Conversaton Cuestion 3

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Are some parts of this city considered more dangerous than others? Which parts?

The truth is that I do not know, since I am a foreigner, that way I can talk about my hometown in
which, if there are dangerous parts where you could be robbed or killed, they would be, the
tamacua, where I lived and the Jaramillo

Are there any places you are afraid to visit because of the high crime rate? If so, where?

Ah Brazil, and certain parts of USA

Are there problems with drugs where you live?

In my hometown, yes, a lot of problems.

Do you think gun control is a good idea? Explain.

The truth is that since that can prevent murders or robberies, but you see not since having a gun is
a very valuable protection when it comes to being in trouble.

What do you think is the worst crime a person could commit? Why?

I would say, pedophilia and animal murder. Well, I think there's not much to explain about those

What do you think about serial killers? Do you think politicians are criminals?

Well, usually serial killers are a bit narcissistic since they like to play with the policemen to which
they get caught since for most of them it is just a game, most politicians in the country are
corrupts and corruption is a crime.

What’s your opinion about the Spanish inquisition? And about the holocaust?

Well about the inquisition, I think the natives of that time were very well deceived by the
Spaniards for the lack of knowledge in science, about the holocaust, well it was a mass massacre
for the Jews, Hitler was very cruel in certain aspects, but he just wanted to save his country for a
debt to France.

What kind of crime are most common in your country? what are the penalties for these crimes?

Robberies, and murders, good for robberies should pay maybe a few months in prison or a couple
of years, but murder is many years in jail.

Have you ever been robbed? How did it happen? Did you report to the police? did they help you?

No, I've never been robbed.

Will robots replace humans?

Currently robots have already replaced many humans in certain jobs, and for me they are fine
since they are heavy work or they are very dangerous for a human to do.

How will computers change in the future? How will cellphones change in the future?
Well, there will come a point where both things could be the same as science wants to make
things smaller and smaller.

Do you think life will be more difficult or easier for our grandchildren? In what ways?

It may be more difficult to create something since there are many inventions, but maybe not so
much since they would be smarter than us today.

Would you rather be able to see 10 minutes into your own future or 10 minutes into the future of
anyone but yourself?

I'd rather see 10 minutes of my own future. That way I wouldn't ruin things all the time.

Would you rather be able to control animals with your mind or control electronics with your

Have control of the electronics.

Would you rather be an average person in the present or king of large country 2500 years ago?

No, I'd rather be as I am now normal than live in very ancient times.

Would you rather be an unimportant character in the last movie you saw or an unimportant
character in the last book you read?

I'd rather be an unimportant character from my last film as I could see Spider-Man.

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