Defence Studies

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+ e315 : 4D) °© veolagve Pe aele! @ (9 os] 2t To The Velee- CRacecetor | Dated: 18 Sena for ‘The Registrar CCS University Meerut Subject: Approval of Syllabus of Defence Studies through Board of Studies. Dear Sir, This is to inform you that the online meeting of Board of Studies (BoS) held on 01 June 2021 as per arrangements of your letter referenced: Committee cell BOS Defence Studies/4634 dated 25.05.2024, and concerned norms of the board of studies. There are certain changes done in the syllabus as suggested by the Board of Studies according ‘to the norms of steering committee of the state government in this respect There are following two subject papers which are recommended as ‘Elective Papers’ by the Board of Studies for other students = 1+ National Security: Conceptual Aspects, Page 14,16,16, 2 Indian Defence Mechanism, Page 21,22,23 The hard copy of the under praduiate classes syllabus of Defence Studies forwarded and approved by the Board of Studies is being submitted to your office for further necessary actions, fe (ARDY — Tak Thanking You Cio Sincerely Yours Enclosure: The hard copy of the syllabus 96 pages. Soft copy mailed to the concerted mail 1D (Cornet tees Pract, Com) = he u arious paris: Attempt followitlg exercise on the LPL: To tecmirne magnetic north; Setting of the Map, B5-To find out the bearing of a point rom other point situated on (he a jpround. Tw fe detecntne one's and enemy's position on the map by resection) ind intersection methods with the help of compass. ‘This course can be opted as an elective by the students of following subjects: Open for all | ‘Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods: [Teat with multiple choice questions/ Research Orientation/ short and fong answer questions,or Record ,Vival ose ‘Course prerequisites: To study this course, a student must have had the subject certificatel diploma at in elass/i2/ | { U - poten ll B.A, /BSe Nl Semester I, Defence and Strategic Studies, Paper 01 National Security-Conceptual Aspects (Theory) Programme/Ciass: Certificate | Year: Second ‘Semester: Ii} 1 ‘Sabject: Detence and Sivategic Studies jer National Seeurity-Conceptual Aspects ( Theacy? 4 marry | This course helps students develop core competencies in national security affairs by building his/her (pacity on essentials of National Security through theory and practice. Core Compulsory / Elective Course Code: A120301T ‘Course outcomes: Min. Passing Marks: Max. Marks: 25+75 Total No. of Lectares-60 ‘| Units No of Lectures 4 ~ Introduction (2) Concepts of Nation, State and Nati efence (p)Origin, Ceoncept, and objectives of National Security. ~ State, Security an 08 i National Security Analysis Concept, Components and Formulation o Security and Defencé Policies and their tinkages 0 mt 5. National and International Security related Concepts ‘ National Power and its elements, National Interest, Foreigi PPolicy and Diplomacy. ’. Balance of Power, Collective Security or “HiChallenges and Threats to National Security a. Military Threats/Challenges: Sntemel and Extemal ‘b.Non-Military Threats/Challenges: Internal and External 08 PARTB, a . Concept of Defence: Threat Perception, Defence Planning anc Reforms, Military Nuclear and Missile Capabilities of India, China, yPakistan 3, MTCR, NMD and FMCT Proliferation of weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)and NPT]S vu (7. Ammamtenis: Arms Race, Arms Aid, Arms Trade and Small Arm] [Protiferation 8 Peseesiea ‘Readings: it. Booth, K., (2007} Tueary of Wocld Security: Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, p.One-sided initiative, and b. Collaborative approach, Relevance of Seienve & Technology in National Security “Measures 10 address the challenges of National Ssecurity|® eae, a State; New Deihi, Trans Asia Publications. 4] Lh Das, 8.T., (1987) National Security in Perspective: Delhi, Gian Publishing House. | L.Pramkel, Josent., (1970) National futerest: London, Macmillan. \ 5.Military Batance., Latest Edition (SS) Morgenthau, Hans J. (1969) Potities Arsong Nations, Calcutta, Scientific Book Agency. {7.Palmer, Norman D, and Perkins, Howard C., (1968) international Relations: Calcutta, Scientific seal cy | ea aa Sabrata Roy., (2966) Military Alliances and Neutrality in War and Peace: New Delhi, pet Lougman. Singh, Nagendra, (L974) The Defence Mechanisu and the Modern State: New Delhi, Asia Publishin; Honse, (O.SIPRI Year Book Latest Edition. | it SrA 200) GLa: War aeT efeRtOT wae wemTeTAT ae Feet | 2, MORN, SLAAARA (2014 JTS Gea we sere wader wer awe st ata 3. FI, Hee A, 2003) TENG watt Oe Bean, Wore ge haut wee | lea. rarest at. wa Oe Reet oe grr (2017), TENT ERAT ey Were, AAS 5. ig, are ae 201s) ATeAM year Waal aS Set, Tee | ite gore ae (2008) aertmtr eran By Semin a rere soe es RTT | hs. DnSanjay Kumar & Anurag Jaiswal-Rashtriya Suraksha,G.B.Books,New Delhi '6.0.Motd.Rizwan-Nuclear india Pakistan and Pi ent World Order,Anubhay| Publisher,New Delhi. | | "This course can be opted as an elective by the siudenis of following subjects: Open forall SSS ‘The eligibility for this paper is }0+2 with any subject Sas este ‘oggested Continuous Evaluation Methods; ‘Seminar/ Research Orientation’ Presentation on any topic of the above syllabus | ‘est with multiple choice questions! short and long answer questions Isetendance : st Course prerequisites: To Sindy this couse, a siadent must have had the subject ALLin classi", re eligibility for this paper is 10+2 with any subject \ Gy Ogee B.A. (BSc, U.,Semester Ill , Defence and Strategic Studies ,Paper 02 (Practical) Programme/Ciass: Ceraie | ‘Year: Second ‘Semester: tit Subject: Defence and Strategie Studies (Practicaly ‘Course Code: A120302P- | Course Title: Basics of Operational Exereises-IIl —~ v ‘Credits: 2 ‘Core Compulsory / Elective "| “Max. Marks: 25475 ‘Mia, Passing Marks: “Total No, of Lectures-Tulonials-Practical-30 (60 hours) Noor | Unit Topic Lectures [~ i li Relief Features and their representation on the map. 06 L w b. Types of slopes and their representation on the map 08 wo Gradient — Determination of gradients, 06 { fiinter visibility — Determination of inter visibility in case of rise or| wv 10 fall of slope. “This Courao cin be opted #4 an olective by the students of following subjects: Open for ail Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods: jFest with multiple choice questions/ Research Orientation/short and long answer questions.or Record , Viv ‘Voce Course prerequisites: To study this course, « student must have liad the subject . certificaterdiploma in claseit27 B.A. /BSe Il, Semester IV, Defence and Strategic Studies, Paper 01 ‘Course Code: A120401T Course Title: Strategic Thought (Theory) _ Strategic Thought, (Theory) Programme/Class: Certificate | Year: Second ci ‘Semester: 1¥ | ‘Subject: Defence and Strategic Studies | ge. Course outcomes: [fhe course will provide students an acquaintance with the concepts of strategic thinking as propounded by prominent classical and modern thinkers. Students will also develop analytical thinking regarding relevance of ‘Douhet: Their views on the Role of Air Power in Modern ee uch thought to contemporary period. | Credits: 4 ‘Core Compulsory / Elective Max. Matks: 25975 Min, Passing Marks: [ Total No, of Lectures-60 _s. Fo | Units Topic | NoofLectures | H PARTA 1 1. Kautilaya’s Philosophy of war. \ a6 1 2. Sun Taw The An of war. 05 | _ et Mm Clausewitz’s theories on war and politics. 06 v 1k. Mag-Tse-Tung’s views on Guerrilla warfare. 8 ab PARTB | ea} S TFC, Fuller and Liddell Hart: Their views on Mechanized warfar 8 vi 5 Mahan’s Views on Sea Power and Naval Warfare, 5 { vi Oo gaa wy. ® . Y Harkabi, and Andre Beaufre - Theories of Nuclear War andi ferrence, vi . Thoughts of Mshatame Gandi on Peace, Security an velopment. Suggested Readings: Dass, $.7., (1987) An Introduction to the art of war .Barl, E.M., (1943) Makers of Modern Strategy, Princeton. Fuller, L¥.C, (1998) Armament and History, Da Capo Press, Fuller, J.F.C., (1992) The Conduct of war, Da Capo Press. Shama Shastci., (2012) Kautilya’s Arthshastra, Low price Publications. p.Tau, Sun., (2015) The Art of War, Grapevine, India. £ Dusty, Christopher, (1987) Siege Warfare, Routeledge Kegenpatl Ropp, Theadure., (2000) War in the Modern World, John Hopkins. Besufte Andre, (1965) Deterrence and Strategy, Faber & Faber, No.Mao-Te-Tung., (1967) On the protracted War; Selected works, Foreign Language Press, Peiking. } LNesuicion, Abdul Haris, ({96S) Fundamentals of Guerrilla Warfare, Fredrick A Praguer. h2.Reid, Brain Holden., (1987) F.C.Fuller: Military Thinker, Palgrave McMilan, h3.Greene, T.N., (1962) The Guerrilla and How to Fight Him, Fredrick A Pragues. 14, ated, area C977) seas ter fore, te pes ged STIS 5. MUSE, ART Co GOST TA ANCT, (2005) Tartare Fae, aety ga Hot aS 16. Fite, ceetet SH,(1997-98), sneer thea Rear Peace), rare ger foot ate 17. arent, eaz,200. sep crate fia, weds oferty, serra 18. Aapwarar amatet (2008) STAR ex agers Aer adh, aT RU A Feet liv. deg 2010) Fa eM, Seqala SY onctles Hare Ait He, aAgst er oye Ge» © A “This course can be opted as an elective by ihe students of following subject ‘The eligibility For this paper is 1042 with any subject ‘uggested Continuous Evaluation Methods: Seminar! Research Orientation/Presentation on any topic of the above syllabus {Fest with multiple choice questions! short and long answer questions | endance Course prerequisites: To stody this course, a student must have had the subject ALCin class 2" ihe etigibitty for this paper ia 10+2 with any subject B.A. /B.Se. IL,Semester IV, Defence and Strategie Studies Paper 02 (Practical) Programme/Class: Certificate ‘Year: Second ee ‘Semester: 1¥ ‘Subject: Defence aud Strategic Studies (Practical) Coune Code: Atzoagzp [Course Title Basis of TEWTW/Sand Model Exercines, — Credits: 2 Core Compulsory / Elective | ex po} ro Max. Marks: 25475 Min. Passing Marks: ‘Fatal No. of Lectures-Tutorials-Practical-30 (60 hours) No. of st Unit Topic Lectures fl Elementary knowledge of Soren ear ro #.Rank structure of the three services, Study and description of ground Judging distance Section formation oR Patrolling or Il Sand Modef Exercises Battle of Panipat, 1526 A.D. Mes * aww f— Battle of Assaye, 1803 A.D. b, Sketching of the Charts of Yndian Baules 0s Kargil Conslict, 1999 1. Sketching of the Charts of Westem Battles. Battle of Somme, 1916. TY Lecture and group discussion on current defence topics. 1 “This course can be opted as an elective by the students of following subjects: Open for all | ‘Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods: [Fest with multiple choice questions/ Research Orientation’ short and long answer questions, Record , Vive) oe Cow'se prerequisites: To study this course, a student must have had the subject... ia elass/I2°7 cerlificate/diplomne, B.A. /B.Se Jil Semester V, Defence and Strategic Studies, Paper 01 Indian Defence Mechanism Theory} { Prograrime/Class: Cenificate | Year. Third I Semester: V Subject: Defence and Strategic Studies Course Coder AT20501T Course Title; Indian Defence Machanism (Theary) foarse ou(comes: Students will learn about the defence mechanism of India and evaluate its strength: nd weaknesses. Credits: 4 Core Compulsory / lective Max Marks: 25495 Min. Passing Marks: | Total No. of Lectures-60) pay = a Units No of Lectures “| [Introduction a . Second line of Defence [introduction to Paramilitary Forces in briet | | 08, ‘The Indian Defence Forees a. Rank Structure of the Three Services, b. Recruitment methods for Defence Services. cc, Important training institution of the Three Services. o7 W Higher Defence Organizations of Indi a. Power of the President of India in relation of Defence. ‘b. Role and function of Ministry of Defence. c, Composition and function of Defence Committees/NSC. 4 Chief of Staff and joint service Organization, 4 08 wv Asmy Organization Organization of army Headquarters (Role of COAS and PSOs). PARTB. Air Fore Organization Ongnnization of Air Force Headquarters (Role of CAS and PSOs). H7.Navy Organization ‘Organization of Naval Headquarters (Role of CNS & PSQs). =| bee eth | CH $.Ceoperation Between Armed Forces and Civil Authovities a Maintenance of Law and Order ‘p Flood Relief Operations ¢ Rescue and Relief Operation “Indian's Defence Cooperation with Foreign Countries 8, Defence Diplomacy. +. Cooperation on Capacity Building and Training . Defence Partnerships with Major Powers uggested Readings: Venkateswaran, A.L., (1967) Defence Organization in Ladia, New Delhi: Government of Ludia. 2.Government of India, (1924) The Army of India and its Evolution, Calcutta. Ministry of Defence, Government of India, Indian Armed Forces Year Book, (Annual). Palit, D.K., (1989) Essentials of Military Knowledge, New Delhi. #-Singh, Nagendra,, (1967) Defence Mechanism of Modern State, New Delhi. Tati, St. Nahe HEAT Wek FHT, THAT ATT (1998-99), Bor Farge sayay 2, HITEHT TAL TAY bafta Rove ; van we fater sia, URS ART poe WAT BUA 2016) HRT IA BARAT SAAT, aaa Fite pare rar This course can be opted as an elective by the students of following stijects: Open for all ‘The eligibility for this paper is 1042 with any subject uggested Continuous Evaluation Methods: \Seminas/ Research Orientation’ Presentation on any topic of the above syllabus {est with multiple choice questions/ short and long answer questions [Attendance _ ‘Course prerequisites: To study this course, a stadent must have liad the subject ALLin Classi2® [The eligibility for this paper is 10+2 with any subject or geet B.A. /B,Se IMI Semester V, Defence and Strategic Studies, Paper 02 Nation Seourty of India (Theory) Programme/Ciass: Certificate | Year: Third { Semester: ¥ al ‘Subject: Defence and Strategic Studies - ra ‘Course Code: A120502T Course Title: National Security of India Theory) Course outcomes! =| ‘tudents will learn about the defence mechanism of India an aluate its strengths and weaknesses. Credits: 4 Care Compulsory Elective | ‘Max. Marks: 25475 |" Min, Passing Marks: | ‘Total No, of Lectures-60 Units Topic No of Lectures PARTA co ‘Geo-Strategiv Location and significance. L a.lndia’s Borders- Nature and characteristics of land borders, ‘Indian ocean territory and ity strategic significance | ce i Dindian Concept of National Security Meaning and Definition ‘b.Thteat Perceptions cJTypes of threats to India Wm India’s Security Problems since independence. a,Geo-political effects of partition. b fiffects on Armed Forces iv jectives of Indian foreign policy; global and regional perspective am» © Gastcot in of ‘Indian Foreign Policy - Basic tcl oF gore L fT PART B 71 “External Dimensions of tndia’s security Security problems related to Pakistan including Indo-Pak wars. ” V | bSecurity prabiems related to China including 1962 Sino-Indian war. . Regional Security challenges, 6 Internal dimension of India’s sceurity oF a-Terrorismt in Jammu & Kashani “ole Jnsusgency in North easter states. ¢. Naxalism vi |Z Defence Organization in india: - Structure, Objectives, Rois, and oben, 08 National Security Council: Structure and Role 08 vo Suggested Readings: II Bajpai, U.S, (2986) India and its Neighbourhood: New Delhi, Lancer Intemational. P.Baranwal, SP, (1984) Measures of Civil Defence in India: New Deihi, Guide Publications. . Dobbing, Ross and Cordon, Sandy, (1992) India’s Strategic Future: Deli, Oxford University Press, } Chatterjee, R.K. (1978) India’s Lard Bordes- Problems and Challenges: New Delhi, Sterling Publishers Chaudhry, Rahul Roy, (1995) Sea Power and India’s Security, London, Brassey’s. Dass, S.7,, (1987) National Security in Perspective: Dethi, Gian Publishers. .-Kavic, Lome 5., (1967) India's Quest For Security: Defence Poticles 1947-1965, Los Angeles, TIiversity of alifornia Press. 8.Menon, V-P., (1961) The Story of the Integration of Indian States: New Delhi, Orient Longmans. » Nayar, V.K., (1992) ‘Threats From Within: New Delhi, Lancer Publications. [10.Rao, Ramakrishna and Shama, RC, (1992) India’s Borders, New Delhi, Scholars’ Publishing Forum. 111 Rao, P.V.R., (1970)Defence Without Drift: Bombay, Popular Prakashan. h2.Singh, Jaswant (1999) Defending India: Bangalore, Macmillan (ndia Lid, Uy = er ee sgt egret aerenr: alferat we emer, MeN Ufeter er Feet 6. aifeias, exe Aat(2084) smc Seer fear, were eT Fee ho amere tT. (2015) HES TEAC Tee & 50 ast are ares att thay wera dade ag feet | I!8. Dr.Sanjay Kumar & Anurag Jaiswal-Rashtriya Suraksha,G.8.Books,New Delhi | }!7.Dr.Mohd.Rizwan & Dr.Mohd,Saqib-India's Traditional and Non-Traditonal Securit hallenges,Anu Boake,New Delhi-2024 | ™ ‘course can be opted as an elective by the students of following subjects: Open for alll ‘The eligibility for this paper is 10+2 with any subject, ‘Seminat/ Reseatch Grientation/Presentation on any topic of the above syllabus = Coatinuous Evaluation Methods: “x be (a with multiple choice questions’ short and long answer questions Lt [peeudance B.A. (BSc. lil Semester V, Defence and Strategic Studies Paper 03 (Practical) J Programme/Ciass: Catal ‘Year: Third T “Semester: V0 | Subject: Refence and Strategie Studies (Practica EY ities Mili F Biectra Si Clipping. | Saas teen Aiaohear coer “Tiller Milfiary use of Biectromagnetic Spectram, Press Clipping, - Credits: 2 | Core Compulsory / Elective | “Max. Marks: 25+75 ~ | “Min, Passing Marks: i Total No. of Lectures-Tutorials-Practical-30 (60 hours) ia | r | No. of Unit Topic { Lectures | | 1 10 | .. Thermal Imaging and Sensors. Radars and its significance, Introduction to Electronic Warfare in terms of Lasers, ECM, a cM 08 TH —_s Press Clippings on allotted current topics with a brief assignment 06 Ww fi Bion Touran ire. 06 | This course can be opted as an elective by the students of following subjects: Open for all ‘Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods: [Test with multiple choice questions/ Research Orientation/short and long answer questions,or ‘Short Presentation/Lecturer,Record Viva Voce Course prerequisites: To study this course, a student must have had the subject ....... in class/12°7 certificateidigtoma. B.A. /BSc.ll, Semester V, Defence and Strategic Studies,Paper 4 Research Project Programme/Class: Graduation] Year: 3 Semester: V Subject: Course Code: AT30504R—} Course Tile: Research project-1 [ea 3 | ‘Core Compulsory / Elective ‘Max. Marks: 25475 | ‘Min. Passing Marks: Total No. of Lectures- 45 Unit Topics No. of Lectures 7 The Candidate has to select and give laputs in any one of he (10 following ‘many include... 1LIndo-Nepal Border Security and Management 2. Study and assessment of potential cyber threats in your arca. en RS t i velop a tool for conducting a survey of the selected area and | 12 con — -ollect data from the area/ seek permission to conduct short raining in the area. ! . or Ww Suggested Continuous E | Prepare Survey or 1001 on any one of the above areas | search Orientation-Collection of data related to the area. | A letter certifying the authenticity of work done from the mentor | { | uation Methods: Report of the identified problems and survey conducted. cat ‘Course prerequisites: To study this course, a student must have had cleared the 4th semester B.A. /B.Se Hl Semester VI, Defence and Strategic Studies, Paper OL Science and Technology in Relation to Warfare (Theory) | ‘Programme/Class; Certificate | Year: Third I ‘Semester: Vi ‘Subject: Defence and Strategie Studies Tournse Title: Science asd Technology in Relation to Warfar ( Theory) Course Code: A130601T ‘Course outeomes: [At the end of this course, students acquite knowledge on how signifi isto Society and to National Security. The paper also provides reaiization in contentplating on the military? industrial comptex (MIC) of a mation. | Credits: 4 Core Compulsory / Blective Max, Marks: 25475 ‘Min. Pasting Marks: Total No. of Lectures-60 | | tet Units Pa - Topic me ea _| |L.Arcarigelis, Masiode, (1990) Electronics Warfare, Ratna , New Delhi. #4 Baranson, Jack. (1978) Technology and the Multinationals: Lexington, Lexington Books. PART A r IL. Science, Technology and National Security. 07 1 2. Impact of Science and Technology on Society and warfare, o . Transfer of Technology: » Intemational interdependence a os b.Roie of Muitinationat Corporations. {i ‘Armament technology (in brief): a. Armoured vehicles: Tanks and APC’s Ww 08 ©. Aircrafts, UAV's and Missile ©. Submarine and Aircraft cartier PARTB Vv iectronie Wirfave: Concept and applications OT VI f Ballistic Missile Defence (BMD): Concept and applications. vu ff-Revolution in Military Aifairs (RMA) 03 val Deience RAD and Defence Production ia india 08 Suggested Readings: p.Rehman, A. (1972) Science Technology and Society: New Delhi, People’s Publishers House. B.Anand. A. (2003) Informatinn Technology: The future warfare weapons: New Delhi, Ocean books, [Johan Erickson (Ed,) (1966) The Military Technical Revolution: Its Impact on strategic and Poreigst Policy: ‘ew York, Prederick A Prager. Wee aoe 5 Macksey, Kenneth (1986) Technology in War: The impact of Science on weapon development and modem + pas NY, Prentice Hall. | Mann T-S., (1982) Transfer and Technology: Bombay, Himalaya Publications House. Jasbir R.K, (1987) Handbook of military science and Armament Technology: Dehradun, Natraj publications. Singer, H.W., (1988) Technology Transfer by Multinational Vol. 1& II: New Delhi, Ashis, l10,Tiwari V.M. and Rajaikant, (2996) The high tech wac at twentieth Century: New Delhi, Vikas. 1 Rajan,Y.S, (2001) Empowering India (with Economic Business & Technological strengllis for the twenty rst Century) : New Dethi, Hari Anand. )3. Os SLUT ofeget ud WSS TL, ( 2015) HIRE 2020 Se Ga aS THT IT AS Feet 4. aan Preset (2000 jal Farr srgu ae Serer, Ha Mere Ae face | 112.Robert H . Latiff, (2017) Future war, Penguin Random House, | | 5, are arerser,(2005) yaer aie Yao Higa, fears der wade fates ag Rasch | | 6, sieee sare, SUS a Hoch aga aH A. Ay afro, ae fee This course can be opied as an clective by the siudents of following subjects: Open forall “ The eligibility for this paper is 10#2 with any subject } Suggested Contimious Evaluation Methods ‘Seminar Presentation on any topic of the above syllabus/ Research Orientation aa al [Test with multiple choice questions/ short and long answer questions. tendance ‘BA. /BSc Ill Semester Vi, Defence and Strategic Studies, Paper 02 Military Psychotogy (Theory) ‘Programme/Class. cana | 7a Third “| Semesier: Vi ‘Subject: Defence and Strategic Studies [Course Code: A130602T | ‘Course Titie: Military Psychology (Theory) Course outeom After having done this course, student would he able to understand and appreciate psychological aspects of w king, military leadership and emotional issues that are faced by soldiers during war and peace. rn or Credits: 4 ( Core Compulsory /Blective Max. Marks: 25475 Sha ‘Passing Marks: 4 ‘Total No. of Lectures-60 Units Topic No of Lectures L PART A loo [. Military Psychology: Definition, Scope, Significance and its rold juring war and peace. 08 2. Psychological Weapons of War: Propaganda, rumor ang or indoctrination, mw - Feat and Pani¢ in War Causes, Consequences and Management.| 93 W Miltary Leadership: Meaning, a€ributes, importance and rote off gy raining. PARTB v 5. Discipline: Definition, purpose and tools of maintaining diseiplin 7 vi 6. Motivation and Morale eco ad thei ulation in he “ 1 forces. vi F7-Man Management:

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