Common To E&C, EI&C, CS & IS: Department of Technical Education Subject: Digital Electronics

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Department of Technical Education



Common to E&C ,EI&C, CS & IS

No.of Hrs/Wk : 4 Total No. of Hours/Sem: 64 TIME ALLOCATION UNIT-1

18 Hrs 10 5 3

Number Systems and Codes Logic Gates Logic Families

UNIT-2 18 Hrs

Combinational Logic Circuits

UNIT-3 28 Hrs

18 13 15 64

Boolean Algebra Sequential Logic Circuits


Number systems - Binary, Octal, Decimal, Hexadecimal, Conversions . Arithmetic Operations - 1's & 2's complements. Codes - BCD, Gray, Excess-3, ASCII & EBCDIC.

Digital signals , Types of logics , logic gates-Basic gates,truth table,Universal gates. 3 BOOLEAN ALGEBRA Boolean: constants, variables & functions , Laws of Boolean algebra ,Demargan's Theorems ,SOP & POS ,Simplification Karnaugh's map - Realization. 4 COMBINATIONAL CIRCUITS Introduction , Arithmetic Circuits, Adders, & Subtractors, Serial & Parallel adders , Comparators, Encoders , Decoders , Multiplexers and DeMultiplexers. 5 SEQUENTIAL LOGIC CIRCUITS Flip- Flops - Introduction , Triggering Methods , RS, D, T, JK FF , MS-JK flip-flop - Applications. Counters - Introduction , Modulus ,Types , Timing Diagrams Applications. Shift Registers- Introduction , Modes of operation , Ring & Johnson Counters - Applications . 6 LOGIC FAMILIES Introduction, Different Families - Characteristics , Comparison and Interfacing. Text Books
1 Digital Principles & Applications - Floyd Digital Electronics Devices Principles & Applications -A.K. Maini (Willey Eastern 2 Publications) 3 Digital Electronics - By A. P. Godse REFERENCES

1 Digital Principles & Applications - Mavino and Leach 2 Digital Computer Fundamentals- Thomos C Bartee 3 Digital Electronics and Integrated Circuits- R P Jain & M M S Anand 4 Digital Systems- Tocci

DE SPecific Obj

Department of Technical Education

Diploma Programme FIRST SEMESTER


Common to E&C ,EI&C, CS&E and IS&E

No.of Hrs/Wk : 4 Total No. of Hours/Sem: 64 CONTENT LIST & TIME ALLOCATION UNIT-1 18 Hrs 10 5 3 UNIT-2 18 Hrs 18 UNIT-3 28 Hrs 13 15

Number Systems and Codes Logic Gates Logic Families Combinational Logic Circuits Boolean Algebra Sequential Logic Circuits




On completion of the course, the student 1 will be able to comprehend the number systems and codes 2 will be familiar with logic gates 3 can realise logic expressions using gates 4 will be able to construct and verify the operation of arithmetic & logic circuits 5 can understand and appreciate the relevance of combinational circuits 6 will know various logic families 7 will be able to realise various flip-flops using logic gates

1.1 List different number systems & their relevance: binary, octal, decimal, hexadecimal 1.2 Study the Conversion from one number system to another 1.3 Perform Arithmetic operations on all number systems 1.4 Represent the Concept of complementay numbers: 1's & 2's complementary of binary numbers 1.5 Perform Subtraction of binary numbers using complementary numbers 1.6 Study Codes: definition,relevance,types (BCD, Gray, Excess-3, ASCII & EBCDIC) and applications 1.7 Examples for the above
2 LOGIC GATES Page 3 of 9

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2.1 Illustrate the Difference between analog signals & systems and digital signals & systems 2.2 Discuss the Types of logics & representation using electric signals 2.3 Know the Definition of gate 2.4 Learn the Basic Logic Gates (NOT, OR, AND, NOR, NAND, EX-OR & EX-NOR) - symbol,function, expression, truth table . 2.5 Define Universal Gates with examples & realisation of other gates 3 BOOLEAN ALGEBRA 3.1 Understand Boolean: constants, variables & functions 3.2 Comprehend the Laws & Identities of Boolean algebra 3.3 State and prove Demargan's Theorems 3.4 Represent Logic Expression: SOP & POS forms & conversion 3.5 Simplify the Logic Expressions / Functions (Maximum of 4 variables) : using Boolean algebra and Karnaugh's map methods 3.6 Realisation of simplified logic expressions using gates 4 COMBINATIONAL CIRCUITS 4.1 Define a Combinational Circuit and explain with examples 4.2 Arithmetic Circuits (Binary) a) Realise function,Logical expression, gate Level logic circuit , truth table & applications of half-adder, half-subtractor, full-adder & fullsubtractor b)Explain Serial & Parallel adders: concept, comparison & applications. c) Working of 2 & 4 bit parallel adders with logic circuit . d) Construct 2 bit Magnitude Comparator: logic expression, truth table,gate level circuit . 4.3 Discuss Encoders: definition, relevance, gate level circuit of decimal to BCD Encoders, Truth table, Definition of Priority Encoder. 4.4 Discuss Decoders: definition, relevance, gate level circuit of BCD to Decimal Decoders, BCD to Seven Segment Decoder with truth tables. 4.5 Explain the working of Binary-Decimal: Encoder & Decoder 4.6 Discuss Multiplexers: definition, relevance, gate level circuit and Truth Tables of 2:1, 4:1, 8:1.Multiplexers. 4.7 Realisation of high order multiplexers using simple multiplexers 4.8 Discuss Demultiplexers: Definition, relevance, gate level circuit and truth tables of 1:2, !:4 ,1:8 Demultiplexers . 5 SEQUENTIAL LOGIC CIRCUITS 5.1 Flip-Flops 5.1.1 Define Sequential Circuit: Explain with examples 5.1.2 Compare Combinational and Sequential Logic Circuits
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Clock-definition, characteristics, types of triggering & waveform. Define Flip-flop Study RS, clocked RS, D, T, JK FF -Race around condition, MS-JK flip-flops with gatelevel circuit, logic circuit and truth table. 5.1.6 Applications of flip-flops.
5.1.3 5.1.4 5.1.5

5.2 COUNTERS 5.2.1 Define Synchronous and Asynchronous Counters - Their Comparison. 5.2.2 Explain the modulus of a counter 5.2.3 Design of different Modulo counters using decoding gates. 5.2.4 Explain the working of 4 bit ripple counter with truth table and timing diagram 5.2.5 Define the propagation delay in ripple counter 5.2.6 Explain the Four Bit Synchronous counter with truth table and timing diagram 5.2.7 List out applications of counters 5.3 SHIFT REGISTERS 5.3.1 Introduction to Registers. 5.3.2 Explain the working of various types of shift registers -SISO,SIPO,PISO,PIPO with truth table using flip flop 5.3.3 Working of 4 Bit Ring and Johnson Counters with timing diagram and Truth table. 5.3.4 Applications of shift registers 6 LOGIC FAMILIES 6.1 Introduction, list of various logic families & standard notations

Explain propagation delay, fan-out, fan-in, power dissipiation,Noise Margin & speed with reference to logic families. 6.3 List and Compare the Features of Standard TTL, CMOS & ECLConcept of Saturated and Non Saturated Logic. 6.4 Describe the Interfacing between TTL & CMOS Text Books
1 Digital Principles & Applications - Floyd Digital Electronics Devices Principles & Applications -A.K. Maini (Willey Eastern 2 Publications) 3 Digital Electronics - By A. P. Godse REFERENCES 1 Digital Principles & Applications - Mavino and Leach 2 Digital Computer Fundamentals- Thomos C Bartee 3 Digital Electronics and Integrated Circuits- R P Jain & M M S Anand 4 Digital Systems- Tocci

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Common to E&C ,EI&C, CS&Eand IS&E


Note: 1)Section A is compulsory. 2) Answer any two main questions from each of the remaining Sections SECTION: A 1a (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) b Fill in the blanks with suitable words The radix of hexadecimal number system is _______________ The number of flip-flops required for decade counter is ______________ Race around condition is eleminated in ________________ flip flop An example for unsaturated logic _________ Ics The SISO shift register with feed back _________ counter Write a note interfacing between TTL and CMOS Ics SECTION: B

a b

Define the radix of a number system Convert the following from Binary to Decimal number system (i) 11001001 (ii) 1110.1111 (iii) 11001111 -->( )h (iv) 1AF--> ( ) D Subtract the following using 2's complemnet method (i) 1FE2- 0AC2 (ii) 412.6 - 255.0 Convert the following gray code to binary code (i) 110101 (ii) 111110 Convert the following Excess-3 code to binary code (i) 11011 (ii) 10110 Differentiate analog and digital signals Expalin AND logic with symbol, logic expression and truth table, . Define Noise Margin and power dissipation with reference to logic families State Associative and Distributive laws of Boolean Algebra Simplfy the following expressions and realize the same using gates (i) A+(BC.(D+E)+ B)) (ii) (A+B).(C+D).(AB+CD)

a b c c a b c

SECTION: C 5 a b c a b What is a Full adder? Use K- map to derive logic expressions for its output Compare serial and parallel adders Explain the operation of 4-bit parallel adder What is a priority encoder? Write the logic circuit and truth table of Decimal to BCD encoder

c 7 a b c

Write the logic circuit and truth table of BCD to seven segment decoder for common anode display What is a multiplexer? Explain the 8:1 multiplexer with the help truth table and logic circuit What is the use of De-multiplexer? Write the truth table and logic circuit of 4:1 Demultiplexer SECTION: D

a b c

Differentiate between combinational and seqential circuits Explain the operation of clocked RS-FF using NAND gates What is meant by Race around condition? How it is overcome? Explain the logic diagram, truth table and timing diagram, the operation of 4-bit ripple counter What do you by modulus of counter? Explain how decoding gates can be used for construction of mod-11 counter

a b c


a b

Explain with logic diagram, truth table and timing diagram, the operation of a 4-bit shift counter Write the logic diagram of a 4-bit shift register. Write the truth table and timing diagram for a 4-bit SISO register for a data of 1011


2 8

5 2 3 5 5 4 4 7

7 3 5 2 8

5 2 6 7

3 6 7

8 2 5 2 8 7

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