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Kata tanya digunakan untul tempat, masa dan perkara, _____ SEE Ik menanyakan benda, orang, binatang, | Apa 1 Intapa? | 7 2 Ituapa? 3 Apakah nama kucing kamu? _| i Siapa 1 Dia siapa? | 2 Iniarnab siapa? | f 3. Siapakah nama adik kamu? | || Mana 1 Dimanakah adik bermain? | ‘ 2 Ke manakah ibu pergi? © | Bila 1 Bilakah ayah pergi bekerja? | i 2 Bilakah kamu mendapat hadiah itu? | || Berapa 1 Berapa orangkah murid di dalam kelas ini? | f 2 Sekarang pukul berapa? | Mengapa/ | 1 Mengapakah kamu berjalan kaki ke sekolah? | Kenapa 2 Kenapakah kucing itu mengiau? | Totabonasa 1 Scanned with CamScanner @ Isi tempat kosong dengan ‘apa’ atau ‘siapa’. Ibubeli__.s? Ibu beli sayur. 2 —___kah nama awak? Nama saya Yahya. & ——____kah benda di dalam kotak itu? Benda di dalam kotak itu ialah bola. A kah warna lada itu? Warna lada itu hijau. —————kah Encik Johari? Encik Johari seorang jurutera. ax 6. kah yang membeli kek ini? Kek ini dibeli oleh kakak. @®D ——_kah bentuk tembikai ini? Bentuk tembikai ini bulat. . —________kah nama arnab ini? @@ Arnab ini bernama Si Hitam. . \o Kamu hendak makan Saya hendak makan mi goreng. 10) ‘Ini buku), Sy “~~ Ini buku Siti Fatimah. Scanned with CamScanner 6 aera kosong dengan ‘mana’ atau ‘bila’. Dio — ———kah ibu membeli buah-buahan? = Ibu membeli buah- -buahan di pasar. _3. Di ————kah kamu tinggal? Saya tinggal di Taman Pertama. if eee ry in abang Rizal akan pergi ke London? ¥ A Abang Rizal akan pergi ke London pada hari Ahad ) ini. 5, —_______kah bas akan tiba? Bas akan tiba pada pukul tiga petang. 6. Di___kah kasut saya? \ Kasut kamu di atas rak. Ill 7. Di______kah kamu duduk? Saya duduk di belakang Muthu. —— Di kah kampung Dania? Kampung Dania di Pulau Pinang. —\ q. Di kah ayam tinggal? “a tinggol di dalam reban. oS SY 424 kah Samy bermain di padang? ESE. Samy bermain di padang setiap petang. com 2 panera! Scanned with CamScanner | | i , , &C Ii tempat kosong dengan ‘berapa’ atau ‘mengapa’. L ———___kah umur kamu? Umur saya tujuh tahun. a2 kah kakak mencuci seluar itu? Pe Kakak mencuci Seluar itu kerana kotor. Pada pukul kah datuk bersenam? Datuk bersenam pada pukul 7.30 pagi. —* ————___kah semua guru sayang akan Sumi? Semua guru Sayang akan Sumi kerana dia rajin. —————kah lutut Soon Tung berdarah? Lutut Soon Tung berdarah kerana terjatuh. 6 kh harga pen ini? Harga pen ini RM2. kah Mei Yee menangis? Mei Yee menangis kerana sakit perut. & oO 8. —________kah kereta itu berhenti di tepi jalan? Kereta itu berhenti di tepi jalan kerana rosak. Kamu murid tahun_____2° Saya murid tahun satu. , ________kah Suriati bersedin? : Suriati bersedih kerana gagal dalam peperiksaan. \o Yotodchosa 1 2 Scanned with CamScanner @ Bansayp> © Kata DoS Cpe SS Kata Ganda kuda kuda-kuda orang orang-orang 4 @ Tandakan / pada jawapan yang betul berdasarkan gambar. (a) labah-labah ( )) (@) seluar-seluar ( )! (a) orang-orang ( ) (b) rama-rama ( ), (b) baju-baju ( )) @) layang-layang(—) Isi yom kosong dengan | kata ganda yang sesuci. Uy g-layang : bunga-bunga : * baju-baju lembu-lembu belon-belon WUINNIRAAIATIBABAVINADAVIA NI III IAS sedang meragut rumput di padang. a _2. Beberapa orang kanak-kanak sedang bermain faman permainan. di di taman. yang telah dilipat di dalam _3. Kita dilarang memetik 4, Ibu menyimpan almari. _5. Kelas kami dihias dengan kanak. semasa Hari Kanak- Tatabohara t Ea Scanned with CamScanner Kata bantu digunakan di hadapan kata kerja. S hendak ewes S sedang-—————=——== QP Bama sabi hendak mandi, Sabri sedang mandi. © Isi tempat kosong dengan ‘sedang’ atau ‘hendak’. =D Pak cik ————— Pergi memancing ikan. 2 Adik ——_____ minum susu. 3. Devi melipat baju. 4, Ayah —___ membuka pintu. Scanned with CamScanner we » * ey Bab 14 Tanda Baca ie Huruf besar-/-Tanda NoktahG) == 1 Dayang tinggal di Sarawak. 2 Nama bang saya Roslan. 3 Hai ini hari Ahad. @ Solin ayat semula dengan menggunakan huruf besar dan tanda noktah. . ayah membeli sebuah basikal untuk adik ) devi dan wati bermain congkak _ly suzi suka membaca buku cerita . jian hui tinggal di taman perdana jaya mereka pergi ke pulau pinang dengan feri ) ibu dan puan lim pergi ke pasar raya jaya Tatabanasa t Scanned with CamScanner “ Tanda Koma (,) -:e=stncnseemntmeenenemnens 1 Saya ada pen, pensel, pembaris dan pemadam. 2 Ayah suka makan kubis, timun dan terung. 3 Farhan, Kok Keong dan Ramu berkawan baik, 8 Tanda soal ee 1 Ituapa? 2 Slapakah orang tua itu? @ Salin ayat semula dengan menggunakan huruf besar, tanda koma, “ee" tanda noktah dan tanda soal. T° 4 Pak zamri membela ayam itik angsa dan kambing ,2.° di manakah ravi tinggal ° 3. ° apakah warnd sapu tangan kamu ? — S ° cawan pinggan dan mangkuk itu berwarna kunin: 4 cawan pinggan dan mangkuk itu berwarna k uning 5. ° mengapakah adik kamu menangis a 26°em 1ak membeli ikan daging sayur dan buah-buahan u Scanned with CamScanner Bab 15) Sinonim @ Sinonim lalah kata yang sama ertinya. DBD badan == _tubuh laju - cepat bandar - kota pungut - kufip cantik - Indah tolong - bantu cerdik = pandai sedap - lazat cetek — tohor seronok — gembira hadapan - depan sunyi - senyap kampung - desa tiba — sampai kawan = -_ sahabat . umur == _usia @ Cari sinonim bagi perkataan-perkataan yang berikut, kemudian tulis jawapan di ruang yang disediakan. e 1. bandar 2. kawan SP PP PEEEEEy ulp|mje/c}h]/rjo|gim a nim{/t}/b/d{m|b{cjm|v p pjo|kjo|/s|ijc/h|njo a hfajk/cjajn/t/ijk]t/p|r 3. ‘ | riqjojri/hjl/ijkje}djn|t t}s{s{aja|b/b|tjojhjo/r viujnjb/b/cja;t}s|x]jjd _xiwipjejajs|pialvie|w) f If}ajzjajt}djh}p]h|vjpjg ‘ Totebenasa | 8 Scanned with CamScanner Be Tandakan ¥ pada kata yang seerti dengan kata yang bergaris. 4 ein EP Oe fone hae aes | desa O —1- Nenek dan datuk saya tinggal di kampung. i ( ns a ere at @ Be cance) Sone y yang dibuat oleh kakak sangat » i lazat. ‘ | sedap ~ >. mengambil eee _| memungut 4, Ayoh menanam epee Pokok di dey depan i hadapan fumah. ' atas 5 Saya sampai di sekolah pada pukul 7 7.15) tiba 00 UO-OLFO0B-B ih Poggi. a _ 3 SF ar ee a pergi _§ Kanak-kanak seronok bermain di taman | SUnYi permainan. ~— > gembira LB Syahira s selalu m jnienoiong ibunya mengemas » Membantu | ee meminta [{— } - 2 piclien tied Spbeseieeranesse _ | 8. Encik Ghazali berumur empat puluh lima ‘ berada } tahun. | berusia Be) Scanned with CamScanner wae : erent shines. closes drives : j933 90 9N NO Agy flies brushes 3 PCP ESTE EPP Prr errr rr rrr Crt ECE Lei nis Mr Mugam C ~ to work every day. @ foe (2) Eng Lee (___| her teeth twice a day. The boy } his kite in the field every evening. oO Ch The full moon > brightly tonight. ~ - pos - y: rr Sheila [ morning. up at 7 o'clock every r +, 6. Theshopusudlly on Mondays. Scanned with CamScanner Unit 11 Simple Past Tense * The simple Past tense is used to show an action that to past. @ agp + We played at the park last Sunday. + Sue combed her hair just now. ® The simple past tense of verbs ‘to be’: + My aunt was a pupil in that school, (My aunt is not a pupil in that school now.) + Rina and Rohani were good friends. (Rina and Rohani are not good friends now.) + She was a nurse. (She Is not a nurse now.) Scanned with CamScanner @ ok place in the Grommet ® We change a veto into the past tense by adding ‘ed’ or d'10 Ht GIaD . vist ‘> visited > knocked ES vy, Right Kim Hock walks to school this Kim Hock walked to school Morning. this morning t | helpd the old lady just now. | helped the old lady just now. i The man is tich three years The man was rich three years i ago. ago. f Amitul' changeed into his Amiul changed into his i Pylamas and went to bed, Pyjamas and went to bed. H spuasasa9a4e307a7 Write the simple Past tense of the verbs below. (s) ) Acolour : D ‘work I pohesinenetaivowwese, ties @ like | my sormar} Scanned with CamScanner ek ee a ol ‘ Saree 32a, , 339999393993 29 3° Underline the correct answers. a Mr Velu' washes , washed - his car just now. 2) My father’ cleans , cleaned . the windows yesterday. GH (3) 1 talk , talked to Mr Chin this morning. a) Zahid watched , watches television until 10 o'clock last night. ® He receives , received a letter last Friday. ° Exercise 733, JBIaVAAGIAATIOS Change the underlined verbs into the simple past tense. Rewrite the sentences. {1 walked to school yesterday. 3 ) 1) My mother cooks curry yesterday evening. (2) Siti is sick last week. ; si weal. 3) The cat jumps onto the table just now. ic J 4) Jamal kicks the ball yesterday. Scanned with CamScanner eP Unit 12 Punctuation ® Capital letters are used: (i) to begin a sentence e.g. + Today is my birthday. + My father drives to work. (ii) for proper nouns eg. * [live in Kuala Lumpur. * Rohayah is my best friend. A full stop is used at the end of a sentence. @ bi > * Mei Mei likes to eat ice cream. « The driver parked his car under the tree. ® Aquestion mark is used at the end of a question. « What is your name? + How are you? 4 Acommais used to separate words. @ i) Li} ~ Juliana ate a bun, a sausage and an egg this morning. « We go to school on Monday, Ti Thursday and Friday. 'y, Tuesday, Wednesday, Gown! » Scanned with CamScanner ® An exclamation mark is used to show strong feelings. + Congratulations! + Ouch! It hurts. puan haslinah is my english Puan Haslinah is my English teacher. teacher. How old are you. How old are you? llike to eat apples. pears and | like to eat apples, pears and oranges. oranges. Wow! It’s beautiful. Wow? It’s beautiful. Exercise 3) azyas33a3a3330 °° Tick (/) the sentences with the correct punctuation. (1) I need a pen a ruler and an eraser. a) (2 How many stamps do you have? we) @® Julie and Aisyah are neighbours. we () @ Please close the windows a) ® Help! Somebody help! ee) 2 Grommer | Scanned with CamScanner ie : Exere! Circle the sentences with the correct punctuation. Tam in year | biru. Tam in Year | Biru. A How much is your bag. B_ How much is your bag? A My hobbies are reading, swimming and singing. B My hobbies are reading swimming and singing. A Faridah, May, and Lai Yen are my classmates. Faridah, May and Lai Yen are my classmates. wD. A That woman is my neighbour. B That woman is my Neighbour. A Hooray, I won the game! B Hooray! I won the game. Scanned with CamScanner Responses ws Unit 13 Yes / No Questions and @ aa ® The response to a question can be in the positive or negative form. — EME | ls this number four? | am || | | | { | | Is he a fireman? | | | |) Ate you Mr Lim? Grommor 1 Scanned with CamScanner A Bou Srv a tw x Wrong aeignt Is Sue sleeping? Sue is sleeping? i Are he brothers? Are they brothers? : Yes, he are. Yes, they are. i Is Mr Lim a tailor? Is Mr Lim a tailor? { Yes, he is not. Yes, he is. : Exeareis BBS BUO SO Tick (V) the correct questions and answers. Q : Is this a rose? ~~~~~~~~~~~--( Are this a rose? ~~ A : Yes, itis not. ( Yes, itis. ——~~~~-.-_( : Is Puan Liza your mother? { Puan Liza is your mother? —__~~( : Yes, she is. ~~~ Yes, he is. ~~~~~~~--~~__-( : They are doctors? ~~~~~~~~~~~( Are they doctors? ~~~... : No, they are, eee No, they are not, ~~~~~-~~~~( eS Grommat) Scanned with CamScanner iy ° Exerc. WIsaso303 Look at the pictures. Tick (/) the correct responses. Is this a snake? Yes, itis. No, it is not. Can the boy swim? Yes, he can. No, he cannot. Are these kittens? Yes, they are. No, they are not. Is Raju jogging? Yes, he is. No, he is not. Can Kah Yi sing well? Yes, she can. No, she cannot. Is the bag heavy? Yes, itis. No, it is not. Scanned with CamScanner Unit 14 simple Sentences * The structure of a simple sentence: subject + verb + object » simple sentence @sx> GEESE 3 ) Shien ) Rahim drinks | coffee. Rahim drinks coffee. Meiling | reads | astorybook. | + | Mei Ling reads a storybook. My father | cuts the grass. My father cuts the grass. Geommat! The tree tall. That my father’s car. A fish caught Roslan. The children at the VV, Right The tree Is tall. That is my father’s car. Roslan caught a fish. The children play at the playground. Scanned with CamScanner Read the sentences. Group the sentence parts. e.g. Susan does her homework. 1. My mother bakes a cake. 5. The rabbit eats a carrot. 2. Ranjit washes his clothes. 6. The girls comb their hair. 3. The pupils wear white shoes. 7. The cat chases the mouse. 4. My brother rides his bicycle. 8. Mrs Ganesh prepares dinner. 4 \_ Subject "Ver eg. Susan does her homework. Scanned with CamScanner K- , i Grammar Test i) roup the words correctly. {24%} pen “tiger bed : cat : woman school nurse bag canteen bus stop giraffe friend = TELPLELELELELETELELET EL EreL! TPC CCPC ePECEEE Berson wi{ Aan Place unl >, Replace the underlined words with ‘He’ or ‘She’. Rewrite the sentences. {12%} eg. My grandfather | likes to drink tea. — (He likes to drink tea. my 1, Mrs Raju drives a new car. <2. Hussein is watching television. Po eas eee A arin a ink dress. (3) Wendy is weal Wg a pin Es pe) Grammer! Scanned with CamScanner {12%} ( D Fill in the blanks with the correct words. {18%} cold old : heavy quiet small a HUNAXIAM AW AAATAAABDASIAINANIAIAAABAAABABAIAAAD Oy My sister is young but my grandmotheris__.---— (2) The market is noisy but the library is @ The princess is beautiful but the witch is (@ The tea is hot but the juice is___ s (B) The elephant is big but the mouse is ©) The book is light but the rock is Hein ots ners Scanned with CamScanner Ge, (QS Tick (V) the correct answers. Is this your book? Yes, it is. No, it is not. ~~~ Is this number ten? Is that a pail? Yes, itis. = No, it is not. ~— G Underline the correct answers. Yes, itis. © ~~ aa) No, it is not. ~~~ ~~) {10%} (T) Ramli: opens , opened _ the window yesterday. UL (2) Juliana: cycle , cycles to school every day. (3) Cats! catch , catches - mice. (@) PeiPei read , reads a book every night. 8) My brother washed , washes - his shoes just now. Gromer | Scanned with CamScanner G Look at the pictures. Fill in the blanks with ‘This’ or ‘That’. {18%} Scanned with CamScanner

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