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OTC 11977 LO F
Next-Generation Cementing Systems to Control Shallow Water Flow
Ronnie Faul, SPE, B.R. Reddy, SPE, James Griffith, SPE, Rocky Fitzgerald, and Bryan Waugh, Halliburton Energy
Services, Inc.

Copyright 2000, Offshore Technology Conference pore pressure and the fracture gradient, which can cause a loss of
This paper was prepared for presentation at the Offshore Technology Conference held in cement returns.
Houston, Texas, 1-4 May 2000. The presence of SWF’s in the Gulf of Mexico was first
This paper was selected for presentation by the OTC Program Committee following review of observed in 1985.1 The economic impact of lost wells, rig time,
information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
presented, have not been reviewed by the Offshore Technology Conference and are subject and remedial actions has amounted to millions of dollars. An
to correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any
position of the Offshore Technology Conference or its officers. Electronic reproduction,
economic analysis of SWF’s, presented by an operator at the
distribution, or storage of any part of this paper for commercial purposes without the written 1999 International Forum, revealed that the industry has spent
consent of the Offshore Technology Conference is prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print
is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 words; illustrations may not be copied. The approximately $1.6 million per well on this problem. This
abstract must contain conspicuous acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was
analysis also revealed that about one-third of the money has been
spent on prevention and two-thirds on remediation. Some ex-
Abstract perts believe that more money spent on preventative measures
As documented in industry literature, shallow hazards, espe- would result in fewer remedial events. Research money has also
cially shallow water flows (SWF’s), pose a challenge in deepwater been spent developing new technology that may provide better,
Gulf of Mexico operations.1,2 Cement systems that successfully more economical solutions. Specifically, the industry has been
solved SWF’s were first used in 1992. The first of these special investigating better methods to identify the hazard and avoid or
systems was a lightweight nonfoamed system. In 1994, special minimize the risk. Other investigations have been made regard-
foamed lightweight systems were implemented and were proven ing the use of better drilling techniques, pressure-while-drilling
superior both in large-scale laboratory models and in field use. (PWD), remote-operated vehicle (ROV) monitoring, and foam
Several special foamed-cement blends have been used to cementing. While SWF’s are most prevalent in the Gulf of
cement over 300 conductor casings where SWF’s were a threat. Mexico, they have also been seen in other areas where deepwater
These formulations consisted of highly activated cements that drilling is increasing.
required special blending at the shore base before being trans- Staying within tight drilling margins (as low as 0.2 to 0.5
ported to the offshore rig. Because dry additives were used, the lbm/gal) has proven difficult, because of challenges such as
cement slurry could not be redesigned or modified, so any managing weighted mud, controlling equivalent circulating den-
unused blend had to be discarded. To address these challenges, sities (ECD’s), and drilling shallow overpressured formations
the industry developed a lightweight foamed-cement (LFC) with a riser. If pore pressures are not controlled, the zone may
slurry system. This system uses only liquid additives in conjunc- flow large volumes of salt water, which can carry pieces of the
tion with the dry Portland cement on board the rig. The LFC unconsolidated formation. This flow can lead to sand washouts,
system provides a low-density slurry with short transition times ineffective cementing, sand compaction, damaged casing, and
to help prevent SWF’s while maintaining zonal isolation, ad- hole re-entry problems.
equate placement time, and shorter waiting-on-cement (WOC) Excessive ECD’s can fracture the formations, and excessive
time. pressures can communicate through the fractures to shallower
zones, adjacent wells, or to the seafloor. This problem can cause
Introduction large craters, mounds, or cracks to form, resulting in loss of the
Well construction in deep water (>1,000 ft) requires special well and well site.
techniques for installing conductor casings. Formations where Using a variety of fluids, operators have successfully drilled
conductor pipe will be cemented are unconsolidated and rela- through SWF sands without a riser. The drilling philosophy has
tively young geologically (Fig. 1, Page 5). Consequently, these evolved since the first wells were drilled with only seawater. The
shallow formations have the potential for abnormally pressured sand was allowed to flow freely during drilling, and a kill fluid
saltwater sands, also known as SWF zones. Weak formations was placed before the drill bit was removed from the hole. The
and pressured sands present very narrow margins between the current philosophy regarding riserless drilling is to drill to the
SWF sand with seawater until the sand begins to flow. Then flow

References at the end of the paper.


evaluations are made, risks are assessed, and decisions are made ated with the additional equipment and personnel required to
as to how to proceed. If the flow is considered minor, drilling can perform these jobs. Many of the equipment problems were
continue with seawater. However, if the flow is considered minimized with the use of a fully automated cementing system,
moderate to severe, usually a change is made to weighted drilling which was built to improve performance and reliability.9
fluids. When the well is not allowed to flow, washouts are
minimized. These washouts have been known to cause structural New Generation System
problems, especially when drilling must be performed in closely The special blends, while successful, tended to be expensive.
spaced areas.1 They also required blending at the onshore facility before they
were transported to the offshore rig. A high-performance, foamed-
Zonal Isolation cement system was needed that could be used with the cement
Zonal isolation and the cementing process continue to be impor- normally on the rig. To address this challenge, the industry has
tant elements in dealing with SWF’s. Deepwater environments developed an LFC system that uses only liquid additives in
are challenging for cement companies because the sea floor conjunction with dry Portland cement and the appropriate foam-
temperatures are low (approximately 40°F), and the weak forma- ing surfactant packages. This system can provide a low-density
tions require lightweight cement slurries (Fig. 2, Page 5). A slurry with short transition times, helping prevent SWF’s while
special cement blend was first used with success in 1992. This maintaining zonal isolation, adequate placement time, and shorter
blend of Portland cement, ultra-fine cement, and microspheres3 WOC time.
exhibited special performance properties at the downhole condi- Generally acknowledged requirements for SWF-preventa-
tions found in deepwater. It was lightweight, exhibited short tive cement compositions include thickening times of 3 to 5
transition time, and rapidly developed compressive strength at hours at 65°F (18° C), and 24-hour compressive strengths of 400
bottomhole temperatures (BHT’s). to 500 psi at 45° to 55°F (7° to 13°C). If dry additives are used
In 1994, a special foamed-cement blend with ultra-fine to help achieve these slurry requirements, the additives are
cement4 was implemented as a solution to SWF’s in the Gulf of blended with Portland cement onshore and then transported to
Mexico. The first well later became the model for 19 additional the rig at least 1 week before the planned job. This scenario does
wells in a batch operation where foamed cement was used on a not provide much flexibility for designing or modifying the
total of 39 primary jobs.5 In 1997, large-scale model studies were cement slurry after the supplies have been delivered, so any
presented that compared water-extended slurries, special unused blend must be discarded. Additionally, rig space is
nonfoamed slurries, and special foamed slurries. The results usually unavailable for storing several different dry blends.
clearly indicated that the foamed slurries were superior to the The LFC system uses liquid additives instead of dry-addi-
nonfoamed slurries.6 These special foamed cements quickly tive components. This system simplifies the cementing process
became the cement of choice for SWF’s. by enabling operators to limit bulk-cement inventory to a single
Also in 1997, a paper presented the use of proper mud dry cement, and to modify the cement blend for a specific job by
management techniques in conjunction with foamed cement to adjusting the slurry formulation onsite.
solve SWF’s.6 More recently, the use of foamed cement for
controlling SWF’s was reported on another large batch set Development and Testing of the LFC System
operation.1 Operators began to use another special foamed The LFC system was developed to help improve the success rate
cement that incorporated a blend of Portland cement and calcium for cementing conductor casings in deepwater conditions. It has
sulfate cement.7 Several hundred jobs have been performed in the following benefits:
the Gulf of Mexico since foamed-cement systems were first used • It allows operators to adjust slurry properties to help prevent
to control SWF’s. water or gas influx.
The foamed cement system offered operators many advan-
tages over nonfoamed systems. It allowed for more flexible
• It improves mud-management techniques to help maximize
design so that operators could make last-minute density changes displacement efficiency.
based on the well conditions. Operators could even vary slurry • It helps ensure that mud and cement densities are compatible
density during the job by changing the amount of nitrogen with formation pressures and fracture gradients.
injected into the base slurry. The foamed slurry exhibited many The LFC system can be formulated with any Class A, H, or
of the same performance characteristics as the nonfoamed slurry, G Portland cement. Table 1 (Page 4) provides clinker-analysis
such as short transition times and rapid compressive-strength data for the cements tested in this study. Table 2 (Page 4)
development. The most significant characteristic was that an provides compressive-strength and thickening-time test results.
energized fluid was placed, minimizing the effects of volume and The Class A-1 and A-2 cements were obtained from different
pressure losses in the wellbore that can allow the influx of fluid suppliers, and all slurries were foamed to a 12-lbm/gal density.
during the slurry transition phase.2,8 The advantages of the One requirement for minimizing SWF’s is to design a slurry
foamed system far outweighed the logistical problems associ- with a short transition time.6 Transition time refers to the amount

of time needed for a slurry to thicken from liquid to cement and LFC system can provide the same preventative characteristics
prevent the migration of fluid through the cement column. Table for water and gas influx as blended ultra-fine or calcium sulfate
2 compares transition-time development by measuring the static slurries.
gel-strength and development time for slurry consistency from
70 to 100 Bc. Results indicate a comparable or shorter transition References
time for the LFC systems than for the dry-blended component 1. Eaton, L.F.: “Drilling Through Deepwater Shallow Water Flow
systems. The dry component systems presented are a Portland Zone at URSA,” paper SPE 52780 presented at the 1999 SPE/
cement and calcium sulfate system,7 and a Portland and ultra- IADC Drilling Conference, Amsterdam, Holland, Mar. 9-11.
fine Portland cement system.3 2. Sutton, D.L., Sabins, F.L., Faul, R.R.: “New Evaluation for
Please note that the authors do not endorse the use of Annular Gas-Flow Potential,” Oil and Gas J. (Dec. 17, 1984) 82,
determining transition time by measuring the time between 70 No. 51, 109-112.
3. Griffith, J.: “Method for Cementing in a Formation Subject to
and 100 Bc. This measurement occurs while the slurry is still in
Water Influx,” U.S. Patent No. 5,484,019 (1996).
a dynamic mode in conjunction with an API thickening-time 4. Griffith, J., et al.: “Well Cementing Methods and Compositions
test. Gas and fluid migration occur after the slurry is placed in for Use in Cold Environments,” U.S. Patent No. 5,571,318
a well, and the slurry is in a static condition. While static, the (1996).
crystal development of cement occurs differently than if the 5. Young, W.S., May, B.C., and Varnado, B.R.: “Genesis Develop-
cement slurry is dynamically sheared.8 The authors recommend ment Project Overview,” paper OTC 10796, 31st Annual Offshore
determining transition time by measuring the slurry’s gel-strength Technology Conference, May 1999.
development after simulating the slurry’s placement time and 6. Griffith, J., Faul, R.: “Cementing the Conductor Casing Annulus
placement conditions. The slurry’s gel strength is measured at in an Overpressured Water Formation,” paper OTC 8304, 29th
Annual Offshore Technology Conference, May 1997.
downhole pressure and temperature. With this test, the transition
7. Stiles, D.A., de Rozieres, J.M.G.: “Compositions and Methods for
time is the period in which the slurry develops gel-strength from Cementing a Well,” U.S. Patent No. 5,806,594 (1998).
100 to 500 lbf/100 ft2. Studies have shown that the migration of 8. Sutton, D.L., Sabins, F.L., Faul, R.R.: “Annual Gas Flow Theory
gas and water through a setting cement column is prevented and Prevention Methods Described,” Oil and Gas J. (Dec. 10,
above 500 lbf/100 ft2 of gel-strength.6,8 The data in Table 2 that 1984) 82, No. 50, 84-92.
lists the times between 70 and 100 Bc is presented to better 9. Padgett, P., Brown, P.: “Integrated Controls Ease Precision Ce-
compare state-of-the-art slurries to this next-generation LFC menting,” Drilling Contractor (September/October 1999) 50-51.
Large-scale testing was performed for Class H cement
(Table 2). The slurry foamed to 12.5 lbm/gal without difficulty
and developed the consistency of shaving cream. Samples of
unfoamed and foamed slurries were submitted for thickening-
time, compressive-strength, and transition-time testing within 1
hour of being collected. The thickening time at 65°F was 4 hours
and 10 minutes. Compressive strength was 360 psi at 45°F and
600 psi at 55°F. Zero-gel time (static gel strength < 100 lbm/
100ft2) was 16 minutes, and transition time (100 to 500 lbm/100
ft2) was 20 minutes.
Heat-of-hydration studies on LFC slurries were performed
under adiabatic conditions. Selected formulations from these
developmental studies were compared with the currently prac-
ticed technology. Test results (Fig. 3, Page 6) show that exother-
mic hydration reactions occur more slowly in the LFC formula-
tions than the currently used formulation. Even though the heat
generated is less in the LFC slurries than in the currently used
blends, the heat did not decrease as rapidly with time.

The LFC system can simplify offshore oilwell cementing by
allowing operators to use a single dry cement for all casing types
and well temperatures. Because the LFC consists of liquid
additives rather than dry-additive components, it can reduce
waste and allow the slurry to be modified for a specific job. The

Table 1—Clinker Analysis of Cements Used in the Study
Class H Class A-1 Class A-2 Class G
Cement Cement Cement Cement
Tricalcium silicate (C3S) 57.09 58.79 56.28 58.01
Dicalcium silicate (C2S) 22.46 19.84 20.46 23.13
Tetracalcium aluminoferrite (C4AF) 13.36 14.18 7.69 14.65
Tricalcium alimunate (C3A) (cubic) 0.32 0.43 7.29 0.45
C3A (ortho) 0.09 0.60 1.61 0.09
Total C3A 0.41 1.03 8.90 0.54
Total C2S + C3Sb 79.55 — 76.74 81.14
Total C4AF + C3A 15.52 — 16.94 15.38
Gypsum 1.71 1.62 3.51 1.69
Bassanite 0.76 0.64 0.72 0.76
Anhydrite 2.16 1.76 0.00 1.99
Syngenite 0.29 0.36 2.09 0.61
Quartz 0.03 0.06 0.17 0.05
Periclase 1.72 1.63 0.19 1.67
Dolomite 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Free lime 0.19 0.08 0.80 0.14
Sulfates 4.93 — 6.32 5.10
Average particle-size distribution (µ) 16.60 15.57 26.20 14.20
All numbers represent weight (%).
Total C2S + C3S content was determined on the basis of maleic acid extraction.
Free lime was analyzed on the basis of extraction followed by titration.
Sulfate weight (%) was analyzed on the basis of ammonium chloride extraction.

Table 2—Slurry Formulations Using Single Liquid Additive Mixture (SLAM) and API Cements
Thickening Compr. Str. Compr. Str.
Cement, Mix Water SLAM CaCl2 (aq) ∆100 to 70 Time by
Time at at 45°F in at 55°F in
API Class % bwoc % bwoc % bwoc Bc (min) Measuring
65°F (min) 24 hr (psi) 24 hr (psi)
Comparison 1
- - - - 14 - -
(US 5,806,594)
Comparison 2
- - - 4:05 - 19 270 465
(US 5,484,019)
Class A (2) 34 10 - 4:25 9 - 420 800
Class A (2) 35 8 - 4:10 3 - 400 720
Class A (2) 37 6 - 3:30 8 - 390 630
Class A (1) 38 4 - 5:00 15 32 430 540
Class G 38.5 2 2 4:10 10 - 290 380
Class G 37 3 3 3:40 18 - 300 520
Class H 34 3 3 4:55 20 22 454 520
Base slurry density=16.4 lbm/gal; Foamed slurry density=12.0 lbm/gal


Sloughing and
mud slides

Mudline (ML)


young formations

Fig. 1—Unconsolidated formations off the continental shelf.


Fig. 2—Water migration through the annulus.


Foamed Slurry
Current technology
190 (U.S. Patent 5,571,318)
Slurry No. 3
Temperature (°F)

Slurry No. 5





0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (hr)
Fig. 3—Results from evolution and heat of hydration experiments.

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