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Tarifas oficiales de los colegios internados añadiendo servicio de tutela en
Inglaterra registrado en AEGIS a partir de £550 por term cumpliendo así con la legislación
inglesa actual y con el estricto código de buenas prácticas de estudiantes internacionales

Precio 1 Term Ranking Precio 1 Term Ranking

Abbey DLD College London £8,350 * Boundary Oak School £7,090 *
Abbots Bromley School £9,435 290 Bournemouth Collegiate £9,100 382
Abbotsholme School £10,395 * Box Hill School £10,800 414
Abingdon School £12,875 50 Bradfield College £11,760 194
Ackworth School £8,335 395 Brandeston Hall £7,154 *
ACS Cobham £12,840 * Bredon School £9,630 *
Adcote School £9,032 356 Brentwood School £11,378 195
Aldenham School £10,482 * Brighton College £13,350 6
Aldro School £7,695 * Bromsgrove School £11,285 121
Alexanders College £9,250 0 Brooke House College £9,900 *
Ampleforth College £11,130 240 Bruton School for Girls £9,695 305
Ardingly College £10,710 145 Bryanston School £11,882 283
Ashbourne College £8,250 0 Burgess Hill School for Girls £10,150 112
Ashford School £11,250 254 Canford School £11,171 101
Ashville College £9,250 355 Casterton Sedbergh Prep £7,483 *
Badminton School £11,750 71 Caterham School £10,954 65
Barnard Castle School £8,885 376 Catteral Hall £7,400 *
Barnardiston Hall Prep  £6,525 * Cheltenham College £11,865 185
Battle Abbey School £9,987 348 Chigwell School £9,310 91
Bede's £11,087 296 Christ College Brecon £8,994 250
Bede's Prep School £8,035 * Christ's Hospital School £11,100 179
Bedford Prep School £6,930 * City of London Freemens £9,289 58
Bedford School £10,153 173 Claremont School £9,500 *
Bedstone College £8,755 423 Clayesmore School £11,370 402
Beechwood Sacred Heart £9,250 * Clifton College £11,790 96
Beeston Hall School £7,475 * Cobham Hall School £12,068 *
Berkhamsted School £10,985 124 Concord College £13,500 45
Bethany School £9,915 410 Cottesmore School £7,802 *
Bishopstrow College ISC £11,100 * Culford School £10,665 341
Bloxham School £10,815 * Dauntseys School £11,430 92
Blundells School £10,955 252 Dean Close School £11,772 199
Bootham School £10,170 211 Denstone College £9,280 210

Calle Felipe IV 3 3 izq, 28014 Madrid • 0034 91 297 99 02 •
Tarifas oficiales de los colegios internados añadiendo servicio de tutela en
Inglaterra registrado en AEGIS a partir de £550 por term cumpliendo así con la legislación
inglesa actual y con el estricto código de buenas prácticas de estudiantes internacionales

Precio 1 Term Ranking Precio 1 Term Ranking

Dollar Academy £9,336 * Kilgraston School £9,850 *
Dover College £9,640 * King Edward's Witley £9,865 280
D'Overbroecks College £11,765 146 King Williams College £10,145 170
Downside School £10,536 206 Kingham Hill School £10,200 391
Dulwich College £13,160 60 King's College Taunton £10,370 335
Durham School £9,900 347 King's Hall School £7,555 *
Eastbourne College £11,000 * King's Int. School Ely £12,173 *
Ellesmere College £10,296 365 King's School Bruton £10,229 374
Elstree School £8,384 * King's School Ely £11,790 249
Epsom College £11,539 110 King's School Rochester £9,860 319
Farlington School £9,600 205 Kingsley School £8,340 *
Farringtons School £9,490 417 Kingswood School £10,704 138
Felsted School £10,995 329 Kirkham Grammar School £6,831 364
Fettes College £10,780 106 Lancing College £11,305 *
Finborough School £9,400 * Langley School £9,845 357
Framlingham College £9,223 367 Leighton Park School £10,808 344
Frensham Heights £9,595 * Licensed Victuallers School £10,695 409
Fulneck School £8,500 * Lime House School £8,250 293
Fyling Hall School £6,981 * Lincoln Minster School £10,350 340
Giggleswick School £10,600 321 Lomond School £8,410 *
Glenalmond College £11,280 314 Longridge Towers School £8,636 416
Godolphin School £10,768 * Lord Wandsworth College £10,290 278
Gordonstoun School £12,573 * Loretto School £10,650 286
Great Ballard School £7,725 * Loughborough Grammar  £8,643 238
Greshams School £10,990 279 Luckley House School £9,318 360
Haberdashers Monmouth £9,545 108 Lucton School £9,985 *
Handcross Park Prep £11,950 * Malvern St James £12,735 *
Harrogate Ladies College £11,470 308 Mayfield School £10,600 104
Harrow School £12,450 * Merchiston Castle School £10,200 152
Hatherop Castle School £7,495 * Mill Hill International £12,555 *
Headington School £11,700 57 Mill Hill School £10,442 207
Hethersett Old Hall School £8,950 * Millfield Prep School £8,880 *
Hurtwood House £15,656 * Millfield School £11,760 383
Int. School of Creative Arts £11,650 * Milton Abbey School £11,780 *
Junior King's Canterbury £8,080 * Moira House School £10,880 256
Kent College Canterbury £11,160 * Monkton Combe £10,630 *
Kent College Pembury £10,200 255 Monmouth School £9,545 211

Calle Felipe IV 3 3 izq, 28014 Madrid • 0034 91 297 99 02 •
Tarifas oficiales de los colegios internados añadiendo servicio de tutela en
Inglaterra registrado en AEGIS a partir de £550 por term cumpliendo así con la legislación
inglesa actual y con el estricto código de buenas prácticas de estudiantes internacionales

Precio 1 Term Ranking Precio 1 Term Ranking

Moorland School £8,300 * Rydal Penrhos £10,715 270
Moreton Hall School £10,900 208 Ryde School £8,395 309
Mount Kelly £9,700 372 Rye St Antony £7,995 350
Mount St Mary's College £9,332 * Seaford College £9,995 *
Moyles Court School £8,505 * Sedbergh School £10,590 339
New Eccles Hall £6,730 * Shebbear College £8,250 378
New Hall School £9,585 221 Sherborne Prep School £7,820 *
Newbury Hall School £11,666 * Sherborne School for Boys £11,675 *
Northbourne Park £7,680 * Sherborne School for Girls £11,000 115
Oakham School £10,525 166 Sherborne International £14,123 *
Oswestry School £9,660 385 Shiplake College £10,300 *
Oundle School £9,890 66 Sibford School £9,035 415
Padworth College £9,691 406 Sidcot School £10,470 299
Pangbourne College £10,949 377 Slindon College £10,150 *
Plymouth College £9,930 326 St Andrew's Prep School £7,735 *
Princess Helena College £9,195 306 St Christopher School £9,890 *
Prior Park College £10,170 231 St Edmund's College £9,370 317
Prior Park Preparatory  £7,410 * St Edmund's Junior Canterbury £7,389 337
Priors Field School £9,700 * St Edmund's Senior Canterbury £10,572 337
Queen Anne's School £10,870 174 St Felix School £10,495 275
Queen Ethelburga's £14,706 * St Francis' College £9,770 125
Queen's College £10,860 258 St George's School Ascot £11,020 264
Queenswood School £11,250 116 St James' School £6,110 *
Ratcliffe College £9,576 259 St John's College £8,765 419
Reddam House School £10,315 * St John's International  £7,835 *
Rendcomb College £10,180 322 St Joseph's College £10,635 399
Riddlesworth Hall £6,020 * St Lawrence College £10,995 *
Rishworth School £8,895 * St Leonards School Fife £10,680 *
Rochester College £9,900 * St Margaret's School Bushey £9,855 235
Rockport School £7,800 * St Mary's School £10,330 113
Roedean School £12,060 148 St Mary's School; Cambridge £10,536 222
Rossall School £10,600 369 St Olave's School £8,180 *
Royal Hospital School £9,995 358 St Peter's School £9,380 103
Royal School for Girls £9,380 * St Swithun's School £10,456 43
Royal Russell School £11,325 300 St Teresa's School £9,470 *
Royal School Haslemere £11,999 243 Stamford High School for Boys £8,809 *
Ruthin School £9,500 131 Stamford High School for Girls £8,809 233

Calle Felipe IV 3 3 izq, 28014 Madrid • 0034 91 297 99 02 •
Tarifas oficiales de los colegios internados añadiendo servicio de tutela en
Inglaterra registrado en AEGIS a partir de £550 por term cumpliendo así con la legislación
inglesa actual y con el estricto código de buenas prácticas de estudiantes internacionales

Precio 1 Term Ranking Precio 1 Term Ranking

Stonar School £10,070 396 Woodhouse Grove £8,660 332
Stonyhurst College £11,143 253 Worksop College £9,219 353
Stover School £8,480 * Worth School £10,380 *
Strathallan School £10,372 283 Wrekin College £9,930 393
Sutton Valence School £10,475 313 Wycliffe College £11,385 *
Taunton International £12,480 *
Taunton Prep School £7,985 *
Taunton School £11,350 312
Tettenhall College £9,555 411
The Leys School £10,345 143
The Mount School £9,703 203
The Oratory School £10,865 379
The Park School £8,200 *
The Prebendal School £6,700 *
The Read School £9,030 *
The Royal High School Bath £9,458 200
Thornton College £7,185 *
Tockington Manor School £7,270 *
Trent College £10,070 265
Trinity School £8,705 422
Truro High School for Girls £8,205 273
Truro School Enterprises £8,625 *
Vinehall School £7,225 *
Walden School £9,095 403
Walhampton School £7,090 *
Warminster School £9,555 375
Wellington College £12,370 28
Wellington School £9,870 269
Wells Cathedral ­ Juniors £7,956 *
Wells Cathedral ­ Senior £9,983 241
West Buckland School £10,325 238
Westbourne School £11,385 147
Westonbirt School £11,995 380
Windermere School £9,990 314
Windlesham House School £8,330 *
Woldingham School £11,371 83
Woodbridge School £9,799 229

Calle Felipe IV 3 3 izq, 28014 Madrid • 0034 91 297 99 02 •

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