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Speech about rules

Hello everybody, My name is Melissa Castrillon and today I want to talk about
rules in school.
Rules nowadays are very important for the development of society, we may not
agree with them but sometimes they are necessary, not only that but they help
the world to be at “peace”. In our school there are rules that are very important
but some of them can be really stupid, its just really unfair how the high school
mstudents can be treated sometimes, and we know that we can easily
understand rules but sometimes they limit our great development of our being.
The first rule I'm going to talk about is the one that says that no caps or any hats
are allowed in school time. This rule for me it's really ridiculous. Why can't we just
use them ? they don't interfere in any of the school activities and well, we can just
use them for Physical Education, not to attend class. Even though some students
may dont like this, they also don't do anything to get rid of this rule, because if we
all together as students submit a proposal, we can change these rules and make
school uniforms more comfortable for us. Now this rule I feel like it's just not
important at all but sometimes, when we go to the cafeteria teachers are able to
skip the line and just get ahead of us. Like what if you are dreaming of a package
of chips but then a teacher gets ahead of you and buys the last package
available? like I would be so sad. It's understandable that sometimes they need
to get to class fast but this doesn't make any sense if there are 25 minutes left for
the recess to be over. Sometimes when you feel hungry and need some energy
like right in the middle of a class, you aren't able to eat something, because of
this rule there have been sometimes that students have fainted in class because
there lack of nutrients of energy to continue with the day , If schools changed this
rule I feel like students would be more free and could enjoy school better. But of
course with some restrictions like not littering, eating quietly so you dont distract
others and not sharing because of COVID 19. It's just that some rules make
schools difficult to enjoy and this can also affect the way students do at school,
like we know we’ve become lazy in the pandemic, but this is life, it's about
adapting to different situations and schools should do that too, it's not like we are
in the 20th century anymore, and schools need to accept that.
There are also the rules that talk about common manners, and for me these are
the most important, these can be: treat others with respect,always say please
and thank you, and some others, but the most important are the first 2, because
of coure! they talk about respecting others, sometimes there is a lack of respect
in class. and these rules can protect us from people who want to try after
ourselves. As simple as they can be they are necessary not only for school but
also for growing into a respectful person, and if you ask me we really need to get
this message across the world because, they gave us a broken world were we
can still see a lot of hate between the people, but if we start with common matters
I'm sure that there can be some change. So now to continue with this speech, I
want to end with the rule that bans the selling inside of school by students. I feel
like every freedom has to have limits too but selling at school isn't a bad Idea. If
students sell products they can learn from an early age about business and sales
and can help in the future to grow the country’s economy, something that is very
important right now. If schools don't like this rule there can be a proposal of a day
when students can bring their business to school and do like a mini fair when
other students can get to know about different good ideas that can be bought by
them. Schools should appreciate what students do to grow economically and
independently and also support the dreams and the great development of their
fellow students, they are also important because they are the ones that will make
the next future and if they have a great experience at schools and learn how to
respect them they will be able to repair a lot of things that are missing in our
society nowadays. So in conclusion rules are very necessary but they can also
be repressing and bad for the people. So We should focus on creating rules that
can benefit with order and respect in today's world, on creating rules that adapt to
the youth of today because it's not about doing what you want and not having
consequences, it can be about enjoying rules and what we can do with them. So
this was my speech about rules, I hope you like it and that it left something to
think about. Thank you for listening

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