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Tes t4 Spe akin g • Par t 2

Why have the friend s decid ed to do these things togeth er?

community arts
What are the centre
advantages and
of these

Te st 3 Spea king • Pa rts 3 and 4
Part 3
- - -- _ .. '' I'll h"~ ~ m1nuh_,~ ft' ' qt('lll '~~ t' l thrt'l 'l
lnt~ rloc - t .
u or N1.."\ ' I li h~t' \ t" U h_) tlllh. ,,bo 11t sum t~th111q 1ogothe1 for ob ou l two '
I'd like y min utes.
t o u to ima gin e that ther o nro plons to bu
ild new fac1'I it ies m

you r area to encoura
.. een age rs to take par t in com munity
0 ' \ 0 u to a life. Here Are some ideas for the new faci
litie s and ~e
scu ~ . Firs t \ ou h,1\ p so111C' tim e to loof(, . • k C 15
nt the tas on page · d qu~.
\io, , ta h t 0 · ,tr,
~ac h oth12r abo ut wha t the adv antages · f th
be and disa dva ntag es O ese suggestion
s rtl1gh
C and ida tes
'"' ,...,
~ nutes (3 ni nutes for grou ps of thre e)
ln terl ~cu to r Than!-. ) ou. Now you have
about a minute to decide whi ch two sugges
mo st inte res ting one s to cho ose . tions would
be t
Can did ate s
~' 1
m nut e (fo r oairs and gro ups of three)
Inte rloc uto r Thank you.

Part 4
4 minutes (6 minutes for groups of three
Inte rloc ut or
• How imp ortant do you think it is to have spe What do you thin
cial facilities for young
peo ple in a town? 0/1/hy?) Do you agree?
• And you?
Do you think adults and teenagers always
enjoy the same leisure
activities? 0/1/hy? / Why not?)
• Some people say that teenagers have too
much free time. Do you agree? (Yvhy?/ Why
• What are useful ways to spend free time?
• Is it better to take part in organised activitie
s during your free time or to just relax at hom
e? /YI
• Should older teenagers help look after
younger children during the holidays? (Yvhy
/ Why not~
• How important is it to take part in com
munity activities with people in your neighbo
example tidying up the local park)? urhood (to

hank you . That is the end of the test.

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