Health & Wellness at The 2019 Cannabis Expo in Santon

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Health & Wellness At The 2019

Cannabis Expo in Santon

The annual Cannabis Expo is upon us, bringing with it the largest range of cannabis trade and
consumer goods in Africa. From the spacious Sandton Convention Centre, the expo brings
together a multi-talented panel of speakers and exhibitors. From the exhibition hall filled with all
of the latest and greatest additions to SA's cannabis food market, healthcare items, cosmetics,
and medicines, to the array of prominent speakers gracing the convention centre, this is one
event that can't be missed. The opportunity to come together rewards endless networking
opportunities while at the same time giving international and local medical health professionals,
agricultural providers, and brands a platform to engage with the public and spread awareness
concerning the healing herb. We'll be giving a glimpse into the future of cannabis therapeutics
and medicinal marijuana, taking you through a look at who will be speaking what is being
discussed in 2019's expo.

South Africa's Role in Cutting Edge Research

First up, Thursday brought a discussion concerning Africa's role in cutting edge cannabis
research. The panel includes Dr. Zulumathabo Zulu, a research scientist, and the Director at
Madisebo University College, Professor Motlalepula Matsabisa, Professor at the University of
the Free State, and Andrew Kyriacou, Director at local cannabis oil firm KiriCann. One had need
only look at the recently published works of these two prominent educators to gain a glimpse
into just how fascinating their discussion should be. Prof. Motlalepula Matsabisa is currently
undergoing extensive research, managing two cannabis-related projects, namely, 'Uses of
natural compounds in modern treatment regimes,'Research on Medicinal Plants and Immune
modulation.' While Dr. Zulu is renowned for his work concerning indigenous research methods
and cannabis, which gives insight into enriching the information known using African
metaphysics and other cultural sources, there is no better team to establish a framework of
understanding for where SA's research is heading and needs to go.

The Current State of Medicinal Cannabis In South Africa

Friday's panel discussion to look forward to delving into the latest research and results from
South Africa's medicinal cannabis sector. Four speakers shall be discussing the current state of
marijuana & healthcare namely Dr. Babalwa Funda Ka Mabhoza, an acclaimed lecturer at
Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University, Dr. Shiksha Gallow, medicinal research scientist
and Bio-Data and Cannabis Oil Research (local private research firm), Zayed Karodia, the
founder of Dr Dooby Pty Ltd (full spectrum cannabis solution manufacturer), and Dr. Njabulo
Mabaso an independent consultant at Umya Health. Dr. Babalwa Funda KaMabhoza has been
featured at venues and in magazines across the country. Her work has appeared in Move!
Magazine, while this prominent personality is also known for her keen skills as a
businesswoman and educational sexologist Dr. Shiksha Gallow is one of the most seasoned
researchers in the field, heading up the training of all doctors and medical professionals within
Cannabis Oil Research, while also conducting pathology tests on all patients, and undertaking
to monitor all treatment protocols and improvements. Her scientific expertise, combined with
personal day-to-day therapeutic experience, makes her an authority in the field. Between these
two academic titans & the authoritative private representation, we're all sure to have a much
better idea of the efficacy of treatment in the SA, and what needs to be done to improve
healthcare protocols.

Blueprinting The Hype & Future Of Cannabis in South Africa

Saturday's panel discussion looks into the research and successes underpinning the hype
behind CBD's many health benefits. The three speakers giving us a realistic outlook on CBD
and the hype is Cally Shadowshot, head of training and development at Cannassentials Health
& Beauty, AC Braddock, CEO at Eden Labs (leading institution in CO2 extraction & fractional
distillation), and Regina Hurley, a certified cannabis physician who is visiting from the USA. This
final pivotal panel draws attention to areas of CBD healthcare, including beauty and wellness. A
lot of attention is drawn to treatment and treatment protocols involving marijuana, but it is
essential to present solutions based on factual data only. There are a plethora of benefits to
cosmetics, beauty, and wellness, but treatments need to be incorporated properly, and there is
no one better to discuss this than Cally - the leading expert from Cannaessentials. CO2
extraction and proper distillation serve as a cornerstone of all medicinal cannabis applications.
As the cleanest and (arguably) the most efficient form of extraction, the insight from AC
Braddock is much needed. Regina Hurley comes from an environment where cannabis has
been used in medicine, wellness, and beauty for much longer than SA. Her first-hand
experience as a physician will shine invaluable light on areas of integration that we're only
beginning to encounter in our local cannabis sector.

Traditional Healing & Cannabis

To close the 2019 Santon Cannabis Expo, Phephsile Yolanda Masekko, the National
Coordinator at Cannabis Development Council of South Africa Mpumalanga, will be taking us
through a fascinating journey into understanding cannabis from the perspective of traditional
healers. The use of marijuana as a healing tool predates western medicine in cultures spanning
South Africa and other areas of the world. There is a great deal of valuable knowledge and
insight held by traditional healers and plant-based medicine practitioners, and this presentation
will put in all into context.

Yes - There's a 'Green Room'

If you are in or around Santon, don't miss this one-of-a-kind expo. The Cannabis Convention is
filled with interesting things to do, experience, and learn. The Canaberry Vape Lounge appears
for the very first time in South Africa as a private members-only space where visitors can bring
their own cannabis for use. That's right - if you've got a ticket, you can rip a bong right there, or
toke on a vape. If you're there, head to the joint rolling competition at the end of each day to
learn a few tips or show off your skills. Those who aren't lucky enough to be in the area should
follow all the activity on social media. You can find the links to all of the action below!

The Cannabis Expo Facebook

The Cannabis Expo Instagram
The Cannabis Expo Twitter

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