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Interfacial Properties of Suspended Particles

Two important interfacial properties are:

free energy, and

1) The surface
The presence of electric charges on the surface of the dispersed particles.
2) Surface Free Energy

When solid or liquid materials are reduced in size, the surface area increas
readily leading to corresponding increase in surface free energy given by:

AF o AA (1)


Ys= Interfacial tension between the liquid medium and solid surface.
Physieal P
e. Thermody

and tend to re-pr

This makes the system
that theparticles are
highly energetic
reducing the surface
group in se
total surface
area thereby
to flocculate. Thhe
as to decrease the therefore tend
suspension m e a s u r e of the sve.
particles in liquid
formation of floccules
thermodynamically stable state.
be taken as a
the interfacial
Increased stability can be realised by reducing
area. Intertfacial
tension can be reduced bu
decreasing the interfacial sodium lauryl sulphate, lecithi
surface active agents, e.g.,
ofcertain at the interface thereby
reducing the interta
are adsorbed selectively and settle relas.
or deflocculated
While the particles remain dispersed
bottom of the container whichisis
a hard cake at the cve
they may form
difficult to re-disperse. Surface Potential

Though suspensions consist of uncharged particles suspended an tin-
medium, the solid particles frequently acquire a positive or a negative ch
the vehicle around it will contain the same charge (the sO-called gegenio
opposite sign, so as to maintain electroneutrality).

The forces at the surface affect the degree of flocculation and aggregatio
particle is associated with an electrical double layer which gives rise to t
potential. The importance of zeta potential with regard to the stability an
of flocculated suspension is best appreciated by noting the forces betw
particles in suspension.

Repulsive curve
Energy of

Distance of separation

Attractive curve

Figure 4.3: Potential Energy Curves

Particle Interactions in for
The potential energy of two particles is plotted as a
separation (figure 4.3). The curves depict the function of the distanc
of repulsion, and the net
energy. There will be energy attraction, the en-
repulsion between the pari
arge; on the
attractionbetween particles
so that
other hand
theere will
wo curves. Equilibri the net be Van
(primary minimum) and also
exists when
will be the der
minimum). at a particles
distance sum
very close
The former energy Ej
100-200nm (seco

difficult to large and if those

separate again and particles
minimum they are caking
again in equilibriu results. If theycome this close, the
stay at that seco-
flocculated(flocculation), but the particle
asy to break apart. Thus,
in the secondary minim
and being suspensions are aggre
voluminous they characterisedby
form loosely
However. if the
particles pack intoo
exoerience a pressure compact sediment they are
primary minimum causing alloWing them to
pass the energy barrier clos close
poorly flocculated systems. caking. Thus, caking results in either and ent
The potential
existing in the
system responsible for
i the zeta potenüal is repulsion is the zeta poe
high the particles repel one
lispersed form for a long time, i.e., another and remai
they settle slowly.
ven when
brought closer during random motion or
articles resist collision due to the high surface agitation the defloce
e deflocculated. potential. Such a system is
the zeta
potential is low, or is lowered by the addition of
ISorbed whose charge is opposite in
ions prefer
Ceuncal torces of sign to that on the partic
repulsion are lowered sufficiently for the forces of at
predominate. Under such conditions, the
OTe particles may approach eac
closely to form loose aggregates termed flocs. Such a system is sa

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