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General study on two-dimensional generalized arithmetic progression

Article · January 2008


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1 author:

Dharmendra Kumar Yadav

M. L. S. College, Sarisab-Pahi Madhubani


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Acta Ciencia Indica, Vol. XXXIV M, No. 2, 557-566 (2008)



Dharmendra Kumar Yadav

Department Of Applied Mathematics
HMR Institute Of Technology & Management, Hamidpur, Delhi-36, India.
Mobile No.: +919891643856

The aim of the present paper is to extend the concepts of Arithmetic Progression and its related
sub topics keeping in view the vital role of the series in day to day life. The extension of the
arithmetic progression has been named as Generalized Arithmetic Progression. In this paper
some results and properties have been developed for two-dimensional arithmetic progression.

Key words: Progression(sequence), Series, Arithmetic Progression, Arithmetic Series,

Arithmetic Means, Generalized Arithmetic Progression / Multiple Arithmetic Pregression / k-
Dimensional Generalized Arithmetic Progression, Generalized Arithmetic Series, Generalized
Arithmetic Means, etc.

In mathematics, study of patterns leads to significant generalizations. A succession of numbers
of which one number is designated as the first , another as the second , another as the third and
so on gives rise to what we call a sequence. Sequences have wide applications. For example,
population of bacteria or human beings at different times form a sequence, the amount of
money in a fixed deposit in a bank over a number of years increases in a sequence, radioactive
materials disintegrate or decay in a sequence etc. Sequences are divided into many parts as
arithmetic, geometric, harmonic, Febonacci etc, but in the present paper our aim is related to
arithmetic sequences. Evidence is found that Babylonians, 4000 years ago, knew about
arithmetic and geometric sequences. According to Boethius (510A.D.), arithmetic, geometric
and harmonic sequences were known to early Greek writers. Among the Indian
mathematicians, Aryabhata (476 A.D.) was the first to give the formula for the sum of squares
and cubes of natural numbers in his famous work Aryabhatiyam, written around 499A.D. He
also gave the formula for finding the sum to n terms of an arithmetic sequence starting with pth
term. Noted Indian mathematician Brahmagupta (598 A.D.), Mahavira (850 A.D.) and
Bhaskara (1114-1185 A.D.) also considered the sums of squares and cubes. The general
expression for the sum of infinite geometric series was given by Frenchman Francois-Vieta
(1540-1603 A.D.). In 1671 A.D. James Gregory used the term infinite series in connection with
infinite sequence. It was only through the rigorous development of algebraic and set theoretic
tools that the concepts related to sequence and series could be formulated suitably.

Acta Ciencia Indica, Vol. XXXIV M, No. 2, 557-566 (2008)


We shall discuss the present paper under following definitions and properties:

2.1. Progression(Sequence): By a sequence we mean an arrangement of numbers in a

definite order according to some rule. The various numbers occurring in the sequence are
called its terms or members. We denote the terms of a sequence by a1, a2, a3, etc., the
subscript denote the position of the term. The nth term is the number at the nth position of the
sequence and is denoted by an. The nth term is also called the general term of the sequence. Let
a1, a2, a3,….., an…….be a sequence, then the expression a1+ a2+ a3+…..+an+……. is called the
series associated with the given sequence. Sequences following certain patterns are more often
called progressions.

2.2. Arithmetic Progression/Sequence: An arithmetic progression (A.P.) or arithmetic

sequence is a sequence of numbers or quantities such that the difference of any two successive
members(terms) of the sequence is a constant. The first term in the sequence from where it
starts is called the first term or initial term and the difference between two successive terms is
called the common difference. Let the first term on an A. P. be a and common difference d.
Then, General form of an A. P.:
a, a + d, a + 2d, a + 3d, ...
For example the sequence 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13... is an arithmetic progression with common
difference 2.

If the first term of an AP is a 1 and the common difference is d, then the nth term of the
sequence is given by: an = a1 + (n-1)d.

2.3: Arithmetic Series: The sum of all the terms of an arithmetic progression is called an
arithmetic series. The sum of an arithmetic series consisting of n terms with
common difference d is given by

Sn = a1 + a2 + a3 +…….+ an = [n(a1+an)/2] = [n{2a1 + (n-1)d}/2]

where Sn denotes the sum of n terms, a1 is the first term and an be the last term of the series. A
version of this formula appears in the Liber Abaci (1202, ch. II.12) of Leonardo of Pisa
(commonly known as Fibonacci). An often-told story is that Carl Friedrich Gauss, the German
mathematician rediscovered this formula when his elementary school teacher, J. G. Bütner,
asked the class to find the sum of the first 100 natural numbers, and he instantly computed the
answer (5050) to the astonishment of Bütner and his assistant Martin Bartels. The same story
had had been repeated with great Indian mathematician Srinivas Ramanujan Aaiyangar(1887-
1920) when he was in class VI standard and he had applied the procedure to sum up as: first he
wrote from1 to 100 in a row then he wrote the same numbers in reverse order in the second
row from 100 to1 below the first row as 100 below 1, 99 below 2, 98 below 3,…….. and 1
below 100. Then he added up all the pairs and found that every pair is 101. There were 100
such pairs, so he multipied 101 and 100 and found it is equal to 10100, but every numbers have
been taken two times so he divided the result 10100 by 2 and found that it is equal to 5050 i.e.
the sum of first 100 natural numbers is equal to 5050.

Acta Ciencia Indica, Vol. XXXIV M, No. 2, 557-566 (2008)

2.4. Arithmetic Mean: Given x, y and z are consecutive terms of an A. P., then
2y = x + z
y = [(x+z)/2]

where y is known as the arithmetic mean between x and z. More generally, given any two
numbers x and y, any number of arithmetic means can be inserted between them.

2.5. Properties of A.P.:

(1) If to each term of an A.P. a finite number is added or subtracted, then the resulting
progression is also an A.P. with the same common difference.

(2) If each term of an A.P. is multiplied or divided by a given finite non-zero number k, then
the resulting progression is an A.P. with common difference kd or d/k, where d is the common
difference of the given A.P.

(3) In a finite A.P. the sum of the terms equidistant from the first and last is always same and is
equal to the sum of first and last term.

(4) Three numbers a, b, c are in A.P. iff 2b=a+c.

(5) A sequence is an A.P. iff its nth term is a linear expression in ‘n’ i.e. an=An+B, where A, B
are constants. In such a case the coefficient of ‘n’ in an is the common difference of the A.P.

(6) A sequence is an A.P. iff the sum of its first n terms is of the form An 2+Bn, where A, B are
constants independent of n. In such a case the common difference is 2A.

(7) If the terms of an A.P.are chosen at regular intervals, they form an A.P.

(8) If an, an+1 and an+2 are three consecutive terms of an A.P., then 2an+1=an+an+2.

2.6. Generalized Arithmetic Progression: A multiple arithmetic progression, generalized

arithmetic progression, or k-dimensional arithmetic progression, is a set of integers constructed
as an arithmetic progression , but allowing several k possible common differences. For
example, let us start at 17 and add a multiple of 3 or of 5, repeatedly we get a 2-dimensional
generalized arithmetic progression as: 17,20,25,28,33,36,41................ The number k, that is the
number of permissible common differences, is called the dimension of the generalized
arithmetic progression.


In this section we shall discuss the two dimensional arithmetic progression and its related
3.1: Two-Dimensional Arithmetic Progression: It is a set of integers or numbers constructed
as an A.P. allowing two common differences alternately. If ‘a’ be the first term and d 1,d2 be
two common differences , then the general form of 2-D-A.P. is :

Acta Ciencia Indica, Vol. XXXIV M, No. 2, 557-566 (2008)

t1 = a
t2 = a+d 1
t3 = a+d 1+d2
t4 = a+2d1+d2
t5 = a+2d1+2d 2
t6 = a+3d1+2d 2
t7 =a+3d1+3d2
and so on.
i.e. to find the 2-D-A.P. , we first add/subtract d1 to ‘a’ , then d2 ; then again d 1, then d2 and so
Example3.1.1: 17, 20, 25, 28, 33, 36, 41,........ is a 2-D-A.P. with first term ‘17’ and common
differences 3 & 5 respectively.

3.2 To find the nth term of 2-D-A.P.: Let a be the first term and d1, d2 be two common
differences and let Sn be the sum of first n terms , then
Sn = a+ (a+d1)+( a+d 1+d 2)+( a+2d 1+d 2)+( a+2d 1+2d2)+( a+3d1+2d 2)+( a+3d1+3d2)+......+tn-1+t n
To find the nth term we proceed as follows:
Sn = a+ (a+d 1)+( a+d1+d2)+( a+2d1+d2)+( a+2d1+2d2)+( a+3d 1+2d2)+....................+ tn-1 + t n
Sn = a + (a+d1) +( a+d1+d2) +( a+2d1+d2) +( a+2d 1+2d2)+( a+3d1+2d 2)+......+tn-1+tn
Now we subtract the lower terms from the upper terms and we get
0 = a+{d1+d2+d 1+d 2+d1+d2+........upto (n-1) terms} - tn
 tn =(a-d2)+{d2+d1+d 2+d 1+d2+........upto n terms} .......................(1)

Let us consider two cases:

Case1: when n is an even number(let 2m, m= 1,2,3,4,...) then in (1) both d1 and d2 will occur
m times in the curly bricket. Therefore
tn = a+{(n/2)(d1+d2)}-d2

Case2: when n is an odd number (let 2m-1, m=1,2,3,4,...), then in (1) d 2 will have m terms and
d1 will have (m-1) terms. Therefore
tn = (a-d2)+(m-1)d1+md2
= a+( m-1)d1+(m-1)d2
 tn = a+{(n-1)/2}(d1+d2)}

Example3.2.1: Let for a 2-D A.P. the first term is 3 and the common differences are 4 & 2
alternately. Find the 5th and 6th terms of the series.
we have a=3, d1=4, d 2=2
t n=5 = a+{(n-1)/2}(d1+d2)}, since n is odd
= 3+ 2.6 = 15
and tn=6 = a+{(n/2)(d 1+d2)}-d2, since n is even
= 3+3.6-2 = 19
Therefore the 2-D- A.P series is 3,7,9,13,15,19,21,......

Acta Ciencia Indica, Vol. XXXIV M, No. 2, 557-566 (2008)

3.3: Sum Of First n terms of a 2-D-A.P. Series:

The sum of all the terms of a 2 – D.A.P. is called an 2-D.A.P. series. Let a be the first term and
d1, d 2 be the common differences. Let the n terms be donated by t1, t2, ………, tn
Then S n = t1+t2+t3+…..+ tn
= (t1+t3+t5+ …..) + (t2+t4+t6+ .….)
= S odd terms + S even terms
S odd terms = t1+ t3+t5+……
= a+{a+(d 1+d 2)}+{a+2(d 1+d 2)} + {a+3(d1+d2)} + ……….

S even terms = t2 + t4+t6+ ……..
=(a+d1) + {(a+d1)} + (d1+d2)} + {(a+d1)} + 2(d1+d 2)} +{(a+d1) + 3(d 1+d2)} +……

Now we consider two cases:

Case 1 : When the number of terms in the series is even i.e. n (= 2m let) is even. Then in this
case both S odd terms and S even terms will have equal number of terms (each equal to m).
S odd = a+{a+(d1+d2)} +{a+2(d1+d2) +……. + {a + (m – 1) (d 1 + d2)}
= (m/2) {2a + (m – 1) (d1 + d 2)}
Seven = (a+d 1)+{(a+d1)+(d1+d2)}+{(a+d1)+2(d 1+d 2)}+ ….. + {(a + d1) + (m – 1) (d1 + d 2)}
= (m/2) {2(a+d1) + (m – 1) (d1 + d 2)}
Hence we have
S n = S odd + S even
= (m/2) [2a + (m – 1) (d1 + d 2) + 2 (a + d1) + (m – 1) (d 1 + d2)]
= m/2 [2a + 2 (a + d1) + 2(m – 1) (d1 + d2)]
= m [a + (a + d1) + (m – 1) (d1 + d2)]
i.e. Sn = (n/2) [2a + d1 + {(n/2) – 1} (d1 + d2)]
But we know that for n = even, the nth term is given by
t n = a + (n/2) (d1 + d2) – d2

Acta Ciencia Indica, Vol. XXXIV M, No. 2, 557-566 (2008)

 S n = (n/2) (a + tn) = (n/2) (t1 + t n)

Therefore, when the number of terms is even in the 2 – D.A.P. series, then the sum of n terms
is given by
Sn =( n/2) [2a +{ (n/2) – 1)} (d1 + d 2) + d1]
i.e. Sn = (n/2) (t1 + t n)

Case 2 : When the number of terms in the series is odd i.e. n (= 2m – 1 let) is odd. Then in this
case Sodd will have m terms and Seven will have (m – 1) terms. Therefore,
Sodd = a + {a + (d1 + d 2)} + {a + 2 (d1 + d2)} +……… + {a + (m – 1) (d1 + d2)}
= (m/2) {2a + (m – 1) (d1 + d)}
= [{(n+1)/4)} {2a+[{(n + 1)/2} – 1] (d 1 + d2)}]
Sodd = [{(n + 1)/4] [2 a + {(n – 1)/2} (d 1 + d2)]
and Seven = (a+d1)+{(a+d 1)+(d1+d2)}+{(a+d 1)+2(d1+d2)]]+...... + {(a+d1) + (m – 2) (d1 + d2)}
= {(m – 1)/2} {2 (a + d 1) + (m – 2) (d1 + d2)}
= {(n – 1)/4} [2 (a + d1) +[{ (n + 1)/2} - 2)] (d1 + d2)]
= {(n – 1)/4} [2 (a + d1) + {(n – 3)/2} (d 1 + d2)]
Hence we have
Sn = Sodd + Seven
= {(n + 1)/4} [2a + {(n – 1)/2} (d 1 + d2)}] +{(n – 1)/4} [2(a + d 1) + {(n – 3)/2} (d1 + d2)]
i.e. Sn = [(1/4) {4an + (n2 – 1) d1 + (n – 1) 2 d2}]

Example 3.2.1: Find the sum of first six terms of the 2 – D.A.P. series where first term = 2.
first c.d. = 3 and second c.d. = 2.
Here n = 6 (even). So, the sum of n (=6) terms is given by
S n =( n/2) [2a +{( n/2) – 1} (d1 + d2) + d1]
Putting a = 2, d1 = 3, d2 = 2, and n =6, we get S6 = 51.

Example 3.2.2: Find the sum of first five terms of the 2 – D.A. P. series for which first term =
3, first c.d. = 5 and second c.d. = 2
Here a = 3, d1 = 5, d2 = 2 and n = 5 (odd). So the sum of n (odd) terms is given by
Sn = (1/4) {4an + (n2 – 1) d1 + (n – 1)2 d2}

Acta Ciencia Indica, Vol. XXXIV M, No. 2, 557-566 (2008)

Putting a = 3, d1 = 5, d2 = 2 and n = 5, we get S5 = 53.

3.3:To insert n terms between first and last term of a 2 – D. A.P. :

Given first and last terms a and b of a 2- D.A.P., if there exists exactly n terms between them,
then to write these terms we proceed as follows: let a = first term (t 1) and b = (n +2) th term
(tn+2). Also let d1 and d2 be two successive common differences. Now there arises two cases:

Case 1 : When n is an even number. In this case b = tn + 2 = a + {(n + 2)/2} (d1 + d2) – d2
i.e. 2 (b – a) = (n + 2) (d1 + d2) – 2d2
i.e. d1 = [{2 (b – a) – nd2} / (n + 2)]
or d 2 = [{2(b – a) – (n + 2) d1} / n]
i.e. to insert n terms between a & b, we must have given at least one of d1 or d2. After finding
d1 and d 2, we write the n terms between a and b as follows:
a, a + d1, a + d1 + d 2, a + 2 d1 + d2, a + 2d1 + 2d2, ……. to (n+1) terms, b.

Case 2 : When n is an odd number. In this case

b = t n + 2 = a + {(n +1)/2} (d 1 + d2)
 d 1 = [{2 (b – a) – (n + 1) d2}/ (n +1)]
or, d 2 = [{2(b – a) – (n + 1) d1}/ (n + 1)]
Here again to insert n terms between a and b, we must have given at least one of d1 or d2. After
finding d1 and d2, we write the n terms between a and b as follows :
a, a + d1, a + d1 + d2, a + 2d 1 + d2, a + 2 d 1 + 2d2, .................., to n + 1 term , b

Example 3.3.1 : Insert seven terms between 2 and 18 of a 2 – D.A.P.; given first common
difference is 3.
Here we have a = 2, b = 18, d1 = 3 and n = 7 (odd)
 Second c.d. d2 = {2(b – a) – (n + 1) d1}/ (n + 1) = 1
Therefore the seven terms between 2 and 18:
a + d1 = 5
a + d1 + d2 = 6
a + 2d 1 + d2 = 9

Acta Ciencia Indica, Vol. XXXIV M, No. 2, 557-566 (2008)

a + 2d 1 + 2d2 = 10
a + 3d 1 + 2d2 = 13
a + 3d 1 + 3d2 = 14
a + 4d 1 + 3d2 = 17
i.e. the 2 – D.A.P. is 2, 5, 6, 9, 10, 13, 14, 17, 18.

Example 3.3.2 : Insert ten terms between 2 and 18 of a 2 – D.A.P. given first c.d. is 3.
Here we have a = 2, b = 18, d1 = 3 and n = 10 (even)
 Second c.d. d2 = [{2(b – a) – (n + 2) d1}/n] = – 2 / 5
Therefore the ten terms between 2 and 18 are :
a + d1 = 5
a + d1 + d2 = 5 – (2/5) = 23/5
a + 2d 1 + d2 = 38/5
a + 2d 1 + 2d2 = 36/5
a + 3d 1 + 2d2 = 51/5
a + 3d 1 + 3d2 = 49/5
a + 4d 1 + 3d2 = 64/5
a + 4d 1 + 4d2 = 62/5
a + 5d 1 + 4d2 = 77/5
a + 5d 1 + 5d2 = 75/5
i.e. the 2 – D.A.P. is :
2, 5, 23/5, 38/5, 36/5, 51/5, 49/5, 64/5, 62/5, 77/5, 75/5, 18.

3.4 : To find A.M. between any two consecutive terms of a 2 – D.A.P.:

Let for the 2 – D.A.P., first term = a, first c.d. = d 1, second c.d. = d2. Then
t1 = a
t2 = a + d 1
t3 = a + d 1 + d 2
t4 = a + 2d1 + d2
t5 = a + 2d1 + 2d2
t6 = a + 3d1 + 2d2

Acta Ciencia Indica, Vol. XXXIV M, No. 2, 557-566 (2008)



Now we have,
A.M. between t 1 & t2 = (2a + d1)/ 2
A.M. between t 2 & t3 = (2a + 2d 1 + d2)/ 2
A.M. between t 3 & t4 = (2a + 3d 1 + 2d2)/ 2
A.M. between t 4 & t5 = (2a + 4d 1 + 3d2)/ 2


A.M. between tn & tn + 1 = [{2a + nd1 + (n – 1) d2}/2]

Example 3.4.1 : Find the A.M. between 12th and 13th terms of 2 – D.A.P., where first term =
3, first c.d. = 4, second c.d. = 2. Here we have a = 3, d1 = 4, d2 = 2 and n = 12.
Therefore A.M. between t12 and t13.
= {2a + nd1 + (n – 1) d 2}/ 2
= (2.3 + 12.4 + 11.2)/ 2
= (6 + 48 + 22)/ 2
= 38.

3.5: Forming a 2 – D.A.P. with multiplicity two by inserting one A.M. between every two
consecutive terms of a 2 – D.A.P. :
Consider the 2 – D. A.P. of first term a, first c.d. d1 and second c.d. d2, as:
a, a + d1, a + d1 + d 2, a + 2d1 + d 2, a + 2d 1 + 2d2, ...................
Let us insert one A.M. between every two consecutive terms, we get a new sequence:
a, a+(d 1/2), a+d1, a+d1+(d2/2), a+d 1+d2, a+d1+d2+(d1/2), a+2d1+d2, a+2d 1+d 2+ (d2/2),
a+2d1+2d 2, ..................

In this sequence we see that there are two c.d. (d1/2) and (d2/2) and each c.d. is applied two
times repeatedly and alternately i.e. first d1/2 is applied two times, then d2/2 applied two times
and then again d1/2 applied two times, then d 2/2 and so on. This is not a 2 – D.A.P. but it may

Acta Ciencia Indica, Vol. XXXIV M, No. 2, 557-566 (2008)

be named as two–dimensional generalized arithmetic progression with multiplicity two

due to the use of each c.d. two times repeatedly and alternately.
Here if we consider a sequence of all A.M.’s only as
a + d1/2, a + d1 + (d2/2), a+ d1 + d 2 + (d 1/2), a + 2d1 + d 2 + (d 2/2), ………
We see that it forms a A.P. with first term a + (d1/2) and c.d. (d1 + d2) / 2.

Example: 3.5.1: Let us consider a 2 – D. A.P.

2, 5, 7, 10, 12, 15, 17, 20, 22, ................
Putting one AM between every two consecutive terms, we get a 2 – D.A.P. with multiplicity
two as,
2, 3.5, 5, 6, 7, 8.5, 10, 11, 12, 13.5, 15, 16, 17, 18.5, 20, .........

3.6 : Properties of 2 – D.A.P. :

(1) If to each terms of a 2 – D.A.P., a finite number is added or subtracted, then the resulting
progression is also a 2 – D.A.P. with the same common differences and different first term.

(2) If each term of a 2 – D.A.P. is multiplied or divided by a given finite non zero number K,
then the resulting progression is also a 2 – D.A.P., with c.d. Kd1 and Kd2 or d1/k & d2/k, where
d1, d 2 are the c.ds. of the given 2 – D.A.P.

(3) If corresponding terms of two different 2 – D.A.P. be added or subtracted, then the
resulting progression is also a 2 – D.A.P.

(4) If corresponding terms of two different 2 – D.A.P. be multiplied or divided then the
resulting terms do not form a 2 – D.A.P.

(5) In a finite 2 – D.A.P. of even number of terms, the sum of the terms equidistant from the
first and last is always same and is equal to the sum of first and last term.

(6) In a finite 2 – D.A.P. of odd number of terms, the sum of the odd terms equidistant from the
first and last is always same and is equal to the sum of first and last term. Also the sum of the

Acta Ciencia Indica, Vol. XXXIV M, No. 2, 557-566 (2008)

even terms equidistant from the first and last is always same. In this case the middle term of the
squence is the A.M. of first and last term

(7) Four numbers a, b, c, d are in 2 – D.A.P. iff a + d = b + c.

(8) If tn, tn + 1, tn + 2 & tn + 3 are three consecutive terms of a 2 – D.A.P., then

t n + t n + 3 = tn + 1 + t n + 2

(9) If the terms of a 2 – D.A.P. are chosen at regular intervals of odd terms and even terms
separately, both of them form an A.P. But if the even terms of a 2 – D.A.P. starting from the
first term are chosen at regular intervals they form a 2 – D.A.P.

(10) If a sequence is a 2 – D.A.P. then its nth term is a linear expression in n i.e. tn = An + B,
where A, B are constants. In such a case the coefficient of n in tn is the A.M. (d1 + d2) / 2 of
two c. ds. of the 2 – D.A.P.

(11) If the sequence is a 2 – D.A.P. Then the sum of its first n terms is of the form An2 + Bn,
where A, B are constants and the coefficients of n2 i.e. A is equal to (d1 + d2)/4; where d1 and
d2 are c.d. of the 2 – D.A.P.

3.7: Particular results from 2 – D.A.P.: If we take the two c.ds. equal in the 2 – D.A.P. we
get an A.P. and all the properties of A.P. from the properties of 2 – D.A.P. For example:
(1) Put d1 = d2 = d in the general form of 2 – D.A.P. discussed in section 3.1, we get the
A.P : a, a+d, a + 2d , a + 3d , ..............

(2) Put d1 = d2 = d in the nth term discussed in section 3.2., we get tn = a + (n – 1) d; which is
the nth term for the A.P : a, a + d, a + 2d , a + 3d , ..............

(3) Put d1 = d2 = d in the Sn, the sum of first n terms of a 2 – D.A.P. discussed in section 3.3,
we get Sn = (n/2 ){2a + (n – 1) d}
which is the sum of first n terms of the A.P.: a, a + d , a + 2d, ..................

Acta Ciencia Indica, Vol. XXXIV M, No. 2, 557-566 (2008)

(4) Put d1 = d2 = d in the result discussed in section 3.4, we get d = (b – a)/(n + 1) which is
used to write n terms or n A.Ms. between two numbers a and b, if they are in A.P. and it is
written as : a, a + d, a + 2d, ............, a + nd, b

(5) Put d1 = d2 = d in the result discussed in section 3.5, we get the A.M. between two
consecutive terms tn and tn + 1 of the A.P.: a, a + d, a + 2d, ............

From the above discussion it is clear that the 2- dimensional A.P. is the extension of the A.P.
with more than one common difference and if we take the particular cases of the common
differences (equal in above case), we find that A.P. is a particular case of 2 – D.A.P. It can be
defined for more than two c.ds. with multiplicity greater than one.

The author is highly grateful to Dr. D.K. Sen, Reader in Mathematics, R.S. More College,
(Vinoba Bhave University, Hazaribag), Govindpur, Dhanbad (Jharkhand), India for his
constant inspiration. At the same time he pays his deep sense of gratitude to Mr. Anil Kumar
Gupta (Chairman) & Dr. R.C. Sachdeva (Director) HMRITM, for providing research facilities
and moral support.

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