Introduction To The Didactics of Mathematics.: Task 1

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1Task 1

Introduction to the Didactics of Mathematics.

Edwin Camilo Morales Calvo

Código: 1059697344

Universidad Abierta y a Distancia
Dosquebradas - Risaralda
Course: Didactics of Mathematics
Code: 551032
Tabla de Contenidos

Introduction and general information..............................................................................................1

1- According to the video, what is didactics?....................................................................1
2- According to the video, why is it important the didactics?..........................................1
3- According to the video, what is a main difference between the Singapore Lesson
and the American lesson?.......................................................................................................1
4- According to the video, Dr. Gardiner is more inclined towards Singapore books or
American Books, why?.................................................................................................................1
5- What do you think of didactics of mathematics after watching the video?..............2
Lista de referencias..........................................................................................................................3

Introduction and general information

This task will answer the questions proposed in activity 1. we will have
a first approach to the nature of didactics and its importance in the
teaching of mathematics

1- According to the video, what is didactics?

In the video we can see how present the didactics like a teachers’ tool. Not just any tool,
is a very important way to know what is involved in the acting teacher, and what should
or not should do at the time of teaching

2- According to the video, why is it important the didactics?

The didactics are very important to teach mathematics. The teacher can used to know
what the previous requirements are to teach a theme. With this knowledge, the teacher
will can prepare the ground, to create a suitable context, the previous knowledge, the
personal interesting and the social projection, all these couple with the new knowledge.

3- According to the video, what is a main difference between

the Singapore Lesson and the American lesson?

The main difference between the Singapore Lesson and the American Lesson is the
education perspective. The Singapore Lesson take a topic or a theme and develop amply.
I think they do not wait to develop a many lesson if not a quality lesson.
In change, the American Leeson is programmatic learning. In these the lesson are very
extensive and no develop, in depth, every topic.

4- According to the video, Dr. Gardiner is more inclined

towards Singapore books or American Books, why?

I think the Dr Gardiner is more inclined to the Singapore books, because he says, with
these, we could take a big theme and develop slowly, at the beginning, and to allow
understanding gradually.

5- What do you think of didactics of mathematics after

watching the video?

Th didactics of mathematics, for me, are a discipline can give a light in the way of
mathematics teaching. Frequently, the mathematics teaching, like a American books, give
more importance to the quantity, a lot of exercise to develop, sometimes, the student
don’t understand what is its applications. The didactics of mathematics can make a bridge
between the previously knowledge and the scientific knowledge, coupling it in a real
context and constituting a elementary tool to crate the future.

Link to the video

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