Athletic Anorexia

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Athletic anorexia


Sara Sepulveda Sánchez

Samuel Mejía Serna

Sara Carvajal Echeverri

Paloma Rodríguez Núñez

Juan David Hidalgo Murillo

Grade: 8C

Institución Educativa Barro Blanco


o Learn more about the athletic anorexia disease, understand what it is, why it

occurs and how it is treated; know what diseases are close to athletic anorexia,

know its signs, in which populations it occurs, and what health problems its patients

could present. Expand our vocabulary, pronunciation and application of the other

topics seen.


o Improve teamwork and effectiveness.

o Learn the correct use of modal verbs.

o Improve our vocabulary about body parts, symptoms, medications and diseases.

We are interested in the topic of athletic anorexia since we want to learn about this

disorder that is not talked about so often, but it is equally important, because at this

time everything invites us to focus on body image, making us believe that the more

thinner, more beautiful and healthier we will be, causing eating disorders to people

due to the ignorant thinking of society. With this research, we want to promote the

practice of healthy eating and a body image with the idea of doing our bit to put an

end to eating disorders. Helping to strengthen people's self-esteem and security.

Athletic anorexia is often confused with anorexia nervosa because in both the

patient shows a restriction in food intake, which leads to considerable weight loss

in both cases, but unlike anorexia nervosa, Athletic anorexia is combined with an

obsession with sports to the point of not being healthy, affecting mental and

physical health. In this case we are going to talk specifically about athletic


Athletic anorexia is a disorder in which people over-exercise to the point of injury and

potential complications such as low bone density, leading to increased susceptibility to

fractures. This condition is also known as exercise addiction or compulsive exercise,

reflecting the fact that patients generally feel they need to exercise as an obligation, as

something enjoyable, or as a means to an end such as preparing for competition.

Eating disorders refer to the set of attitudes, behaviors and strategies associated with an

ongoing preoccupation with weight and body image. Their seriousness is represented by

the high mobility rates, the chronification of the disorder and the proliferation of subclinical

cases, especially among adolescents.

The existence of this type of referral is especially influential in various types of sports and

the term anorexia athletica is used to refer to the set of subclinical eating behaviors

present in athletes, among whose common characteristics we can find low self-esteem, a

distorted body image in which the body is perceived as overweight, guilt, inefficiency,

perfectionism and a sense of loss of control, with a compensatory mechanism exercised

through the manipulation of food and the use of weight control methods such as vomiting,

fasting or the use of laxatives and diuretics.


Athletic anorexia was discovered as athletes were presenting various eating disorders and

injuries due to excessive exercise and then the disease was emerging, and each time
there were more cases like these and then the disease progressed and it was discovered

that it was a kind of anorexia but this time was to exceed with the sport and then received

the name of athletic anorexia.


- Insistent comments about looking fat when you are below average weight

- Continuing to lose weight even in the off-season

- Eating in secret

- Repeatedly fainting after meals

- Apparent nervousness if unable to stay alone after meals

- Red eyes after having been to the bathroom

- Vomiting odor in the toilet, sink, showers or wastebasket

- Extreme weight fluctuations

- Evidence of water retention not caused by known pathology

- Constipation

- Variation in mood

- Refusal to eat with the rest of the team

- Excessive physical activity not responding to training plan

- Absence of at least three menstrual periods in a row


This weight loss is caused by the patient herself, through a decrease in food intake that is
frequently accompanied by behaviors aimed at losing weight: self-induced vomiting, use or
abuse of laxatives and diuretics or the practice of intense physical exercise.


Treatment for anorexia is often carried out through a team approach, including doctors,
mental health professionals, and dieticians, all with experience in eating disorders.
Ongoing therapy and nutrition education are very important for continued recovery.


Out of every 10 cases of cases of eating disorders, 9 are women and 1 is a man, so being
a woman implies a higher risk of suffering from an cases of eating disorders.

According to statistics, in sports where low weight is the norm either for aesthetics
(Rhythmic Gymnastics, Springboard or Synchronized Swimming) or for performance
(Cross Country or Cycling) as well as sports where there is a weight category (Judo,
Taekwondo, Karate, Boxing, Wrestling and Greco-Roman Wrestling) eating disorders are
more likely to occur.


Risk factors can be individual, familial and social and these together can lead to an eating



- Genetic predisposition

- Psychological traits

- Low self-esteem

- Negative body image

- Adolescence and female sex


- Destroyed family environment

- Overprotective family environment

- Stressful life experiences


- Model of beauty

- Social pressure regarding image

- Certain sports or professions

- Criticism and mockery related to physique

- Current system of details


A very good way to recover appetite and calm anxiety is to prepare a tea of:

- Chamomile: It is considered safe and can be effective in reducing the symptoms of

anxiety in much the same way as valerian.

- Clove: Clove, like cinnamon, stimulates the appetite because of its special aroma.

- Cinnamon: It has the same properties as cloves.

- Honey: Natural sweetener.

Boil water with cinnamon powder or stick, adding a few cloves.

Subsequently with the flavored water we use chamomile infusion in a cup and sweeten

with honey.

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