

"Why do you have that face? It is a disappointment.

Dmitry looked at Lee Won's entire body. He looked at the clothes that
didn't it his size and then looked back at Lee Won's face as if nothing
had happened.

"Was someone waiting?"

When Lee Won's face distorted, Dmitry laughed quietly. Lee Won found
his calm and spat it out.

"What happened? Cesar is gone. We'll get back to you later and see you


Dmitry repeated Lee Won's words. When he had a hunch of something

wrong, he suddenly beckoned. As a signal, the men walked through the
front door on their shoes and began to search the interior of the house
without hesitation. For a moment, Lee Won couldn't think of how to
react to the sudden situation.

Dmitry, who dared to step forward among the reckless without missing
a moment's notice, reached out, covered his mouth and pressed it
against the wall. A momentary moan was swallowed by Dmitry's hand,
and Lee Won's forehead twisted.

What the hell are you doing?!

He looked at Dmitry with fearful eyes. Dmitry scoffed, covering his


"How does your lover's blood smell?"

Belatedly, Lee Won felt the eerie smell of blood vibrating from the tip of
his nose. Dmitry's hand, which was dyed red, covered Lee Won's
mouth. Dmitry smiled at Lee Won, who blinked hopefully.

"The tsar is not coming."

Dmitri whispered.


Lee Won widened his eyes and took a deep breath. What is this
sound… … ? Dmitry sighed in satisfaction at Lee Won's reaction as he
looked at him, lost in his incredible words.

"What an ecstatic face."

Dmitry laughed softly, as if he didn't know what to do.

"I want to cut your hair like this and put it in a vase."

He was horri ied by the creepy laugh. With him, Dmitry bowed his
head. The moment his lips were about to touch, Lee Won realized it.
that this man despises himself. Dmitry smiled as he pushed his lips
involuntarily. With her eyes ixed on his face and her lips pursed, Lee
Won could clearly read the disgust. Just like him, who was staring at
him, Lee Won did not close his eyes. I looked at him with the same

Lee Won, who deliberately parted her lips to distract him, immediately
kicked him in the shin as soon as his tongues entwined. Kicking
barefoot in the shin of a man in boots wasn't a terrible threat, but it
wasn't ineffective either. Surprised, Dmitry was momentarily distracted
and left. Wasting no time, Lee Won ran straight into the room. Dmitry
whistled brie ly from behind.

"Yes, come on, run away. I'll soon be in tatters."

His laugh echoed from behind. Lee Won, who quickly closed the door
behind him and locked it, quickly looked around. Somehow I entered
the room to pass the time, but the intention was one. Lee Won limped
over and pushed the furniture to block the door. It was unreasonable to
run away in his current state. Also, they all had guns. Lee Won was
absolutely at a disadvantage.

He temporarily closed the door and shuf led to the window. A large
window was directly connected to the outside. Lee Won quickly took
out Caesar's coat and put it on, opened the window and lew away. The
two-story window startled him, but luckily, the snowdrift acted as a
cushioning material.
There was a knock on the door from above. Lee Won moved quickly
without wasting any time.

The snow was still falling and he was already piled up to his knees. He
wasn't in great shape, but I felt like my feet were going to die in the
snow. But you have to go as far as possible. If I followed you like this, it
would be like the death of a dog.

Lee Won took a deep breath and moved his body with all his might.
The harsh breath disperses into the air, causing falling snow to vanish
from the air. Lee Won, who got tired quickly, stopped his feet and took a
deep breath, when suddenly a gunshot was heard from behind.
Suddenly, a stabbing pain shot across his cheek and Lee Won turned
around in surprise. Dmitry stood there

with his gun pointed at him. All the men behind them pointed their
guns at Lee Won, and Lee Won moved quickly.

Another shot rang out, and this time a bullet went through his arm.
Lee Won crouched down as low as he could and walked and walked in
the snow to somehow escape. It was as if he could hear Dmitry's
singing voice following him right into his ear.

“Rabbit in the snow~ Catch the rabbit and skin it~”

Hahahaha, he laughed. Lee Won gritted his teeth and kept walking.
There was the sound of footsteps stomping backwards and stepping on
the snow. Little by little, I gasped for air and felt that my legs were
going to break. No, it wasn't just the legs. My whole body throbbed and

is the limit
Lee Won thought. Are you going to die here like a pathetic prey like

As he thought that, a small hole suddenly entered his ield of vision.

The sound of squeaky eyes came right in front of me. Lee Won held his
breath and lay face down. The snow that continued to accumulate
rapidly erased his tracks. I wondered if the footsteps of the pursuers
were getting closer, and then I heard a man speaking Russian mixed
with crude dialect. Afterwards, the men exchanged loud conversations,
then stopped and looked around.

Lee Won covered her mouth with her hand for fear of hearing his own
breathing. The feet of the men could be seen through the low hole.
Soon after, the foot that had been walking with a stride stopped nearby
and stayed there for a while. He hummed after a short whistle.

“The rabbit is down the rabbit hole~.”

Lee Won thought his heart stopped for a moment. As he held his
breath as he was, he was straining his body, and other men reported the
search to be pointless in crude tones. said Dmitry, who was still
humming the song.

"I can't. Let's go back."

I could see the men turn around as if they were waiting. Dmitry's feet
stopped. Lee Won's heart was beating violently as if it were coming out
of his mouth. Dmitry whispered softly over Lee Won, who was holding
his breath.

"Next time I have to skin him."

Lee Won stopped breathing and Dmitry turned around. The sound of
snow falling under my feet as it screeched and shattered gradually
faded away. Scattered snow piled up on the cupped footprints, and
soon their footprints completely disappeared.

By the time I decided that I could hardly rest, the sun was already
slowly setting. Lee Won barely swam inside before the snow
completely blocked the entrance to the cave. There was no feeling of
popularity around. Lee Won took a deep breath and moved slowly.

When the tension was released, the pain revived throughout my body
and I felt like I was going to die.


In an instant, his knees buckled and he sat up. Two hands, re lexively
touching the ground, suddenly came into view. Shortly after, the face of
the man lying on the white snow and looking at him came to life.

I'm not coming... … ?

Dmitry's words echoed in his mind. I thought it could be. Didn't you
say it clearly?

Come back, please wait.

I obviously said that.

The watery gaze that was staring at him revived in Lee Won's memory.
The warm ingers that caressed his hair, the lips that gently pressed
together, and the low voice that told him to look at her.

That is exactly what happened this morning.

Lee Won couldn't believe it. Above all, isn't that what Dmitry said? He
already knew that he hated him.

He may have lied to torment Lee Won. Yes, I'm sure he will……! Lee
Won thought and tried to get up again. But immediately, his knee broke
again and he buried his face in the snow.

cold... … .

Lee Won was lying on the ground as he breathed. Dmitry can come
back. He felt as if he knew where he was hiding and pretended not to,
but he couldn't. Because he always wanted to kill Lee Won.

I have to get up.

Cesar's face with his coat over his shoulder came back to him. As he
blinked blankly, someone was re lected in my blurry vision. Dmitry had
returned, but he was alone.


Lee Won was convinced. It seems that Caesar has returned. A smile
slowly crept across his lips. So yeah, that was a lie.

"Mr. Lee Won?"

A soft voice came from above. As his awareness faded, he felt a gentle
inger brush his cheek. Suddenly, my eyes heated up.


My whole body heated up. I couldn't hold my breath. Lee Won

coughed and heaved his chest with a harsh breath. At the same time, a
skinny old hand grabbed his hand.

“Are you really okay? will it get better… … ?”

Another man responded to Mikhail's anxious voice.

“Yeah, it was just hypothermia and a cold. My stamina is extremely

low, so maybe that's why I get a fever. Do not worry. If it doesn't turn
into pneumonia, it will get better soon."

Mikhail couldn't hide his worried face from the detailed explanation
and looked at Lee Won. Lee Won was lying on the bed, listening to
everything people said. Lev informed Mikhail, who did not leave his

"Mr. Lomonosov, it is certain that this was done on Sergeev's side."

With a very tense voice, he continued.

“I was nervous when a successor suddenly appeared. However, I will

never forgive you for doing something like this. You have to jailbreak."
"I want to do that too."

Mikhail said with a frown.

"Isn't there a successor for that now?"

… … What?

Lee Won's eyebrows furrowed. Strangely, only the sound of the words
could be heard clearly, in a state where his mind had not returned.
Mikhail kept talking without noticing his state.

“It has become dif icult to be accountable. The second in command,

Tuchev, blames the Tsar for everything, accusing him of not knowing. …
. The tsar is really dead, so the way to know the truth is not far away.
Until my son wakes up and tells me."

Mikhail added concerned, but Lee Won didn't hear him. In the head of
Lee Won, who was excited by a high fever, there was only one fact that
kept spinning around him.

The Tsar is dead.

Caesar is dead... ... !

-I will be back.

The watery gaze on himself was revived. In an instant, his eyes turned
black and Lee Won lost consciousness again.
When I woke up again, there was no one around. Lee Won closed his
eyes blankly and blinked tired eyes. He felt like my whole body was
sinking into the ground. I felt that way, one day. Belatedly, Lee Won
remembered. That's right, when I took the medicine at Cesar's house.

His eyes widened immediately at the memory he had inadvertently



He hurriedly stood up, but severe vertigo immediately spread, and Lee
Won leaned over with clenched teeth. A gentle hand reached over him
and wrapped his arms around his shoulder.

"No way, you're moving so suddenly."

A friendly voice cut through my throbbing mind. It was a familiar

voice. Lee Won, who raised his head in a cold sweat, saw an amazing
face in front of him and widened his eyes in surprise. I am dreaming...


Since he was hesitating, he nodded with a friendly smile as he

remembered the name.

"If you remember me".

Isn't it natural? I almost died because of this man. Reliving the past,
Lee Won immediately clenched his ists. I thought if we met again, I'd
beat you to death, but I'm in the worst shape on such a good

Instead of throwing a hasty punch, Lee Won held a grudge. Having

barely found the reason, he asked the irst question that came to mind.

“Why are you here? Here, maybe… ….”

Leonid quickly turned around and fetched water from a teacup at the
sound of a hoarse voice. When Lee Won, who hesitated and took the
water, immediately emptied it, Leonid only opened his mouth.

"Your father, Mikhail Lomonosov, is the client of this work."

Leonid smiled and added.

"I was surprised. You were the successor of Lomonosov."

"The work of the organization has nothing to do with me."

Lee Won wanted to shout loudly, but his voice was poorly rested.
Leonid said that when he became nervous about the state of his body, it
didn't go well for him.

“Anyway, it's a relationship, seeing you again like this. I thought I'd like
to see you again.

With a bright smile on his face, Lee Won barely calmed down and

"What happened? How… …How did you ind me?"

"Mr. Lomonosov commissioned me."

Leonid responded kindly.

“There was a witness who saw you being dragged. I looked around to
see if there was any land on Sergeev's side. I thought it was going to be
in the most remote place, but it was as expected. If you were a little
late, you would have frozen."

At his words, as if he expected a thank you, Lee Won asked a question


“You, last time… … ?”

At Lee Won's questionable question, Leonid shook his head.

“No, at that time, it was a request from Sergeev. He was an opposition

man, not a successor.

Come to think of it, this time he also did something quite absurd.

At the last words, Lee Won was lustered. Hopefully, that's not the case.
He was dreaming. That wouldn't have been real. Never, never do that...

“Isn't it nice to think about killing the successor and taking over the
organization? As for the mob, times have changed, but what they think
hasn't changed. Oh excuse me."

Leonid quickly added an apology and smiled. But Lee Won didn't
laugh. There was only one word left in his mind.
"The heir has died?"

He knew his voice was trembling, but he couldn't control it. To Lee
Won, who barely asked, Leonid replied nonchalantly.

“It seems that there is chaos within the organization. In fact, the
Lomonosov side also said that it was Sergeev's successor who
kidnapped you, and there was an atmosphere of war for a while.

He wanted to meet us again one day, but unfortunately it didn't


Leonid smiled brie ly and added.

"Whether you go to war or not, it will be a time of choice for you."

Lee Won didn't say anything. He just kept his mouth shut. Leonid, who
added personal feelings, looked at Lee Won.

"It would be a good thing for Lomonosov."

Lee Won didn't say anything. He stared into the distance and lost his
mind. Leonid looked at him with a strange reaction. Lee Won sat there
with a blank expression as if he had gone mad, but he didn't even move.
Leonid scratched his head in puzzlement. What the hell is that

“Then tell Lomonosov that consciousness has returned… … .”

As he naturally turned around to leave the room, Lee Won suddenly

grabbed his arm. Leonid looked at him, surprised by the unexpected.
He was a mighty force that was
incredibly different from the rough face of his and the sign of a sick
man. Leonid blinked and opened his mouth very politely.

“Yeah, what's going on? Anything you need?"

He showed his natural friendly personality to the question, but Lee

Won didn't answer easily.

He swallowed dry saliva after licking his eyes a few times with
shocked eyes widening. With the sound of saliva swallowing and
dripping, the neck of his neck jerked violently.

"That's right?"

With a weak and trembling voice, Lee Won opened his mouth.

“Caesar, tsar… …dead? Is that really?

At Lee Won's repeated questions, Leonid nodded, puzzled.

“Yes, it has been reported in the newspapers for several days that the
body has been identi ied by Nago Sergeev. Besides, I even had a funeral

The blood completely drained from Lee Won's face. Leonid continued,
taken aback by the unexpected reaction.

“Anyway, it's over, so you don't have to worry about it anymore. On

Sergeev's side, it looks like there will be a power struggle between the
executives at the moment. Power ends up being a dirty dog ight."
Leonid shrugged and turned around, leaving a slight salute. Lee Won
didn't catch him this time. The sound of the door closing quietly echoed
in my ears. Silence soon fell and Lee Won was left alone.


At Leonid's words, Dmitry's laugh revived.

How about the smell of your lover's blood?

Cesar's voice, hugging him and whispering, seemed to come from his

It takes a while. it will soon be over

The last thing he saw illed his eyes.

I will be back.

That was the last time. that it's over forever I couldn't believe it. Lee
Won shook his head subconsciously. But the only thing that came to
mind was Cesar's last appearance.

… … Oh?

Suddenly, Lee Won put his hand to his face. Unexpected tears fell. As I
stared at my wet ingers, my eyes clouded over again.

At that time.

Lee Won thought.

I should have caught him.


After suffering from a high fever for several days, Lee Won barely
recovered. Tears welled up at the corners of Mikhail's crinkled eyes at
the doctor's words that it was lucky it didn't turn into pneumonia. Lee
Won thanked the doctor, but he didn't say anything.

That is exactly what happened this morning.

Lee Won couldn't believe it. Above all, isn't that what Dmitry said? He
already knew that he hated him.

He may have lied to torment Lee Won. Yes, I'm sure he will……! Lee
Won thought and tried to get up again. But immediately, his knee broke
again and he buried his face in the snow.

cold... … .

Lee Won was lying on the ground as he breathed. Dmitry can come
back. He felt as if he knew where he was hiding and pretended not to,
but he couldn't. Because he always wanted to kill Lee Won.

I have to get up.

Cesar's face with his coat over his shoulder came back to him. As he
blinked blankly, someone was re lected in my blurry vision. Dmitry had
returned, but he was alone.


Lee Won was convinced. It seems that Caesar has returned. A smile
slowly crept across his lips. So yeah, that was a lie.

"Mr. Lee Won?"

A soft voice came from above. As his awareness faded, he felt a gentle
inger brush his cheek. Suddenly, my eyes heated up.


My whole body heated up. I couldn't hold my breath. Lee Won

coughed and heaved his chest with a harsh breath. At the same time, a
skinny old hand grabbed his hand.

“Are you really okay? will it get better… … ?”

Another man responded to Mikhail's anxious voice.

“Yeah, it was just hypothermia and a cold. My stamina is extremely

low, so maybe that's why I get a fever. Do not worry. If it doesn't turn
into pneumonia, it will get better soon."

Mikhail couldn't hide his worried face from the detailed explanation
and looked at Lee Won. Lee Won was lying on the bed, listening to
everything people said. Lev informed Mikhail, who did not leave his

"Mr. Lomonosov, it is certain that this was done on Sergeev's side."

With a very tense voice, he continued.

“I was nervous when a successor suddenly appeared. However, I will

never forgive you for doing something like this. You have to jailbreak."

"I want to do that too."

Mikhail said with a frown.

"Isn't there a successor for that now?"

… … What?

Lee Won's eyebrows furrowed. Strangely, only the sound of the words
could be heard clearly, in a state where his mind had not returned.
Mikhail kept talking without noticing his state.

“It has become dif icult to be accountable. The second in command,

Tuchev, blames the Tsar for everything, accusing him of not knowing. …
. The tsar is really dead, so the way to know the truth is not far away.
Until my son wakes up and tells me."

Mikhail added concerned, but Lee Won didn't hear him. In the head of
Lee Won, who was excited by a high fever, there was only one fact that
kept spinning around him.

The Tsar is dead.

Caesar is dead... ... !

-I will be back.

The watery gaze on himself was revived. In an instant, his eyes turned
black and Lee Won lost consciousness again.

When I woke up again, there was no one around. Lee Won closed his
eyes blankly and blinked tired eyes. He felt like my whole body was
sinking into the ground. I felt that way, one day. Belatedly, Lee Won
remembered. That's right, when I took the medicine at Cesar's house.

His eyes widened immediately at the memory he had inadvertently



He hurriedly stood up, but severe vertigo immediately spread, and Lee
Won leaned over with clenched teeth. A gentle hand reached over him
and wrapped his arms around his shoulder.

"No way, you're moving so suddenly."

A friendly voice cut through my throbbing mind. It was a familiar

voice. Lee Won, who raised his head in a cold sweat, saw an amazing
face in front of him and widened his eyes in surprise. I am dreaming...

Since he was hesitating, he nodded with a friendly smile as he

remembered the name.

"If you remember me".

Isn't it natural? I almost died because of this man. Reliving the past,
Lee Won immediately clenched his ists. I thought if we met again, I'd
beat you to death, but I'm in the worst shape on such a good

Instead of throwing a hasty punch, Lee Won held a grudge. Having

barely found the reason, he asked the irst question that came to mind.

“Why are you here? Here, maybe… ….”

Leonid quickly turned around and fetched water from a teacup at the
sound of a hoarse voice. When Lee Won, who hesitated and took the
water, immediately emptied it, Leonid only opened his mouth.

"Your father, Mikhail Lomonosov, is the client of this work."

Leonid smiled and added.

"I was surprised. You were the successor of Lomonosov."

"The work of the organization has nothing to do with me."

Lee Won wanted to shout loudly, but his voice was poorly rested.
Leonid said that when he became nervous about the state of his body, it
didn't go well for him.

“Anyway, it's a relationship, seeing you again like this. I thought I'd like
to see you again.

With a bright smile on his face, Lee Won barely calmed down and

"What happened? How… …How did you ind me?"

"Mr. Lomonosov commissioned me."

Leonid responded kindly.

“There was a witness who saw you being dragged. I looked around to
see if there was any land on Sergeev's side. I thought it was going to be
in the most remote place, but it was as expected. If you were a little
late, you would have frozen."

At his words, as if he expected a thank you, Lee Won asked a question


“You, last time… … ?”

At Lee Won's questionable question, Leonid shook his head.

“No, at that time, it was a request from Sergeev. He was an opposition

man, not a successor.

Come to think of it, this time he also did something quite absurd.
At the last words, Lee Won was lustered. Hopefully, that's not the case.
He was dreaming. That wouldn't have been real. Never, never do that...

“Isn't it nice to think about killing the successor and taking over the
organization? As for the mob, times have changed, but what they think
hasn't changed. Oh excuse me."

Leonid quickly added an apology and smiled. But Lee Won didn't
laugh. There was only one word left in his mind.

"The heir has died?"

He knew his voice was trembling, but he couldn't control it. To Lee
Won, who barely asked, Leonid replied nonchalantly.

“It seems that there is chaos within the organization. In fact, the
Lomonosov side also said that it was Sergeev's successor who
kidnapped you, and there was an atmosphere of war for a while.

He wanted to meet us again one day, but unfortunately it didn't


Leonid smiled brie ly and added.

"Whether you go to war or not, it will be a time of choice for you."

Lee Won didn't say anything. He just kept his mouth shut. Leonid, who
added personal feelings, looked at Lee Won.

"It would be a good thing for Lomonosov."

Lee Won didn't say anything. He stared into the distance and lost his
mind. Leonid looked at him with a strange reaction. Lee Won sat there
with a blank expression as if he had gone mad, but he didn't even move.
Leonid scratched his head in puzzlement. What the hell is that

“Then tell Lomonosov that consciousness has returned… … .”

As he naturally turned around to leave the room, Lee Won suddenly

grabbed his arm. Leonid looked at him, surprised by the unexpected.
He was a mighty force that was

incredibly different from the rough face of his and the sign of a sick
man. Leonid blinked and opened his mouth very politely.

“Yeah, what's going on? Anything you need?"

He showed his natural friendly personality to the question, but Lee

Won didn't answer easily.

He swallowed dry saliva after licking his eyes a few times with
shocked eyes widening. With the sound of saliva swallowing and
dripping, the neck of his neck jerked violently.

"That's right?"

With a weak and trembling voice, Lee Won opened his mouth.

“Caesar, tsar… …dead? Is that really?

At Lee Won's repeated questions, Leonid nodded, puzzled.

“Yes, it has been reported in the newspapers for several days that the
body has been identi ied by Nago Sergeev. Besides, I even had a funeral

The blood completely drained from Lee Won's face. Leonid continued,
taken aback by the unexpected reaction.

“Anyway, it's over, so you don't have to worry about it anymore. On

Sergeev's side, it looks like there will be a power struggle between the
executives at the moment. Power ends up being a dirty dog ight."

Leonid shrugged and turned around, leaving a slight salute. Lee Won
didn't catch him this time. The sound of the door closing quietly echoed
in my ears. Silence soon fell and Lee Won was left alone.


At Leonid's words, Dmitry's laugh revived.

How about the smell of your lover's blood?

Cesar's voice, hugging him and whispering, seemed to come from his

It takes a while. it will soon be over

The last thing he saw illed his eyes.

I will be back.
That was the last time. that it's over forever I couldn't believe it. Lee
Won shook his head subconsciously. But the only thing that came to
mind was Cesar's last appearance.

… … Oh?

Suddenly, Lee Won put his hand to his face. Unexpected tears fell. As I
stared at my wet ingers, my eyes clouded over again.

At that time.

Lee Won thought.

I should have caught him.


After suffering from a high fever for several days, Lee Won barely
recovered. Tears welled up at the corners of Mikhail's crinkled eyes at
the doctor's words that it was lucky it didn't turn into pneumonia. Lee
Won thanked the doctor, but he didn't say anything.

They all looked at him at once. Lee Won, who impulsively spat, quickly
found a reason and added.

"As my attorney, I have some advice for you before you negotiate."

"Lee Won-ah, me?!"

Mikhail asked as if he was sad, but Lee Won didn't reply. Instead, he
immediately reached out and grabbed Caesar's arm as he walked down
the labyrinthine hallway.


Lee Won, who barely found an empty room while avoiding the
gangsters' eyes, immediately pushed Caesar inside. As soon as they
were alone, Caesar turned hastily on him.

"What happened, why are you here?"

Bite your teeth hard.

Instead of replying, Lee Won spoke in a low voice. When Caesar

stopped, Lee Won clenched his ists and slapped him hard.

The sound of ists clenched and struck authentically reverberated

loudly. Caesar, who was momentarily reeling, frowned. But again, there
was no chance to speak. It was because Lee Won immediately grabbed
Caesar's face and gave him a kiss.

Cesar did not show an immediate reaction to the unexpected situation.

Even while his eyes were wide and stiff, Lee Won kissed and licked her
lips one after another to check his body temperature.

Lee Won almost met God for the irst time. Really, I'm alive... … !

Caesar, who couldn't respond for a moment to the kiss that kept
caressing his lips, barely breathing, belatedly lifted him. As if he was
afraid of losing Caesar, Lee Won hugged him with all his might. No
matter how many times he kissed and checked, he didn't disappear. In
fact, the reality of him is in front of him.

"… … motherfucker."

For a moment, Cesar paused. Lee Won sharpened his teeth and stared
at him.

"You're fooling me."

You have a very rough mouth.

Caesar scowled and pointed, but all he replied was abusive language.

"Shut up. You don't even have a hundred mouths to say, you bastard."

Once again, there was no opportunity to apologize or make excuses.

His lips overlapped again and the kiss continued. The lips that had
been gently kissed soon abruptly tangled together. A tongue that
parted his lips mercilessly ran inside and took hold of his mouth.
Caesar sucked on the lip he'd been biting painlessly again. A soft
tongue slid back to his parted lips, caressing hers, rubbing the nubs,
tickling her insides.

Even when Caesar's gaze gazed at him with deep sighs and longing, Lee
Won left him alone. A weak trembling inger touched his cheek. Lee
Won closed his eyes and Caesar pressed his lips against his cheek. The
hand behind his head gently caressed the back of his neck, while the
other grasped her waist and pulled her closer. As the carelessly
dragged body stuck to her, Lee Won had a premonition of what would
happen next.

Caesar grabbed his buttocks through Lee Won's pants. He let out a few
deep sighs as he rubbed his buttocks in his big hands. He could clearly
feel the swelling on Caesar's face. Lee Won placed his hand behind
Caesar's waist and grabbed Caesar's buttocks.

of Caesar too. As soon as the very hot front touched Cesar, his
breathing became harsh. Lee Won's face was re lected in dark gray
eyes. he whispered sweetly.

"I can break my neck if I just enjoy you this time."

Caesar laughed, but his hand immediately grabbed Lee Won's pants.
Leaving his hand trailing down with the writing as it is, Caesar slapped
his lips and dropped to the ground. There was a loud crash and they
fell together onto the living room rug. Lee Won, who immediately
turned around and took the lead, grabbed Caesar's pants and held his

He was already hard enough. Gently pulling at his bitten lips, Lee Won
laughed quietly. Caesar raised his waist and Lee Won immediately took
off his pants. As soon as Lee Won climbed back on top of him, a harsh
sound came from the door.

“Master, are you alright? young master!"

It was the voice of a member of the organization who hurriedly

knocked on the door. When Lee Won paused, Caesar turned around
and took irst place without missing a chance.
Caesar's lips landed on Yi-Won's shoulder and immediately trembled,
leaving a mark. Someone was still yelling outside. Lee Won exclaimed
urgently at the surge of excitement and impatience.

"Okay Heuk!"

At that moment, Caesar bit Lee Won's shoulder hard, and Lee Won
re lexively cried out.

“Young master! Please wait, I will open the door right now.”

Lee Won, who got desperate, yelled with all his might.

“Because it's already done! Not because… …No one will forgive you if
you enter!”

The rattling of the handle stopped. After staring at the door for a
while, Lee Won barely breathed a sigh of relief. Meanwhile, Caesar
lifted Lee Won's shirt and rubbed his lips on the bullet wound he left on
his irm abdomen.

"What are you doing? What if I get caught?

Caesar laughed as Lee Won turned off the sound and hit him.

"I do not mind."

“This is the enemy camp. Don't say anything dangerous like that."

Caesar stood up and met Yi Won's eyes.

“If I die holding you, I will go to heaven immediately.”

Lee Won distorted his face, but Caesar looked at him as if he was
possessed and let out a sigh of joy.

"… … My Tiger."

Lee Won, who had frowned at what he was saying, suddenly looked
down and checked his body. Beneath the wide open shirt, a thick
bandaged abdomen entered.

It was real. Due to the size of the wound, Lee Won realized that he was
in a very dangerous condition. He spread his palms out and gently
caressed his skin, and Caesar responded immediately. He grabbed Lee
Won's buttocks and massaged them, inding a tight space between
them. As if he was hesitating, Lee Won whispered to the inger rubbing
the wrinkled area as if he was seducing it with a soft voice.

"Excuse me before that."

Suddenly, Caesar's movements stopped. His penis was very swollen.

Lee Won smiled as he put his penis under his butt, which was
struggling to enter Lee Won immediately.

"I apologize, I was wrong."

Downstairs, Cesar, who was so excited and couldn't open his mouth,
leaned over, grabbed his hair, and pulled him inside.

"If you don't pray, you won't have sex."

Caesar's face was distorted to the point that he would never see it
again. Lee Won started counting internally. So how long can you last?

Counting to ive, Cesar opened his mouth.

“… …Apologize, I will.

It wasn't the way Lee Won wanted, but he did it. Would this man know
what he was asking for an apology? Although he thought that he would
never know, Lee Won allowed it.

Now put it on.

At the same time, Cesar knocked him down and immediately pushed
himself towards the camera. His penis slipped out due to too hasty an
act. Caesar changed position with an unusual curse word.

He spread Lee Won's legs, who was lying on his shoulder, and pushed
himself into the exposed space.

Lee Won raised his eyebrows at the mercilessly pushed insertion

without letting go enough, but he didn't push it away. Rather, he
reached out and grabbed Caesar's shoulder, leaning down to help insert

"… … Yes… … !"

When Caesar inally entered, a deep moan escaped Lee Won's mouth.
A cold sweat ran down his back. After barely passing the thickest part,
a long stem pushed inward. Lee Won felt extreme pressure and gave
strength to the hand that gripped Caesar's shoulder.
"... ... Sigh."

Caesar took a deep breath. A faint smile appeared on his face as he

looked back at Lee Won.

Lee Won later found out that it was a warning.

The penis he went deep inside he thought he was going to come out,
and then he went back in. Lee Won, who greeted him with his upper
body raised and his legs apart, inadvertently lowered his gaze and
looked at him. The thick, red, bloodshot penis that went in and out.

Instantly, his face turned red and his penis tensed at the same time.
Lee Won was embarrassed, but now he couldn't hide it. Head bowed,
Lee Won watched as the penis moved in and out of her with an
unfamiliar sensation. Caesar, who illed the interior of the room and
withdrew, noticed the look on his face.

"What are you doing?"

He answered her question through harsh breaths.

"I'm watching."

Caesar's face turned red, but Lee Won didn't notice.


Lee Won was amazed. I thought that was the limit, but Caesar's penis
swelled even more.
What the heck is the length? Suddenly I wanted to know how far I was
illing my insides.

Curiously, he backed up and jerked his cock away from him, and Caesar
roared like a beast and violently pushed Lee Won away. At the same
time, the genitals were deeply buried, and unfortunately, Lee Won
missed the opportunity.

As I watched closely, my body, which had only been shaken senselessly

by him, naturally began to pick up the pace. It sucks Cesar in when he
walks in and releases him when he walks out. After repeating it several
times, the body moved automatically.

"Ha, ah, hot, ha."

Every time her body swayed, a harsh voice came out of her mouth as if
it was going to break.

It wasn't just Lee Won. Caesar was also making a sound. From the
mouth, from the bite, the sound continued. Even in the midst of a
frenzy, Lee Won shook his butt when Caesar moved. Caesar's
remembered face turned even redder. When Caesar moved fast, he got
faster, and when he slowed down, he slowed down too.

"Ugh… … ."

From inside Caesar's throat, a sharp cry came out. He hugged Lee
Won's leg and looked into his eyes. Eyes black as the abyss stared at
him. "Ah," Cesar sighed. At the same time, his lips met and Lee Won,
who climbed onto Caesar's lap, shook his waist violently and rubbed his
buttocks. Between the intense breaths that he moaned like a madman
and spat out, his accumulated body luid gushed out like a long
"I didn't know you were going to be such a gentleman."

As if he was in shock, Caesar said. Lee Won looked at him. Caesar was
still inside him. The thickness and size do not change at all from before.
It was the same as he had been hardened.

He was about to ask when this will die, but Caesar tilted his head and
rubbed his lips over Lee Won's sweaty body. As he caressed Lee Won's
cheek with his lips, Lee Won let out a light sigh. Cesar bit his auricle
and opened his mouth.

"You didn't know it was a play, did you?"

Lee Won, who had closed his eyes and felt the temperature of his body,
suddenly opened his eyes.

"… … theater?"


This time, Caesar frowned at Lee Won, who looked at him without
saying a word.

“Obviously for Dmitry… … .”

Dmitry said you were dead.

At Lee Won's words, Caesar's expression hardened.

“So, did you know until now? I died?


Lee Won nodded. Caesar looked at Iwon, as if he had forgotten what to

say. Belatedly, Lee Won thought that something was strange.

"Didn't you know I was here?"

At Lee Won's question, Caesar nodded with a disgusted face.


"So why are you here?"

When presented with a seemingly obvious suspicion, Caesar stepped in

and responded.

"Because I need Lomonosov's army."

"Are you in the army?"

When Lee Won asked again, Caesar said.

“If you want to get rid of the traitors, you can't use the insiders. It's
hard if things leak."

"Are you alive?"


Caesar turned his head to look at Yi Won.

"It's about getting rid of him."

He must be the only one who can say such a thing with such a bright
smile. Lee Won sighed without saying anything else.

How did you get involved with a man like that? He is also the best of
the mob.

Even if you regret it, it's already too late. Lee Won bowed his heart and
raised his head. The light of the early sunset shone through the
window and he crashed into the living room as if he were escaping.
Suddenly, Lee Won narrowed his eyes. Remnants of the bright light
clouded his vision.

The last rays of the sun dyed Caesar's silver hair red, and a remnant
image of light slid gently from his back.

"… … Yes."

Again, from below, Caesar began to move. Lee Won looked at his
watch, but gave up soon after.

"Not long."

While reminiscing and talking about him over the past few days
tirelessly, Cesar let out a sigh as if he was sorry. But that didn't mean he
gave up. Lee Won sighed and moaned as he slowly moved only his
waist and rubbed his stomach lightly and heavily. When he
unconsciously raised his knees and spread his legs, Caesar placed his
body on top of Lee Won and started hitting his waist hard.

"Uh uh uh uh."

Every time he heard a rattle from below, Lee Won couldn't bear the
moan that came out of his mouth and let out a constant groan. The
second case came quickly. As he trembled with heavy breathing, Caesar
continued to punch him in the back and pour him out.


The sound of footsteps was heard, and the people waiting in the hall
turned their heads at once.

The moment they saw the two of them walking side by side, they all
seemed tense.

What happened? They had expressionless faces as if nothing had

happened, but the Tsar's tie was crooked and the hair on the back of
Lee Won's neck was stretched out.

I don't know if I even punched him. Man, your face is so reminiscent of


The members of the organization looked at each other and anxiously

awaited what the two would say.

“Yes, how have you been? Are the conditions right?


At Mikhail's friendly question, Lee Won blinked again as if to ask what

he was referring to. He woke up late and nodded hurriedly.

"Yes, I think Lomonosov will be satis ied."

Lee Won looked at Caesar and added.


Caesar smiled as if he didn't care and then spoke to Mikhail.

"Lomonosov, can we talk to each other for a moment?"

As Caesar and Mikhail made their way to a separate conference room

alone, Lee Won and Dmitry sat across from each other in another room.
Dmitry took out a cigarette with a relaxed expression on his face, put it
in his mouth and swallowed the smoke with a groan. Dmitry smiled
brightly as he looked at Lee Won with the table in the middle.

"Did you hit him hard?"

He deliberately sticks out his long tongue. Lee Won replied


"No, you'll catch me again."

At that, Dmitry laughed.

“Similar. I barely lived, but I look really dead.”

To Lee Won, who didn't say anything, Dmitry smiled and said.

“If he had been honest, they wouldn't even have left you a bone
fragment. Thank you for being able to live a little longer.”

"I think so."

Dmitry stopped at the sound of his willingness to speak unexpectedly

and looked at Lee Won.

he asked him with an expressionless face.

"I heard that this plan is a play by Dmitry and Caesar."

"Yes, to trap the opposition."

Dmitry's voice was haughty, as if he had chosen me, not you. Lee Won
added with a cold face.

"But they said it was a complete disaster."

"… … what?"

Hearing the voice of Dmitry, who quickly stood up, Lee Won
nonchalantly continued speaking.
“Anyway, it seems that the effort has been made, so I won't tell you
more about the past.


Lee Won deliberately added a space between them.

“In the future, you will have to be a little more meticulous when it
comes to decorating your work. It's not going to be the same here."

Dmitry just let out a short snort, as if he was exasperated. But the
moment he heard Lee Won's next words, the smile disappeared from
his face.

“You have a lot of hidden wealth, Mr. Dmitry. Did you say you have
funds and real estate that you created while you were in the KGB,
hidden assets in Switzerland and Germany, and land in France and

Lee Won narrowed his eyes.

"They even say that the secret club they run organizes illegal drugs and


Dmitry looked at Lee Won silently. It was like what would you do if you
knew. Lee Won opened his mouth very formally, excluding emotions.

"You have no idea why I've stayed here ever since that day?"
Dmitri smiled.

"Because you are a coward."


Lee Won continued with a forceful voice.

“Because I had everything I needed here. Data on illegal funds,

background investigation of necessary persons and evidence.”

Dmitry's smile disappeared. added Lee Won.

"For reference, there is even data on how old Dmitry was when he
started wearing diapers."

As Dmitry's expression hardened, Lee Won's face slowly smiled.

“I thought you betrayed Caesar, so you prepared your own revenge, but
I'll put that aside for now. Even if he hadn't done my job properly, I
would have worked hard.”

Lee Won opened his mouth to the person who didn't say anything.

"But next time, it would be better to work without mistakes."

Dmitry smirked at the words he added, as if understanding. His eyes

aren't smiling at all.

"You will kill me one day."

Lee Won answered softly.

"Soon you will be a beggar."

Dmitry, his face rigid, jumped out of his seat. After he left the room
with a violent step, another person entered the room.

"Why did you work so hard?"

At the appearance of Leonid brie ly whistling, Lee Won pointed with an

expressionless face.

"Isn't it rude to eavesdrop on someone else's conversation?"

Eavesdropping is a sniper's instinct. I am a genius."

Leonid smiled brightly when Lee Won looked at him like he was upset.

“Anyway, Lomonosov-san's gaze is worth keeping. Besides, you don't

disappoint me. I like it a lot."

"I am happy you have enjoyed."

Leonid laughed out loud at the obvious reaction that he was saying
something he didn't like at all, and leaned back on the sofa where Lee
Won was sitting.

"to sleep."

Leonid took something out of his arms and handed it to him. Lee Won
was puzzled and accepted it. It was a personal business card printed in
gold leaf on the inest pearlescent paper.

<Leonid. best sniper. I will kill anyone. Email:>

To Lee Won, who was silently looking at the business card, Leonid
proudly pointed to the cell phone number written on the back.

“You are the irst to give this number. Anytime, anywhere, if I need
anything, just call me.”

When Lee Won raised his head, he con idently added.

"I will kill anyone."

Lee Won, who looked at Leonid's back after smiling happily, thought
with a frown.

Why are there so many people around me who are so eager to kill


The snow, which had not stopped for a while, stopped for a moment.
Thanks to this, the canceled lights continued to operate busily in the
sky. The gang members who had been waiting at the airport since early
were impatient as they checked the stretching time regardless of
people's gazes.

At someone's shout, everyone turned their eyes towards one place,
followed by a group of men who were ighting for the front.

"Sasha, have you been?"

Sasha opened her mouth with an expressionless face towards Yuri,

who tilted her head.

"What's going on here, everyone?"

They all looked at each other and responded to the voice with almost
no ups and downs, like a mechanical sound.

"I, that is, I was waiting to pick you up."

Sasha looked at them with a cold gaze, who were tense and
stammering at an indescribable feeling of intimidation.

"It's great."

Leaving a short word, she eagerly pressed on. A man dressed in a

smart suit, neatly combed over his silver-gray hair, had a black patch
over one eye. A man with a long stride with a coat over one arm and a
group of black suits chasing after him, the people passing by showed
curiosity and fear, unable to take their eyes off him.

After getting into the sedan where Sasha was waiting, the members of
the organization who had their heads down in unison hurriedly jumped
into the car behind. Soon the Sasha sedan was going left, followed by
black midsize cars racing in a line. Sitting cross-legged and buried in
the back of the sedan, Yurihi nervously glanced at Sasha's side face.
Hi Sasha. You must have heard it when you came, but… … .”


Sasha leaned back on the seat with her eyes closed and continued

"Since the successor is dead, doesn't this mean you want to remain the
second person?"

Yuri looked nervous and looked him in the eye.

“Actually Sasha. Many words within the organization… … Rumors

abound that Tutsev assassinated the Tsar. But how... … ."


Interrupting Yurihi's stammering words, Sasha opened her mouth.

"You saw?"


She said as she continued to close her eyes at Yuri who was startled.

"I asked if the Tsar was dead."

“Oh no. Well, no one saw the body… …It is said that it was removed to
avoid police investigation, but as you know, it is not dif icult to dispose
of the body… ….”
After hesitating, Sasha said nothing. Yuri looked at him and was
startled to see a slight smile on his lips.

"You're annoying me."

“Sa, Sasha?”

Yuri panicked and called out his name again, but Sasha didn't say
anything else.


"Okay. I'll be waiting for you."

Tuchev hung up the phone and turned to the waiting executives.

Tuchev opened his mouth to them, who showed signs of nervousness.

“Say Sasha is back. Now Yurihi is escorting him from the airport.”

The of icers looked at each other. Tuchev continued speaking in a

furious voice.

“I have come this far and I will never return. Somehow we must carry
out our will.”

Tuchev, who had spoken forcefully, immediately softened his tone and
"Of course, I will not forget the grace to the comrades who shared the

A color of anger appeared on the faces of the executives who were very
nervous. Tuchev thought with satisfaction in his heart. It's like he's
done with this.

I have already prepared a list of executives and members of the

organization who do not give up. Today, the moment Sasha recognizes
Tuchev as her successor, there will be a big purge. And he will become
Sergeev's second in command.


Tuchev was smiling with a dark face.

When the boss, who had retired from the front line, returned,
executives within the organization were in shock. The successor has
been eliminated, so it only remains to appoint a new successor. They all
thought that.

Today's meeting will be a place to nominate a new successor.

Executives locked to the organization's of ice in glitzy sedans.

Executives who had been around for a long time and newly promoted
executives came together to exchange greetings. They were all staunch
supporters of Tuchev. After looking around the room once, Tuchev
smiled a conversion smile.
He is perfect. Everything went according to plan.

None of them were on his side. Tuchev was convinced. With this
number, even Sasha would succumb to the pressure.

"Then why doesn't Dmitry come?"

An executive who expected the meeting to start with cocktails in a

spacious conference room said as if he had suddenly remembered. The
other of icer shook his head and answered.

“I haven't seen everything anyway. Leave it alone. If someone other

than an executive gets involved, it just ruins the atmosphere."

"He Is. I'm not sure what will happen if I go against Sasha's conscience."

At those words, everyone shuddered and agreed.

“Sasha still has a lot of supporters in the organization. You will have to
deal with that.”

Someone else agreed with someone who was very nervous.

“Sasha's own skills can't be ignored either. Aren't you the one who
created the tsar?

"Actually, I don't want to see you again in my life."

At someone's honest confession, everyone was confused with pale

faces. Unlike when he organized his work, Tuchev was irritated by
timid executives.
“Now why is everyone taking off their tails! There is no going back
now. They are all in the same boat!”

Hearing the screams, the executives immediately lowered their tails.

Tuchev secretly gritted his teeth and thought.

Sasha. Sergeev's current boss.

If he doesn't acknowledge it, all positions within the organization will

be in vain. To be successful in the organization, permission from him is
inevitably required……!

That's when I made a strong decision. A member of the organization

keeping watch outside rushed in with a contemplative face.

Sasha just got out of the car.

All the executives looked at each other at once. Finally, before them,
Alexander Sergeev appeared.

All the executives who had been gossiping until now kept their mouths

Sasha walked past them and headed straight for his seat. Only the
sound of her footsteps echoed in the spacious meeting room that was
The interior was silent. The executives who sat together looked at each
other, but no one spoke.

Sasha, who sat on the top seat amidst the heavy silence, kept her
mouth shut and looked as if she had something to say. But no one
spoke irst. Sasha, who had been waiting patiently, opened her mouth.

“There is a lot of empty space.”

Those were the irst words Sasha said after appearing in years. The
executives quickly looked each other in the face and spoke quietly. As
he watched them shaken, Tuchev opened his mouth.

“There are some executives who have fallen out because they don't feel
well. The content of the meeting will be sent separately. Even though I
told you that Sasha had come… …Even executives are like that, which
makes it very dif icult to run an organization.”

Tutchev took the opportunity to take advantage of his luck. How did
Sasha ind out that the of icers who didn't come were Caesar's
followers and didn't contact him on purpose?

One of the executives, who had only exchanged autographs with

Tuchev's comments, who had a conversion smile on the inside and a
worried face on the outside, coughed awkwardly and opened his

Hi Sasha. In fact, the organization is currently in crisis due to

unpleasant events. That is why it is necessary to quickly select a
successor… … .”
As if he was expecting cautious words from him, he started spilling
words here and there.

“It has been very dif icult for us. Not since Sasha left the organization.
If she is not going to stay, choose a successor.”

"It is no longer the limit to just maintain an organization."

"Why are you silent? Can't you hear us? Are you ignoring me?"

An angry voice gradually came out, but Sasha still didn't say anything.
All she needed was one look around her with a creepy, cold face. The
executives, who had been chatting for a while, were exhausted by the
continuing lack of response. At about the time the torrential
complaints had subsided, Sasha spoke for the irst time.


With a voice as sharp as a sword, she continued her.

“Who do you want to be your successor?”

At those words, everyone hurriedly exchanged glances and Tuchev

stood up.

“With the will of all, I intend to assume this position. Please allow it.

With a con ident face, Tuchev declared. The executives were very
nervous and waited to choose whether to applaud or criticize.
Everyone just looked at Sasha's mouth, but he opened his mouth while
he looked at Tuchev.
"It would be good."

Everyone looked at each other in bewilderment as everyone was

amazed at the unexpectedly cool response. Sasha continued to speak in
a cold voice.

“Anyway, the organization is a world of power, and the executives who

don't participate are considered abstainers, and if you are the most
in luential among the current executives, that's ine. If it was stolen by
force, of course you should have it. I approve of Tuchev as his

Joy and happiness were mixed on the faces of the of icers. The faces of
the executives being swept away hardened with embarrassment, and
those in Tuchev's position cheered. Among them, the most satis ied
was Tuchev. With joy on his leshy cheeks, he shook hands with his

Now the organization is mine. Rotten in hell, you naughty boy.

At that time he was the king of the world.

"If a strong man becomes king, that would be me."

Everyone was shocked by the sudden sound and looked at one place.
The door to the conference room opened and a man entered. The
moment the shining platinum blonde man appeared, the atmosphere of
the conference room changed. Soon after, the sound of swallowing
breath and remorse followed, and the members of the organization
began to roar here and there. One of Sasha's eyes lit up with a secret
light and a pleasant smile slid across her lips.
The one who opened the door was the heir who thought he was dead.

The one with the name of Emperor, Caesar.

The Tsar, who looked exactly like Sasha when he was young, stared at
them. He came back wearing a coat over a clean suit like before.

In an instant, the conference room fell silent. The stimulating

atmosphere of the past was gone. He was confused and couldn't ind
anything to say.

“Er, how… …?!”

Tuchev, turning contemplative in confusion, stammered. The moment

his eyes met, Caesar smiled coldly. In an instant, the atmosphere of the
conference room froze. Facing the of icers who were looking at them
with pale faces, Cesar pulled up a chair and sat down. The of icers
watched him hold his breath. Caesar slowly rested an arm on the
armrest of the chair and opened his mouth.

"Now, shall we start the meeting again?"

Caesar looked at the of icers once.

"Today's agenda was about changing the successor?"

The executives sucked in their breath at the quiet whisper. With no

one coming out for him, Tuchev had to save himself. He got up hastily
and insisted.

“There is something cunning about this. Otherwise, how could the

dead appear here?
Cesar opened his mouth in a voice indifferent to the tumultuous
movement here and there.

"Do you know what was the irst thing I learned when I was raised as a

A slight smile crept across Cesar's lips.

"It's just to make sure the enemy is completely out of breath."

In a moment, everyone was agitated. Executives sympathetic to

Tuchev quickly became contemplative and at a loss what to do.

“Dmitry deceived us… … !”

At someone's words, everyone joined in an instant and chatted.

“Tsar, we do not know! Absolutely innocent!”

“It was Dmitry's own creation! Something I will never know!


“Dmitry was not present today. We must catch Dmitry!

These rats... … !

Tuchev sharpened his teeth at the appearance of the executives who

quickly betrayed him and panicked. useless guys. If you do this, you
will have to destroy them all.
"Go ahead!"

Tuchev suddenly got up and screamed. At the same time, the walls
parted here and there, and about a dozen armed gang members pointed
their guns at everyone at once. Seeing the executives caught watching
and not knowing what to do, Tuchev felt a little better.

“Now, there is nothing I can do. I tried to settle things peacefully, but I
ended up here… … .”

He pulled a gun out of his pocket. Executives here and there tried to
move at the same time, but at the same time, at the sound of the
members' arms opening, they had no choice but to put their hands back
on their arms.

"Now that it is, it doesn't matter if you live or die."

Tutsev looked at Caesar and smiled brightly.

pretty good. I'll kill everyone here and take over the organization.
Everything that bothers you disappears. I'll get rid of all the
troublemakers in this place... … !

First, the guns were pointed at Sasha and Caesar.

"Who do you want to get rid of irst?"

Tuchev asked with pleasure. He chose one of the doppelgangers

looking directly at him. Yes, Sasha would love to. Let Cesar stay until
the end. I will de initely stare in terror at that arrogant face. Thinking
so, Tuchev pointed his gun at Sasha right away.
There was a loud crash and a loud shrieking sound. The safety device
released, and in the suffocating silence, only Tuchev's gun made a
sound towards Sasha. Tuchev smiled mischievously.

"Goodbye Sasha. You've worked hard all this time. I will kill you in the
manner of Sergeev.”

As the contemplative executives looked on, Tuchev pointed a gun at the

center of his forehead. He just pulls the trigger. With the moment he
had been waiting for so long, Tuchev was so enraged that he couldn't
even breathe properly.


A loud noise was heard, and not only the executives but also the gang
members who were aiming at them stiffened and stared at them. There
were no scars left on Sasha. There was not a single drop of blood. As
everyone turned their heads in astonishment, they looked. Dozens of
snipers aiming directly at the conference room from the roof of the
building across the street.

Some of the startled gang members pointed their guns at them, not at
the of icers. However, before they could even try, the gang members fell
bleeding to the sound of windows shattering here and there, and
Tuchev saw it right in front of his eyes. The death of the elite unit he
had so lovingly raised.

But the nightmare did not end there. As he hesitated in

embarrassment, the men who burst through the door opened ire at
random. The gang members who threatened them fell to their knees in
an instant, and the statute changed immediately. Executives were
screaming here and there, lying on their backs or being shot at as they
tried to lee.
After a round of snipers, silence fell in the conference room. Positioned
behind Lomonosov's army of snipers and gangsters behind him, Caesar

"All traitors will be executed in the manner of Sergeev."

At the same time, loud shots were terribly heard, and the executives
here and there screamed and fell down, bleeding. The executives, who
barely escaped the bullet, shouted in surprise and

They put it under the desk. The shooting stopped only after the spilled
bullets hives all over the traitors' bodies.

Caesar looked at Tutsev's expressionless face, which had fallen at his

feet and was bleeding profusely.

Caesar, removing the Glock from his arms, ired one last shot into the
head as he sat in the chair, and Tutchev, who jumped with a thud,
stopped moving.

Sasha was sitting still, looking at him, motionless. When the shots died
down and the smoke settled, she turned her head to the side and
looked at her adult son. Sasha narrowed one eye.

“Did everything go according to your script?”

Caesar responded to the calm voice.

"You have to put new wine in new skins."

“The new organization has a new executive… …is that what it means?”
A happy smile appeared on Sasha's lips.

"I will have to wait and see what kind of Sergeev you will create."

With those words, Sasha got up from her seat. She gasped as she
looked at her son, who was still sitting in her seat.

"There will be no need for a coronation."

Sasha threw a coat over one arm and ran past Caesar as he hit the
blood-soaked loor. All she did was tap her son on the shoulder as she
passed. But that was enough.

That day, there was a small but big generational change within Sergeev.
In the process, most of the executives of the Sergeev organization
turned into corpses, and the empty numbers were illed in the same
way the next day.

News about him ended with a few little obituaries in the corner of the
local paper.


After the news that Sergeev's succession was successful, each

organization was busy sending wreaths and gifts. The boxes were piled
up in the of ice and there was no other place to put them, so they were
scattered all over the hallway.
Hearing Lev's news, Mikhail wordlessly drank tea and fell into thoughts
of him.

I'm sure you did it successfully... ... .

She suddenly remembered the past.

The day he came to Lomonosov from the dead, Caesar made a

surprising offer.

"Do you need Lomonosov's army?"

At Mikhail's suspicious question, Caesar nodded brie ly.

"Now that we have identi ied the traitors, all that remains is

Mikhail looked at him with a cold smile on his lips and asked.

"So what will I gain from it?"

Caesar narrowed his eyes.

“It is something invaluable in the world. Of course, the value of the

product is enough.”

"What's that?"
To Mikhail, who asked repeatedly, Caesar presented the documents
that he had brought.

Caesar said as Mikhail looked inside with a frown.

"The entire property of Berdiaev."

Mikhail put down the papers, all he had to do was look around the
corner. There was a touch of absurdity in his face.

“A deal giving back what you took from me? Do you think I'll accept
such an outrageous offer?

"Of course I think you will."


Caesar gave him a relaxed smile.

"It's your son's job."

Mikhail's expression changed. Caesar continued his words as he

looked at the smooth envelope.

“All the documents have been completed and we are waiting for the
court ruling. The results are beyond doubt."

Cesar added that he deliberately intervened.

"Of course we went through the legal process."

Mikhail, who was looking at the documents without saying a word,

“Lee Won did this… … ?”

Caesar said to his doubtful but bright face.

“I do not intend to maintain friendly relations with this agreement as an

opportunity. I'm not even making such an offer. However, this
cooperative relationship is a complete contract, and it will all end with
this one time.”

Michael asked, looking at him with thin eyes.

"You mean I can send you a sniper again?"

Cesar quickly answered the question that was clearly on his mind.

"Okay, I'll send it too."

As he laughed at the absurdity, Mikhail already knew which one he had


crazy guy.

Lev carefully watched her smiling face in silence. Mikhail, who was lost
in thought of her as she brought the tea to her mouth, muttered to
"Generational change".

There was a relaxed smile on her face.

"I should think about it."

"Mr. Lomonosov?!"

Startled, Lev knocked unknowingly, but Mikhail said nothing more.


A light spring breeze was blowing from afar. It is not easy to enjoy an
almost instantaneous spring in a city of Buk-gu, where winters are
especially long and springs are short. As people from all over the world
went out, undressed, and sunbathed, Lee Won bustled down the street
in long strides.


He gasped and ran down the street. It's like a useless train. It only
messes up when you're that busy. It also leaves a section behind.

Lee Won, who chose to run instead of waiting for the next train,
checked the time as he ran. it's ine. You can go 10 meters per second.
Desperate for useless math, Lee Won ran like crazy. A soft spring
breeze blew gently around him. In the scene of a rapidly passing
building, he suddenly found a tall man getting out of the car.


I quickly hit the brakes for a moment, but it was already too late. Lee
Won crawled forward with both arms and fell down. That's it! As he
imagined hitting his face against the road, suddenly his body jerked and
someone wrapped their arms around his waist.


The man who exclaimed as if he was joking let out a laugh above his

With a sigh and a sigh of relief, Lee Won looked up, and the waiting
man was looking at him. The platinum blonde that shimmers in the
spring sunlight is especially stunning. When Lee Won, who still hadn't
recovered from the shock of the collision, looked at him, Caesar gently

You always throw your whole body at me.

Lee Won responded nonchalantly as usual.

"Because you are always in my way."

Caesar laughed. The waiting gang members were startled, but he

didn't care and asked.

"Where are you going? I want to wish you."

"Oh then."

As if he had gone well, Lee Won placed the ile folder in Caesar's hand.
Caesar looked down in bewilderment and Lee Won looked at the time
and spoke quickly.

He takes him to number 34 up the street. He's my client, and I'm

leaving tomorrow at 3:00 p.m. m., so read all the documentation by
then. then!"

"wait a second!"

Caesar quickly called out, but Lee Won had already led far away.

He had made a restaurant reservation, and with a blank mind, Caesar

re lected on the past. It must be my own misunderstanding that I feel a
sense of déjà vu.

Knowing that this was never the case, Caesar bitterly distanced himself
from reality. As I turned around, I heard the phone ring. Caesar's lips
twitched as he checked the number.

"What's going on?"

Lee Won, who was still breathing in a soft voice, spoke from the other

"It's 7 o'clock tonight, I have an hour or so."

Cesar smiled silently.

"Ah, I'm looking forward to it."

Caesar gave her a brief kiss on the phone. The only thing that came
back was the sound of a dropped call.

As I got into the car with a smile, I heard the phone ring again. This
time, there was a name that was not very welcome.

“Dmitri. … … not well."

He smiled brie ly as he ixed his gaze on him after following the trail of
Lee Won, who had suddenly disappeared.

"A walking porn has jumped into my arms."

Caesar smiled and added.

"It's really lovely."

From the other end of the earpiece came an indecipherable scream or

curse, and Caesar's laugh mingled pleasantly with it.

<full rose and champagne>

roses and champagne 2

Issue date_September 14, 2017


cover design_mui

Publisher_Yomi Books

Editor_Shin Woo-mi

Editor_Lee Eun-joo

Publication record_ January 19, 2016 (No. 2016-000015) telephone_



ISBN 979-11-6100-083-1 05810

Copyright ⓒ ZIG 2017

All rights reserved

The Korean version of this book is copyrighted by Yomi Books.

Reproduction and reproduction without written permission is

Table of Contents

Roses and champagne Inside World

roses and vines

rose and wolf

rose and kiss

all rights


Roses and champagne Inside World

roses and vines

rose and wolf

rose and kiss

all rights
-Continued in Volume 2-

Roses and champagne Inside World

When I was irst kidnapped and barely came back alive, my father said.

- I must teach you how to survive on your own.

Muttering to himself, he looked at me. A single silver-gray eye in

contrast to the one covered with an eyepatch stared at me coldly.

Without even making a cry, the woman stepped back. The courage to
rush to kill the mob boss with his naked body was imaginary, but the
sense of reality was zero. I won't even regret it now. Caesar continued
his work with a blank face and a gleaming Glock. Despite the
mechanical movement in and out of her, the woman just swayed

After ejaculating, drenched in the woman's blood, he came out as if

nothing had happened. Caesar, dressed in a robe and still with the
Glock in his hand, left the room and the waiting crew stopped.

"For Dmitri."
When Cesar opened his mouth, the men immediately became alert. To
the gang members who were waiting for the next word with stiff faces,
he spoke with a voice that was no different than usual.

"Tell me you'll be leaving soon."

Behind him, as he passed, gang members rushed into the room and
heard the bustle of cleaning. Suddenly, his hair hung over his forehead.
Caesar was annoyed and waved the Glock in his hand. The dried blood
made his hair heavy and fall back onto his forehead. He left him alone
this time.

I need to take a shower.

Thinking indifferently, Caesar kept walking.

The high sopranos of boys who had not passed their metamorphosis
sounded softly.

A man sitting alone at the back of a large church was listening silently
to a hymn in Latin. The few singing voices that faded through the
empty spaces of the magni icent church, far from reaching the sky,
seemed unable to penetrate well the church walls.

"Mr. Lomonosov."

Lev got into the backseat and called out to him. Mikhail, who was the
most trusted entourage, bowed his head and whispered to Mikhail, who
was sitting there without blinking an eye.

“Time is up, you have to go… … .”

He carefully squeezed the words out of him, but Michael showed no

response. When he hesitated and tried to speak again, he opened his

"I hope your voice has more power next time you come."

Lev, who blinked without knowing what it meant, soon realized, “Oh.
Belatedly, he tried to match Mikhail's words, but he was already
walking out of the chapel behind the choir rehearsing the chant. Lev
felt embarrassed and quickly followed him.

As I walked out of the dank old building, the sunlight pierced my eyes
for a moment. Shielding his eyes with his hands instead of wearing
sunglasses, Lev turned his head toward the waiting car, then stopped.

Around the solid stone steps, not only members of Lomonosov were
lined up, but also men from other organizations. An eerie tension was
superimposed on the unique atmosphere of the reverent and solemn
church. Lev stopped following Mikhail, who had stopped walking, and
saw a tall man coming up the stairs behind him.

Carefully delivered platinum blonde hair, sparkling silver-gray eyes

reminiscent of a clear winter sky, a man who never seemed to have
backed away from the opponent in front of him, or indeed was.

A beautiful fur coat covered his shoulders, long enough to cover his
height. However, the coat made to ward off the cold wave in Buk-gu
created the illusion that his entire body was covered in blood in an
Cesar Alexandrovich Sergeev.

Lev, who blinked hurriedly, remembered his face the irst time he saw
him. Caesar when he was much younger than he is now. It was those
eyes that did not change back then and now. How could such a small
child have eyes like that? When our eyes met for the irst time, Lev's
back went cold for a moment.

It was still the same today. Lev paused for a moment every time he saw
that man.

Everyone probably will.

Beautiful but bloody, creepy face.

It wasn't hard to superimpose the youthful face of the man who pulled
the trigger of the Glock on the opponent's head without so much as a
momentary smile.

He should have killed him then.

Remembering his regret, Lev checked the move with his eyes in case of
unforeseen circumstances. Meanwhile, the regular sound of footsteps
climbing the stone stairs reached my ears coldly.

Caesar looked ahead and walked over to Mikhail. The lion, although
old but not yet brave, looked at him with a cold expression. The
distance between the two men, who were looking at each other
unperturbed, grew closer little by little and they inally met on the same
Caesar stopped a couple of steps away and looked directly at Mikhail.
Mikhail also met his eyes without saying a word. The two looked at
each other without saying a word. Gang members would put their
hands in the inside pocket or waistband of the suit and prepare to draw
their weapons as soon as they saw anything suspicious.

There's no chance of something unpleasant happening in front of the

holy church, and I hoped it wouldn't, but we have to be prepared just in
case. Caesar, who had been silent up to this point, opened his mouth
irst at the sight of dozens of pairs of eyes watching the two men with
bated breath.

"I didn't know you went to this church."

Mikhail said calmly at the indifferent voice.

"You are meeting in a place that really does not suit you."

Cesar replied with a still expressionless face.

"Faith is important, especially for some."

Mikhail laughed brie ly.

"Sasha lost an eye here."


Caesar gave a short exclamation to him, who secretly uttered

threatening words, seemingly reminiscent of the past.
"Certainly isn't bombing much more masculine than trying to neglect
and kill someone during sex?"

Mikhail frowned, but Caesar turned without waiting for an answer.

Immediately, the gang members drew their weapons and followed
them. Mikhail, who turned his head at his coordinated movements,
warned Lev, who had been behind him, in a low voice.

"Don't try so hard, it's just raising awareness."

Lev paused and apologized, saying he did with a puzzled face. If Cesar
had a problem, Dmitry moved immediately. Nicknamed 'The Tsar's
Mad Hound', his silence meant the plan had failed. Thanks, he already
knew the result. Still, he donated a large sum of money just in case, and
looked around the church with a wild heart.

I can't believe in God either.

Lev thought and quickly followed Mikhail. As the team quickly opened
the car door and backed away, Mikhail slid into the car. The door closed
and there was the sound of an engine starting immediately. Mikhail,
who was buried deep in the back seat of the black sedan covered with
thick bulletproof glass on all sides, narrowed his eyes.

He should have killed you when I irst kidnapped you.

I lost my irst and last chance. Perhaps Mikhail will regret it until he
dies. After barely escaping, he turned into a monster. Now, in the
stereotypical way of being distracted and killed during sex, this is
impossible. Mikhail remembered Sasha, who was Caesar's father and
who made him so. The forehead frowned on its own. How did you
create your own bloodline like that?
The real monster could be that man. No, that man is a monster.
Putting his own son to death on his account. It must have been so
beautiful that it was a waste to see it.

Shortly after, when he thought of his own son, whom he had no choice
but to throw away, his heart pounded.

But my son will grow normally.

That was the least comforting thing for him. He will probably never
see him again in his life, but in exchange, the only blood and blood of
him will live independently of this dirty life. You wouldn't even run into
such a monster.

He was very lucky. It was even more so when I remembered the cold
silver-gray eyes he had just met. It is absurd that my son has to deal
with such a monster. He latly denied it.

Sasha married only to obtain an heir. So how could he be so harsh and


Mikhail had already given up on passing the tissue into his own blood,
but he was suddenly curious.

Will this man, Caesar, Sasha's only son, marry and have children like his


Without hesitating for a second, Mikhail nodded. He is a colder and

more mechanical man than that Sasha.
It was inconceivable that such a Caesar would love someone as he did
with his life.

If there is such an opponent.

Mikhail shook his head and asked envy. After drawing the image in his
mind for a moment, he twisted his forehead.

That's creepy. If my son was a daughter, he would have told her to lee
to the ends of the earth and hide behind the scenes just because such a
man existed in the world.

Taking a deep breath of smoke, he added, relief in his heart.

I'm glad you gave birth to a son.


After a brief meeting with the priest and making a donation, Cesar left
the church.

Yuri, who was always following him, also hurriedly followed him this

“Tsar, it is said that a large amount of donations have arrived at the

church today… … .”
Caesar looked into the face of an aide who had joined the organization
on the recommendation of Dmitry, an ardent follower of Sasha. He
always perfectly does what he asks of him, but his law was that he was
a bit arrogant. Anyway, if you do your job right, that's it. They are just
consumables anyway. Again, it was obvious what he was trying to
report after hurriedly chasing after him.

"Must have been."

When he stopped talking without even having to listen to the report

that he was on Mikhail's side, Yuri was embarrassed and blushed. It is
not known if Mikhail had come to this church to provoke him or if he
was just passing through. But it was clear that he had not passed by
without knowing it. In any case, his intentions were clearly
communicated. He will not give up, and this will continue to happen in
the future.

Being interrupted during sex is annoying, but it can't be helped.

Anyway, I started to think about what I couldn't solve today, thinking
that I'll have to do it next time, but suddenly my phone vibrated. It was
Dmitry's. As soon as I answered the call, a familiar voice came from the
other end.

"What happened? Daring to kill you in bed, do you have a big liver? Do
you have a small brain?"

There was a double meaning in the smile and the question. Caesar
opened his mouth, but Dmitry spoke irst.

“So, let's put a surveillance camera in your bedroom. If something

happens, you have to run immediately, but what is this, after seeing or
hearing it?
The reason he regrets it is that he misses the scene where Cesar kills
his partner while he's having sex. As far as Caesar knew, Dmitry's only
hobby was stalking him.

It was nice to see how sad he must have been when he heard the

For 24 hours, Dmitry observed only the signs of the microchip

implanted in Caesar's body, but it was impossible to ind out all the
details of the incident. For example, Cesar's condition did not change if
he slept or had sex all night.

From the irst day he experienced ejaculation, Cesar learned not to

reach ecstasy under any circumstances. Even when he ejaculates, he
doesn't feel the climax. it's just excretion. The most helpless moment
for a man is when he ejaculates or after. And at that moment you die.

But for César, there was never 'the moment'. He always watched his
penis rise and ejaculate like a stranger. Dmitry changed his mind and
several times offered to install a camera, but Caesar refused.

They allowed me to go to the provincial of ice, but I had no intention of

allowing it any more. Once again, Caesar spoke with a blank face as he
spoke through one ear of Dmitry's comments about how useful the
surveillance camera was.

"Still, he had something to say about it."

He was going to tell her to prepare a girl for sex that I didn't inish
properly, but it was clear that Dmitry was imagining something
completely different. I heard the sound of rapid breathing, but it didn't
matter. Because Caesar's request is clear. Of course, the installation of
a surveillance camera, which Dmitry wanted so badly, was not included
in the requirements.

“… …No, go straight there. It will take a while… … .”

He kept talking and walked away. Yuri tried to chase after him, but he
held up a hand to stop him. Yurich quickly retreated and ordered the
other gang members to follow his instructions as well. Meanwhile,
Caesar continued the call with long strides. Meanwhile, Dmitry
continued to talk about how useful surveillance cameras are.
Meanwhile, Cesar found a cigarette and reached into his pocket.

It was a mistake to lose attention for a moment. Once in his life, Caesar
was alert. And just then fate lew into his arms.

As soon as he saw the dark-haired man running towards him, Caesar

stopped with his cell phone in hand. For a brief moment, Caesar
thought it was the end. He thought of a knife through his stomach or a
bullet through his heart, but soon realized the man's hands were empty.
Then, before the opposite sex, he reached out and grabbed the man's


A low whisper came out, like a sigh. The man, who had almost fallen
out of nowhere, barely grabbed Cesar's arm to avoid being thrown in a


The man who barely caught his breath raised his head. Caesar looked
at the man in his arms.
With black hair, it was saying a lot that he was completely Asian. Half-
breed, I thought vaguely. The messy hair that he doesn't match with the
well-groomed features is probably the effect of a mad dash. But above
all, what caught the attention were the open lips without realizing it.

"Where are you hurt?"

When asked in a low voice with his gaze ixed on his lips, the man
answered hurriedly as if he had come to his senses late.

"Oh that's OK."

Caesar left him alone, leaving him hastily.

Do I take it and do it?

It was not that dif icult. I immediately dragged him to the alley that
was re lected at the end of his gaze and led him directly, and it was all
over. The man was quite tall. He was not as thin as a woman's. Still, the
feeling left in his arm had already offended Caesar. After a brief smile,
the man spoke again.

"Sorry for the inconvenience."

"you're welcome."

Cesar, who had already taken off his clothes and eaten them to the core,
looked at the man without hesitation. If he cancels his date to rape a
man, Dmitry will be very angry.

I don't know if I can let you see it.

Of course, in the end, it would be satisfying to kill this man horribly. As
if he was made uncomfortable by the lingering gaze, the man
immediately took the greeting and served him.

"I will then."

"for a moment."

As he was about to turn around, he turned his head toward Cesar's

voice. Caesar gasped, picturing his naked body through his thick, cheap

"You, how about you wear sunglasses?"

The man blinked, puzzled. It was clear that he did not understand the
English language, but Cesar did not dare to explain. The man, who
seemed to have been eye-raped by thousands of people, smiled vaguely,
then casually turned around and ran down the road.

“… … .”

At the sound of the words coming from the cell phone, Caesar
continued to regret it again.

"Oh, Dmitri. There has been an accident for a while. … … It's no big

He smiled brie ly as he locked eyes with him after chasing the trail of
the man who had disappeared.

"I saw a walking pornography."

<Inner world of pink and champagne complete>

roses and vines

"We won't see each other for another month."

The knife that was cutting the steak suddenly stopped. Caesar raised
his head after a few moments of silence. Lee Won kept his gaze ixed on
his plate and pretended not to know, but her sharp gaze at him made
his skin prick a little.

The sound of putting down knives and forks could be heard

particularly loudly in the quiet dining room. Slowly lowering his hands
and lacing his long ingers over his thighs, Caesar leaned back in his
chair and spoke.

"Tell me why a month."

Swallowing, unknowingly making a sound as if he was going to

swallow dry saliva, Lee Won brought the steak to his mouth and
swallowed it quickly.

"I have a request, it's urgent."

Before Cesar could open his mouth, he quickly added.

"Because I have a job."

Cesar said nothing. Lee Won deliberately made a screeching sound and
cut the steak hard. Caesar spoke again.

"Why a month?"

He was tenacious. Lee Won knew very well that he was never going to
work by slurring his words. In the expected pattern, he arranged the
words he had prepared.

“It is a complicated case. You have to investigate the surroundings,

prepare in case there is a trial, and gather evidence to convince the
other person not to go to trial as much as possible... … .”

Caesar only asked a word about Lee Won's words.


He followed a calm voice.

"Why a month?"

"Because I have a lot of work… … ."

Can not.

Lee Won thought. At this rate, the conversation will just repeat itself as
if spinning forever.

Unless you come to a direct conclusion.

Wait, is this a conversation?

He suddenly frowned, but inally couldn't take it anymore and stopped

cutting. When the intentional shrieks subsided, there was a terrifying
silence between the two of them. With a cold gaze that seemed to
pierce even the thick skin of a hippopotamus, Lee Won's skin, which
was too thin compared to that of a hippopotamus, had no talent. Lee
Won clenched his ists and wanted to scream.

I can't live because I'm afraid to die in bed because of you, who is in
heat just by looking at your face!

But honestly, I couldn't say that your resistance was frightening and
out of control. Lee Won, who swallowed the words to the tip of his
tongue with wine, opened his mouth.

"If you push yourself all night, it won't take up to a month."


"Twenty days… … ?"

The oppressive feeling of digging into his skin intensi ied.

"Full moon… … ."

“… … .”

In the end, Lee Won, unable to bear it, gave up.

“Okay, I'll inish it in ten days. Ten days or less, I can't even die."
When he raised his head and looked directly at Cesar, a slight smile
appeared on Cesar's lips, which he hadn't spoken up to that point.


As if to con irm, added Caesar.

"Ten days."

To Caesar, who narrowed his eyes as he recited quietly, Lee Won

swallowed the wine, but he didn't say anything else.


Why do you think I lied?

Lee Won looked at the documents and thought in annoyance. It was no

lie that it was for work. Even if he lied anyway, you'll ind out if he does
a background check, so it's worse than not doing such deceitful things.
It is also true that it takes time. Just one month was a bit of a stretch. If
that's the reason, isn't it obvious?

“Me, sir?”

Lee Won-eun was woken up by the careful voice. In front of him was a
short older woman, looking at him with a concerned face. Lee Won
hurriedly checked the end of the paperwork, put it in an envelope, and
handed it back to her.
“Yes, this is all over. It wasn't all he expected, but I got about 80%. I
wish I had found them all, sorry.”

At Lee Won's apology, the customer accepted the document with a face
full of emotion.

“No, I almost lost my husband's entire fortune, but what is this? I gave
up because I couldn't do everything, but it was thanks to the teacher's
hard work. Thank you."

After giving thanks one after another, the customer bowed again and
staggered out of Lee Won's of ice and home. Wow, Lee Won sighed and
closed the door. Scratching his head with a frown, he nodded

His face in the mirror was so messy he couldn't break it anymore. I

haven't washed my hair for several days and I haven't shaved. His eyes
were red and bloodshot and his skin was a mess because he had only
slept 30 minutes to an hour a day. It was just a disaster.

Lee Won stroked his rough chin with an expressionless face. It was the
irst time I had been persecuted so far to inish a job. It was natural
that the appearance was messier than usual.

Looking back, today was a few days.

Lee Won, who had turned his head for a moment, considering whether
to wash or just sleep, stopped looking at the calendar with a
particularly red circle. The crude circles and asterisks indicating
danger are clearly his. what is that Lee Won, who tilted his head with a
frown, woke up at the same time.

At the same time, Caesar's cold voice revived.

ten days.

Unknowingly, Lee Won lowered his head and sniffed his entire body,
snif ing. Ten days can go by so fast. He should have called for a month.

But it wasn't like that at the time. I thought that if I pressed for a
month in that state, he might be dragged somewhere in Siberia. At the
very least, he could have been locked in the basement.

As the bad memories came back to life, Lee Won frowned and messed
up his hair.

… …Still, it's been a while since we met, so I'll have to wash up.

As he walked towards the bathroom, he frowned again. I'm not

particularly worried about that or anything. It's been a while since I've
met someone, but it's polite to meet cleanly. Am I a little dirty now?
You shouldn't treat people with dirty rudeness. At least shave, don't
wash your face, don't wash your hair... … .

As he repeated it as an excuse, he suddenly realized it.

Damn, I never really care.

He deliberately and violently stripped off his clothes and entered the
bathroom, turning the shower handle with all his might, but that was

A drop of cold water slipped down his furry head. Lee Won raised his
head with his eyes wide open. But the water coming out of the shower
was all there was. At the same time, a terrifying reality hit Lee Won's

The bathroom is frozen.

I quickly ran downstairs with only my coat on my body, but the public
bathroom was already full. Lee Won had no choice but to line up
behind the residents of the apartment complex who were standing in
groups similar to him.

No one was properly dressed. He was sneaking past me, calculating

how long it would take, when I suddenly felt a sense of popularity
behind me.

"Mr. Lee Won."

When he looked back at the familiar voice, Nikolai was standing there,
not unlike him, and smiling.

"Ah hello".

After a brief greeting, Nikolai continued.

"After all, your house is frozen."

“It is the fate of the community.”

Nikolai laughed out loud at Lee Won's response. It was the same for
both of them with a coat hanging over their bodies, but Lee Won, who
was barefoot and in slippers, was a little better. Slipperless, wiggling
toes clinging to the cold, bare loor, Nikolai slipped through the tightly
closed men's room door.

"Bastards, what are you washing for so long?"

Nikolai said loudly, as if to listen. It was pretty embarrassing to stand

in front of a shared bathroom that can it ive people at once, hoping
someone would get out irst.

I was waiting for a while, stomping like a bee, but someone opened
their mouth.

"Is it okay if I don't wash for a day?"

Men nodded their heads everywhere.

"A couple of days is ine."

"I have a week."

“When you wash, the dead skin cells on your body shed and it gets

"Anyway, I don't have anyone to take care of me, so what do I wash

every day?"
"Even if you have someone to look after you, you can't see them if you
turn off the lights."

It was a time when Nikolai and Lee Won also bowed slightly to the
public who rationalized and nodded their heads. Suddenly, the sound
of a car pulling up outside the building was heard. As the soft noise of
the engine subsided, the men who had been talking in a row stopped
talking at the same time.

no way.

For a moment, Lee Won turned his head in a sinister feeling. A few
seconds of silence passed. The men began to speak again, but Lee
Won's gaze did not leave the door. I hope it's not

"Lee Won, why are you doing this?"

As if he noticed something strange, Nikolai asked. Was when. The

door of the longhouse opened and a man entered. A tall, blond-haired
man with a long fur coat draped over his shoulders was wearing a dark
pinstripe suit.

From custom handmade Italian shoes, to a suit with the perfect vest, to
a beautiful diamond watch on her wrist, and inally, his hair was so
perfect. However, it wasn't his elegant attire that surprised Lee Won.
He held an enormous bouquet of red roses that made his arms seem
heavy in one hand, and Dom Pérignon in the other.


Lee Won let out a silent scream with his mouth open and hardened. It
wasn't the only thing that had hardened. The half-naked men standing
in a row looked at each other for a moment and blinked. The man who
entered with a faint smile also stopped there.

He faced the men who focused their attention on him with faces that
disappeared in an instant. What came into view of him was the
appearance of men in thick coats lining up. Most of their legs were
bare, with socks or slippers on their feet, and they occasionally rolled
their feet as they scuttled ahead. The only thing he was wearing was
thin pajamas.

And at the end of the row, the moment he found Lee Won indifferent, a
rose fell from his hand.


A heavy sound echoed in the hall and silence returned. All kinds of
men, naked and dressed only in coats, concentrated his attention, but
Cesar's gaze was ixed on only one person. There was nothing at all on
Lee Won's legs. except for the slippers

worn. The dapper man in a pinstripe suit with colorful fur on his
shoulders barely opened his mouth as he still stiffened.

"What are you doing now?"

To the syllables that gushed out one by one as if they were being
forcefully ripped from deep within the throat, Lee Won responded with
a disgusted face.

"The bathroom is frozen, waiting to be washed."

As soon as Caesar paused, Nikolai looked back and forth between him
and Lee Won, and placed a hand on Yi Won's shoulder.

"Mr. Lee Won, I see that he is a customer, but is he telling me to wait

from above?"

At the same time, Caesar's eyes turned cold. Before Lee Won could
stop him, Caesar stepped forward and grabbed Nikolai's wrist.


In a low voice, Cesar opened his mouth.

"Who do you dare to touch now?"

In an instant, Nikolai's face turned white. His hands, which had turned
as white as his complexion, trembled. Even just looking at him, he felt
as if dizzying pain was transmitted. Panicked, Lee Won quickly grabbed
Caesar's arm.

"What are you doing, can't you let go right now?"

"Wait, I'll ask you later."

Caesar still looked at Nikolai and whispered softly.


Goosebumps ran down Lee Won's back. I forgot. That this man is a
wolf hidden among the dogs. Nikolai opened his mouth to scream, but
all that came out was the sound of harsh breathing. Seeing the pain in
front of his eyes turn white, Lee Won smiled and exclaimed.

"If you don't let go of that hand right now, you'll regret it."

Caesar's gaze moved slowly to Lee Won. Lee Won said, looking into his
cold silver gray eyes.

"Leave it now, before I regret it."

The power slowly loosened from Caesar's hand as he spoke as if he was

fed up.

Nikolai bit back a silent scream, grasping her bare hands together.
Once Lee Won, who had overcome the crisis, breathed a sigh of relief in
his heart, Caesar immediately turned his head.

At the end of her gaze was a bouquet of roses that she had dropped.
Seeing Caesar bowing his back with long strides, Lee Won's face turned
white. Are you really trying to give me that? The moment the bouquet
of roses touched Caesar's ingertips, Lee Won warned.

"If you give it to me, I will die."

Caesar paused, and after a moment he raised his back. Lonely, Lee Won
looked away from the bouquet of lowers that had fallen to the ground
and secretly gnashed his teeth. I'll have to correct it. Before repenting,
no, but already repenting. What I decided to do is accept that man's

As he gritted his teeth, the door opened and a group of men ran out.
"Oh, that's great."

"After all, hot water is best."

“Have we been writing for a while? Sorry."

Among the men who came and went while chatting, Lee Won also
waved and tried to blend in.

"for a moment."

Caesar, who suddenly reached out and grabbed Lee Won's shoulder,
opened his mouth.

"Now where are you going?"

Lee Won replied nonchalantly.

"You said the bathroom was frozen."

Caesar's face hardened even more.

“You mean wash? here?"

Lee Won frowned as if something was wrong. Just then, Nikolai

hurriedly opened the bathroom door behind him, and at the same time,
Caesar peered through the wide-open door. See several naked men
taking off their coats and chatting with their naked bodies exposed.

To Caesar, who had stiffened from shock, Lee Won nodded indifferently.
"Of course."

The next moment, Caesar grabbed Lee Won's arm and ran out of the


When he woke up, he was already in Cesar's sedan. Lee Won looked at
the fast-running familiar street with a puzzled face. How do you take
people? For a moment he was furious, but he soon calmed down. Now,
he had no intention of making a fuss and leading a rude dog. I can't go
back to this trail anyway.

As he watched, his bare feet, only in slippers, came into view. Giving up
was easy when I saw the situation with my own eyes.


Lee Won sighed and quickly accepted reality. Suddenly Dom Perignon,
carried by Cesar, came into view. Lee Won thought indifferently to the
rumors about the vintage champagne casually placed in the basket.

I didn't leave that.

He quickly anticipated what would happen next with a straight face.

There was nothing particularly dif icult. It is as if the course had
already been decided.
Today, I'm going to take him to a restaurant or something that will
de initely come out of his eyes, eat him, and then attack him.

At the simple answer, Lee Won frowned.

It's not fun because it's a similar pattern to follow.

I went out and went out, but of course it was with a woman, and it was
my irst time with a man. I don't know what to do with men.

Lee Won fell into a dilemma. Maybe he should have thought a bit more
then. But at that moment, there was no time to think backwards. It was
the irst time he had known that he had such an impulsive side.

However, the truth is that he was also attracted to this man in his heart.
Lee Won reluctantly admitted that fact later. While he covered up all
the evil this man had done to him, he even forgot about it.

Even so... … .

As he watched, Lee Won thought of the biggest problem he hadn't been

able to think of at the time. Perhaps this was the heart of the

How the hell do you not get tired no matter how many days you work?

The more I thought about it, the more blood seemed to come out of my
body. Every time he had sex with Caesar, Lee Won felt like he was going
to die. It was his irst time dealing with a man, so he had no idea what
sex between men was like. I don't know if other men usually have
relationships like that.
Not that is bad. I consider myself average. Is there a difference
between being a man and a man? this is a monster without a doubt.

Lee Won deliberately ignored Caesar and went into deep thought. Did
this guy always have sex that way? How the hell have other people had
sex with this bastard so far? My God, I have to suffer the fear of dying
like a sergeant in bed. After all, ten days was too little, he should have
pushed it to a month! I don't think they'll come to my house as soon as
ten days have passed... … !

As he gazed out the window in deep anguish, the car suddenly turned
onto a familiar street.


The course was not what he expected. Of course, it would be absurd to

go to a restaurant with Lee Won's ignorance, but it wasn't what he
expected to be wrong like this either. Following Lee Won's
contemplative vision, he entered Caesar's mansion.


"Welcome, the bathroom has been prepared in advance according to

the instructions."

The butler provided direct guidance as to when he got the call, and the
butler said sensibly. Lee Won, who was grabbed by Caesar's arm and
dragged into the mansion without the butler's guidance, ran after
Caesar, who was walking in long strides without the butler's guidance.

Caesar, who was used to walking down the long hall of the big house,
opened a door and immediately saw a large bathroom in sight. When
Caesar dragged him inside, he immediately saw a bathtub illed with
hot water, just as the butler said.

"Call me anytime if you need anything."

The butler, who had run after him, greeted him and then withdrew.
Without hesitation, Caesar removed the coat from Lee Won's body. It
was a hand that had no respect or kindness at all. He took off his
clothes as if he was really bored. Suddenly, Lee Won remained naked,
wearing only old sneakers. Caesar's face hardened coldly when he saw
Lee Won, who came down without underwear, thinking that he was
going to wash up soon.

"Did you go down like this?"

The low voice sounded terribly threatening. It looked like he was going
to grab his neck right away, but Lee Won had a different idea. When he
remembered the fact that he had been dragged here, he let out a deep

"I thought you'd wash up soon."

Desperate, Caesar's eyebrows twitched brie ly.

“From now on, if something like this happens, come to my house.”

It was a quiet voice, but it was close to an order. In the future, I thought
that he might send a gang member to monitor if the bathroom was
frozen in front of the shared house, but Lee Won pretended not to

Still, I liked the bathroom. No matter how long it takes you to adjust to
the reality in front of you, it's only natural that taking a quiet bath alone
in a spacious and clean bathroom is better than washing up after being
beaten up by people in a shared bathroom.

Once he took off his coat, Lee Won threw off his dusty slippers and
took a quick shower.

After shaving and washing my hair that had been made of rice cakes for
a few days, my mind seemed to feel refreshed. Lee Won, who was about
to get into the bathtub

Before cooling off again, he paused when he saw Caesar insigni icantly
removing his clothes.

"What, you too?"

Caesar looked at him.

"Doesn't matter? Wash well with other men.

Which words should be denied irst, said Lee Won, who thought for a

"There's only one, and there are plenty of bathrooms here, right?"

When asked, as if he were asking why he couldn't wash up coming

here, Caesar stripped off the last of his underwear and answered
"Because this is the bathroom I want to wash in."

Seeing Caesar sitting on the other side of the bathtub irst, waking up
immediately, Lee Won was forced to swallow the swear word and went
inside. I don't know why, in the same bathroom, with so many
bathrooms left, two older men have to sit in the same bathtub and take
a bath.

As I dipped my feet into the hot water while suppressing my

dissatisfaction, he gave me goosebumps at the same time. As the warm
water engulfed his body, the tension in his body seemed to ease in no
time. Lee Won closed his eyes and dove deep into the bathtub.

Sigh… … .

A comfortable breath lowed out. As he stretched out his body as he

lay, he swept up the gentle current, and irm knuckles loosely gripped
his ankles. When Lee Won paused, Caesar's large hand gently caressed
the spot he was holding. In the warm water, Lee Won narrowed his
forehead and widened his eyes at the touch of caressing his skin calmly.

"What are you doing?"

As the drowsiness that was slowly building up was disturbed, Lee

Won's voice became high-pitched on its own. Caesar still spoke in a
relaxed voice.

"I'm touching you."

In the low voice, for a moment, the front of his body clenched tightly.
Lee Won was annoyed at his thoughtful reaction and spat out harsher
than usual.
"Whoever wants to touch, let go."


Lee Won distorted his face as he pressed his thumb into the crook of
the back of his knee.

"Because now I don't like it."


Caesar narrowed his eyes.

"When is it good?"

His voice was dangerously low. Lee Won looked at Caesar with an
involuntary look. Caesar's expression was not that different from usual.
However, Lee Won could feel his uncomfortable feelings more
sensitively than ever.

“I respect your work.”

Cesar spoke quietly.

“So I waited ten days. No phone calls or even looking around so he can
focus on his work. But what was the irst thing I saw that I endured to
death for ten days?

A smile appeared on Cesar's lips. His eyes aren't smiling at all.

"Tell me."
Lee Won looked at him, feeling chills run down his spine.

"You said it was because the bathroom was frozen."

I don't know why I feel like I'm making excuses even when I'm telling
the truth. It was probably because of those silver gray eyes that were
looking at him like an interrogation. Lee Won felt uncomfortable, but
Caesar's anger was also unwise to deny. In any case, although it was
true that he was in charge of the case, it was also true that he
deliberately avoided it, so it was ambiguous to af irm his innocence.

“The reason why I couldn't meet you was because it was unavoidable…

Oh why do I have to apologize?

Lee Won continued to speak even though he felt embarrassed.

"There will be no such thing in the future."

Now, as if to soften his tone, he added, and Cesar looked at him without
saying a word. His hand, which had been around his knee for a while,
moved to his thigh. Lee Won re lexively cupped his forehead at the
contact of his strong muscles, but didn't avoid it.


Caesar's hand secretly reached up. Finally, slowly moving the hand
that had stopped in front of his crotch, Cesar whispered.

“Can I order one? There was something he wanted to do earlier.”

In an instant, Lee Won's eyes, which were about to crumble, cleared up.
Caesar smiled softly at Lee Won's expression, revealing his
embarrassment for a moment. suffered Lee Won realized later, but it
was too late. Anticipating this happening in the irst place, Caesar set a
trap. How many times have you tripped and tripped again? Lee Won
felt resentful, but now he couldn't say no. Caesar added another word.

"It's been ten days."

I forgot, this guy is a mobster. Bullying is a true specialty.

In the end, Lee Won contorted his red face soundlessly. The hand that
had been stroking the manicured muscles of his thigh reached between
her crotch and grasped the front. For a moment, Lee Won closed his
eyes with a short sigh. The hot water from the tub swayed with a slight
movement and ran down his body. Waves that used to comfortably
relax the body became soft touches and swept over sensitive areas of
the body.

In the eyes of Lee Won, who had half opened his eyes, Caesar's face
entered, looking at him. Without taking his eyes off Ian, Caesar's hand
slowly continued to caress his cock. Slowly, the front of him tightened.
Lee Won, who had been lying deep in the bathtub, closed his eyes again
and lowered one leg to make room for Caesar's hand to touch his
forehead more easily.

The penis, which had sunk in heavily, hardened in Cesar's hand. Caesar
controlled the strength and weakness of his hands, pulling them hard,
then gently kneading them repeatedly. Lee Won's face turned red and
his breath ran out of the ield.

"Take off the force."

At Caesar's low command, Lee Won opened the blurry vision of him
and stretched his entire body. The thin water rippled and a strong
muscular body loated to the surface. Caesar looked at Yi Won lying in
the water. Lee Won closed his eyes again, and Caesar buried his face
between his legs.

"Uh… … ."

A deep sigh broke out spontaneously. Lee Won barely managed to

avoid the fact that his body became so strong that he almost fell back
into the water. Caesar's hand swept over his limp body, and a hand
caressing his tight abdomen grasped his narrow waist and pulled him
close. At the same time, the penis in his mouth was swallowed deeply,
and Lee Won couldn't bear it and bowed his head. With it, strength in
the shoulders and head submerged in the water.

Lee Won, barely holding his breath, opened his eyes in the water. The
air he exhaled turned into bubbles and he went up one drop at a time.
The hand that irmly holds his waist lowers him and grabs his buttocks.
His head submerges in the water and eats the lower part of the body.

Lee Won watched as Caesar buried his face between her spread legs
loating on the surface of the water. Every time he sensitively moves his
lips to suck, his genitals in and out of his mouth swell and appear and
disappear repeatedly. My back trembled with excitement, and the force
entered my buttocks.

Caesar gripped the naturally tense muscles. As if to con irm, with his
ingers rubbing the soft opening between his hard hips, Lee Won
couldn't hold his breath any longer and stood up holding out his hand.

The choked breath suddenly burst out and Lee Won surfaced. At the
same time, he spat out the penis Cesar had bitten off, grabbed him
around the waist and stretched him out. The interior immediately
opened up helplessly, and Lee Won hugged Caesar deep into his body.

"... ... Yuck."

A harsh moan tore from inside his throat. Unable to straighten the
distorted forehead, Yi Won-bun, who was holding Caesar's shoulder
tightly, breathed out. My butt was so heavy it felt like my intestines
were going to fall out.

Ha ha ha, Cesar waited while he took deep breaths again and again.
After Lee Won got used to it for a while, Caesar held his waist with one
arm and grabbed the edge of the bathtub with the other.

When Caesar remembered the body, the connected body also came to
mind. It was dif icult to maintain balance with the inside of the body
connected. Lee Won lay down in the water and looked at his lower
body. A stiff penis was visible between the ample crotch.

As soon as he saw it with his own eyes, he was stunned and didn't
know what to do. It was the irst time he had such an embarrassing
experience. Lee Won quickly tried to escape, but Caesar immediately
grabbed him and stopped him. At the same time, Lee Won, who had
lost his composure and was about to sink, was lifted up by Caesar from
below, making him stand up again.

Caesar, who buried himself between Yi Won's crotch, wouldn't know it,
but it was very embarrassing to lie on the surface of the water and see
his own thing coming out of the water with a boner. It was an
indescribable shame to see it clearly with your own eyes while
someone else caught you.
Unable to do anything with a red-hot face in an unexpected situation,
Lee Won quickly grabbed the edge of the bathtub and barely managed
to keep his balance. Floating in the water, Caesar moved slowly.

At irst he was calm and soft. As if he was giving Lee Won time to
accept, Caesar moved slowly. Lee Won kept his eyebrows together and
tried to forget about his situation. The heavy genitals slowly moving in
and out from below, the strong hands holding the front and rubbing
them for a long time, he could only feel the sensations and never
imagine them.

But he had already seen it. Every time Caesar went in and out, every
time he scanned his cock, he could see it right before his eyes. How
would you see yourself re lected in his eyes right now?


At that moment, his eyes went blank and his back stiffened. At the
same time, squeezing the place where he was biting, Caesar stopped.
After that, I heard Caesar take a deep breath.

"Do more."

With a low whisper, Caesar moved his waist again. The weight of
getting in and out grew even heavier. The penis, which he had swollen
several times, increased its volume inside, and at the same time it swept
and pushed out the deep and sensitive areas.

The water in the tub roared as Caesar took a deep breath and jerked
his body violently.
Shivering back and forth in the current, Lee Won gave strength to the
hand that was holding onto the edge of the bathtub. A strong skeleton
stood on the back of the hand he kept slipping on.

Caesar watched as Lee Won struggled, was swept away by his

movements, and swayed from side to side.

side to side, without wasting a single moment. An unbearable chorus

erupted from his mouth with each furious wave.

“Uh, ha… … ৩,”

The sound of water hitting the loor and Lee Won's moan echoed
throughout the bathroom. The tip of the wet penis was stained with
body luid. Caesar's hand, which was pulling on Lee Won's limp body,
moved down and grabbed his leg. As his hand indicated, Lee Won
raised both legs and wrapped them around Caesar's waist.

As soon as he withdrew it, Lee Won let out a harsh moan like a scream.
At the same time, Caesar's movement to hit his waist sped up and Lee
Won narrowly missed.

After that, I couldn't keep up. Caesar crashed under the harness and
hit the lesh. The water splashed and over lowed in all directions. He
tried to chase after it, but soon ran out of time.

Lee Won gave in to such a quick and violent move, leaving him alone
and focusing on his own pleasure.

Caesar's quick action helped Lee Won. Lee Won closed his eyes and fell
into the friction of the irm abdomen rubbing in front of him.
"Uh, heh, ha, oh, ha,"

As he wrapped his arms around my waist tighter and dangled, I felt a

tingling sensation as if my scrotum was about to burst. Without
wasting time, Lee Won managed to capture time. He continued to rub
against Caesar's stomach, his hips jerking in agreement with the

The more he rubbed and rubbed, the more Lee Won's penis swelled
and bloodshot, and the same thing happened to another man's penis
that he held.

At the end of the wet, cloudy body luid accumulated, and after a while,
he began to low down. Some mixed with the bath water, others
bounced off the body and semen spread all over the place. Lee Won
hugged Caesar's shoulder tightly and let out a moan and a cry without
hesitation. Caesar's voice, coming out along with his harsh breathing,
also echoed violently throughout the bathroom.

“Ah… … !”

A painful moan came out as if pressing on the vocal cords and Lee Won
suddenly stopped moving. The body luid that Lee Won spilled
between the two of them was crushed. Soon after, the same thing
over lowed from inside.

The water in the bathtub, which was full, was now less than half full.
Lee Won rested his head on Caesar's shoulder with a lushed face.
Cesar's breath, as harsh as his own, spills into his ear. The feeling of
lethargy after ejaculation usually leaves the head empty, but there are
exceptions. After a moment of confusion, Lee Won realized that the
strange substance was still hardening inside him. At the same time, I
heard a voice in my ear.

"The main thing is from now on, but if you are already tired, you will be
in trouble."

Caesar whispered as he tickled Yi Won's earlobe. Gasping breaths

intermingled with the steam and cold hitting my ears. For a moment,
an eerie chill rose up and Man Lee Won tried to move away from him
again, but to no avail. Immediately, Caesar stood up as he held onto Lee
Won's waist. When Lee Won, who instinctively hugged his shoulder
and hung him up, widened his eyes, Caesar moved without hesitation.

no way?!

Lee Won, who quickly turned his head, checked another door in the
direction Caesar was going straight while he was holding him. The
bedroom was clear.

"What are you doing, I mean get rid of it!"

Lee Won exhaled loudly and tried to crouch down. However, Caesar
immediately lowered the hand that was holding his waist and grabbed
Lee Won's leg, stopping her. Every time Caesar took a sharp step, Lee
Won felt like he was going crazy as he stabbed deep and stepped back.

He was really amazing. Obviously you feel bad, but why do you have an
erection? A man's lower body is separate from his brain, but he thought
his penis would be different. although it can never be In a situation that
was rationally understandable but emotionally unacceptable, Lee Won
was deeply upset. I heard the sound of Caesar opening the door behind
me and then, as Lee Won expected, the view of the room came into
view. To be exact, it was like taking a step back, hugging him and
con irming that it was a bedroom.

Caesar laid Lee Won down on the bed. The man's face, which had taken
the upper part without much effort, turned as cold as usual.


In a low voice, he opened his mouth.

“Shall we start all over again?”

Lee Won's face was distorted and Caesar blocked his mouth with a kiss
to protest.


… … the sky is yellow

Lee Won blinked blankly. is that sunset? I saw the sunrise and I don't
remember what happened after, so it's probably sunset. Lee Won
struggled to shake off the terrifying imagination that it might be
another sunrise. With a short sigh, Caesar whispered from behind.

"You woke up."

In an instant, he felt as if the blood was draining from his body. I
thought that I had barely escaped from the serial killer, but when I
opened my eyes, I felt that he was right in front of me.

"Wait, no more."

Unknowingly, he punched hard, but his throat was hoarse and Lee Won
coughed hard on dry vocal cords. Cesar, clicking his tongue brie ly,
brought her water. Lee Won drank a full glass of cold water, and then
the cough subsided. Caesar, who took the glass from Lee Won, felt
himself lying on the bed again. Behind Lee Won, who was inadvertently
lustered, Caesar pulled him into a hug.

"Don't worry, I won't do it anymore."

The gun that hit the bottom was still hardened, and I couldn't believe it
when I said that. But, as he said, César did not show any sexual
gestures and only maintained the duality. The reason soon became
apparent. Cesar said with a sigh.

"Because you are weaker than you seem."

"… … what?"

It was the irst time he heard such a strange sound. Have you ever
heard of a man who has a weak body like this? Lee Won, who was
proud of himself as a whole bone, looked at Caesar without fuss.
However, Caesar's face that came into view was extremely serious.

“… …How come you think like that?”

When Lee Won, who took a while to think of the word 'think' instead of
'misunderstanding', he asked, Caesar said with a straight face.

"Women, it's common for women to pass out during sex, but you're a

Is it common for women to faint? Lee Won paused, but soon asked


"I'm not even a woman, but passing out during sex is weak."

This seems to be the sound of a slap on the cheek from him. How many
times has this guy stopped talking to me? If so, you don't have the
dignity of a lawyer who lives by words. Lee Won thought and

"I'm a man, did you ever think I'd pass out?"

"I never passed out during sex."

Rather, Caesar, who smiled bitterly as if regretting Lee Won's protest,

gently stroked his cheek. But, far from comforting Lee Won, the
tantrums grew. Why don't you think you're weird? I'm a freak? Am I
out of power? Is it really so?

"Have you never been with another man?"

Lee Won gritted his teeth and asked. Caesar pressed on Lee Won's chin
to release his strength and said.
"I'm not gay."

i wish i was gay

He didn't know that he was so angry because he was the irst man. If
you were gay, wouldn't you have seen a lot of guys ighting because of
you? If that was the case, he might have put such nonsense aside and
pondered, "Sorry, I did this endlessly."

But the reality was far from the re lection. Why is this my fault?! Lee
Won was upset and stopped talking. Ignoring Lee Won's feelings,
Caesar hugged him from behind and squeezed him tightly. At the same
time, the indescribable pain stung terribly and Lee Won's eyes sparkled.

Still, it was because his pride had been seriously damaged, as well as
his mood, that he was struggling not to lose consciousness. What the
hell happened to this guy? Why is the resistance the same from start to
inish even if the day is dawning?

No, I never saw the ending. Why the hell is there no ending? Why do
you always do this for days and days with such tremendous intensity?
How do I make it even a little weaker? Do I just have to be strong? At
that moment, the blood left Lee Won's face.

So what happens if you die?

Caesar whispered behind Lee Won, who was barely maintaining

consciousness through clenched teeth without saying a word in
numerous anguishes.

"I'll give you a trainer, so train yourself."

Lee Won's eyes widened at the sudden sound. I could feel Caesar
smiling bitterly behind me.

"Then we can last a little longer."

Why do I have to go there?

Lee Won, who turned pale, opened his mouth.

Don't be patient and do it with someone else.

As soon as those words reached the tip of his tongue, Caesar spoke.

“Don't worry, I'm not dealing with anyone but you. Because I can take

The next words were terrifying.

"Not yet."

Caesar kissed Lee Won's bare shoulder, who turned pale with chills.
very very kindly Without saying anything, Lee Won slowly closed his
eyes, which had turned black again. The slowly rising sun was coloring
the sky brilliantly.

<The end of the rose and the vine>

rose and wolf


ha ha.

Lee Won crouched down and forcibly suppressed his rapidly

worsening breath. I blinked into the deep darkness where I couldn't
see an inch ahead. I was sure Now beyond that darkness is the man.
Like a tiger hidden in the jungle, he waits for his prey to breathe with
bright eyes. The most perfect moment. When that time comes, it will
all be over.

Despite the sub-zero weather, Lee Won felt cold sweat running down
his back. His pulse was pounding in her temples and his stomach
churned with excitement. Either one or the other is bound to lose. Of
course, Lee Won never thought that he would be the loser.

It wasn't easy being tense all the time. He was able to withstand the
constant fatigue and stress well, but he couldn't stop his mind from
wandering for a moment. He suddenly realized that his vision was
blurring and he blinked hurriedly. The focus was clear, but the
concentration was scattered.

At that moment, everything was decided. At the end of the ield of

vision, along with the shadow that passed like a vision, a dull, dull
sound hit my ears. An eerie chill ran through the back of his head, and
at the same time, the absurdly soft baritone voice pierced the eerie air.

"You are dead now."

Caesar said, the gun pointed behind his head. In a calm and indifferent
tone that is completely different from usual. Without hesitation, he
pulled the trigger and a terrifying shot rang out in the silence of the
forest. At that time, the days that passed before Lee Won's eyes passed
by so slowly that it was absurd.

How did this happen? The beginning was not really that good.

I thought, but unfortunately it was already too late. Regardless of his

will, his body collapsed and the time that had stopped in an instant
quickly passed.

bang bang!

Lee Won, who had been asleep for a long time at the loud knock on the
door, woke up in surprise. I opened my eyes, but did not wake up.
Leaning back with eyelids luttering white, he muttered a bit at the
violent sound he heard one after another and headed towards the door.

"Yes who… … ."

When I opened the door with a yawn, a familiar man was standing


Before he could say his name, Caesar sniffed at Lee Won and put him on
his shoulder.


Lee Won still rolled his eyes and Caesar picked him up and left the

“… … Eh… … .”
A family sedan waited outside. Caesar willingly put him in the backseat
and climbed in behind him.


I blinked once more, the door closed and the car drove away.

It was after I had driven around in the car for a while that I got to a
certain point. The face re lected in the heavily tanned window was a
sight. Lee Won was stunned to ind himself sitting in the sedan with a
stupid face, wearing wrinkled pajamas and with his hair pulled back.

"What's this?"

Caesar spoke casually, as if Lee Won's belated reaction was nothing.

"The shower is frozen."


Caesar looked at him.

"Your bathroom."

"… … Okay?"

Lee Won said without thinking.

"The shared bathroom is going to explode again."

Caesar immediately cast a terrifying look. Lee Won, who had turned
his head pretending not to know, said ah and looked at him.

“But how did you know? The shower in my bathroom was frozen."

It was Cesar who turned his head this time. this kid. As Lee Won
distorted his forehead, a splendid mansion appeared in the distance.


"Welcome to."

The butler, who greeted me politely, handed me the clothes that he had
prepared. When you see that you are equipped with all these things, it
is as if you have been waiting for this day to come. Maybe it's not just
the shower in my bathroom that's frozen.

Lee Won, who raised the conspiracy theory to his heart, changed his
clothes and went out into the hall.

Where is Caesar?

When I asked a maid what was going on, he showed me directly to a

room on the side of the hall.
"Thank you."

Lee Won, who averted his gaze from her back, which had completely
disappeared, knocked lightly and opened the door.

"Hears… … ."

Calling out to Caesar, he found Caesar sitting in a chair in front of a

waist-high cabinet and looking at the cabinet.

"What are you doing?"

In response to Lee Won's question, Caesar reached out, grabbed him

around the waist and pulled him up.

"I'm appreciating the collection."

When I turned my head, the fountain pens of all designs were elegantly
displayed one by one, like in a museum. Lee Won wordlessly looked
down and opened his mouth.

“I didn't know you were collecting these things… … .”

This man had a number of noble hobbies, not like the ma ia. Lee Won
wanted to see a new side of him every time this happened. Caesar
smiled brie ly and continued.

“This is a limited edition of Montblanc. It's my irst collection and I

remember having a lot of trouble inding it."
Pointing to one and chasing his gaze, he placed a gold name tag in front
of the elegantly displayed fountain pens. When I took my eyes off the
label detailing the fountain pen's year of production, designer, and
product signi icance, Caesar said, pointing to something else.

“It was made by a craftsman. Unfortunately, it is not in the world now,

so it is a more precious commodity. It was made by carving ivory, but
the ink is also made to be used only with specially designed products."

His voice, as he continued to explain one by one, was full of affection.

If you like it like this, it is worth collecting.

“That's right, Lee Won,” he replied sternly. Cesar kept talking.

“This is a series, but it is limited to one each year. A total of 14 must be

gathered to complete it.”

I looked where he was pointing and one was empty. Caesar said as if
he had noticed that Lee Won's gaze was ixed.

"It's been a while, but I've completed a collection."

"By the way?"

Caesar narrowed his eyes and gave a strange smile to Lee Won, who
asked Lee Won without much thought.

"A lawyer put it on a chair and it broke."

Lee Won kept his mouth shut. Caesar looked at him. Lee Won, who
slightly averted his gaze, replied with a blank space.

"Because there are many other things."

Cesar opened his mouth with a smile.

“I want to receive it as a wedding present one day.”

In an instant, my back shook. He could hardly bear the words "Why


They reached the tip of my tongue.

What is this? Maybe propose? So suddenly?!

He wanted to think that he wasn't talking about himself, but Caesar's

gaze focused on Lee Won without a single gesture. Lee Won was
stunned for a moment at the reality that nothing would change even if
he averted his eyes. It's ridiculous that I got a proposal out of the blue,
but in addition to buying a limited edition collector's pen. It was the
irst time I knew that the word marriage and the word gift were
combined, and it was kind of scary.

Is this unscrupulous mob trying to get the back of a poor lawyer?

Lee Won, who had been contemplating for a moment, soon understood.

Seriously, it's wrong to expect shame from a bastard who shot and
dragged you and even raped you.
As soon as I thoughtlessly recalled the past, my face twitched.

I let it go, but how far is this shameless bastard trying to get out?

Caesar continued talking to Lee Won, who was silently closing his
mouth in complicated thoughts.

“There is another way to order, so ask Lyudmila, and they have your
name engraved on the inside of the case, but I like the one with simple
initials. If special orders are dif icult, there is a way to buy them at

Don't even tell me how to keep it nicely.

It was hard to igure out which side he wanted to appeal to, whether he
wanted to give it to him as a gift or marry him, but it was hard to agree
with him no matter what.

When are you going to catch me and make sure he doesn't talk crazy or
bullshit again?

Of course, now was not the time. How will I handle it if I accidentally
touch it and Caesar rolls over again? It was perfectly normal to have a
hole in the ship again.

How did you get involved with such a troublesome guy?

Taking a deep breath, Lee Won opened his mouth nonchalantly.

“But when do you eat? I didn't even have breakfast and they dragged
me away."
When Lee Won changed the subject, Caesar looked at him. I pretended
I didn't know he gave me an advance, but I don't think I'll say that again.
He is not so ignorant of a man.

But instead, he is a stubborn man.

Fortunately, Caesar ful illed Yi Won's intentions.

“I told the butler to get ready. Do you want to go down?


Before talking about a fountain pen or marriage again, Lee Won quickly
left the room. Caesar still didn't say anything, even though he was well
aware of Lee Won's intentions. He responded to the conversation with
a smile the entire time, and Lee Won ate comfortably and soon forgot
about it.

When he got up from his seat after dinner, Cesar suddenly followed
him and got up. Until that moment, Lee Won had no doubts because
the atmosphere had always been smooth. I thought there would be
something to do, but I was wrong. Cesar immediately grabbed him by
the arm and led him into the room.

“What, already? on a morning like this?

When Lee Won, who was puzzled, unknowingly yelled, Caesar smiled
and asked.
"Is there a reason it can't be breakfast?"

Before she even thought of what to say, his lips overlapped and the
writing dragged on immediately. Lee Won panicked and picked up the
words that came to mind in a hurry.

“No, wait. I haven't eaten in less than an hour… ….”

"Then you should exercise."

Cesar spoke naturally, with a face that was no different from any other.
Endless sex or cleverly persuading people to get what they want in the
end was no different than usual. But why do I feel so different today? I
was embarrassed, but when I woke up, I was dragged again, lying on
the bed with my legs spread.

Why are you in such a hurry?

Lee Won suddenly realized. Maybe this is hot... … ?


A groan came out involuntarily, and Lee Won contorted his face
re lexively. Without warning, Caesar had bitten off Lee Won's genitals.
With each movement of Caesar's obscene lips, there was a harsh
sucking sound between his crotch. His soft genitals gradually rose to

“… …Eww,”

Lee Won groaned, contorting one eye. Still, his gaze couldn't tear away
from the well-groomed face that was still between his crotch. It was
not unusual to look over his shoulder at Cesar, who was taller than him.
When I saw the crown of my head, the long lashes that fell in front of
me, and the delicate features that were slanting downwards, my breath
quickly turned harsh. After a moment's hesitation, a hand reached for
Caesar's head.

As he gently caressed her, the soft silvery blonde hair wrapped around
his ingers.

"… … Wow."

Lee Won tilted his head, letting out a naturally lowing sigh. He never
imagined that César would suck his penis. You've never sucked
anyone's dick before, this guy. It was the irst time that he too received
oral service from another man, but Lee Won was excited.

Not even trying to hold back, he let it go, enjoying the rising lust.
Cesar's genitals swelled thickly in Cesar's mouth, and he stood up
irmly. The idea of having his penis in Cesar's mouth made him

My ingers that had been playing with my hair grew stronger. When he
inadvertently pressed down on his head, Caesar opened his throat and
swallowed Lee Won's cock deep.

“pretty… … Gram… …”

Lee Won inadvertently gritted his teeth and let out a thick moan. Cesar
grabbed the trembling thigh and squeezed. Cesar, who without noticing
him lowered his head between his ample crotch and swallowed his
penis to the root, began to suck it.
He tingled to the tips of his toes from the tremendous pressure and

Lee Won moaned without hesitation and shook his body. From the
inside of his buttocks to the inside of his stomach, his bodily luid was
boiling. I liked it so much that I felt like I was going to pass out.

Just as he was about to ejaculate, Caesar's inger suddenly entered.

The lower hole, which had been panting frantically at the sudden
intrusion, momentarily stopped. The ejaculation that was about to spill
out also stopped.

Lee Won looked down with blurry eyes. Still, Caesar was biting his.
But that was it. There was no caress more intense as before. Instead,
he gently pulled back his lips and gently stroked the irm pillar with his

The subtle teasing that followed the intense emotion made Lee Won
sad. The feeling of ejaculation receded and went up to the end, and the
semen just before ejaculation wavered and went down.

He looked like he was going to starve, but Caesar was still prattling and
didn't seem to have the urge to suck as hard as before. Unbearable, Lee
Won, who hit the mattress hard with his ist, raised his upper body and
looked at him with terrifying eyes.

"What are you doing now? Are you kidding me?!"

Caesar shook his head. His stomach growled as he saw his impossibly
beautiful face above his saliva-soaked cock.

Caesar sighed humbly. Without knowing it, he had tightened the
ingers that widened the interior.

Suddenly, his ingers stretched out in several. Lee Won's face lit up
with excitement and embarrassment. Seeing this, Caesar's lips lifted

"It's painful not being able to ejaculate."

He smiled as if it had nothing to do with him. When he was about to

get angry, Caesar suddenly lexed his ingers. The inger that he entered
after penetrating deep into the narrow hole pierced Lee Won's weakest
point. At the same time, Lee Won fell asleep and gulped.

The penis, which had lost energy and was about to fall off, immediately
stood up. In an instant, the tip of it was wet and Cooper's liquid ran
down the still glistening saliva. Looking down as if he appreciated it,
Caesar spoke in a calm voice.

"You are not as patient as I am."

In contrast to his calm voice, his thick ingers still rubbed Lee Won's
depths relentlessly. Lee Won raised his knees, but his heels kept
slipping and he rubbed the sheets one after another.

The penis, which had been erect to the limit, stood up to touch the
navel and trembled. As much as he waited, Caesar didn't touch or lick
Lee Won's genitals. I just stubbornly rubbed the inside. It was tedious
to keep missing things in front of my eyes.

“… …Hey, fuck it!

In the end, Lee Won even swore, creating the illusion that his brain was
numb. Quickly she lowered his hand and was about to grab it in front of
him, but Caesar suddenly withdrew his inger. Caesar's wet hands
could be seen in Lee Won's eyes, which had stopped. Above the gasp,
Caesar smiled slightly.

"Do you think you know how I feel?"

What kind of shit, I thought, but couldn't speak. It was because the
moment he saw Caesar's genitals standing up, his mouth was open and
he had no words. The erect penis, with blood on the head, made all of
Lee Won's desires suddenly disappear.

“When did you say that… … .”

When he barely spoke, Caesar grabbed the inside of Lee Won's knee
and pulled it up, lifting his hip.


With a muf led groan, Lee Won doubled over. Cesar said, meaningfully
rubbing the pillars of his cock into her sodden, dirty nether hole.

"Yes, keep eating shichimi."

I wondered if the glowing penis was slipping through the hole and
suddenly went inside. This time, he didn't even make a sound. He just
took a deep breath with his mouth open.

The penis, which had been stabbed with a jerk as if it had been pierced
from above, receded and then sank in again. Lee Won realized deep in
his bones how
kind were the ingers that rubbed the interior. The inexorable
insertion, which was completely different from the delicate caress of
the past, he continued.

Cesar, who violently pushed his penis to the root, rubbed the bottom as
he lay. The dark body hair gently rubbed against the soft, secretive skin
that surrounded it. Every time he did, the hole opened up and moved.
"Ha ha," Caesar sighed like a sigh.

"Look, Lee Won."

He deliberately pushed Lee Won's legs to the limit to show Han Sako's
bottom hole licking his genitals.

"You like me like that."

Although he couldn't watch as explicitly as Caesar, Lee Won could also

clearly see and feel Caesar's pulse racing madly inside his body and his
penis tightly gripping his lower hole. Even the thick pubic hair on his
blonde hair was soaked with Lee Won's bodily luids and gel.

At that moment, Lee Won's penis tensed and squeezed the bottom.


The moans mingled violently, and Caesar began to thrust his hips

Every time the thick penis went in and out, Lee Won would shake his
butt and suck on it. Beads of sweat splashed and ran bodily luids. I
could feel the salty taste in my open mouth, but couldn't tell if it was
sweat or semen.
Caesar changed his movement from bottom to top. Every time the
penis that stood up like a snake stabbed into his stomach and recoiled,
Lee Won even felt afraid that the heavy weapon would come out of his

Suddenly, Caesar grabbed Lee Won's arm and made him sit up straight.
With the bottom connected, Lee Won fell onto Caesar's body as if he
were lying. At the same time, his lower legs were deeply compromised.


From deep within his vocal cords, Lee Won groaned like a scream and
his entire body trembled. At the same time, he squeezed her ass and
Cesar ejaculated too with a heavy groan.

Lee Won gasped as he felt his stomach heat up. He was resting my
expressionless forehead on Cesar's shoulder, when he suddenly took
the one from me. before giving

account, Lee Won collapsed on the bed. With no time to feel the
afterglow, Caesar pulled his cock out of him.

His penis was still erect. The moment Lee Won's eyes opened, he saw
Caesar wrapping around his penis. And Caesar cleverly scans his
genitals and pours the remaining semen onto Lee Won's body without

"what… … ,"

Lee Won quickly closed his mouth the moment the semen entered his
mouth. When I woke up late, my face and body were covered in semen.
At Lee Won, who blinked in embarrassment, Caesar overlapped his lips
without hesitation. Silenced by the skillful kiss, Caesar quickly climbed
onto his body.

His lips parted, but his tongue was still licking at Lee Won's mouth.
Inadvertently, Lee Won moved his neck and swallowed Caesar's saliva
lowing into his mouth. He felt Caesar's smile as his lips met again.
Naturally, his hand grabbed Lee Won's thigh and pulled him apart.

“Are you doing it again? Wait, rest for a while… … ,”

They didn't even give me a chance to take a break after ejaculation. Lee
Won quickly walked over to stop him. Caesar grabbed his arm and laid
him down. Caesar whispered behind Lee Won, who suddenly fell on his

"Are we going back this time?"

And Caesar entered the still-wet hole in the circle, not even having time
to think about it any further.


Lee Won re lexively yelled, but Caesar didn't care and pushed him
deep. Wow, a satis ied sigh passed Lee Won's ear.

"Yes, no matter how many times I do it, I never get tired."

As if to prove that statement, Cesar pressed his body against the top of
the two circles without leaving a single space, moving only his penis to
caress the bottom. Lee Won seriously twisted his forehead and got into
trouble. He didn't sleep with other men, so he couldn't tell if he had a
particularly good compatibility with Caesar or if he was unexpectedly a
mastermind. Of course, he also had no intention of deliberately trying
it out and wasting my one meaningless life. Instead, Lee Won spoke in a
low voice.

I bet you like sex.

Why don't you do it with me? Those words were swallowed by the
sensation of biting into the pinna of his ear. Caesar licked his ears
painlessly and moved slowly down. The feeling of caressing the
intertwined hole with just a penis really drove people crazy. In the end,
Lee Won closed his eyes and groaned, voluntarily tightening and
loosening his bottom according to his movement.

Wow, Cesar sighed in his ear. The kisses continued on the nape of his
neck and shoulder. Meanwhile, the bottom continues to move at the
same speed. Impatient, Lee Won reached down and grabbed Caesar's
buttocks, pulling him closer. Caesar's low laugh rang in his ears.


Suddenly, Caesar struck violently. The sound of meat colliding was

heard, and Lee Won gulped. Caesar put his arm under Lee Won's
armpit and hugged him tightly, and started moving his waist in earnest.
There was the sound of meat rattling and colliding with each other.

Lee Won voluntarily jerked his back and yelled.

She could feel herself getting wet from underneath. I don't know who
did the ejaculation. Lee Won rubbed her genitals on the bed and bit
them as they went in and out. Caesar let out a deep moan and
ejaculated again. As he ejaculated, he continued to go back and forth
inside Lee Won.
The semen that he spurted lowed through the hole, mixing with the
freshly poured semen, creating a white foam.

This time, Caesar grabbed a leg and lifted it up behind Lee Won, who
was exhausted. This time lying on their sides, the two looked at each
other. Caesar's face, smiling brightly at her, looked like a god of death.
Caesar nonchalantly lifted Yi Won's leg, placed it over her waist, and
pushed her down again. He rubbed at the lowing semen, and with a
screeching sound, the still- irm genitals entered Lee Won's stomach.
This time, Lee Won, who was about to tell him to rest for a while, was
interrupted by Caesar with another kiss. And he started to move.

sex begins. again from the beginning.


… …Am I alive right now?

Lee Won blinked blankly. I don't even know if I'm breathing. Cesar's
entire body, as well as his stomach, were soaked in Cesar's semen, and
he was trapped in bed for a day, two days, maybe a month.

Sex with Caesar was always intense, but this time especially. Of course,
Lee Won knew what the reason was. In short, Caesar was angry.
Because Lee Won didn't respond properly to his proposal.

Marriage is nonsense.
Same-sex marriage is now legal in quite a few countries. If you want,
you can go wherever you want to get married.

But why do you have to get married? Until I deliberately went to

another country.

Caesar strongly appealed, but Lee Won was satis ied with his current
life. There is nothing wrong with living like this. Not all couples get
married even if they are heterosexual. Also, the two of them had too
many problems aside from being the same sex.

Above all, living with the mob who doesn't know when the faucet will
turn on and do what it was, was absolutely terrifying. But I never
meant to cause anger by saying it out loud.

While he took a deep breath without saying a word, Cesar, who hugged
him from behind, whispered in his ear.

"Did he wake up?"

If I say that, I think I'm going to attack again, so Lee Won was silent.
Caesar slowly rubbed the semen that he had spilled on Lee Won's body
a while ago, as if he knew. As if a beast was marking his territory.

“I always leave that seat empty, Lee Won.”

In a low voice, Cesar sucked gently on the lobe of his ear.

“One day you will ill it.”

Lee Won linched, but he didn't reply. This time, although he more
clearly expressed his intention, Lee Won's reaction was the same. I
closed my eyes on purpose and pretended to be asleep again, but
Caesar, who didn't say anything for a moment, suddenly cut himself
from behind.

“… … Redneck!”

Stunned and hardened without realizing it, he swallowed hard and

Cesar spoke matter-of-factly.

“Hey, I woke up. How many more times are we going to do this?"

Not once, but how many times? After the contemplation, Caesar
climbed on top of Lee Won and the sex began again. As if waiting for a
fountain pen that never arrived, he went on and on.

I am going to die soon.

Lee Won thought as he sat at the table with a blank face. Four days had
passed since he barely got out of bed. Lee Won couldn't believe that it
had only been 4 days.

I think it's been 40 days. If he hadn't looked at the date, he wouldn't

have believed it. However, it was clear that the date recorded on the
cell phone and on the television had passed four days.

Once caught, it is not the irst time that the fresh water side and the
bitter water side have disappeared and only the shell remains. But he
every time he thought the same thing in the same place.
I am sure that I will die soon.

Despite the smell of a delicious steak in front of him, Lee Won had no
appetite at all. It might have been better if he had accepted the loud call
from him. However, as Lee Won, who can't even die from the sound of a
bite, he just pretended not to know was the limit. As a result, he ended
up like this.

When was the last time it was like this?

Lee Won blinked blankly and counted the date. At other times, this is
the time when I am resting in my room or meeting with my father.

This time the cycle is too fast.

Every time I met Caesar, I felt like he had lost 10kg. He had a muscular
build with little fat, but it seemed like he was losing muscle because he
had no fat to lose.

It really was like dying every time. He couldn't even feel the rich lavor
of the huge steak. Rather, he was even afraid of what he was going to do
after eating this.

"What's happening?"

Lee Won raised his head at the sudden voice. Caesar, who was only
wearing a robe over his naked body, was pouring coffee directly into
Lee Won's cup and looking at him. Perhaps due to his messy hair, his
smiling face looked different than usual. I gave up trying

brush the hair that ran down my forehead clean. I literally don't want
to lift a single inger. It felt like a miracle that he was breathing and
alive right now.

I almost died a couple of times because of this man.

As he pondered deeply, Caesar slightly tilted Lee Won's head and

kissed the palanquin. Sitting in front of the table, Lee Won silently
watched him pouring coffee into his cup.

"Lightly toasted, because you like it raw."

The smile on his face as he sliced through thick meat dripping with
blood would surely remind her of the worst sandwich Lee Won had
ever made. He always had a chef in his mansion who served the best
dishes, but this was an exception. Lee Won exploded in anger. I don't
know what's so good about serving a banquet with a person's soul.

The steak, which Cesar had grilled without the chef's hand, had a rich
aroma that made his stomach ache. It was well known that Caesar was
good at cooking, and it was not unusual to laugh at his own failures in
this way. However, Lee Won was heartbroken and stared at an innocent

Anyway, while I'm here, I always eat well to the brim. It doesn't
compare to eating a stale sandwich at home just to satisfy your hunger.

It's because I've been abused several times more than that.

Is this what it means to eat well and eat it? Lost in thoughts of him, Lee
Won tried to drink coffee, but the hand holding the cup trembled and

How did my situation come to be like this?

Groin sore and burning, he sat with his crotch spread as wide as he
could go, thinking.

I sat with a thick cushion on my buttocks, but that was also a problem.
The bottom did not close, so the feeling of something lowing
continued. Of course, Lee Won knew what it was. He just didn't want to
check it out.

It was obvious why it was more intense than usual. Anyway, it looks
like they're still watching, but when they're done eating, they'll try
again. Horse turning and stamina were also limited. Sensing the crisis
in his life, Lee Won hurriedly shook his head. Something has to be
done. Anyway, this guy is basically friendly, except for the extreme sex.

… … Are you friendly?

Lee Won, who had been skeptical for a while, soon concluded that he
did. At least for me, it's okay to be nice. It is inconceivable that this
man would cook like this and take it to the bedroom without seeing it
with his own eyes.

As long as you don't touch your character, he's ine.

Lee Won opened his mouth, thinking inside.

"Would you like to go out?"

Caesar, who had sliced the steak and stuffed it into his mouth, paused
and looked at Iwon.

Lee Won tried to pick up the coffee cup with her trembling hands,
avoiding his gaze, and he pretended to be ine as much as he could.
“It's a lot of work, but isn't it like being in bed? Be it a movie or a
performance. The exposure is ine. Did you like the ballet?

I swallowed the saying that anywhere I couldn't see the bed was ine,
and pretended to be nonchalant as much as I could. Damn, it's hard to
hear this on a subject that's just a cup of tea because it's done.

" ilm?"


At Caesar's calm voice, Lee Won quickly agreed.

"I heard there was a special edition of a man made of iron, how about

"Are you also a fan of Hollywood movies?"

It was a strangely cynical reaction. Lee Won responded involuntarily.

"No, because I like the main actors there."

The hand that cut the knife stopped suddenly, and Cesar raised his
head. The smile that he had just put on before him turned into his
expressionless face, and Lee Won hurriedly turned around.

“Because I'm good at acting, my personal life is clean, and I have a good
eye for selecting plays.

All the movies that come out are good, in that series the actress is also
a beauty... … .”
The more he talked, the more he felt like he was digging a grave. Lee
Won, who was looking for something to say in a panic, held out the
butter that caught his attention at the same time.


Caesar blinked without saying a word, and Lee Won took the bread
with his other hand and placed it on his plate.

"You do not? A movie or a performance you want to see.”

When he asked, while he barely cut the meat with a heavy silver knife,
Caesar cut the bread Lee Won had left in two.

"Is there an actor you like?"

There's no way you couldn't know you were trying to change the
subject, but there was never any way you could just ignore it. Lee Won
looked at him with a downcast look.

"Isn't there something you like too?"


Taking butter with a butter knife and applying it to the soft meat of the
bread, Cesar said slowly.

"I'm not very picky about sexual partners."

I didn't even ask why the word "sexual partner" came up right away.
For that man, there would be no other path than the dichotomy of
being someone to have sex with or someone to kill. Rather, Lee Won
was more inclined to listen to the other side.

"Don't you mind doing anything?"

So why don't you do it with me?

Slowly thinking about it, Caesar continued.

“The one you choose is Dmitriji. I don't care about any hole, as long as
he can put it in."

Lee Won looked at him for the vulgar words that casually lowed from
his clean lips. Why doesn't that guy look cheap at all when he says stuff
like that? ma ia theme.

Lee Won shoved the cut meat into his mouth, thinking that no one who
didn't know his identity would be able to guess his true form. Dmitry
was apparently the president of a luxury club, but in reality he was a
pimp. Lee Won found out when he had done some research earlier.

Still, it was a membership club, and its guests were only high-ranking
government of icials or, if they were behind it, the wealthy.

The place, which must be used as a place for secret back-and-forth

deals, was of course prepared with the best of everything, including
alcohol and food. It is also known that the level of hospitality of women
is not normal, and on top of that, if Dmitry was a blind worshiper of
Caesar, he would have carefully watched each and every one with a
hawk's eye, and it was clear that he would have chosen and sent only
the best.
Lee Won, who had no trouble remembering Caesar's entanglement
with the slender Russian beauties, swallowed the piece of meat that
illed his mouth and gasped.

"Anyway, let's do something, not sex."

Caesar shrugged and asked again.

"What do you want to do?"

"Well… … ."

It wasn't something he was thinking about, but Lee Won blurted out
the end of his words. Caesar continued to look at him like that. Like a
mother hen taking care of the chicks. Seeing that, Lee Won's judgment,
which was supposed to be settled with a few friendly words with the
steak, was immediately turned off.

What about that benevolent face that doesn't it the mob theme? Now
to the topic of casually pointing a gun at a person's head and piercing
someone's stomach.

Then all the big and little memories of him lashed by like a lashlight.
Those were the memories that had been buried in my heart as if they
were the past.

Caesar who promoted a cookbook that was more expensive than the
law code, Caesar who hit his head on a rose, Caesar who crushed
someone else's scooter and took out their chimney, Caesar who burned
a hole in his stomach ... ... From the irst relationship until now, Cesar
beats him like he's going to kill him for days and days.
that damn kid

At that moment, the old grudge instantly revived. Lee Won, who had
suddenly distorted his forehead, opened his mouth.

"Let's do survival."

"… … what?"

After a moment, Cesar asked. Feeling a bit of satisfaction inside, Lee

Won said again.

“Let's play a survival game. You and me, just the two of us.

“… … Against me, you?


Caesar was silent for a moment at the provocative look. Seeing him
clearly displaying his absurd expression, his self-esteem was hurt. He
was about to speak again, but Cesar spoke irst.


After a brief pause, he continued.

"What are you going to do for me?"

Lee Won paused and looked at him. Caesar, as always, awaited the
reward. Come to think of it, he had never accepted a request without
payment. And once again, what he wanted was all too clear.
In an instant, the subject that had just been smashed and spun around
came to life, and Lee Won realized that he had pushed himself to the

"… … What do you want?"

Lee Won asked after interjecting. Even if you know, you'll pretend you
don't. Say it yourself. I will reject you immediately. Rather, Caesar, who
was looking at Lee Won, who was waiting for him, opened his mouth.

“Sometimes it will be ine to exercise.”

Unexpectedly, Lee Won felt disappointed and strangely relieved at his

reaction to step back. Anyway, if you don't want to talk about it
anymore, that's ine. As if to purify, the steak was diced with a fork and
bit into the mouth without slicing. His eyes remained ixed on Cesar.

This time I'm going to make a hole in your boat.

At the face of Lee Won, who was slowly chewing the meat and making a
promise, Caesar just smiled as if he was ridiculous.


It was three days later that he left for the survival game. The
preparation was possible immediately, but Lee Won needed time to
recover his stamina. Fortunately, he ate and slept well, and convinced
that he had enough to walk and run, and as soon as he was ready early
in the morning, he jumped into Cesar's car without hesitation.

The prepared car was a topless military jeep. Caesar, who was sitting
in the driver's seat as insurance, deftly moved the steering wheel and
opened his mouth nonchalantly.

"It's not too late now."

Lee Won snorted.

"If you don't have con idence, you can quit."

Do you look down on people for being a little forceful?

Lee Won slowly grits his teeth repeating his hands together and
straightening them. I will properly show you this time, the fear of a
Korean military veteran.

Despite his promise, Caesar's reaction was all he looked at Lee Won,
who had been staring straight ahead. And without saying more, we ran
for a long time and inally arrived at the planned place.

It was Dmitry, who was waiting for them with a huge military truck in
the background, who appeared before the gloomy and broken terrain.
As soon as he saw that igure, Won Lee recalled the memories of him
driving a helicopter to a remote island as a ghost in search of Caesar.
If it was Dmitry, who seemed to be observing only the signals sent by
the chip inside Caesar's body for 24 hours, this would be nothing.

Lee Won thought that it was not very nice.

Dmitry had arrived at the camp with the group ahead of them. He also
has a large group of gang members and a huge black truck that looks
suspicious in the back.

Seeing that, Lee Won got tired of it. That man probably doesn't know
anything about Caesar. Not to mention such a simple calendar, when I
asked him how many eyelashes Cesar had, yesterday he dropped a few,
and today some new ones came out, and I even felt that he was going to
repeat them all.


When Caesar got out of the car, Dmitry called out to him and walked
over to him.

"I thought there was going to be a great show after a long time, but isn't
the opponent too boring?"

At the look, Lee Won chose to ignore and turned his head. The place I
could see was a lat, dull landscape with low hills as the only change in
topography. It was just this, when I thought about it, the caretaker who
ran out of the base not far away greeted me.

"Welcome, since he contacted us, we have prepared it in advance."

I guess they threatened him beforehand. With a glance at Dmitry, he

twisted his lips and showed a third inger below his waist. Lee Won
wiggled his eyebrows for a moment, but then ignored it.

he inally asked the concierge, after lippantly waving and bragging

about the camp facilities.

“There are three courses, which one would you like to take? This is the
beginner course here. As you can see, it's ine. Even if you are not
familiar with this type of game, you can easily clear it.

The courses are all divided into three, but the beginner course would
be better, right?

For the one that recommended the lowest dif iculty, Lee Won opened
the brochure instead of answering and pointed to the place labeled as
the highest dif iculty course. The man blinked in surprise, then turned
his head toward Caesar. like you're alright Cesar showed no particular
reaction. Rather, it was all that looked at Lee Won with a faint smile.
Lee Won glared at him, and for a moment, a spark lared between the
two of them.

The caretaker, who was looking at the two alternately, hesitated and
said, "Well then," and he led us.

When Lee Won moved his body irst, Caesar followed suit and took a
leisurely step. Dmitry frowned one last time, uttered a swear word, and
moved on.

This is the optimal place for a survival game. Looking at the scenery
unfolding in front of him, Lee Won thought. Ranging from low hills to
steep mountains to moderately lat terrain, the irregular topography
was densely planted with tall trees, making it ideal for sneaking around.
The fairly wide and rugged terrain felt like a lost child if I walked in not
knowing what it was and found myself dead. Even the gentle breeze
blowing through the trees was perfect. The man who was the manager
of the game room said to Lee Won, who was quickly scanning the rough
terrain with his eyes.

“Are you alright? Few people try this course. You can change it now if
you want… ….”

Lee Won turned around, looked at him and asked.

"Where can I change my clothes?"

The caretaker looked embarrassed, but he led them as if there was

nothing he could do.

After receiving clothing reminiscent of a military uniform from

somewhere, changing in the locker room, each received a backpack
containing simple food, irst aid kits and other necessary items.

"Then it's your turn to choose a weapon."

Caesar spoke in a soft tone and went out irst. Lee Won, who
unintentionally went on and on, found Dmitry waiting. Dmitry, who
had a full smile on his face towards Caesar without even looking at Yi
Won's side, twinkled his eyes. At the sign of Cesar's brief nod, he
immediately opened the doors of the huge military truck where his
men were waiting, wide open on both sides. For a moment, Lee Won
was speechless, if only for a moment.

The loaded weapons in the back of the truck wobbled. Of all sizes and
types, there was nothing without a weapon if it was a weapon, or a
knife if it was a knife. Seeing several huge boxes of different sizes, Lee
Won noticed that one of them had everything from machine guns to
lamethrowers to bazookas, and he was stunned.

Survival was not what I thought it would be.

The saying that the ma ia had an enormous amount of weapons to wage

war against the State was ful illed. Hearing a vague rumor and thinking
it's true is different than con irming it in front of your eyes. Lee Won,
who looked at the weapons without saying a word, turned his gaze to
Caesar. He casually had a cigarette in his mouth. Dmitry said sullenly.

“Don't you know what a survival game is? This is kind of a joke. Now,
choose the one you like the most. I wonder what to choose. Oh, did you
think I should bring a toy knife to suit you?

Lee Won ignored Lee Won's sarcastic backstory, but instead looked at
Caesar's face.

He had no reaction. He seemed like he couldn't even hear Dmitry's

words. Looking at the serious pro ile of choosing which weapon to
prefer, Won Lee realized that the survival game he was playing was
completely different from what he had imagined.

Is it because you were trained to deal with these things yourself from a
young age?

Suddenly, the countless scars on his body came to mind. His spine
went cold, but Lee Won immediately shook his head. Whether it's a
paintball gun or a real gun, it's game over if you get hit anyway.

There's no difference.
Lee Won started looking at each weapon one by one.

I too would love to play it.

Contemplating looking at the weapons, Caesar gasped.

“Mostly I use the Glock, but the revolver is not bad either. Because
there is no need to make a speaker in a survival game. It is easier to
handle and less prone to breakdowns.”

Lee Won blew out one ear and shifted his gaze to the other gun. Caesar
saw it and spoke again.

“It's heavy to carry, I don't know how long this game is going to last,
but it would be better if it weighs a hundred grams less. … …Wait, it has
a long barrel, but it has low recoil, so it's stable. The weight is also
decent. … … hmm. If it were me, I wouldn't use it. The performance is
not bad, but it is so light that if you mishandle it, the recoil… … .”


Interrupting the continuation of the explanation, Lee Won looked

directly at him.

“I am a Korean boy and I have been in the army.”

He said that he was from the special forces.

Lee Won added to himself. I'll bet on a man's honor, and this time I'll
have to set a good example for him. How does this child see me?
Caesar looked at him without saying a word. There seemed to be
tension for a moment, but it quickly disappeared with a slight smile
from Caesar.

"It wouldn't be."

He said as if he was trying to see through Lee Won's heart. Lee Won
frowned brie ly, then ignored him and turned his head away. With his
side face focused on his weapon again, Caesar stepped back as if telling
him to do his best, and began choosing his weapon. Hearing the heavy
sound of metal breaking, Lee Won carefully looked at the weapons
stacked like a mountain.

I'm sure it's a weapon. Lately, I haven't touched a gun, but when I was
in the army, I took irst place in a shooting contest several times and
took a rewarding vacation. Whether it was a ire ight or a close combat,
he was con ident.

However, a knife can be a bit dangerous.

Lee Won thought, choosing a dagger to use in times of crisis. In any

case, the main thing you will use is a weapon, but you have to be
prepared just in case.

Lee Won, who brie ly glanced at the gun, stopped. Among the
countless irearms was a pistol used in the army. They had all the
weapons from all over the world, so nothing was really missing. Even a
rare ri le that he had only seen on the Internet was politely set aside.
Lee Won silently checked the magazine, feeling the con licting
emotions that disappeared with admiration. After securing spare
bullets, he looked at the ri le and Caesar gasped.

"Are you going to take it all with you?"

Thinking of what to do with the grenade, Lee Won responded

"You have it too."

Caesar then looked at the ri le he was holding and then smirked.

"Because it's convenient."

"I also."

After saying this, Lee Won eagerly shoved the grenade into his upper
pocket. After inally choosing all of his weapons, he turned around. Lee
Won opened his mouth to Caesar, who he had been watching up until

"it's over."

A slight smile appeared on Cesar's face. Dmitry immediately frowned,

but neither Lee Won nor Caesar paid any attention to him. Caesar's
only interest was in Lee Won, and Lee Won's only interest was in
winning the game. Caesar's eyes narrowed, as if the ighting spirit was
evident on his face.

At that moment, Lee Won felt the illusion as if he had pushed his entire
penis inside him in one go. He pretended to carry his bag and turned
his head to avoid being caught for a moment.

Caesar held out his hand as if he was going to shake hands, but Lee
Won smacked it sharply.

Dmitry was furious, but Caesar continued without reacting.

“We communicate with each other by radio once a day. The time limit
is 5 minutes, and only then is communication possible. Ask each
question one by one, and no matter what question, you must not cheat
or falsify the answer."

Lee Won meekly nodded his head. After con irming that there was no
problem with the radio, he put it on and Caesar added.

"It starts in an hour."

Instead of answering, Lee Won looked down at him and turned around.
Caesar, who was looking at the far back of him, leaned over and picked
up the backpack himself, and Dmitry, who was watching, opened his

"Why the hell are you playing such a stupid game?"

Caesar still looked at Iwon and asked nonchalantly.

"Who came to see?"

Dmitry was upset, but then pretended it was no big deal.

“I came to see you. It's an obvious coincidence anyway, so what's the


It would be fun to see that unlucky bastard squashed.

Dmitry found an unexpected vantage point and opened his eyes. I

don't even know the topic, that an ordinary person who has only lived
comfortably until now dares to survive against Caesar. Dmitri snorted.
The kind that can't take it for 30 minutes and it will turn to blood.

"I know? I can't stand it when he makes a face like that."

Dmitry stopped at a low murmur. His watch started to sound an alarm.

Dmitry, who had re lexively lowered his gaze, stopped. Cesar's pulse
quickened. Why? It was not an accident nor did it cause the bleeding.
Why did the bioreaction of him, who never shakes under any
circumstances, change?

it's broken?

Dmitry frowned and looked at the numbers on the clock. As if what

had just happened was a lie, the pulse returned to its normal level. The
alarm also disappeared. Dmitry looked at the clock without saying a
word and lowered his arm. I'll have to check it out.

It hasn't been long since the regular inspection, but there is nothing
wrong with being careful as the machine will suddenly stop one day.
Meanwhile, Caesar quickly grabbed his backpack and headed towards
the game room belatedly. Dmitry asked behind him.

“What are you going to do? It looks like you have the heart to do it.”

Caesar responded nonchalantly.

"You should do it in moderation."

After leaving Dmitry disappointed, Caesar muttered to himself.

"Because I can't make you die."


It's a start.

After checking the watch on his wrist at the sound of a siren from afar,
Lee Won took a deep breath to calm his tension. After checking the
direction of the valley where rocks protrude here and there through the
lat land, he sat down where he wanted to be and unpacked his luggage.
The bag should contain all the necessary items, but he needed to check.
Depending on the degree of need, I put the important things upstairs
so I can pull them out immediately in a pinch, and move the other stuff
downstairs for quick organization.

After tying the rope around his waist with the lashlight, the next thing
was water and food.

Water was especially important. You can always get water from the
valley you've been through, but if you swim close to it, you'll be spotted
right away. You need to secure as many places with water as possible.
As I looked at the map in the bag and drew a rough simulation in my
head, my thoughts switched to Caesar. How will the man ight?

Immediately, Dmitry's words came to life and his nerves tensed. I said
that he had been trained for this since he was a child. He gave Lee Won
some advice that didn't work, and cleverly selected the weapon he was
going to use and quickly retreated. As if he already had everything in
his head about what to wear.

A weapon familiar to Caesar... … .

I remembered his smiling face as he sliced the tomatoes thin enough to

People can cut like this.

Remembering Caesar's words, Lee Won was sure of one thing.

Wielding a knife would be much better. So of course he must have
brought a knife, and at least two or more. The gun he uses most often is
the Glock, so I guess I chose that.

When he remembered the gun that had pierced his stomach, a curse
came out under his breath. In that case, he could blow my head or
stomach off without hesitation. With that damn Glock, like back then.

He clutched his throbbing stomach again and narrowed his eyes. I also
suffered a lot.

He begins by making fun of Lee Won's mistakes and occasionally

threatens, kidnaps, and shoots.

As the memories of the past unfolded like a panorama, the ighting

spirit was rekindled. The man was looking at Lee Won. I'll show you
Lee Won was determined and quickly grasped the ground. He was
attentive to his surroundings, even as he concentrated his mind,
scanning the map and carefully recording it in his mind just in case.
The occasional song of birds sang softly among the thick trees.

"You can see it?"

When Dmitry got into the truck, the man who operated the machine
nodded, looking at the monitor.

"Yes, both the tsar and the lawyer have been identi ied."

Dmitry, who noticed that the red and blue dots lickered from a
distance, pointed to one of them.

"Is this the Tsar?"

"That's right. At this rate, I think we'll see each other soon."

Dmitry checked the distance on the monitor with thin eyes. If he was
Caesar at that distance, he could follow him right now and inish
everything in just 10 minutes.

But he won't.

Dmitry thought dissatis ied. I wondered if Cesar would reveal his true
colors, but he said 'I'll do it sparingly'. Did you know the word
'moderately' in the irst place? I thought that if he accepted the match,
he would do well.

Then the lawyer dies and I get emotional.

I couldn't let this opportunity pass. If Caesar doesn't use his hand,
there's nothing he can do.

you have to write it yourself. The question was how to do it without

Caesar's knowledge. Of course, if we knew this beforehand, Caesar
would interfere and the plan would fail. I need to be successful
somehow. After death, no matter how Caesar is, there will be no way

If the lawyer dies at the hands of the Czar... … .

Dmitri narrowed his eyes. Just thinking about it made my heart pound
like it was about to explode.

It will be the most enjoyable show to watch.



In an instant, Lee Won widened his eyes in surprise. For a moment he

didn't know where he was. The memory returned only after a few
seconds had passed. Having found a hiding place the day before, he
collapsed into a sleeping bag in an awkward position and went to sleep.

When I checked the last scenery I saw before going to sleep, at the
same time, an aching pain spread throughout my entire body. At that
moment, a small beep sounded from his waist and he realized the
identity of the object that woke him up from his dream. I took out the
radio that was hanging heavily on my waist and lipped on the switch,
and after a short pause, a voice came out.

"Lee Won, are you there?"

Deeply admiring the quality of the sound delivered more clearly than
expected, he opened his mouth.

"I can hear you, Over."

After a short pause, Cesar spoke again.

"… … Where?"

Suddenly a rule occurred to me. At the sudden low voice, Lee Won
inadvertently held his breath. Is this today's question?

“… …Say it irst.

When he inadvertently backed out, he paused and answered from the

other side.


I quickly opened the map and checked the location. It was a place quite
far from where Lee Won was. He sighed and opened his mouth.

"I'm A-15."

It was useless to wander around this vast place, hoping to be caught,

without knowing the other's location. Revealing like this once a day
will make the game more resilient. I still couldn't igure out why this
conversation took 5 minutes. Lee Won opened his mouth again.

"Are you going to focus on the attack?"

he asked himself after a brief pause in the inevitable silence of the
walkie-talkie conversation.

"Hasn't the number of questions been exceeded?"

Instead of being disgusted or puzzled, Lee Won answered the question

as if it was interesting, taking off his cowl.

"I never asked a question before."

Again, after a short pause, Caesar spoke in a voice full of laughter.

"They beat me up."

Lee Won ignored him and asked again.


Caesar's voice came over the radio.

"I plan to play defense today."

It was an unexpected answer, but Lee Won decided to skip it. Maybe
they're digging a trap and waiting for me to get caught. Or maybe he
decided to observe the situation for now. Remembering various
expectations, Lee Won brie ly greeted him.

"then… … ."

Just as he was about to hang up the radio, Caesar suddenly spoke up.
"I know? One of my answers was a lie."

To Lee Won, who paused for a moment, he added in a low voice.

“A question, a truth”.

Unfortunately, the radio cut out irst. Lee Won blinked in

embarrassment. that he stumbles and stumbles by his own
machinations. Belatedly, Lee Won remembered the fact that the wolf is
also a symbol of evil and cunning.

It was bad for me to use a super icial trick against that man.

I thought I did something wrong, but it was already spilled water.

Anyway, there was nothing against the rules. Because the basic rule is
that there is only one true answer for each question. The question was
which he honestly answered.

Lee Won looked at the map and decided that it was the former. In
addition to being a random question, Cesar said that he 'exceeded the
number of questions' on the next question. If so, the irst answer must
have been true and the second answer must have been a lie.

If the purpose was to distract you for a moment, you did it.

Lee Won calmly looked at the map and pointed to the area that he said
was there. Now we have to ind out where Cesar is going. If you focus
on defense, the direction you want to move is... … .

He quickly glanced at the map, nodded, and stood up. There is a saying
that the best defense is offense. Lee Won loaded up his backpack and
started walking. Caesar also doesn't know if he will attack or defend,
but he hasn't made any plans yet. No matter what, Lee Won decided to
try it irst. If he just touches the calculator in his head, it's all
guesswork. He has always believed that way. It's only true if you see it
with your own eyes.

Caesar was watching Lee Won's igure walk away at a fast pace from a
distance from a distance. At this distance, it's easy to kill an opponent.
All you have to do is draw your gun and shoot. Lee Won will die
without knowing the English language.

It would have been if he was normal.

Cesar smiled involuntarily. If Dmitry had seen that face, he would have
jumped up and screamed. It was unthinkable that Caesar would smile
or laugh. But Caesar's lips loosened gently. without even realizing it.

He was there all night, but Lee Won didn't notice. And looking at the
direction he was ready to move, he didn't seem to think that the
coordinates in Caesar's words were false.

Anyway, it didn't matter. As I told Lee Won, one was the truth. Today
we will only be defending.

At that moment, Dmitry's voice came through the walkie-talkie.

"What are you doing? Shoot it right away, can you inish it?"

As expected, he seemed to be keeping a close eye on Caesar and Iwon's

positions. Not surprisingly, Caesar responded with indifference.
"I told you, I'll do it in moderation."

Before Dmitry could say anything else, Caesar cut him off.

"It will not be what you expect, Dmitry."

He followed a calm voice.

"Because I have no intention of seriously ighting him."

Hearing no more, Caesar hung up the radio. He moved his body and
ran as if he were lying over the steep terrain. After a while, he
immediately ran into Lee Won.


A smile involuntarily came out at the sight of Lee Won, who suddenly
sneezed and shrugged his shoulders. Cesar just looked at him, who
sniffed, rubbed his nose and started walking again. Still with a smile on
his lips.


After walking for a long time in Caesar's footsteps, Lee Won ended up
spending the day in vain. After checking the surroundings that were
getting darker quickly due to the thick forest, he left the plain and
climbed up to occupy an even higher area. The power is doubled, but it
is more advantageous because the ield of vision is enlarged.
he wishes he had

I inally found a tree that is easy to climb and has many branches. It
would be hard to tell them apart from a distance. Once he got the rope
out, he tied it around his waist and climbed the tree. The broad-
columned tree was thick and large enough to tell the age of it by itself.
He seemed like he could sleep in a tree and live for a while. It was
good. Lee Won kept going up and up with enthusiasm.

After reaching the height he wanted, he looked around him and let out
a sigh of admiration. A thick fog was under his feet, and his vision was
wide open and he could see far away. There was even a barracks in the
distance, possibly with Dmitrina's guards.

We even secured the location of a small hut used in an emergency on

the opposite side. At this rate, he seemed a bit over the top seeing

Satis ied, Lee Won quickly took out a compass and checked the
direction. Looking back in the direction where Caesar had disappeared,
it was still hard to tell due to the mist.

Tomorrow the fog will clear.

Lee Won thought and checked the equipment. Let's sleep in the tree
irst, just in case. If it's Caesar, there's a high chance he'll come back
here. Then I'll wait here... … . Lee Won, who drew an attack simulation
by examining the location and movement of the surrounding branches,
tied the body and thick branches tightly so that it would not fall from
the tree.

Lee Won sighed and rested his head against the tree. Waiting time is
always long and boring.

When will you ind Lee Won?

come quickly

Have you ever waited so anxiously for someone else? Lee Won held his
breath and looked into the distance through the thick fog.

The waiting time was tedious and long. A moment of relief found in the
tension soon caused Lee Won to collapse. He is safe in the trees. This
thought may have inadvertently distracted you. As he waited for Caesar
to appear, he fell asleep little by little and fell into a deep sleep.

As I was falling asleep for a while, I felt warmth with a faint sound.
What, even the beast passed? Lee Won spontaneously shivered at the
warm sensation in the air.

A smile quickly appeared on his face. Something soft touched his lips.
He licked his lips involuntarily.

Caesar smiled brie ly as he looked over at Lee Won, who had fallen
asleep again with the hot pack in his arms. He climbed without a rope,
and when he descended, he climbed the tree and disappeared without a

What are you doing, children?

Dmitry felt his stomach boil and looked at the monitor. I wondered if
the two dots just barely overlapped, but then they fell off. If you're not
going to do it, don't start it in the irst place, or if you're going to do it,
do it right.

You don't come all this way to have a romantic relationship.

Chimi clenched her ists and opened them in anger. Be patient, be

patient. Because it's just the beginning Desperately suppressing the
rising blood pressure, she hit herself as coldly as possible.

You can't do that, because you're playing. Also, is there any other word
that doesn't suit the Tsar so much?

If so.

Dmitry thought as he looked back at the countless weapons loaded on

the truck.

I'd rather blow up the forest than see it.

Lee Won woke up smelling his nose from the smell of damp wood.
After blinking, he realized the reality too late and sat up. He almost fell
down, but fortunately the accident was avoided because he had tied my
body tightly the day before.

A reality that was no different from the last landscape I saw was in
front of my eyes. It seemed that he himself was rather boring to be able
to fall apart like that in such an environment. Feeling bitter in his heart,
he stopped running his hand through his hair.

The irst hot pack I saw was cold on my arms. What's this? Because
here? Lee Won blinked blankly. To keep the pack warm, I didn't take it
out the day before. But

why are you here?

Now that I think about it.

It was strangely hot. I expected to wake up cold at dawn, but I slept too

It was still warm when I touched the hot pack for good measure. There
is only one person who will do this.


Lee Won's mouth was open because it was ridiculous. He looked

around the hot pack in an unbelievable mood and found the letters left

Beware of the cold.

They were two simple words, but it was clear that Caesar was to blame.
If it wasn't for him, who would climb a tree like this, put a hot
compress on it, and even leave these words for him?

Why would an enemy come here while I was sleeping and give them
something like this? What a bold and relaxed act.

On the other hand, Lee Won was miserable. It's absurd that he slept so
soundly that he didn't even know Caesar had been there. If it hadn't
been for him, it would all have ended by now.

When I think about it, the tantrums were intense. Being careless is bad
in the irst place, but I couldn't help but hurt my self-esteem. As I
violently organized my luggage, I heard a beep from the walkie-talkie. I
don't like it very much, but I had to do it. Of course, it was Caesar.

"Looks like it happened."


It was hard to pretend to be calm because he was angry and

embarrassed, but somehow Lee Won pretended to be indifferent.

"What is today's question?"

Whether or not he knew Lee Won's heart, Caesar opened his mouth as

He asked with a voice full of laughter.

"Didn't you catch a cold?"

"Not at all."

The response was too quick. Lee Won immediately added to hide the
embarrassment from him.

"It's my turn? Where are you now?"

I'll be honest this time. It was a belated regret, but Lee Won waited for
an answer, regretting that he used a silly trick the day before. Caesar
opened his mouth.

"A question?"


When I quickly replied, he also immediately gave me an answer.


They were the coordinates where Lee Won was the day before. I felt
like he was being teased. Are you telling me to go back the way I came?
Lee Won said that his mind was complicated, but once he understood
it, he cut off communication. Why the hell are you there?

You said defense, so of course we should have gone in a completely

different direction. What do you think... … .

Suddenly, Lee Won twisted his forehead.

I made the wrong question.

The lighting is always late. Thinking it was a mess, he violently tied the
straps of his backpack.


After another day without much income, Lee Won set up a booby trap
and settled down.

I did not mean to cause serious injury. It was simply a trap for the
purpose of drawing attention or staggering. Laced with little
irecrackers, he took out his sleeping bag and settled down to rest.

It was a much larger forest than he expected. After hiking and walking
all day, I only made it through a small part of the camp. At the same
time, Lee Won thought as he used the foggy situation to make a ire and
boil soup.


I once saw a man eating a live snake in a drama. It was a scenario

where he had to eat anything because he was hungry as he wandered
through the forest, but irst

I thought about what to do if there was a parasite, instead of admiring

the actor's hard work while he watched. It's still the same, but there
was something I didn't understand.

Are survival games really that generous?

He frowned, stirring with a spoon to keep the loor from sticking. He
had no idea where the fast-paced, adrenaline-pumping game he had
envisioned had gone.

What is the meaning of this feeling of leisure as if he came out of a


During these last years, he had not even seen the shadow of Caesar.

They reveal his coordinates and follow each other, but how can they
not be seen like this?

Lee Won thought as he frowned. Unless you intentionally avoid it,

shouldn't you have at least scratched it? Since it's an arcade that was
built anyway s, I didn't envision the sense of urgency of eating live
snakes, but still, isn't that too slow?

There was so much tension that Lee Won couldn't tell if he was alone at
camp or just taking a walk because he was bored.

It would be perfect if we just roasted marshmallows here.

Lee Won, who looked at the dry branches with a crack, was sure.

There is something

Dmitry's maddening praise aside, it was hard to imagine that Cesar,

who had said that he had experienced this with his own mouth since he
was a child, would spend two days without moving like this. Right now,
he is desperate to ind it right now, so no matter how big the site is, how
can he not see it so far away? If he was also trying to ind me, he must
have stepped on the booby trap at least once.
Although the place was spacious, it was strange that so much could not
be seen. Just by looking at the map, the route is obvious. Rather, he felt
as if his actions were desperately avoiding this one.

Looking at them one by one, there were not one or two strange things.
Lee Won had never stepped foot in the booby trap before. At best, it
was about making a small hole and causing your feet to slip and fall.

He didn't expect that the traces of the people he had visited before had
been so cleansed.

Remembering the manager's bad impression, Lee Won raised his

eyebrows. An annoying conclusion, but maybe that's all. He pondered
as he ate the hot soup.

If that's really the case.

At that moment, the radio signal sounded. Lee Won looked at him
wordlessly and held out his hand.

"Lee Won"

He responded nonchalantly to the only voice he could hear through the

radio he held.

"I'm listening."

After throwing the irst pointless question, Lee Won decided not to use
it against him anymore. It's better to launch it directly and get a fair
response. Five minutes a day, there was only one question. How
effective can you be with it? Realizing two mistakes, he changed his
strategy to igure out the opponent and gave up the opportunity to
strike irst.

"Do it irst."

Lee Won was serious, but Caesar's side still seemed intent on playing a
foolish game against him.

"What are you thinking now?"

Lee Won quickly responded to the languid voice.

"Thinking about how to catch you."

Lacking a response for a moment, he added insigni icantly.

"I'm also thinking about where to shoot if I get caught."

"I'm excited."

With a small smile, Caesar whispered.

Will you kiss me before I kill you?

It was clear to seduce, but Lee Won did not pass.

"I have decided to hit the chin now."

"Oh no mercy."
He sighed as if he really was sorry. Hearing the mob cry for mercy was

Lee Won ignores the question and chooses the question.

"You guys?"

Caesar asked quietly.

"A question?"


I'm not stupid enough to use the same trick twice. Knowing that
Caesar was lightly teasing him as well, Lee Won continued to speak

"What are you doing now?"

I'm on the radio with you, waiting for you, thinking I'll shoot you in the
face if you say something like that, Cesar replied.

"I'm on the radio with you right now and I'll jerk off after I hang up."

He wanted to line it up with more than just the face. Lee Won said

"To a good time."

He was about to cut off the radio, but Caesar suddenly cut me off.
"Do you remember what my name was?"

"What are you talking about all of a sudden?"

When I unintentionally asked him a question, he replied nonchalantly.

"I always say you, but I never called it properly."

Was that?

I don't remember very well, but if it's the other person, it probably is.
Thinking it was no big deal, Lee Won simply answered.

"Caesar, are you okay?"

I felt a different kind of emptiness than the typical emptiness of radio


"Call me again."

Lee Won meekly responded to the calm request.


"… … under."

Unusually deep breathing could be heard from the other side. When I
felt a strange sensation, I suddenly heard a sound like a sigh.

"… … done. So, let's go.

After a brief greeting, the radio cut off. Lee Won blinked, puzzled for a

The breath he had just heard was never strange to me. hopefully that

"What's up guy?"

He frowned a few seconds later and let it out, but stopped thinking
about it any longer.

Of course, it never was because a creepy shiver ran down her spine.

After a quick meal, I looked around, but the fog showed no sign of

It was dangerous to wander in the forest under these circumstances. I

got nervous thinking about spending another day like this. Lee Won
leaned back against the rolled-up sleeping bag, deep in thought of him.

As he re lected on the conversation I had with Cesar one by one,

something strange happened.

I had the feeling that Cesar was strangely out of focus. At irst, I
thought it was because he was used to these kinds of games. But
somehow that doesn't seem to be the case.

So what is the reason?

One by one, Lee Won reviewed the conversation with him. The
conversation is only 5 minutes a day, but that's the only way to get

Suddenly, Lee Won remembered that his voice was surprisingly clear.
When there is fog like this, the frequency may be shaken a bit, but the
voice has been clearly heard from the irst day until now. I just thought
a radio would be nice, but after walking around for the last two days, I
igured no matter how good a radio was, it was too much.


Lee Won narrowed his eyes.

Maybe the reason why I couldn't ind any trace of that guy... … .

In front of him, a mist-soaked tree burned brightly with the sound of

splashing water.


Cesar spilled his drinking water on the burning wood. The black ashes
died down with a muf led sound and the lames completely
disappeared. I was able to start a ire today because of the fog, but on
the contrary it did nothing. This is because the terrain is quite rough
and there is often a risk of death if you step on the wrong foot.
Ian also had little movement today. Caesar stopped chasing him early.
In this kind of weather, Lee Won wouldn't go overboard and gather
energy. For beginners, this dif icult terrain quickly depletes stamina. I
should have rested a bit today, so let's do it in moderation tomorrow
and inish it.

Cesar, lost in his thoughts, smiled involuntarily. Several times already,

Lee Won appeared and disappeared within range of him. He didn't
know it at all, but if Caesar had eaten the taste, this pointless game
would have been over sooner. However, Caesar was enjoying this game
for a different reason than Lee Won. He is like a cat that plays with a
mouse, drops it, chases it, inds it, and loses sight of it again and again.

If Dmitry knew, he would foam at the mouth.

It was time to laugh again. A strange smell mixed through the mist.
Caesar instinctively pulled out a familiar Glock. The reason he didn't
pull the trigger was because he had been scratching his head over the
fact that there was only one person in this room besides him.

He suddenly appeared. A man appeared out of nowhere as if he

jumped out of the mist and suddenly attacked Caesar. Just as Caesar
turned back, a dull sound echoed through the silent forest.


Caesar frowned and let out a short exclamation.

"I almost had a concussion."

Caesar smiled as he looked at Lee Won, who was sitting on top of him,
but he didn't. Instead, he was just looking at Caesar with raised
eyebrows as if he was annoyed.

"If you shoot like that, you lose."

A Colt was in Lee Won's hand. Cesar saw this and said something that
didn't it the situation.

“This gun is not for you. Something sexier? Beretta for example... … .”

Instead of responding, Lee Won slightly rotated the gun in his hand,
grabbed the barrel and mercilessly sliced his head off with his grip.

“… … !”

This time there was no sound. Even though blood dripped from the
side of his forehead immediately, Caesar looked at Lee Won without
even groaning. In response, Lee Won noted that unlike before, he was
actually in pain this time.

"Are you sexy now?"

"… … Okay."

Caesar answered reluctantly, as if he was still absurd. After a brief

shock, he soon returned to his usual form.

"How did you ind me?"

Lee Won said while he was still sitting on his chest, pointing the gun at
“Did you have any con idence that you wouldn't be noticed? I wish it
was only 20 minutes away.”

Still, Caesar shrugged nonchalantly.

"I thought you'd ind out tomorrow."

Lee Won narrowed his eyes.

"Of course because you were going to appear in front of me, right?"

Caesar responded with a brief smile. he raised his hand. Lee Won's
heart sped up as her ingers gently caressed his cheeks, but he didn't
show it on his face. He only wished that his lower back, which had
nothing to do with the opposite sex, would not react.

"How did you know?"

Cesar asked in a tempting whisper. Lee Won meekly replied with an

expressionless face.

“Have you always been close to me? If not, there's no way he can't go
unnoticed like this.

Also, if you were honest, you would have met at least once, but there
was no such coincidence. It doesn't make any sense, unless you
deliberately avoided me or followed me from a distance.

Cesar laughed brie ly. As if he was unexpected.

"They beat me up."

I was the one who suffered

Lee Won thought to his heart. This was as if it was con irmed that
Caesar had not intentionally captured him. If not, how can you be so

Besides, he followed me and did nothing.

Lee Won bit his lip.

At that time, he may have masturbated me while he watched me from a

place not too far away.

His stomach lurched as he thought this man had spurned him again.
Caesar gasped, not knowing how Lee Won felt.

“So the game is over now? Because you won.

That was when Caesar spoke and was about to caress Yi Won's cheek.
Suddenly, Lee Won violently threw it away.

"You're kidding now?"

Caesar paused at the low-pitched comments. He soon noticed that Lee

Won was angry.

As proof, he, too, shrugged at Caesar's outstretched hand. Caesar, who

until then had been brimming with leisure, paused. To Caesar, who
didn't say anything, Lee Won inished his words with wide eyes
"I don't even feel like holding your hand right now."

Caesar asked quietly to the cold voice.


Lee Won smiled.

"Because I'm not nervous at all."

Caesar was silent. Lee Won looked at him and continued.

"You're not attractive at all, and you can't even get a boner."

The two looked at each other in silence. Lee Won, who had been so
quiet for a while, slowly bowed. His faces came closer and he stopped,
close enough to catch his breath.


Caesar stopped at the soft voice calling his name. Lee Won looked at
him with downcast eyes and parted his lips.

"Make me excited, drive me crazy."

He whispered in a low voice mixed with his breath.

"Then I'll lick you right down to your toes."

He stood up, making eye contact. Until then, Caesar had not spoken.
But Lee Won knew better than himself that he was excited.
"You owe me."

Lee Won said after a few seconds of silence on purpose.

"Don't forget that I saved you now."

After stabbing the bloodstained Colt at his waist, the bloody Colt that
had hit Caesar's head, he opened his mouth.

"So we start again?"

Instead of answering, Caesar smiled slightly. When Lee Won stood up,
only then did Caesar stand up. Lee Won, who had been waiting for him
to dust himself off, asked.

"Since when?"

Caesar replied.

“Give me ten seconds. In the meantime, run away as far as you can.
After counting accurately,”

A red gleam lashed in his eyes, the irst he had ever seen.

"I will catch you and rape you."

Immediately, Caesar counted and Lee Won started running. It's real.
Running with all his might, Lee Won thought. This time it's very, very
real. That man will seriously aim at my neck.
They will do everything to kill me.

Of course it was what he expected. If that wasn't the intention, there

would be no way to ind him on purpose and provoke him like that.
Finally, the game begins.

I felt that now I knew what boiling blood was. The adrenaline rises and
the pulse shoots up. Lee Won ran through the map that he had
remembered in his head. Of course, that was the route he had already
planned before coming here.


Dmitry, who was looking at the screen, let out a small sigh.

"Is this inally starting?"

The dots that had merged for a moment began to vanish in an instant.

Lee Won runs and Caesar waits. The reason is obvious. The
resourceful Lee Won must have found Caesar and urged him to do well.
I don't know what they fed him, but Cesar seemed serious now. As
evidence, the point that had stopped for a while began to move after the
other point at a terrifying speed.

Now show me the show you've been waiting for.

Dmitry felt his ingertips tingle and iddled with the knife. Kill me,

Catch that lawyer, kill him, cut off every piece of meat and throw away
the gun.


Lee Won inhaled and stopped walking. Once you come here, you feel
safe. They passed the trap countless times on their way, but never
heard a sound. If Cesar had followed him, at least three irecrackers
would have gone off. Convinced that he had been suf iciently
disconnected from him, Lee Won leaned against a tree and held his

To what extent will Caesar be sincere?

Lee Won was curious and didn't want to know at the same time. In any
case, the situation is now as he originally intended it to be. Now the
real race has begun.

For a moment, Lee Won doubted his eyes. With the faint sound of
footsteps like the sound of leaves in the wind, something passed in
front of my eyes. He blinked blankly for a moment, then immediately
froze at the shot aimed at his forehead.

Caesar was standing just a few meters ahead. Unlike himself, he looked
at Lee Won, not even gasping for harsh breath. After some time had
passed since his eyes met, Lee Won realized that he was actually Caesar.
At the same time, shivers ran down my spine. He was surprised that he
could move so quietly without stepping on any of the booby traps he
had set up, he was surprised that he could be so fast, and inally he was
surprised to discover exactly where he was hiding at that instant and
point the gun at me. he.

Just looking at him without saying a word, Caesar suddenly pulled the
gun from him. “Uh,” he said to Lee Won, who blinked and opened his
mouth with a characteristic faint smile.

"I paid my debt."

To Lee Won, who was momentarily stunned, Caesar added in a languid


"Don't forget that I saved you now."

Lee Won knew for the irst time that it was such a disgusting thing to
repeat what he said and take it back. With an ugly contortion between
his brows, Cesar raised his hand slightly and said:

“So we start again? This time I run away.

And when he appeared, he withdrew behind the leaves and was out of
sight in an instant. For some time, Lee Won couldn't believe that he was
left alone. He stood there for a while, the nerves in his entire body on
edge in the quiet forest with nowhere in sight. If you are an opponent
who can hide his presence like that, you will never be able to tell.

It was only then that Lee Won understood why he had been chasing
after him for the past three days and he never knew why. If he hadn't
noticed a strange sign in the middle, he would have unknowingly
caught him, or caught him, as he walked motionlessly according to
Caesar's plan. In the end, he almost made Caesar's fool again.

Not that way.

It was a brief moment, but he knew Caesar's abilities. Now it's your
turn to answer this. I'm not giving up either. After ixing his boot laces,
Lee Won got up from his chair.

the seat of him. His face, running in the opposite direction from where
Cesar had disappeared, was more tense and serious than ever.

"The dam is getting out of the way."

According to the gang member's report, Dmitry checked the monitor.

The two points were scattered in opposite directions. What's that?
Dmitry frowned involuntarily. There's no way that lawyer can escape
Cesar's eyes. Or did Caesar let him go on purpose?

would have been

Dmitry undoubtedly came to that conclusion. You will never miss the
prey that Caesar caught.

"Should we start?"

At the member's question, Dmitry crossed his arms and shook his

He continued speaking without taking his eyes off the monitor.

“Let's see how Caesar turns out. Our job is to make the cheat useful.

He whispered, chasing the dot that represented duality with his

slanted gaze.

"And the lawyer dies."

Caesar would think that he died because of the trap he had set. Then
it's all over.

very neat.

Dmitry waited for the moment to come, taking deep breaths to calm his
racing pulse.


Lee Won quickly stopped moving and looked around. where was this
The orientation was very important because the forest was seen from
there. I tried to ind out where he was while

I drew a map in my head, but it wasn't easy. First of all, he looked

around for a place to hide, only to ind a small cave in a good spot.
I thought I could duck small, but I failed. Being tall is a burden at times
like this.

Lee Won spat out swear words under his breath and looked for
another place. It wasn't as good as before, but it was the only place to
hide. Lee Won looked around the oyster, which had a strange smell, and
went inside.

Perhaps it was a place where a fairly large animal lived, inside it the
bones of various animals were scattered and there was even a
nauseating smell. If your body stinks, that's a big deal. Lee Won
thought, took out a map and unfolded it. He took a long time to igure
out the approximate location. Judging that he had come a long way
from where he was, he decided that he had to change his position to
attack from an appropriate place.

It was true, but it was true that Caesar took care of him once. If so, it
was clear that he would attack Lee Won wholeheartedly and attack
again. If so, I'll drop this one too. If you passively defend and run away,
you won't win forever. And Caesar wouldn't expect this side to ight
back so quickly, so it's a bit disappointing. After making a decision in an
instant, Lee Won came up with a plan.

He spent a lot of time poring over the map and contemplating strategy
and device. Lee Won was worried because the smell of a dead animal
had been absorbed into his body, but there was no way to con irm it.
The stronger the odor, the greater the risk of detection. There is no
other way?

If there is a way to use this... … ?

Caesar would know immediately. As long as he doesn't shoot

immediately, he has a chance to win. Let's lure him to a place where a
booby trap can be set up. So here and here... … .

I'm not going to shoot or shoot right away.

Cesar will not shoot and he had already done it. Lee Won has always
thought that Caesar could shoot him at any moment. For example, if
you say you want to break up, you are the man who will put a gun to
your head. However, it was a very sad reality.

Caesar was unpredictable. Perhaps that was why Mikhail was so upset
whenever he faced him.

What kind of person is his father, a man named Sasha? How could he
have made his own blood and only blood son like that? A person
without emotions cannot exist in the world, and Caesar must have lived
that way until he met Lee Won. And now that he has feelings, Dmitry
hates Lee Won and hates him.

The training that Caesar did before he met me... … .

He was a man who climbed up and down from that tall tree without
even making a sound of breathing.

There was even room to put a warm compress on Lee Won's arms.
After lying still for a while, Lee Won immediately came to his senses
and plunged back into his thoughts. Anyway, all you have to do is win.
There is no absolute winner in the world, the one who loses and the
one who wins.

It can be a tough ight, but it doesn't disappoint.

Even as I thought about it, my pulse kept racing higher and higher. Of
course, he wasn't scared. He feels intimidating, but it is different from
fear. So what is this feeling, this emotion?

Lee Won calmed down as he held his harsh breath. The thrill of
meeting an opponent stronger than him, or an unpredictable opponent,

I want to win. I want to win.

He was willing to ire any number of weapons if necessary. Caesar will


Again clutching the tingling in his stomach, Lee Won took a deep breath
and ran out of the cave.

After staying for quite some time, the body had all kinds of stinky
odors. After pulling up his sleeve and checking the smell, Lee Won
turned around.

Caesar would surely think that Yi Won had run in the opposite
direction. If so, I will come to you from my side this time. And I will
catch you in the trap. Hang it on a net and let it ly. Lee Won felt his
heart tremble just by imagining it, and he quickly moved to the place he
had planned.

"Well, what should I do?"

A member of the organization hastily called Dmitry to report. Looking

at the monitor, Lee Won was going in the wrong direction.
"… … What? That boy."

Dmitry frowned and swore. Why the hell are you going there? what is

"… … I have nothing."

Dmitry, who reviewed the previously taken photo, patted his chin and
thought, then realized. I'm thinking of using that land.

"It is not like this."

Dmitry smiled coldly and ordered.

"Break all traps."


It didn't take long to set up the network and connect the irecrackers.
Lee Won's prediction simulation was simple. When you step on the
trap, the ireworks go up and at the same time lift the end of the net.
The prey is caught and hung from a tree. It was a simple but very safe

Lee Won peeked through the net and checked his step. It was
con irmed on the map that the area where this method could be used
was limited. This is because everything is uneven and the height of the
trees is not correct. Lee Won, who managed to ind this place, was very
satis ied with the land just the way he wanted it.

Now you just need to ind Caesar and lure him out.

There was a trap here. The fact was that if Caesar was too far away
from the trap, the game might be over before he was lured here. After
all, setting a trap also meant you couldn't stray too far from the area.
However, he didn't have enough room to throw traps here and there.
There's a limit to the gear you have, so if you cheat pretty big, up to 3
will be possible. If you were a bit more creative, maybe 4?

How many Caesars can you make?

Lee Won was curious inside. Suddenly, I felt my ingers stiffen. I didn't
know because I was working frantically, but my hands that were
exposed to the cold for a long time were ine. He took out the hot
compress he had kept and shook it vigorously.

After all, the hot pack is the greatest invention of mankind.

Lee Won wrapped the hot pack with both hands. After playing for a
while, feeling the heat, he suddenly remembered. Why do you feel like
you're back in the army?

When I had a miserable thought, my stomach just lipped over. We take

a break? To eat something, he sat down and opened his backpack.
Beneath the stuffed items, portable soup, and dry bread, familiar but
unfamiliar letters were visible.

Seeing the candy package written in Korean, Lee Won doubted his eyes
and took it out. It was really a cookie. That's what I ate in the army.
How is this here? He was puzzled by the unexpected situation. When I
irst organized my bag, I couldn't go through it properly because I only
roughly divided it into what I'd eat and what I'd use, and what I'd use
right away and what I'd use later.

it's cookie

Hangeul, which I haven't seen for a long time, was nice and unknown to
me. He looked at it with a curious expression for a moment, then jerked
open the bag, stuffed it into his pocket, and stood up. He looked around
the place he was leaving, and after con irming that there was no trace
left, he turned around.

… … It seems that you are training in the reserve army.


He sighed involuntarily, took the dry biscuit out of the envelope and
slowly rolled it into his mouth, remembering his thoughts. What you do
in Survival is very simple. Covering my tracks and chasing the other
person's scent to stop breathing. Lee Won remembered the weight of
the heavy weapon he had been using all day.

If he had been thinking of fooling around, he wouldn't have prepared

something like this.

If you thought it was a simple sport or game, you would be hit hard.
When the word survival game is introduced, ordinary people naturally
think of paintballs. Not this heavy royal weapon.
If Lee Won had said that he would go with a bazooka, Caesar would
have nodded in agreement. To come with such weapons in the irst
place, Caesar and Dmitry were men who were far from common sense.

I also like that he lets him have his way.

With a light sigh, the military uniforms on his back and the weapons
hidden all over his body felt heavy. Lee Won lightly dodged the
dangerously protruding stone and passed through the map-like scenery
in his head one after another.

Staying in one place is dangerous. In accordance with the caretaker's

concern that it was a dif icult course, Lee Won deftly walked on the
ground that suddenly rose above the ground or was sloppy from time to

It's better if it's just the geography of the terrain. There are even booby
traps set up along this course. As you can see from the brochure, it's
not uncommon to fall into a trap, break a leg, or get hit critically
because you can't dodge a lying target.

It wasn't designed like that from the start, but since the booby traps set
up by experienced people who had come before couldn't be recovered,
they were left one by one, causing booby traps to appear here and
there. The terrain is also unevenly steep, but it wasn't generally
dif icult as I had to pay attention to the various booby traps set up on
each one. Also, Iwon and Caesar are about to set a new trap there as

If I do it, the man will too.

Lee Won looked at Caesar's thoughts with the most basic attitude. If I
don't do it, there is a chance that others will do it, but if I do it, the rest
must be done. With that in mind, he gave him his full attention, but the
trap was nowhere in sight. He knew she was after him, so he might
have set something up. If it were you, you would have done it and you
already have.

But Caesar is not me.

Lee Won slowed down his walk and looked around him. Other than the
full trap, where should I put any traps to catch the man? As I thought of
countless ways, my mouth became stuffy. I splashed water on my dry
mouth and reached into the bag of cookies in my pocket, only to grab
another small bag from inside. When I pulled it out, it was star candy. I
laughed out loud as I lightly shook a small lump of sugar that was
essential instead of water.

You can't go wrong with this cookie.

He paused as he tried to open the star candy in a small plastic bag

without thinking.

Now that I think about it.

He reminded me of a nonsense myth from the military. In an army

illed only with men, there is a story about adding a resistance-
depleting agent to star candy in cookies to control sexual desire. Of
course, the Secretary of National Defense explained that it was
nonsense, and most of it was dismissed as rumor on the level of an
urban ghost story.

But could it really be?

Lee Won looked at Star Candy suspiciously. Come to think of it, when I
was in the army, I didn't stand up surprisingly well. When I went on
vacation, he moved normally, but if he went there, the grass would die
and he couldn't lift his head at all.

… …For the star candy?

There was no way to con irm that these tiny sugar cubes had such
great power.

Lee Won, who looked down with a doubtful but serious face, did not
open it and put it in another pocket. I put the new cookie back in my
mouth, but my ingers weren't moving very well. It has gotten pretty in
the cold.

I'm crazy, I guess it's a survival game in a country like this.

He's freezing to death because he's useless to any couple. Lee Won
searched through distant memories and thought about what he did in
the army. How cold it was in winter, how hot it was in summer, and
how terribly heavy it was to carry and carry with a gun. Also, the
march that only walked day and night still breaks my teeth. Tired of
snow and rain. Snow gets boring here too.

Will the Russian soldiers also close their eyes?

When I shivered at the thought of the terrible snow, I felt a strange

presence. Re lexively, he leaned back, shifted position, and hid behind a
thick wooden post. I lowered my breath and waited, but the
surroundings were still. He stood motionless for a long time in the
forest where he heard nothing more than the occasional rustle of leaves
in the wind.

As his body tensed, Lee Won relaxed and sighed. I took out the cookie
again and put it in my mouth, but it was a little faster. Immediately, his
throat was blocked and Lee Won quickly coughed and hit his chest.
Even though no one was looking, he suddenly got embarrassed and
shook his head, saying “Ah”, and smashed the rice cake's forehead
against the protruding branch.

Tears welled up at the corners of his eyes as he rubbed his forehead

without even groaning.

It is not possible to eat properly and this kind of absurd accident

occurs. I prefer

eat something good other than cookie crumbs. He sighed angrily and
began to prepare his food rummaging through his backpack.


The aroma of spam cooked evenly over the ire fragrantly spread.
Caesar hummed a low hum and drizzled him with olive oil once. With
a crack, the oil dripped onto the roast meat. Meanwhile, he made a
simple sauce by mixing mayonnaise and ketchup, and inished it off by
mixing in a few drops of olive oil.

In all circumstances, food must be consumed correctly. If you don't eat

it when you get the chance, you don't know when you'll be able to eat it
again. After completing the material that he quite liked, he skillfully
inished it. Toasted Spam on black barley bread and bagged pickled
cucumbers cut into chunks, he made a big sandwich. Finally, he
ordered a bite of the bread with the sauce. The taste spread in my
mouth just as I expected it to in my head.

As he slowly chewed on the sandwich, he thought of Lee Won.

Instant is simple, so I'll do it without errors.

In another sense, he was worried about Lee Won. He was a man that
he could never be trusted to cook something for himself without
knowing anything else. They will not starve, but there is a risk of food
poisoning. It was kind of comforting knowing it was winter so I didn't
have to worry about the food going bad.

Did you want to prepare simple food that can be stored for a long time?

Caesar thought, and ate the sandwich he had made himself again. At
that time, Lee Won was illing his food by rubbing his still-sore forehead
from time to time, pouring the remaining cookies into the canned soup
and rolling them up.


After a while, Lee Won, who got into the sleeping bag, fell asleep with
an even breathing sound, and the shadows hidden in the dark began to
move one by one. He was waiting all the time to carry out Dmitry's
orders, but unexpectedly,

he couldn't move because of the resourceful man. Even just before

going to sleep, Lee Won sensitively reacted to the slightest noise around
him and did not lose his vigilance.

Well, it's normal in this case.

The men thought so, but they thought that this man's senses were too
sensitive. As if a wild animal was wary of its surroundings, the ability
to detect even the slightest change in the wind was remarkable in a way.

I'm just an ordinary lawyer with a nice body.

The men always moved cautiously, remembering the identity of the

man Dmitry used to curse. One of the crowd caught his attention by the
well-groomed face of the man in the sleeping bag. And they hurriedly
dispersed as planned.

Suddenly sensing a strange presence, Lee Won opened his eyes. Is it

Caesar? Or is he just a passing beast? Lee Won opened his eyes while
he was lying down and looked around him.

There were black shadows moving in the dark.

Person… … ?

It must have been just him and Caesar at the camp, but Lee Won, who
had thought about it, soon realized it. There was another ambush. It
was Dmitry. The man, who alone would have had over a hundred
accidents, came here after chasing Caesar, and there was nothing he
couldn't do for him. Also, if it was something that could harm Lee Won,
it would be even worse.
It would be nothing like breaking through hours of someone else's
painstakingly crafted trap.

As expected, the men's movements were clear. Not that way. Lee Won
waited for the moment with his body tense.

"What are you guys doing!"

Just as he was about to break the net just in time, he jumped up and
screamed. For a moment, the men staggered from side to side. It would
have been better to run away as is, or rather attack Lee Won.
Unfortunately, one person took the wrong address. The man's step
backwards touched the irecrackers, and at the same time sparks lew
in all directions.

Pop, pop, pop and loud noises resounded in all directions. The men
panicked and started screaming. Between them, the wandering man
touched something he shouldn't have stepped on.

"Ugh… … ."

The sadness came out on its own, but the man's scream was much
more devastating than Lee Won's. The painstakingly installed net rose
and the man lew. When the gang members saw his companions
disappear into thin air, they seemed bewildered, and suddenly started
running, calling out his name. The shouts of the men wandered
through the forest for a while.

Lee Won stood there for a moment with an absurd feeling and blinked.
It wasn't just the men who didn't respond to the emergency. Lee Won
was also in a daze for a while, unaware of what was happening in front
of him.
When I woke up, he was in a daze again for another reason. They
managed to drive off the monsters, but the cost was high. Lee Won was
devastated to think that all of his hard work during the day had been in

this idiot

Lee Won looked down at the messy ground and gritted his teeth. There
are limits to meddling and gossip. This has crossed the line. Above all,
don't you have the right to interfere in your own game with Caesar and
ruin the board like this?

Wooduk, Lee Won's face, who made a sound as he pressed the bones of
his ingers, turned bloody.

Okay, I'll take care of you if you want.

Until now, I thought it had nothing to do with me, so I just ignored all
kinds of rude words and actions. There was nothing involved in the
work, and more in his private life. In any case, it was a necessary
existence for Caesar, and it was not an area he could handle, which is
why he had been blinding him until now.

But this way, it was impossible to ignore the fact that he was directly
harming himself and causing irritation. Grinding his teeth with a
metallic sound, he looked at what he thought was Dmitry.

Ex-KGB and whatever, I'll ix your habit, you Caesar-mad asshole.

trash kids.

Dmitry gritted his teeth and spat abusive language at the miserable
bones of gangsters who had returned from disastrous failure. It was
absurd to come back like a dog that lost a ight without being able to
handle any of it.

What about a mongrel bastard like that?

If he had done it himself, such an absurd failure would never have

occurred. However, he was so proud of myself that I had to deal with
Lee Won and others, so I stopped. However, since things have turned
out like this, it only incites Lee Won's vigilance and there is no harvest
at all. If you tried something again, the chance that Caesar would catch
you increased a lot.

"Useless bastards."

His subordinates were taken aback by the harsh and stinging swear
words and glared at them. Dmitry walked around the truck and rubbed
his chin. I can't help it. Except for another chance. Once he broke the
trap, the purpose was achieved anyway. Now the question remains,
how do we make him fall into Caesar's trap?

… … Yes.

He stopped walking and narrowed his eyes.

There are limits to traps, the important thing is close combat.

After some time passed, Lee Won, who turned cold, changed his mind.
No matter how modern weapons develop, soldiers are still needed.
Reinstalling traps is dif icult, and above all, the idea of luring the
enemy to the trap location was an outdated idea. Above all, Caesar, who
was no one else, could not fall for such an obvious trick.

Lee Won rubbed his chin intensely and fell into thought. I'd rather
make a bomb out of those irecrackers.

it was late

Sorry for the lost idea, he rolled his mind again.

Let's ind out Caesar's location irst.


Cesar stopped and turned his head at the noise he heard from afar.
Fireworks lashed one after another in the dark sky. It must have been
the two of us in the forest, so it seemed like Lee Won did something. I
wondered if there had been an accident, but I was too far away. Along
the way, Lee Won will run away.

If so, what should I do?

Caesar didn't even blink and looked around the area around Lee Won.
In densely wooded and less dense places. Of course I prefer the
thickest. It's natural, without thinking or anything. Who would give up
natural resources to cover his body? Caesar grabbed the Glock and
started walking.

Just as I thought.

Lee Won held his breath when he saw Caesar, who had appeared from
the trees at irst sight. Once again, Caesar didn't realize that he had
changed the pattern with an attack. Heading into the dense forest was
proof of that. great. Lee Won held the rack and the knife he was
holding and held his breath.

It was a chance for him, who had been lagging behind the whole time,
to win back the score in one fell swoop. I'm not good at handling
knives, so I thought I'd focus on the weapon irst, as this could cause
more serious injuries. You can do it only at the rubbing level. Lee Won
promised to kill Inki Chuck and approached him step by step.

He still didn't know that Lee Won was approaching him. One more
step, one more step. Belatedly, Lee Won wondered if there was any
tainted smell on his clothes. I will check it again.

I'm sorry, but it's already too late. Now it was time to move on.

Lee Won squatted to the point of having cramps throughout his body.
In any case, as long as César goes unnoticed. Ten steps, ive steps, three
When he was inally inside the iring range, Lee Won forgot to breathe.

Heartless and headless. He points down…….

Adjusting the limbs, not the torso, was the most dif icult. Lee Won
narrowed his eyes and held his breath.

This is now

As he held his breath completely, Lee Won squeezed the trigger and
immediately a spark jumped into the air.


Caesar's gaze came into view. Wow, Lee Won slowly realized that he
was dodging the bullet. It was a great opportunity. Lee Won felt sorry
and tried to run towards him.

There was still a chance. Cesar must still be in a daze from the shock of
the earlier gun ight. So you have to hit him right now… … ! Lee Won
ran towards Caesar, aiming for a melee battle. But there lurked an
unexpected ambush.


The ground shook with a loud noise. Lee Won tried to run towards
Caesar, but lost his concentration and collapsed. When I turned my
head in surprise, bombs were exploding in all directions. He seemed to
have touched a hidden trap. Is it the remnant of someone who came
Lee Won was embarrassed, but the bomb exploded again and he
quickly had to cover his head.

I need to get out of here.

It was a shame to miss the opportunity, but there was nothing he could
do about it. Lee Won hurriedly left the place as if he was crawling on
the ground. After that, a few more explosives were detonated, and after
a while, even the dusty and misty wind subsided, and there was no
trace of anything left there.


Dmitry, seeing this with his own eyes, spat out swear words. It was
almost certain, but I screwed it up. That damn kid! Contorting his face
and biting his nails, anyone could see him on the verge of an explosion.

At best, I used Caesar's trap to blow him up, but it worked. It must
have made Caesar suspicious. Naturally, you will be surprised by the
irepower that is several times stronger than the explosives in the trap
you created.

He almost lew all the way to Caesar. He gritted his teeth and looked at
the monitor. That bastard would dare to change the pattern with an
attack. In an unexpected accident, Dmitry hastily brushed his hair. At
this rate, the plan cannot continue. I even tried to install the remaining

“I, what should I do… … .”

Although he had already guessed it, the organizer opened his mouth to
hear a clear order. Dmitry was upset, but he couldn't help it. Wouldn't
it be impossible to get rid of that lawyer without questioning Cesar?
Dmitry got into a dilemma and looked at the monitor.


One side of my forehead itched. He probably had abrasions. Caesar

healed the wounds on his arm before him. The long slash wound was
probably caused by lying fragments of something.

Dmitry this child.

Caesar pulled the shards still lodged in his lesh with an annoyed
twitch between his brows and quickly bandaged the spurting blood.
First aid was done once. Seeing that there was no trace of Lee Won, it
was clear that he also escaped safely.

That's pretty good.

Involuntarily, the corners of his mouth slackened. It was a good

strategy for Lee Won to attack himself by changing the pattern with an
attack. It is so sad that he returned to failure.

I only had one chance.

After checking the bandages on the wound, Caesar got to his feet.
There is no second chance.

Lee Won looked back as if he had heard something, but there was
nothing there. Then yes.

As he turned around in deep thought, his ears twitched and his face

What the hell is that explosive?

He thought as he stopped and rubbed his ear. Survival games are

called sports.

Can I use a pipe bomb like that? Entire people could ly away.

Caesar will be ine... … .

Lee Won was worried, but he soon stopped thinking. He was a man
who boasted of being more skilled than he was anyway. Rather, what
he should regret now is the fact that he had missed a precious
opportunity. It had already been revealed that Lee Won had turned to
attack, so there was no way to outsmart him anymore.

So all that's left.

Lee Won barely took his hands off his ears and thought.

Is it a head-to-head match?
i will go face to face

Caesar lipped through the magazine and tucked it into his waistband.

So the game is over, Lee Won.

He walked forward with an expressionless face, but there was a slight

smile at the corner of his mouth.


Lee Won overcame accelerated fatigue with tension and carefully

moved his feet one step at a time.

There was nothing to be heard anywhere except the occasional rustle

of leaves. The sound of his own breathing made his ears tingle. Lee
Won often crouched down and looked around him.

You never know when or where Caesar will show up. This time they
will not cross. Both Lee Won and Caesar knew that this was the end.
The moment you discover it, the moment you ind it, everything will

Where are you?

In the forest, night falls quickly. Although it was still early evening, the
room was already so dark that it was dif icult to discern what lay ahead.
It was hard to secure a view with only starlight coming through the
leaves. But that didn't stop him from committing the reckless act of
turning on the lashlight. Lee Won took one step at a time, relying only
on his senses and his blurred vision.


Suddenly, he heard something, and Lee Won immediately crouched

down and looked around him. The nerves throughout his body were
taut, but there was no sign of more than that. It took him a little longer
to calm down. Lee Won waited and waited with great tension.

… … then.

He felt like it had been a while before he let out a short sigh. It was a
brief relief, but then he felt a chill run down his spine. As if his instinct,
sensing the crisis of his life, screamed, he lew away without realizing it.


The roar of gun ire echoed through the dark night sky and echoed
everywhere. Lee Won felt the pain from the past spread out again and
he quickly covered his ears. A sharp pain shot through his eardrum.
Lee Won gritted his teeth and barely took it. It was really an amazing
difference. If he had been there, my head might have been blown off.

You shot me twice.

This time, even if it was suggested by Lee Won, I felt hurt as if an old
wound had been revived. That bastard never hesitates when he shoots
me. Lee Won applied force to his ingers and repeated squeezing and

This time I will de initely win.

Lee Won swore and looked around hurriedly. Where are you? Where
are you? Where are you looking at me now?

In the darkness where he couldn't see from all sides, he couldn't

understand how Caesar had shot two. It must be somewhere around
here. can you see me have you already igured out all my positions?

Should I run away or should I sit like this?

Several times the same election was given. Lee Won struggled again at
the fork in the road. A crisis is an opportunity. Hopefully this could be
an opportunity and a last resort.

However, one condition is required to become a reverse electrode.

What are the conditions under which I can defeat Caesar?

Lee Won, who was worried, changed his mind. Anyway, the conditions
are the same. You may have found me there irst, but if you hide well, it
will be hard to ind you again. Lee Won lowered his body and moved to
the side little by little. It was not easy to change position while he
searched for Cesar. But if it is dif icult for me, so is the child.

Lee Won thought and moved his body patiently.

Except for the irst shot, there was silence the entire time. It was to the
extent that I thought my breathing was too heavy. Though he was
actually barely breathing.
Where are you?

Lee Won looked around him as he crouched motionless. But the

suspicious shadow was nowhere to be seen.

excuse me… … .

Lee Won, who he had thought about until now, suddenly realized. He
wasn't directed at me in the irst place. He didn't even know where I
was. Whether he shot into a tree or into the air, the only thing that
mattered to him was the sound of the shots. Why.

to make me move

ha ha.

Lee Won crouched down and forcibly suppressed his rapidly

worsening breath. I blinked into the deep darkness where I couldn't
see an inch ahead. Nothing changed, but he was sure. Now beyond that
darkness is man. Like a tiger hidden in the jungle, he waits for his prey
to breathe with bright eyes. The most perfect moment.

When that time comes, it will all be over.

Despite the sub-zero weather, Lee Won felt cold sweat running down
his back. His pulse was pounding in her temples and his stomach
churned with excitement. Either one or the other is bound to lose. Of
course, Lee Won never thought that he would be the loser.

It wasn't easy being tense all the time. He was able to withstand the
constant fatigue and stress, but he couldn't stop the momentary
distractions. He suddenly realized that his vision was blurring and he
blinked hurriedly. The focus was clear, but the concentration was

At that moment, everything was decided. At the end of the ield of

vision, along with the shadow that passed like a vision, a dull, dull
sound hit my ears. An eerie chill was felt at the back of his head, and at
the same time, the absurdly soft baritone voice pierced through the
eerie air.

"You are dead now."

Caesar said, the gun pointed behind his head. In a calm and indifferent
tone that is completely different from usual. Without hesitation, he
pulled the trigger and a terrifying shot rang out in the silence of the


“Ugh… … !”

Enduring the pain as if his eardrum had been torn, Lee Won ran
towards him. For a moment, Caesar's surprised face seemed to catch
his attention. In an instant, Lee Won was satis ied with the reaction as
if he had never thought that he would strike back in that brief moment.


With the resounding sound of bones colliding, Lee Won's ist pierced
Caesar's face with precision. It was very nice to see his well-groomed
face suddenly twist and regress.

Without missing the opportunity, Lee Won ran towards him.

Immediately, the next ist lew and blood spattered on Caesar's face.
He clenched his ists one after another, but it no longer worked. César,
who escaped with an intermittent difference, kicked. Lee Won, who had
just kicked him in the stomach, stumbled as he yelled with clogged
breath. Again, Caesar kicked Lee Won who fell down, grabbed his ankle
and pulled him back.

"Quadang," Caesar said as he rolled on the ground. Immediately, Lee

Won climbed on top of him and punched him. Caesar grabbed him and
threw him, and his positions changed drastically. read

Won, who was lying on the ground, cupped his chin in his forehead and
shook his ists at Caesar, who hurriedly stood up.

Caesar, who seemed to collapse after being punched in the stomach,

grabbed Lee Won's arm and pulled him close. Suddenly, Lee Won was
dragged by the hand and rolled on the ground.

He pumped his ists again, hit his stomach with his knees, and fell back
to the ground, spinning round and round.

Finally, Lee Won fell to the ground, and just as he was about to yell, his
lips tightened sharply.

The tongues were violently mixed. Ha, the sharp breath passed his
mouth like a scream. Wildly rubbing lips moved up his neck, down his
collarbone, down to his chest, and hurried hands grabbed the clothing
blocking the lips and parted them, revealing his bare skin. As the skin
exposed to the cold air shivered with chills, the hot lips immediately
descended, leaving a burn mark.

It seems like I've been waiting for this moment all along. Lee Won
jerked his back and rubbed the bottom of the harness on Caesar's waist.
Biting back the hasty gesture, Caesar unbuttoned his pants. Without
any foreplay, he drilled directly below.

Ah, Lee Won spat out a long sound at the same time. The shock was
transmitted to the extent that my entire body trembled, but to that
extent I was thrilled with a chill.

"Lee Won"

Caesar took a deep breath, rubbing his lips against Iwon's neck and
biting his teeth. The lower part of him bit iercely at the tender lesh
inside and cried out to conquer him, but he kept saying it wasn't
enough. Ask me to enter with more violence, more harshly, to rub
inside me with more force, to ill me more inside.


A continuous moan escaped between the breaths that seemed to be cut

off. Lee Won couldn't take it and grabbed Caesar's neck, biting down on
his collarbone and biting down on the back of his neck. Caesar swelled
with excitement at the fangs that bit savagely as if he had become a

“Ugh, it hurts… … .”

Lee Won spoke re lexively, but Caesar didn't reply. He put his hand
under his knee and pushed it up, and pushed it down. Lee Won twisted
his forehead and let out a harsh sigh, but he didn't care and threw it
down to the roots.

ha ha. ha ha.
The sound of his breathing intertwined chaotically and they didn't
move for a while. The penis trapped in his lower jaw throbbed. Lee
Won felt the place where he was biting throb, linched and let out a
shaky breath.

As soon as Caesar lightly touched his lips to the nipples that had risen
in excitement, Lee Won moaned and shuddered. Soon his lower back
was wet and Cooper's luid over lowed. Transparent and thick bodily
luids mixed together, and the place where they intertwined was
over lowing with love luid. This made Caesar's movement much easier,
and he immediately slapped him on the back and began to ferociously
go in and out.

"I'll wet you up to your toes."

Cleverly repeating what Lee Won had said, Caesar let out harsh breaths
from him.

"Feel more, more."

As he tightly held Lee Won, who was trembling and exhaling, Caesar
moved only his waist to go in and out. Lee Won couldn't come to his
senses with a big penis that went in and out deeply and frequently, and
he spat out moans one after another as if he was sick. The connected
parts itched, the stomach was hot, and the front of the body was hot, so
it looked like he was half dead. Lee Won gasped, hugged Caesar face to
face and tightened his grip on the bottom.

He couldn't stand the beating. When the man's body was imprisoned,
he suddenly ejaculated.

Lee Won stopped at the semen that illed his stomach without warning.
Blinking white, he realized later that he had ejaculated at some point.
Caesar paused for a moment, then moved his waist again. Every time
he moved, bodily luids poured into Lee Won-i. Caesar, who had inally
inished ejaculating after so many times, let out a long breath. I thought
about catching my breath for a moment, then got up. At the same time,
he grabbed Lee Won's arm and pulled him closer.

Immediately, his body shuddered like a puppet in the air, and the penis
that rose from within began to run wild rubbing him all over the place.


An unbearable groan erupted one after another. Reluctantly, Lee Won

put his arms on the ground, raised his hips like beasts, and yelled.

pain. sick. I think I'm going to stop breathing

Oh, but damn it! Love it… … !

"Ugh… … ."

As he let out a long, seething moan, thick cum spurted out of his cock in
a long parabolic line. Lee Won stared blankly at the liquid that splashed
onto Caesar's well-groomed face. Shortly after, he licked Cesar's cheek
with his tongue, poured the semen into his mouth and violently rubbed
his lips. The semen expelled by Lee Won passed into Caesar's mouth. A
drink, out loud, Cesar swallowed it. Unable to contain her excitement,
Lee Won shook his body and bit her butt hard.

there will be another

Lee Won thought through the distant consciousness.

Is there anyone else in the world who can turn me on like this and
make me shiver like this?

He looked at Caesar's face in front of him, lost for a moment.

Immediately after, his lips overlapped and the sound of lesh colliding
again with a deep groan followed violently.


Suddenly, the alarm began to sound loudly. Dmitry looked at the clock
in surprise. there is no doubt. Obviously something went wrong.


I quickly checked the monitor, and there were two overlapping dots. It
was clear that something was wrong. It was unheard of for Caesar's
pulse to be so fast and his blood pressure to shoot up.

Maybe that son of a bitch lawyer?


Without a moment to cover, Dmitry immediately grabbed the ri le from

him and ran. Nonsense.

There is no way Caesar can be killed by someone else. Also, it is

absolutely impossible for the other party to be that lawyer... … !
“Tsar… … !”

That's when I ran out screaming urgently.


Before I knew it, something hit my chest. Unable to make a sound,

Dmitry fell backwards. He almost had a concussion, but luckily his head
was unharmed.

It was thanks to the trap that he expected his foot to rise into the air,
grabbing him and lifting him into the air.

"What what?!"

Hanging upside down from a tree, Dmitry cried out in bewilderment. It

was a trap he hadn't thought of. Why is this here?!

I thought of a course that was connected in a straight line from the

truck he was in to the place Cesar was, but I didn't remember installing
anything. Have you ever been unlucky enough to get caught in a trap
set by someone before?

Just thinking about it made the alarm go off again. Dmitry turned
contemplative and struggled to cut the laces binding his ankles. Was
when. He was born to see the dirtiest and most terrifying scene ever

Two men crouched beyond the darkness hastily intertwined and lusted
after each other. As if to devour him, he stands up and bites all over the
place, sticks his penis inside his body, rubs the semen on his skin and
licks it thoroughly.
As if he had just inished ejaculating, the trembling man pulled his
thick penis out of him. Under the moonlight, a wet penis could be seen
escaping in long lines of body luid. Every time Lee Won gasped, the
thick semen that lowed from the gaping hole ran down his thigh.

But he wasn't inished. As Dmitry knew very well, Caesar would not
end like this. He immediately hugged Lee Won from behind him and
pushed his still erect penis while he was sitting. Then, with another
screech, he was in and out.

Lee Won groaned like a scream with a harsh breath. He clasped his
hands behind his back and yanked on Cesar's head. Tilt your head back
as hard as you can and mix your tongue in deeply. Meanwhile, the
bottom did not stop and trembled.


Caesar, who had run his palms from Lee Won's chest to his stomach,
grabbed his arm. Immediately, Lee Won's upper body swayed and

spilled forward. Lee Won also shook his butt like crazy at the
movement of his penis stabbing his bottom in earnest as he held both
arms behind him.

The sound of meat clinging to each other broke the silence of the forest
with a non-stop noise.

Caesar, who was holding Lee Won's arm tightly and pushing him down
hard, stopped breathing for a moment. He shook his head and hit it
again, then stopped again, then hit it again with a big puck, puck, puck
or two.
As soon as he let go of his arm, Lee Won fell to the ground as if he was
exhausted. But Caesar did not stop and climbed on top of him. Without
any effort, he slid between his wide legs and pushed his arm under his
knee. Lee Won's buttocks loated up and Caesar began to bottom out
with their genitals deeply intertwined.

His movement, which had been slow to go back and forth several times,
quickly sped up and pushed him terribly inside him. A moan escaped
from Lee Won's mouth, who was still motionless as if he were dead. He
was so small and powerless that he couldn't compare to the previous

“Oh, oh, oh, oh”,

This sounded more like a groan than a doctrinal one. But Cesar didn't
care and he ejaculated again. Now, Lee Won's stomach was full to the
point that it was no longer possible.

As evidence of that, every time Caesar moved, semen gushed out from
between the intertwined pieces of meat.

However, Caesar didn't mind and he started lirting again, biting his
lips against Lee Won's parted lips. Saliva over lowed from the corners
of his mouth and semen boiled nonstop.

Dmitry, who had been hanging upside down in a panic and staring at
the appearance of the two men babbling over and over relentlessly,
cried out in shock when he saw Lee Won moaning and ejaculating from
deep within the vocal cords with the caesar's penis behind him. I ran

A desperate scream resounded everywhere in the dark forest, but no
one heard it.


His heavy breathing slowly calmed down. The two of them lay upright,
looking at the night sky re lected through the thick leaves. We didn't
say a word, but we felt full, as if we had talked more about each other
than ever before.

He regained consciousness, which had been gone for a while, but his
head was still in a daze.

Maybe it was because of the trembling and shaking of the body. Was
this Shaky Baby Syndrome?

He was half asleep as he thought meaningless thoughts, and Caesar

climbed back up to the top of Iwon. Lee Won, who had been
contemplating for a moment, suddenly remembered something.

Oh yeah.

Lee Won woke him up with a kiss and waved his hand to avoid Caesar
who was about to start over. Barely tugging at the backpack that had
reached his ingertips, he rummaged through his pockets, tore off the
plastic, and held it out to Caesar.

"… … What? This."

To him who was puzzled and asked, Lee Won replied.

"Eat before sex, now."

Cesar then smiled and refused.

"I don't need Viagra."

You're telling me to stop!

Lee Won patiently said what he wanted to shout.

"Anyway, eat it, it's good."

To me.

The added words were swallowed internally, and Lee Won urged
Caesar to feed him star candies.

“… … ? What's this? It's like a lump of sugar."

"They are sweets that are sold in Korea, now."


"I've inished."

kill you, you!

Lee Won added to himself and ate all the star candy in the small plastic

Anyway, Caesar, who ate everything he ordered, kissed Lee Won again
and entered his crotch. How long will it take to digest all this?
Inwardly, Lee Won remembered the movement that naturally occurred
with his lesh still throbbing from him and began to pat his back. I hope
to see the effect in 1 minute. at least in 10 minutes. No, please let it

Even as he sang an endless chant, Caesar slipped in and out of him with
satisfaction. Lee Won, who had left Caesar alone kissing Lee Won's face,
neck, and shoulders with a cute sound, sighed abruptly.

"What's happening?"

Still digging diligently under it, Caesar asked. Without a word, Lee
Won swayed languidly following the regular movements.

He knew he was going to end up like this. Lee Won thought.

Has anyone made me so excited?

Just as this man fell in love with Lee Won, Lee Won fell deeply in love
with this man. Lee Won bitterly admitted. César was the only one who
made the adrenaline of the two circles boil. sexually or otherwise.

… … Fountain pens are expensive.

Lee Won accepted his kiss, which he returned to his lips, thinking with
a feeling of half despair.
What Lee Won learned that day was that it was an urban myth that star
candies in cookies had medicinal ingredients and that having sex
outdoors could give him the lu. And Dmitry, who was discovered by his
men several hours after Caesar and Lee Won left, also came down with
the lu and didn't show up for a while.

<The end of the rose and the wolf>

rose and kiss

What's that?!

Lee Won, who had rushed around the corner, took a deep breath and
hid by clinging to the wall again. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
ha ha ha ha ha, he blinked rapidly. I must have looked at it wrong. After
calming down for a moment, Lee Won carefully opened his eyes to
con irm what he had seen.

Unfortunately that was the reality. As soon as he realized he hadn't

been wrong, he covered his face with a hand and bit back a moan that
boiled in his mouth. A tall man was waiting for him across the street.
He was standing in the middle of the road, a bouquet of roses in his
arms and a face cooler than the arctic cold, regardless of the people's
Cesar Alexeyevich Sergeev. This was the person Lee Won was about to

The splendid-looking man with platinum blonde hair and silver-gray

eyes who trembles with every move he makes, almost 2 meters tall,
usually steals the eyes and minds of passers-by in an instant, but he
casually points a gun at the head. of a child. He was also cold-blooded.

Despite his splendid appearance that could be mistaken for a model or

actor, he wouldn't even know such a thing existed in the world, let alone
receive a common street casting, and his true identity was the head of a
ma ia organization with enormous power. . In Russia. Such a man is
standing in the middle of the street with an arm full of a bouquet of
roses, which even seems heavy now.

Although he is still remarkable.

Lee Won disagreed with the urge to run away and immediately drag
him away and the desire to pretend not to know and run away. But
even as he pondered, time continued to low. It was already 30 minutes
past the appointment time.

Oh, I really don't want to see you outside.

Lee Won sincerely thought about it. Unfortunately, that man was Lee
Won's current lover. Even if it happened halfway, halfway, that's all for

Now that the situation has cleared up and he has come to his senses,
the problem before him and what he is thinking about right now is not
that the person whose nose he pierced is a man, nor that he is the boss
of a notorious ma ia organization not only in Russia but also in the
world, it was not, nor was the fact that the organization was an
organization hostile to the organization in which his biological father
was a member, even though he was retired.

It was the rose on the man's arm.

You would de initely give it to me.


Lee Won closed his eyes and barely swallowed the moan that bubbled
up in his throat. I've had a few dating experiences, but I've never been
embarrassed to go meet someone like that. Of course, it's not unusual
to give lowers to a date. I would be more than happy to receive such a
heavy bouquet of roses. If it gets to this point, anyone could be envious
at the thought of a romantic date.

If only the person receiving the lower, Lee Won, weren't a man like

He is also tall at 186, with a thick and long frame, broad shoulders and
well de ined abs.

Remembering Caesar, who was older than him, Lee Won, who had
imagined before his eyes two mature men standing in the street
exchanging bouquets of bright roses, felt the need to say goodbye to
Caesar forever.

At that moment, suddenly, a corner of my stomach throbbed and ached.

Lee Won, who unintentionally grabbed one of his stomachs, frowned.
There is no reason to be sick.

Because the wound was already healed a long time ago. But the
moment I thought of breaking up, even for a moment, there was always
pain. As if Caesar were warning her, the searing pain returned and an
eerie chill ran down her spine.

If I tell you to break up again, I'll really shoot you in the head.

At a young age, my head was crushed and I had no wish to die. If that
happens, I will risk my life and run to the ends of the earth. Above all,
prepare thoroughly and have a plan.

Dad, you'll be ine with the organization, I'm worried about the people
in the pension, but I'm sure it won't even touch the public.

If there is something he wants, he is a guy who cannot be seen by

ordinary people…….

Lee Won, who had thought so far, immediately distorted his face.

Why do I have to be in a relationship because I'm scared?

Surprised by his emotions, he immediately appeared out of the alley.

I'm not afraid of anything At the same time, Lee Won thought.

Except for that crazy bouquet of lowers.

At that moment, Caesar turned his head and his eyes met. For a
moment, Lee Won stopped. As he watched in silence, Caesar's eyes
slanted slowly.

Lee won.

There was no sound, but Lee Won could feel it through his lips, which
were soft and sweet. A faint smile spread across his cold, hardened
face, and his silver-grey eyes shone brightly. Unintentionally, Lee Won
lost his mind. It was a really crazy beautiful face. Maybe until he dies, I
won't be immune to that face.

Thinking blank, he suddenly frowned.


In that one minute of movement, Lee Won immediately snapped back

to reality. At that moment, César held out a bouquet of lowers with a
brief pause in between.


As soon as the strong scent of roses touched the tip of his nose, Lee
Won grabbed Caesar's neck with his arm and ran to the car parked on
the side of the road.


It is said that the men and women who meet on the swing bridge are
more likely to fall in love. Perhaps it is because the instinct that has
grown after sensing danger mistook it for a reaction to reason. I don't
know if it's the same for men and women, but it won't be much
different. After all, it is a human to human relationship. The question
is, what kind of man is he.

I feel the thrill of meeting you on a suspension bridge every time.

Lee Won ruf led his messy hair and looked at the seat next to him.
Caesar nuzzled his neck with a slightly distorted face that he had just
stared at in ecstasy a moment ago. He gasped, rubbing the part that Lee
Won had grabbed with all his might with his long inger.

"If you want to strangle, do it in bed."

Lee Won, who thought that he was going to protest what he was doing,
inadvertently asked.

"Is it okay to sleep in bed?"

Strange that it was a matter of place, not action. To Lee Won who
blinked, Caesar loosely softened his lips.

"It is said that dying in bed is the happiest death."

The meaning was different in many ways, but Lee Won didn't point it
out. Anyway, the probability of dying in bed was very high, because he
was an opponent that didn't look like it.

If I were to die, my side would come irst.

Lee Won, who had inadvertently thought, felt chills run down his spine
at the realistic imagination.

He looked down at the long, gnarled ingers picking up cigars in the

humidor. Anyway, I felt like I had to make an excuse for being late.
Although it is a relationship in which they meet in their free time, for
that reason, César would show an annoyance if he was late even for a
But I was 30 minutes late.

Lee Won, who had made the calculation without thinking, immediately
changed his mind.

At least 15 minutes is his fault.

Lee Won, who brie ly glanced at the bouquet of roses lying on the side
of the seat, gasped.

After we talked about why you were late, I thought I'd warn you not to
go out with something this scary again. But when he spoke, Cesar, who
cut the end of the cigar with a familiar movement, opened his mouth.

"I apologize."

Stopped by the strange atmosphere, Lee Won thought that he would be

angry, but he was wrong. Instead of frowning or getting angry, Cesar
spoke more calmly.

"I hope to be late next time."

Bringing the lit cigarette to his mouth, he smiled slightly, but Lee Won
couldn't smile.

I'd rather be angry. As the sedan struggled between the desire to

question what the hell he was and the desire to never know, the sedan
slowly entered a familiar path. Lee Won paused and looked at Caesar.

"You are not going to eat?"

After slowly exhaling a long puff of smoke, he opened his mouth.

"I am going to."

Caesar smiled at Yi Won. His eyes aren't smiling at all.


Once again, he said something whose meaning he didn't want to know,

but his intent was too clear for him to pretend he didn't. As if to prove
it, Caesar's mansion appeared behind him. Sensing the crisis, Lee
Won's head began to spin violently. Caesar, who looked at his face from
the side, said as he brought the cigar to his mouth.

"Smoke is coming out of my head."

After spitting out cigarette smoke, he smiled brightly. Instead of

responding to the words, Lee Won chose to squeeze his hair. How to
convince this monstrous energy monster was more troublesome than
iring a single word in response to a play on words. Unlike Lee Won,
who distorted his forehead in nervousness, Caesar was just leisurely
enjoying his cigars.

"How about doing something else?"

At the sudden words, Caesar twitched one of his eyebrows brie ly. Lee
Won, who hadn't said anything, quickly froze.

"It's always the same, let's try something new."

Caesar looked at Lee Won without saying a word. His lips tilted slowly
and he smiled.
"… … It's good."

As a chill ran down his spine, Caesar held out his hand. Long, graceful
ingers gently caressed Lee Won's cleavage.

“Am I going to sneeze or will you sneeze?”

Looking into the elegantly curved eyes, Lee Won turned contemplative
and stopped breathing.


Shocked cars scattered around the sleek sports car that raced down the
road as he stepped on the accelerator. However, the man sitting in the
driver's seat called out to Klaxon and yelled as if he couldn't tolerate
even a moment of hesitation.

“Get out of the way, you stupid slugs! Don't take it back, take it out!"

There was only one thing left on his mind as he ran wildly from car to


Another urgent alarm sounded as if he were going to urge, and

Dmitry's face hardened as he checked the number on the machine.
Cesar's pulse, which had never been over 90 under any circumstances,
was over 120. That's not the only thing. Blood pressure and body
temperature are much higher than usual. Moreover, there are no signs
of calming down, but it continues to rise. This was a great crisis.

Who are you bastard who dared to take the Tsar to this level?

Just thinking about it made his tantrums lare, and he gritted his teeth.

I am the only one who can kill the Czar. Do you think I'll let someone
else do it?

He chased after the coordinates and frantically ran at high speed.

Surprisingly, the coordinates pointed to Cesar's house. He found it
hard to believe that the Tsar was going through life or death in a place
guarded by strict security measures. Useless bastards, I'll kill you all.

The thought that all of this was already dead lashed through my head,
but it didn't matter. Who will do what if he kills the one who killed him
again? First of all, we must crush the head of the man who made the
Tsar like this.

Dmitry's face turned even more somber at the sight of the quiet
mansion not far away.

Meanwhile, the number continued to rise.

Dmitry jumped out of the car without even turning off the engine and
ran straight to the mansion. At other times, there should be at least ten
or more organization members from the gate to here, but today, for
some reason, I didn't see a single rat.

Where the hell did they all go? Are they really all dead?

Little by little, the beeping of the machine grew louder. It was proof
that he was getting closer to Caesar. The address was Caesar's
bedroom. The thought of being in such danger at home, even in my
own room, made my teeth ache. Where and what were they all doing,
they should have been protected even after death! Vowing to ind them
all and behead them, Dmitry exclaimed urgently.

"Charge! Is it okay?!"

When he suddenly opened the door and walked in, there was a
completely different scene than what he had imagined in bed. It was
also terrifying to see two men drenched in sweat, naked and without
underwear, on the bed, but the biggest contamination was their
identities. By the time he saw Caesar shaking his waist violently as he
held Lee Won behind him, Dmitry was choking.

"Aaaaah, my eyes!"

Caesar groaned harshly behind him as he quickly covered his wide eyes
with both hands and ran off. He ejaculated inside Lee Won with a
continuous muf led sound.

rotten bastards.

After scrubbing the house like it was his own and drinking two cups of
cold water, Dmitry inally calmed down a bit, gritting his teeth and
cursing at the two taxpayers.

What kind of wealth and wealth did I risk running my life to see?

If you think about it, it doesn't make sense in the irst place. Caesar,
who has been trained and trained to risk his life from a very young age,
is threatened with death in his own home and nowhere else. He should
have thought that was weird.

Moldy bastards sitting on caviar.

Even thinking about it again, the tantrum was intense. Being cheated
on is annoying, but seeing it with your own eyes is even more annoying.
It's all because of that damn lawyer. Even after seeing all the dirty
things in the world, she didn't want to see him naked again. But how
much less do you see them again eating with the Tsar?

"Damn bastards! Damned!"

Dmitry yelled and shook his ists in the air. Thinking back to the
humiliating memories of that day, he was angry and couldn't bear it.
Hanging from a tree and watching them eat like a dog all night.

The worst experience of my life was just a shame that I wanted to wash

But make me watch it again?!

My eyes were gouged out and I brushed my teeth thinking I wanted to
brush them, and the door to the living room opened and the man in
question appeared. Dmitry turned his grim expression directly on him.
It was evident that Cesar only had a bathrobe on his naked body. As
evidence, the long legs that were exposed under the hem of a bathrobe
made for his height were bare skin.

When I saw his face, which still had the glow of the love story, I burst
into anger. Before Cesar could open his mouth, Dmitry spat him out.

"What happened? Why can't I see a single rat?"

Contrary to him who was about to rush over, Caesar opened his mouth,
showing a sign of annoyance.

"It's a vacation."


I have never heard such nonsense. I tried to argue again about taking a
vacation after kicking out all the members of the organization, but this
time I missed the opportunity.

Caesar interrupted him, ruf ling his messy hair.

"What's going on? If it was enough to deliberately interfere in my

private time, something great would have happened."

It was a ight that he wouldn't leave alone if it was a trivial matter.

Dmitry immediately contorted his face at the obvious threat. Which
was harmed and what was that attitude? Dmitry clenched his teeth and
said as if he was attacking.
“Oh, there is a problem. Don't think it's a big deal. After all, the head of
the organization almost died in bed."


Seeing Caesar frown, Dmitry pursed his lips sarcastically.

“How the hell did you play so hard that your heart beats like that? I
thought someone dared to shoot you in the heart. I must have been
having sex, how could you, who bumped into ten or twenty people all
night and didn't even move, set an alarm for just one?

As he spoke, he wondered. What have you done, bastard? As Dmitry,

who is con ident that he knows Caesar better than anyone, it is enough
to assure him that he has no perverted hobbies.

His father, Sasha, had a fondness for torturing others, but Caesar was
more mechanical. All of his actions were decided whether it was
necessary or not, whether it would work or not. He was a man who
could be crueler than Sasha if he decided it was necessary. There was
no excitement or agitation there. There is only calculation.

It was just a machine made by Sasha.

Obviously, it wouldn't have been normal sex. To Dmitry, who is

con licted between his inner feelings that he has to ind out the amount
of Caesar's hair and the rejection that he never wants to know if it has
anything to do with Lee Won, Caesar gently lowered his long silver
eyelashes and slightly distorted his expression. forehead.

“I was turned on during sex. We can not?


Dmitry, who ired immediately, sat cross-legged and leaned deeply into
the sofa, looking at Caesar.

I need to know everything about you, just in case. It should never

happen in vain like that again, right?

This has never happened before, so there must be something else that
the number has increased to this level, right? Come on, tell me
everything. How you played?

I ignored what happened in the last camp. You cheated on me twice,

not once? Please tell me why you dared to confuse me and make me
run here. It is impossible to convince me with words that you are
feeding me so much for that lawyer who is nobody else. Caesar said to
Dmitry, who stared at him, his face expressionless.

"I did it to my face."

For a moment, he did not understand the meaning of the words. A

heartbeat late, ahhh, when Cesar opened his mouth. Dmitry, who was
immediately contemplating, unknowingly reached out and stood up.

"Enough, it's okay, I don't want to hear it"

"He ejaculated on the face."

Unfortunately, almost at the same time, Dmitry heard Nien Caesar's

words. To his cousin, who had become a fossil, Cesar narrowed his eyes
and said, as if he remembered a memory.
“I said I didn't like it, but I choked my throat and spilled it. He looked
at me as he panted and immediately got a boner again. I tried to
ejaculate inside irst and then pour it all over my body to apply it, but
when you came in he stopped and came out…….”

He tried to speak, but Dmitry covered his ears and screamed.

“Damn you, are you going to rot even my ears? Okay, I got it! Shut up

Angry, he turned and walked away. Caesar's brow furrowed at his

violent back, and then he turned away. When he returned to his room
and opened the door, Lee Won was lying on the bed like the last time he
had seen him. Caesar leaned over his bare back, lying motionless,
passed out or passed out, and parted his lips.

What he told Dmitry was not a bluff. Caesar only told the truth when
he asked. And from now on, he was about to resume the
unintentionally stopped activity.

From the beginning.

Caesar patted Lee Won's sleek muscular back and placed his other
hand under him. The lower body had already raised the thick robe to
the maximum and was waiting for the next one. To the consolation of
Lee Won, who was contemplating whether he should continue to
pretend to sleep with his eyes closed or wake up now and declare that
he should just do this for today, Caesar revealed his tense penis.
The alarm began to sound loudly again. Dmitry, who frantically left the
mansion stepping on the accelerator of anger, looked at the numbers
and made a shocking sound.

I think it's like a punishment.

How long are you going to do it? Dmitry barely resisted the urge to yell
at the machine.

I prefer to be ine

Barely keeping his senses, he thought to himself. He knows better than

anyone how powerful Caesar is. Even Dmitry, who hated Lee Won to
the point that he was tired of dealing with him all night with more than
ten women, sympathized with him.

I don't even drink there.

It was not so dif icult to imagine the two circles in contact with the
bones. Yes, even if your life expectancy runs out, die quickly.

Spilling every curse and curse he knew, he slammed on the accelerator

again and again. Meanwhile, the alarm continued to sound.


… … There again
Lee Won thought as he looked at the distant lower garden re lected on
the ceiling with a blank stare. Sooner or later I'm sure I'll cross over

… …Should I skip it now without dragging it too long?

Suddenly, a hand grabbed him around the waist and brought him back
to reality. The reaper holding him behind his back bit his ear. You say
you killed me and saved me. Lee Won sighed, blaming herself for
having to return to this world.

Caesar moved his lips and rubbed his neck, making an airy sound.
Other times, he would have given me goosebumps or puffed up from
itching, but now I don't think about that. Even the cells bothered me
and I felt like I had given up. When there was no answer, Cesar sighed
and opened his mouth.

"Decline requests sparingly, don't overdo it."

Suddenly wanting to know what was going on, Lee Won looked at him.
Caesar, who made eye contact for a moment, continued.

"I know you're a workaholic, but it's not good to be too busy with your
work, you're weak."

It was true that we hadn't seen each other for almost a fortnight for
work reasons. But Caesar was misunderstood. Did you know that
today is the 5th? Lee Won, who swallowed dry saliva, pointed in a
reluctant tone.

“… … It is not overloaded due to work.”


Caesar's tone was normal, but the clone of him touching his butt wasn't
at all. Instantly, feeling his blood drain from his face, Lee Won
responded immediately.

"Are you okay."

Cesar laughed and kissed him on the cheek. And sure enough, the
penis went through Lee Won's crotch and she resumed the paused sex.
From the beginning.

Why the hell did I do this crazy thing called Survival?

Recalling the vague regret, Lee Won swallowed dry saliva. When I
thought of Survival, an unpleasant face appeared. Seeing that, he said,
opening his mouth.

"You did not come? The man."

I don't know if it's a dream or real. I think I saw you run out screaming.

Hesitating before the confused memories, Caesar responded with


"It's nothing, I'm just here to check if there's something wrong with

"This is a problem?"

"Well, you said your pulse was a little faster."

Caesar shrugged a shoulder and began to move slowly down. He
implants a microchip in his body, and when his condition changes, it
immediately alerts him to a crisis. He didn't like the fact that the
person watching him was his cousin Dmitry, a fanatic, but someone has
to do it, so he has no choice but to do it. Also, the person who will work
harder than anyone is also that man.

But he waits.

"We were doing it, and the man jumped up and looked at him?!"


To Lee Won, who was quite dazed with countless thoughts running
through his head, Caesar still spoke with an indifferent attitude.

"That's what he does."

Lee Won also didn't mean to point out that he was okay with Dmitry
barging in at any time and seeing Caesar in whatever form he saw.
Unfortunately, he is also a man who has no choice but to do that.

However, it is a different story if he is included in some way. There's no

point in being so casual in the irst place. How many people can be
shameless in revealing their sex scenes to others? Shouldn't it be said
that an ordinary person will make sure that something like this doesn't
happen again, that he or she takes steps to prevent such a situation
from happening in the irst place, or that he or she can't prevent it? , so
please understand? But what about that weird reaction?

As Lee Won, who prides himself on being a person with a lot of

common sense, Caesar's attitude always impressed him. It was the
same this time too. Why did I end up dating an ordinary person a
million light years away? No matter what he said or what the
circumstances were, he said something completely different from what
he expected, so there was no response from the students. The new
Caesar, searching for words to convince him, added.

“Anyway, there's nothing you can't see if you make up your mind.
Information gathering is a specialty.”

As a former KGB, spying and digging up other people's secrets or secret

personal life would be nothing. It's no use trying to shake your head
forcefully, he was saying. In any case,

Does that mean avoiding the man is force majeure?

In fact, since you've seen all kinds of bad stuff, I could have easily
brushed it off, saying, "It's like someone else having sex." The problem
was that Lee Won's face wasn't as thick as those skinned ones. Of
course it was the same in other places.

“… … Yuck… … .”

The tender meat is burning. With a painful moan, Lee Won had no
choice but to accept the thick penis that was inserted deep into his

"Don't think of other men."

There was clearly an unpleasant feeling in the low voice. Lee Won tried
to focus on the man in front of him, but on the other hand, it was also
true that he felt that he wanted to get away from reality.

……Turns out he owed the man a debt.

Lee Won twisted his forehead. It was hard to even breathe at this
point. Caesar kissed Yi Won on the cheek and gently nuzzled his neck. I
wondered if he was about to strangle my throat again, so I was gasping
for breath. Caesar's eyes narrowed as he looked at Lee Won, who was
out of breath with a pale face. At the same time, his penis inside his
stomach throbbed violently and vibrated.

César's condition, which had returned to normal, deteriorated again.

Dmitry's complexion turned pale as he saw the alarm that had stopped
ringing after a day and a half had passed. The son of a bitch started

No matter how strong a bone is, if it hits that hard, he has no talent.
And since he had waited a day and a half for the lawyer to wake up,
Caesar's mind would be illed with thoughts of just doing it.

Inadvertently, the alarm reported Yi Won's status, not Caesar's, and

was broadcasting his sexual situation. Although this was never what
Dmitry wanted. However, he had no intention of experiencing another
eye attack as he ran to check the facts.

Before that bastard withers, I'll go crazy irst.

As he stuffed a handful of pills into his mouth, he suddenly thought. At

the same time, Dmitry, who had turned white, grabbed her head.

“No, damn it! I will kill you, I will kill you with my bare hands, you
rotten lawyer bastard! This is all thanks to you!”
He screamed and found the gun, but couldn't contain his anger and
ired a gun into the air.

“Master, are you alright? bullets… …?!”

Dmitry, who had re lexively turned to the butler who came running in,
saw his contemplative face and barely raised his gun.

I need a useful assassin.

He murmured as an internal dialogue.

“The type of person who would do anything if you gave him money. It
doesn't matter how much it costs."

Dmitry gritted his teeth and looked back.


Dmitry gritted his teeth and cursed, pointing his gun at the lashing red
lamp and the beeping machine.

I'm sure I'll kill you, you fucking lawyer.

And the machine did not go silent for two more days.

"You look tired."

With a worried voice, Lee Won looked at his father who was sitting
across the table. Until recently, Mikhail, the head of a large ma ia
organization in Russia, resigned after making way for his current
successor. Now, he was just a retired old man who spent his days
ishing and playing cards as a small hobby. There was only the
expression on his face of a pure father who was worried about his child.

Lee Won opened his mouth slightly.

"I just lost some weight."

Immediately, a shadow appeared on Mikhail's face. Seeing this, Lee

Won immediately added.

"There is nothing to worry about".

"Looks like you're exaggerating."

Michael added.

“You are too much of a workaholic, but in moderation.”

There were too many people who misunderstood it here and there. Of
course, neither party could tell in amazement that this was the effect of
excessive sex. Lee Won couldn't reply right away because he was
holding back the words that reached the tip of his tongue. Meanwhile,
my father spoke.

“If you work without even having time to meet people, of course your
body gets tired. If you take a case, you stick with it all day."
Seeing him shake his head, Lee Won replied weakly.

"You don't know well that a trial usually takes a long time."

“But most of you don't go to trial, do you? But when I always call, I
hang up because I'm busy or I can't reach you at all… … .”

Mikhail continued to complain. Of course, Lee Won broke down the

tight schedule in detail and put it into action. What made the hectic
daily life more hectic was that the two men shared the few days off. On
top of that, one of them used to run out of power, so there was often
little time wasted.

After ten more days passed, Lee Won slept for two full days after
returning home. And after he only regained a certain amount of
physical strength, he made a promise to his father and came this far.
There were many things he wanted to say, but instead he moved the
teacup in front of him to his mouth and swallowed the hot tea loudly,
and then Lee Won opened his mouth.

“I will adjust as much as possible.”

What if he found out that the cause of his weight loss was something
completely different than he imagined?

Lee Won looked at Mikhail. The gray hair re lected on his temple made
her feel the magni icence of the years lived, and his gaze towards his
son was full of trust and affection. He has a gentle appearance that is
incredibly gentle for a mob boss, but Lee Won knew that it was just his
A man who left to protect his mother and himself. It meant that he
lived in a world cruel enough to abandon his wife and children.

It is undeniable that he used his hands several times to kill Caesar

during his active duty, even without thinking deeply about it. Now that
I've resigned, the situation may have been different, but I didn't have
the heart to ask and con irm.

“Are you eating well? Isn't it because you're busy and jumping

“I am eating well.”

Immediately after replying, Lee Won realized it. Mikhail was eager to
do anything for him. The past is the past, and meeting and spending
time together even once like this meant that all the past would pass, but
Mikhail's heart was different.

It is dif icult to try to give it recklessly.

Lee Won thought. It was a burden to hear that an independent adult

who was not an ignorant child received much from his parents. Also,
it's not a normal father-son relationship, right?

However, he is reluctant to unconditionally refuse.

Lee Won sighed inside.

I get it or I don't get it, but he's embarrassing.

Thinking so far, Mikhail said.

“Are you done yet? I have some free time now.”

It was impossible to tell that it was more than ten days ago, so Lee Won
smiled vaguely. Mikhail kept talking without wasting time.

“There's a hot spring that just opened. I made a reservation, would you
like to go with me?

"Is it a hot spring?"

Mikhail nodded at Lee Won's question. The next place is a fast-

emerging high-end tourist area. Celebrities and wealthy people are
known as their main clients, so it is dif icult for the general public to
ind even a common phone number. Having made a reservation at such
a place, even though he had retired, Mikhail's name still seemed to

It was a unique opportunity and Lee Won was tempted to say that it is
a hot spring. Above all, my body was stiff and sore, and I had a strong
desire to immerse my entire body in hot water and sweat in the sauna.
Mikhail, who noticed that Lee Won was interested, continued as if he
was waiting.

“People who have been there say it was very good. It is said that when
you go to a spa after a hot spring, your body feels completely relieved of
fatigue... … .”

"I'm going."

Mikhail's face lit up at the answer that came immediately. I felt like I
had become a snob, but it was true that I had a dark heart, so Lee Won
didn't dare deny it.
In any case, he thought he should give his father some time, if not as
much as he had spent with Caesar. The opportunities must be equal.

Not bad if it's a hot spring.

As he imagined relaxing by submerging his body in hot water, Lee Won

felt his brain relax.

"When? I have to get ready."

“Just say what you need, and we'll provide everything there. There is
nothing else to take care of."

Mikhail said without hiding a sign of joy. Once again, Lee Won's heart
was concentrated. It's a trip to the hot springs that just has to be done,
so is there anyone who doesn't mind this? Michael continued asking.

"When do you have time? Please don't adjust the date according to that

"It is possible from tomorrow."


Mikhail smiled brightly and immediately decided to go to the hot

springs with Lee Won for a week from the next day. His father, who said
that he would come to pick up Lee Won by car in the morning, was
smiling happily.
After leaving the cafe and breaking up with Mikhail, Lee Won started
walking to get on the tram. Mikhail wanted to go straight to his house
and sleep together, but he left the next day, but Lee Won refused. It's
good to go on a trip, but you have to tell your grandmother in advance
that you will be away. Besides, it was time to prepare dinner. Even if
you are late, you will be angry if you don't come in.

It was a time when I was going through various thoughts in my head,

such as cleaning up before leaving and other household chores.

… …?!

I felt a strange sensation behind my back. The feeling of terrifying her

back was strangely familiar. As the pace slowed, the presence I felt
behind me also lessened. Lee Won took out his cell phone and turned
the corner pretending to be talking

by phone. He went into a secluded alley and hid inside the building,
standing inside the wall and waiting.

It took me a few more minutes to realize if something was really

bothering me or if I was just wrong. The moment the man in
sunglasses held his breath and walked in, Lee Won immediately kicked
him. Lee Won, who carelessly rolled on the ground, got on top of the
man, grabbed his neck and opened his mouth.

"Why did you follow me?"

The man blinked in disbelief. He seemed never to have imagined that

he would be caught. Lee Won yelled as he waved the necklace he was
"Tell me, who did this?"

The man widened his eyes as if he was puzzled, and suddenly hit Lee
Won's face with his forehead.

“… … !”

The sudden attack pushed him away, unable to even make a sound, and
the man stood up. Lee Won was dizzy, but he didn't miss the leeing
man, grabbing his leg and knocking him down.

There were several punches and kicks. As if he was familiar with this
kind of ight, the man had quite a skillful ist. But Lee Won wasn't too
easy either. A well-timed ist pierced his stomach, and the man knelt in
contemplation, gulping his breath.

"Who is he?"

Lee Won grabbed the man's head and asked between harsh breaths.
Just like Lee Won, his hands and face were covered in blood. The man
had no choice but to respond.

"He said, by order."


The next name came out unexpectedly for Lee Won.

When he put a photo of the man on his cell phone and dropped it, he
got up and ran.

A report will be coming soon. Lee Won thought, found the number, and
pressed the call button.

Cesar's voice was heard only after making a connection through the

"I have something to tell you, I'm leaving now, so you wait."

After unilaterally conveying only his business, he hung up the phone. It

was because my stomach was boiling to explain it calmly.



Although the door opened after knocking, Lyudmila stood up from her
seat, terribly surprised. When she saw her face, she grew even more
tired of the blue reaction and Lee Won was instantly embarrassed.
Perhaps because she had a past that threatened her with absurdity, she
used to look at him with such fearful eyes every time. Although the
painter was fed up, Lee Won smiled because he had no intention of
taking his anger out on the wrong person. Once again, Lyudmila did not

"Kar, is the Tsar inside?"

Despite having already con irmed it on the phone, she asked once
more. Lyudmila simply said yes in a low voice. After a short bow, Lee
Won opened the inner door.

There was another person in the of ice besides the expected person.
Dmitry, who was sitting on the guest sofa and having tea with Caesar,
frowned as soon as his eyes met Lee Won, who opened the door and
entered. If you look at his disgust without hiding it, she was a big girl.

Lee Won thought to herself and turned her gaze to Caesar.

"Lee Won"

She got up slowly and called his name. With a faint smile, Lee Won let
Caesar hug him. She would normally have warned them to refrain from
the presence of an audience, but the audience sitting there was an
exception. As expected, Dmitry immediately turned into a bug bite and
looked at Lee Won. Ignoring his reaction, Cesar opened his mouth.

“Why is your face like this? Your hands are in bad shape, who did you

Lee Won said, taking Lee Won's hand and gently pulling away from him
as she looked at the wound.

"I have something to tell you. I was just with you, that's good."

Turning around, Lee Won took out his cell phone towards Dmitry as if
it was a blessing.

"I caught the man who was following me today."

When I showed the photo of the man that I had taken, the eyes of the
two men turned to one place at the same time. It was hard to tell what
they were thinking because they were both expressionless on the
outside, but above all, Lee Won had solid proof. After judging that he
would have recognized enough photos, he took out his cell phone and
opened his mouth.

"I want you to explain to me what happened."

His gaze turned to Dmitry, who was sitting across from him. I never
thought this man was following me. In the irst place, there was no
reason for anyone to follow Lee Won.

Because I am an honest civilian. He added to himself. Although I

inadvertently got involved with the ma ia.

In a sense, waiting for Dmitry's answer, Lee Won waited. After a

moment of silence, he suddenly smiled.

"Well, I'm a guy I don't know."

His natural-looking face was somewhat predictable. Lee Won opened

his mouth again.

"I confessed that this man was following me on your behalf, but don't
you know?"

"I dont know."

Dmitry smiled and said.

“I should have brought you here myself, just a photo like this? Besides,
how are you supposed to recognize this damn face? How do you know
if you just hit someone walking by and took a picture of them?

He expected it, but he was more brazen than that. How could you lie so
casually? It is foolish to expect conscience from a man who is a former
secret government agent and is now a club pimp. And with one more
drink, Dmitry spread his hands and even shrugged his shoulders

"Can you trust a hybrid other than Rusky?"


Cesar, who hadn't said anything until then, opened his mouth. He only
said his name, but Dmitry paused. An icy silence passed, and Dmitry
released his bitten lip and let out a sigh.

"It's a prank."

Lee Won was a bit shocked inside. It wasn't an of icial apology, but I
thought he had bowed his head immensely even to that point. As proof
of that, Dmitry was looking at Lee Won with his beautiful wrinkled face.
As if to make you regret having made you say this to yourself.

"Is that what you're talking about?"

Cesar's calm voice broke the silence. Lee Won turned his head and
looked at him.

"Did you know?"

Instead of answering, Caesar smiled. That con irmed the fact that he
was also a sympathizer.

At least, it was clear that he knew and forgave him. Although they were
cousins, blood and blood seemed to be lesh and blood. Lee Won
looked at the two men who were in one bundle.

Thinking about it that way, it seemed that his appearance was

somehow similar. Even if he glared at him, there were no opponents I
could relate to, and I didn't have the con idence to rationally persuade
him because he would do what he wanted anyway. Above all, Lee Won
chose a different path because he didn't want to ight while he raised
his voice in front of Dmitry.

“… … !”


Caesar linched at the sudden ist, and Dmitry jumped to his feet.
However, Lee Won didn't care and he hit Caesar's sword with his ist on
the other side.

“…… .”

This time, a moan came out of Caesar's mouth as if it was quite painful.
Caesar, who raised his hand to stop Dmitry, who was about to rush into
contemplation, took a deep breath and opened his mouth.

"Don't interfere."

Dmitry cried out urgently, but all he answered was Caesar's terrifying
look. When he turned his gaze to Lee Won in the silence, his face

"You're done?"

This was the kind of thing she was willing to accept. Lee Won was
more skeptical about it, and this time he looked from him to Dmitry.
The true axis of evil was that man. Meanwhile, Lee Won, who had only
been waiting for an opportunity, tried to exploit his anger this time.

Just as he was about to take a step towards him, Caesar suddenly

stopped in front of him.

"No, hit me."


Dmitry, moved by his high-pitched voice, called out to him. But Caesar
kept looking at Iwon and exhaling.

“Don't touch other guys. touch me

Dmitry's face hardened. Lee Won, who looked at him, turned his gaze
to Caesar.

"It's not touching, it's hitting."


Caesar took Yi Won's hand and kissed his bloodstained inger.

"Hit me."

For the irst time, Lee Won and Dmitry thought the same thing.

Was Caesar a masochist?

Shortly after, Lee Won immediately added.

I guess I don't want to touch anyone.

It must be true that Caesar was looking at Yi Won with all his heart and

Truly full of love.

The reason soon became apparent. Caesar kissed Lee Won's inger
repeatedly and said.

"I didn't know we would meet again so soon."

He would have thought that he would never see him again for at least a
full month, so I did.

Lee Won did not intend to meet again so soon. if it wasn't for that

Lee Won left Caesar alone and opened his mouth expressionlessly.

"Are you the one who followed?"

Lee Won narrowed his eyes at Caesar, who willingly cheated on him.

"Did you know?"

Caesar smiled slightly instead of answering. Surprisingly, he was a man

who did not lie.

I don't know if it's because I don't need it. Lee Won spoke bluntly.

"Stop it now."

Caesar buried his lips in his inger and looked at Yi Won. Dmitry's
short snort was heard in the silence. The reaction was as expected, but
I couldn't help but get angry. Lee Won spoke calmly.

"There's no reason to follow me, unless there's something wrong with

my head."

He was the only one who responded to Dmitry's intentionally pinched

words. Ignoring Dmitry, who was looking at me with fearful eyes, Cesar
opened his mouth.

"If you don't like Dmitry's subordinates, I'll attach my gang members,

Ha, Lee Won snorted brie ly.

"Why don't you put microchips in my body like you?"

He was sarcastic, but Caesar took it lightly.

"I have no intention of putting anything other than myself into your

He was a man who only barked from one to ten. But what followed was
even more speculative.

"You need bodyguards because you are weak."


Dmitry, who was drinking tea at the same time, coughed violently.
Even Lee Won was embarrassed when he looked at Caesar as he
drooled like this was nonsense.

"Who is it? I'm weak."

In response to the protest that he promptly returned, Caesar came up

with the answer that he thought was correct.

"You pass out every time you do it, that a man just passes out from sex."

Again Dmitry coughed. This time, he looked like he was trapped in the
sari as he breathed. Lee Won felt sympathy for Dmitry for a moment,
who was sitting next to him sternly at him, who was in unreasonable
suffering. When he was about to say no, Cesar spoke irst.

"It's just that I put up with it, but if you do it seriously, you will die."

I feel like I'm going to die now because it's so absurd

Lee Won let out a silent sigh from his open mouth. only sex? If he does
it once, the default is a week, right? For a living, I have tolerated absurd
misunderstandings, but this time it was hard to bear. Most of all, the
expression on my face that I didn't like made me angrier.

“I am not the only one who lacks so much resistance. You seem to have
forgotten, but I'm an ex-Special Forces soldier.

You are a beast Caesar only smiled at him brie ly, who added that in his
heart. as if he was petty.

"He might as well ire a gun."

Lee Won felt the strength in Caesar's still gripping hand and opened his
mouth as calmly as possible.

"So, are you going to keep following me?"

"He's the bodyguard."


No matter what Caesar thought, it was absurd for Dmitry to follow him
to protect him. If Caesar wasn't there even now, he would have gotten
up and strangled Lee Won.


Any other conversation was pointless. If he had said more here, it

seemed like only Lee Won would explode and only the embarrassing
things would continue. For now, he decided to take a step back and Lee
Won withdrew his hand.
We will talk about this later. … …Both of them, no sex.

When he deliberately added it, Dmitry gave him an absurd look and
Caesar frowned.

Anyway, Lee Won left the place. Keep in mind that your stomach swells
and boils at the thought of wanting to beat that mobster bastard who
doesn't speak the language of your heart.

After Lee Won left the of ice, Dmitry was left alone with Caesar. When
he opened the humidor and looked down at her dainty ingers as she
reached for a cigar, he remembered what had just happened. He
already knew that Lee Won would come to visit him in person. But he
didn't know that he would turn his seat so coldly and walk away. I
thought you would be more angry.

For Dmitry, who has no doubt that ' ighting is always right' is the truth
of life, it could be frustrating. I thought he would ight like a dog.

After all, such a cheap fuss does not suit the tsar.

He stared into the face of the man he had adored since childhood. An
incredibly beautiful man. It is extremely rare that a man can be given
the modi ier that he is beautiful. Dmitry thought that the word only
suited Caesar in his life. A man who can casually cut someone's throat
with an expressionless face, a man who never linches or gets
emotional at any point.
The most perfect ideal type that he longed for.

That damn lawyer is screwing it up.

Dmitry gnashed his teeth silently. Caesar with a racing pulse is

nonsense. Under no circumstances is this man to be shaken. because
that's how it's done It was inexcusable that a masterpiece created by an
artist should be reduced to a mere insigni icant human being.
Pygmalion was the most detested myth of him. I can never see it that

Thinking like that, Dmitry, on the other hand, also thought that Lee
Won was not normal. Caesar wasn't aware of that, but the man Dmitry
had attached to Lee Won was a former martial artist, and he wasn't an
opponent to bother anyone with. If he was a normal man, he would
have been knocked out in one punch, but it was an unpleasant twist to
be hit by Lee Won, erase Dmitry's name, and even get photographed.

He hates even thinking about it, but Lee Won's naked body was pretty
cool. His tense muscles were well balanced on his body, so even a slight
bump could feel the irmness. Perhaps some of the eastern martial arts
will be the base. You are weak with a certain Lee

Won, and you're talking nonsense like that, so of course you'll cry. It
was not unreasonable for Lee Won to be angry. Of course, it is only
natural that he is only an insigni icant human compared to the Tsar.


He immediately answered the call. Re lexively turning his passionate
gaze on him, Cesar lit a cigarette and opened his mouth.

"You must have already heard the report of what happened before Lee
Won came here,


Dmitri didn't say anything. Caesar brought the cigar to his mouth and
sucked on it deeply, burning the tip of the cigar.

“Tell me, who did Lee Won meet today and what did they talk about?”

This was not the purpose of Dmitry's tail. Contrary to Caesar's case, he
hated him so much that he wanted to trust him, so he tried to take
advantage of the opportunity. This is the reason why I let him go even
though I knew about it. Facing the face of his arrogant cousin who sat
comfortably and reported on Lee Won's daily life, Dmitry couldn't help
but reply as he dissipated into his heart.

“……He said that he will go to the spa with Mikhail.”

Above the smoke, he narrowed his eyes. After spitting out the smoke,
Cesar said:


Due to the cold weather, hot springs in Russia were very popular.
Although it is not the coldest season, the attraction is always full of
people visiting saunas and hot springs.

Lee Won, who likes saunas, used to relax there, thanks to a client who
got a job and let him use his private sauna in the back of his house to
his liking for a low fee. It was fun having a conversation with just men
in the hot steam, and drinking a cold beer on a tired body was also the

When Mikhail mentioned the word hot spring, Lee Won vaguely
remembered his private or public sauna, which he had visited in Russia,
even though he knew it was a luxury resort. The scale will be huge to
suit Russian tastes, but it won't be much different. In the best case,

Is it enough that the wall is gold?

He had no other thought in mind, just eager to take a dip in the hot
water, and he paused momentarily when he inally got there in
Mikhail's car who had come to pick him up.

He will show you more than you can imagine.

The ramshackle sauna he had envisioned turned to dust in an instant

as he remembered the old movie prints that have now become classics.
His prediction was not wrong.

The grand scale and the fact that the walls are gilded.

However, on such a scale, this gold was de initely unexpected.

An enormous palace loomed in front of him. The building, which
seemed to be at least 20 stories tall, was in initely long horizontally as if
it had a large piece of land. Also, the sculptures and stained glass
windows scattered around the outer walls reminded me of a high castle
built in the Middle Ages.

What could be said to be the apex of the ire dragon was a gigantic
statue that was placed on top of the Slavic-style roof. Lee Won didn't
even want to know whose statue it was. The hotel, which made me
tired just because of its size, was lit up with a dazzling, dazzling lash of
light, and it was closing in on the distance the car had traveled.

“… …Is that a hot spring?

Mikhail gave a satisfactory nod to Lee Won, who opened his mouth
after a while.

"A bit small? It looks shabby, but it won't be bad for a short stay."

Lee Won blinked and checked the building that reappeared. When I
arrived in Russia, the irst thing I felt similar to Korea was the fact that
according to his 'big is better' mentality, all the buildings worthy of his
name were big and lashy. This case is also no exception, and Lee Won
was speechless at the scale of the hotel, which was magni icent and
bright enough to draw his attention from afar, as if he was reminiscent
of a royal palace.

After all, it is a public bathroom.

When they vaguely called me, I went to sleep while sweating in the
jjimjilbang, and the thoughtful me who thought in peace disappeared
far away. Mikhail said to Lee Won, who didn't say anything.
"I've always wanted to visit you."

His smiling face was not at all different from usual. Lee Won noted that
this was not the irst time he had come to this resort. In the future,
when I accept my father's favor, I should consider this size as a base. As
Lee Won entered something new into his head, the car stopped and the
doorman opened the door.

"Welcome, Mr. Lomonosov."

The manager came out to greet me politely and the porters lined up to
carry the luggage.

Following in Mikhail's footsteps, Lee Won entered a splendid building

that was reminiscent of a building from the Russian Tsarist era. As he
went up to the room across the wide corridor where he could get lost,
the manager continued to explain the facilities used in a well-crafted
voice. Like a land of snow, the scenery re lected outside the
transparent elevator was all snow.

"The sauna and hot springs are installed both indoors and outdoors, so
you can use them wherever you feel comfortable."

The manager explained the location and effect in a soft voice. As Lee
Won made the sound of ingredients rattling in one ear, all he could
think of was that he wanted to immerse his entire body in that hot body.

“It is forbidden to drink alcohol in the bathroom. Please be careful as

this may cause an accident.”

Mikhail nodded as if the message of a polite but stern warning was

natural. However, Lee Won didn't miss the gentle wink behind the
manager who got out of the elevator irst.

The room we were shown to was a suite on the top loor. In the case of
a family, there are cases where a suite is divided into several rooms
centered on the living room, but since it is just the two of us, we did not
expect to use such a room. Lee Won, who had simply imagined a double
room, was wrong again.

It seemed that Mikhail was determined to completely break down the

wall with Lee Won this time.

It was a bit overwhelming, but I just pretended not to know. If that

makes you feel better, there's nothing particularly wrong with that. Lee
Won thought.

Anyway, it is true that they are taking care of me.

"You like that?"

After the manager left, my father asked in advance. It would be nice if

they cheered, but unfortunately, Lee Won wasn't like that and he's much
older than that.

"Nice room."

Contrary to expectations, Mikhail showed a sign of disappointment at

irst glance at the simple reaction. Seeing this, Lee Won immediately

“I didn't know it was such a good hotel. Thanks for bringing me.
While he was talking, I felt that he was too formal, so I felt like a wall.
Lee Won felt embarrassed and immediately changed the subject.

“When is your meal? I think the restaurant here would be great too.”


Mikhail immediately smiled and asked.

“Do you like Italian food or French food?”

“I don't care in any way. You know better than me, so please
recommend it.”

It was a realistic suggestion, but my father seemed to be in a better

mood. Mikhail nodded enthusiastically and continued.

“There is an Italian restaurant prepared by a world famous British chef.

It's ironic, I can't really eat British food, but foreign food in the UK is

A few years ago in London… … .”

Later, he began to narrate anecdotes of his visit to England.

After a two-hour dinner, Mikhail took Lee Won and headed straight for
him. The famous hotel had a great bar to match its size. In proportion
to the number of rooms, the capacity of the bar seemed to be quite
large, but that day it was strangely slow.

It's visually unappealing to have two men sitting at an empty bar. Lee
Won, who sat down, opened his mouth in a silence that seemed to
resonate like an echo even though soft music was playing.

“It's not as crowded as it is. I thought it was a famous place.

The food was delicious, the service was satisfactory and the facilities
were excellent.

I thought it was unnecessary concern, but when I said something, the

staff who came to take my order responded with a professional smile.

“All the loors have been reserved, but there are clients who have not
yet arrived. It will soon be full."

“Sorry I could have used this hotel exclusively.”

She smiled back at her father, who teased him with a friendly smile.
After ordering a drink, Mikhail gasped as she disappeared.

"You're a pretty girl."

Lee Won said without thinking.

"If you want to go on a date, ask, I think I will."

Lee Won didn't miss the young look of interest towards a handsome
old man. My father must have had some kind of heart, so he must have
said something like that.
"What are you talking about, nonsense?"

Rather, Lee Won continued to speak as if she was wondering what was
going on.

“It's been a long time since you've been alone, and if that girl is
interested… ….”

I wasn't at the age to be surprised by my father's new marriage, and I

wasn't even close enough to have a romantic relationship like that.
Mikhail shook his head at the addition that anyone would make.

"You're talking nonsense. Since you're a woman, I don't know if your

mother comes back alive... … ."

He added he, biting his tongue slightly.

"Also, aren't you in a hurry to go on a date?"


Lee Won was taken aback by the sudden question and unknowingly
asked a question. Mikhail looked at him with affectionate eyes and

“Isn't it time to get married soon? It is quite late, because you are old
enough to have one or two children. You look a lot like Suyeon, so your
son must be pretty… … .”

Mikhail hesitated to respond to a topic he hadn't immediately thought

of, and Mikhail hurriedly hesitated.
“There are a lot of people getting married late these days, so you
should take care of it.”

For the irst time I thought for the irst time that my relationship with
my father was not very comfortable, but fortunately. If it had been a
much closer relationship, the topic wouldn't have ended until an
answer came to mind from him.

Just in time, an employee brought alcohol and the two easily changed
the subject. As they shared everyday conversations, Lee Won felt
relieved inside that the awkward topics did not continue.

They were both drenched in alcohol that started out light, one or two
drinks. Although Russians are famous for their verbal skills, Lee Won
was also a Korean who didn't lose to alcohol. After drinking a cup or
two at a time, they both drank heavily, not realizing when to cut back in

Lee Won also turned around and had no strength in his legs, but he was
better than Mikhail.

He drank and drank as if he didn't really think about the next day, until
he couldn't walk at all. Reluctantly, he left the check in his room and
helped Mikhail out of the bar. Arms around his shoulders, he staggered
into the elevator, and Mikhail, muttering to himself, raised his head.

"My son."
With a smile on his face, deep wrinkles around his eyes, he caressed
Lee Won's cheek.

“Who made such a pretty face, how dare my son… … .”

He seemed surprised by the scars still bruised and torn on his face, but
he didn't say anything. He was still worried. Well, if I was in the same
situation, I would. Lee Won thought to himself and didn't show any
reaction. After that, the father let out a long sigh.

“You should have grown up without a single haircut… … .”

"I grew up well."

"Yes, I grew up well."

Mikhail gave Lee Won a drunken look and smiled. The longing for his
mother was always contained in the way his father looked at him. Once
again, Mikhail, who was looking at Lee Won with strangely moist eyes,
opened his mouth.

“You will resent me, but… … I still think it was good that I left you and
your mother back then.

With a somewhat confused tone, he linched.

“You have to live differently from me… … . Usually I met a good woman
and had a child...

… Like a normal person… … That's how I wanted to live, with your

mother… … .”
Lee Won did not reply. For a moment, I felt like I was drunk. He
struggled to support Mikhail, who was constantly down, and headed
into the room and listened to his continued words with one ear. After
barely entering the room and laying him down on the bed, Lee Won,
who took off his shoes and abruptly changed his clothes, walked back
out into the living room.

His room was across the street, but he didn't feel well going into it.
Although I drank a lot, he was drunk. His mind was quite clear, and he
stood in the middle of the living room and pondered for a moment.

… … Shall we go to the sauna?

There was no one in the open air bathroom which was open 24 hours.
As he drank, Lee Won, who couldn't even see the shadow of the guests
except for the staff, was satis ied with the scenery as expected until he
returned to the room.

Anyway, it was not an ordinary opportunity to be able to enjoy a hot

spring of this size alone. Mikhail is also falling apart, so he may have
some time to himself, although it is limited. Since all the reservations
are full, there will be no such opportunity again when the guests arrive.
Lee Won comfortably took off his clothes and got into the hot water

Instinctively, he was fed up. Shivering faintly from the icy heat, he
sighed and leaned back against the edge of the tub.

then… … .
A satis ied sigh lowed. He closed his eyes, waiting for the tension in
his body to dissipate.

Belatedly, the wounds on his face ached everywhere. He grimaced

from time to time, and as he leaned against her body, thoughts began to

Recently, there has been a lot of pressure on the marriage. After the
last sneaky comment, Caesar would sometimes nuance that way if he
hadn't been careful. We're still pretending not to know, but we don't
know how long this simple method will work.

Michael was less pressing than Cesar, but more direct. It would be a
burdensome topic to hear from someone, but since the two more
burdensome people asked, the only way to deal with it was to avoid it.

i will say that

Putting aside the idea that they were both men who never gave up, he
pushed aside troublesome concerns. It's not going to be resolved right
away anyway, and you're here to rest, so you just have to be true to your
purpose. If you were older than you are now, your father would say the
same thing. I don't know about Cesar, but that's for later anyway.

Even if I had decided to do that, I couldn't help but feel reluctant in a

part of my heart.

However, there was no particular sharp point, so he ignored it and


Did I mention that sleeping in a hot spring is dangerous? … ?

While I was half asleep, I suddenly remembered it, and I felt a slight
simulation of popularity in my ear. Lee Won thought in confusion as he
lowered himself into the hot water. A guest has arrived.

It's a pity that I lost my time alone earlier than expected, but I can't
help it. Soon you will hear the sound of entering the water. It was
expected that there would be waves depending on the movement, but
the dream was calm. Lee Won waited silently, but the reaction that he
had been waiting for so long did not come out.

you misunderstood

It wasn't clear if he had mistaken the sound for footsteps or if he had

mistaken it for sensing a presence at all. He was the only one on the hot
surface of the rising steam. When he con irmed that there was no other
person's shadow in the spacious hot spring bath, Lee Won lightly ruled
out that he was wrong.

… … is marriage

As soon as my numb head woke up, I immediately remembered my

father's words. Ordinary life, marriage. What kind of expression would
he make if he knew that everything there was

expected could not come true? When you left your mother and me, you
probably didn't expect such an outcome.

Thinking of Cesar gave him a headache and he scratched his head in

annoyance. Relationships between men are also a pain in the ass, but
the other person is such a man. His father wanted Lee Won's marriage,
but if he were Caesar, he would die and oppose it. Maybe try to kill him
He barely backed away and took a step back, but if that happened,
Caesar wouldn't sit still, and he was obvious behind the scenes. Like
before, he had the urge to ight or not fall by himself, but of course that
was impossible. Lee Won routinely rubbed at the remaining gunshot
wounds on his stomach.

I can only hide it forever… … .

It was time to make a new commitment. Something shone through the

steam. Belatedly, Lee Won realized that he hadn't found it. Since when
are you standing there? The tall, tall man froze as if he were a stone
statue. You may have even thought that it was just a part of the
splendid wall decoration.

But he was by no means an idiot. There was only one thing in his
whole body that didn't shake, as if he couldn't even breathe, something
that was alive and moving.

strange eye.

The moment the different-colored stranger's eyes collided, Lee Won's

eyes widened.


Even though it was past noon, the sky was cloudy and unseemly. It
looks like it will snow again. On that fateful afternoon, Mikhail, still
young, looked up at the sky, involuntarily thinking.
It was almost a miracle to expect there to be no snow in winter in a
bloody north country.

After that, the short breath he exhaled formed a white shape, then
broke apart and disappeared. Heading to the of ice after an early lunch,
he walked down the icy street, careful not to slip on the snow that had
fallen the day before. It was also time for him to take a short step,
passing people who occasionally jogged down a quiet street.

Suddenly, a man ran past him, creating a breeze. Do you want to cause
a concussion by running down a street like this at such speed? Mikhail
looked at his back in surprise, but soon understood why.

“Pickpocket, pickpocket! Catch me! Hey, grab onto that guy!”

A woman came running from behind, screaming in a broken voice.

Mikhail involuntarily turned his head to look behind him. The
woman's face, with her thin hair loose like a madman, became
contemplative, revealing her desperation.

You are Asian?

Mikhail thought and turned his head again. I saw the back of a man
running away from me. The moment he saw the thick old bag in his
hand, the man suddenly staggered, bent over and hit his head on the

"So is!"

A woman who spoke a dialect of unknown origin ran away. Mikhail

looked away to follow the woman who ran past him.

He opened his mouth involuntarily and stretched out his hand, but it
was already too late. At the spot where the pickpocket rolled, the
woman lailed her arms and hit her face on the ground.


Disastrous screams echoed through the streets, followed by a hideous

fricative. He threw his entire body onto the icy path, but seemed to lose
consciousness for a moment. Meanwhile, the pickpocket hurriedly got
up and left.

“Wait, hug me! Pickpockets, my money!

As she collapsed, she cried out bitterly, but Mikhail looked at her with
his hands on her coat and looked at her. At the edge of the road where
there were no people passing by, his pitiful cry just dispersed, leaving
echoes in the lonely streets. He held out one hand and blinked, then
bowed his head in despair and staggered to his feet.

He raised his head, bit his lip, and brushed off his coat, which had been
soiled with dirt and snow. Soon, her eyes met those of Mikhail, who had
been watching her up until now. She looked at Mikhail without saying a
word for a while. Mikhail too could only stare at the woman looking at

Suddenly, a terrifying light lashed in the woman's black eyes. Mikhail

paused for a moment and she ran at a terrifying speed.

At the same time that she screamed, she waved her ists. Mikhail
quickly stepped back and avoided it. But the second followed at an
unimaginable pace. She immediately snapped out of it and Mikhail
kicked her in the shin.

“… … !? #%^*tk!@$(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

On top of Mikhail, who sat with his legs wrapped around her without
even being able to cry out, he added with equal momentum.

"It's a scourge!"

Leaving behind Mikhail, who couldn't even moan in pain, she strode
away from her and disappeared. Mikhail sat there, gritting his teeth
and swallowing the searing pain.

Didn't all Asian women say they are meek as sheep? … ?

He rubbed his iery shin several times, vaguely recalling an image he

was familiar with.

As soon as it got dark, the snow began to fall. Mikhail, who left the
of ice early, got into Lev's car, who was waiting for him, and drove off.

"Looks like it's going to be raining a lot soon."

Mikhail nodded brie ly at his worried words. You must hurry home
while the view is still clear. Under these conditions, it will continue to
snow until tomorrow morning, Mikhail thought silently as he watched
the snow lakes fall from the car window.

What my father had said during the day came to life. The struggle
between the organizations gradually intensi ied. In Sergeev, his son
Sasha early married the daughter of another organization. Thanks to
this, Sasha was able to acquire enormous strength that was completely
different from before in her generation.

“Now they are threatening us.”

Dad said seriously. Mikhail felt it too. Lomonosov was the largest
organization in Russia, but it didn't look like that day would last long.
Fortunately, my father was still alive. Unlike Sasha, Mikhail still has
room to spare.

Then, in the future, Lomonosov... … .

It was a vaguely stimulating moment. Suddenly, something shone

through the misty shadow of the snow. “… …Wait, get up.

Lev was taken aback by Mikhail's voice and turned around.

"Yes? Do you have something to do with me?"

“Stop right now. And you come back irst.

Mikhail gasped, still staring out the car window.

"Because it's personal."

Embarrassed, Lev slowed the car and pulled to the side of the road.
Meanwhile, Mikhail was still looking out the window.

There really is no bad luck.

Suyeon looked down at her feet with a deep sigh. What a miserable life
to be robbed of a bag containing all your possessions and become a
beggar in one day. At best, all efforts to move to a new land by getting
rid of everything they had in Korea were in vain.

How about learning Russian for more than 6 months? Why did you
come to Russia, me?

Suyeon continued to harm herself.

When you roll a globe, the probability of getting it all at once is clear: it
will turn into a big country. If it was a country that took photos like
this, it would have been China or Russia.

Wow, Suyeon sighed.

There is no fool who would waste his whole life for such a coincidence.
Even if I had ilmed China anyway, it would have been like this,
avoiding my eyes under the eaves.

That's when I thought I could be less miserable than the rain.

Suddenly, the toe of a snow-soaked shoe appeared. Did you see those
shoes at the airport? I'm a bit familiar with it.
Suyeon, who looked away from her shiny Oxford shoes, which must
have been carefully polished, gradually losing their shine under the
incessant rain, passed her long legs and inally saw his face on her
shoulder in a cozy fur coat. . She found it and blinked white. A clean-
looking man smiled into his teary eyes.

"We met again."

Suyeon, who was squatting under the eaves, raised her neck and
looked at the tall man, her eyes opening belatedly. Mikhail opened his
mouth with a smile on Suyeon's expression, which clearly remembered

"Why are you here?"

Soo-yeon frowned again and answered without hesitation.

"Because I have nowhere to go."


Soo-yeon was upset and burst into anger.

“Why? Even if I stole all my money! If you had caught the pickpocket
earlier… …!”

Su-yeon, who had been belatedly reviving her grudge and exclaiming in
a harsh voice, soon lost her energy and bowed her head.

"Now what am I going to do?"

Wow, I let out a sigh. The dark sky looked like the future of him. Not a
single coin was left in his hand. How did he come to a foreign country
and become a beggar? I tried to go to the embassy, but it was late and I
didn't have any money to go. I thought I had gone through all the
before and after in my life, but it was the irst time I had gone through
such a dif icult time. As he bowed his head sadly, Mikhail opened his
mouth on her.


A soft voice sounded like a whisper.

"Would you like to come with me?"

Suyeon, who had been limply staring at her toes, stopped. It was after
a short pause that she answered. Suyeon, who was crouched on the
ground, barely avoiding her eyes, met Mikhail, who was standing with
snow falling on top of her. Sooyeon, who had been blinking without
saying a word for a while, opened her mouth.

"Aren't you a dealer?"

Mikhail responded with a voice full of laughter at her questioning


"It's similar."

And he added in an absurdly friendly voice.

"But you won't sell it."

Sooyeon just stared at him without saying a word. Mikhail watched the
myriad emotions low through his black eyes. In a world where a gray
blizzard obscured his pale face and the only light under the cloudy sky
was a dim streetlight, Mikhail had a unique experience where only his
eyes shone like stars.

"How are things with you?"

Michael said and held out his hand. Soo-yeon looked at the hand
reaching out to her, still slightly crouched. Her gaze went to Mikhail's
face, then back to her hands. She slowly extended her hand. Mikhail
took her hand. Her little hand, dipped in her palm, trembled slightly.


… … Soo Yeon.

Mikhail woke as he repeated her name into her mouth. At the same
time, I felt a great thirst.

The moan that came out on its own was so loud that she split and
remained only in her mouth.

I lost my mind after a few drinks and woke up in a bed. I was old too.

Mikhail thought bitterly. There was no Lee Won, but the situation was
obvious. When I thought that I had returned with the support of my
son, I felt a strange sense of shame and joy. It felt good to hear that Lee
Won was on a trip with him, so it seemed like he drank too much.

After a long time dreaming about Suyeon, I was so excited that my

mind was

confused. I left the room thinking that I should refrain from drinking
for the time being, and an unexpected man was standing in the living


"Mr. Lomonosov."

The man who had been a strong right arm to Mikhail when he was the
head of the organization turned around and greeted him immediately.
Although Mikhail left the organization and Lev remained, Lev's loyalty
to Mikhail was still there. There must be a reason why he suddenly
arrived at the vacation spot like this, while he went about his daily life,
occasionally coming to tell her about his past and becoming Mikhail's
chess opponent.

"What happened, at a time like this?"

Also, it was unusual to suddenly appear in someone else's room like

this. Unless it's urgent. Lev apologized politely.

“I'm sorry, Lomonosov. It was an urgent matter, so I entered without

permission and searched the room.”

The living room at a glance did not show any signs of dishonesty, but
he had already meticulously inspected all the suites. Mikhail
straightened the laces of the dress that Lee Won should have changed
and walked to the sofa barefoot.

“Sit down for now. From your reaction, it seems like nothing really

After Mikhail sat down, Lev sat across from him and opened his mouth.

“Sorry while I'm on vacation. My son is not present, but I have

con irmed that he is resting in the open-air hot springs.”

"It is."

It seemed that he had not woken up at all in this situation, and his
nerves had become dull. In the past, he would have felt the popularity
immediately, even through the door.

"I think I drank too much."

As if sensing Mikhail's thoughts, Lev punched the player and

rationalized him. Mikhail changed the subject without saying anything.

"So, it doesn't seem like it's an urgent matter if you suddenly come over
and search the room without saying a word."

"I'm sorry."

After apologizing again, Lev continued.

“Actually, a suspicious movement was found on Sergeev's side. I was

worried that he might be targeting Mr. Lomonosov, so I came here
"A suspicious move?"

<Continued with Volume 2>

Rose and Kiss 1 (Roses and Champagne Gaiden) Air Date_September

14, 2017


cover design_mui

Publisher_Yomi Books

Editor_Shin Woo-mi

Editor_Lee Eun-joo

Publication record_ January 19, 2016 (No. 2016-000015) telephone_



ISBN 979-11-6100-084-8 05810

Copyright ⓒ ZIG 2017
All rights reserved

The Korean version of this book is copyrighted by Yomi Books.

Reproduction and reproduction without written permission is

Table of Contents

rose and kiss

secret rose

all rights


rose and kiss

secret rose
all rights

rose and kiss

"A suspicious move?"

Once the mob was always the mob. Even if they retreated, there were
many cases where their lives were threatened or they lost their lives in
an instant due to a terrorist attack. Still, even if you leave the
organization yourself, you can't cut ties completely.

Mikhail was bitter inside and his nerves were on edge.

If you want to leave the organization, you'd better leave the country
altogether, like Sasha. But he is a man who has nothing of value to him.
He wasn't as attached to his children as Mikhail was. Mikhail thought.
So you can only live like this for yourself.

After all, you are a poor man.

A man with nothing precious and nothing to protect. He got his

freedom in return, but will he be happy?

… …Perhaps he will feel sorry for me too.

Mikhail, who he had thought up to that point, soon came back to reality
and heard the situation again. Lev continued.
“I have received information that Sergeev has booked the entire room
in this hotel. This penthouse apartment where Mr. Lomonosov is
staying is an exception because Mr. Lomonosov had booked it in
advance, but the entire loor below is occupied by Sergeev.”

Mikhail blinked at the unexpected words. I remembered the words I

heard in the bar, and soon the situation was resolved. Did you say that
all the rooms were full and that it was all from Sergeev? Why?

“… …Did you sign me up?

"I can only see it that way."

Lev said with a nervous face.

"Perhaps the tsar has not yet abandoned Mr. Lomonosov?"

Mikhail's face hardened. Trying to kill the mob that had returned
civilians was no different from shooting a soldier in the back who had
escaped from the front. He did not know that the Tsar was such a
vessel. Mikhail, who clicked his tongue involuntarily, soon understood.

After all, if it's an advantage, he's a guy who will shoot his father Sasha
without hesitation.

There were no objections, but unanswered questions remained.

What is the bene it of the tsar targeting me?

Mikhail thought seriously. But no matter how much I thought about it,
nothing came to mind. I no longer have authority or power in the
organization, so why? Is what you want just symbolic?
Even if he retired, he was the former owner of Lomonosov.

"Bring me Lee Won, let's go."

First of all, safety came irst. I decided to do it later, and when I gave
the order like before, Lev answered.

"The young boss went there himself."

Mikhail was surprised by that.

“Vladimir himself? Did he come here too?

Yes, Lev nodded.

"If Mr. Lomonosov is in danger, he will probably go to the ends of the


Mikhail let out a short sigh. If you go directly to Vladimir, things will
get bigger. But there was no one to stop him. The only thing that could
control him was Mikhail, but now that he had left the front line, words
were meaningless.

He was like a wild horse, or a tiger that escapes from his cage.

I wish it was just a coincidence.

Although he was embarrassed that Sergeev had appeared at that

moment, Mikhail couldn't guess why. Why?
With a sinister premonition, Mikhail thought.

I don't think he is destined to attract Vladimir……?

"… … Who are you?"

He opened his mouth, but no sound came out, so after collecting dry
saliva and swallowing it, Lee Won asked. The man just looked at Lee
Won with a cold face and didn't say anything. As he looked into the
strange man's eye, all kinds of thoughts ran through Lee Won's head.

Where is that man? Caesar's tail? I'm too direct to be a follower.

Hanging from him and not running away... … .

Did something happen to your father? Can't you just be a hotel

employee? To see you looking at me with such pride.

Maybe it's Dmitri? If that man had sent him, wouldn't he have been
standing like this? You'd still be able to jump me right now.

What the hell is that man?!

Lee Won, who had dozens of thoughts in just a few seconds, calmly
opened his mouth.

“I don't know what's going on, but I'm a guest, so if you have any
complaints, tell the hotel staff… ….”

For the irst time, the man opened his mouth. The low, raspy voice
gave me goosebumps for some reason. "Are you the son of

When a familiar name appeared, Lee Won paused. Lee Won, who
picked up one of the many guesses, nodded.

"Yes, but who are you?"

"You mean that sel ish lawyer."

Instead of responding, Lee Won took offense at the profanity he

muttered at will. What are you talking about, bastard? He didn't like it,
so he jumped to his feet. The man stopped for the irst time when his
naked body emerged from the water. Seeing him back away with a hard
face made me inwardly accuse him.

“… … It is polite to cover the background.”

The man groaned dissatis iedly. Lee Won walked out of the bathroom
and deliberately stood directly at him. Naked, drenched in water.

"We have seen each other before?"

Lee Won rudely spat like a man.

The man unexpectedly averted his gaze and said. Lee Won stood
proudly with his legs spread wide and ired.

“Then you should be courteous. Even if you don't know what your
relationship is with your father, don't you think it's good to have that
kind of attitude towards someone you meet for the irst time? They
know me there, so why not at least introduce yourself? It's about being
polite to me on the subject of insulting someone I've never met for the
irst time. The loading dock is also oily.”

After he inished speaking, he picked up the bathrobe from the bench

and pulled it over his body, and only then did the man turn his head.
Lee Won noted that he was quite sensitive to other people's naked
bodies, even though he was the same guy.

In fact, Lee Won also didn't have the hobby of wanting to check other
people's things he used. Perhaps it was a natural reaction, but it
seemed that he had lost his senses because he had been dealing with a
man who was so shameless. Although Lee Won is never that kind of

"So, who are you?"

He thought there was nothing wrong with him, but he decided to give it
a try. As soon as Lee Won spoke, the man turned his head to look at

“I am Vladimir Mikhailich. ……He is the person in charge of the

organization after Lomonosov.”

The man's introduction shocked Lee Won inside. Was it this man, the
one who took the place of the successor?
He is a man whose name he only occasionally hears from Mikhail. In
fact, it was the irst time we met like this. I thought we'd never see a

In the irst place, his height and his body were quite large, which made
him feel quite intimidating. He looks like he is only 3-4 centimeters
taller than Lee Won, but his muscular body makes him look bigger than
he really is. Lee Won straightened his back as usual and looked at him.

From the outside, you could tell that he was the head of the
organization, but Odd Eye was not. If someone looked at those eyes, he
would be captivated without realizing it. A man with rare eyes in the
world is a mob boss, so it would be really hard for them to like him even
if they did. Lee Won, who had inadvertently thought, soon realized,
"Oh," he said.

There are colored lenses.

Lee Won, who immediately remembered the measurements, asked as

he tied the waistband of the dress.

"So what is going on? He appeared out of nowhere like that.”

“… … By Mr. Lomonosov.

"Did something happen to your father?"

When he was involuntarily asked, he twisted his forehead. A sinister

imagination lashed through his mind for a moment, but his reaction
was monotonous.

"Leave at once".
When he irst turned around, Lee Won walked forward with a sense of
absurdity and trembling.


Entering the room, Mikhail and Lev were sitting across from each


When Lee Won was puzzled and called out, Mikhail immediately stood
up and greeted him.

“Come on, Lee Won-ah. It seems that nothing has happened."

"I went to a hot spring."

Lee Won explained.

"I thought you were tired, so I didn't wake you up, and I'm sorry if I
made you worry."

Mikhail quickly shook his head.

"No no. That's what I came here for. Just because there was a little
accident I didn't expect… …."
"What happened? Damn, out of the blue.

Alternately asking Lev and Vladimir, Mikhail asked in bewilderment.

"Did you not hear me?"

"What do you mean?"

Mikhail looked at Vladimir as if he had passed him by, but he turned his
head and pretended to be ignorant.

Mikhail frowned, but soon he was back to talking to Lee Won as if there
was nothing he could do about it.

"That's… …That didn't happen when I asked my secretary to make a

reservation here."

It was strange that it was strangely steamed. Lee Won asked


“Have you ever been in a drug accident?”

The irst question that came to my mind when the former mob boss,
the current boss, and even the second person met, was that. Or a tax
portal? Murder? Mikhail immediately denied the imagination that only
appeared in the criminal direction.

“That one! No… …Even if such an accident happens, it has nothing to do

with me. Because I am a civilian.”
Lee Won was reluctant to add a strange color as he drew a straight line,
but he replied, “Yes.”

"And then what happened? How? Everybody suddenly showed up like

this and called an emergency."

After sarcastic comments about the rude Vladimir, Lev stepped

forward this time.

“Sorry, this guy is so short. ……Still, he should have said something.

Seeing him scold the boss like his father, Lee Won felt unfamiliar. Come
to think of it, I heard that the man who became the heir lost his parents
when he was young and was raised by the Lomonosov organization
when he wandered down the road. Lev must have been watching
Vladimir since he was a child.

If so, I can understand that kind of reaction.

Lee Won thought. As expected, Vladimir was also a rebellious child

who listened to his parents scolding him without any reaction, only
drooling out of one ear.

… …It's pretty cool.

Seeing that he was different from the mob that he had seen before, Lee
Won looked at him and abruptly asked.

"… … The age is?"


Mikhail and Lev looked at Lee Won at the same time. Lee Won said as
he looked at Vladimir.

"How old are you? I'm curious."

"What do you care?"

"It's 26."

Vlamidir opened his mouth in anger, but Lev ignored him and
responded immediately. When Lee Won looked at him, he hehe, he
looked at Lee Won with a ierce face. Like if you have something to say,
do it.

"You are younger than me."

Vladimir paused. As Lee Won spoke to herself, Mikhail nodded his


"Yes very young. I was still training when I was that age, but taking
over the organization for me… ….”

In an instant, Vladimir's attitude changed.

“No, Lomonosov. It is an honor for you to trust me and entrust the

organization to me”.

His arrogant attitude towards Lee Won turned into a gentle sheep
everywhere, and when she saw him say thank you, Lee Won laughed at
the absurdity. That was a mistake. The corners of his mouth twitched
brie ly, but Vladimir noticed it as a ghost and immediately turned into a
terrifying face and looked at Lee Won. Seeing that face, Lee Won
remembered what happened in the hot spring. Then he realized that
they still hadn't told him why they had brought him here.

"So what is going on? excuse me."

At that moment, everyone realized, “Ah”, to the question that went

round and round and barely revolved around the topic. I don't want to
disturb the atmosphere this time. Lee Won thought and waited for the
next word.

"I heard that Sergeev made a reservation for this hotel."


I thought he would react nonchalantly to any word I said, but he didn't

come out the way I wanted.

At Lee Won's involuntary voice, Mikhail continued speaking as if he


“I don't know what's going on, all of a sudden my secretary found out
that there were a lot of free rooms in the hotel at the time. So I rented
the entire lat, and the entire rest of the lat was reserved for Sergeev in
one day.”

Lee Won blinked blankly. Mikhail kept talking.

“Because I have no idea why I rented this hotel and all the lats. Lev
has come to inform you in a hurry. to Vladimir.
"Of course you should have come, for the sake of Mr. Lomonosov's

Vladimir said with a serious face, and Lev nodded. The father smiled
bitterly, but Lee Won did not know how to explain this situation. He
said that he would go to the hot springs, but he didn't mention the
location. But appearing with tweezers like this is no coincidence.

The irst thing that touched his head was the tail that was attached to
it. It was clear that the man following him had heard the conversation
in the cafe and made a report. The problem is that if you know, you
know why. What are you going to do?

"So I tried to take action."

Vladimir continued speaking in a tone of force.

“I want to buy the whole hotel. We are discussing with the owner, but
if he continues to decline, we will have no choice but to use our
strength here as well.”

what else is this

In Lee Won's shocked ears, Lev's voice of sympathy could be heard.

“Even if he asks me to cancel the booking, I can't say that I'm afraid of
Sergeev, so I have to let him know that I'm afraid of Lomonosov as well.
This is an obvious provocation.

Clearly, Sergeev is targeting Mr. Lomonosov. Because the tsar is not

one to give up. You have to buy this hotel and make a deterrent in
advance. There is currently no way to protect Mr. Lomonosov. Even if
there were Sergeev all over the hotel."

Vladimir, who growled in anger, gritted his teeth, added.

“First of all, I have booked all the hotels across the street. In that case,
we can come to you in 10 minutes. Still, if possible, it would be better
to remove the accusations altogether.”

The situation was getting out of control. It was very serious to see the
three men arguing with each other while Lee Won looked on, but since
Lee Won, who knew what was going on, he couldn't decide whether to
laugh at this situation or not.

"Excuse me but."

Unable to look any further, Lee Won interjected. The men's eyes turned
to him all at once, and Lee Won carefully opened his mouth.

“Do you really need to go that far? Maybe they just come to enjoy a hot
spring bath.”

"Why do you have to have many hotels nearby?"

As Vladimir pointed out sharply, Lev also agreed.

“It also means that we are going to do this openly because we are
renting out the entire loor.

How could it have other meanings?

“But my father is retired”,

"Once a ma ia, always a ma ia."

Mikhail said with a serious face. Lee Won became even more anxious
when even his father, who believed he would be rational, betrayed his
expectations. Even thinking about Lee Won, who knew at least part of
the past, there was a good reason for his assumption. But he couldn't
leave him alone.

I have to stop this situation now.

Finally, when it was even said that he had to bring weapons and arm
himself, Lee Won couldn't take it and intervened again.

"Why don't we see it irst?"

The men's eyes turned to him again. Lee Won persuaded them as
calmly as possible by the expressions on their faces that clearly showed
his dissatisfaction.

“Once ma ia, forever ma ia, and it happens because of this kind of

response. Isn't it common sense to respond to civilians?"

The three of them didn't say anything at those words, but that didn't
mean they were shocked by Lee Won's words. Lee Won continued.

“It is quite poisonous to react irrationally without knowing the true

intentions of the other person. You said you could be there in 10
minutes from the hotel across the street, but that would be enough of a

Intercepting Lev's rebuttal, Lee Won added.

“If that's the case, you just have to go around the entire hotel. Rather,
the other side turns into a mouse in the poison of him. If you're
worried about taking your father hostage, you can only have a few
guards on this loor. If Sergeev had a brain, he would think so, so he
would not work on such a large scale to beat the head of a retired

Vladimir's bushy eyebrows twitched at the words he purposely added.

Lev looked at Mikhail with a hesitant look, and Mikhail rubbed his chin
and thought.

"You're right."

Then my father opened his mouth.

“I have not yet become a public person. Just thinking about how to
respond at an organizational level, it seems that the nature of a person
cannot be changed.”


Lee Won told him that she was muttering bitterly.

“It was alarming news. Furthermore, if an executive came to the head

of the organization and reported it, even I would have become sensitive.
It is also worthy enough. I just suggest we wait a little longer."

After taking a step back, Lev looked at Vladimir. like what are you
going to do Vladimir looked at Lee Won and said.
“Being outside the organization, I can say such nonchalant things. I
wonder if I'll be able to say things like that even after having air holes
all over my body."

Mikhail frowned at the sarcastic comment. Seeing that reaction,

Vladimir's attitude soon softened.

"But if that is the address Lomonosov wants, there is no choice but to

wait for you at the hotel opposite. In that case, contact us immediately."

Mikhail suddenly proposed to him that he was about to back down.

"Anyway, why not stay in this hotel?"


Vladimir, who was about to salute and leave, stopped at the unexpected
words. Lee Won also thought, "I hope," and Mikhail continued.

“Sergeev said that he rented the entire hotel, but not on this loor. I'm
already using this place, so he goes anywhere in the free room and uses
it. There are many rooms.

Vladimir seemed a little surprised by the unexpected suggestion. The

way he stood with blinking eyes gave the illusion that he was looking at
a large dog. If you had to ask about a breed, would it be a pit bull? He
was far from a man with a rough appearance, but his rough tone and
atmosphere were just that. Even when he ights, it seems like he will
bite his opponent like a pit bull and never let go. If he looks bad in a
hurry, it literally looks like the end.

I will have to take care of myself.

It might have been too late by the time he remembered the hard look
he had given her. Lee Won pretended not to know and turned his head.
Vladimir looked at his reaction and immediately told Mikhail.

“If you allow me… … I think that will also put my mind at ease.”

"Yes, of course. Lev, would you like to stay?"

At Mikhail's suggestion, Lev said he didn't and shook his head.

“You have to have the role of monitoring the situation from the hotel
across the street. Thank you for your words... … ."

"Yes, I see."

Mikhail nodded enthusiastically and they greeted each other. Lee Won-
do greeted Lev, and inally Vladimir shook his hand and whispered in
his ear before letting him go.

"Then I guess I'll just have to get a good night's sleep."

Mikhail straightened his chest and looked back.

"Lee Won's room is there, so he rests in a place you like, except there."

"Thank you, Lomonosov."

After a courteous greeting, Mikhail entered the room. After hearing the
sound of the door closing, Lee Won was left alone with Vladimir.
Suddenly there was an awkward silence. At that moment, Lee Won
realized that she was standing without even a bathrobe and no
underwear. Embarrassed at the realization, he coughed to no avail and

"Then he stops."

Vladimir did not reply. He was looking at Lee Won with the same
fearful eyes he had when he irst saw him in the hot spring. Why the
hell do you hate me so much? when he dressed Lee Won was reluctant,
but he had no intention of consuming energy late at night by bringing it
up as a topic of discussion. Instead, he turned and headed for his room,
ignoring or not Vladimir's greeting.

That is not the important thing now.

After closing the door behind her, Lee Won immediately changed her
expression and raised his head in annoyance.

What the hell are you thinking, boy?


As the bar staff said, the next day the hotel started to bustle early. It
was a fact he already knew, but Sergeev's gangsters were everywhere.
Of course, the reason was that the head of the organization made a
vacation and pointed out this place among many hotels and hot springs.
During the room service breakfast, Vladimir didn't say a word. In the
morning, Lee Won also spread butter and jam on the bread and popped
it into his mouth without even having to cut the back of his neck.

"It seems that the staff have been busy since this early hour."

At Mikhail's words, the hotel clerk waiting for him responded with a
forced smile.

"Yes, there are many guests coming today."

Silence fell again. No one spoke, but the staff knew their identities. At
least it was clear that he knew Vladimir's identity. If so, Lee Won and
Mikhail, who sit at the same table, will not look any different. Lee Won
swallowed a sigh and continued eating, pretending not to know.
Mikhail told the staff to go away and gave him a tip.

When only the three of them were left, the father talked to Lee Won.

“You didn't really enjoy yourself yesterday, what are you going to do
today? I once made a reservation for the spa... … .

Massage is the best way to relieve body fatigue.”

"Rest in your room for the day, Lomonosov."

Before Lee Won, Vladimir said.

“It is considered dangerous to move without knowing what Sergeev's

intentions are. It can be frustrating because members of the
organization are looking for you, but wait."
"I'm good but… … ."

Mikhail directed his puzzled gaze at Lee Won. Although he had come
all the way here, it was clear that his plan had gone wrong and he was
upset as well. Lee Won wiped his mouth with a napkin and said

"It is ine, me too. I took a hot spring bath yesterday, so it's not bad to
rest quietly for a day or so."

"Then I am happy."

Dad smiled reassuringly. Suddenly the deep wrinkles on the fan

seemed to ache.

Lee Won almost caressed his cheek impulsively, but luckily, he was
interrupted by Vladimir's ierce glare and came to his senses.

"Want a coffee?"

Lee Won asked when he saw that Mikhail's teacup was empty. He
nodded silently. Lee Won silently watched the dark brown liquid falling
into the coffee cup in a long parabola.

It's de initely different than my home port.

The kettle, which was optimized to boil water only, was extremely
practical, but just because it is a two-way pot, this noble and elegant pot
made of ceramic did not go unnoticed.
The taste of the water will be no different anyway, and it would not be
appropriate to have a pot like this in a small house.

Lee Won thought and poured coffee into his cup. Only after putting the
pot down did he realize that Vladimir's teacup was also empty. He was
embarrassed, but found it dif icult to pick up the pot again and serve it,
so he decided to continue eating. As he chewed the salmon salad in his
mouth, Vladimir opened his mouth.

"If it's okay with you, I'll ask the hotel if I can have a spa in my room."

that would be intimidating

Lee Won thought to himself, but he didn't say anything. Mikhail

couldn't know either. Instead, he just said a single word.

"Don't overdo it."

Vladimir answered bluntly.

"It's not exaggerated."

Again there was silence. Lee Won felt a sense of crisis from the bread
he had been eating in the continuous awkward atmosphere and gulped
down a large cup of coffee.

"I'll get up irst."

After eating, Mikhail got up from his seat. Vladimir stood behind him
and asked.
"Tell me anything you need, I'll bring it to you right away."

"Well? … …Then I'll buy you a best-selling novel. I can't read the whole
book these days. Lee Won-ah, how about you?

In response to his father's question, Lee Won added a new book from
an author he liked.

Vladimir seemed dissatis ied, but he responded verbally: "I

understand." After Mikhail disappeared into his room, Lee Won was left
alone with Vladimir again. The discomfort of the previous day is still
there, but the same thing happens again. Lee Won sped up and ate the
rest of the food and got up from his seat.

"Then it stops."

After saying hello like a shot, when I turned around, Vladimir suddenly
spoke from behind.

"Are you the only one who thinks this place is awkward?"

Lee Won turned his head at the voice full of disgust. Vladimir sat still
and still.

“It's not funny to see everyone claiming that a sel ish man like you is
Lomonosov's son.

First of all, what are you talking about and how much do you know
about the organization?”

From the beginning, he hated Lee Won. Nothing occurred to Lee Won-
eun other than the thought of the indisputable antipathy that was
revealed when we were alone. No one would be happy if someone they
didn't know showed hostility towards me, but that didn't mean I didn't
want to spend time dealing with it. Because I will never see you again…

As long as it has anything to do with my father, this can happen again.

This time, Caesar is intertwined, but there are many other enemies.

But ignoring that fact, Lee Won tried to leave. However, the opponent
seemed to have a temper that could not bear to be ignored.
Immediately, I wondered if he could hear the chair being pushed back,
and then he violently grabbed Lee Won's shoulder.

"What if you put Lomonosov in danger!"

"It is dangerous."

Reluctantly looking back, Vladimir frowned, a stern expression on his


There's Sergeev all over the hotel. If something happens, it's already
too late. 10 minutes from the other side?

A person dies in a minute.”

"It's an overreaction."

"What do you know?!"

Vladimir snapped.
“Mr. Lomonosov has been trying to get rid of the tsar boy all his life. He
too! They threw bombs at each other, ired guns, sent snipers and tried
to kill each other without stopping for a second. But do you think it will
be different if Lomonosov retired?

Lomonosov knows this too, which is why he was seriously considering

bringing in the gangsters.

But because of you, I said I was going to drop everything, Mr.

Lomonosov resigned from his organization because of you. Do you
know what that means? Did you know!"

It was only then that Lee Won seemed to know the true nature of the
hostility Vladimir had shown him. In short, he believes that his father
abandoned them because of duality. So he was pouring out his hatred
towards Lee Won.

The problem was that he was wrong. But without even having time to
point it out, Vladimir pushed him away.

“Even if Mr. Lomonosov is apparently retired, he is still the head of the


And we are all waiting for him to come back! The Tsar must also know.
So follow me here and get rid of Mr. Lomonosov.”

Lee Won denied it.

"That's not."

I tried to explain, but Vladimir refused to listen and kept talking.

“What do you know, about a topic that suddenly appeared and turned
the organization into a honeycomb! What the hell you want? Why did
you show up and ruin everything?!

Calm down and talk to me.

“You are a troublemaker. It seems that Lomonosov is risking his life

now, because of you!"

“Because he isn't! Listen to the people! Sergeev is not looking for his
father, and he did not come here for that purpose!

Unknowingly, Lee Won got upset, raised his voice and yelled. He
belatedly stopped, but Vladimir was already looking at Lee Won with a
fearful face.

"What is the reason for saying that?"

As he expected, he stopped hitting Lee Won, but that didn't change his
attitude. Lee Won answered, feeling that his ears were still drying up.

“… …It just feels good.”

All I could say was that. A gleam in Vladimir's eyes at the voice that
faded without con idence.

"You're really cool, lawyer."

He gritted his teeth as if he had sarcastically changed tactics.

“Do you think it won't happen just by feeling? Do customers also select
per kaki? This person is right, he is not innocent. defend or not. Why
don't you become a fortune teller instead of a lawyer?!"

“A lawyer must fully believe in the innocence of the client. You can't
defend yourself if you don't have faith."

Lee Won pointed, but Vladimir didn't pretend to listen.

"Wherever you go, try to guess something else along those lines. So
what did Sergeev mean by coming here? Why did he rent the whole
hotel? If Lomonosov is not your target, what is the purpose?"

It's for me, it's for me, it's for me!

Unable to put it into words, Lee Won closed his eyes and counted the
number. When he counted to 3124, he widened his eyes and opened
his mouth to tell her to stop talking. If you could say that one-sided
bullying is a conversation. Again, Vladimir was not ready to listen at all.

“Is that dif icult? Then guess something else. Okay, how about this?
What color is my underwear?

Would that be easy?

Why do I have to guess your boy's panties?

If she had been a woman, she would have been sued for sexual
harassment. Clearly, he wanted to end this stupid ight with a question
that was only meant to ridicule and ridicule Lee Won, but there was no
sign of letting him go. He continued to scoff.
“It feels so good, but can't you match what's in front of you? Can you
tell me something more or less? you know it again. If you're lucky,
you'll get it. Oh no luck. Is that a skill? It's a sensitivity skill."

The continuous nonsense made Lee Won go upstairs and throw it away
as soon as his irritation increased.

"Yellow stripes!"

For a moment, Vladimir stopped. Where had the igure that had been
threatening Lee Won with such impetus until recently gone? He
blinked and just looked at him blankly.

… … Is that correct?

Puzzled, Lee Won snatched his hand away after seeing him face to face.

“… …Did you just ilm it?

Vladimir asked from behind in a con ident voice. Lee Won looked back
and replied.

"You said persimmon."

Before anything else noticed, Lee Won rushed into the room. Looking
back through the closed door, Vladimir was still looking at Lee Won
with a look of disbelief.

He has been sexually harassed since morning.

Lee Won took comfort in seeing Vladimir's confused face and closed
the door.

I got upset and just said it.

He turned around and suddenly frowned.

But is it really the yellow stripe?

Lee Won, who thought of his plain white panties, inadvertently

imagined panties with yellow stripes, but it didn't work out. It was
even more so when I thought of a stern face that was not suitable for
Vladimir's age. Finally, he shook his head and clicked his tongue.

Although underwear is fashionable, he is not even a tiger, and there are

men who wear those lashy panties.


After the three of them had spent the day quietly resting or reading a
book, Lev reached the last room.

"Nothing happened?"

The irst to ask for Mikhail's greetings, and he reported with a straight
“I have been spying for a day, but Sergeev's side is calm. There was a
small ight between the members of the organization, but it seems that
the orders from above to remain silent have come. There were no
major clashes as the middle managers stopped them immediately."

"… … Okay."

Mikhail muttered with a complicated expression. That way, the current

situation would not be fully understood. In my experience, this was an
obvious threat. However, I couldn't igure out what the purpose of the
money was, as the behavior revealed on the outside was far from it.
And Lee Won, the only one who had the answer, couldn't speak.

Deep down I wanted to ask about Cesar. As soon as he knew where

and what he was doing, he saw the opportunity and thought that he had
to do his best, but he wasn't sure if that

chance would ever come. I am sharing a room with my father, and now
Vladimir has joined.

Now that I think about it.

After a childish ight in the morning, Vladimir was nowhere to be seen.

I wish he didn't make a big deal out of it. For those who don't know the
circumstances, they can't help but become sensitive, but from Lee
Won's point of view, it was just frustrating.

I can't even tell the truth.

After all, this is all because of Caesar. Why are you following and
chasing others in the irst place? You can't even travel comfortably. In
the irst place, this trip was all my fault, but I would never think that
way… …?!

At that moment the door rang and Vladimir entered. Three people
including Lee Won looked at each other at the same time, but he
deliberately ignored Lee Won.

"I was about to see you, please sit here."

Lev inadvertently pointed to the seat next to Lee Won, but Vladimir
deliberately returned to his seat and sat further away from Lee Won.
Mikhail frowned at the action that caught anyone's attention, Lev was
embarrassed, and Lee Won had an expression that he knew, but no one
criticized him out loud.

"If you've already heard it, I have nothing more to say."

Vladimir inished his speech with a forceful sip. He didn't know if he

was embarrassed by the rush of emotion in the morning or if he was
disappointed that nothing happened when he expected something to
happen. Lev dismissed his reaction as too sensitive and willingly
continued on the subject.

"For now, we are not going to be attentive, but how about we throw a
party at night to show them our wealth?"

Mikhail blinked at the unexpected words.

"A party? Here?"

"Yeah," Lev said, nodding.

“The Czar has also been noti ied. We will use the entire lounge and
restaurant in the evening. So I gladly accepted it… … .”

"Are you willing? Did you have?"

When Mikhail pointed out two questionable words, Lev responded

with a puzzled face.

"That is, the tsar also asked to invite."

Suddenly, Vladimir looked at Lee Won. It was the irst time this had
happened since he entered the room, so Lee Won was puzzled inside.
There was a light on his face that he was trying to get something out,
but he couldn't tell what he wanted. Lee Won soon turned his attention
away from him and focused on the task at hand.

Anyway, I was glad Caesar came to dinner. I'm going to have to avert
my eyes and push him away and try to push what he's trying to say.
Thinking that far, my forehead twisted involuntarily.

Seriously, what the hell is that guy thinking?


The hotel, which said that all the walls were made of movable panels to
create an open space for a party in an emergency, became spacious
enough to play football when the entire front, including the restaurant,
was integrated into a single evening. As countless tables and food
began to pile up inside like a mountain, the members of the
organization gathered early.

Lee Won put on the suit Mikhail ordered and went downstairs. When
his father appeared, there were shouts of exclamation and respect.
Mikhail shook hands without missing a beat, mentioning all the names
of even the last member of the gang.

“I felt very lonely after losing you and your mother.”

After a storm passed, Mikhail muttered to himself. I remembered what

Lev said once. There is an orphanage sponsored by the organization
and sometimes they bring children who are lost along the way and raise
them. Seeing that one of them is Vladimir, they will eventually become

Lee Won suddenly thought.

This is gifted education.

It was so sarcastic in my heart, but I also thought that it was an

inevitable choice as long as there was no way to make a living. There
are many cases where dogs have been on the right track.

De initely not the case with that guy.

Lee Won sipped champagne in silence as he watched Vladimir walk

straight through them from the other side.

"Mr. Lomonosov."

He greeted irst and kept talking next to Lee Won.

“At the moment, there are no members of Sergeev's side in sight. You
can rest assured."

"Nice job."

Mikhail patted her shoulder and smiled.

"You're trying to take care of a retired old man."

"It does not even matter. The head of the organization is still Mr.

Lee Won looked at the side face of him, speaking with a straight color,
without saying a word. After all, there are plenty of talented people
who are much better suited to this job than I am. Unconditional
succession to the family in any area is a short cut to ruin.

… …Since it's a ma ia, maybe it's better to die.

For some reason, it seemed like he had fallen into a dilemma himself,
and Lee Won was reluctant.

As I quietly drank alcohol, I suddenly met Vladimir's eyes. Shortly

after, my father was gone. Lee Won chose to ignore him, just as he did,
and emptied the champagne without saying a word.

Unexpectedly, Vladimir stood still and did not move. He seemed to

have something to say, but he didn't know if he was willing to speak or
not, but he had no intention of encouraging him. He put the empty
glass on the waiter's tray and picked up a new one, but Vladimir opened
his mouth as if he had made up his mind.
“… …You said you knew the Tsar, right?

His calm voice was completely different from the one he normally just
shouted. When Lee Won looked at him, Vladimir continued to speak as
he avoided his gaze.

“I met the tsar and he asked how Mr. Lomonosov was doing. So he was
alert……That's it.”

Did he say he knows me?

Lee Won swallowed the horse that reached his throat. Maybe I heard it
from my father or other people. Still, looking at his attitude, it didn't
seem like much. He continued talking to Lee Won, who silently said

“They said they were going to have a party today, so they removed the
members immediately. Just in case, I searched the entire city, but there
were only a minimum number of people left and they all left. On the
contrary, they don't seem to think we could hit each other in the neck
right now."

"You can't do that to someone you've done a favor for."

Lee Won quietly turned around and stopped him. Vladimir did not
reply. At a glance, he still had a frank face, but it was not a harsh
expression anyway. Vladimir continued.

“Anyway, you did well, congratulations. I want it to end like this

without any problem.”

"Nothing will happen."

Lee Won said expressionlessly. He could feel Vladimir's gaze on him.
Lee Won tipped the glass and added.

"Because I feel good."

Vladimir still had a strange expression on his face and said nothing.

Time passed and the party was ripe. There were people giving
injections here and there, and the atmosphere was heating up, shouting
and singing uproar.

"These children".

Vladimir frowned and cursed, but Mikhail had a different idea.

"Leave him alone, an opportunity like this is not common."

Suddenly, someone danced and everyone started laughing. Mikhail,

who was still laughing out loud, said to Vladimir.

“Why don't you try something yourself? Yes, you used to do magic

"Are you talking about this?"

Vladimir suddenly patted Lee Won's ear and held out his hand. Lee
Won, who was shocked and clutched his ears, saw the folded coin inside
his inger and was only then convinced. "Ah," Mikhail said when she
answered involuntarily.

"Come to think of it, you didn't drink Suyeonin's alcohol at all, but you
seem to be drinking pretty well."

She was amazed when she emptied the champagne, she didn't know
how many glasses she had already had.

"Drink something."

Lev chimed in on Lee Won's reply.

“By the way, do Koreans often drink alcohol? Do you drink well too?

He also looked quite drunk. With a glass of vodka in hand, his face was
already hot and his pronunciation was crooked. When Lee Won smiled
vaguely at her words, Vladimir suddenly spoke up.

"Yes, you can't compare it to a Russian, isn't alcohol different?"

What kind of pride is this?

"Certainly the Russian side has a higher alcohol content."

Lee Won laughed and added.

"Because Korea creates a new culture."

"Isn't alcohol supposed to be fun?"

Lee Won looked at the glass and then gently smiled.

"I will teach."

Everyone looked at them in amazement, and Lee Won called the waiter
over and placed an order. Immediately on the long table, countless
glasses were lined up, and alcohol was poured into them. Vladimir
looked at him with a frown.

What the hell are you doing?

Everyone is watching in amazement, and Lee Won put an additional

glass on top again.

"It's called sur ing."

As they poured more alcohol into the small glass one after another,
they all looked at each other as if they didn't understand the English
language. After placing the last glass, Lee Won smiled and looked back.

"Now, let's drink one cup at a time."

At the same time as she said that, her inger touched the gin at the end,
and as if waiting, the glasses jumped into the tall glass one after
another. Everyone was amazed and exclaimed as they saw the glass fall
into dominoes, and Vladimir looked at him with stunned eyes. Lee Won
took one of them, covered his stomach with a napkin, turned it over a
lot, and put it directly into his mouth.
All the men widened their eyes in astonishment as they saw the men
spilling over the neck post and drinking in one go. At last, Lee Won,
who placed the empty glass on the table with a clapping sound, smiled
brightly and everyone clapped as if in admiration, he walked over to the
table and started holding the glass. As he watched people turn and
drink here and there, Vladimir gasped as he took another drink.

"Does everyone in Korea drink like this?"

"Not all."

Lee Won smiled at him again. Vladimir paused for a moment and
looked at Iwon.


Lee Won asked as he was holding a shrimp cocktail that he passed by.
Facing the silent Vladimir, Lee Won put the shrimp head in his mouth
and chewed it like gum.

Vladimir looked at him in shock, but Lee Won didn't care and just
poured the next whiskey into his mouth. Vladimir raised his eyebrows
and murmured.

"It's not very similar."

Hearing the sound, Lee Won looked at it. His long, thin eyes swiveled
up at him.

Suddenly Vladimir blinked. Lee Won stared at him as if he was going to

say something if he had something to say, but he didn't say anything.
After a few seconds of silence, Vladimir let out a small curse out of
nowhere, turned and walked away. Lee Won frowned in surprise and
simply emptied the remaining alcohol in one go. And then I had a few
more drinks. When I thought:

"Have you been drinking too much?" It was already more than half a
bottle of whiskey.


I will de initely regret it tomorrow.

Lee Won thought with a half confused conscience. I drank too much
without thinking. That's why there is a saying that you get drunk with
the atmosphere.

He can't even see a shadow.

The irst purpose was to catch Caesar and ight, but he only drank
alcohol and went bankrupt.

Obviously, he was an inward-looking man, so he must have expected

this kind of result.

I wasn't embarrassed at all, but I quit soon after. Instead, I have to

swear or swear by text. I wish I had something to do for haejang
tomorrow morning.

"Are you okay?"

At Mikhail's voice, Lee Won turned his head. He was looking at Lee
Won with a worried face. Lee Won said yes and ruf led his messy hair.

"I can't guarantee tomorrow morning, but I'm ine for now."

"In Korea, if you drink alcohol, do you make soup the next day?"

When Mikhail asked with a smile, Won Lee added, "Yes."

"That was exactly what he was thinking."

"I will miss you."

Lee Won didn't say anything. He lived the rest of his life longing for Lee
Won's mother. There is no need to explain it in words. Rather, as soon
as the words came out, I felt as if all of his emotions were about to
change color into petty complaints. Lee Won tried to share his feelings
by simply staying still.

That's when I opened my mouth. Suddenly I felt a strange buzz. Lee

Won, who had inadvertently turned his head, stopped. It was the same
with Mikhail. They all looked in one place. It was the entrance to the
living room.


Mikhail's low voice passed Lee Won's ear. He said that he would come
and waited, but when the time came, Lee Won was stumped. I felt like
he was suddenly drunk.

She wanted to believe that he was drunk and seeing nonsense, but it
wasn't true. They all looked at the same place and forgot even the
movement. That doesn't mean he can't be someone other than Caesar.

There will never be another silver man so beautiful in the world.

really come

At this time, everyone must have thought the same thing. Suddenly, the
atmosphere of excitement disappeared and Caesar moved as everyone

hit. hit.

Everyone could only hear the regular sound of footsteps.

"Did you expect this too?"

Vladimir suddenly returned and whispered. Lee Won looked at him,

but he didn't say anything. Vladimir also averted his eyes from Lee Won
and looked at Caesar with a hard expression. Even in the eerie silence,
Caesar walked calmly as usual without hesitation. looking straight

Finally, Caesar, who had walked a few steps away from Mikhail,
stopped. At the same time, they all held their breath and tensed his
entire body. When even Lee Won swallowed dry saliva, Caesar opened
his mouth.

"Mr. Lomonosov."

He said in a voice cold and smooth as silk. They all waited in silence for
his next words.
"Long time no see. Looks like you're right.

"… … Thanks to."

Mikhail spoke bluntly in an unfamiliar tone and eyed Caesar

suspiciously. As if why the hell did you come here? Caesar looked
around, ignoring his gaze. When Lee Won's eyes met, Vladimir abruptly

"What did you come here for?"

Lee Won was speechless and kept his mouth shut. Caesar moved only a
look and looked at Vladimir. In an instant, the tension increased.
Caesar opened his mouth and spoke a little slower.

"Because they invited me."

"You said you would come."

Cesar's lips twisted at the words that spat out of his teeth.

"Didn't you say no?"

And he looked at Mikhail meaningfully. Michael frowned and looked at

him. By all accounts, he was an unwelcome guest. Also, if you put your
mind to it, there will be wind holes all over your body right here in this
place. only too Involuntarily, the eyebrow twitched.

I was wondering why you asked me to invite you to the party, but did
you just want to waste your time?
Lee Won had a headache.

I really don't know what this man is thinking. Do you think the
structure of the ma ia is different?

Regardless, it was clear that the reason was related to Lee Won. Lee
Won looked around belatedly. He caught my eye something good.


When the glass was suddenly handed to him, they all looked at Lee
Won at once. Lee Won said as he held out a glass full of alcohol to

"I should have a drink, if you come to the party."

Lee Won deliberately smiled.

"You didn't come to ight today, did you?"

Caesar's lips, who looked down wordlessly, tilted slightly.

Incredibly softened, Caesar accepted the Cup of One, revealing his

expression without leaking from him.

"Of course it is."

Caesar's long ingers caressed the wrist of Lee Won, who was holding
the glass. Cesar's hand, which gently and secretly ran its ingers over
the back of his hand, took the glass.
Involuntarily holding the remaining warmth and sensation on the back
of his hand, Caesar placed his lips on the glass without taking his eyes
off Lee Won.

Without stopping, he drank the entire glass. Lee Won carefully

watched as the ridge on his neck rose and fell wildly. Caesar, who
emptied the vodka and whiskey mixture without leaving a single drop,
placed the empty glass on the table.


A silent sound resounded shockingly loud. Cesar said with a small



At the secret whisper, Lee Won immediately turned around and said.

"Now, do you want some more?"

Lee Won added, shaking a bottle of vodka as if he were purring.

"I think someone from the Lomonosov organization could drink twice
as fast."

The men's eyes lit up at those words.

"Of course, bring more drinks!"

"Mix it up, mix it all up!"

"What's a small glass, I'll give you the whole bottle!"

“Sergeev, I will kill you! I will destroy them all!”

Violent swearing and yelling came and went, and in an instant, the
party hall was back in chaos.

After seeing the commotion, Lee Won sighed and felt relieved. When
he turned his head, Caesar was nowhere in sight. After looking around
involuntarily, Vladimir said.

"Go away, bastard."


Lee Won subconsciously asked.

"Why the hell have you come?"

"Who knows? Damn."

Without hesitation, Vladimir spat out abusive language and turned

around with rough steps. That's when I clicked my tongue for
absurdity. I felt a sudden vibration. Lee Won stopped taking out his cell

Come to the open-air onsen.

There was only one line, but I could tell without even checking it. This
bastard suddenly appeared and disappeared, and just a text message?
“Lee Won-ah, what's going on? Did you get any good news?


When he belatedly raised his head, his father was looking at him in
bewilderment. It was then that Lee Won realized that he was smiling.
For some reason, I felt welcome in the face of anger or irritation. He
looks really drunk. I can't help but laugh at this single line of text.

“Uh, there,”

Lee Won explained, stuttering differently than usual.

“I have something to do. … … I'll go, I'm sorry."

Mikhail asked him as he was about to turn around.

"If it's a phone call, you can do it here, I'll avoid it."

"Not well!"

In such a hurry, without stopping to answer, he ran. Belatedly, a smile

appeared on Mikhail's face, who looked at Lee Won's back in
bewilderment. There was only one reason why a little boy would run
so excited. So does he, and probably everyone else in the world does.

he will fall in love

There were several outdoor hot springs, but somehow Lee Won moved
to just one place. He is in a remote place, so people rarely visit him, and
if you want, you can ask the hotel to rent him by the hour. He must have
been there.


When Lee Won arrived, breathing heavily, the man who was
submerged in the bath greeted him in a relaxed manner. Am I too
drunk? Lee Won was puzzled for a moment.

Why is that child's face so cute? what a nice thing you did

… … I dont know.

The moment he suddenly saw Caesar's face, he forgot everything. Lee

Won jumped into the bathroom with his clothes on.


Water sprayed in all directions and Cesar quickly grabbed it with both


When Lee Won couldn't take it and laughed out loud, he said that he
was pathetic.

"How long have you been drinking, drunk?"

Cesar smiled bitterly, as if nothing could be done. Lee Won looked at
him wetly and gave him some advice.

"Thank you, alcohol has taken away all my anger with you."

"Are you mad? At me?"


Ironically, at the end of his reaction, as if he had forgotten that he was

angry, Lee Won resented and covered his lips. Cesar didn't ask any
more, but he hugged him tightly and put his tongue in his mouth. Ah,
Lee Won sighed.

I feel dizzy and I'm about to fall.

Is this lust or is it just drunkenness?

never mind anyway Lee Won just stopped thinking. He wanted this
man right away. If I don't do it right now, maybe he'll kill me.

He seemed like he was just expressing the sound of his heart with his
mouth. Caesar groaned softly and grabbed Yi Won's wet clothes and
pulled them down. Buttons popped in all directions, revealing the
naked body.

"Why is there no underwear?"

Caesar's voice as he pulled down his pants suddenly turned sharp. Lee
Won, who blinked white, responded, “Ah.
"They said it would show when you put it on and it would be better to
take it off."



Caesar spat curse words from his mouth at the prompt response.

"Don't go out with Mikhail."

Before he could ask what this was, the kiss continued again and Lee
Won hugged his back tightly with both arms.


I don't know why I trusted you then.

His words came to life as vividly as if it had just happened yesterday,

along with the joyful sound of laughter. Mikhail remembered the past,
remembering the regrets around his crinkled eyes. Without anyone
knowing, I fell in love with her and had a child, and then I thought that
happiness would last a little longer. I hope we can be together much

If only my father hadn't let the organization go so suddenly. Not unless

the relationship with Sergeev so urgently deteriorated.
If he had, he would have been able to watch our son grow up with you,
whom he loved so much, longer.

"Mr. Lomonosov?"

Mikhail snapped back to reality at the man's hauntingly questioning

voice. Lev, who had been loyal to him even before he took over the
organization, was looking at him puzzled. Looking at his loyal face,
Mikhail thought of another being he loved more than his own life.

I just found you and my son.

… …It was already too late by then.

Lev asked, taken aback by the long sigh he inadvertently exhaled.

“Lomonosov, what are you doing? Even if it's bad.

"No no. That's good. Don't worry."

Michael shook his head and was silent for a moment. Still waiting for
an answer, Lev made up his mind and opened his mouth.

"I think my son has a woman."

Lev stopped at Mikhail's words. The man who was once the head of
the organization is now just an ordinary father, smiling a kind smile.
The expression on his face as he gazes at a distant place with a vague
gaze must be reminiscent of the past.
After that, Mikhail let out a short sigh and brought the glass of whiskey
to his mouth.

"I didn't even see the child grow up, but I'm already looking for a
partner, should I be happy or sad?"

She must be a good woman.

At Lev's words, Mikhail smiled through the glass.

"Okay, he's my son. Nobody can choose.

She smiled happily and tipped the glass.

"I wish I could introduce you to that other boy."

ha ha ha

Lee Won gritted his teeth to contain the sound. He had no mind at all. I
was drunk and jumped into a hot spring, so I'm glad I didn't pass out.
He made it out of the water, but he didn't end up there. Without
changing places, Caesar continued. The man clings to the back of his
soaked body. Lee Won let out a long groan as he leaned back against
the cold rock.

This makes no sense.

Lee Won thought with incredible feeling. It's not the irst time, how
can I be so excited? Sparks were lying all the time, like electricity was
running through my head, and I was restless. I felt like I was going to
fall over immediately, so all I could do was put strength into my knees
and stay there.

nobody is coming

A worrying thought lashed through me late, but it was just the Lee
Won part. The man who had shoved him in from behind was
completely absorbed in the action. As proof of that, he was

impossible to stop in the middle because the size and movement had
reached their peak. Also, it was dif icult for Lee Won to suppress his
enthusiasm for alcohol.

While hesitating and delaying time, things kept getting delayed, so Lee
Won made up his mind and reached back, grabbed Caesar's buttocks
and pulled him. As he actively moved his waist and squeezed his lower
body, Caesar lifted his body as a moan erupted from his ear as if he
were boiling.

“… … !”

He banged his shoulder against the rock, but managed to withstand it.
He held the rock in both hands and concentrated on the movement. In
accordance with the hard hitting motion, he squeezed and pulled at his
lower body, and released it at the same time he pulled out, removing his

The penis, which had come out almost to the end, immediately pierced
inside. For a moment, Lee Won's inner lesh precisely grabbed him and
sucked him in. Suddenly, from behind, Cesar took a deep breath. At the
same time, Lee Won's front also stood up. The movement in and out of
him one after another accelerated rapidly. It was possible to miss the
violent movement, but strangely, it matched uncannily.

Once I found out, I couldn't stop. In a place like this, crazy. As he

thought to himself, Lee Won moved his body violently.

There was no way for Caesar to stop, so I ran this way. As if he noticed
such impatience, Caesar also accelerated. Lee Won was so engrossed
that he couldn't tell who was urging whom. When Caesar tried to
restrain him, he was quick to shake him off, and when Lee Won tried to
get out, Caesar pushed him against the wall, preventing him from

The place where he got engaged was so wet that love liquid was
lowing, but I didn't notice.

He wanted to do more. I wish it would keep going. Caesar tried to kiss

him, but Lee Won shook his head and refused. If he had done
something a little differently, this perfect breath seemed to have been
broken. faster, faster, faster, more, more, more. His penis was very
swollen and the tip was wet. I didn't even have time to look ahead. Lee
Won shook his ass like crazy and sucked on Caesar's penis.

"Ugh… … ."

With a loud groan, Lee Won stopped moving. The semen came out in
front of me without even rubbing it, with the illusion of a lashing light
in front of my eyes. From behind, Caesar hugged Lee Won tightly and
ejaculated inside. As he trembled and was in a daze, thick bodily luid
ran down Lee Won's groin. Lee Won was confused as if his soul had
been extinguished. The luid lowing through the crotch is so realistic,
how can it be so blurry?
I've never had sex like this before. He had never felt this way around
the people he had dated in the past, or at least Caesar. Before the
embarrassment after ejaculation came, Lee Won remembered it in his
mind blankly.

I can't break up with this man anymore.

I learned things I shouldn't have known. It is impossible to have a

relationship with another person after experiencing this type of sex.
From now on, whenever I think of this man, my body will be sweet. I'm
going to have sex like this. A few days, then a few more days. For a
moment, Lee Won thought.

I'm going to have to take a pill to reduce energy.


I don't know how I got back to my room. I opened my eyes and saw the
ceiling. Of course, it was the irst time I saw it.


Cesar's voice was heard. As he forcefully turned his head, caressing

Lee Won's naked body, he sighed and said.

"Really… … ."

"Yes, I am weak."
Desperate, Lee Won inished his words. It's okay now, whether it's
following or protecting, you know everything, so do what you want. I
prefer to be comfortable with that.

… …But you have to solve this.

He didn't want to move a single inger, but Lee Won opened his mouth.

"Why are you here?"


He must have heard it, but he asked. Lee Won said in a dif icult
manner, feeling like every word he said gave him 10 years of life.

“Why are you here all of a sudden? what do you mean? Don't you
know there was a ruckus about Sergeev chasing his retired father?

"I guess so."

Cesar said he didn't care.

"It's not hard enough to hit a retired old man on the back."

"There was enough room for doubt."

Lee Won pointed out that he was sarcastic because of his harsh

“Also, what do you mean by renting out the entire hotel? Of course,
anyone will be suspicious if he moves that much. Must you have acted
without any plan at all?

Caesar showed his annoyance and caressed Lee Won's face. It was
unknown if he was playing with him or if he was really trying to warm
him up more, but Lee Won didn't respond anyway. It was because there
was nothing else to come out of because even the soul was gone.

When there was no response, Caesar clicked his tongue brie ly and
pushed his own thing through Lee Won's crotch. Letting him move
slowly, Cesar opened his mouth.

"Because you came to the hot springs."

“… … ? Is that the answer?

When Lee Won asked, like it was nonsense, Caesar warned.

“I would have told you not to use public space.”

Caesar, sensing Lee Won's pause as a connection, gently bit down on

the pinna of his ear.


"… … It may be so? Did you rent the whole hotel?

I begged you to say no, but Lee Won already knew. that's the answer

"Thanks, no one has ever seen you, right?"

Cesar's hand gently caressed his naked body.


There was a person who, despite the effort, was in vain. He also
showed himself from the front and from behind.

Despite the group's refusal, Lee Won took his own initiative from him.

However, Lee Won had no intention of revealing that fact. When I said
that, I felt like a war would break out at that very moment. Lee Won
collected dry saliva and swallowed it, then opened his mouth.


It was hard to even say a single word of a lie. As a lawyer whose

profession is said to be another name for a con man, there were times
when I naturally deceived others, but there were no lies.

Is it because humans are forced to be honest in the face of their


This was not the time for philosophical considerations. Lee Won
quickly changed the subject in the hope that he was well deceived.

“Is that the whole reason? Then you wouldn't have to come in person.
They even crashed the party.”

Cesar responded with indifference when he added it as if he had

criticized him without thinking.

"There's one more."


Suddenly, Cesar pulled him out, grabbed him by the shoulders and laid
him down. Lee Won, who suddenly came face to face, was unable to
speak or lie this time. Looking directly into Lee Won's eyes, Caesar
opened his mouth.


“… … ? dad?"


Caesar narrowed his eyes.

"Isn't it great?"

It took a few seconds of pausing for him to understand the words.

Belatedly, my head began to spin, and at the same time, a fever rose
from within.

"Crazy? What are you talking about now!"

This unique lower body asshole!

Lee Won wanted to punch him, but missed as Caesar quickly grabbed
his wrist and pressed it.

"I'm not kidding, that boy likes you a lot."

"He is my father! Because I am the son!”

Still, Caesar did not dispel his doubts. Still quietly, he asked him.

"You haven't really done anything, have you?"

Lee Won pursed his lips and sarcastically sarcastically.

"Are you having sex with your father?"

I thought, let's see what the answer is, but the moment I heard the next
words, I felt relieved.

"Sasha is old."

I don't know if I'm talking to humans or animals. You better talk to the
wall. At least the wall won't say nonsense like this.

“My father is also old… …Anyway, that's not all.

Lee Won replied tiredly, feeling a headache.

“I don't have sex with my father, okay? It's different from why you
don't do it, but you don't do it anyway."

Caesar, who looked at Lee Won's face for a moment, smiled brie ly.

"Well then."

He whispered as he kissed his lips.

"If you have sex with another man, I will kill you and that man."
His hand meaningfully wrapped around Lee Won's neck.

"Very painful."

… … After all, it would be better not to say for the rest of my life that
Vladimir saw me naked.

With a new resolve, Lee Won accepted Caesar's body as he walked back
into the room with a contorted face and a deep groan.


It was the night of the next day when Yi Won had just been released
from Caesar. Thinking it would be within a week, he was terri ied, but
luckily, Caesar released Lee Won within a day.

"Don't have sex with other guys."

After one more warning in front of the elevator, Caesar disappeared

through the closing door. He no longer had the energy to do anything
with anyone. Lee Won barely returned to his room, feeling that his
waist, back, head, legs, and body were all worn out.

"Lee Won-ah!"

As soon as he saw it, his father greeted him with a smile.

"What happened? Do you know how surprised you were that he
suddenly disappeared? Wasn't that a big deal?"

"… … Yes, I'm sorry. I have an urgent matter to do.

If you fall for that lie, it is proof that you love and trust the other
person. As long as I don't ask questions about things I don't really want
to say. Despite all the questions, concerns, and worries I've been
through. Mikhail said yes again without saying anything and laughed at
Lee Won's simple lies. When Lee Won felt guilty, Mikhail continued.

“If Leonid hadn't told me, he would have looked you up room after
hotel room. Sergeev's eyes were wide and everyone was so surprised
that you disappeared… ….”

His next words disappeared into the distance. Lee Won sat
comfortably on the sofa in the living room, staring at Leonid's face and
waving to him.

Why is that man here?

That was the irst question that came to me, but I didn't have time to
question it. In any case, it would be ine if my father felt relieved. I
decided to ask questions later, and irst of all, I leaned my tired body on
the sofa and Mikhail opened his mouth.

"What have you been doing all night to make you so tired?"

The strange smile on his face was already suspicious enough, but
unfortunately, everything was troublesome for the present Lee Won.

"Just a little, it was."

As he passed the words, he seemed to pass this time as well. He was
just walking around not seeing the growing smile, Mikhail said.

"You must be a great woman, to have left you so exhausted overnight."

At irst he couldn't understand it. I blinked blindly, but Mikhail

continued to speak happily.

“I didn't know my son was so weak. Do I need to give him any

medication? What do you think, Leonid?

At that, Leonid smiled and replied.

“It must have been a horse or an elephant. No, is it a whale?

Lee Won couldn't help but laugh at the signi icant list. What was he
from before, that man? Looking at Lee Won's pale face, Leonid said.

"Mr. Lee Won has completely sucked the qi out of him and returned,

"What a great woman."

Seeing him shake his head in admiration, Leonid smiled strangely.

“Great. If you set a record, he will de initely be in the Guinness Book of

Records. Poor Lee Won.”

Only Lee Won noticed the meaning of the added words. Why do you
keep talking like that? What do you know? Mikhail said as he looked at
the man with a frown that always exuded a strange undertone.
“Then it is dif icult. Anyway, I'll have to see what kind of woman she is,
when are you going to introduce me?"

"… … Yes?"

At that moment, Lee Won, who understood the low of the story,
blinked, and Mikhail smiled as if he knew everything.

“Okay, I heard everything from Leonid. I'm sorry, Lee Won-ah. Did you
say you've been dating for several months already? You ran like this
yesterday and you're so hooked you'll be back at this time today, so

why don't you introduce me? According to Leonid, they even brought
up the marriage story."


Lee Won yelled in embarrassment without knowing it. How does that
guy know that?! Mikhail seemed surprised by his rapid blinking, but
then said nothing.

“There is no need to panic, Lee Won-ah. If I like you, I have no

intention of being against you either... … . But, whether it is you or your
daughter-in-law, you will have to give your baby some medicine that is
good for her body, as long as she is exhausted and comes back."

Mikhail added Lee Won, who didn't say anything.

“Still, my son has a problem with making a woman propose to him. A

man should do that.
"I didn't propose it to you, just a passing word... ... ."

Mikhail kindly said to Lee Won, who was just stuttering because he
didn't know how to deal with this situation.

“Okay, so you buy the ring and put it on. That's what men do, no matter
how high up women rank these days. There is such a thing as an
immutable tradition,

It is not like this?"

Mikhail, who had spoken up to this point, added in anticipation.

“By the way, I heard that there is a tradition of living with the in-laws in
Korea? … … No, it's not that we're going to live together, but it's
because Leonid told us. I'm not talking about living together, I'm just
wondering if we should see each other often so that the daughter-in-
law doesn't have a hard time. Of course, the child's doctor is the most
important thing, so it doesn't matter if it's uncomfortable. How happy I
am to have someone you know so seriously... … .”

As Mikhail's next words spewed out of one ear, Lee Won glared at the
man sitting in front of him as if he was going to kill him with a smile on
his face.


"What the hell are you doing?"

Lee Won, who dragged Leonid into the room, started questioning him.
He was so angry that he appeared out of nowhere and made up all
kinds of words and inally got into trouble.

Regardless of Lee Won's mood, Leonid still smiled and said with a
good-natured smile.

"I did it for you, sorry."

"You shouldn't have done anything for me, didn't it get bigger?"

At that, Leonid tilted his head inappropriately for his size and asked.

“Yesterday I was just telling you not to bother Mikhail because he was
with his lover because he was desperately looking for you……. Did I just
say he went to an outdoor hot spring?

For a moment, Lee Won stopped. Leonid smiled and continued.

“I thought I was going to have a heart attack if I saw his beloved son
having violent sex in a hot spring with his archenemy, so I took care of
myself, but I'm sorry if I offended you. Even now, I will reveal the truth
and clear up any misunderstandings. Please keep it out of the way."

"Wait wait!"

Lee Won, who quickly caught Leonid as he was about to leave, said.

"That's it, thank you… … ."

"You're welcome."
He offended me by smiling face, but I had to cover my mouth anyway.
Lee Won barely softened his temper and asked.

“Anyway, why did you say anything else? What are you talking about as
proposals, dates for months, elephants and horses?

"Mikhail was so curious that he had no choice but to tell her."

Leonid showed a sad expression this time.

“I am just a retired old man, but it is very sad to see my son live, so he
stop. But Lee Won was too good, he should have introduced him
sooner. I told you yesterday how much Mikhail liked him.

Lee Won felt his teeth grit and looked at him.

"You… …what are you doing?"

Yes? Looking at him, Lee Won asked with a smile.

“What are you up to, what are you waiting for while you talk about
Cesar and me? Is it money?

"no way."

Leonid waved his hands and said.

“I know better than anyone that Lee Won is nothing more than a
beggar. Because I pulled the account details.”

"Who wants!"
"Because my job is my job, I couldn't help but do a background check."

Leonid's words were strangely offensive.

“… …Why did you do a background check on me?

Leonid quickly responded to Lee Won's question.

“The reason why I am the best in this ield is that there are no failures
through extensive research and preparation.”

The man who had only laughed the whole time had the irst color in his
face. Yes, my mouth was still smiling.

“Let me introduce you, my next target is you, Mr. Lee Won Jung.”

He made a gun shape with his inger and pointed it at Lee Won's


After making a soft shot, he blew his ingertips, then smiled. Leonid
added Lee Won, who was still puzzled.

"Congratulations, because you are the best in this ield, the ransom is
expensive, but you are the most expensive of all the fees I have received,
Lee Won."

Regardless, he continued.

"Especially, you asked to be torn to pieces."

Leonid looked at Lee Won, who had turned pale, and smiled bitterly.

"It was a shame to have such a beautiful body."

Lee Won just looked at him, letting out a low sigh.


Lee Won was sitting alone on the bed in the room, clutching his head.

How the hell are things?

I'm already crazy and I'm listening to all kinds of nonsense. Lee Won
covered his aching head and let out a groan.

"I'll need some time to tidy up."

Leonid comforted him by talking nonsense.

“Still, I like Lee Won, so I gave him one last chance and warned Mikhail
in advance, and the others just sent him away right away. Oh, can I say
one last wish before I die. Don't think I'm going to listen to him."

He wanted to slap the smiling face, but he didn't have the will to do so.
To Lee Won, who sat on the bed without saying a word, Leonid left a
meaningless sound and disappeared, saying:
"So, a month later, to say goodbye." In the meantime, with a kind
request to clean up the surroundings. And now, Lee Won groans in his
head as if a nuclear war has started.

What the hell happened so much in one day?

Cesar threatened him, his father pushed him and now he even gave him
a death notice.

… …Why was my life so crooked?

Lee Won couldn't understand English at all. If you think about it, it's
because all this came from Russia. If he hadn't come, he wouldn't have
been involved in this chaos.

He should have stayed in Korea forever…….

It is useless to regret what has already happened. It was important to

solve the problem in front of him immediately. After taking a deep
breath, Lee Won tried to think again, but he stared blankly into the air

When I left the room after a few hours, the sun was already setting.
Mikhail, who was sitting on the sofa reading the newspaper, was glad
to see Lee Won's face and smiled. At other times, he would have
softened his expression even as a courtesy, but now Lee Won was not in
that situation.
Mikhail looked at his son with a forceful look and sat down in front of
the sofa with a friendly look. He decided to wait with the leisure of an
adult in an attitude that would surely bring out something important.
After taking a deep breath, Lee Won opened his mouth.



When he replied in a low voice, Lee Won, who had fallen silent again,
spoke up.

“… … Leonid, are you a sure killer?

"… … What?"

Mikhail, who had been expecting to hear about the beautiful daughter-
in-law, blinked in surprise at the unexpected question. Lee Won asked
again with a serious face.

“Leonid, the man who came before. Are you a reputable contractor?
They say it's a tower in their own words."

Mikhail looked at his son, puzzled. Why does Lee Won, who has
absolutely nothing to do with such a thing, ask such a story?

"That's right… …. All the missions are de initely done by a man. He has
good skills and has a good reputation. He's expensive, but he does it
perfectly. As long as you give them money, they can ful ill any request
from their clients, so that his credibility is high.

then it must be real

Lee Won sensed a bit of reality in his father's explanation. It's not that
I just sit there blankly, I'll see if anyone asks me. Who are you? Buy
such an expensive killer and try to kill me.

Suddenly, a man's face crossed. A man who would risk his life for
Caesar. the stalker of him.

Are you seriously trying to kill me?

I've always thought so, and I'm still skeptical, but the only person who
can seriously point to Lee Won's life is that man.

… … Why out of the blue

"Is there any way to contact Leonid?"

At Lee Won's question, his father nodded, still puzzled.

“Don't tell the secretary. But what happened... … ? According to

Leonid, you are very close to him.

So, I kindly warned him in advance.

In response to Mikhail's questionable question, Lee Won patiently said

that he was about to let out a snort.

"Thank you, then please do it as soon as possible."

"… … Okay. But what happened?"

"I have something else to tell you."

Blocking Mikhail, Lee Won continued.

"As you may have heard, I'm in a relationship with someone."

Mikhail's face hardened for an instant. This is because he did not easily
adapt to the theme of the story. As he waited for him to get used to the
conversation, Lee Won inwardly repeated the story he was about to tell

“It is a serious relationship and I think we will probably continue

together in the future.”

"Oh so?"

Dad's face lit up little by little. He seemed to have decided to put aside
his doubts about Leonid and concentrate on the good news for now.

“I'm sorry I didn't tell you until now. I'm not ready yet... … . He also
needed trust in the relationship.”

"No, it's ine. I'm glad you're talking like that."

At Mikhail's benevolent smile, Lee Won felt a tingling sensation on the

back of his neck as if he was stuck on a thorn. Mikhail asked in

"So when are you going to say hello?"

"that… … ."
Lee Won paused again and opened his mouth.

“Before that, I have something to tell you. that… …about people.”

"Yes, try it."

Seeing Lee Won, who was having a hard time speaking, Mikhail made
numerous assumptions in an instant. Are you a sick girl? Do you have a
bad personality? Any problem with your parents?

If you have a criminal record… … .

When he thought of all the bad thoughts he might have, he inally


"He is a man."

For a moment, Mikhail's mind went blank. The many thoughts

vanished in an instant, as if swept away by a typhoon, and turned into a
blank sheet of paper. Lee Won added with dif iculty to Mikhail, who
just looked at him blankly.


"Ah, no, that's... ... that one,"

Mikhail couldn't ind anything to say and continued to stutter. I tried

everything I could think of, but this was totally unexpected. What kind
of father would think that the life partner that his son will bring will be
of the same sex?
Mikhail quickly untied his tie, took a deep breath and drank water. It
wasn't until he swallowed the cold water that he somewhat regained
consciousness. I can't do this, I have to accept my son's wall. Yes,
because Lee Won is happy irst.

Mikhail, barely enduring the vertigo, remembering Suyeon's face in his

head, returned to his seat. After a sigh inevitably lowed out, he raised
his head with a serious face.

“… …usually… …Did you have? From Korea?"


Lee Won just cut it off and denied it.

“The man is the irst. He used to go out with women. There were a
couple of women who even tried to get married.”

"But why… … !"

Lee Won tilted his head at the exclamation that leaked out like a sigh.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know I would fall in love with a man and be in a
relationship like this."

Lee Won added Mikhail, who is still unable to speak.

"Even my father didn't know that he would fall in love with an Asian
woman he suddenly met one day."

“That and this are different… … !”

Mikhail, who had screamed unknowingly, quickly closed his mouth. I
thought this reaction was bad, but I couldn't control it. My son, my son
a homo? No, did I say gay these days? No matter what you call it, after
all, it is. No matter what he says, his son is dating a man.

"Well then… … ? A boy!"

In response to the belated question, Lee Won blinked as if to ask what

he was referring to. Mikhail said with a face about to cry.

“Your child. Suyeon and my grandson… … It was my dream that you

would have a pretty girlfriend and a cute child… …


Lee Won had nothing to say. Seeing his son who only bowed her head,
Mikhail's eyes darkened again.


that my son was gay

Sitting in the hotel bar and drinking, Mikhail thought and thought. He
was such a proud son. He was a very loving son. He was the precious
only son.

He couldn't even imagine me doing something like that.

“What's going on, Lomonosov? take it like this

Mikhail's moist eyes settled on Lev's face as he asked in concern.

"… … You guys… … ."

Lev responded immediately.

"Yes, Mr. Lomonosov."

Mikhail opened his mouth again, but no words came out easily.

"You mean… … ."

"Yes I'm listening".

"You guys… … ."

Seeing him unable to speak, Lev didn't know how to react, so he just
blinked. After a while, Mikhail, who had barely calmed his emotions,
opened his mouth.

“As if our Lee Won fell for the bad boy.”

"Yeah?! What do you mean?"

Lev was startled and remembered Lee Won's face. He, who seemed
like a perfect son to anyone, fell in love with her? Wasn't he the same
smart, strong and sensible man as always when we saw him the day
before? He was a man with a cold heart and good judgment.
“Who the hell dared to do such a thing? Please tell me, go now!”

"I do not know yet".

Mikhail, who was holding the glass full of whiskey, looked into the air
and sharpened his teeth.

"I'm sure I'll ind out and put a bullet in the guy's forehead."

At the sound of the door opening, Lee Won turned his head. Mikhail,
who had left without saying a word, returned after two hours. He
drank alcohol, so he smelled like alcohol. As he looked at him with a
bitter feeling, Mikhail opened his mouth.

"Lee Won-ah."


"Are you happy that you met that man?"

he paused for a moment. Are you happy? Looking back, the word
"spectacle" seems more appropriate than the word happiness. After
meeting Caesar, all kinds of things that I thought I would never
experience in my life are springing up right in front of my eyes.

But now, from assassins to death threats.

Lee Won, who had been thinking of the past like a zodiac lamp in an
instant, replied a second late. With a very upset expression.

"Yes, I am happy."


Mikhail paused.

"That's it."

As he turned around, Lee Won hesitated for a moment. Is this the end
of this, something is missing. When he thought that, Mikhail turned
around as if he had read his thoughts.

"When can I meet that man?"

When Lee Won paused and asked, Mikhail spoke again.

“Didn't you want to introduce me? I'm mentally ready, let's meet. Don't
do anything disrespectful."

Hey? With a smile on his face, Lee Won couldn't take it off or put it
back on this time. Reluctantly, Lee Won said that he would make a date
as soon as he returned home.

"Are you going to meet Mikhail?"

As soon as she returned to her rundown old house after inishing her
spa schedule, Lee Won called Caesar. Cesar's reaction was not at all
different from what he expected. In response to the response he
received as soon as he spoke, Lee Won calmly brought up the prepared
words over the phone.

“Something happened, so I confessed to my father. you and me... ... It's

such a relationship."

"And what kind of relationship is that?"

Caesar asked if he didn't like the choice of words. Lee Won sighed and

"It does not matter now".


Still, Cesar said he didn't understand.

"Why do I have to see Mikhail?"

Teaching is also very dif icult. This is why parents have to teach their
children not only how to eat and dress, but also what the social rules

What the hell are the parents of this child doing and why do I have to
come and do this now?

Lee Won replied, feeling his head ache.

“Say hello to your parents as you promised to spend your life together.
If you think you're not like that with me, then you can't do it."

"… … When?"

Fortunately, it worked. In any case, it was fortunate that although

general common sense did not work, I immediately understood the
story of the direct relationship. Lee Won gave Mikhail and Mikhail the
date and place of the date in advance. Cesar, who was silent for a
moment, replied, "Okay."

"When is the next time we see each other?"


Faced with the sudden question, Lee Won inadvertently asked. Caesar

You have met Mikhail. You have to meet me this time.

Lee Won sighed and rubbed his forehead.

“It's not like taking a numbered ticket and waiting. I'll schedule it later
and we'll talk about it.

Don't be late for your appointment. Okay?"

I decided to hang up the phone, but he suddenly added.

He would have told you to do it over the phone. This is being

eavesdropped on.
Lee Won wondered if he had heard something wrong. But the phone
was off and the words he heard remained in his ears.


Lee Won frowned as he remembered the existence of a man who could

only be forgotten. There were too many problematic things in
situations where I was unexpectedly threatened with death.


On the day of the appointment, dark clouds covered the sky throughout
the morning. Cloudy weather was common in countries in the northern
hemisphere where it often snows, but Lee Won nonetheless felt an
ominous feeling.

… … It will be OK.

Caesar had referred to Mikhail as a retired old man. It's hard to say, but
if you think about it that way, you won't do anything particularly

The problem was Mikhail. He seems to have accepted the fact that his
son is gay, but he still doesn't know who his partner is. What if you
found out it was Caesar?

Let's hope he doesn't cause a heart attack.

Lee Won, who thought that he should have done his father's medical
checkup ahead of time, recalled that there had never been a red lag in
his health recently.

Still, in case you don't know, I'd like to change the location to
something closer to the hospital... … .

As he waited for the train to go to his father's hotel meeting place, Lee
Won kept thinking about tens of thousands of cases in his head, trying
to guess all kinds of situations to come. As in a scene from the drama,
Mikhail poured water from a cup on Caesar and even imagined Caesar
shooting at him, a chariot was running from far away.

The hotel in the center of town was a world famous chain. True to its
reputation, the venue, which proves to be of a considerable standard
even in Russia, often left people in a daze at the entrance. That day,
unusual guests arrived at the hotel, where uniformed staff made it
appear as if they were sorting people at a glance.

"Welcome, Mr. Lomonosov."

Mikhail, who visited the hotel with his personal assistant, said with a
bitter smile to the Lev and various talented members of the
organization who were with him.

"I didn't have to follow you."

“No, Lomonosov. He is the one who harmed the teacher. I have to give
my heart so that nothing like that ever happens again."
Lev's face clenched into ists as if he was leaving it to him, but Mikhail
only frowned with an awkward smile. As he made his way to the
restaurant he had booked for in advance, he let out several frustrating
sighs. At irst, he was furious and swore not to forgive the guy who
made Lee Won fall badly, but as time passed and he grew colder, he
wondered if there was any need for that.

The most important thing is Lee Won's happiness. I didn't even tell
myself that it was the irst time he was a man. So, it seems that he
wasn't originally gay, but even though he was determined to be with
that man for the rest of his life, he seems to love him very much.

Sooyeon, like you and me.

Although it is dif icult for Mikhail to remember his past, he is also

determined to support his son's love. Not having grandchildren is
heartbreaking, but what would you do if it was your choice? Living life
is the same Lee Won.

I was late and didn't even have the quali ications as a parent.

Mikhail calmed down and went into a separate room. It was a place he
had never been to when he was working. Murders are not uncommon
in places like this, which is why he always made appointments in open
places. As if he noticed, Lev called out to him quietly.

"Mr. Lomonosov."

It was a quiet word, but the meaning was clear. Mikhail smiled as if he
was ine.
Now I'm going to sit like this. Mikhail, who sat on the chair provided
by the staff, nodded, and the secretary and Lev with other members of
the organization retreated to the next room. It was a gesture that she
would leave his private space, but in an emergency, she would run to
him at any time.

Mikhail sat alone, waiting for the unknown man to come with his child.
Wait times are always frustrating, but today is especially special. After
checking the watch on his wrist, ixing his tie, and drinking water
several times, he inally heard a sound outside and felt signs of people

Mikhail quickly straightened his back and looked directly at the

entrance. I thought that wishing for Lee Won's happiness is a separate
matter and that an adult's authority should be established. If I do
something stupid and hurt Lee Won, I'll kill him with my bare hands.
He still had the ability to use a knife. As he watched the door slowly
open, thinking that he might now plunge a knife into her forehead
himself, Mikhail paused.

Why is that guy here?

He was puzzled by the unexpected situation. What he was waiting for

was Lee Won's lover. The man Lee Won declared that he would be with
him for the rest of his life. He can be a lawyer like Lee Won, or he can
be an ordinary of ice worker. Regardless, as Lee Won's chosen
opponent, he must be an upright, honest, and good-natured man. He
could never be the man you see now.

But a man Mikhail already knew entered. And he was not the man
Mikhail was expecting.

"Why are you here… … ?"

The guide disappeared behind the door, and Caesar, left alone, sat
down with a large round table in the middle and looked at Mikhail.
Mikhail felt belatedly resentful that the clerk pulled out his chair in a
bewildered state and just stared at him wordlessly as he sat down.
Caesar opened his mouth to look at Mikhail, who frowned slightly.

“I came at the invitation of Lee Won.”

To Mikhail, who was just looking at him without saying a word, he said
with an expressionless face.

He said that he wanted to see me.


Damn, why only at times like this?

Lee Won ran down the street, breathing heavily. The train stopped in
the middle of the road, so he had no choice but to run. He was too
impatient to wait for the next car. The appointment time has already
passed. Both Lee Won and Mikhail were strict with their time
commitments, so they must have been on time.

I should be

Lee Won felt guilty again and ran with all his might from him.
Please, I hope nothing goes wrong until I get there.

What kind of nightmare is this now?

Mikhail barely remembered that as he looked at Caesar with wide eyes.

I don't know what I'm listening to now. Did you want to see that man?

"I don't think I'm wrong."

After a while, Mikhail spoke in a calm tone.

"I'm here for another date, I wasn't planning to see you."

"What kind of promise are you talking about?"

Mikhail calmly responded to the indifferent voice that was no different

from usual.

"It has nothing to do with you, it's my private life."

Cesar said nothing. He just looked at Mikhail's face. Looking at her

face, Mikhail thought. That beauty gives me goosebumps every time I
see her. It's so beautiful, but why is it so creepy? Maybe it's because
that guy isn't human.

"Lee Won said:"

Hearing his son's name, Mikhail perked up his ears. Cesar continued
speaking indifferently.

“They said they would greet their parents when they decided to spend
their lives together. So Lomonosov wants to meet me."

Caesar narrowed his eyes and asked Mikhail, who had stiffened
without saying a word.

"I'm wrong?"

"I was wrong."

Mikhail vehemently denied it.

“Lee Won said that he would introduce me to his mistress, so I came

here. I didn't come to see you."

"If you came to meet Lee Won's lover, then I'm right."

Despite strong denial, Cesar calmly faced reality.

“If Lee Won had a relationship like this with someone other than me,
that would be another story, but I don't want to say that he is cheating
on me right now.”

Mikhail stood still and looked at Caesar's expressionless face.

… … What did I hear now?

No way, how could this be? Mikhail couldn't come back to his senses.
Even when I heard that Lee Won was gay, I wasn't that captivated by
him. No, he surprised me, but somehow I got over it. I have come this
far because I have barely made up my mind and decided to accept it.
Although he was a man, he said that at least he would be a decent
person. Even if he didn't have a great position or fortune, he believed
that he would at least be an ordinary person.

The mob, let alone that man.

My mind scrambled and became a blank page in an instant. I trusted

Lee Won, but I felt betrayed.

How many gays and how many men in the world, why did you choose
that man? My perfect son has all the intelligence and looks, but why
doesn't he have eyes to see?

Michael just looked at Caesar with a pale face.

As a man, as a mobster, he doesn't even have the foundation to be a

human being, so the Tsar is his opponent.

Caesar opened his mouth to Mikhail, who was completely speechless.

"Do you have more to say?"

“… … .”

"Then I'll go."

He was a man without manners. Mikhail was barely holding back his
upset stomach. I mean, where the hell is that guy? Even though he was
his own son, he wanted to tell him to come to his senses even by hitting
him. He couldn't believe that Lee Won had chosen such a man, not
anyone else, despite his handsome face that would disappear when he
got old anyway, even if he had good looks. First of all, if you're with the
same guy and you weren't born gay, but you are gay, shouldn't there be
something like that?

No, of course it should be. Otherwise it was absolutely unacceptable.

That unscrupulous bastard twists my precious son!


"You're late!"

When he couldn't take it and tried to scream, Lee Won jumped up with
incredible timing.

"Lee Won"

"Lee Won-ah!"

At the same time, two men turned towards him and Lee Won saw that
his face was smiling more than ever.

The whole time they ate, they said nothing. Won Lee sat between
Caesar and Mikhail and led the conversation, trying to somehow
overcome the awkward atmosphere, but it was impossible.

he expected it

Regardless, it was something he had to go through. I'm sure you'll both

be pleased since I said hello. Caesar's marriage ban might stop for a
while, but the problem was Mikhail. Judging from the current
atmosphere, it seemed like he would never say that he would like to
meet Lee Won's lover again in his lifetime.

You're lucky

I couldn't even see what was happening right in front of my eyes. In

any case, Lee Won revealed everything that was about to be revealed
and decided to leave the rest to the passage of time.

After a heavy meal, he inally helped himself to dessert. Suddenly, he

was nervous that his father might be serving Cesar coffee, but he luckily
brought the cup to his mouth without saying a word.

"Where are you going?"

As soon as Lee Won got up, his father asked and Caesar looked at him
at the same time. Lee Won said with an awkward smile.

"Wait, go to the bathroom."

"Do you want me to take you?"

Caesar asked meaningfully. I wanted to ilm him that going to the
bathroom is something only women do, but I put up with it because I
was in front of Mikhail. He was sure to explode immediately if he
showed any lirtation.

Lee Won, who walked out without saying a word, took a deep breath,
sweeping the inside of him tight. I don't want to create a place like this
again. Lee Won rubbed his temples and headed to the bathroom.

After Lee Won left, there was only silence in the room, and silence fell
between the two of them. Mikhail stared at the handsome man sitting
across the table. It was the same face no matter how many times he
looked at it and looked at it again and again.

That Sergeev.

Mikhail slowly clenched and spread his ists on the handle of the chair,
calming his emotions. When I realized that my precious son had a
special partner, I felt happy and somewhat sad. Anyway, I thought it
would be nice as long as my son was happy, but the other person is a
man. I was surprised, but if it was the path Lee Won chose, I accepted

But why?

With so many men in the world, why does it have to be him?

"... ...I didn't expect to see you like this."

To Mikhail, who opened his mouth after a while, Caesar replied

"That's right, I expected it."

Mikhail paused and calmly opened his mouth.

"I heard that the feminine side is cool, but I didn't know there was also
a taste for sodomy."

Once again, Caesar responded without hesitation.

"Because Lee Won is a special man."


Mikhail, who had quickly corrected the expression on his face without
realizing it, said "Hmm"

and he coughed in vain before continuing.

“As you know, Lee Won-in was not gay before. I don't know how I got
to that path… … . Perhaps it is because of your terrible in luence.

Caesar was not at all disturbed by the subtle accusation.

"Well, I think it was me who was tempted."

Caesar responded cynically to the voice which immediately jumped to
its feet.

“A man who doesn't feel excited when he sees Lee Won is probably not
a living man. With that face and personality, it's normal for any man to
want to defeat him."

He was an unscrupulous man for daring to say such a thing in front of

his parents. Mikhail was speechless for a moment. It was true that Lee
Won was remarkably handsome. He was so moved when he saw his
son's face for the irst time.

But whoever sees it can get excited about my son, who is a real man,
that beast-like bastard doesn't give a damn!

Michael said, looking at Caesar.

“Whatever you said, it was normal for two reasons. If I had been dating
a woman, I would have gotten married, had kids, and lived a normal

Caesar did not reply. Only one eyebrow moved slightly. However,
Mikhail didn't miss the subtle reaction and calmed down thanks to it.

“I am always proud of Lee Won-il. We inevitably broke up when we

were young, but eventually we met again... … . You knew it. He came
here to meet me, and if it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have met Lee
Won in your life. I mean, you and Lee Won are in such a relationship,
you have nothing to do with it. But parents and children are special.”

Mikhail slowly removed his wallet from the inside pocket of his suit
and opened it. Inside was an old photo from the 100th day of Lee Won.
When he saw Caesar's eyes narrow at the irst photo he saw, Mikhail's
pride was immediately satis ied. He said he, calmly putting his wallet in
his pocket.

“At that time, Won-in Lee was really cute. He learned to speak faster
than normal children and walked faster. When I called from the other
side, he heard his name and struggled to crawl.”

Caesar just looked at Mikhail smiling as he recalled memories of the

past without saying a word. Mikhail kept talking.

“The last time I was stabbed, you were by my side all day. Recently,
when he heard the news that he had knocked me down, he ran to me
immediately. I mean, it was a busy time when I got a request. The last
time you kissed me on the cheek on my birthday. It's embarrassing at
this age, but what is it like to be between parents and children? We ish
together, go to the sauna, bathe and sleep in the same bed.”

Mikhail smiled con idently at Caesar, who was still speechless.

“After all, blood is something special. There is nothing we can't do for

each other."

“I have sex with Lee Won.”

That was the end of carelessly thrown words. Mikhail's face, which had
been smiling brightly up until now, hardened, and Caesar casually
drank the coffee in front of him. He lashed a brief smile at Mikhail,
who was stunned as if he had been hit.

“Ah, that is something that cannot be done between blood and blood.
With those words, Mikhail woke up. Is my son with him?


All kinds of harsh thoughts ran through my mind. A terrifying scene

that could not be put into words lashed in his head, but Caesar in front
of him was not shaken at all.

Seeing her brazen reaction, Mikhail's self-control shattered in an

instant. He screamed and jumped to his feet.

“War, Sergeev! Nobody there?! Cut off the Tsar's head right now!"


As he shouted, revealing the veins on his forehead, a loud gunshot was

immediately heard along with a scream. Shortly after, a wall collapsed
and Lev, who was waiting, ran out from behind the collapsed wall with
his men. But he did not end there.


The wall on the other side suddenly collapsed with a loud noise and
other men ran in.

"Enough, kill them all!"

"Protect the Tsar!"

“It's war! Die, tsar!

“Where do you dare go, everyone! Get rid of all the Lomonosovs!

The crowd that had been waiting rushed into the room shouting at
once, and in an instant, the room turned into chaos. When Lee Won
hurriedly came back after a while, the place was in a mess with
members of Sergeev and Lomonosov ighting entangled.


I thought it would be like this

Lee Won left the hotel feeling full. Mikhail was furious to the point of
"war, war!" Sergeev's side was yelling swear words as if he wasn't
going to lose, and he was yelling war at the same time. In the midst of
such chaos, only Caesar was as calm as stagnant water.

Also, don't show up.

It was too late to repent. Mikhail's car was dispatched irst, followed
by Lomonosov's gang, then Caesar's turn. I thought he was going to get
into the sedan he was waiting for, but he stood still and didn't move.
Caesar, who had been watching silently, spoke for the irst time.


I mean why not. To be honest, Lee Won didn't want to see Caesar and
his father right now. I just want to rest well with an empty head. It was
a speci ication that the two of them be left in a closed car.
“There is still a train, you can travel on it. then."

Lee Won simply said hello and turned around. It meant getting in the
car, but of course Caesar didn't listen. I felt a presence following me
from behind, and when I looked back, it was still walking towards me.

"I'll go alone."

Lee Won spoke more clearly, but Caesar didn't even respond. Do what
you want. As he walked, feeling a headache, Cesar suddenly opened his

"What did Mikhail say?"

"What do you mean?"

Lee Won had no way of knowing what the conversation was while he
was away. Are you talking about work? Or is it about your relationship
with your father? When I asked a question, roughly guessing this and
that, Caesar said with a deadpan face.

“You said you had a woman. Did you say you were getting married?

"iced coffee… … ."

As if it were just that, Lee Won responded sullenly.

"It's a thing of the past, we dated before you met."

Caesar asked again. still no expression.

"Have you slept with that woman.

I felt a strange feeling, but I honestly nodded without even trying to

hide it.

"Sure. Because we were dating."

The reaction that came back the next moment was completely
unexpected. Lee Won blinked at the sight of Caesar, who literally lost
his mind as if he had been hit. Why are you doing that? Caesar, who
had opened his mouth to say something to Lee Won, who was puzzled,
closed it again. After a moment, he opened his mouth and spoke.

“… …Where is that woman now?

"I dont know."

As soon as Lee Won spoke, Caesar urged him on.

“Tell me the truth, where are you? Are you Korean?"

"Because I do not know. It's been years since we broke up, how do you

After leaving Korea, he didn't say that he had ever dated in Russia. It
was all in the past, but he couldn't understand why he had to be
questioned like this. Caesar asked suspiciously.

"You really don't know?"

Lee Won answered bluntly.

"Yeah, what are you going to do?"

Caesar did not reply. With an ominous premonition lashing through

his mind for a moment, Lee Won looked at him.

"Don't think about it strangely, now, without knowing whether the

other is alive or dead, let's ind out and don't do anything wrong."

Caesar frowned as if he had been stabbed in the face. He looked like he

was offended, and the sharp bristle nerves sparked all over his body.
Lee Won was lustered inside and added insigni icantly.

"How old am I? Look around you, there are a lot of guys who are
married and have children. You too.

"I'm different, you were going to get married."

"You've had sex too, and I hear you're going to have hundreds or
thousands of partners."

He was clear to some extent exaggerated, but he said what he had

heard. It was bugging me why I had to stand on the street at night and
have a conversation like this. Lee Won ruf led his hair and exhaled.

“Anyway, the present is important, so let's stop talking about the past.
You're at a disadvantage anyway, because I didn't live like you."

He was pointed out completely based on facts, but Caesar was not

"Why am I at a disadvantage?"
Lee Won felt blood vessels rise to the side of his forehead and exhaled

"You are playing!"

"It is not like this?"

Who does this child compare to whom? Enduring the rise in blood
pressure, Lee Won looked at him with thin eyes.

"Who is worse, with me who had sex because he loved them, or with
you who had sex without love?"


This dog is!

Lee Won exploded at the words that came out without hesitation.

"Okay, I'm not going to have sex with you again."

Caesar paused at the bomb declaration.


His expressionless expression was broken for a moment, but feeling

slightly satis ied, Lee Won ired.

“You say you have sex even if you don't love? Then do what you want
and live your life. Because I will ind someone I love and I will live with
sex. Let us each go our own way, never meeting for the rest of our lives.
Yeah, let's not see your face for the rest of our lives, being torn like this
forever. Fuck you, I see all the dirty things in life, you bastard!

The fever gradually rose, and inally he swore, but Cesar said nothing.
Lee Won cursed the messy night and turned around. He was thinking
of going home, but he didn't turn out the way he wanted.

He immediately grabbed his arm and violently spun him around.

"Say it again."

The white bones in his clenched hands stood out, but the voice that
came out of his mouth was extremely calm. Caesar looked at Lee Won
with an expressionless face that was no different from any other time.
Unknowingly, Caesar whispered to Lee Won, whose face had drained of
blood, in a lower voice.

"What did you say now?"

For a moment, Lee Won felt fear. Have you ever felt so threatened by
this man? It was the irst time he felt such an eerie sensation, though
he often felt a ghastly threat from him.

However, it wasn't Lee Won's personality that scared him. Is this

bastard threatening me?! The stinger came out again and he screamed

"I'm not having sex with you! Break up, you son of a bitch! I don't want
to see you for the rest of my life!"

The stillness calmed. Unexpectedly, Caesar just looked at Yi Won with

no expression on his face. Belatedly, Lee Won realized that he had said
something that he shouldn't have said.
Without knowing it, he quickly looked at Caesar's hand with his eyes.
There was nothing on those long, well-manicured ingers. Is your
favorite Glock hidden in the inside pocket of the suit? Can I dodge
bullets faster than that bastard can shoot? Should I apologize now for
my mistake?

Damn, I'm talking about breaking up on the phone!

When he stopped breathing in contemplation, Cesar opened his mouth.

I thought you were trying to say something, but he was wrong. Silently,
very weakly, he twisted his lips.


Really quietly? And there was no time to check it. Caesar pulled
something out of his suit jacket. For a moment I thought it was a Glock,
but I was wrong. It was a knife.

It really happened in an instant. Caesar wanted to smile coldly at Lee

Won, but the next moment he cut his throat.

"what… … !"

Lee Won yelled in surprise and grabbed it. Cesar opened his mouth,
holding his neck, which was dripping blood, with one hand.

"Do it again, what you said."

"What are you doing, dude? Here you have! Call an ambulance here!”
Caesar, who grabbed the arm of Lee Won, who was shouting urgently,
demanded in a lower voice.

"Tell me again, how are you going to do it?"

"Now that's what matters."

"Tell me right now!"

At the harsh shouts, Lee Won stiffened for a moment. He changed his
words in bewilderment at the piercing silver eyes that looked at him.

"Okay, I got it. I'm not going to break up. I'll never leave you, so calm

After making the dif icult promise, Cesar's lips smirked slightly. And
behind Caesar, who had collapsed, he could see his men running
towards him. Even when he lost consciousness, Caesar did not release
his strength from the hand holding Lee Won's arm. As he hastily loaded
him into the car and headed to the hospital, Lee Won held Caesar's arm
the entire time.


this crazy bastard

Lee Won turned white and looked at Caesar. He was lying in bed with a
pale face, unconscious. A thick bandage was wrapped around his neck.
What the hell are you doing, you crazy bastard?

He grew impatient and unknowingly he swept his hair violently.

Fortunately, Lee Won was able to take him to a nearby hospital right
away, thanks to the gang members following him from a distance. Of
course, the organization was in crisis. It seems that they immediately
contacted Dmitry, but unfortunately he is now in China. Even if he takes
a plane as soon as he hears the news, he will take at least several hours.

… … How do you do me?

Lee Won let out a long breath, clutching his head with both hands. If he
did, my heart wouldn't be so heavy.

What did you want? Did you just play with everything you had to play
with and wish I was chaste?

It was so ridiculous that I couldn't even laugh. You're not even a

teenager, and at this age, isn't it natural to think that the other person
has dating experience? What the hell is that to the point of street
ighting and sword wielding?

What? I'm bad Who the hell who to who on the subject of sleeping
with all kinds of women losers.

The more I thought about it, the more uncomfortable and upset I
became. I don't know why it should be criticized.

So why didn't you go out earlier and just wander around having useless
sex? It's just that I have spent my youth to the fullest, but you are
blatantly criticizing me. A dumb bastard who has never been in a
relationship before.
I can't do anything with this bastard.

Lee Won decided and raised his head. Was when. Cesar's eyes met.

For an instant, he heard the sound of blood pouring from his face. No
one opened their mouths. Yi Won was speechless and Caesar was
unable to speak. Caesar, who had only looked at the two circles in
silence, moved his gaze. Lee Won opened his mouth belatedly.

“It's a hospital. They gave me irst aid and hospitalized me. Your men
are now standing guard outside the gate.

Lee Won, who brie ly explained, got up from his seat. It was to report
that Caesar had woken up. But before he could turn around, Caesar
grabbed his arm and Lee Won was forced to stop.

"I'm going to tell your subordinates."

Caesar opened his mouth, then frowned. He didn't hurt his vocal cords,
but it didn't seem like it was easy to make a sound. Lee Won, who was
looking at him, suddenly got angry.

"What the hell are you thinking? How am I going to get along with you
like this? Sometimes I shoot you and stab you with a knife."

He had a temper, but that was it. Ah, Lee Won thought. I tried to break.
Seeing my heart weaken like this, it seems that I like this crazy. With a
bitter realization, Lee Won declared.

“If you do this again, I really won't let you go. What the hell is this?"
He shook his head, but Caesar didn't smile like usual. At times like this,
Lee Won felt strange because he was the one who used to smile bitterly.

Suddenly, Caesar grabbed Lee Won's arm and pulled him closer. Lee
Won, who had been careless, was dragged as he was and fell face down
on top of Caesar.


Unknowingly, Lee Won yelled in surprise. Cesar said nothing. He just

looked at Lee Won with thin eyes. He had no idea what he was
thinking. Lee Won looked at him, his heart beating anxiously inside

Suddenly Cesar smiled slightly. He was several times more terrifying

than his usual expressionless face. Lee Won unintentionally held his
breath. The strength of the hand holding his arm slackened. Lee Won
hurriedly stood up. Caesar opened his mouth.

"Tell me to come in."

His voice, which was lower than usual, was mixed with more breathing
sounds. Lee Won immediately turned around and opened the door to
the hospital room. The waiting gang members quickly focused their
eyes on him with hardened faces. Lee Won told Yuri.

"I woke up. Let's go and talk.

Yuri hurriedly entered the hospital room. Several of his subordinates,

who seemed to be his henchmen, immediately followed him. Lee Won
suddenly remembered and asked a member of the organization that he
was still standing in the hall.
"Do you have cigarettes?"

He just looked at him with a frown without saying a word. Lee Won
shrugged and left the hospital. He was about to drive me crazy for a


As soon as he heard the late report, Vladimir hurried to see Mikhail.

Vladimir was startled and stopped when he saw Lev and Lev sitting
face to face in the living room, drinking and suffering.

What's this... … ?

To him who was alternately looking at Lev and Mikhail in

embarrassment, Lev covered his mouth with his index inger as if
telling him to shut up. Without listening to the situation, Vladimir sat
down on an empty seat on the sofa. Lev personally found the glass and
placed it in front of Vladimir, and the number of glasses increased to
three. Mikhail, who emptied the empty vodka immediately, opened his
mouth with a sigh.

“Oh my gosh, I never thought it would be him. How could this be? How
could Lee Won do this to me? … . As much as he hates him, how can he
be the only one among so many men?

Talk to me, why the hell is he doing this to me? Am I punishing Suyeon
like this because I did a lot of bad things? is this revenge? I hope that
child is really with him... ...isn't it?
I mean, say something… … .”

Vladimir was surprised to see the old man lamenting with tears
welling up from his wrinkled eyes. The Mikhail he knew was not such a
man. The lion that guides Lomonosov, who used to shine like the sun,
how could he become so weak? What the hell happened?

It was hard to contain his nervousness, but Vladimir bit his lip and
endured it. Given the position he was in, it was only natural to have
that level of control. Even if that person is the person he was born with
and the one he admired the most.

"Mr. Lomonosov, please come in and rest."

Lev began to soothe him. He looked sadly at Mikhail's gibberish,

apparently drunk, but with Vladimir's help, he put Mikhail to bed. Lev,
who quietly closed the door behind him as he fell asleep muttering
incomprehensible words, walked out of the living room and opened his
mouth for Vladimir.

"It was dif icult."

“No, what happened after that? What's this... … ."

Lev asked Vladimir who was still puzzled.

"You must have heard the report, what did you say?"

Vladimir hesitated and answered.

“Well… …What I heard were reports of a ight with Sergeev in the
restaurant and that Mr. Lomonosov declared war.”

"Well, generally speaking, it was."

Lev's bitter words surprised Vladimir once again.

"Is that true? Did Lomonosov declare war on Sergeev?

For a moment, my mind went blank. Despite numerous disputes and

assassination attempts, it was the irst time that a large-scale war had
been declared. what the hell happened

“… …What did the tsar do?

Vladimir regained his composure and asked.

“There is no way that Mr. Lomonosov would say something that big
without any justi ication. It must have been that the cruel man caused
something. What did you say? If Mr. Lomonosov had been so excited,
he would have made a very insulting comment…….”

First of all, it is necessary to judge seriously, but Vladimir was already

about 90% ready to go to war.

I cannot forgive you for daring to insult Mr. Lomonosov. I will put a
bullet directly into the Tsar's heart.

Lev hesitated for a moment before opening his mouth when he saw
Vladimir grinning with his teeth and looking at him with fearful eyes.
“I would call it an insult… … It could be, but what… … It might not be
that… … .”

“What is it, please tell me clearly. What happened?"

Lev, who was still speechless as he was frustrated, gave up on his luck
after a long time.

"I went there today... ... It was because Lomonosov's son had someone
to introduce him to."

Immediately, Lee Won's face crossed Vladimir's head. Lev continued to

speak to her with an involuntary frown on his forehead.

“Actually, in the last days of the hot spring, the son stated that
Lomonosov-san was having an affair. He probably knows how much
Lomonosov longed for a son's marriage and grandchildren. How happy
Lomonosov was... … .”

"So how did it go?"

Vladimir was annoyed by the constant comments. I've been patient

until now, but I wanted to hear the conclusion. Hmm, Lev sighed.

"By the way, he was a man."

Vladimir stopped and stiffened. It was clear that he hadn't imagined

this response even when he pushed Lev away. But this was only the
beginning. Lev continued talking to Vladimir, who was silent.

“At irst, Lomonosov was also very surprised. I heard that my son was
dating a woman in Korea and that he was getting married, but how did
he end up dating a man here?

… . Anyway, my son said he loved him, so he couldn't get married, and

he said he was sorry.

Then Lomonosov was worried and said that he would wish his son
happiness. So, I asked her to say hello to his mistress. The son said that
he was his mistress and I brought him…….”

Lev wasted some time trying to muster the strength of his body as it
wasn't easy for him to say the next word.

"It was the Tsar."


Vladimir spat out a stunned exclamation for a moment. worth it. I can't
believe I saw it with my own eyes. Lev thought bitterly and continued.

“It is shocking that my son is gay, but when I barely got over that, I
found out that the man called my lover was a Tsar. It's not
unreasonable for Lomonosov-san to be surprised like that, right? No
matter how much the world improves, does it make sense to choose
him among the many men? … .”

Lev's complaints continued, but Vladimir did not listen to them. He

was simply repeating a few words over and over with a blank
expression on his face. gay lover. Czar.

gay lover. Czar. gay lover. Czar. gay lover. Czar... … .

It was only after a few turns of words that Vladimir was able to
compose a sentence.

Lomonosov's son is gay and has a mistress.

Besides, that lover is Sergeev's tsar... … .

"Damn, nonsense!"

Lev sighed and nodded at Vladimir's words, who spat after a while.

“I really couldn't have imagined it. I thought something like this would
happen… … .”

It was there. Vladimir stood there, lost in his mind, repeating the same
words over and over again, unable to ind anything else to say.



Lee Won involuntarily sighed as he looked at the documents. I could

hardly concentrate on my work.

It's been a few days.

Strangely, there was no communication from Cesar. My father too.
Should I contact you irst?

Guess I'll have to make a phone call soon.

But nothing occurred to me. what did you mean how did you say what
has already happened before your eyes.

If he was a child, he would force him to sit and listen to what he was
saying, but since he is an adult, that can't be the case.

Lee Won sighed as if she was boiling. It was an even bigger problem
because she was in a position where she might end up ighting even if
she made up her mind.

But my father is retired... … .

The thought that appeared in her mind for a moment immediately

shook her head. The in luence that she still had was still there. At a
glance, Vladimir, a ierce follower of Mikhail, brought in a large number
of mercenaries and weapons with just a word from Mikhail and
destroyed Sergeev. Not to mention Caesar's side.

… … Cease.

As her thoughts moved in that direction again, the curse words came
out of her own volition. Does one or the other have to do with blood?
Why are you being so extreme, verbally or at least using your ists? If
it's hard, get out all the guns, knives, and guns, and say you're mob
bastards. Lee Won was upset and ruf led her hair.

… …Is your body alright now?

Was when. Suddenly, there was a knock on the front door.

is it a request?

Lee Won blinked blankly and raised her aesthetic body. I couldn't
afford to add more due to the case I'm currently in charge of. But even
if you refuse, you have to see your face irst. Lee Won sighed and
headed for the front door.

"If that… … ."

Lee Won, who opened the door as she answered, paused. An

unexpected man was standing there. The man opened his mouth with a
characteristic forceful tone at Lee Won, who blinked because he
couldn't understand the English language.

"Can I come in for a second?"

Lee Won, who was still looking at him, belatedly frowned.

"Vladimir Mikhailich?"

The man was still looking at him with an expressionless face. With a
faint crease etched into his forehead.

"What are you talking about?"

Lee Won, who had brought him inside, immediately asked as soon as
he sat down on the chair. It was already complicated in my head, but I
had no intention of doing another job. I just wanted to get rid of one of
them quickly. Vladimir looked at Lee Won with his arms crossed and
waiting for the next one, with fearful eyes.

"Mr. Lomonosov is dead."

"Father? When?"

Unknowingly, Vladimir frowned at the sharp voice.

"Aren't you the one who gave the cause?"

"… … what?"

Are you saying that you fell in love with me? Lee Won blinked and let
out a deep breath.

“When we broke up, you ixed it…… Rather, he was full of energy. But
when... … ."

“The night I got back from meeting you.”

A few days had already passed. It was then that Lee Won found out
why Mikhail had not contacted him at all. It was an accident on this
side, so he should have called you irst.

Belatedly, Lee Won felt guilty.

"So, are you okay now?"

When asked, softening his expression, Vladimir continued to speak

“You are old, so you have to be careful. Did you know you have heart

"… … Okay."

"But why… … !"

Vladimir, who had held out until then, cried out. Lee Won paused and
looked at him. Perhaps it was natural for him to be angry. Lee Won's
face was shadowed by a growing sense of guilt. He had no intention of
making it so big. He could have pretended he didn't know and put it off
until later. My father must have been sad, but it's better than falling
down, right?

Also, the impact would have been greater since the opponent was the
opponent. You made Mikhail so surprised that he didn't recognize me.

“So, are you in the hospital now? Can you tell me the hospital and the
room number?

"You are discharged."

Vladimir gritted his teeth and exhaled.

“After taking irst aid measures, he was diagnosed and went to his
house immediately. At the moment, I have ordered my doctor to stay
home at all times."

"Okay… … ."
He did everything he was supposed to do when he was a kid. Lee Won
thought that she should be thankful, but she was also stunned. Why did
you come all this way to talk now? Come now when everything is
settled. Once she opened her mouth to say thank you, Vladimir
intercepted her.

"It would be yours, not Lomonosov, who should go to the hospital."

"... ...I?"

What are you talking about all of a sudden? Blinking in bewilderment,

Vladimir looked at him with fearful eyes.

“You say you like men? Get treatment at the hospital, then you'll be

He was numb as if something had hit his head. What is this man
talking about now?


Taking a deep breath, Lee Won said.

"Are you saying that I went crazy and introduced Cesar to my father as
a lover?"


Vladimir's voice rose suddenly.

“If Lomonosov were shocked to the point of collapse, and if that was
normal, wouldn't that be the case? You are wrong, go to the hospital for
treatment! Because even if you're crazy, you're de initely crazy!

“It is such an anachronistic saying that gays are mentally ill… … .”

"It's not enough to be a man, so why do you have to be that bastard?"

Lee Won stopped at the sound of a roar. He even felt as if the air was
rumbling. The two stared at each other without saying a word for a
while. Exactly, Vladimir glared at him and Lee Won just blinked blankly.
After that, he paused and sighed, and Lee Won opened his mouth.

“It's hard for me too, but I can't help it. That was how he became……”

"Shut up, that's a disease."

"I am not crazy."

"What madness, he is completely gone!"

Vladimir iercely interrupted Lee Won's words.

"So you're going to make Lomonosov collapse, and then you're going to
drop your hands like you've done nothing wrong?"

“It's not like that, but you're being too extreme… … .”

"You were the problem from the beginning!"

Still, Vladimir screamed.

“He appeared out of nowhere, ruined the organization, robbed Mr.
Lomonosov, and now the gay tsar is a lover? Whats Next? Are you
going to pull a nuclear bomb out of your pocket? I'm so scared I can't
even imagine it! How could you do this, you only cause trouble! You
are ruining everything!”

Lee Won just looked at Vladimir, who was raising and lowering his
hands, pacing the room, cursing and twirling his hair. I didn't even try
to listen and couldn't understand the language so there was nothing I
could do about it. Vladimir was exhausted and silent as he looked at
him coldly with his arms crossed in silence.


At that moment, Lee Won opened his mouth.

"Are we done talking?"

Vladimir frowned as he turned his excited face towards Lee Won. Lee
Won continued to speak more coldly.

“Thank you for taking care of my father. But this is my private life and
it is a problem that my father and I will solve. In the irst place, I don't
think you have the right to intervene at this point... … . It's our family

Vladimir immediately widened his eyes at the intentionally added


"Mr. Lomonosov is an organization."

"You are retired."

Lee Won cut through his words like a sword.

“If you say that you die in the organization again, I have no intention of
stopping you. When I retired, I did not give an opinion, it was my own
choice. I don't know why I have to be questioned like this because of
the decisions my father made for himself."

He paused for a moment before opening his mouth. It was a cruel

word, but there was no reason to accept this man's temperament since
he was always treated as an enemy of the organization.

“If you feel that you or the organization has been abandoned by your
father, it is a shame, but it is also inevitable. Now that you have
received the organization, you are the owner, how long will you hold on
to your father and wait for him to return?

Vladimir's hand, which had been stroking his hair violently, stopped.
Lee Won calmly added to Vladimir, who looked at him without even

"The father complex is also ugly when that happens."

"what… … !"

Will the ists ly or shoot? Just as I thought to myself, I heard a voice

from outside.


Lee Won, who politely greeted as if deliberately mocking, headed

straight for the front door. Nikolai was standing outside the door.
“I think I heard something… … Are you okay?”

To the neighbor who tried to peek at Lee Won's back and asked, Lee
Won answered insigni icantly.

“Yeah, it's not a big deal. Sorry for the fuss.

With a smile as always, he couldn't ask any more questions.

"then… … ."

"Oh wait."

After closing the door, Nikolai called out to Lee Won, who was about to
enter, and held out what he was holding.

"This is for you. My grandmother kept it and told me to bring it to you."

"Thank you."

An item of a suitable size that could be held in one hand was

apparently regular mail. It was strange that there was no information
about the sender even after looking around, but there were times when
he hid like this and asked for a mission, so

I didn't hesitate too much. After closing the door, Lee Won came in, put
the things on the table, and turned his attention from him to Vladimir.

"Thus… … ."
When I was going to continue my conversation, Vladimir interrupted
him and asked.

"What's this?"

Lee Won looked at his gaze and replied.

"You see, the package in front of me."

"There is no sender."

“Sometimes I come here. Because there are many clients who are
threatened with their personal lives.”

It was a completely different topic from the previous topic, but thanks
to him, the atmosphere became much calmer. Lee Won continued

“Anyway, we will deal with the relationship between me and my father,

so you can come back and visit my father soon and we will talk. So that
he is not scandalized”.

It was a dark matter even when I thought about it myself, but it was
also a task that had to be solved. Vladimir still had a questionable face,
but he didn't open his mouth as if he had nothing more to say.

He thought he would say a few more words or get angry, but

unexpectedly he turned away silently.

All he did was look at Lee Won with an unusual gaze. He waited,
willing to listen if he had anything to say, but he quietly walked away.

Vladimir left the silent doorbell behind and left. Alone, Lee Won lightly
kicked his tongue and headed to the table, rubbing his tired neck. I
never thought something like this would happen to my father.

How can I comfort you with words? The beginning of the work was the
person himself, so there was no point. But irst, let's talk...

It was when Cesar opened the package thinking that he had to

postpone his work and make an appointment with Mikhail.


Suddenly, there was the sound of something breaking inside. Lee Won
re lexively threw it away.

That's when I had a bad feeling. The little packet seemed to slice
through the air and, in just a few seconds, sizzled and exploded with a
loud pop.


"Master, are you alright?"

Lev, who was the irst to run towards how he heard the news, yelled in
Lee Won, who was being treated by paramedics for his burned hand,
was taken aback by his urgent visit and gave an awkward greeting.

"Yeah, he's a little burnt, but he's not bad……."

Lev held his breath as he watched the paramedics bandage him. Lee
Won continued, pretending not to be insigni icant.

“Fortunately, it was noticed before the explosion and there was no

major damage. How did you know?

I still haven't contacted my father."

"Oh, that's it."

Confused, Lev blinked. Suddenly, something lashed through Lee Won's

mind. Hopefully the following isn't the only one I have. He put her
judgment on hold for a moment in his realistic imagination. Because
that's not what's important right now.

"Are you sure who sent the explosives?"

Lee Won shook his head at Lev, who asked for a quick change of topic.

"There was no caller, and they all lew away."

"The site should be preserved as it is, right?"

"Yes," Lev said with a hard face as he nodded.

"Please go away for now, Lomonosov is worried."

Lee Won looked around. He seemed like there was nothing he could do
at the moment.

The house Lee Won lived in was a mess, but luckily there was no
damage to the other house and people were safe. After reassuring the
old lady who was looking at her contemplatively, Lee Won got into the
prepared car.

After a while, investigators packed with all kinds of equipment covered

the area, and police and detectives in uniform began to explore and

“Are you okay? How could that be an explosive… ….”

As soon as Mikhail, who was lying on the bed, saw Lee Won, he quickly
started asking questions with a worried face. Seeing the bandages
wrapped around his hands and the scars left on his face, his complexion
deepened even more. Lee Won opened his mouth as slightly as

“It's just a look, it's not a big deal, you don't have to worry. It doesn't
hurt at all… … .”

Mikhail just looked at Lee Won's two hands with a sad expression on
his face, but he couldn't help but touch them. Seeing him look 10 years
older than the last time I saw him, Lee Won suddenly felt a tingling in
his chest.
“I heard you fell… … . sorry."

When Lee Won apologized, Mikhail quickly shook his head.

“It's not your fault, it's because I didn't take good care of my body… … .
Everyone is like that when they get older. You've been making a lot of

He was a good father, with a smile on his face, nothing more, nothing
less. With no reason to continue the topic, Lee Won became frustrated.
We have to talk about César, which is impossible in this environment.

Also, although it may be an illusion, Lee Won felt that his father didn't
want to talk about it anymore.

This made it even more dif icult for him to speak, and inally he closed
his mouth. Instead, Lee Won changed the topic to another word and
opened his mouth.

“I heard that Vladimir Mikhailich helped my father a lot. I'm sorry for
what I should have done."

"Do you know Vladimir?"

Mikhail asked as if it was the irst time he had heard it. Lee Won
blinked and replied.

“Yes, he came to my house. To tell you about my father's progress… … .”

“I told you not to tell me, but he… … .”

Mikhail's ironic face was nothing more or less than that of an ordinary
person whose emotions were offended if anyone looked at him. Who
can believe that this man once owned Lomonosov and ruled Russia?

Power is free… … .

The position of him in Lomonosov still cannot be ignored, but it was

because of the sympathy of the powerful Vladimir and Lev. If they take
a different attitude than they do now, maybe... … .

Lee Won, who had thought until now, soon denied it. No one else knew,
but Vladimir never seemed likely. Isn't he the man who tried to accuse
and bite Lee Won for having a bad in luence on Mikhail?

… … Now that I think about it.

Following his thoughts, Lee Won remembered something strange.

What was his reaction then? The last time he looked back before he
left, the expression on his face was unclear.

Come to think of it, from the beginning Vladimir was suspicious of the
identity of the package. The last time I looked at Lee Won again, was
that what he was trying to say?

But in the end he was silent.

It's unclear if Lee Won heard Vladimir's warning, but he was pretty
sure he noticed the package's identity anyway. No matter how much he
thought about it, Lee Won hesitated and opened his mouth in a
suspicious situation.

“Father, perhaps… … .”
“Lomonosov-san, how are you… … .”

A low, soft voice, just in time, interrupted him. When he had no choice
but to turn his head, his eyes met Vladimir, who entered with a box of
chocolates and smiled.

Is there a combination in the world that doesn't it like this?

At the sweet article that was as shocking as Vladimir's smile, Lee Won
simply stared at it without saying a word. Vladimir, who had been in a
daze for a while when his eyes met Lee Won, noticed his belated look,
and then his expression hardened.

“Ah, this is what Lomonosov-san asked for last time… … .”

It was uncomfortable for anyone to hear the hardened voice, which was
far from the soft tone of the previous one. Everyone in the room,
including Mikhail and Lee Won, looked at him at once, and Vladimir's
face gradually turned red.

You see all the stars.

Lee Won thought to his heart and changed the topic insigni icantly.

“So, father, I have been in your debt for a while. sorry."

Vladimir, surprised by those words, looked at Lee Won. Mikhail said,

unaware of his agitation, revealing his joy to the fullest.

“No, you're welcome. Your accident is very sad, but honestly, I'm
happy. You will stay with me at my house… ….”
“… … Are you staying together?

Vladimir asked, still in an unnatural tone. As Lee Won turned to him,

Mikhail spoke on his behalf.

“A bomb was delivered to Lee Won's house. I couldn't get in because

the investigation was ongoing, so I decided to stay at home in the

Mikhail looked at Lee Won again and politely added.

"It's okay to spend as much time as you want without reluctance."

Lee Won smiled at those words, and Vladimir's pale face hardened.


When I left the room after greeting Mikhail, the expected face was
waiting for Lee Won in the hallway.

"What do you mean?"

Lee Won asked nonchalantly at the irritating anger.


"What did you intend to invade here?"

Vladimir groaned and groaned.

“I made it clear that Lomonosov is not in great shape, but you… ….”


Lee Won immediately changed the topic and asked. Vladimir, who was
suddenly stunned, stopped talking. Lee Won continued to speak with
an expressionless face.

"Did you know? It's a bomb."

"I? how?"

As she spoke, she didn't miss Vladimir avoiding Lee Won's gaze. And
the response was too quick. Can't this man lie? Lee Won encountered
an unexpected appearance again and continued to speak in surprise.

“You told me it was something suspicious. Didn't you want to give me

one more attention before you left? Anyway, I just left.

“… …Wrong, I had no idea.

Still, he muttered stubbornly. His gaze was still averted. Lee Won-eun
let out a short exclamation of "ha", he said. Even though he was
denying himself like this, he had no intention of digging it up. There is
no evidence anyway. Lee Won shrugged and took a step back.

"Then you can not. Anyway, as you know, that's why I'm staying here. I
will see you often in the future.”
As he walked past Vladimir, who didn't say anything, Lee Won said,
"Oh," and pretended to remember.

"I wish I had thrown the package away, right?"

With a smile on his face along with meaningful words, Vladimir didn't
say anything until the end.

The smile on Lee Won's face disappeared without a trace as he turned

his head and walked.

At the end of the day, I almost died. Otherwise, he would not be a


someone is trying to kill me

There was only one person that came to mind. The man who said he
was going to tear him to death.


Lee Won bit his lip and moved in deep thought.


"Do you mean Leonid?"

The next day, as we ate together in Mikhail's room, Mikhail blinked and
asked again.

“Look, that's what I asked for. I told you, the secretary will have it, so
tell me to bring it right away.

"Thank you."

Lee Won, who gave a brief greeting, asked.

"How's the explosives investigation going?"

"It doesn't look like it's going to be easy."

Michael clicked his tongue and continued.

“The package was burned and there are no ingerprints or anything

left. There was no return address and there was no postmark, so I
wonder if someone put it in the mailbox… ….”

In the end, it was a planned crime aimed at Lee Won. Did Leonid do it
too? Lee Won said, being careful not to notice Mikhail.

“I think Leonid knows this technique very well, wouldn't it be helpful?

He is a professional killer."

At that, the father immediately shook his head.

“Well, even as a sniper, everyone has a different favorite technique… ….

Leonid knows that bombs are not used. The one I use the most is
probably a knife… … .”
Although this is not certain, Leonid was removed from the line of
suspects. Also, a person with such strong self-esteem would have used
a safer method.

Aren't you too shy that all you have to do is burn yourself with that
amount of explosives?

When I remembered the face of him, who casually said that he would
rip him apart and kill him, the current method did not suit him at all.
There is also someone else.

Perhaps Leonid knows... … .

At that moment, the door creaked and Lev entered the room. Of
course, I thought that Vladimir would be there too, but he was alone.

"Did he say he wasn't coming anymore?"

The father asked as if it was Lee Won's heart. Lev smiled and shook his

"I can. I have work in the morning, so I decided to come only in the
afternoon. On the other hand, I have work in the afternoon."

"Didn't I tell you that you don't have to come here every day?"

The father, who lightly licked his tongue, grabbed Lee Won's hand and
patted it.

"Even if you don't have to talk to me, my son is with me all day."
"Yes I know."

Lev said with a friendly smile.

“You two are having a great time with each other, but I interrupted you.
I will refrain in the future.”

After a light joke followed by a joke, the topic of the two naturally
changed to something completely different. Listening to the endless
conversation between the two, from the weather to the story of the dog
they had, and the neighbor's lowers that bloom every year, they didn't
know how, and so on, I could feel their warmth as deep as the years that
they had been together. Lee Won quietly listened to the continuous
voices and remembered who really attacked him.

"Wait a minute, do you have time?"

Lee Won, who followed Lev as he left after greeting Mikhail, grabbed
him in the hall and asked. Lee Won continued talking to Lev, who
blinked as he put his precious fedora on his head.

“I have some questions about this case. Only a moment."

“Oh, that. I also told Lomonosov-san, but… … .”

“Yes, I heard. That is not… ….”

Lev looked at him puzzled and Lee Won said.

"Can you tell me who knows about my schedule or anything else?"

"What is your schedule?"


Lee Won explained more directly.

"Is there no one to report what time, who I met, where and what I did?"

“… … ? No, i do not do it.

Lee Won blinked at the unexpected words.

"… … No?"

"Yes," Levi said.

"The teacher is an ordinary person, so there is no reason for us to do

such a thing."

Still, there are people who are shameless.

Lee Won asked again, remembering Caesar and Dmitry.

“Then how come you don't know? There was a bomb attack… … . You
came before he contacted you.

"Uh… … ."
At that time, Lef nodded as if she understood.

"Vladimir sent."


This time, Lee Won asked in surprise. Lev smiled bitterly and

“I visited the teacher and he told me that he saw a suspicious package,

and he just left, but he seemed interested, so he asked me to visit him.
What I say will give you more credibility than what I say.”

Lee Won was taken aback by the unexpected words. what else is this
Lev paused for a moment and said to him, who stood there, blinking in
response to a completely different answer than he expected.

"What… … Now that we've talked about it, I'll tell you. In fact, there was
a time when I followed the teacher."

what's more. Lev then continued talking to Lee Won, who was waiting
for the next one.

“It was ordered directly by Mr. Lomonosov and, as you know, in this
case too, everyone involved in the organization faces deadly threats at
least once or twice. So, for protection, I did the same… … I resigned
because Vladimir told me to.”

"… … Because?"

Lev replied to Lee Won who was still confused and asked.
“I said that it was unfair to infringe on the teacher's privacy for the
sake of protection. But since this happened, Vladimir is even more
worried about Lomonosov-san. I prefer to add a tail… … .”

Looking at Lev's bitter smile, Lee Won didn't say anything.


Human prejudice is truly terrifying.

Lee Won sat alone on the bed, deep in thought of him. I never thought
that Vladimir could be such a delicate man. The irst meeting was not
good, and his attitude from then on was far from favorable.

Such a man was taking care of himself without knowing it.

It's not that you didn't say the bombshell on purpose, it's that you
didn't say it because you didn't believe in yourself. It was an
unexpected twist. Vladimir knew that Lee Won did not trust him. Of
course, he didn't trust Lee Won either, so he didn't feel unfair or upset.

But it bothered me that I had always thought poorly of him. Anyway, it

is true that I received help, and it was thanks to him that I was able to
reduce even an unwanted trace.

i should say thank you

Lee Won pondered and decided. Anyway, it's true that we have
unpleasant preconceived notions about each other, so it would be nice
if we could take this opportunity to

dispel them. It would be better if there weren't any uninvited guests

suddenly coming up and yelling at me too.

… … Leonid and bomb.

A deep sigh escaped involuntarily.

How did my life get so twisted...? … ?

At the same time, the platinum-haired monster that was to blame for
all this came to mind.


He pounded his ists on the mattress with a deep, painful groan, but
nothing changed.

♩ ♩ ♫♩ ৩… … .
Suddenly, the phone rang. Lee Won stopped dialing and checked his
cell phone number.

It was late at night when Vladimir arrived. The sight of him walking in
neatly dressed in a suit could almost be seen as the owner of a
legitimate business, if someone unknown saw him.

People don't know just by looking at them.

Lee Won suddenly thought. The truth was more suited to Caesar than
to anyone else.

Now that I think about it… … .

Lee Won remembered the fact that he had forgotten about it because
he was not in good shape. There was no contact from Cesar. You must
have known there was an accident with a bomb.

… … What?

Mikhail gasped as he unknowingly checked the phone silently.

"Even if you are busy, you don't have to come."

"Not busy."

The forceful response he received was like that of a child who refused
to listen to his parents and insisted. My irst impression as a big kid
didn't seem like it was easy to change. Despite knowing that there was
a grown man who was unexpectedly deep in thought of him.

Lee Won just sat quietly and listened to his conversation. It's not your
turn to go out yet. As expected, his father invited him to dinner.
Vladimir looked at Lee Won with a look.

Does that mean he thinks I'll feel uncomfortable, or does that man
make me feel uncomfortable? Lee Won opened his mouth, thinking

"Eat and go, I don't care."


Father helped him to his side, and Vladimir, who hadn't spoken for a
moment, bowed his head.

"then, thank you."

Suddenly, Lee Won thought that he was shy. Aren't you used to
kindness? Perhaps it is just that they are immature in giving and
receiving, which has caused misunderstandings.

Lee Won decided to open his heart a little more and accept him.
Regardless, there is nothing good about having an awkward
relationship between them. And until he inished eating, Vladimir
didn't say a word to Lee Won.

After Mikhail went to the room to rest, Lee Won was naturally left
alone with Vladimir. Opportunities like this are rare, so let's share the
contest lightly.

With that in mind, unexpectedly, Vladimir spoke irst.

"I heard you found this."

The paper he took from the inside pocket of his suit was neatly folded
in half.

When I opened it, what was inside was a cell phone number and an
email address. As he looked at him puzzled, Vladimir continued.

Did you ask about Leonid? The only contact information for him is his
email address.

Send an email there and you will receive a response within 24 hours.
Sending to this phone number would be faster, but you wouldn't like it.
Mail is safer.

Vladimir asked Lee Won, who quietly accepted the role.

"But what happened? A civilian like you is looking for a killer. Is there
someone to kill?"

"No, the other way around."

Lee Won, who had said unintentionally, soon closed his mouth. Do I
have to explain this?

Would it be better to ask someone for help? Even if the bombing was
not Leonid's fault, it seems almost certain that this man is sincere... … .

"If you are Leonid's target, you will never survive."

Lee Won raised his head at the calm voice. Vladimir continued to
speak seriously.
“He is the best sniper in the industry. What's going on? If you are
entangled in a troublesome matter, the sooner you get him out, the
better, because if you leave him like that, he will get more entangled.”

Lee Won responded with a bitter feeling.

"I know. It's just a personal matter. … … Thanks for the advice."

As he politely saluted, Vladimir blinked in surprise.

"Ah good."

Lee Won said casually.

“I could have ordered someone, but he had to come. You came here on
purpose, right?

After speaking without thinking, when he looked up, Vladimir was

looking at Lee Won in bewilderment. Why do you look like this? To Lee
Won, who was puzzled, he hurriedly said.

“I just passed by on the way, I have to meet Lomonosov-san, so it's a

coincidence… … . Anyway, I'm glad it's been ixed... … .”

Now that the business is over, he should have left, but he continued to
hesitate. Lee Won noticed that he was searching for a word to end this
meeting somehow. It was as if he had never learned what a human
relationship was until now. It was like seeing a werewolf child Mowgli.

Are all ma ias like this?

I felt a strange intimacy at the sight that somehow reminded me of
Cesar. Lee Won calmly brought up the conversation.

"I heard that you were against my followers?"

Vladimir looked at him in surprise. A puzzled look appeared at irst

sight at the completely unexpected topic. Lee Won said as he looked at
his stereotypical face that turned expressionless in an instant.

"Thank you, thank you for giving me privacy."

He smiled brightly and said nothing.

"No… … ."

After a while, Vladimir, who had barely said a word, added a little.

"It's not a big deal."

"Privacy is important."

Lee Won smiled bitterly at the sudden memory.

"I was surprised to ind someone who respected my privacy."

Vladimir asked puzzled.

"Isn't it normal for everyone?"

Instead of replying, Lee Won just smiled. The silence came again. As
he thought about saying hello about the bomb, Vladimir opened his

“As for the hospital… … I passed.

Lee Won-eun for an unexpected apology? and he blinked. Again,

Vladimir continued to speak as he avoided his gaze.

“I didn't mean that…… At that time, he was a bit emotional.”

"It was worth it."

When he agreed to understand, Vladimir looked at him. There was a

hint of incomprehension in Vladimir's expression.

"Is it really that man?"


Lee Won proudly admitted.

"You're dating the Tsar, so why?"

Vladimir had nothing to say to the too casual reaction. Confused, he

immediately contorted his face and started asking questions.

"How can you be so bold?"

"The mob is brazenly prowling, but dating is not a crime, so what can't
you be proud of?"

Vladimir was speechless for a moment, then spat it out.

"Your opponent is the problem, how?"

He contorted his face as if his teeth were trembling just thinking about

"The man who tried to kill Mr. Lomonosov."

“My father also tried to kill him. They are not the same?"

"Mr. Lomonosov is your father, of course you have to be with him!"

Facing Vladimir's criticism, Lee Won looked at him with a blank face.

"Sorry, I don't have that kind of affection."


Lee Won kept talking to Vladimir, who was embarrassed.

“It has been less than a year since I saw my father again. Before that, I
thought he was dead, and it was only a few years ago that I found out
that he was still alive. If my mother hadn't given my father my will
when she died, she wouldn't have bothered to ind it."

Lee Won, who smiled, added.

“I am doing the best I can for my father. I have no reason to hear you
say that. AND

fundamentally, this is my private life and my relationship with my

father is a matter for him and me to resolve. Do not you believe it?"
Vladimir was at a loss for words to say to Lee Won, who asked without
hesitation. He thought that he was discussing the most common sense
of morality, but Lee Won's position was completely different. I heard it
there and it wasn't bad.

His criticism of him turned out to be quite implausible and widespread.

Vladimir wondered why conversations with Lee Won always gave this
kind of result. I said lawyer.

So, are you good at talking?

But Vladimir knew that he was not fooled by absurd sophistries. The
problem was that he had forcefully criticized him in the irst place.

Why do you always do this?

Vladimir turned serious. Is it because he was in love with this man

from the beginning?

Involuntarily, he almost bit his tongue.

I have never been so lippant and easily agitated.

Until now, I had thought of him as cold as a sword, and I've been
hearing criticism like that. However, it was dif icult to maintain
composure in front of this man. Lee Won had a part that strangely got
on his nerves. Obviously there are many. This guy is a pain in the ass.

After drawing his own conclusions from him, Vladimir withdrew.

"Excuse me, tell me something that didn't happen."

Since he had no intention of grabbing the tail, Lee Won passed it to me.
Vladimir hesitated for a moment, then turned, but soon stopped again.

"If Leonid receives a mission, he will execute it no matter what, so you

have to be careful."

With his last words, he returned. The remaining Lee Won slowly
remembered those words.

After all, that means you're going to kill me no matter what.

He thought for a moment as he sat down in a chair and checked his

email address. So what do we do? Contemplating, he suddenly looked
at his phone.

The of ice phone is being tapped.

A man who casually reveals everything about himself. A man who

watches and inds out everything about Lee Won. It's already been a
week and he hasn't contacted me at all. After thinking for a while, Lee
Won stopped calling.


One afternoon, while Mikhail was taking a nap, Vladimir came to visit.
It was nothing special because he had been visiting him almost every
day since Mikhail passed away. Lee Won said as he led him into the
living room.
“Isn't it better to set a time to come? I'm very busy, so that's hard."

Asking himself, he sat across from Vladimir across the table.

"If you don't have anything special to do, go have some tea and wait,
since you just started sleeping."

At Lee Won's words, Vladimir raised his eyebrows strangely. Lee Won
asked with an unusual reaction.

"Did you have something to say with your father?"

"Good that."

Vladimir blurted out his words vaguely. Lee Won, who saw him shrug,

"If you just listen, I can too."


To the suspicious question, Lee Won replied sarcastically.

"Didn't I know? I'm a lawyer, I make money sitting and listening. But it
doesn't solve it."

Unexpectedly, Vladimir smiled as he casually joked. This was the

second smile from him.

Also, this time, he smiled con idently. Unexpectedly, he had an

innocent face like a child. He was a man who could laugh like that.
Curious, Lee Won took a sip of tea and put it down.

"Well then?"

At the irst question, Vladimir stopped. Lee Won urged.

"What are you talking about?"

"What… … ."

Vladimir sighed as if he wasn't ready to speak. As he waited for him to

speak on his behalf, Lee Won imagined this and that. girl problem?
money problems? Problems with the organization? After a sigh, he
inally opened his mouth.

“… …When did you know you were gay?


He seemed to be saying something like a silly question. Vladimir said

to Lee Won, who blinked blankly, avoiding his gaze.

“So… … How and when did you know that your walls are like this?
There was even a woman who wanted to get married… … . But how did
that happen… …?”

How is that?

I really didn't like the expression, but Lee Won decided to let it go.
Anyway, most people don't understand this, and I didn't know that I
would be in this situation myself. Lee Won, who had been carelessly
scratching his head, opened his mouth.
“What… … It wasn't a phobia or anything like that… … It was my irst
time seeing a guy like me, but I didn't feel much revulsion. Maybe it was
because he was that guy… ….”

"Is it okay because he is Tsar?"


Lee Won lightly joked.

“It would be terrible if he asked you to kiss me. Wouldn't you too?

He smiled, but he didn't. Inwardly, I felt sorry for Lee Won. His smiling
face was very cute.

Vladimir, who had been sitting motionless, opened his mouth.

“… …I'm not terrible.


It sounded like a warning signal. Lee Won blinked blankly and

hurriedly added.

“Well, I didn't want to test it on anyone, in case someone else thinks

like that later… … .”

"Still, maybe it's because there's a potential tilt?"

Vladimir stubbornly asked, what answer do you want to hear? Lee

Won pondered for a moment. If the basics of counseling were to say
what you wanted, there was nothing particularly dif icult.

"Could be."

As soon as he agreed, a strange gleam appeared in Vladimir's eyes.

“Being gay is that you like men… … ?”

"In general, they like the same sex."

After adding some corrections, Vladimir once again became serious

and contemplative.

Lee Won silently watched as he tilted his head. It's better than when
you growl for a while, but it's still awkward. It's not easy spending time
with someone you don't know well...

Just in time, an employee entered the living room and announced that
Mikhail had woken up.

Lee Won even felt a sense of release and got up from his seat.

"He went well, at least I was in vain."


Belatedly, Vladimir raised his head. He was so lost in his thoughts that
he didn't even seem to hear the clerk's voice. Lee Won said with a bitter

"Father is risen."
"Uh… … ."

Then Vladimir stood up with a blank expression on his face. Lee Won
smiled bitterly and touched his broad shoulder.

"What are you thinking so deeply about?"

He only gave me a light pint, but what came back was silence. It is also
an expressionless face.

Lee Won was embarrassed and walked away from him. Vladimir said
nothing more and walked, following the servant to Mikhail's room. Left
alone, Lee Won sighed deeply and shook her head.

After Vladimir's death, Lee Won dined alone in Mikhail's room. Dad
hasn't gotten out of bed since that day.

“The older you are, the slower your recovery will be.”

Mikhail said without remorse, but Lee Won responded brie ly, saying,
"Is that so?" He didn't say that he was kidding himself to keep it long.
There's nothing wrong with being cheated on, right? In the yard with
nowhere to go.

"You seem to be on good terms with Vladimir."

Lee Won nonchalantly responded to her father's words.

“I am not a child and I cannot growl forever. They are doing very well."

"Yeah I'm glad".

Mikhail, who had a happy smile, continued.

“Vladimir said that he suffered a lot from a very young age. Her
biological parents abused her and she almost died. When she was irst
discovered, the doctors said the child would not last a few days.

I really did my best to save him. He still has asthma. It doesn't show
that I think it's wrong as a boss to show a weak side, but everyone
knows it... … .”


Lee Won gently sympathized.

"He is strong enough to lead an organization."


Mikhail nodded, delighted.

"I was worried he was following me around too much, but I'm glad he's
slowly coming out of my shadow."

Instead of replying, Lee Won smiled brightly. I don't know much about
the work of the organization or Vladimir. At times like these, it was best
to just smile. When we started eating again, Mikhail, who was looking
at Lee Won, opened his mouth.
"Are you still dating that guy?"


Lee Won deliberately pretended not to know.

"The Tsar".

She just didn't seem to want to convey it. This time, Lee Won had no
choice but to answer a question that was clearly stated.

"Aren't you here? I haven't seen you in a long time."

"Okay… … ."

Mikhail said without hiding a sign of satisfaction.

“Have you heard of such a thing? If you can't see it, you're far away… …

Lee Won stopped cutting the steak and looked at it. Mikhail made a
sullen face and looked away, pretending to break the bread.

“No, it reminds me of an old saying… … . Aren't all people's lives the



Lee Won replied nonchalantly.

"So neither my mother nor my father remarried, and I lived alone all
my life."

Mikhail said nothing this time. For a moment, there was silence in the
room except for the sound of clanging plates.

"... ... Doesn't it have to be that guy?"

Near the end of the meal, Mikhail spoke again.

"Are there not many other men as well?"


“What about Vladimir, if it's him, I'm good enough… ….”


Lee Won stopped his words with a stronger voice. Lee Won continued,
looking at him with unusually strong eyes.

"Don't make me do what my father couldn't."

With that, Mikhail could no longer say anything. Lee Won was bitter to
see him put down after drinking water in silence, but he couldn't say
anything he didn't like to suit his mood.

“… …Then rest.”

After greeting, Lee Won went straight to his room. I checked the phone
on the side table, but still haven't seen anything from Caesar.

“… …Yes, it's hard to handle right now… …. My of ice was blown up, and
all the documents and things are there, but I can't get in or out right
now. … … yes, thank you First of all, due to that situation, I am currently
closed, but I will connect you with another lawyer that I know, so check
with that person… … .”

Lee Won hung up the phone after reciting the introductions he had in
his mouth through the phone calls that had been made since the
morning. I had a lot of homework because I had to take a break from
work more than I expected. There were many cases where it was better
to start from the beginning, as there was a lot of data that could not be
used even if he tried to deliver the cases he was in charge of. Anyway, it
will be some time before you can start working again. He decided that
it was better to release him than to hold him down by force.

Very good, so far I have solved it.

Lee Won turned over the list that was almost inished and then
searched for another list. This time, it was the turn of the lawyers who
took over the job. Of the simple. Oops, I sighed and went back to pick
up the phone when an employee knocked on the door.

A guest has arrived.

Lee Won blinked in bewilderment. Few people would know they were
here. There are visitors there.
Lee Won, who left the room bewildered, found a familiar igure
standing in the central corridor and stopped. The man who turned his
head at the sound of footsteps let out a short exclamation with a
familiar smile as his eyes met Lee Won's.


Caesar, who mimics the exclamation Lee Won often uses, greeted with
a smile in his eyes.

"It's been a while, I'm glad you seem okay."

"What… … ."

It's so ridiculous I don't know what to say. You haven't contacted me

until now, and suddenly you showed up.

now what? Caesar opened his arms and said to Lee Won, who only
blinked in embarrassment.

"I have to come and kiss you."

It was then that Lee Won realized that this was not a fantasy but a

All the ridiculously mean and arrogant faces were the same. Lee Won
crossed her arms nervously and looked at him.

"Come and do it".

Then Caesar shook his head as if he couldn't wipe it dry and advanced.
His long legs moved gracefully and walked towards him. Lee Won
unintentionally held his breath. With each step closer, his breathing
grew shallower, and when he was inally face to face with him, he
stopped breathing.

"I miss you."

Saying sweetly, Caesar hugged Lee Won. Immediately, his lips

overlapped and Lee Won stuck out his tongue. At this point, I realized
that my pride really was nothing. He felt as if all the irritation, anger,
and rage from the past had disappeared as they hugged each other's
waists and mixed their tongues.

I really like this fucking bastard.

With a new realization, Lee Won collapsed.

"… … What have you been doing?"

After the lips barely fell, Lee Won's question was just that. He at least
spat at him bluntly, but what he responded with was a kiss to the bridge
of his nose.

"I was busy to death."

He was about to ask how you feel, but Caesar with a smile continued.

“Your house is perfect now, there will be no bombs and no destruction.

All trial materials have been restored.”

"… … What?"
Lee Won blinked at the unexpected words. What did this man say

“Wait, then who is to blame? I found it? Maybe it wasn't Leonid?

"Are you Leonid?"

When hurriedly asked, Caesar asked. Looking at her frown, he seemed

to know the answer. Caesar continued talking to Lee Won, who had
been thinking for a while.

"Why don't you go to my house and tell me the details?"

He said in a very seductive voice.

“I have a 1980 chateau wine.”

As a Korean foreigner, Lee Won had no interest in wine at any time. If

it's alcohol, isn't it enough to drink and get drunk?

However, he had no intention of breaking the long-awaited

atmosphere, so he irst nodded his head. As he was about to kiss again,
I suddenly heard a rattle behind my back. Lee Won, who had
inadvertently turned his head, turned contemplative and found his
father looking at them.


Caesar opened his mouth in place of Lee Won, who had been cut off
unable to speak.
"It seems that you are still in good health, Lomonosov."

Mikhail immediately cried out at the sight of him hugging Lee Won's
waist, pulling him closer and kissing him on the palanquin.

“You bastard… … !”

"Mr. Lomonosov!"

"Old man!"

Contemplation came from here and there and supported him.

Belatedly, Lee Won found a pale-faced man standing behind the
employees. he went vladimir After barely putting Mikhail to bed, when
he came out, Caesar sat quietly in the living room, sipping the tea the
clerk had brought him. After seeing that, a headache

he came back quickly. It was truly a love story that never had a quiet
day. As soon as he showed up, he had such a bad accident.

"Why the hell did you come here?"

When asked with a sigh, Caesar answered as if it was natural.

"Of course I came to pick you up."


"At the moment."

He didn't feel like joking at all. However, it is not a situation where we
hear a long talk here, so we decided to postpone it for next time.

It's always this pattern.

I thought so. The last time we ixed a problem within the organization,
he disappeared and suddenly appeared. Did you pick up and drop
someone and then do this again?

"Tell me next time."

Lee Won said with a tired face. Cesar smiled strangely.

"Didn't you ight?"

"There was an accident."

Lee Won once again taught him one more social way.

"In that case, I ask if it's okay to have some kind of relationship and
then I visit him."

"Even if he is an enemy?"

"Even if he is an enemy."

Cesar didn't seem very convinced, but he didn't really object.

"So, are you going with me or are you staying here?"

In a situation where he had no choice, he asked, as if it were favoritism.
Lee Won glanced at him brie ly, then stood up.

"Wait, I'll bring your luggage."

It was as if he was talking to a big dog, but deep down, Lee Won knew
better than anyone that he was far from being a loyal dog. Still, he had a
lot to say. You also have to think about what to do with Leonid. If it was
Caesar, maybe there was a way to do it. My father doesn't have a good
heart and he's worried, so it's better to keep it a secret.

As I ran down the hall, I ran into the doctor who had just inished the
exam. He said with a bitter smile.

“It wasn't like you were lying down like this in the irst place… …. He
just seems to want to watch it longer."

After giving thanks with a bitter smile, Lee Won headed to his room.
While he was organizing my little luggage, the door opened with a
bang. The person who entered was unexpectedly Vladimir. As Lee Won
stretched out and stood in front of him, Vladimir closed the door
behind him. For a moment, the two stared at each other without saying
anything. Vladimir was the irst to speak.

"Are you following Sergeev?"

There was no excuse to show a deep kiss scene with Caesar. Anyone
would know that Iwon would be heading to the same place as Caesar.
This time there is another reason. After adding this inwardly, Lee Won
said with a bitter smile.
“Take care of your father, I will see you often, but he depends a lot on
you… … .”

"Okay… … ?"

Somehow it was unknown. Lee Won looked at him, feeling a strange

atmosphere. Vladimir frowned and stroked his chin as if he
contemplated for a moment. After a while, he sighed and opened his

"I can't. He's ine, I'll take care of you."


Suddenly, I wondered what this was, and Lee Won involuntarily asked.
Vladimir continued with a frown.

“If you like such a man, then what? I'll take care of you.

Lee Won was speechless for a moment and looked at him. I don't know
where to start and where to straighten my thoughts. I thought it had
been a long time since I was speechless.

“… …Why are you?”

As soon as he asked that question, Vladimir responded with a still

annoyed look on his face.

“No matter how much you like a man, there is nothing to play with
Sergeev, right? You should think about Mr. Lomonosov. So I'll take care
of you. That's it."
You don't even think about the person's will?!

Lee Won opened his mouth in shock, but then found reason and denied
his words.

“No, that doesn't make sense. Just because you're straight doesn't
mean you're a woman. Besides, I didn't like Cesar in the irst place
because he was a man.

How do I get rid of this frustration? Lee Won sighed several times in a
row, feeling the desire to hit his chest.

I know your father is against Caesar. But I chose him, and it's about me
and my father, Cesar.

He has nothing to do with you. Thanks for the words... … ."

Lee Won, who usually added, frowned. Wait, is this something to be

thankful for? Isn't that useless shit?

"You should try it."

At Vladimir's words, Lee Won's mind lashed.

"Effort? What effort?

Confused, Vladimir nodded.

"Yes, I will try to it into your weird wall. Then it will be. Whatever
happens, hard work is important."
No, I mean, why do you have to put in so much effort in the irst place?

Have you ever met someone who doesn't talk like that? Lee Won
immediately remembered Caesar's face.


At the sudden voice, Lee Won and Vladimir turned their heads at the
same time. Cesar, leaning against the open door at some point, looked
at them and was slightly cynical.

"You dare to propose to my iancée in front of me now?"

Promised didn't even have time to say what kind of bark he was.
Immediately, Vladimir shot him.


"Ugh… … ."

Caesar's eyes narrowed even more. When Lee Won saw his silver gray
eyes turn as cold as ice, his spine suddenly shivered.

"It seems you didn't get a proper education at home, didn't Mikhail
teach you not to steal?"

"Are you the one who stole it irst?"

Caesar's gaze lickered to Lee Won. As if something had happened to

the bird without con idence. Lee Won was confused and stuttered.
“Er… … therefore… … .”

He had nothing to say to explain. What was most absurd was this. He
couldn't eat me like this, and he was anxious.

"Well. So you fell in love with Lee Won by yourself, right?"

He spoke to Vladimir, but his gaze was on Lee Won. Lee Won looked at
him with a twisted forehead.

Vladimir snorted in disgust.

"I'm in love, I just said that I would take care of that child for

Caesar still looked at Yi Won and asked.

“Are you going to take responsibility? excuse me?"

Vladimir said with a look of disgust.

"If a man likes you that much, then I said I'd take care of him."

Caesar looked away from Lee Won and looked at Vladimir.

“Are you going to ight? What does that mean?"

Unexpectedly, both Vladimir and Lee Won stopped at the calm voice.
Caesar asked again with a slight grimace.

“Tell me, what do you mean? that."

It was a big problem. For a moment, Lee Won shook his head like a
madman. I need to ix this somehow. If you leave it like that, one of the
two will surely die.

"wait a second."

Lee Won, who had stopped Vladimir from advancing, charged before
Caesar could speak.

“Shut up you two, I'll take care of my business. From now on, both of
you stop talking nonsense and keep your mouth shut.”

Lee Won, who was speaking, stopped. At the same time, you have to
convince two opposing men. What are you saying?

Caesar and Vladimir silently looked at Lee Won's face. How to say
something. Lee Won, who was shaking his head hurriedly, had no
choice but to declare.

"I'm going to kiss my father."

They both turned pale at the same time. Silence fell in an instant, and
the two closed their mouths as warned. The effect was clear, but the
guilt was many times greater. Father I'm sorry. Inwardly, Lee Won
apologized to Mikhail and quickly grabbed Caesar's arm.

"we go."

He immediately tried to grab Caesar and pull him out, but he didn't
move. Lee Won wondered if he might be doing something pointless
again, but unexpectedly, Caesar immediately turned and walked away
as Lee Won led him on. Lee Won became anxious again at his meek

Isn't this bastard hatching another absurd plan?

However, Caesar didn't speak any more and Lee Won quietly dragged
him out of the mansion.


It was only after he inally arrived at Caesar's mansion that Lee Won
was able to hear about the past.

“The bombing was a terrorist attack… … Were you targeting me?


With Lee Won sitting on the bed, Caesar changed his clothes and said.

"It is common. For the immediate mob. Even after retirement, the mob
is still the mob. Also, Lomonosov still has power within the

Caesar added insigni icantly.

"Everything is possible."
In short, he has been very busy inding terrorists, repairing Lee Won's
house, and recovering data lost by Lee Won. If so, wouldn't it have been
better if you had told me earlier? I thought that this person was
recovering and waited for a call, but the other side was calmly taking
care of such things.

You knew everything about me, so you wouldn't have wondered.

Lee Won thought that the medicine went up. I really need the
information on Caesar that Dmitry has. Wouldn't that be fair?

"So how did you catch the culprit?"

“There are other experts who pick up things like that. Anyway, you
don't have to worry, we've got it all igured out."

Suddenly I remembered Caesar, who had everything done with a phone

call from the car.

Lee Won inadvertently spat out the name of the face that came to mind.


Caesar paused. Lee Won added to the cold expression of him looking at
Lee Won.

"You mean that guy by an expert, right?"

Cesar's expression softened.

"Do not call another man by his name at any time."

No, he was just asking.

Lee Won thought to himself, but he didn't say anything. You would
have known immediately that Caesar was hurt. How else would you
curse me? I remembered what he had been putting off last time.

I have one more man to deal with.

Lee Won pondered for a moment before opening his mouth.

"Are you sure he wasn't a Leonid anyway?"

Cesar didn't answer right away. Suddenly, a shadow fell over my head.
When he looked up, he saw Cesar approaching, looking at him.

“Did you say that name before? What's going on?"

He was smiling, but Lee Won knew Caesar wasn't actually smiling.
Before thinking another strange thought, Lee Won said quickly.

"I heard you were tasked with killing me."

“… … .”

The smile disappeared from Cesar's face. Lee Won raised his eyebrows
seriously and continued speaking.

“When we met in that hotel. He suddenly appeared and told my father

about our business. I didn't say it was you, but... … . That's why I
introduced you, dad and you.
"Are you going to suddenly appear and talk to me?"

Lee Won nodded to Caesar, who repeated Lee Won's words.

“I was seeing everything. In that hot spring… … .”

Did Leonid see you? In the hot springs?

Cesar's voice rose sharply. As he raised his head in an unusual mood,

Caesar looked at Lee Won with fearful eyes. The reason was soon

"Are you saying that I've seen all of your naked bodies?"

“Uh… ….”

He wouldn't be the only one who saw it. I have also seen your body.

Lee Won thought, but that was not the important thing. He continued

“Anyway, he warned me. that you've been tasked with. I did some
research by getting data from my father, but there was nothing useful
on Leonid. I sent you an email asking for a meeting...

… .”

Lee Won shrugged.

“I heard that terrorism was not a tactic of the Leonidas, but just in case.
Just in case."
"It was the work of ignorant little bastards."

Are you talking about the skinheads that lew from time to time?
Caesar said to Lee Won, who suddenly came to mind.

“It seems that the little racists wanted to get rid of Lomonosov's
successor and gain some fame. I've dealt with all of them, so you can
ignore them. Yes, Leonid… … ?”

With the name added as if he were talking to himself, Lee Won

remembered running away with Caesar to avoid his attack in the past.
Cesar's expression turned cold, as if he recalled the memory of that


He didn't mean that he shouldn't do anything serious. Anyway, if you

don't call off the search there, your life is in danger. In a situation
where there was no contact from Leonid, there was no one to argue
with except Caesar. It was foolish to try to do anything on your own
against a professional sniper recognized by the ma ia.

From Hitman to Skinhead to Vladimir.

“Ugh,” Lee Won moaned and shook his head. How did my life get so
twisted here?

With a complicated feeling, he raised his head.

“Who the hell made such a request to kill me? From what I've heard,
he's an S-class sniper.
unbelievably expensive."

"It doesn't matter, because you won't die."

Cesar, who was ready to speak, changed the subject.

"By the way."

He asked Lee Won, who raised his head involuntarily. Nice.

“Why the hell did Vladimir tell you that? suddenly."

For a moment, Lee Won got goosebumps. I thought he just got

smashed and passed, but he was never the opponent. Caesar smiled as
he looked at Lee Won, who was shaking his head like a madman.

"Can we talk now? everything."

Unknowingly, Lee Won stepped back while he was sitting down. But it
was a choice I shouldn't have made. Cesar immediately climbed onto
the bed and his lips overlapped. And something fell into Lee Won's


Re lexively, Lee Won swallowed it. That's when I realized it was a


"… … What? This."

Instead of replying to Lee Won who looked at him in bewilderment,
Caesar just smiled with a strange face. And after his persistent kiss, his
legs parted as if it were natural. Where is this boy going to hide? This
time, Lee Won was about to get angry. He decided to accept an apology
for what Cesar had said, but that didn't go the way he wanted.

… … Oh?

Suddenly, his eyes widened and Lee Won closed his eyes.


“… … Ew… … .”

A moan escaped his mouth. One side of her head ached and a tinnitus
buzzed in her ear.

I barely opened my eyes, but I couldn't see the shape properly. Lee
Won blinked as he lay blankly.

Wait, this situation.

Lee Won, who got up in a hurry, quickly yelled and hugged his head.
After the pain that had lasted for a while barely subsided, I opened my
eyes to see the scenery around me. Only a few seconds later he realized
it was Caesar's room.

"Woke up?"
Lee Won, who raised his head at Caesar's voice, found him sitting some
distance away from the bed he was lying on. Just like the last time I saw
him, the man in the light shirt and pants was slowly pouring alcohol
into his old-fashioned glass and bringing it to his mouth.


Lee Won, who looked at himself belatedly, con irmed that his body was
moving as he intended.

The clothes were there. But that never made me feel safe. Rather, Lee
Won was puzzled.

How did this happen?

Lee Won lost his mind for a moment, but until now, Caesar had never

Every time he opened his eyes, he saw Cesar constantly going in and
out. It was as if he hadn't touched Lee Won at all.

I looked at the time there and it wasn't that long ago. Lee Won realized
that, surprisingly, he had slept very little.

"What are you doing now."

Lee Won asked, trying to somehow wake his still dazed head. He
vaguely remembered that he had been on medication. I thought he was
gradually waking me up, but it was miraculously clear. Before long, Lee
Won realized that he had slept surprisingly well. what drug? Was it
sleeping pills?

Lee Won asked suspiciously, rubbing the side of his forehead.

"Are you really trying to kill me this time?"

"No way. If he had, I would have shot him."

What about the guy who gave him an unknown drug?

Lee Won sharpened her teeth on him. Caesar looked directly at him
and emptied the rest of the drink from him.


The glass made a small sound as he touched the wooden table. César,
who placed the glass, stood up as he was. Knock Knock. Lee Won just
looked at the tall man who was approaching with regular steps.


One side of the bed tilted noiselessly. Cesar got on the bed. Even then,
Caesar was looking directly at Iwon. Lee Won didn't avoid his gaze
either. They both stopped moving and looked at each other as if to kill
them on the bed.

Cesar caressed his cheek and kissed him. Naturally, the tongues mixed
and he climbed onto Lee Won's body. Of course, Lee Won had no
intention of accepting it easily.
When his lips parted for a moment, Lee Won looked directly at him and

"Shut up bastard. I don't have sex with you."

Caesar paused. The eyes that looked at Lee Won silently were empty.
As if on cue, his spine shook, but Lee Won didn't back down.

“You told me as if he had committed a mortal sin, so what? You were

more promiscuous, but

How many times did I go out with you? … .”

"how many?"

Suddenly, Cesar's voice became sharp. For a moment, Lee Won paused,
but he wasn't the type to back down.

"Yes, sometimes. I did it in Korea and I did it in Russia. Can you tell me
more? Among them, there are two women who were contemplating
whether to get married, and if that was the case, it wouldn't be
comparable to the women you had sex with, right?

Cesar said nothing. He was silently looking at Lee Won.

"iced coffee… … ."

After a while, he slowly pushed back her loose hair and opened his
"Now that I think about it, that's what it was, I wanted to break up and
I didn't want to see it for the rest of my life."

Slowly repeating what Lee Won had said, he narrowed his eyes.

"You're having sex with other guys besides me."

Lee Won's eyes widened at Caesar's profanity. It was the side of Caesar
that Lee Won sighed whenever he spit out abusive language and said
that he always had a rough mouth.

But Caesar curses.

I was embarrassed even at the irst insult I heard, but the tone was
very calm. He even wondered if he had misheard.

I didn't say that, but in the end it was the same. No matter how angry
he was, saying that he wanted to break up wasn't that easy. Lee Won
confessed frankly, feeling his anger suddenly dissipate.

"I didn't mean to break up, I apologize for that."

Suddenly, Caesar grabbed Yi Won's arm. Unexpectedly, when Lee

Won's face distorted from a grip hard enough to feel pain, Caesar said.

"I was angry."

In a mysterious low voice, he whispered.

"How many people have you given your heart to?"

Caesar linched at Lee Won, who was surprised.

"Tell me you love me, kiss me and hug me."

His voice trailed off like a sigh.

“You said you would do it again in the future, didn't you? I'm going to
ind another piece of garbage and go around."

“At that time, I was also angry, and it was because of you that the
conversation went like this in the irst place, right? And we go to the
root. What the hell is the difference between what you and I did?

Caesar came to a conclusion after arguing angrily.

"Let me see why you and I are different."

And immediately he took the phone from the room and ordered the
butler to do something.

Moments later, a huge tray entered the bedroom. Seeing all kinds of
alcohol illing the stomach, Lee Won widened his eyes in surprise. It
was the irst time in my life that I saw so many drinks at once. It's not
even a bar, but Cesar opened his mouth before asking where he was
going to use it all.

“You mean you loved all those girls so much? Just like you did to me.

As he pondered, he stoked his anger even more.

“Did you do the same to me? kiss, touch

Cesar unbuttoned his shirt one by one. Lee Won only looked at him for
the irst time in fear.

"Saying I love you."

Cesar's eyes narrowed. With a click, he unbuckled his belt.

"I don't love you, but is it bad to have sex?"

The leather belt Cesar tossed off the bed curled like a snake and went

"I was just a poo and you"

Caesar's forehead twisted and his voice cracked.

"It was love."

Lee Won then stopped. I don't know why it hurts like this. They are all
in the past and no longer mean anything to me.

"Think about your age."

Lee Won explained in the most rational way possible.

"It's a bummer that I haven't been in a relationship before at this age."

Cesar said nothing. Although the expression was a bit harsh, Lee Won
thought it was true. I wondered if Caesar took a deep breath and then
suddenly grabbed Lee Won's pants and yanked him down. Surprised,
Lee Won was even able to block it, and his buttocks were ripped off and
his bare skin was exposed.

Caesar's outstretched hand embarrassedly cupped his ankle and

proudly sat between his crotch. Belatedly, Lee Won realized that there
were countless drinks on the huge table by the bed.

What is that

Caesar, noticing Lee Won's gaze, looked to the side and said.

"If you pass out, I will drink from then on."

I'll drink until I wake up, is this it?

As he guessed without knowing the meaning, Caesar grabbed the shirt

this time and immediately ripped it off. Buttons bounced in all
directions, and Caesar's cynical face entered Lee Won's open view.

"Recognize for yourself how different the sex I've had so far is and the
sex you've had."

When goosebumps appeared on his narrowed eyes for a moment, he

whispered in a lower voice.

"You'll see how much I love you."

And the next moment, without any foreplay, Caesar entered the room.

“… … !”
My eyes went white in an instant from the tremendous pain. Lee Won
gulped like a it and shook his body. The irst time I did it it didn't hurt
as much. At least then they released me.

“That, mom… … .”

He barely spoke, but Cesar kept moving his waist, as if he couldn't hear
him at all.

He felt like he was going to throw up every time something heavy

pushed. Lee Won quickly turned around to run away, but was grabbed
from behind and pressed down. Pushing him down with his body,
Caesar pushed him down. Every time a man's angry object stabbed into
his lower leg, which was wider than the limit, a scream erupted from
Lee Won's mouth.

“Ah, ah, evil, ah,”

It was brief and the ield rumbled with groans and cries alternately.
There was no mind in the heaving, quivering barrel below. He didn't
even know if time passed or if Caesar had ejaculated inside or if he was
unconscious or not. All he could feel was pain. The fact that I had an
orgasm and ejaculated from sex with this man felt like a lie. Every time
Caesar delved into him, it seemed as if his intestines were leaking

“ … … .”

His stomach heated with a deep groan from behind. It was then that
Lee Won vaguely came to his senses. It seems like it's been a while, but
I've only done it once.
Oh my God.

The blood disappeared from his face in an instant. Every time I

thought having sex with this man was going to kill me, but this time it
was. Sincerely, Lee Won felt the crisis of his life.

"Hey! Stop,"

Caesar began to slam down again, pinning down Lee Won, who was
once again struggling to escape. Perhaps due to the liquid spilled inside
Lee Won-eun, the entrance and

check out of the room was made a little faster than the irst time.
Anyway, the pain in my stomach that was dragging from side to side
didn't get any better, it just got worse.

I feel like my stomach is on ire. Yi Won yelled that he was sick, but
Caesar still ignored him. The fourth time he spilled semen on his
stomach, Lee Won remembered Caesar's words.

You'll see how much I cared about you.

I felt my eyes darken, but unfortunately it was only the beginning.

I heard a crack in my ear. It's the sound of the bed spring rocking. Lee
Won barely opened his eyes in a dazed consciousness and looked up at
the ceiling. Every time the body moves, the pattern on the ceiling
shakes up and down.
There is something inside you. in and out Oh sorry... … .

Lee Won felt like it was someone else's business. But that didn't last
long either.

“… …Ah!”

As my stomach luttered again, my spirit glowed. As soon as he came

back to reality, he saw Caesar walking in and out of him. Lee Won
stared at the man leaning over and waving between his crotch.

If he did that much, Lee Won would often get exhausted early and
leave, but today he was different. Even if his consciousness became
blurred as to what medication he had been given, he did not completely
disappear. While Lee Won was clearly conscious, he was clearly feeling
Caesar's act of constantly excreting into himself with his entire body.

After another ejaculation, over lowing body luid bubbled between his
crotch. I felt as if the semen rose in my mouth. The smell rose from
inside his body to the tip of his nose, and Lee Won barely endured

Caesar, who paused for a moment, began to step again. He sat with his
crotch spread wide and tucked in between, as if he was only there to
rub and cum. As proof of this, he didn't even try to touch Lee Won's
body and didn't change his position.

Lee Won blinked in surprise at the sight he saw for the irst time. As he
moved his waist, Caesar held Lee Won's waist with one hand and held
her down, while he held a full glass of alcohol with the other hand and
drank it down.
Have sex while drinking alcohol?

But he did not end there. He emptied one cup of vodka at a time, then
illed another cup and popped it into his mouth. Another full glass, and
another empty. He constantly repeated himself. Lee Won was
completely fed up.

I thought he was going to collapse from alcoholism. Drinking,

ejaculating, drinking, ejaculating, and so on, endlessly.

He was correct. Lee Won realized that Caesar had endured and
endured until now. That's it. No, I knew from the start that he was
patient. But he didn't know it would be like this.

You'll see how much I cared about you.

When Caesar's words came to mind, Lee Won grew tired of the target.

"Ugh… … ."

Again, his stomach burned and Lee Won groaned as he shook his body.
Shortly after, Cesar returned to pour semen on him. It seemed that
every cell in his body, including his stomach, would be illed with
Caesar's semen. He could smell the thick scent of semen with every
breath he took, and it seemed that what Caesar had spilled from his
throat was just what it was.

I couldn't take it anymore. Lee Won couldn't take it and grabbed

Caesar's hand, which was holding his waist.

"I forgot."
He just stated. Caesar, who emptied the vodka immediately, looked at
him through the empty glass. If you do this, you will really die. Lee
Won declared with a feeling of despair.

“I've forgotten all those girls now, I can't even remember their faces. At
the moment, this is a puppy now, I really love you! "

It seemed likely that Cesar died of alcohol poisoning, or that he himself

died, or both. Unable to bear it, he inally yelled out along with abusive
language, and Caesar looked at Man Yi Won without saying a word.
What happens if I start over? With him, Caesar began to move again,
and at the same time, Lee Won cried out in contemplation.

“I'm canceling my breakup words! I won't break up with you, I won't

leave you behind! I will never say such a thing again, so I will only have
sex with you until the day I die, so stop now!”

Caesar suddenly stopped moving. He could feel his heartbeat beating

from the heavy penis that was attached to him. A moan escaped from
Lee Won's mouth. Lee Won gasped as he silently watched him and
barely added.

“… …Let's stop for today.

“… … .”

Caesar, who was staring silently at Iwon, raised his head. After a
couple of heavy chokes, the glass in his hand was immediately emptied.

César, who left the empty glass, moved again, and the penis, which had
come out halfway, also entered deeply again.

Lee Won groaned as if he was boiling from deep inside. Lying on his
back, he hugged Lee Won's body tightly and whispered.

"I'm the only one?"

It was the irst time that César had opened his mouth after the
beginning of mechanical intercourse, in which all he did was hit and
ejaculate over and over again. A voice like a sigh settled in Lee Won's
ear as if he was begging. Lee Won suddenly felt guilty.

It was me, so why should I regret it?

A thought like that suddenly crossed my mind, but I soon realized that
it didn't matter. Ha, Lee Won sighed and silently hugged Caesar's back.


Lee Won whispered and bit his earlobe.

"Yes, Caesar."

Broad shoulders shuddered at the exhausted name. Caesar, who

seemed lustered for a moment, breathed a sigh of relief. Inside Lee
Won's body, he expanded again, but didn't move. Lee Won hesitated for
a moment before opening his mouth.

"Just one more time."

As soon as the words fell, Caesar began to move. Every time the heavy
penis moved slowly in and out, Lee Won was startled by stabbing pain.

Caesar alternately kissed Yi Won's lips, eyelids, cheeks, and earlobes.

The genitals that come and go are so ruthless, but the kisses are so
sweet. Lee Won thought so, but his lips were still asking for a kiss,
unlike his lower leg that was crying, which was also considered a

“… …Have you never been in love?

At the cautious question, Caesar's brow furrowed. Lee Won quickly

grabbed his hair and kissed him. Caesar moved his waist silently again.

A man's irst love really hurts.

After inishing the ejaculation, Caesar barely fell asleep as he caught his
breath, and Lee Won belatedly lamented why he had to be the irst of all
this man.


Leonid, who turned on the computer at the same time as usual, found
an unexpected email. This address was obviously Lee Won's. I never
had an email with him, but Leonid already knew about it. As for the
objective, it was a daily routine to ind out the laundromat they
frequent and even the phone number of the veterinarian in charge of
raising the animals. The email address, like the mobile phone number,
was basic among basics.

What kind of email did Lee Won send? I don't think it's because he's
asking for help.

Still, didn't it take too long? Only a few days left until the due date, but
now it's an email.

Leonid, who had opened the mail with all sorts of speculation, paused.

“This is a request. YY Cafe in XX Park, I'll see you at 2 o'clock in month

A and ask you.

That was it. Leonid checked the pointlessly short email for
attachments or additional emails, but to no avail.

… … What's this?

Leonid blinked and read the email several times. I wondered if it was a
password between the letters, but I didn't know if it meant anything.

Finally, after struggling for an hour, Leonid accepted the fact that literal
interpretation was the correct answer. And for the rest of the time, I
spent time thinking about what the hell Lee Won would do to him.

Either way, the fact that the quest was received does not change. Lee
Won will die.
Do you want to make a will before he dies?

Leonid pulled out the knife he was picking up and thought as he

stroked the blade. Didn't you tell me to make it alive when you asked
me to shred it?


How painful is the morning sun?

Lee Won rubbed his swollen eyes and barely turned his head. He
wanted to avoid the sun, but my body didn't move. All he had to do was
turn his head to hear Cesar's voice.

"Are you awake?"

A friendly hand touched his forehead. Of course it was Caesar.

When did you beat me so ruthlessly?

Lee Won recalled with a confused mind.

"What do you want to eat?"

It was still a soft voice, but Lee Won didn't reply. Because it was hard
for me to talk. Caesar looked at him silently and opened his mouth.
"I'll get you some soup."

After a while, the sound of the door closing was heard and Lee Won
was left alone. All kinds of thoughts began to run through my mind.

I mean, I used to have sex like this.

Drinking alcohol can slow down your erection. You mean that guy was
drinking so he wouldn't get up?

But you haven't been drinking the whole time you've been with me.

Lee Won thought of Caesar's heavy genitalia, which had been erect for
several days.

Rubbing it between Lee Won's thighs and dealing with the remaining
sexual desire.

It is said that if you do too much, you will be incapacitated, but how
much does that man have to do to become incapacitated? … .

Lee Won, who had contemplated his thoughts without thinking, soon
became contemplative.

Before being incapacitated, Caesar thought that he would die irst.

From now on, you will be thankful for being patient in moderation.

Caesar was right. Until now, he had been watching. There was a groan,
then a thud, and Caesar carried the soup to the tray himself.
Lee Won's face, who is hard to get up, eating soup directly, was sweeter
than ever. Is it because I'm sorry, or is it because I'm satis ied? Lee
Won had curiosity in his heart, but he didn't want to taste it.

Exhausted, he turned the soup upside down and Caesar handed over
her loose hair and kissed her exposed forehead.

I was somewhat embarrassed. I thought we saw each other in ways we

couldn't see each other, but it's embarrassing to see you like this. When
he inadvertently rubbed his forehead, Caesar got up and moved the tray
across the table.

Lee Won, who was lying down, was surprised to see Caesar himself
picking up the clothes that were lying on the ground. He picked up Lee
Won's ripped shirt and ripped pants one by one and hung them on the
chair, then held up a small piece of white cloth and looked at Lee Won.

"Is there nothing more than this ordinary thing?"

To the writing that the man casually held up with a inger, Lee Won
replied sarcastically.

"You just have to function properly."


As if to say that again, Caesar let out a short sigh, but he didn't say
anything else. The plain underwear, which had no color to anyone
looking at it, was as easy as portraying his taste. Caesar went back up
behind Lee Won instead of continuing.

"Stop it now."
Lee Won tried to dodge himself to the side, but he had already been
crushed by Caesar.

Caesar whispered as he buried his nose in his hair.


At the voice illed with laughter, Lee Won opened his mouth.


As if he expected, Caesar grabbed his chin and pressed his lips together,
and the next word was swallowed in his mouth. Unknowingly, a moan
of terror came out, but that was it. Caesar didn't even try to touch Yi
Won's butt, and he didn't spread his legs by kneeling. Instead, he kissed
his swollen lips, kissed his lushed cheek and bit his quivering earlobe.

"Tell me."

Lee Won blinked at the whispery voice. What? He thought, then


"… … I love you."

A smile as bright as sunlight spread across Caesar's face at the dry


How happy are you with just this? It was amazing, but at the same
time, I thought this cruel man was cute.

It's ridiculous that I think so.

With that in mind, Lee Won pulls her lips away from him and gently
kisses him as if he is pecking at her lips.

Caesar gently brushed aside the hair clinging to Lee Won's face.

"I'll go out for a bit. Can you be alone?

It was very good news when I heard it. Lee Won almost smiled brightly
without realizing it, but he quickly hung the corners of his mouth and
closed it. Caesar narrowed his eyes, but he kissed Lee Won again
without saying a word.

"Come on, wait."

Lee Won panicked and tried to push him away, but it was already too
late. The lower hole, which had been open all night, opened so easily
that Caesar was accepted.

“… …Ah, uh… … .”

Caesar moved slowly down as he hugged Lee Won, who barely

swallowed a groan as he fell. Things came slowly and gradually. As
Caesar left his body, a small white liquid leaked out of the empty hole in
Iwon with every breath he took. With a satis ied smile, Caesar left Lee
Won alone and left the room.

When Lee Won, who had fallen asleep, woke up again, he was lying
down naked, staring at the ceiling. I felt dry semen between my legs.

“Hey, damn it… …baby.”

No sound came out, so I squirmed and barely got out of bed. The
surroundings were quiet. I saw the bell on the end table, but ignored it.
With no motivation to do anything, Won-eun Lee sighed and stopped
moving several times. Lee Won, who was slowly looking for his cell
phone and checking the calls he had received, stopped.

I received a response email from Leonid.


The interior was silent. The two groups, facing each other in the cold
of the ice rink, just looked at each other without anyone opening their
mouths irst. Vladimir was the irst to speak silently.

"I didn't know I was going to win. He seems pretty con ident.”

Cesar replied with an expressionless face.

"Everyone plays ice hockey, if you are Russian."

“It is true that they are popular.”

Vladimir turned slowly. My heart was crooked in my heart. He said

that he had received all kinds of education since he was young, and
there seems to be no exceptions. He had not even imagined that the
situation was different from his. Caesar sarcastically, expressionless as
"Still, playing ice hockey is so healthy, isn't it?"

Vladimir said nonchalantly.

“He is a civilian, so we have to use a method that suits the civilian.

Wouldn't you like to make war in vain too?"

Caesar looked around the arena for once.

"So it's a sport."

"Isn't it the spirit of sports to compete fairly and win the results fairly?"

When Vladimir asked, Caesar said nothing. It seemed that he was

being forced, but there was no other way. This was the best that
Vladimir could come up with. It was surprising that Caesar
unexpectedly accepted it.

It was the irst time he had faced Caesar in a one-on-one condition.

Until now, it was normal to exchange some hostile words and move
away from each other.

Actually, it was Lev who had the idea to play ice hockey with this man.
In any case, he insisted that the war was never going to happen. Of
course, Vladimir also agreed. In a war, even civilians are injured. There
was no disagreement that the 0th

place was Mikhail.

Firing weapons blindly or starting a war was also a burden for this
side. If he were that man, he would have been casually pointing a gun
at any time, but this is different. In any case, since Mikhail returned to
civilian life, she wanted to avoid any danger to him. Because Vladimir's
life was all Mikhail's.

I was wondering how to convince him.

Despite that, Cesar accepted the offer for no apparent reason. And
now, only a few members of the organization have been dragged out
and apparated. With an arrogant face, as if I were enough for you.

Suddenly, Lee Won's face came to mind. A man who appears to

resemble Mikhail, but does not resemble him. Although he was a child,
Vladimir clearly knew that he was a completely different person. But
strangely, whenever I think of Lee Won, I have the con idence to follow
in Mikhail's footsteps there. Although I thought they didn't look alike,
at some point when I saw Mikhail in Lee Won, he used to lose his mind
without realizing it.

That's why I made such a proposal to Lee Won after thinking about it.
If you follow Mikhail's traces at irst glance, it seems that no matter
how much of a man the opponent is, he can accept it.

But Sergeev is being pulled off the ishing line.

Vladimir took the hockey stick in his hand, feeling very reluctant.
Caesar, who was standing in front of him, also held a hockey stick in his
hand and bounced it lightly on his palm as if to gauge his weight, then
looked up. At the same time, his eyes met. Caesar opened his mouth.


Vladimir shrugged.

“No, because she liked him a lot. Being so stupid.

Caesar was still looking at him with an expressionless face.

"Which one did he provoke irst?"

In a cold voice, Vladimir was forced to admit who had started the

"I am not."


Vladimir, who had frowned at a short word, silently stepped forward.

Caesar also stepped forward. The two looked at each other from a
distance close enough to catch their breath. Vladimir inally let out the
words that had been echoing in his throat for a long time.

"Is it sex?"

Cesar's gaze turned sharp. Vladimir noted that his provocation


“It is also like that. I was surprised to think of doing that with a man, I
never imagined. Running is probably the same, but looking at it, do you
have a boner?

Cesar said nothing. Vladimir said, trying to somehow read his


“He's pretty big, that guy. He didn't look Asian. Is it because you are
mixed race?
For a moment, Caesar's expression faded. It passed so quickly that
Vladimir could not be sure that what he had seen was true. Caesar
opened his mouth.

"How did you know?"

It was a voice so low that he could hardly understand it. A heartbeat

later, Vladimir answered.

“I saw it, of course. I took it all off in front of my eyes… … .”

The moment Caesar's silver gray eyes lit up, his hockey stick hit
Vladimir's head immediately.


"Ugh… … ."

Lee Won opened his eyes with a groan. He seemed to have fallen
asleep again. As he turned his head, straining his still crinkled eyes, he
realized that he was already dark all over. He lay in bed all day and just


At that moment, the door opened and Lee Won turned to look. Caesar,
who had just entered, made eye contact with Lee Won and immediately
remembered a smile.
"Have you slept until now?"

Lee Won opened his mouth, but no sound came out right away. After a
heartbeat, he asked in a hoarse voice.

"What have you done so far?"

Instead of responding to those words, Cesar slightly lifted the box he

had brought. The bright red box was not unusual even to look at.

He knew it.

Looking at Caesar who opened the box and picked up the items inside
with two ingers, Lee Won thought nonchalantly. It was an apricot-
colored thong similar to Lee Won's skin color. Lee Won said without
changing his expression at all.

"I can't use it like this."

Caesar frowned.

"Is it okay not to use it?"

“I only used it once. And it's better not to use it than to use it."

Lee Won, who lifted the thin piece of cloth lying on the bed with one
inger as if it were purple, immediately shook his head.

"You can't use this."

Lee Won deliberately hung a thin thread on his inger and waved it
around. as if this makes sense.

Caesar smiled bitterly, then bowed his head and kissed Lee Won.

"I'll put you."

"Don't do it, it hurts."

Lee Won held him back strongly this time. In fact, the reason I kept
sleeping was because she was tired, but she was also sick. I was able to
forget the pain in my sleep, but now it hurts like a heartbeat all over my
body again.

It is similar in some way.

Lee Won thought about her heart. Caesar frowned and looked at Lee
Won. Lee Won gulped re lexively as he grabbed his crotch and pulled it
away from her. For the irst time, Cesar stopped. Did you swell a lot? I
thought, but he said something wrong.

"The semen has dried up."

"It would have been. Because I just got to where you were and left."


Caesar, who seemed to be thinking about something, muttered.

"You are pregnant?"

"Die bastard".

Forgetting the pain, Lee Won raised his leg and pushed Caesar's face
with his foot. Cesar said with a smile.

"If I spilled that much, I could get pregnant."

It couldn't be, but I felt like I was missing something. Lee Won smiled.

"If you poured that much, you wouldn't be able to sit still, right?"

At that, Caesar laughed out loud, which is rare.

"We tried? Is it because I don't stand up irst or do you get pregnant


“Come on, wait, wait! I have not eaten today... … !"

When Lee Won, who had turned contemplative, yelled urgently, Caesar
smiled and calmly squeezed him. He paused as he pushed down as if it
came naturally.

"The bottom is hardened."

Lee Won was unknowingly relieved. But Caesar murmured regretfully.

"It was so soft... ...I'll have to get it out irst."

"Come on, wait,"

Caesar smiled at Lee Won, who was rushing to stop him. Lee Won was
really surprised by that smile. Cesar's thick ingers touched the hole
hardened by the swollen and dried semen.


Lee Won gritted his teeth and swallowed a groan.

“It hurts… … bitch… … !”


Cesar said with a kiss.

"I'll smooth it out."

Stop… … !

"Ugh… … ."

Then Caesar, who gently entered, sighed with a deep groan, and that
was the last thing Lee Won remembered.


"I'm weak."
Lee Won declared with a hard face. Cesar thinly sliced the steak and
served it with a fork.

"To know."

Lee Won took the fork and put it in his mouth.

“So, it's hard if you do it that bad. I know you don't get tired But I'm
not like that, so let's go at my own pace”.

After speaking, Lee Won began to chew the meat in his mouth. To be
honest, it was hard to chew. Caesar gently stroked Lee Won's hair and
kissed her temple.

"You could be so weak."

He wanted to stick a fork in my mouth, but Lee Won resisted. Because

he didn't even have the energy. I've stopped holding out for my pride.
Let's live irst.

Caesar, who was looking at Lee Won enthusiastically chewing meat,

suddenly touched his stomach.

"Because there are no children."

When Lee Won ired it, Caesar smiled bitterly.

"Let's try."

Saying no more, Lee Won took a bite of fresh meat and popped it into
his mouth. Meanwhile, Caesar kissed Yi Won's bare shoulder, caressed
his stomach, raised his teeth around his neck, and constantly toyed with
Yi Won.


"Vladimir was hospitalized?"

Unknowingly, Lee Won asked in a high-pitched voice. Lev said on the


“Yes, it seems that he played a crazy game with Sergeev. I completely

turned into a mop and almost died… … .”

Lee Won blinked blankly. What's this? Lev shared the news that
Vladimir had been admitted to the intensive care unit and barely
regained consciousness in the hospital.

early this morning, and that for the time being, the organization had no
choice but to charge back at Mikhail for a while.

“Mr. Lomonosov seems to have dif iculty speaking, so I contacted him.

Because it is really unavoidable… … .”

“Ah… … Yes, it's ine. But how did you get so hurt? … .”

Lev responded with a sigh.

“A gang member at the time said that Sergeev suddenly went berserk
and unilaterally assaulted him with a hockey stick, but I don't know
what the two were talking about. … …

First of all, since the situation is based on the premise of a cease ire,
neither side will be held responsible.”


At the sound of the door opening, Lee Won turned his head. Caesar
entered. Lee Won abruptly ended the call.

“Yes, I will contact you. Yes. So next time.

After a brief greeting, Lee Won hung up the phone. Caesar was
standing in front of Lee Won, fully dressed as usual. Lee Won
pretended not to know.

"So, shall we go?"

He staggered for a moment as he tried to get up. If Caesar, who quickly

reached out his hand, hadn't caught Lee Won, he would have
immediately thrown his face onto the ground. Lee Won deliberately
straightened his back without looking at his face. At least I felt sorry for
him, and it was obvious that he would say meaningless nonsense.

"Is it hockey?"
In Caesar's sedan, Lee Won belatedly asked. Cesar responded calmly,
lighting a cigarette.

"It's the best sport."

"Even so… … ."

Lee Won blinked in bewilderment. What kind of sporting event is

unexpected? It's ice hockey with blood and violence.

no way.

Lee Won looked at Caesar with an unusual look. Cesar looked at him
with a slight smile. Like if you have something to say, do it.

“You never hit Vladimir that much, do you? He said that he was
hospitalized in the intensive care unit and regained consciousness

I hope you didn't mean to kill me... … ?

Cesar said as if he had heard the words he had swallowed.

"Shooting and killing people is the most barbaric act, so a gun is better."

He added, after exhaling a long cigarette smoke.

"Then don't worry about it, because I really want to kill that bastard."

At that, Lee Won sarcastically.

"Isn't that killing anyone you want? You shot me too."

"Because he was trying to escape."

To Lee Won, who had lost the absurdity of him, Caesar looked at the
area where the bullet wounds were signi icant and said, "You didn't kill

He wanted to say that it wasn't, but Lee Won was curious about
something else.

"So if I ask you to kill me, will you kill someone?"

"Tell me."


Without hesitation, Caesar answered without hesitation.

"Can not."

As if Lee Won knew, Caesar frowned as he frowned.

"If you kill me, you'll be happy, but I'm not happy at all, make up a
different name. I'll kill anyone."

Lee Won spat out the name that suddenly came to mind.

"What about Dmitry?"

Caesar immediately picked up the phone. Cesar said as he watched.

"Yuri, go and kill Dmitry right now."

"No, it's ine. It was just a word!"

He yelled in a rush, and Caesar turned to look at him. as if he was

sincere. Lee Won nodded. Caesar spoke again with indifference.

"Cancel it."

That was the end. Lee Won lost the absurdity of it and shook his head
again. Cesar hung up the phone and said.

"Dmitry is going to die soon anyway."

Lee Won looked at him involuntarily. Caesar smiled weakly over the

"After Leonid dies."

Lee Won noted the meaning. Of course, Caesar knew it. But the two
didn't say anything.

Inwardly, Lee Won recalled the day he decided to meet Leonid. The
unyielding sedan ran silently towards Lee Won's house. When the
building inally came into view, Lee Won gasped.

"I have something to tell you."

Caesar looked at him. Lee Won then turned his gaze to Caesar.
"I was going to meet him, that man."

Cesar frowned slightly. like what do you mean Lee Won added

"Leonid, that sniper."

Caesar's eyes were ixed on Lee Won. Lee Won looked directly at
Caesar and said.

"I'm going to make him an offer in case you can't ind or kill him, and I
need your consent."

"Tell me, you can."

Seeing Caesar agree without any hesitation, Lee Won felt curious
inside. How could that man smile like that even after hearing what he
was saying?

In fact, hearing Lee Won's words, Caesar blinked as if he was surprised.

But the reaction that followed was unexpected.


Suddenly Cesar burst out laughing. Have you ever seen them joking
like that? Lee Won looked at him with a puzzled face. Meanwhile, the
sedan gradually slowed down.

When the car inally stopped, Caesar stopped laughing too and allowed
it. Still with a smile on his face. Caesar said to Lee Won who was about
to get off.

"How boring my life would be without you."

Lee Won looked back. Caesar looked at Lee Won with a soft and
relaxed face. Lee Won opened his mouth.

"I also."

After saying something like throwing, Lee Won quickly got out of the
car. It was thanks to that man that his life became so dynamic, for
better or for worse. It was an undeniable fact.

After a while the sedan left. Lee Won quickly went up to his room
without looking back.

It was only after he closed the door behind his back and he was alone
that he realized his face was burning.


Sergeev v Lomonosov inds a solution in ice hockey!

When he saw the headline of the newspaper article, Lee Won was
shocked. No one would be able to say this if they knew the inside story.
Actually, it's just a trivial ight.
"The mobsters are doing the best they can."

At the words of the old woman muttering in abusive language, Lee Won
brie ly replied, “Yes.” How do you treat people like trophies? With a
snort in his heart, he opened the newspaper and turned the article over.
It would be more interesting to see politicians ight on the battle ield.

Until then, the match was his only league. The problem was the result
of the match.

The next day, Lee Won answered the call with a hoarse voice upon
hearing the phone ring early.

"Yes who are you?"

"It's me, Won-ah Lee."

Hearing his father's voice, Lee Won suddenly snapped out of sleep.
Without knowing it, I looked at the time and found that it was only 6
o'clock. What's going on? Scratching my head and looking around
involuntarily, my father said in a row with a rough voice as if he was
urging me on.

“Listen, Lee Won-ah. Absolutely not, Tsarman must not die!”

Lee Won, still in a daze, tried to calm his father down. But there was no
time to talk.

“He almost killed Vladimir! You must see for yourself what Vladimir is
like. You'd rather be shot with a gun than make a mess like that! Beast,
the devil! Satan is no different. How can you deal with a non-human
like that? … !”
As he listened to the continuous curse, Lee Won lost his mind. But for
now, all he could do was listen. Lee Won blew out all of Mikhail's words
into one ear and stared at the calendar.

Suddenly his eyes lit up.

Is today.


When Leonid arrived, Lee Won arrived irst and was waiting for him. It
wasn't hard to ind him at the entrance. Because Lee Won stood out a
lot. Leonid admired once more as he walked

towards Lee Won. He must be the only person who can keep it even
when he wears such a cheap suit.

I like how he looks, he has a good personality, and he has a good body.
good hair too. It's a shame you have to kill a man like that.

Leonid, who had been thinking until now, suddenly remembered.

Isn't Jeong Yi-won the only man in the world?

After greeting, Lee Won stood up from his seat for a moment and shook
hands. Leonid sat in front of him with the table in the middle and
looked at Lee Won's face again. It really hurts.

"I was surprised by the sudden email."

With a smile on his face, Lee Won answered blankly.

“I have an urgent job to do. They said that all requests are received by


Leonid laughed mischievously.

“Unfortunately, we don't accept missions like that, if you ask them to

take care of them or cancel them because they will give you more
money. This is because trust is important.”

"Of course, it's not like that."

Then, as if to say something, Leonid waited for the next one. Lee Won
opened his mouth.

“Do you remember what you promised me earlier? Call me anytime,

anywhere if you need. I will kill anyone.


Leonid readily admitted.

"So who do you want to get rid of as your dying wish?"

When Lee Won replied, Leonid widened his eyes and then burst out

"Are you really okay with that?"

"Of course, I allowed it."


Leonid let out a short exclamation and then narrowed his eyes as if he
were booing.

"It seems that the man really loves Lee Won, to allow such a thing."

Lee Won turned around without af irming or denying.

“All missions have conditions, my condition is as follows. I want to see

the results of carrying out my missions.”

"A corpse?"

When Lee Won nodded, he replied as if there was no problem.

"Is not dif icult."

There was absolutely nothing against Leonid's principles. Lee Won did
not ask the customer and did not make any demands to in lict any harm
on him. But Lee Won and Leonid also knew it. With this, Lee Won is

this cunning bastard.

Dmitry climbed on top of his head in anger and walked violently. He

didn't know you could use a trick like that. Damn, he knew that fox had
a good head. He should have expected this to happen.

The biggest problem is that raccoon-like sniper. How dare you fuck me
like that?

I will make sure to pay the price.


When he lung open the bedroom door and entered, the butler was
serving Cesar and changing his clothes. Caesar asked, looking away
from the butler who was wearing the cuf links on his sleeves.

“My sister and I would have told you to call irst… ….”

“Is that a problem now? He said he was shot!”

Dmitry ran forward and looked around Caesar's body. Fortunately, as

he said that the touch was everything, all that was left was a scar that
looked like a scratch on the side of his cheek. But that alone was
enough to infuriate Dmitry. How dare you leave a scar on this perfect
face? He is also someone other than me.
"What kind of boy are you?"

Dmitry gritted his teeth and exhaled.

“You know? Tell me right now, you bastard, I'll mobilize the army to
pulverize him and crush him to the bone! I'm taking this bastard right
now… …!”

"take it easy."

Caesar, as usual, held him back.

“This is common. You don't have to make a fuss until you show up."


It was obviously him and him, but Caesar wasn't speaking, so he

couldn't speak with his own mouth. What would you say if you were
asked why Lee Won and Leonid? I hired an assassin to kill Jeong Yi-
won, but Jeong Yi-won's bastard bastard hired an assassin again to kill
you. Oops, sorry!


Can't you say it like that?

Dmitry couldn't handle the pain in his stomach and ruf led his hair
wildly. How could there be no way to get that name out of that mouth?
He knows, he knows everything! But you're trying to stop me and kill
me without saying anything.
It's all because of that lawyer.

Dmitry sharpened his teeth and cursed Lee Won again.


Dmitry, who had been spouting curses and accusations as he

memorized the names of all the demons he knew, turned his head
toward Caesar's voice. He continued speaking as he turned his head.

"Ignore that kind of killer."


"Are you going to protect me?"

Dmitry stopped at the unexpected words. Caesar looked at himself in

the full-length mirror, adjusted his appearance, then turned his head to

"Yes my cousin."

At the same time, Dmitry's face grew hot, and he screamed louder than

“Of course, leave it to me! My blood, my brother, my tsar!

I will kill you, Leonid, Lee Won Jung! You dare to instigate the Tsar's
death and then join forces with him and shoot? Scratch that perfect
Caesar looked away from his back as he immediately ran out of the
room and motioned for the butler to stop. Alone, he took the phone
from him.

“… …if it's me As you said. … … Yes, I just went there.”

Caesar frowned slightly and asked more.

"But what? That strange word. I did it anyway.

Lee Won, who was listening on the other end of the earpiece, said in an
annoyed voice like chicken meat was growing on his vocal cords.

“Is it okay if the results were good? It's okay if you don't understand
the meaning, because that's not what's important."

The important thing is that Dmitry is in love with you and he will work
harder for you in the future.

Lee Won added to himself and tried to hang up the phone. Caesar
caught up with him with a short run.

"The performance of La Traviata has started, shall we go?"


When I said the date, there was a sound of lipping through the
calendar and Lee Won answered.

"I'm going to meet my father, I'm in trouble."

After a moment, Cesar asked again suspiciously.

"Are you really not having sex with Mikhail?"

The call was brutally cut off, and for a while, Lee Won did not answer
Caesar's call.

<The end of the kiss with the rose>

secret rose


Lee Won hurriedly searched the house to ind the silencer. I don't
know why when I'm late for an appointment, the things I always look
for are not there. In a house that has always been a mess, but has its
own rules, Won Lee was able to immediately ind out where and what
was at any time.

But strangely, on a day like this, I don't see what I'm looking for. After
rummaging through the messy house, Lee Won, who barely found a
scarf under the shelf, tried to wrap it around his neck quickly, but then
stopped. The dusty muf ler couldn't be used enough to shake it off a
few times.
After thinking for a while, he had no choice but to throw the scarf into
the laundry basket and make other preparations. At that moment, his
cell phone rang. It's always like this when I quickly checked it and it
was a text message.

waiting for you

At the text message from his father, Lee Won just sighed.

Not long ago Lee Won's father, Mikhail, left the Lomonosov
organization. At one point, the sudden retirement announcement
caused a stir in political and organizational circles. However, he was
open to the questions that came his way.

He wants to spend the rest of his life with his son.

As Lee Won, I couldn't help but feel strange. What can I say about this
pleasant but oppressive feeling? However, his father's gaze on Lee Won
was more serious than anyone else's, so Lee Won applauded him like
everyone else.

He was ine up to there. The problem was then.

It was quite onerous to have someone to dedicate a personal life to for

a person who shares his time. The problem was that Lee Won had two
such people. After a brief accident, Mikhail returned to the
organization, but as soon as Vladimir returned after he inished
probation, he returned to civilian life. And again, he inds himself in a
situation where he sends a passionate love call to his son.

One of the people in question stood there while I ran down the stairs
with everything I could get my hands on.

On Caesar's face, looking at him with a smile, Lee Won smiled


"Uh, what's going on?"

It was late. Is it urgent to come without contact? Caesar gasped as he

looked around, preoccupied and busy.

“How are you? We met last month and have been in contact since… ….”

Caesar kept talking, but Lee Won didn't have time to do so.

“Sorry, I'm a bit busy at the moment. Let's talk next time!"

As he hurried past, Caesar suddenly grabbed his arm. Lee Won, who
was about to run, inadvertently braked and turned to look at him.
Caesar quickly opened his mouth.

"Do you have time today? I have something important to tell you."

Caesar's face, waiting for an answer, was strangely excited. Lee Won
blinked and responded quickly.

"Sorry, I have a date with my father."

At the same time, Caesar's face twitched. Like Lee Won, it wasn't that
he couldn't understand his feelings. After his father's retirement, he
spent most of his free time with his father, not Caesar.
"Why do you see Mikhail so often?"

Once again dissatisfaction welled up in Caesar. On a date or something,

he often he is punk and now he even gets hit by the wind in front of the
door, so it's worth getting angry. Also, Caesar openly hated Lee Won
meeting Mikhail. This man does not understand what an ordinary
father-son relationship is.

But Cesar did not end there.

"Mikhail is important, am I important?"


In response to the unexpected question, Lee Won lowered his chin.

What type of preschool question is this? Lee Won blinked in
embarrassment, but Caesar was serious.

“You are always work, work, work. Also, I meet Mikhail whenever I
have free time. When the hell can I meet you? Do I have to take a
numbered ticket and wait?!”

The last words came out sharply, as if out of anger. Lee Won
understood, but at the same time he felt worried.

“I can't help it, we'll talk about it later and today… ….”

"No. You have to do it today."

Caesar, who had recaptured Lee Won who was about to run away,
added terrifyingly serious.
"Today, de initely."

Seeing him radiate a coercive aura from his body, he could no longer
refuse. Furthermore, since it was true that he had been pushing Caesar
into the background because he had been hit with promises and affairs
with his father, Lee Won had no choice but to nod his head. Only after
con irming this did Caesar let go of the hand holding Lee Won.

When Lee Won, who was running fast, looked back, Caesar smiled and
waved his hand. Seeing him clearly looking forward to dinner, Lee Won
felt tired and guilty.


Mikhail lived alone in a nice old-fashioned mansion downtown. He had

a lot of money but he didn't have many friends. These days, he enjoys
spending time with his son, whom he has missed all his life.

At the cafe designated as the meeting place with his son, he was
waiting for Cha Lee-won with anticipation. Every time he opened the
door, he re lexively raised his head and drank the tea in
disappointment, repeated several times. And he inally found the face
he was looking for.

"Welcome, Lee Won-ah."

Every time he saw Lee Won, he couldn't hide his joy and hugged him.
To others, he was a frighteningly cold man, but to Lee Won, he always
radiated a iery passion. Lee Won smiled
bitterly and patted him on the back, then stepped back. Mikhail, who
sat down with a friendly face, smiled at Lee Won.

“Yes, how have you been? Nothing happened?

We only met three days ago, and Mikhail was really curious and asked.
Lee Won answered truthfully.

“Yes, I had a good time. … … how are you?"

Returning the question, Lee Won drew attention. The word "father"
has not come out easily yet. He noted a moment of hesitation, but
Mikhail answered, pretending not to know.

"Vladimir came yesterday."

His name was also known by Lee Won. After Mikhail, he was the head
who inherited the Lomonosov organization. He was a cold-blooded
man who was said to have ice lowing in his blood when he was a very
young and talented person.

A man who was seriously injured and hospitalized as a result of an

unbelievable event.

There was no doubt that Vladimir was a resourceful and cunning man,
but he seemed to lose his temper when it came to work related to
Mikhail, no matter what he was like when he worked in an
organization. Anyway, it was lucky that I didn't talk nonsense to Lee
Won after that incident. Lee Won asked, thinking of him involuntarily.
"Is there something wrong? How long has it been since you were

Mikhail shook his head and answered.

“It was nothing special, and they said they were just coming to say hi.
He bought a cake, do you have time?

How about we go to my house and eat together?

Mikhail was still inviting him over to his house, but he couldn't hide his
slight emotion. Suddenly I remembered a gift I had received from him
one day. Red sweater with 'son' written on it. One day when I went out
to see my father, he was wearing a red sweater of the same design with
the word 'Father' written on it.

Since there was no particular reason to refuse and there was plenty of
time, Lee Won went to his mansion and ate cake together. I was
listening to Mikhail's day to day without thinking, when a text message
arrived on my cell phone. It was Caesar who sent the message when he
had only one word left.


Lee Won checked the text and sighed brie ly. He ate the rest of the cake
right away.

"I have to return."

As Lee Won put down the empty bowl and stood up, Mikhail was
surprised when he talked about playing chess with the Lev who had
just arrived.
“No, are you leaving already? Haven't you inished your tea yet?"

Father tried to catch him, showing embarrassment and

disappointment at the same time. Lee Won felt embarrassed and
apologized to him.

"I'm sorry, because it's an important appointment."

"Can't we meet next time? Why don't you come here after a while and
then leave?"

The same thing happened with my father, who took the time to get to
know us. Unable to hide the guilt from him, Lee Won shook his hand

"I'll see you again soon."

"Okay… … ."

Mikhail shrugged with an extremely disappointed face. But he

recovered as quickly as his disappointment.

“I can't do it because of work. It's okay, I'll see you soon."

His father, who quickly regained his energy, patted Lee Won on the
shoulder as if encouraging him. Lee Won gave him an apologetic smile
and left the mansion.

As soon as he got out, he frantically ran to the car.

How am I
Lee Won, who took the train that was just leaving, leaned against the
wall and sighed.


When I got home, there was a peacock waiting in front of the door.

"Lee Won"

Lee Won looked at Caesar, who seemed to have a heart at the end of his
words, without saying a word.

Today, Caesar was wearing a black tailcoat, holding champagne and a

bouquet of red roses. Lee Won, who abruptly threw lowers and
champagne around the house, walked past him without speaking for a
long time. A beautiful limousine was still waiting in front of the
apartment complex. Lee Won got into the car without saying anything
and only then did he open his mouth.

"What is happening is urgent."

Caesar smiled at Lee Won's question.

“Let's talk while we eat. It's something good."

That's right? Lee Won looked at Caesar suspiciously, thinking of his

heart, but he just smiled.
The restaurant that Caesar had reserved was newly built, and it was a
hot topic because the world-famous chef who appeared on television
set the menu and made the recipe himself.

Cesar proudly reserved a private room at a popular restaurant at

dinner time, which was always packed with people.

"After all, champagne is Dom Perigee."

Caesar spoke with satisfaction and looked at the countless bubbles that
rose. Lee Won put the ordered food into his mouth without thinking,
waiting for what he was going to say. As always, Lee Won, who had
been giving Caesar a proper answer, occasionally telling stories about
ballets, the award-winning artist, and new cars, stopped when he saw
his hand holding the glass. To be precise, the wrist that had been
covered by the sleeve instantly caught my eye.

"You are injured?"

Without knowing it, his voice became sharp. Caesar paused, then
spoke casually.

"It's no big deal."

There have been no major incidents recently. If Cesar had been injured
enough, of course, he would have talked about it in the media. Lee Won
noticed the situation immediately.

"Leonid hasn't given up yet?"

Caesar smiled.

"The reason the man is the best in the industry is because he

completes the quest no matter what."

Lee Won was speechless for a moment. It was a method he had come
up with, and Caesar laughed with him, but it wasn't nice to see him hurt
over and over again, either. But now this was a way to deal with Dmitry
and Leonid at the same time, and he couldn't think of anything else. It
was still the same today.

I hope that Dmitry will somehow convince Leonid that this situation
will end soon.

Fortunately, he was as good as he was con ident. As expected, Dmitry

was perfectly protecting Caesar. On the other hand, he missed Leonid
several times in front of his eyes. Good news will come soon, he used to

Lee Won looked at Caesar's wounds, which were now perfectly hidden
within his sleeves. Perhaps on the day that injury occurred, Dmitry was
frantic and cried. And he must have etched his grudge against Leonid
and Lee Won even deeper.

Lee Won paused and opened his mouth.

"Be careful, if you die, I die too."

A sincere warning hid concern and regret for him. But the answer I got
was completely different from what I expected.
"Oh, so romantic."

Thinking that this mob was several times more sensitive than him, Lee
Won silently cut the meat and stuffed it into his mouth.

It was only halfway through the meal that Lee Won was able to hear
from Caesar what the 'important matter' was.

"You're on vacation?"

At Caesar's proposal as they dined together, Lee Won put down the
steak he had been forcefully eating and blinked. Caesar, who had
deliberately booked a private room and was looking forward to this day,
said without hiding his expectations from him.

“I recently bought a villa. It is a place where you can hear the sound of
the waves from the bedroom.”

He added he, bringing the glass of wine to his mouth.

“It's a private beach so you don't have to worry about strangers. We

can fully enjoy it.”


What are you going to do to buy the coast? Lee Won thought about it,
but he didn't have to say it. It's just someone else's preference. Instead,
he responded with a schedule in his head.

"This month is dif icult."

Caesar paused, then smiled.

"Next month is ine."

"The next month will be dif icult."

"Next month… … ."

"I'm going to Korea."

Cesar put down his glass of wine. Seeing a slight crack in Glass's neck,
Lee Won looked back at his face.

"So when will it be?"

It was a soft voice, but there was a life in it that could not be hidden.
Lee Won responded with a smile.

"You can not tomorrow?"

It was obviously a joke. However, even though the opponent had

already experienced the prank several times, he couldn't remember.


Naturally, as soon as it dawned, Lee Won concentrated on his work.

The new request was about accusing the director that his daughter had
left the house for a new religion. Lee Won diligently studied the
director's deceitful behavior, which was written in great detail. First of
all, he tries to push compensation for fraud.

The important thing was the whereabouts of his daughter.

Remembering the old lady who cried yesterday saying that she wanted
to see her daughter, Lee Won's heart ached.

First, let's look for a precedent.

I was racking my brain looking for a similar case ile, and suddenly I
heard a dull thud coming up the stairs from outside. Lee Won, who
raised his head involuntarily, blinked in astonishment at the sound of
approaching footsteps.

But that was only the start. The footsteps stopped right in front of his
house. Shortly after, the door opened and many men dressed in black
suddenly entered Lee Won's house.


The men who rushed in ran out of the building and were immediately
taken away. While he wasn't working, Lee Won was pulled out of
nowhere with a pen behind his ear.

“What are you doing, you can't quit?! These children, who did you
order? You guys will sue these damn puppies… …!”

Both the house across the street and the house behind went out not
knowing what to do and just watched as Lee Won was kidnapped and
taken away.
Thrown behind the sleek sedan, he was taken to the airport. In an
unexpected place, Lee Won blinked in surprise. But he did not end
there. Lee Won, who was dragged in the same way as when he was
pushed into the sedan, was taken directly to the plane that was
preparing to take off.

"who… … ."

Lee Won, who had been yelling in anger, said, “Oh,” and soon
understood. Caesar, dressed in a dark blue suit, sipped champagne in
top form on board. The organization members who had brought Lee
Won as luggage immediately disappeared, leaving only Lee Won and
Caesar on the plane. There was no need to have doubts. Isn't it obvious
that this guy is the only person who can do such a thing?

Lee Won frowned and looked at him with his arms crossed.

"What's this?"

Caesar responded nonchalantly to his gravelly crushed voice.

“Didn't I say I'm ine today? One night is short, but it can't be helped."

At the same time, a vein sprouted from the side of Lee Won's forehead.

“Don't you even know jokes? You must have said something! What will
my schedule be like if I put it all together like this?”

Lee Won, who was angry, immediately turned around and tried to get
off the plane. However, the plane's doors had already quietly closed
and the captain was preparing to take off.

"Wait wait!"

The stewardess came over and spoke to Lee Won, who cried out in

“Sorry, we're getting ready for takeoff. Please take a seat."

“Wait, I'm not going, so please get off. You are in the wrong place!”


Seeing Lee Won violently banging on the door of the plane, the
stewardess was taken aback and she didn't know what to do.

"Sit down because you are hurting others."

At Caesar's cold voice, Lee Won turned around in anger. For whom is
this?! Caesar opened his mouth to Lee Won who was about to shoot
him with harsh words.

“By the way, did you ind the whereabouts of the client's daughter? I
heard they were in Georgia."

Lee Won paused and looked at him. It was an unknown trade. Caesar
gently raised a glass of champagne. The stewardess, who had stopped
Lee Won, looked at him not knowing what to do.

“I will take off soon. Please take a seat, please.”

Faced with the words of him ejaculating one after another, Lee Won
was forced to sit up.

"You're using the same method again."

As if Lee Won was tired, Caesar smiled slightly.

"It always works."

Having nothing to say, Lee Won poured himself some champagne and
drank it right away.


Although I was brought here by accident, the villa was beautiful, as

Cesar boasted. When the coastline came into view from the plane for
the irst time, Lee Won continued to look down in admiration without
realizing it. It was the irst time he had seen such a clear and clean sea.
It was embarrassing to ask why he had to buy this.

I got off the plane and drove for a while to get to the villa, and it looked
even better when I saw it in front of my eyes. When I saw only Russian
buildings emphasizing "unconditionally large", I was surprised by the
unexpectedly simple size, but it seemed to go well with the quieter

Although it is large enough to be called a "small shack", compared to a

large mansion on the mainland, the villa was completely made of wood.
As it turned out, I went up a few wooden stairs and opened the door,
and the irst thing I noticed was the open living room.

"Sometimes it rains."

Lee Won nodded at Caesar's murmurs as if he were talking to himself.

Putting a cup of tea on a wooden table and watching the rain fall
endlessly would be a very pleasant scene.

Having sex while listening to the rain... … .

Suddenly my mind lashed. Romance and horror strike at the same

time. What was even more disturbing was the fact that he was excited
with creepy goosebumps.

"What's happening?"

Caesar asked curiously. "Lee Won is nothing," he shook his head, but
inside, one side of his chest went cold.

I was also perverted.

I quickly turned around and headed to the second loor. The well-
organized bedroom, living room, and study were perfect as a resting
place. He seemed to understand why Caesar forced Lee Won to come.

The endless beach seen from the bedroom was also admirable, so in
the end, Lee Won raised his hand.

At Lee Won's words, Caesar looked at him. Lee Won looked at him and
spoke again.

"I like you, this village."

Cesar said nothing. Instead, he just smiled and kissed him.

We had sex while listening to the sound of waves instead of the sound
of rain.

"Ugh… … ."

Lee Won woke up with a slight moan. He was dark everywhere. He fell
to the ground, had sex and fell asleep. A shadow of the sun re lected on
the distant horizon, but it was impossible to tell if he was rising or
sinking. How many hours have passed? When I woke up, my whole
body ached. Looking to the side, Cesar was still asleep.

Seeing his sleeping face gave me a strange feeling. Although Lee Won
got up and looked at him, Caesar did not wake up. Have you ever seen
him fall asleep so helpless?

Lee Won was unfamiliar and gently brushed his hair. Still, Caesar did
not wake up.

Lee Won sat blankly for a moment, then got up and dressed. For Cesar
to sleep better, he silenced his footsteps and carefully left the room.

The sound of the waves no longer seems to be audible.

Lee Won involuntarily thought. You went to bed as soon as you entered
the village because of the issue that made you angry for bringing you

I wondered if I was such a weak person to temptation. Or is sex with

that bastard so damn good?

I think it's exaggerated, but it's true that I'm holding back in my own

Not wanting to defend Caesar, Lee Won quickly changed his mind.

That is not natural. If that child accepts everything he wants, he won't

be able to live up to my name.

He shook his head and walked slowly again. The waves came regularly
and then left again and again. Walking barefoot through the wet sand,
Lee Won realized that he was taking a break after a long time.

Best of all, he wasn't cold. It was nice to see the sea after a long time.
In fact, Lee Won also needed a break. Too much had happened.

If only he hadn't attracted me like this.

As I looked into the past and looked at the sun, which was preparing to
rise from the bottom of the sea, I suddenly felt a sense of popularity.
Lee Won, who turned his head, saw Caesar's appearance and stopped
walking. It was a moment when the word “private beach” came to life.
There was no one there except Caesar and Iwon.

It was completely different from usual. The platinum blonde's hair,

which had always been neatly combed, was tangled and unkempt
across his forehead, and he wasn't wearing a fur coat, but a comfortable
shirt with unbuttoned cotton pants.

When his eyes met, Caesar smiled. Seeing that face, Lee Won lost all
sense of anger. It took us a full six hours to get to the villa. Just one day
off. He had no intention of wasting precious time ighting.

It is also true that I did not give this man enough time.

With a bit of thought, Lee Won casually brushed his messy hair aside
with the wind.

Cesar opened his mouth as he looked at her cheeks that were dyed red
in the dawn light.

"Aren't you tired?"

Lee Won replied nonchalantly.

“You can do whatever you want at home. It's been a long time since I
came to a new place, so I should enjoy it."

Lee Won, who had received the words lightly, turned around. Caesar
was still standing there. Lee Won looked back and held out his hand.
"Would you go with me? It's just a walk.

Caesar looked at him wordlessly and instead responded by moving

silently towards him.

When Caesar stood next to Lee Won, Lee Won didn't miss the
opportunity and painfully covered his nose.

"If you kidnap me like this one more time, I won't forgive you."

Caesar frowned, pinched his sore nose, but said nothing.


For a while, the two of them walked side by side without saying a word.
The sound of waves silently coming and going illed the space between
them. He was worried about the hand holding him lightly, but he didn't
bother me. In that state, Lee Won quietly walked forward.

"I also lived on an island in Korea."

Lee Won said as he looked at the distant sea.

“I always listened to the waves. When I irst came to the city, I couldn't
sleep. So my mother recorded the sound of the waves and played it
A faint smile appeared on Lee Won's face. Caesar just looked at him. A
sudden gust of wind ruf led Lee Won's hair. Despite the strong sea
breeze, he gazed into the distance.

"… … You want to go back?

Cesar spoke quietly. Now your life is here. No, Lee Won, who shook his
head, immediately changed the subject and asked Caesar.

"And you? What kind of mother were you?

Cesar didn't reply for a moment. Lee Won found out later that it wasn't
hesitation, but silence to trace the memories of him.

"I can't remember anything other than being blonde."

"You must have died when you were young."

At Lee Won's words, Caesar shook his head.


Caesar continued speaking in a nonchalant tone as usual.

"I only met my mother once, when she was very young."

When Lee Won blinked in surprise, Caesar still spoke in a calm voice.

"So I really don't know what kind of woman she was."

It was as if he was talking to someone who had nothing to do with him.
Lee Won was surprised by his unexpected response. César never
hesitated to tell his story. He wasn't embarrassed or embarrassed.
When I asked, I replied, that's all.

What kind of life did this man lead?

That's when I suddenly thought about it. Caesar opened his mouth.

"It's strange, I never said something like that before."

At the calm voice, Lee Won turned his head and looked at him. Cesar
walked slowly and continued.

You always distract me.

With a faint smile on his face, Lee Won frowned. excenter? this guy?

Was that? Looking back at the past, Cesar said.

"I feel my heart beat when I'm with you."

Cesar continued speaking in a tone as slow as his footsteps.

“I feel a sensation that he has never felt before. I feel like it's not me…
… .”

Caesar stopped walking and looked at Iwon.

"Have you ever felt like this?"

Lee Won was puzzled by the question that suddenly came back to him.
But Cesar was more serious. Seeing the silver-gray eyes staring at him,
Lee Won couldn't think of anything to say. I never expected to hear a
confession like that. How dare this man say this to himself so boldly?

On one hand, he was stunned, wondering how I could be so brazen to

say such a thing about a subject that he didn't even apologize for. Still,
Lee Won couldn't think of a word to give him.

a pin cup. Instead, Lee Won looked at Caesar without saying a word.
He looked directly into his trembling eyes. In it, Lee Won was
surprisingly able to read his anxiety, nervousness, embarrassment, and
unknown tremors from him, all of it.

"I want to know more about you."

Lee Won muttered.

"There are still so many things we don't know about each other."

César, who looked at him without saying a word, opened his mouth.

“Your eyes are the abyss.”

Caesar narrowed his eyes.

“I feel like I'm falling… … .”

Lee Won didn't respond to his voice like a whisper. "Ha ha," a sigh
"Can I kiss you?"

When Lee Won asked, Caesar paused. Towards him, who blinked in
disbelief, Lee Won reached out and gently wrapped his hand around his
neck. Pulling him with gentle force, Lee Won closed his eyes. A sweet
sigh escaped involuntarily. Lee Won knew it was his breath.

Not bothering to hide it, he gently kissed her lips.

Caesar closed his eyes and accepted the kiss as he gently touched the
tender lesh he was sucking on. It was a tender kiss that touched the
depths of my heart. Suddenly, I wanted to try it.

Cesar wanted more than comfort. He wanted a little more, a little


When he parted his lips and tried to lick his mouth, Lee Won suddenly
pulled back. Caesar stopped at the sudden departure. Lee Won looked
at him silently and immediately smiled bitterly.

"Don't get me wrong, it was just a kiss because the sun was coming up."

Lee Won casually added.

"In Korea, when we watch the sunrise together, we kiss."


Caesar frowned as if he had never heard anything so silly. I'm not

fooled either. But Lee Won pretended not to know and smiled.
"Next time, practice saying you're sorry."

Caesar's face distorted and Lee Won smiled and kissed again.

"We're going to be together, from now on."

Cesar didn't respond to the friendly whisper. He just smiled softly and
tilted his head. Lee Won closed her eyes at the words that overlapped
his lips.

<Secret Rose Completion>

Rose and Kiss 2 (Roses and Champagne Gaiden)

Issue date_September 14, 2017


cover design_mui

Publisher_Yomi Books

Editor_Shin Woo-mi

Editor_Lee Eun-joo
Publication record_ January 19, 2016 (No. 2016-000015) telephone_


ISBN 979-11-6100-085-5 05810

Copyright ⓒ ZIG 2017

All rights reserved

The Korean version of this book is copyrighted by Yomi Books.

Reproduction and reproduction without written permission is


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