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E-mail: rosPcb.baiasore@osPCboardd .

Website: ~.ospcboar .org


ST ATE ~~~;,uJ~~~o~~~J~g_~MATE
Plot No.1602, Ganeswarpur, Balasore -756019, By REGD.POST

Date Qg/ 01} ?o;).:u

I CTE-322412022
No. 131:9
... obtaining consent to Establish
In consideration of the online application no. 4229992 for is leased to convey its
of MIs. Neunti River Sand Bed, the State Pollution C?ntrol ~~~~~o:o~Pollution) Aa, 1974
Consent to Establis~ under s~ctio&nC25 tOfIw:~rll~i~;)e~~~~ ~81 for Excavation/Quarrying of
and Section 21 of Air (Prevention on ro 0 0 ,
minor mineral as follows:
Excavation I Quarrying of Sand of quantity 6000 M3/Annum(Maximum Quantity as
stated in the EC).
At- Neunti Village under Rairangpur Tahasil over Plot No.1, Khata No. 112, meas.uring
an area of Ac12.25decl 4.957 Hectares(Mentioned as per application form) In the
district of Mayurbhanj with following conditions.

1. This consent to establish is valid for product, method of mining and capacity
mentioned in the application form. This order is valid for five years, which
means the proponent shall commence mining activities for the proposal within a
period of five years from the date of issue of this consent to establish order. If
the proponent fails to commence mining activities for the proposal within five
years then a renewal of this consent to establish shall be sought by the
2. The mine shall apply for grant of consent to operate under section 25/26 of Water
(Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 & Air (Prevention and Control of
Pollution) Act, 1981 at least 3 (three) months before the commencement of production
and obtain Consent to Operate from this Board.
3. This consent to establish is subject to statutory and other clearances from Govt.
of Odisha and lor Govt. of India, as and when applicable.
4. The mine shall abide by the stipulated conditions of environmental clearance obtained
from the State Environmental Impact Assessment Authority (SEIAA), Bhubaneswar
vide letter nos. Vide Letter Nos. EC22B0010R110871 (EC Identification No.), &
4553/SEIAA, dtd. 19.05.2022.
5. This consent to establish granted under Section 25 of Water (Prevention & control of
Pollution) Act, 1974 and Section -21 of Air (Prevention and control of Pollution) Act

~9a8~sUbje.ctto the mining plan approved by the Mining Officer ,Baripada Circle
y rbhanJ~nder Odisha Minerals (Prevention of Theft, Smuggling and Illegal Mining ,
and RegulatJooof
and E' ." Possession,. storage, Trading and transportation) Rules 2007
. . nVlronm~tal Clearance obtained from SEIAAlDEIAA. '
6. M.mng shall be ~. ne over the valid
. lease hold land as per the approved " I
7. The mine h II· . . mining pan.
. s a ~alntaln the ambient noise standards as prescribed in the Noise
Pollution (Regula'o~ and Control) Rules, 2000.
8. The industry shall obt·am NOe from the central Ground Water Authority for with drawl
of ground water,if any and submit the same to the Board.
9. The annual production shall not exceed the consented quantity. Copy of the annual
return (Annual return submitted to DGM/IBM) shall be submitted every year to the
Board. Environmental statement report shall also be submitted every year to the Board
in prescribed format.
10. Mining operation is subject to availability of all other statutory clearances required
under relevant Acts/Rules and fulfillment of required procedural formalities.

11. Greenbelt shall be developed along the boundary of the mining lease area as per

approved Mining Plan.

The Board may impose further conditions or modify the conditions as stipulated in this
order during installation and may revoke this order in case the stipulated conditions are
not implemented and / or information are found to have been suppressed / wrongly

furnished in the application form.

13. The following measures are to be implemented to reduce noise pollution.
i. Power and regular maintenance of vehicles and other equipment.
ii. Limiting time of exposure of workers to excessive noise.
iii. The workers employed shall be provided with protection equipment and

earmuffs etc.
iv. Speed of trucks entering or leaving the mine is to be limit to moderate
speed of 25KMPH to prevent undue noise from empty trucks

1. Domestic waste water, if any shall be discharged to soak pit via septic tank
constructed as per BIS specification.

1. The unit shall maintain ambient air quality in order to meet th~ prdes.cri~~d
standard as per National Ambient Air Quality Standard prescribe In e
Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986.

2. Water sprinkling arrangements shall be provided at all haul roads, transportation
roads, mining areas, stack yard and other dust generating points to control
fugitive dust emission.
3. The following measures are to be further implemented to reduce air pollution
during transportation of mineral.
a) Road shall be graded to mitigate the dust emission.
b) Overloading of tippers and consequent spillage on the road shall be avoided.
The trucks shall be covered with tarpaulin.


1. Waste Oil, Used Oil generated from the EM machines, mining operations, if any shall
be disposed as per the Hazardous and other Wastes (Management and Trans-
boundary Movement) Rules, 2016. .
2. Solid waste, if any shall be disposed of in an environment friendly manner without
causing environment and public nuisance.

Sri Tapas Kumar Das, Lessee,
MIs. Neunti River Sand Bed
Slo - Sri Balram Das
Memo No. 138'D~JV IDate Og/O:r/'d.-O;}'2 I
Copy forwarded to:
1. The Member Secretary SPC Board, Odisha, Bhubaneswar
2. The Collector & District Magistrate,Baripada,Mayurbhanj.
3. The D.F.O., Rairangpur,Mayurbhanj
4. The D.D.M,Baripada,Mayurbhanj.
5 The Tahasildar,Rairangpur,Mayurbhanj
6. Copy to Guard File.

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