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00:10 : In Isaac

00:13 : Spent morning problem

00:17 : Spineless, Pussy
00:18 : You wanted to get a room at the beginning of a fight
00:19 : I got mad
00:25 : Kicking out the door
00:41 : Touching rule

01:10 : Divorce Blow up

01:40 : I'm going to get mad at you
01:45 : Home
01:48 : Throw your ring off, throw your husband out of the room.
You always split
I have to get out of the room, if it was violent.
1:52 : Can you promise i will not do this? I can't
1:53 : AH : You always take off, I can't trust you when you do that. Why
i freak out so fast...
JD : I can't just stand there and take the punches
1:54 : AH : Your splitting is chronic.
When you've done this in the past and disappear for hours. I got
mad at you in Australia about this...
1:55 : JD : If that happens, I'm just gonna tell you i need sometime,
that's it...
AH : I'm telling you, that will make it worse...
JD : In argument, you tend to throw punches...
You don't escape the fight, you escape the solution
We can not work it out if you run to the bathroom everytime
Every single time i come to get you....
You run away at minute 3
You perpetuate it when you run away

2:29 : AH : You don't like what i say, and you fucking ran away
2:30 : AH : You can't run away every fight
I'm the bigger person every time, I have to be the strong
You need to be lazy, you get to be cowardly
2:31 : AH : Don't argue with me when i say it now.

2:34 : JD : When you start flipping out, and i can't get a word in. And it's
you know, manic and angry.
AH : I get angry, I get, I'm human. This is the kind of
situatuation when one get angry.
JD : OK. But you can't provoke anger in me then.
AH : I can't control that, if I'm angry.

2:35 : JD : Try not to fucking fight, try to address it, without jumping down
each others throat.
Because all that's going to do is build a mountain of
fucking resentment, and some species of hatred within the love.
And totally fucking mistrust, because you say you don't
trust me, you don't trust me. I get it, OK. I'm flake, I'm a diss, I'm a that.
AH : I don't trust the marriage, I don't trust you. I don't feel
safe because you always fucking bail on it.

2:37 : AH : You run away every single fight.

2:38 : AH : You want to make it easy for you, so you split.
You don't fight for me. You don't fight when there is a
problem. You don't come to me, make peace with me.
Never entend an olive branch, never the bigger guy. You're
never the one that's like,
Okay I'm going to put my own feelings aside for a second
and say this is bigger than us, let's stop fighting.
You never are the one to knock on my door. You take me for
JD : That's not true.
I'm not the one who fucking throws pot and pans, and
whatever fucking else at me.
AH : That's different. That's different. One does not negate the
other. That's irrelevant, that's complete non-sequitur.
I've thrown pots and pans does not mean you come and knock
on the door.
Just because there are vases, does not mean you come and
knock on the door.

2:39 : JD : You seem to think there's this cowardice in me that runs away, and
i don't fight for you.

Such as Australia audio, which is inadmissable because Jerry Judge has died and
can't testify.
Amber parents text to Johnny which contradict AH claim. Josh Drew testimony about
threesome and 30 other guest which cut from the final deposition.
As well as Jennifer Howell testimony

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