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Yes, our school complied with R.A. 1425 especially when we were in high school.

According to the law, It was stated that the life and works of Jose Rizal should be taught
in schools and university to students. As a matter of fact, we've studied Rizal's famous
writings Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo. There are also theatrical performances
related to Rizal that we attended to reinforce the educational process and personality
development. Moreover, each of us valued all the programs held to honor our nation's
hero because they explained the true meaning of patriotism and nationalism.

The Rizal law has played a significant role in inspiring secondary school students
to be law-abiding citizens who are unselfish and socially conscious. Nowadays, the
youth are empowered as they become aware of everything that is happening around
them. Their sense of nationalism increases because they are inspired by Rizal’s work
and life. In addition to that, they’ve become ambitious and innovative as we move into a
globalized world. Furthermore, these students use wholeheartedly their voices to fight
against any oppression in our country.

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