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C H A P T E R 133 

Heat Illness
Melissa Platt | Timothy G. Price

PRINCIPLES with heat dissipation. The physics of heat transfer as it relates to

human physiology involves four mechanisms—conduction, con-
Background vection, radiation, and evaporation.6

Humans have been plagued by heat illness throughout recorded Conduction.  This is the transfer of heat energy from warmer
history, often as the result of military exercises, athletic events, or to cooler objects by direct physical contact. Air is a good insulator;
recreational activities. When environmental heat stress is maximal, therefore, only approximately 2% of the body heat loss is by
strenuous exercise is not required to produce heat illness. Modern conduction. In contrast, the thermal conductivity of water is at
military organizations continue to encounter heat illness because least 25 times that of air.
of the requirement to train unacclimatized troops with heavy
physical exercise. Heat stroke is the third leading cause of death Convection.  This is heat loss to air and water vapor molecules
among all US athletes. Of the major sports, football has the great- circulating around the body. As the ambient temperature rises, the
est number of heat stroke fatalities and a 10 times higher rate for amount of heat dissipated by convection becomes minimal. Once
heat illnesses.1 The health hazards associated with extreme envi- the air temperature exceeds the mean skin temperature, heat is
ronmental working conditions in many industries have been gained by the body. Convective heat loss varies directly with wind
increasingly recognized worldwide.2-4 velocity. Loose-fitting clothing maximizes convective, and also
Older adults and the poor, who often lack adequate air condi- evaporative, heat loss.
tioning and nutrition, and those with preexisting disease are
prone to heat illness during environmental extremes. It is esti- Radiation.  This is heat transfer by electromagnetic waves.
mated that at least 10 times as many heat-aggravated illnesses Although radiation accounts for approximately 65% of heat loss
occur in patients with comorbid conditions, such as coronary in cool environments, it is a major source of heat gain in hot
artery disease, cerebrovascular disease, and diabetes. In heat wave climates. Up to 300 kcal/hr can be gained from radiation when
years in the United States, approximately 10 times as many deaths someone is directly exposed to the hot summer sun.
are reported as during non–heat wave years. Climate models have
suggested an increase in frequency and intensity of heat waves in Evaporation.  This is the conversion of a liquid to the gaseous
temperate areas of the world.5 Before the advent of air condition- phase. Evaporation of 1 mL of sweat from the skin cools the body
ing, mortality increased three- to fivefold in nursing homes and by 0.58 kcal. As the ambient temperature rises, evaporation
threefold in the general population during heat waves.6 Microcli- becomes the dominant mechanism of heat loss. Panting mammals
mates conducive to heat illness are produced in the interiors of such as dogs have an oropharyngeal countercurrent flow mecha-
automobiles, military tanks, and tents in the sun, as well as in nism (carotid rete mirabile) that results in selective cooling of the
engine rooms, mines, hot tubs, and saunas.6 Children are more brain. In humans, respiratory and countercurrent mechanisms are
susceptible to heat stressors because their higher surface area–to– minimal sources of heat loss.
mass ratios allow increased absorption of heat. They also have
lower sweat rates per gland. Heat Regulation
Anatomy and Physiology The regulation of body temperature involves three distinct
functions—thermosensors, a central integrative area, and ther-
Heat Production moregulatory effectors.

Humans are essentially biochemical furnaces that burn food to Thermosensors.  Temperature-sensitive structures are
fuel with a complex array of metabolic functions. These chemical located peripherally in the skin and centrally in the body. Skin
reactions consume substrate, generate usable energy, and produce temperature changes, however, correlate poorly with changes in
byproducts that must be eliminated for continued operation of the rate of heat loss. Thermosensitive neurons, located in the
the system. Water and carbon dioxide are produced and elimi- preoptic anterior hypothalamus, are activated when the tempera-
nated in large quantities, as are urea, sulfates, phosphates, and ture of the blood circulating through that area exceeds a set point
other chemical products. These reactions are exothermic and (Fig. 133.1).
combine to produce a basal metabolic rate that amounts to The skin temperature affects heat loss when a person resting
approximately 100 kcal/hr for a 70-kg person. In the absence of in a warm environment initiates sweating, even though the core
cooling mechanisms, this baseline metabolic activity would result temperature remains constant. In contrast, changes in core tem-
in a 1.1° C (2° F) hourly rise in body temperature. perature are more dominant than skin temperature changes in
Heat production can be increased 20-fold by strenuous exer- producing heat-dissipating responses.
tion. Rectal temperatures as high as 42° C (107.6° F) have been
recorded in trained marathon runners, without ill effects. Meta- Central Integrative Area. The central nervous system
bolic factors, such as hyperthyroidism and sympathomimetic (CNS) interprets information received from the thermosensors to
drug ingestion, can dramatically increase heat production. Envi- instruct thermoregulatory effectors properly. The concept of a
ronmental heat not only adds to the heat load but also interferes central thermostat whereby an alteration shifts effector thresholds
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1756 PART IV  Environment and Toxicology  |  SECTION One  Environment

Nuclei of the hypothalamus

hypothalamic area
Anterior commisure
Paraventricular nucleus hypothalamic area
(water balance/stress) Posterior hypothalamic
Anterior hypothalamic area (shivering)
area (body temperature) Dorsomedial nucleus
(GI tract)
Medial peroptic
(blood pressure) Mammillary body
Frontal cortex Ventromedial nucleus
Optic nerve (satiety)
Optic chiasm (biologic clock)
Anterior pituitary Supra optic nucleus
(water balance)
Posterior pituitary
Fig. 133.1.  Preoptic anterior hypothalamus. (Adapted from Nuclei of the hypothalamus. bhavanajagat

in the same direction fits a variety of clinical situations. For to heat stress. Daily exposure to work and heat for 100 min/day
example, fever, the circadian rhythm of temperature variation, results in near-maximal acclimatization within 7 to 14 days.8,9 This
and the difference in rectal temperature after ovulation can be is characterized by an earlier onset of sweating (at a lower core
explained by variation of a thermal set point. temperature), increased sweat volume, and lowered sweat sodium
concentration.9 Acclimatization is hastened by modest salt depri-
Thermoregulatory Effectors. Sweating and peripheral vation and delayed by high dietary salt intake.
vasodilation are the major mechanisms whereby heat loss can be The cardiovascular system plays a major role in acclimatization
accelerated. In a warm environment, evaporation of sweat from and endurance training, largely resulting from an expansion of
the skin is the most important mechanism of heat dissipation. plasma volume. Heart rate is lower and associated with a higher
Heat loss from the skin by convection and radiation is maximized stroke volume. Other physiologic changes include earlier release
by increased skin blood flow to facilitate sweating. of aldosterone, although acclimatized individuals generate lower
Humans possess apocrine and eccrine sweat glands. Apocrine plasma levels of aldosterone during exercise heat stress. Total body
glands are concentrated in the axillae and produce milky sweat, potassium depletion of up to 20% (500 mEq) by the second week
rich in carbohydrate and protein. They are adrenergically inner- of acclimatization can occur as a result of sweat and urine losses,
vated and respond to emotional stress as well as to heat. Most coupled with inadequate repletion.
glands producing so-called thermal sweat are eccrine glands. Although many similarities exist among thermoregulatory
These are cholinergically innervated and distributed over the responses to heat and exercise, the well-conditioned athlete is
entire body, with the largest number on the palms and soles. not necessarily heat-acclimatized. For heat- and exercise-induced
Eccrine sweat is colorless, odorless, and devoid of protein. Indi- adaptive responses to be maintained, heat exposure needs to
viduals exercising in hot environments commonly lose 1 or continue intermittently, at least on 4-day intervals. Plasma volume
2 L/hr of sweat. A loss of up to 4 L/hr is possible with strenuous decreases considerably within 1 week in the absence of heat stress.
Cooling is best achieved by evaporation from the body surface; Pathophysiology
sweat that drips from the skin does not cool the body. Each liter
of completely evaporated sweat dissipates 580 kcal of heat. The Predisposing Factors
ability of the environment to evaporate sweat is termed atmo-
spheric cooling power and varies primarily with humidity, but also Advanced age, psychiatric conditions, chronic disease, obesity, and
with wind velocity. As humidity approaches 100%, evaporative certain medications increase the risk for classic heatstroke during
heat loss ceases. periods of high heat and humidity.10 Adequate fluid intake is
The vascular response to heat stress is cutaneous vasodilation essential. Older adults often overdress during hot weather condi-
and compensatory vasoconstriction of the splanchnic and renal tions. Heat loss is maximized by light, loose-fitting garments.
beds. These vascular changes are under neurogenic control and Exertional heatstroke is most likely to occur in young healthy
allow heat to be dissipated quickly and efficiently, but they place people involved in strenuous physical activity, especially if they
a tremendous burden on the heart.7 To maintain blood pressure, have not acclimatized to environmental factors that overwhelm
cardiac output increases dramatically. For this reason, saunas and heat-dissipating mechanisms. Fluid intake is the most critical
hot tubs may be dangerous for patients with cardiac disease. variable. Dehydration can be minimized by education on work-
Cardiovascular and baroreceptor reflexes also affect skin blood rest cycles and fluid consumption and through provision of cool
flow. Reduced forearm sweating and vasodilation have been flavored fluids.
observed in severely dehydrated subjects exercising in a warm The goal is to maximize voluntary fluid intake and gastric
environment. emptying so that fluid can rapidly enter the small intestine, where
it is absorbed. Gastric emptying is accelerated to 25 mL/min by
Acclimatization large fluid volumes (500–600 mL) and cool temperatures (10° C–
15.8° C [50° F–60.4° F]). High osmolality inhibits gastric empty-
Acclimatization is the constellation of physiologic adaptations ing; osmolality of less than 200 mOsm/L is optimal. Most
that occur in a normal person as the result of repeated exposures commercially available electrolyte solutions contain excessive

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C H APTER 133  Heat Illness 1757

sugar. Hydration can be monitored by measurement of body Effective circulation requires an intact pump and adequate
weight before and after training or athletic competition. An coolant levels. Individuals with cardiac disease or those taking
athlete with a loss of 2% to 3% body weight (1.5–2 L in a 70-kg β-adrenergic blocking agents or calcium channel blockers may be
man) should drink extra fluid and be permitted to compete only unable to increase their cardiac output sufficiently to produce the
when his or her body weight is within 0.5 to 1 kg (1 or 2 pounds) necessary peripheral vasodilation to dissipate heat. Dehydration
of the starting weight on the previous day. A weight loss of 5% or caused by gastroenteritis, diuretics, or inadequate fluid intake
6% represents a moderately severe deficit and usually is associated predisposes to heat illness. Individuals working in the heat seldom
with intense thirst, scanty urine, tachycardia, and increase in rectal voluntarily drink as much fluid as they lose and replace only
temperature of approximately 2° C (3.6° F). These athletes should approximately two-thirds of net water loss (so-called voluntary
be restricted to light workouts after hydration until they return to dehydration). Dehydration alone increases body temperature at
normal weight. A loss of 7% or more of body weight represents rest by increasing the work of the sodium-potassium adenosine
severe water depletion; participation in sports should not be triphosphatase pump, which accounts for 25% to 45% of the
permitted until the athlete is evaluated by a physician or sports basal metabolic rate. This is particularly true in cases of hyperna-
trainer. Wrestlers frequently fast, restrict food and fluid intake, tremic dehydration. The pipes and valves of the coolant system
and exercise vigorously wearing vapor-impermeable clothing to may be abnormal in diabetic or older patients with extensive
lose weight quickly so that they can compete in a lower weight atherosclerosis.
class. Radiator function depends on the skin and sweat glands.
The administration of salt tablets during strenuous exercise Occlusive, vapor-impermeable clothing hinders evaporative and
can cause delayed gastric emptying, osmotic fluid shifts into the convective cooling. Anticholinergic medications and stimulant
gut, gastric mucosal damage, and hypernatremic dehydration. A drugs of abuse interfere with sweating and contribute to heat
6-g sodium diet is sufficient for successful adaptation for work in illness.12 Various skin diseases, including miliaria (prickly heat
the heat, with sweat losses averaging 7 L/day. Excessively high salt rash), extensive burns, scleroderma, ectodermal dysplasia, and
intake in relation to salt losses in sweat during initial heat exposure cystic fibrosis, are risk factors. Anhidrosis can also be secondary
can impair acclimatization because of the inhibition of aldoste- to central or peripheral nervous system disorders.
rone secretion. Excessive salt ingestion can also exacerbate potas- Increased heat production causing heat illness most often
sium depletion. accompanies exercise in a hot humid environment. When heat
Evaporative cooling can be lost when clothing inhibits air and humidity are extreme, exertion is not necessary to produce
convection and evaporation.11 Loose-fitting clothing or ventilated heat-related problems. Several indices help objectify heat strain.
fishnet jerseys allow efficient evaporation. Light-colored clothing These indices can be divided into two categories, heat scales based
reflects rather than absorbs light. Water evaporated from clothing on meteorologic parameters and heat scales that combine envi-
is much less efficient for body cooling than water evaporated from ronmental and physiologic parameters.
the skin. The wet bulb globe temperature heat index is an excellent
The body’s heat dissipation mechanisms are analogous to the meteorologic measure of environmental heat stress (Box 133.1).
cooling system of an automobile (Fig. 133.2). Coolant (blood) is It includes the effects of temperature, humidity, and radiant
circulated by a pump (heart) from the hot inner core to a radiator thermal energy from the sun. When climatic conditions exceed
(skin surface cooled by the evaporation of sweat). Temperature is 25° C (77° F) wet bulb, even healthy people are at high risk during
sensed by a thermostat (CNS), which alters coolant flow by a exercise. Above 28° C (82.4° F), exercise and strenuous work
system of pipes, valves, and reservoirs (vasculature). Failure of any should be avoided or limited to extremely short periods.
of these components can result in overheating. The heat strain index is widely accepted as an example of
an index that includes environmental and physiologic factors.
There are several variations and modified heat strain indices, with
ENVIRONMENTAL varying ease of use and accuracy.13
MALFUNCTION • Cardiac disease
• Hypothalamic • β-Adrenergic It is diagnostically and therapeutically important to identify
hemorrhage blocking drugs patients suffering from a febrile response rather than heat illness.
H C Fever does not cause primary pathologic or physiologic damage
DAMAGED to humans and does not require primary emphasis in the thera-
CONDUCTING peutic regimen, which is directed at the underlying disease state.
SYSTEM If temperature-related physiologic changes, such as febrile seizures
• Atherosclerosis
• Diabetes
BOX 133.1 

• Exercise
Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT)
COOLANT WBGT = 0.7Tn + 0.2Tg + Ta
• Drugs (sympathomimetics)
(anticholinergics) • Fever
• Dehydration
• Skin disease • Delirium Tn = “Natural” wet bulb temperature—the temperature achieved by a
• Occlusive • Thyroid storm thermometer covered with a moistened white wick and left
clothing • Malignant exposed to the ambient environment
hyperthermia Tg = Globe temperature—the temperature inside a blackened hollow
• Neuroleptic
copper sphere exposed to the ambient environment
syndrome Ta = Ambient temperature
• Seizures These measurements can be done manually or calculated
automatically with the help of computer algorithms.
Fig. 133.2.  Predisposing factors for heat illness, an automotive analogy.

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1758 PART IV  Environment and Toxicology  |  SECTION One  Environment

and tachycardia, compromise a patient with marginal cardiac Diagnostic Testing

reserve, her or his temperature should be artificially regulated
with antipyretics. These antipyretics are not effective against Laboratory data is generally not indicated in cases of prickly heat.
heat illness and are not recommended to control environmental
hyperthermia. Management and Disposition

MINOR HEAT ILLNESS Chlorhexidine in a light cream or lotion is the antibacterial treat-
ment of choice during the acute phase. Salicylic acid, 1% tid, can
Prickly Heat be applied to localized affected areas to assist in desquamation,
but it should not be used in children or over large areas because
Principles of possible salicylate intoxication. For diffuse or pustular rashes,
erythromycin can be helpful.
Prickly heat, also known as miliaria rubra, lichen tropicus, and Patients can be discharged home, with a dermatologic
heat rash, is an acute inflammatory disorder of the skin that follow-up. Prickly heat can be prevented by wearing light, loose-
occurs in tropical climates. It is the result of the blockage of sweat fitting, clean clothing and avoiding situations that produce con-
gland pores by macerated stratum corneum and secondary tinuous sweating. The routine use of talcum or baby powder
staphylococcal infection. The acute phase is characterized by should be avoided.
vesicles in the malpighian layer of the skin, caused by dilation and
rupture of the obstructed sweat gland ducts. Heat Cramps

Clinical Features Principles

Clinically, this initially produces intensely pruritic vesicles on an Heat cramps are brief, intermittent, and often severe muscle
erythematous base. The rash is confined to clothed areas, and the cramps occurring typically in muscles that are fatigued by heavy
affected area is often completely anhidrotic. During approximately work. Heat cramps appear to be related to a salt deficiency.
the next week, a keratin plug develops and fills these vesicles, They usually occur during the first days of work in a hot environ-
causing a deeper obstruction of the sweat gland duct. The ment and develop in persons who produce large amounts of
obstructed duct then ruptures a second time, producing a deeper thermal sweat and subsequently drink copious amounts of hypo-
vesicle within the dermis. This is known as the profunda stage, tonic fluid.
and it can persist for weeks. Profunda vesicles are not pruritic and
closely resemble the white papules of piloerection; chronic der- Clinical Features
matitis is a common complication (Fig. 133.3).
Athletes, roofers, steelworkers, coal miners, field workers, and
Differential Diagnosis boiler operators are among the most common victims of heat
cramps. Heat cramps tend to occur after exercise, when the victim
Alternatives diagnoses include, contact dermatitis, cellulitis, and stops working and is relaxing (Box 133.2). In this respect, they
allergic reactions. differ from the cramps experienced by athletes during exercise,
which tend to last for several minutes, are relieved by massage,
and resolve spontaneously.

Differential Diagnosis
Heat cramps are occasionally confused with hyperventilation
tetany, which can occur during heat exhaustion. Hyperventilation
tetany can be distinguished by the presence of carpopedal spasm
and paresthesias in the distal extremities and perioral area.

Diagnostic Testing
Heat cramps accompanied by systemic symptoms may be part of
salt depletion heat exhaustion. Heat cramp victims exhibit hypo-
natremia and hypochloremia, so serum electrolyte levels should
be measured. Rhabdomyolysis or resultant renal damage is not
present with isolated heat cramps.

BOX 133.2 

Heat Cramps: Essentials of Diagnosis

Cramps of most worked muscles
Usually occur after exertion
Copious sweating during exertion
Copious hypotonic fluid replacement during exertion
Fig. 133.3.  Prickly heat. (From Habif TP: Clinical dermatology: a color Hyperventilation not present in cool environment
guide to diagnosis and therapy, ed 3, St. Louis, 1996, Mosby.)

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C H APTER 133  Heat Illness 1759

Management and Disposition periphery at any given time. Increasing blood flow to compliant
cutaneous veins raises skin vascular volume at the expense of
Heat cramps are usually rapidly relieved by salt solutions. Com- thoracic blood volume. Individuals who stand for protracted
mercially available flavored electrolyte solutions are commonly periods tend to pool blood in the lower extremities. Combined
ingested. Mild cases without concurrent dehydration are treated with volume loss and peripheral vasodilation, this pooling can
orally with a 0.1% or 0.2% salt solution (two to four 10-grain salt result in inadequate central venous return, a concomitant drop in
tablets [56–112 mEq] or 1 4 to 1 2 teaspoon of table salt dissolved cardiac output, and cerebral perfusion inadequate to maintain
in 1 quart of water), which is the general limit of palatability. consciousness.
Severe cases respond rapidly to an intravenous (IV), isotonic salt
solution (0.9% NaCl). Salt tablets are gastric irritants, delay gastric Clinical Features
emptying, and are not recommended. Although most patients do
not seek medical treatment, most people with heat cramps may Heat syncope is a multifactorial disorder that results in a tempo-
be safely discharged after the administration of balanced salt rary loss of consciousness in the presence of heat exposure. Older
solutions and clinical improvement. adults have a special predilection for this disorder, with a host of
concomitant underlying mechanisms.
Heat Edema
Differential Diagnosis
The diagnosis of heat syncope requires the appropriate clini-
It is presumed that hydrostatic pressure and vasodilation of cal setting and exclusion of other possible causes of syncope,
cutaneous vessels, combined with some degree of orthostatic given a patient’s age and underlying medical disorders (see
pooling, lead to vascular leak and accumulation of interstitial fluid Chapter 12).
in the lower extremities. Simultaneously, the aldosterone level
increases in response to the heat stress and perceived central Diagnostic Testing
volume deficit.
Heat syncope can be precipitated by an underlying metabolic or
Clinical Features cardiac disorder, so cardiac monitoring, electrocardiography, and
hemoglobin determination are warranted. Other tests are indi-
Swollen feet and ankles are often reported by nonacclimatized vidualized based on clinical suspicion following a thorough
individuals, especially older adults, who encounter climatic history and physical examination (see Chapter 12).
stresses of tropical and semitropical areas. Such individuals often
have no underlying cardiac, hepatic, venous, or lymphatic disease. Management and Disposition
They commonly have schedules that involve long periods of
sitting or standing. The edema is usually minimal, is not accom- The disorder is self-limited, and placing the patient in a horizontal
panied by any significant impairment in function, and often position is generally curative. Older patients with comorbidities
resolves after several days of acclimatization. may require admission to address cardiac or neurologic causative
factors. These individuals are at risk for recurrent heat syncope
Differential Diagnosis and should be warned to move often, flex leg muscles repeatedly
when standing stationary, avoid protracted standing in hot envi-
Heat edema should be differentiated from congestive heart failure, ronments, and assume a sitting or horizontal position when
liver disease states, lower extremity infections, and deep venous prodromal warning symptoms or signs occur.

Diagnostic Testing MAJOR HEAT ILLNESS

Awareness of this clinical presentation prevents overly vigorous Heat Exhaustion
diagnostic and therapeutic intervention. A brief diagnostic evalu-
ation to rule out thrombophlebitis, lymphedema, or congestive Principles
heart failure is appropriate, but invasive diagnostic techniques are
not indicated. Heat exhaustion (heat prostration) is a clinical syndrome charac-
terized by volume depletion that occurs under conditions of heat
Management and Disposition stress. Two types of heat exhaustion are classically described, water
depletion and salt depletion.
Pharmacologic therapy is not indicated, and diuretic therapy is Water depletion heat exhaustion results from inadequate
not effective. Simple leg elevation or thigh-high support hose fluid replacement by individuals working in a hot environment
should be used. In most individuals, the problem resolves through and incapacitated individuals without free access to water.
adequate acclimatization or with the individual’s return to a Those working in the heat seldom drink as much as they lose,
temperate climate. Given its benign nature, patients with heat and this voluntary dehydration results in progressive hypovole-
edema can be safely discharged for outpatient management. mia. Left untreated, water depletion heat exhaustion will pro-
gress to heatstroke because they are a continuum of the same
Heat Syncope disease.
Salt depletion heat exhaustion takes longer to develop than the
Principles water depletion form. It occurs when large volumes of thermal
sweat are replaced by water with too little salt. It differs from heat
Individuals adapt to a hot humid environment by dilation of cramps in that systemic symptoms occur. Symptoms are similar
cutaneous vessels to deliver heat to the body surface. Thus, an to those seen in water depletion heat exhaustion; the body tem-
increased portion of the intravascular pool is located in the perature usually remains nearly normal.

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1760 PART IV  Environment and Toxicology  |  SECTION One  Environment

BOX 133.3  BOX 133.4 

Heat Exhaustion: Diagnosis Heat Exhaustion: Management

• Vague malaise, fatigue, headache Rest
• Core temperature often normal; if elevated, <40° C (104° F) Cool environment
• Mental function essentially intact; no coma or seizures Assessment of volume status—orthostatic vital signs blood urea
• Tachycardia, orthostatic hypotension, clinical dehydration nitrogen level, hematocrit, serum sodium concentration
(may occur) Fluid replacement—normal saline to replete volume if the patient is
• Other major illness ruled out orthostatic; replace free water deficits slowly to avoid cerebral
• If in doubt, treat as heatstroke. edema.
Healthy young patients are usually treated as outpatients; consider
admission if the patient is older, has significant electrolyte
abnormalities, or would be at risk for recurrence if discharged.

Clinical Features
The symptoms and signs associated with both types of heat
exhaustion are variable and include weakness, fatigue, frontal Older patients, particularly those with cardiovascular disease
headache, impaired judgment, vertigo, nausea and vomiting and, or other chronic diseases, may benefit from more cautious inpa-
occasionally, muscle cramps (Box 133.3). Orthostatic dizziness tient fluid and electrolyte replacement and frequent reassessment
and syncope can occur. Sweating persists and may be profuse. The (Box 133.4).
core temperature is only moderately elevated, usually below 40° C
(104° F), and signs of severe CNS dysfunction (eg, altered mental Heatstroke
status) are not present.
Differential Diagnosis
In the previously discussed forms of heat illness, although the
Mild heat exhaustion and full-blown heatstroke represent extremes body temperature rises, homeostatic thermoregulatory mecha-
of the spectrum of heat illness, and intermediate cases may prove nisms remain intact. Heatstroke is the catastrophic life-threatening
difficult to differentiate. Nevertheless, heat exhaustion should not emergency that occurs when these mechanisms fail. This failure
be diagnosed in the presence of major CNS dysfunction (eg, sei- results in the elevation of body temperature to extreme levels,
zures, coma) or severe hyperthermia (40.5° C [104.9° F]). usually higher than 40.5° C (105° F), producing multisystem tissue
damage and organ dysfunction.
Diagnostic Testing As heatstroke develops, energy will be insufficient to sustain
thermoregulatory mechanisms, resulting in dramatic increases in
This syndrome is characterized by hyponatremia, hypochloremia, core temperature and the clinical manifestations of heatstroke.
and low urinary sodium and chloride concentrations. The creatine Tissue damage is a function of a complex interaction of body
phosphokinase (CPK) level and renal function should be deter- temperature, exposure time, workload, tissue perfusion, and
mined. Measurement of hepatic transaminase levels may prove individual factors. The exact temperature at which cellular damage
helpful. Elevations to several thousand units can be seen in begins to occur in an individual patient varies. Full recovery is
patients with heat exhaustion or in healthy runners after a mara- possible, despite rectal temperatures up to 46.5° C (115.7° F).
thon, whereas in patients with heatstroke, such levels are usually Neurologic dysfunction is a hallmark of heatstroke, and cere-
in the tens of thousands after 24 hours. bral edema is common. Other pathologic changes include pete-
chiae in the walls of the third and fourth ventricles and marked
Management cerebellar Purkinje cell damage.14 Interestingly, the hypothalamus,
the predominant site of central thermoregulatory control, is
Pure forms of either type of heat exhaustion are rare, and most usually not damaged.
cases of heat exhaustion involve mixed salt and water depletion. Heat stress creates tremendous demands on the cardiovascular
Heat exhaustion is primarily a volume depletion problem, and system, and patients who succumb to heatstroke show signs
rapid recovery generally follows fluid administration. Decisions of circulatory failure. Although such pathologic changes are
regarding the type of fluid and electrolyte replacements should be common, cardiac damage alone is not lethal.
based on serum electrolyte level measurements and the estimation Prolonged heat stress produces impressive increases in skin
of hydration status by clinical and laboratory parameters. blood flow (peripheral vasodilation) and a reduction of the
Patients with significant volume depletion or electrolyte thermal gradient between the core and the skin (Fig. 133.4).
abnormalities require IV fluids. Normal saline should be admin- Functional hypovolemia is avoided by compensatory vasocon-
istered until vital signs normalize. Free water deficits should be striction of the splanchnic and renal vasculatures. The resulting
replaced slowly during 48 hours to avoid a decrease of serum splanchnic and renal ischemia may explain the nausea, vomiting,
osmolality of more than 2 mOsm/hr. Overly rapid correction of and diarrhea observed in runners after a marathon. Hepatic
hypernatremia is associated with cerebral edema and seizures. damage is a consistent feature of heatstroke, and its absence
should cast doubt on the diagnosis.
Disposition If severe heat stress continues, compensatory splanchnic
vasoconstriction will eventually fail, resulting in reduced mean
Young, otherwise healthy patients who do not have significant arterial pressure and a continued cascade of exaggerated systemic
laboratory abnormalities and who respond rapidly to hydration inflammatory responses. Failure to perfuse the skin with heated
do not require hospitalization. These patients should be instructed blood from the core results in a dramatically increased rate of heat
to drink plenty of fluids and avoid heat stress for 24 to 48 hours. storage. This produces elevated intracranial pressure, which, in

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C H APTER 133  Heat Illness 1761

TABLE 133.1 

Characteristics of Classic Versus

Exertional Heatstroke
Healthy Predisposing factors or medications
Younger Older
Exercise Sedentary
Sporadic Heat wave occurrence
Diaphoresis Anhidrosis
Hypoglycemia Normoglycemia
DIC Mild coagulopathy
Rhabdomyolysis Mild CK level elevation
Fig. 133.4.  Human infrared image. Note that the palms and face are Acute renal failure Oliguria
substantially warmer than the rest of the body. (From Auerbach PS:
Wilderness medicine, ed 6, Philadelphia, 2012, Mosby/Elsevier.) Marked lactic acidosis Mild acidosis
Hypocalcemia Normocalcemia
CK, Creatine kinase; DIC, disseminated intravascular coagulation.
BOX 133.5 

Heatstroke: Diagnosis Classic Heatstroke Versus Exertional Heatstroke. The

two forms of heatstroke have significantly different presentations
• Exposure to heat stress, endogenous or exogenous and manifestations—classic (epidemic) heatstroke (CHS) and
• Signs of severe central nervous system dysfunction (coma, seizures, exertional heatstroke (EHS; Table 133.1).
delirium) CHS occurs during periods of sustained high ambient tem-
• Core temperature usually > 40.5° C (105° F), but may be lower peratures and humidity, such as during summer heat waves.
• Hot skin common, and sweating may persist Victims are often older adults and poor and live in underventilated
• Marked elevation of hepatic transaminase levels dwellings without air conditioning. Debilitated patients who have
limited access to oral fluids may develop water depletion heat
exhaustion, which progresses to heatstroke if untreated. Victims
of CHS commonly suffer from chronic diseases, alcoholism, or
combination with the reduction in mean arterial pressure caused schizophrenia, which predisposes to heat illness. Such patients are
by failure of compensatory splanchnic vasoconstriction, conspires often prescribed medications (eg, diuretics, antihypertensives,
to produce a decrease in cerebral blood flow. This results in the neuroleptics, anticholinergics) that impair the ability to tolerate
major CNS dysfunction characteristic of heatstroke. heat stress. Sweating ceases in most CHS patients. Factors such as
advanced age, hypotension, altered coagulation status, and the
Clinical Features necessity for endotracheal intubation on arrival at the ED predict
a poor outcome, despite successful cooling measures.
Heatstroke Versus Heat Exhaustion.  The onset of heat- In contrast, patients with EHS are usually young and healthy
stroke is sudden, and the patient’s level of consciousness is altered. individuals whose heat-dispelling mechanisms are overwhelmed
Prodromal symptoms lasting minutes to hours occur in approxi- by endogenous heat production. Athletes and military recruits are
mately 20% of cases. These are nonspecific and may include typical victims. Rhabdomyolysis and acute renal failure, rarely
weakness, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, anorexia, frontal headache, seen in patients with CHS, are common in patients with EHS.
confusion, drowsiness, disorientation, muscle twitching, ataxia Sweating is present in 50% of cases of EHS. Hypoglycemia may
and signs of cerebellar dysfunction, and psychiatric symptoms, occur as the result of increased glucose metabolism and hepatic
ranging from anxiety and irritability to psychosis. These prodro- damage, resulting in impaired gluconeogenesis. Coagulopathy is
mal symptoms are reminiscent of the description of heat exhaus- common; the mechanism is depicted in Fig. 133.5.
tion. Heat exhaustion, particularly the water depletion variety, can Hyponatremia with serum sodium levels of less than
progress to heatstroke if untreated. 130 mmol/L has been detected in summer hikers in the Grand
The usual manifestations of heatstroke include hyperpyrexia Canyon; many were found to have with neurologic symptoms or
above 40.5° C (105° F), profound CNS dysfunction, and hot skin seizures. Signs of profound CNS dysfunction dominate the early
(Box 133.5). Persistent sweating can be observed in patients with course of heatstroke. Delirium or coma is characteristic, but virtu-
rectal temperatures of 41.5° C to 42.4° C (106.7° F–108.3° F). In ally any neurologic abnormality, including bizarre behavior,
one large series of exertional heatstroke victims, sweating persisted opisthotonos, hallucinations, decerebrate rigidity, oculogyric
in 50% of cases. Therefore, the cessation of sweating is not the crisis, and cerebellar dysfunction, can be seen. Convulsions occur
cause of heatstroke, and continued sweating does not preclude the in up to 75% of patients and can be precipitated by therapeutic
diagnosis. cooling maneuvers. Profound muscle rigidity with tonic contrac-
Although in heatstroke the core temperature is elevated above tions, coarse tremor, and dystonic movements can mimic seizures.
40.5° C (105° F), significant cooling may occur in the out-of- Pupils may be fixed and dilated, and the electroencephalogram
hospital phase, and the first temperature obtained in the emer- may be isoelectric. All these changes are potentially reversible,
gency department (ED) may not represent the original maximum although permanent damage, including cerebellar deficits, hemi-
core temperature. plegia, dementia, and personality changes, is common in severe

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1762 PART IV  Environment and Toxicology  |  SECTION One  Environment

Hyperthermia BOX 133.6 

Differential Diagnosis of Heatstroke

Activation Fibrinolysis Endothelial
of damage • Central nervous system hemorrhage
clotting • Toxins, drugs
Hepatic factors Megakaryocyte • Seizures
damage damage • Malignant hyperthermia
• Neuroleptic malignant syndrome
Intravascular Thrombolysis • Serotonin syndrome
clotting and • Thyroid storm
defibrination • High fever, sepsis
• Encephalitis, meningitis
Depletion Thrombocytopenia
clotting FSP
factors (anticoagulants)
does not recover neurologically, other causes of fever and coma
should be considered (Box 133.6).
Meningitis and Encephalitis. These can masquerade as
Fig. 133.5.  Pathogenesis of hemorrhage. FSP, Fibrin split products. heatstroke. In patients with heatstroke, the spinal fluid should be
clear, with occasional lymphocytic pleocytosis and elevated
protein levels. Cerebral falciparum malaria, which has a clinical
picture of high fever and encephalitis, is seen in tropical areas
cases. Patients with heatstroke usually have hyperdynamic cardio- where heat illness can also occur.
vascular systems with low peripheral vascular resistance, tachycar-
dia (up to 180 beats/min), and an elevated cardiac index.7 Elevation Thyroid Storm.  In patients with thyroid storm, the clinical
of cardiac troponin I is not uncommon with CHS; however, it is symptoms resemble those of heatstroke. It should be suspected if
rarer in EHS. The central venous pressure (CVP) is usually ele- the thyroid gland is enlarged or nodular, but a normal thyroid
vated. The combination of elevated CVP with right-sided cardiac gland does not exclude the diagnosis. Thyroid function test
dilation suggests right-sided heart failure, which is also seen after results are elevated, but these are not available on an emergency
shock or sepsis.15 These changes are expected because skin blood basis. Fortunately, thyroid storm is rare, and some critical aspects
vessels dilate to dissipate heat; however, this low peripheral vas- of treatment, such as rapid cooling, coincide with those for
cular resistance has persisted in patients after reduction of body heatstroke.
temperature to nearly normal.
Respiratory alkalosis is a physiologic response to active or Drug-Induced Heat Illness.  This is an important consider-
passive heating and may be severe enough to produce tetany. ation, particularly anticholinergic poisoning. Differentiation may
Although most patients with CHS have respiratory alkalosis, those be difficult because heatstroke and anticholinergic poisoning
with EHS usually have a relatively pure lactic acidosis. Lactic cause hyperpyrexia, hot and dry skin, tachycardia, and abnormal
acidosis is associated with a poor prognosis in cases of CHS but mental status. Constricted pupils are present in many heatstroke
not necessarily in cases of EHS. Both CHS and EHS cause the patients. Mydriasis should be present in patients with anticholin-
hemoglobin-oxygen dissociation curve to shift to the right. An ergic poisoning, and its absence argues strongly against this
increase in the temperature denatures the bond between oxygen diagnosis. Typhoid fever, typhus, delirium tremens, and hypotha-
and hemoglobin, decreasing the concentration of oxyhemoglobin. lamic hemorrhage all produce a symptom complex similar to that
Aberrations in coagulation are common in patients with severe of heatstroke.
heatstroke, and their presence is a poor prognostic sign. Abnormal Drug overdose of sympathomimetics or stimulants, such as
hemostasis is manifested clinically by purpura, conjunctival amphetamines, cocaine, and phencyclidine, can cause fatal hyper-
hemorrhage, melena, bloody diarrhea, hemoptysis, hematuria, pyrexia. A high ambient temperature is associated with a signifi-
myocardial bleeding, or hemorrhage into the CNS. Diarrhea, cant increase in mortality from cocaine overdose. Many younger
probably caused by intense splanchnic vasoconstriction, is com- patients who die of hyperthermia test positive for cocaine. Heat-
monly seen. Cooling aggravates the diarrhea, creating an unpleas- stroke can occur with delirium resulting from ethanol withdrawal.
ant treatment problem. Pancreatitis is described, with elevated Aspirin and clopidogrel attenuates the skin vasodilatory response
serum amylase and lipase levels. and shifts the onset of peripheral thermoeffector mechanisms
toward a higher body temperature during exercise heat stress.14
Differential Diagnosis Heatstroke has occurred in well-trained military soldiers and
athletes who ingested dietary supplements containing ephedrine
Heatstroke occurs when the thermoregulatory responses are or the ergogenic aid creatine. Some antipsychotics also cause
overwhelmed and fail. If the patient is evaluated as this is occur- suppression of thirst recognition. Individuals with a history of
ring, differentiation between heat exhaustion and heatstroke is heatstroke, with or without an inherent aberration that predis-
difficult. If heatstroke cannot be excluded, efforts to cool the posed them to the initial episode, are at increased risk for a
patient should begin immediately. Only after the initial assess- recurrence.
ment and cooling have been initiated is the differential diagnosis
relevant. When a history of collapse under conditions of heat Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome. This is induced by
stress is present, rapid improvement in mental status and blood antipsychotic medications and is characterized by muscle rigidity,
pressure with cooling essentially eliminates alternative diagnoses. severe dyskinesia or akinesia, hyperthermia, tachycardia, dyspnea,
If, however, the temperature does not respond, and the patient dysphagia, and urinary incontinence. Although the so-called lead

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C H APTER 133  Heat Illness 1763

pipe rigidity and hyperthermia are reminiscent of malignant heatstroke and gradually recedes if the victim survives. Survivors
hyperthermia, the putative mechanism is different. Dopamine generally have no permanent impairment of liver function.
receptor blockade in the corpus striatum caused by butyrophe-
nones (eg, haloperidol) and similar agents produces severe muscle Management
spasticity and dystonia, leading to the overproduction of heat (see
Chapter 155). Cooling.  Immediate cooling is the cornerstone of treatment.
Patients who present to the hospital with heatstroke have high
Serotonin Syndrome. This can also mimic heatstroke mortality rates ranging from 21% to 63%, and mortality increases
because of the elevated body temperature tremors, clonus, and significantly when cooling is delayed. A thermistor probe should
CNS alterations that occur. Serotonin syndrome is classically a be inserted as soon as possible, and the patient’s temperature
triad of mental status changes, autonomic hyperactivity, and should be continuously monitored.
neuromuscular abnormalities secondary to increased CNS sero- Evaporative cooling is recommended because it is effective,
tonergic activity. A history of recent exposure to an illicit or thera- easy to perform, noninvasive, and less likely to interfere with other
peutic medication is an important clue (see Chapter 146). patient care activities than other cooling techniques. The patient
is stripped of all clothing, and tepid tap water is sprayed while fans
Diagnostic Testing blow air continuously over the body, causing evaporative cooling.
One reported method of evaporative cooling uses a body cooling
Most standard measurements of body temperature vary signifi- unit on which the patient lies suspended on a net surface while
cantly from the actual core temperature. Oral thermometry is being sprayed with atomized 15° C (59° F) water from above and
affected by mouth breathing and is a poor approximation of the below. Air warmed to 45° C to 48° C (113° F–118.4° F) is blown
core. Rectal thermometry is less variable but responds to changes over the skin surface at a rate of 3 m/min. This approach maxi-
in core temperature slowly. Thermistors that are inserted 15 cm mizes evaporative cooling by maintaining cutaneous vasodilation
into the rectum offer continuous monitoring of temperature and and avoiding heat generation caused by shivering. When the
have less variability. Although rectal measurements are slower to patient’s body temperature reaches 39° C (102.2°  F), cooling
respond to changes in core temperature than tympanic tempera- measures should be discontinued to avoid hypothermic overshoot.
ture readings, rectal measurements are not biased by head skin Continuous monitoring is necessary to maintain the core tem-
temperature. An esophageal thermistor positioned adjacent to the perature at 37° C to 38° C (98.6° F–100.4° F).
heart is another option. Immersion in ice water results in a rapid reduction of core
The hematologic evaluation should include arterial blood gas temperature to below 39° C within 10 to 40 minutes but can
determination, complete blood cell and platelet counts, electrolyte complicate the resuscitation process. Vigorous skin massage to
values (including calcium), and glucose, blood urea nitrogen, and maintain cutaneous circulation has been advocated, but there is
serum creatinine levels. Hypoglycemia with a serum glucose level no evidence that this is efficacious. Military studies of EHS
less than 65 mg/dL is often found in cases of EHS. With the risk patients treated with ice water immersion have reported no fatali-
of acute rhabdomyolysis, the creatine kinase and myoglobin levels ties or permanent sequelae. Immersion is technically difficult
should be measured and urinalysis performed. Severe heatstroke in the ED. Vasoconstriction from ice water immersion may
can induce disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC); there- be beneficial to hypotensive patients and may be better than
fore, prothrombin and partial thromboplastin times, international evaporative cooling for victims in shock who have poor peripheral
normalized ratio, and fibrin degradation products should be circulation.
measured. Serum cardiac troponin I levels should be obtained.12,16 Cooling modalities other than evaporation and immersion
Metabolic acidosis is common, especially in patients with EHS. should be considered adjunctive treatments (Box 133.7). Applica-
Lactate levels are usually elevated and may persist or even worsen tion of ice packs to high heat transfer areas (eg, neck, groin,
with improved extremity perfusion. axillae) is commonly used. Cooling blankets may be a useful
Renal damage is common. The initial urine specimen, usually adjunct but will not produce rapid cooling if used exclusively.
obtained by catheterization, is a scanty, brownish, turbid fluid Cold irrigant gastric or rectal lavage will not provide significant
resembling machine oil. Microscopic examination reveals protein- heat exchange if used as the primary cooling modality. Antipyret-
uria, with abundant granular casts and red blood cells. Acute ics have no role in the treatment of heat-related illness.18
oliguric renal failure complicates 25% to 30% of EHS cases and
5% of CHS cases. The glomerular filtration rate, renal plasma
flow, urine flow, and sodium excretion diminish markedly during
exercise. Heavy physical exertion in hot climates produces acidic
and maximally concentrated urine, which can result in acute BOX 133.7 
oliguric renal failure in combination with hypotension and
myoglobinuria. Cooling Modalities to Lower Body Temperature
Because heatstroke patients are prone to liver failure, aspartate
transaminase, alanine transaminase, lactate dehydrogenase, and in Heatstroke
other liver enzyme levels should be monitored. Hepatic transami-
nase level elevations may be diagnostically helpful. In most febrile PREFERRED
states that include altered mental status or coma, these enzyme Evaporative cooling with large circulating fans and skin wetting
levels will be normal or minimally elevated, although they are Ice water immersion
usually dramatically elevated early in the course of heatstroke.
Hepatic damage is consistently featured in heatstroke. Hepatic ADJUNCTS
injury is evidenced by markedly elevated levels of hepatic amino- Ice packs to axillae and groin
Cooling blanket
transferases (serum aspartate transaminase and alanine transami-
Peritoneal lavage (unproven efficacy in humans)
nase). Early experimental models have shown that high-mobility Rectal lavage
group box 1(HMGB1) as a mediator of systemic inflammation is Gastric lavage
elevated in heatstroke, and its inhibition may be liver-protective.15,17 Cardiopulmonary bypass
Jaundice typically appears 24 to 72 hours after the onset of severe

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1764 PART IV  Environment and Toxicology  |  SECTION One  Environment

Resuscitation.  Mortality correlates with the temperature particularly in large doses, may worsen hyperthermia by uncou-
and number of dysfunctional organ systems, with an increased pling oxidative phosphorylation and aggravating coagulopathies.
risk of death if patients present with anuria, coma, or cardiovas- Large doses of acetaminophen can result in further hepatic
cular failure. Aspiration and seizures are common in patients with damage. The efficacy of dantrolene has not been established.
heatstroke, and airway control is indicated. Hypoxemia may occur If rhabdomyolysis is present, maintenance of urinary output
because of aspiration, pneumonitis and pulmonary infarction, of at least 2 mL/kg/hr is recommended. Urinary alkalinization
hemorrhage, or edema. Metabolic demands are high, and normal higher than a pH of 6.5 should be considered early in these
pulmonary ventilation may be inadequate in this setting. patients with acidemia, dehydration, or underlying renal disease.
Crystalloid fluid resuscitation is essential. Circulatory fluid After volume repletion, administration of mannitol may be con-
requirements are modest in some cases, averaging 1200 mL of sidered to increase intravascular volume and increase the glo-
isotonic crystalloid solution in the first 4 hours. Pulmonary edema merular filtration rate. Mannitol should not be used in an oliguric
occurs in patients with heatstroke and can be exacerbated by patient. Persistent anuria, uremia, or hyperkalemia is an indica-
overzealous fluid administration. The use of a CVP catheter to tion for consideration of hemodialysis.
monitor fluid resuscitation may be deceptive. Most patients have Cooling modalities that drastically lower skin temperature may
a hyperdynamic circulation with a high cardiac index, low periph- induce violent shivering; this increases metabolic heat production
eral vascular resistance, and elevated CVP as a result of right-sided and may impede cooling. IV benzodiazepines are the treatment
heart failure. These patients may require only modest IV fluids of choice for shivering. The administration of neuroleptics, like
because cooling produces vasoconstriction and increases blood chlorpromazine, should be avoided. These agents have anticholin-
pressure. Hypotension is common in patients with heatstroke and ergic properties that can interfere with sweating and cause
is usually caused by peripheral vasodilation resulting in high- hypotension or precipitate seizures. Many patients are extremely
output cardiac failure in addition to dehydration. Blood pressure agitated during the initial cooling period. Short-acting benzodi-
usually rises with cooling. If this does not occur, or if the patient azepines can be used for sedation and to control seizures. Barbi-
being monitored invasively has a low CVP, a fluid challenge of 250 turates are less desirable because the metabolism is altered by
to 500 mL of 0.9% saline should be given rapidly while blood hepatic dysfunction.
pressure, pulse, and urine output are monitored. Fluid replace- Coagulopathies can occur during the first day of illness but are
ment is continued until the blood pressure reaches 90/60 mm Hg more common on the second and third days. Initial treatment
or the CVP exceeds 12 mL H2O. On occasion, patients exhibit after cooling should include replacement therapy with fresh-
hypodynamic responses with a low cardiac index, elevated CVP, frozen plasma and platelets. The emergency clinician should
and hypotension. These patients may be cyanotic, whereas patients monitor the laboratory signs of DIC—(hypofibrinogenemia,
with hyperdynamic circulation are initially pink. This clinical elevated fibrin split products, prolonged prothrombin time,
observation can be helpful in identifying patients who may and thrombocytopenia. The bleeding diathesis seen in patients
respond to catecholamines. with heatstroke may be the result of fibrinolysis. Although
A variety of tachyarrhythmias commonly occur during heat- α-aminocaproic acid can impede fibrinolysis, administration of
stroke. These usually resolve with cooling, and electrical cardio- this compound is associated with rhabdomyolysis, and its use is
version should be avoided until the myocardium is adequately not recommended in patients with heatstroke.
cooled. The use of α-adrenergic agents such as norepinephrine is
not recommended because they promote vasoconstriction without Disposition
improving cardiac output or perfusion, decrease cutaneous heat
exchange, and may exacerbate ischemic renal and hepatic damage. Patients presenting with classic or exertional heat stroke should
Atropine and other anticholinergic drugs that inhibit sweating be stabilized in the ED, with admission to an intensive care setting.
should be avoided. Patients with more complex end-organ damage (eg, renal failure
The pathophysiologic processes of heatstroke and fever differ, requiring dialysis) may require transfer to a center with more
so antipyretics are not indicated and may be harmful. Salicylates, comprehensive tertiary care capabilities.

• Classic heatstroke is generally diagnosed in older patients with • Antipyretics are ineffective and should not be used to control
comorbidities during heat waves, whereas exertional heatstroke is environmental hyperthermia.
more common in young athletic patients or military personnel. • Heatstroke can cause right-sided cardiac dilation and elevated CVP
• Patients with exertional heatstroke are commonly diaphoretic. and clinically resemble pulmonary edema, but still requires vigorous
• Rapid cooling of the potential heatstroke patient should be initiated crystalloid resuscitation.
before the diagnosis is firmly established. The most effective
minimally invasive cooling measure is with evaporative techniques
using cool mist sprays and standing fans.

The references for this chapter can be found online by accessing the accompanying Expert Consult website.

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C H APTER 133  Heat Illness 1764.e1

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133.1. An 18-year-old female marathon runner presents to the D. It is characterized by hyponatremia and
ED during a hot summer race. She is extremely irritable hyperchloremia.
and diaphoretic. She is complaining of generalized E. It occurs when muscles are fatigued by heavy work.
weakness, dizziness, nausea, and headache. The physical
Answer: C. Heat exhaustion is a clinical syndrome. Whereas there
examination reveals an oral temperature of 40.5° C
are typically two types of heat exhaustion, water depletion and
(105° F), heart rate of 120 beats/min, muscle twitching,
salt depletion, pure forms of either type are rare. Most cases of
and ataxia. What is the most appropriate management?
heat exhaustion involve mixed salt and water depletion. In salt
A. Assess her volume status and immediately start
depletion heat exhaustion, the syndrome is characterized by
normal saline to replete volume loss before transfer to
hyponatremia, hypochloremia, and low urinary sodium and
a hospital.
chloride concentrations. The symptoms and signs associated are
B. Encourage her to drink cold water to replace her free
variable and nonspecific but usually systemic, such as weakness,
water deficit rapidly.
fatigue, frontal headache, vertigo, nausea, and vomiting. The body
C. Immediately remove her from the hot environment
temperature usually remains nearly normal.
and begin cooling before transfer to a hospital.
D. Prescribe immediate rest, after which she may be
133.3. Despite cooling measures, poor outcomes are seen in
allowed to finish the race.
heatstroke patients with which of the following?
Answer: C. The onset of heatstroke is sudden. Prodromal symp- A. Altered coagulation status
toms lasting minutes to hours can occur that are nonspecific and B. History of schizophrenia
similar to those of heat exhaustion. Signs and symptoms may C. Need for 100% oxygen
include weakness, dizziness, nausea, frontal headaches, confusion, D. Presentation with acute renal failure
muscle twitching, ataxia and signs of cerebellar dysfunction, and E. Presentation with acute rhabdomyolysis
psychiatric symptoms, ranging from anxiety and irritability to
Answer: A. Factors such as advanced age, hypotension, altered
psychosis. Heat exhaustion can progress to heatstroke if it is
coagulation status, and the necessity for endotracheal intubation
untreated. If the patient is evaluated as this is occurring, differen-
on arrival at the ED predict a poor outcome, despite successful
tiation between heat exhaustion and heatstroke is difficult. If
cooling measures.
heatstroke cannot be excluded, efforts to cool the patient should
begin immediately.
133.4. The usual characteristics of classic heatstroke include
Whereas rest is part of the treatment for heat exhaustion, it is
which of the following?
not the only treatment. She must be removed from the hot envi-
A. Diaphoresis
ronment, not be allowed to finish the race, and assessed for her
B. Disseminated intravascular coagulation
volume status. Normal saline is used to replete volume if the
C. Hypoglycemia
patient is orthostatic; free water deficits are replaced slowly to
D. Marked lactic acidosis
avoid cerebral edema.
E. Usual occurrence during heat waves
133.2. Which of the following statements regarding heat Answer: E. Usual characteristics of classic heatstroke include
exhaustion is true? predisposing factors or medication, older population, sedentary
A. It causes body temperatures that often exceed 40.5° C lifestyle, anhidrosis, normoglycemia, mild coagulopathy, mild
(105° F). elevation in creatine kinase level, oliguria, mild acidosis, and
B. It exists in two discrete forms, salt depletion and occurrence during heat waves. Diaphoresis, hypoglycemia, dis-
water depletion. seminated intravascular coagulation, and marked lactic acidosis
C. It is associated with systemic symptoms. are characteristics of exertional heatstroke.

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