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D LG-NAPOLCOI\4 Center EDSA cornerQuezon Avenue WestTrangle Quezon C ty




Memorandum Circr-rlar No


1.1. ln support of the DILG's mandate as per RA 6975 to further strengthen local
government capability aimed towards the effective delivery of basic services
to the to the citizenry, and in line with the national government's campaign
on intensifying the fight against corruption, Bantay-Korapsyon,
encourages the involvement and participation of various stakeholders such
as Local Government Units (LGUs), Civil Society Organizations (CSOs),
and Department's bureaus and attached agencies in mitigating said ill of

1.2. One of the foundations of the initiatives is Sec. 1, Article Xl of the 1987
Constitution (Accountability of Public Officers) which provides, "public
office is a public trust. Public officers and employees must at all times be
accountable to the people, serve them with utmost responsibility, integrity,
loyalty, and efficiency, act with patriotism and justice, and lead modest

1.3. Bantay-Korapsyon's participatory approach is anchored on the Philippine

Development PIan 2017-2022, promoting participatory local governance
through "establishing mechanisms for citizens to be able to submit
complaints on /apses in government services, and proactively negotiate with
the government for delegated power of services or programs that would be
beneficial to their communities. " lt focuses on the government's role in
building partnerships with the citizenry, and highlights the importance of
capacitated and informed civil society in educating, preventing, and
deterring graft and corruption.

1.4. The Bantay Korapsyon was created on 29 August 2018 by virtue of DILG
Department Order No. 2018-874 to harmonize and take the lead in all anti-
corruption efforts and activities of the Department.

Page 1 of 11
"l!dt no, I{dhusay, Jt ltlaaasahan."
E[)SA corncr Queror Avenue, Quczon C ty

2.1. The purpose of issuing this policy is to define the mandate and scope of the
Bantay-Korapsyon lnitiatives, to prescribe its guidelines in processing
complaints, as well as to define the laws which are covered by this guideline.
Lastly, to mainstream anti-corruption elements in the various bureaus and
programs of the Department.

2.2. The Bantay-Korapsyon lnitiative is created to harmonlze all the anti-

corruption efforts and activities of the Department, in line with the directive
of President Rodrigo Roa Duterte to combat corruption in the government.

2.2.1 .ln line with the purpose of this guideline, which is to define the laws which
are within the ambit of corruption, the same aims to confine the scope of
the Bantay-Korapsyon solely to corruption-related matters involving local
government units, its officials, employees, and other local public officials.


3.1. Article XI, 1987 Constitution also known as Accountabitity of Public


3.2. Section 4, Article X, of the 1987 Constitution which provides "the

President of the Philippines sha// exercise general supervision over local
governments. Provinces with respect to componenf cifies and
municipalities, and cities and municipalities with respect to component
barangays shall ensure that the acts of their component units are within the
scope of their prescribed powers and functions."

3.3. Republic Act No. 6975 also known as Depa rtment of the lnterior and Local
Government Act of 1990.

3.4. Chapter 5, Philippine Development Plan 2017-2A20 also known as

Ensuring People-Centered, Clean, and Efficient Governance

3.5. Department of the Interior and Local Government Department Order

Number 2018-874 dated August 29, 2018 also known as "Creation of a
Program Management Office for Bantay-Korapsyon"


4.1. All provincial Governors , Vice Governors, City/Municipal Mayors and Vice
Mayors, DILG Regional/Provincial/City Directors, Cluster Heads,
City/Municipal Local Government Operations Officers, Barangay Officials
and employees.

Page 2 of 11
luTdftusaty, at Pldddsilhan."
DILC NAt)OLCO[1 Cont(]r
EDSn cornur Quezon Aven!c, Q!eron Cily

For purposes of this guideline, and due to lack of concrete definition, the concept
of corruption may be defined as follows:

5.1 Corruption-
5.1.1.Corrupt-Practice- offering, giving, receiving or soliciting directly or
indirectly, anything of value to influence the improperly the actions of
another partyl;
5.1.2. Fraudulent practice- any act or omission. including a misrepresentation,
that knowingly, or recklessly misleads, or attempts to mislead, a party to
obtain a financial or other benefit or to avoid an obligation2;
5.1.3. Coercive practice- impairing or harming, or threatening to impair or
harm, directly or indirectly, any party or the property of the party to
influence improperly the actions of a party3;
5.1.4. Collusive practice- arrangement between two or more parties designed
to achieve an improper purpose, including influencing improperly the
actions of another party4;
5.1.5. Conflict of lnterest- any situation in which a party has interests that
could improperly influence that party's performance of official duties or
responsibilities, contractual obligations, or compliance with applicable
laws and regulations5.

5.2. Department - refers to the Department of lnterior and Local Government,

including its regional, city, and municipal offices

5.3. Bureau - refers to the local governments in the Department, to wit: (a)
Bureau of Local Government Supervision, (b) Bureau of Local Government
Development, (c) National Barangay Operations Office, and (d) Office of
Project Development Services.

5.4. Local Government official or Employee - For purposes of this

handbook/policy, the term includes elected or appointed officials in the city
and/or municipality (i e Mayor, Vice Mayor, Sangguniang
Bayan/Panlungsod members), officials of the barangay, and officials or
employees of this Department.

rr\l)B 0l'lice olAnticolr-r-rption ancl lntegrity, lntcglity I)r'inciplt:s ancj (iLridclincs

[2015J, p
: Ibirl, p 5
r lbid. p 5
t Ibicl p.5
5 AI)ll 0l'fice of Antir:orruption:rncl Integrity,
Integrity Principles anci Gr-ridelines (2015j, p

Page 3 of 11
"IvlaI Io, 1"1ahusdy, Jt I'TdalilsaIIiln."
DILG Nnl)OLCOI{ a-cnler
EDSA .orncr (lLlczor Avenuc, Quczon C ty
5.5 Unsubstantiated Allegations - for purposes of this guidelines, it is defrned

5.5.1. Complaints which lack supporting documents/evidence, documentary or

otherwise, and/or allegations therein are couched vaguely such that no
specific public official is
being complained of, or no specific local
government unit pertained;

5.5.2. Self-serving:

5.5.3. Do not constitute substantial evidence and have no probative value6.

5 6. Substantial Allegations - those supported by documents/proof in relation

to the alleged corruption-related activities.



6.1 .1 .ln line with the purpose of this guideline, which is to define the laws which
are within the ambit of corruption, the same aims to confine the scope of
the Bantay-Korapsyon lnitiatives solely to corruption-related matters
involving local government units, its officials, employees, and other local
public officials.

6.1.2. lt is the lead unit in all anti-corruption efforts of the Department,

particu larly the deterrence component.


6.2.1. The Bantay-Korapsyon is geared towards eradicating, if not to diminish,

the wide scale latitude of corruption in the Philippines. Specifically, the
program deals with concerns, matters and issues confined solely to
corruption-related matters involving local government units, its officials,
employees, and other local public officials.


Process flow of the complaints provided in Annex "A" herein.

rr l.NS Irrtelnational Manprtrver Selvices vs. P;rr-rct;r, Jr', GIt. Nct. 179792, N, 5, 2010

Page 4 of 11
"['1at]no, lvlahusay, at [1addsah.]n. "
IDSA corner Q!ezoo nvefLre, Quezon C]ly
6.3.1 . Who mav file a complaint - any person, whether working in the
government or not, may file a complalnt

6.3.2.Where to file - complaint/s can be filed before the regional, city, or

municipal offices of the Department, or in DILG Central Office, through
BK Team.

6.3.3. Grounds - matters enumerated and under the confines of the laws
provided in Annex "8" herein

6.3.4. How to file a complaint:

6341 Complaint may either be written or through e-mail;

6342 Provide evidence relative to the matters alleged rn the

complaint (e.9., photos, videos, documents etc.).

6.3.5. Grounds for settinq aside a complaint

6351 No corruption
6352 lssues relating to supervision
o. J.c. J. Lacks basis/evidence (unsubstantial allegation/s)
6354 Frivolous
6355. Complaints which are made to harass or vex any party
6 3 5.6. Fail to provide specific persons/government official or
employee (respondent)
6357 Those containing facts that are justiciable in natureT;
6358 Those presumptively valid acts, e.g. enacted ordinances,
consummated acts that already enjoy the presumption of
regularity on the part of the public officer concerned, and
similar instances8
635.9 Those that are litis pendencia, or pending litigation, except
when the court itself requests for the opinion. ln the event that
an opinion has been rendered by the Department and its freld
officers without knowledge or information that a case involving
the issues raised in the quesry is pending in court, such opinron
shall automatically be deemed ineffectivee; and
635 '10 Those that are cognizable by other agencies of the

, Legal Service Mer-noranclunr Order'\o.2010 02, ciatecl Septenrbcr. lT,'20I0

ti lbicl.
'r lbid.
1" lbirl.

Page 5 of 11
"f'1at no, I{ahusay, at !ladds.rhd.l."
EDSn corfcr Quezon Aven!e, Quezon C ty

6.4.1. Name of complainant, address, and contact details where notices and/or
findings of this Department may be send:

6.4.2. Name, government office/agency, designation of the respondent or the

person being complained of;

6.4.3. Specify the corrupt activities/nature of complaint;

6.4.4. Photos, videos, documents, that will corroborate the allegations in the


6.5.1 . Sources of Complarnts: Walk-in, or those directly filed before the DILG

Central/Regional Office through the BK-Team; PresidentialComplaintCenter, Other Bureaus of the Department;

65 1.4 Regional Offices; Othergovernmentagencies.

6.5.2. lssues/alleqations in a complaint

Every complaint shall be initially assessed by the lawyers of the Central

BK-Team, as well as the Regronal BK lawyers, as the case may be They
shall be given the discretionary power, subject to the approval of their
respective superiors, to discern what action should be taken, taking into
consideration the allegations and evidence presented; and to determine
whether or not the same is within the scope of this guideline.

The issues/alleqations presented by complainants are subdivided rnto

three: Corruption-related issues - it can either be: Supported bysubstantial allegations

lf the complaint is supported by suDstantial allegations,

that which do not warrant further inquiry into the matters
alleged therein and sufficient in form and substance, the

Page 6 of 11
' -'
" il? i,ii"^i l'],'JI,, 3f 'L'J i',
EDSn corfcr (2!czon Averue, ()\rarrof ""J''' t- ty
same shall be processed/prepared by the legal team of the
Central BK-Team lawyers or Regional BK lawyers, as the
case may be, in accordance with the action ought to be
taken (i e, pleading, indorsement, transmittal etc ).
Accordingly, the action taken shall be transmitted to the
Legal Legrslative and Liaison Services (LLLS) of the
Department to obtain the latter's clearance for
transmitting/indorsing/filing the same to the appropriate
government agency concerned. Corruption-related issues/matters are alleged in the

complaint which can probably hold a public official liable
but necessitates further inquiry to verify/confirm/ascertain
the allegations therein

lf the alleqations are within the scope of this quideline but

the same requires to be verified the complaint shall either
be: Transmitted to the Regional BK-Team for the

conduct of a fact-finding inquiry;
6.5.2 1 21 1 Regional BK-Team shall then transmit the
results of their fact-finding to the Central BK-
Team, for the latter's assessmenUreview of
the action to be taken. The latter may:

a. Furnish the complainant setting aside the

complaint; or

b Transmrt the same to LLLS for the

clearance to file/transmit/indorse the
result of fact-finding inquiry to the
appropriate government agency
concerned. Regional BK Lawyers, upon assessment, may

conduct a fact-finding inquiry,

The Regional BK Lawyers, upon their

assessment, may:

Page 7 of 11
"lvlatino, t!alrusay, ill iulddarsahaln."
DIL(i l,,ln l)OL(:Olrl (-c0iur
El)SA coflrer ()uezon Avanuc, Quezon (irty
a. Furnish the complainant setting aside the
complarnt; or

b. Transmit the same to LLLS for the

clearance to
file/transmit/indorse the
result of the fact-finding inquiry to the
appropriate government agency
concerned. Central/Regional BK Lawyers

com m u n icate/i nte rview/req uest the
complainant to further substantiate his/her
allegations, or to provide further evidence to
support their assertions;

Upon receipt of the additional

data/information/evidence, the
Central/Regional BK Lawyers may either.

a. Set aside the complaint;

b Transmit the same to LLLS for the

clearance to file/transmit/indorse the
result of the fact-finding inquiry to the
appropriate government agency
concerned: or

c. Follow either item 1.1. or

6.43212. The complaint has no probative value by reason of
u nsubstantial allegations

lf the allegations in the complaint is unsubstantiated, the

same shall be SET ASIDE No corruption-related issues

6522 1 The complaint shall be SET ASIDE No corruption-related issues but the same is within the qeneral

supervision power of the Department over local qovernment units
and local public officials (i.e., purelv supervisorv matters, non-
payment of wages/salaries of job orders by the local oovernment
unit, non-filinq of travel authoritv, etc.)

Page 8 of 11
"lvlatino, l'1aihus.ry, aI lv]aaasdlrdn."
DtLG NAPOLCOI'1 (.entcr
EDSA (--or0arr ()!Czon AventrC, Q!Cloi C ty
65231 The complaint/s shall be fonvarded/indorsed to other
Bureaus of the Department and/or government agencies
concerned for their appropriate action, copy furnished the
complainant, and request that the Central/Regional BK-
team be furnished of the action taken.

6 5.2.3 2 Consequently, upon receipt of the action taken, the

Central/Regional BK-Team can either set aside the
complaint, or furnish the complainant of the action taken by
the concerned Bureau of this Department or agency/ies


6.6.1 . Bases Administrative Order No. 267, Series of 1992: Delegating

Certain General Supervisory Powers of the President over Local
Governments to the Secretary of the lnterior and Local
Government Memorandum, dated April 1, 2008, of DILG Secretary

Ronaldo V. Puno: Exercise of General Supervision over Local
Government Units DILG Memorandum, dated May 8, 2012, of Asec. Rolando M.

Acosta: Re: Conduct of Fact-Finding in the Exercise of General
Supervision over Local Government Units

6,6.1.4. Memorandum, dated October 17,2014, of Undersecretary for

Local Government Austere A. Panadero: Reiterating General
Guidelines on the Conduct of Fact-Finding in the Exercise of
General Supervision over Local Government Units

6.6.2. Definition - lt is an analysis, based on interviews, evidence and/or data

gathered seeking to determine whether there is sufficient ground to
engender a well-founded belief that an irregularity, or an improper
conduct or an offense has been committed and the employee and/or
official complained of is probably guilty thereof

6.6.3. Contents of the result of fact-findino . Summary of the complaint

Page 9 of 11
"[1at no, lv]dhLrsay, at NladatSithan."
Dl LC' NAt)OLCOI\T Cef ter
EDSn corner Quezon Avenre, Quczon C ty lssues to be resolved Law/s violated Conclusion Recommendation Evidence (whether documentary or object) and/or data gathered

6.6.4. Minutes of the fact-findinq inquiry should be attached in the fact-findinq



6.7 .1 . Article Xl, 1 987 Constitution : Accountability of Public


6.7 .2. Republic Act No. 6770 : The Ombudsman Act of 1989

6 7.3. Republic Act No. 3019 : Anti-Graft and Corrupt

Practices Act

6.7.4 Republic Act No. 6713 : Code of Conduct and Ethical

for Standards Public Officials and

6.7 .5 Articles 210,211,213,217,

220, and 221 of the Revised
Penal Code

6.7.6. Presidential Decree No. 46 : Making it Punishable for

Public Officials and Employees
to Receive, and for Private
Person To Give Gifts on any
Occasion, including Chrrstmas


6.8.1. Accepting bribes/gifts in relation to office or duties

6.8.2. Receiving commission from government suppliers

Page 10 of 11
"f'1at no, I'lahusay, dt l"Tdaasalriln."
DIL(; NAP0LCOI'1 (-enter
EDSA cor n!.r Qreron Avun!c, Q!eron Crty
6.8.3. Giving undue advantage and/or favor to specific person/s involving
government funded projects/prog rams

6.8.4. Giving undue advantage and/or favor in relation to public biddrng

6.8.5. lrregularities in public bidding

6.8.6. Utilizing the funds of an identified government project to another

government project

6.8.7. Using government vehicles, properties and/or equipment for personal


6.8.8. Hiring of ghost employees

6.8.9. Misappropriation of government funds


All existing issuances issued by this Department, which are inconsistent

herewith, are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.


This memorandum Circular shall take effect immediately.




Page 11 of 11
"l{arl f0, I'lelh!sity, arl l'laarasdlran "
DlL(l NAPOL(iOM Centcr
EDSn tor ner (lLrezon n Venue, QLrczon C Ly
7 i,

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Scc. 3 [a) ol IlA lnducir-rg or rnflucncing anothcr public Mayor inclucing :l

3019 ofl'rccr to prerlorm .ur .tc[ constituttng a buclget officer to Lrso
violation o1'a law ir-r relation lo his oificc part of public lund lor'
another purposc
Sec 3[b) ol Rn Directly ol inclirectly reclr-resting ot' Ilirls and Awards
3019 receiving any gift, pel'ccnt:igc, or bcnefit, Co m rn ittce[rcr nr enr
for hirnscl| or [or any otltcr pcrson, in rcccivcs nroncy or
conncclion with :lny contr';rct or propcrty lrom thc
tr;insaction bctwcen the Govcrnnrent winncr o1' publrc
arnd ;rnv other party biddine
Sec.:l[c) of'RA Directly or indirectly recluesting or Mnnicip;rl ernployee rn
3019 receiving any grit, present, or any t'lt.rt'gt' ol pr'()('('sslrlg,
rnaterial berrclit frorn ilny per's()n lor 1lt'r'rttits rt't civt':
whonr the public ollicer, in :iny rranncr m0ncy or' properly
or capacity, has sccured or obtainecl, or Irorn ;tpplit.rnL irt
will secure or obtain, any (lovcrnn-ient exchangolor faster
permit or liccnse, in consiciet';ttion for thc proccssing oI
hclp givt'rr or to bc givr'tt ap plication
Sec. 3[d] ol RA Acccpting or having any menrber ol his A Miiyor's wile \,vas
3 019 farnily accept employment in a private employecl in the
enterpnse which has pencling olficial comp;iny which has un
business with I'iirr cluring thc pendency cxisting contract rvith
thcrcof or within onc ycar;rltcr ils thc l,GtJ conccrnccl
Sec :l [e) ol IiA (iausing erny unclue injury lo ;tr-ry palty, 'l'he M;ryor ;rnd[he
3019 inclLrding tl-re (iovernment, or giving any Bids and Alvarcls
priv:ite party any unwarrilnted benefits, Committee nrenrbers
advantage or prelerence in lhe clischarge connived to award a
ol his ollicial aclmrnistrativc or judicial contract to a spccifrc
functions through tnanrlcst partiality, person/compa ny
eviclent bad laith or gross irtcxcus.tblc d is rcga rd ing tir c
negligencc pf 0cLlremcnl
rccluirements or
through manipul;rtion
of Drocurernent Iar,v
Sec. 3 tfl of l{A l{e lu sin g, r,vi th o u t s ut j u s ti li ca ti o n,
lli cien An ollicer rcfusing to
3 019 to act within li p r'o('('ss
reasonable time on .lny pCt'rtt i t
mattcr pcnding before hirn ior tl'rc applicalion of a pcrsott
pLrrpose ol obtaining, directly or to lavor anothcr or to
indircctly, from any pcrson interesled in givc ;idvant:rgc to
the niattcr some pccuni.r'y ()r nt,ttcriul anothcr applicant lvho
bcr"icfit or aclvantagc, or fot'thc purposc is a rclatrvc o1 thc said
ol lavoring lris rrwn irltcrL'st or-glvlng olf icer.
unclue aclvantage in favur oi or
cliscriminating ag;rinst alry othcr
ir-rterested partv
Scc 3 [S) ol l{A finl-cring, on behalf o1' the Government, Mayor entered rnto a
3 019 into arny contrelct or transaction contract r,vith :'r

nranifestly ancl grossly drsadvantilgeous banl<rupt comllany or

to the same, whether or not the public one who had no
off icer prolited or will proiit thereby tecl'rnicarl expertisc or
t'xperience irt rcl.rtiort
to the proiect
Sec 3 [h) ol llA Directly or inclirectly havir-ig linancing or A Maiyor ar,r,arcls ar

3 019 pecr-rniary intcrest in .iny busrness, contract to a c0mpany

corttr';.tcL ()r' tr',tnsltt'tiott in t'otutt't'tiott hc owns
with which he intervenes or tal<es par'I ur
his official carpacitv
Sec 3[i) ol IlA l)irectly or indircctly bccon.ring A Mayor buys sh:rrcs
301 9 interestcd, for pcrsonal gain, or having .r fr-onr :r winning biclder'
rnaterial ir-rtcrcsI it-i .tny tr'.rns.tctiun ()r' acI of a govcr"nnrcn[
recluiring the approvul of a bo;rrrl, pancl contract to lvhich hc
or group of which hc is a rrember, ancl app loved
which excrciscs discretior-r in such
Sec.3ij) oi RA I(nowingly approving or granting any Mayor grants several
3019 Iicense, purrnit, privilcgc or bcnciit in perrnits ;ind licenses to
favor ol arny pcrson nol clLralil'iccl for or br:siness o\\,'ncl's
not Icgally entitled to sLrch license, violating
perrnit, privilege or advantage environment:rl laws or
lhose who lacl<
r-ecl u irements

Scc. 3 [k] o1' I{A I)ivLrlging valuable iniornr:rtion of .r llelcasing inforrnation

:1019 conliclentii,rl charactcr, :rccluirecl by his on thc lrLry-bLrst
ollice or by him or.i :lccount oi his official opcr';ttrons within his
position to unauthorizccl persons, or tct'r'itorial jru'istlicttort
relearsing such infortnatiot't in advance of conrpromising thc saicl
its eruthorizeci release date operation
Arl-. 210ol the Any purblic oflicel who shall agrec l-o I) ircct b ribc ry; lo ca I

lievisecl l)cnatl perlirrnr art .tct eonstitutirrg ;t tt'irnt', irt of f it ilrl tt't t'ivittg
Coclr: connection with thc perforrnance of this l<icl<bacl<s in exchange
official duties, in consicleration of any lor'.t f.rvor in I'cl;ttion
oller, promisc, gift or present reccived by to h is oliice wh ich
sucl"r olliccr, personLrlly or through thc amoLl nts lo a crirne
rncdiatron ol anothcr
Art. 211 ol' the Public oflicer who shall zlccept gifis lndirect bribery; local
l{cvis ecl Ir c n al offerecl to hirn by rcason ol his ollice t't't t'it't's
Code l<icl<bi,rck in cxchar-rge
firr a f;rvol r-rol
n('('('ss;.1 t'ily, r tttrrLt nt it tH

[o crime
Art. 21.3 oi the Public oflicer wlio, in his ofiicial cap:rcity, Purchasing of supplics
llevised Penal in dealing with any person with reg:rrcl to the amount olrvhich is
Codc f r-r rnis h in54 s Lr p p Iies, th c tn it I<ing o I gre.lter than thc actu:rl
contra,rcts, or the acljustrr-rcnt or' alnolln[ of the
settlcrnent of accounts relating to public nr a tc ri al;
property or funds, shall enlcr into ar-r
:rgreement with any intcrested party or
speculator or mzrl<e use ol any other 'l'reasur-y ollicers aslr
scheme, to defraud the (iovcrnment; or fbr highcr anrount of
who fees, relusing to issur.
t'ett'ipts, r'eceiving
13eing entrusted ',vith the collection of payment other than
[.ixes, licenses, fees :ind other intposts, money
shall be guilty or;rny olthe lollowing;rcts
or onrissions:

[a] Dernancirng, clirectly, or indirectly, thc

peryrrent of sums diilerent froin or
larger thar-r thosc authorizcd by law.
Ib)liailing volLrntarily lo issLrc a receipt,
:rs providecl by law, for ;rny sunt of
money collected by hirn oliicially.
[c) Collecting or receiving, directly or
indirec[ly, by w;ly of payment or
otherwise things or objects ol;l
nature dilferent lrorn that provicled
by law.

Art.21,7 of Revisecl Any public ol'ficcr who, by reason <tf thc M;rlversartron of Public
Penal Cclde ol his oliice, is:rccountable lor
duties Funcls;
public iuncls or properly, shall
appropr-iate the sanre or shall t:tl<e ot' (lhecl< clisbLrlserrents
misappropriar[e or shaII conser-rt, through lt I ttl t.rtlt tt' tt'.Lr't it-rt ts
abanclonmcnI or negligence, shaII perntit received by local
erny other person to tal<e such public ollicials clisallolved bv
luncls, or propcrty the Commrssion on
ALrdit lor bcing illcgal
;incl f:irlurc to rclLrrn
th c r-r'r;

money from public
Art. 220 ol the Public olficer who shall apply any public 'l.cch nical
l{evisccl Pcn:rl flund or property uncicr I'ris Marlvcrsation;
Cocle aclministration to any public use other
thiln lor which such lund or property Usc of public funds
wcrc i-lppropriated by lalv or ordinancc allocatecl for' lrurchasc
ol medicines wers Lrsc.ri
ftrr purchase of
gove rn r-n e nt o ifi cc
Art. '221, of thc Any pLrblic off icer unclcr obligation to I"ailurre to dcposit
Revisec'l l'enal rnal<e payrlenl lrom (lovernnrenI luncls proceecls ol
(.ode his possession, who shall t'ail to ntal<e governrrent
such p;iyment transactio ns
i{A 7080 Any public officer who, by himscll or in [)lunc'lcr
connivar-rce with membcrs oi his f:rn.rily,
relatives by affinity or consanguinity,
business :rssociates, suborclinartes or
other persons, arnasses, accur-nulates or
;rcquires ill-gotten wealth through ;r
combin;rlion or series ol ovL.r[ or
crirlinal acts
PD 46 Any public ol'ficial or er'nploycc who An employcc of thc
reccrves directly or indirectly any gift, government rcceives a
Irrescnt, or otl'ier valurablc thing lor any giit certificale for ar.r
occarsion, inclLrding Christntars, r,vhcn thc ;rccommoclation fl'om
s.lme is givcn by rcason oI his olficial a resort ownel'rvho
position, r'egarrclless of'whether rtr not tlte applicd lor ar bLrsiness
same is lor past lavor'/s or the gtver permit in the locaI
hopes or expects to receive a f:rvor or government unit.
belter treatment in the firtLrre from the
public ollicial or cmplol,rce conccrncd in 'l'he son ancl/or'
thc dischargc ol his ollicial lunction. rclative of the m:lyor
Inclucicd within the proliibition is thc passccl lhc bar cx;rn'r
throwing of partics or cntertainments in .urd .r celcblirLit-rrr
l.ionor of the ollicial or ernployecs or his ensued in the
immediate relatives. municipal olfice.
Sectior.r 7ltt), l{A PLrblic ollicials arrd employees shall not, "Paclulas"/"uncler lher
671'3 directiy or inclirectly, have any financi:rl table
or ntrtcli.ll intr'r'r'st irt .rny tnrrrs;rt tiorr tra n sacli on " f " l,,tgay"
requiring thc ;rpproval ol their olf ice.
Section 7(bl[1), Public ollicials and ernployees dr-rring City legal olficer
I1A 6713 their incumbency sh;ill r-iot: accepts cases other
ih.trt tltost' invrrlyjllg
t1) 0wn, control, m.lnage or the rnunicipality.
erlployment als olflicer, entployee,
consultant, counsel, brol<er, agent,
trus[ee or norninec. in any private
enterprise regulatecl, supervised or
liccnscd by thcir ollicc urnless expressly
;rllowed by la'"v;

'l'he prohibition sh;rll continuc to apply

lor a pcriod ol onc t1l vear aftcr
resign;llion, re[irenrent, or sepalatiolr
lron.r pr-rblic office
Section 7 (b)(2) Pnblic ofiicials and employees during A public oflicial '"vho
tiA 6713 thcir incLrmbency shall not: It.rppcns to br'.r tlcrrl.i:t
practices h is
(2,) lrngagc in thc priv:itc pr.lcticc of thcir l)t o[('ssi()lt rlrlr irtg
prolession unless aLrthorizecl by thc worl<ir-rg houls.
Cor"rstitr"rtion or law, provrdecl, that sLrch
practice will not conflict or tend to
conl'lict with tlieir ol'ficial Iunctions

'fhe prolessional concernccl cannol

1tt'ltctit t' ltis pt'ol't'ssion in
with any mattel before tl're office he useci
to bc for after resignatron,
rctircn-icnt, or separartion from public
of ficc.
Sccl-ion 7(b)(3 ), lrublic oflicials anrl employees rlrrring 'l'he local chicf
rrA 6713 their incunrbcncy shall not: cxecuti ve
recomrnenciecl his
t3) Recommend any person to any colle;tgue to the
position in a private enterprise r,vhich Itas contractor engagecl by
a regular or pending official tr-ainsaction thc local govcrnmenI
witl'r their ollice. unit.

'l'he prohibitron shall continue to apply

for a period ol one t1) year;ifter'
resignation, rctircmcnt, or scpar:rtion
frorn public ofl'ice.
Section 7 (c), RA Pr-rblic oificials anrl employccs shall not A con'rplaint is pencling
67 13 use or clivulge, confidential or classilied bciore thc
inforr.nation officially I<nown to tliern by Sangguniarng
reason oi their office anci not made I)analalwiga n ;rga i nst ;r
avail:rblc to the pLrblic, eithcr: public oflicer. 'l'he
p res icl ing olf icer
[1]'l'o further their privatc: thereof, prior t0
interests, or give undue inlirrrring the
:rclvantage to anyone; or responclcnt forrnaIly in
writing rcgalcirng thc
[2)'l'o prejuciice thc pr-rblic ;.tt'tttslttiotts .tg.tinst
i ntc lcs t. hirn, havc inlornreri
thc latler of thc
cornplainl for him 1-o
prepare ancl/or rebLrt
the ;rllegations against
Section 7 (d), llA Solicitation or.rcceptancc ol gilts rn the
67 73 course ol thcir official cluties or rr-r
conncction with :iny operation bcitrg
reglrl;itccl by, rtr :lny trarns;rclion whiclt
m:ry be aflectecl by thc functions ol their'
Section ti[A], ItA F iling ol Statements, Assets, l.iabilitics, Non-iiling ol SALN
671'3 iind Net worth and a [)isclosr,rre of
Business lnterests ancl Financial
Co nnections
Section tl !)) (a), [Jsc ;rny rnform;rtion in thc SAI,N lor any [Jsed thc inforrnatiorr
RA 6713 plrrposc con[rary to morals ol public in SAl,N,,"trhich
policy obtaineci by reason ol
their ollice, to filc.r
case against the public
Scctior.r BID)[b), LJse any inforrnation in the SALN for any tJsed the inforrn;rtior-r
t{A 6713 cornmerci;rl purpose othcr [han by news in the SALN to cl:unagc
and communications mc.ciitr lor lhc reputation of ;:i

dissemina[ior.r to the gencr;il public. purblrc oliicial or'

ern ployee
Scction 9, ltA 6713 'fhe public ollicial shalI clivest Itis interest 'l'he contralctor who
in arny private business entcrprise whcn won thc public bidding
t'ottl'lit t oI irrtt,r'est t'xists. lor a projcct in :r local
g()v('l'l)nt('nI rrrrit is
'l'h c recl Lr i r-e n'rc r-r I o1' ci i vestm ent sh a l l not partly owneci by thc
apply to lhosc r,vho sel'vc tltcr local chief cxccLrtivc o1
(iovcrnmcnt in an honor:iry c:rp:icily r-ior saicl l,GU.
to laborcrs ancl casual or tcmpor:rry

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