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Convening of the BOC

a. BOC to convene at 1:00pm of May 9, 2022
2. Each registered political party and every candidate has the right to be present and to
counsel during the consolidation/canvass of the ERs or COCs
a. Counsel must be duly appointed by the registered political party or candidate
3. Qualifications and disqualifications of watchers
a. Each candidate, political party shall be entitled to ONE WATCHER per canvassing
i. Candidates for sangguiniang Bayan belonging to the same slate or ticker
shall collectively entitled to 1 watcher
b. Qualifications
i. Registered Voter
ii. Of good moral character
iii. Has not been convicted by final judgment of any election offense or of
any other crime
iv. Knows how to read and write Filipino, English
v. Not related within 4th civil degree of consanguinity or affinity to any
member of the BOC, CCSO, RCG and support staff
vi. No barangay officials including barangay tanods shall be appointed
c. Canvassing venue
i. Watchers to present their appointments, proof that they are registered
d. Rights of watchers
i. Be present at and take note of all the proceedings of the BOC
ii. Stay at the designated watchers’

1. Isolation Polling Place – Kwarto or tent kung saan boboto ang mga botante na may
temperature na 37.5 or higher o may symptoms ng COVID-19 as evaluated by the
Medical Personnel
2. Minutes – Minutes of the Final Testing and Sealing of VCM, Voting, Counting, and
Transmission of Election Results
3. Qualifications of EB – preference to be given to fully vaccinated without comorbidities
below 60 years old
4. Powers and functions of EB – Implement minimum public health standards
5. Rights and Duties of Watchers
a. Upon entering polling place – present to chair of EB appointment as watcher and
proof that he is a registered of the city where he/she is assigned
b. Stay in the space reserved for them inside the polling place except under Sec. 45
c. Witness and inform themselves of the proceedings of the EB
d. Take note of what they may see or hear
e. Take pictures or video of the proceedings and incidents during the Final Testing
and Sealing, counting of votes, transmission and printing of election returns
provided the secrecy of the ballot shall be maintained at all times
i. In no case shall taking of pictures, images, photos, or videos while the
voter is shading the ballot and feeding the same in the VCM be allowed
f. File a protest against any irregularity or violation of law which they believe may
have been committed by the EB or by any person present
g. Obtain from the EB a certificate as to the filing of such protest or Resolution
h. Position themselves near the chairperson of the EB – observing the 1M physical
distancing requirement while the chairperson is publicly announcing the
precinct results
6. Voting Hours 6:00am to 7:00pm
a. Voters within 30 meters in front of the polling place by 7pm will be allowed to
7. Final Testing and Sealing of VCMs
8. Persons allowed inside the polling place
a. Members of the EB and support staff
b. Watchers who shall stay only in the space reserved for them
c. Representatives of the Commission
d. DESO Technical Support Staff
e. EAPP Support Staff
f. Voters casting their votes and their assistors, if any
g. Voters waiting for their turn to cast their vote
h. Jail/Prison Escorts escorting PDL voters; or
i. Other persons who may be specifically authorized by the Commission
9. Rejected ballots
a. Misread ballot – when a ballot has not been scanned properly; EB shall allow the
vote to re-feed the ballot 4 times in 4 different orientations
b. Previously read ballot – same ballot ID number was already scanned
c. Invalid ballot – when the ballot is not configured to the VCM
i. The voter shall return the ballot to the chairperson
1. Chairperson shall check if the ballot ID of the rejected ballot
corresponds to the clustered precinct number
2. REJECTED (marked) if it does not match
ii. No replacement ballot shall be issued except if the rejection of the ballot
is not due to the fault of the voter
iii. Any party objecting to the rejection of the ballot shall reduce his
objection in writing which the EB shall attach to and note in the Minutes
10. Isolation Polling Place
a. Set up in a building separate from the other buildings of the voting center –
preferably near the entrance, and the health personnel statiation – makeshift IPP
if not separate room not available
b. Must accommodate at least 5 voters
c. Waiting area – 10 voters
11. Unused Ballots
a. Record in minutes the quantity of unused ballots
b. Tear the unused ballots in half lengthwise
c. Place one half in the envelop of rejected ballots half of torn unused official
ballots and other of unused official ballots – submit to EO for safekeeping
d. Place other half in another envelop and deposit the same inside the ballot box
12. Disposition of ERs
a. City or Municipal BOC
b. Commission
c. Provincial BOC
d. Accredited Citizens’ Arm
e. Dominant Majority Party
f. Dominant Minority
g. 1 posted conspicuously on a wall within the premises of the polling place
h. Ballot box
i. 10 accredited major national parties
j. 2 accredited major local parties
k. 4 national broadcast or print media entities
l. 2 local broadcast or print media entities
m. 3 major citizens’arms
13. Every voter shall:
a. Bring own pen
b. Be subjected to temperature checking
c. Pass through a foot bath
d. Immediately proceed to the VAD, present his/her ID or complete name in a piece
of paper or the VIS to the person manning the VAD
e. Check location of their polling place
f. Directly go to the holding area, whenever applicable, located near the voter’s
designated polling place
14. Wacher:
a. Sanitize/disinfect
b. Sanitize hands as frequently as possible
c. Use own pen if making written protest
d. Observe the proper distance of 1 meter
e. Immediately leave the polling place and VC after the conclusion of the electoral
process at the precinct level

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