Warm Up Questions and Answers Oet Materials

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1. Why you choose nursing?

I choose nursing because of several reasons. First of all it was my childhood
dream to become a nurse. Besides, many of my relatives are nurses and
their stories inspired me a lot. Furthermore, nursing is a profession with
ocean of opportunities both in native and abroad. Above all this is a service
oriented profession in which I can serve humanity. Hence I choose nursing
as my career.

2. Why you choose OET?

It is my long term ambition to work as a registered nurse in any of the
European countries such as the UK, Ireland and so on. In order to meet the
requirements to register as a nursing professional I need to prove my
English language proficiency. Hence I choose OET to fulfill my dream.
Moreover, OET is tailored according to the needs of nursing professionals
therefore I believe I could perform well in this test.

3. What are the current trends in your profession?

Nursing is a dynamic profession and changes are happening on daily basis.
Nowadays technology plays a vital role in my profession. For instance paper
records what we were used in older days have been updated to electronic
records. Besides at present we are following evidenced based practice
which means there is a scientific rationale for each and every procedure.
Moreover in present days a nurse can function as a nurse practioner which
is equivalent to the position of a physician.

4. Do you have a role model in your profession?

Yes I do. My role model is Mother Theresa, who is known as mother of
poor. I choose her as my role model because by her life she exemplified
how a nurse should be. She served the humanity without expecting
anything in return. Moreover she dedicated her entire life for the
upliftment sick and poor. She was humble, honest and above all loved her
fellow men as herself. I believe a nurse should possess all these qualities so
that I consider her as my role model.

5. Which is your favorite destination? Why?

My dream destination is Australia. This is because Australia has got a world
class health care system and I can be a part of it. Secondly, in this country
the rules and regulations for nurses are very flexible. Besides, here nurses
are paid well and respected too. Above all I have many friends and relatives
over there so that they can help me during my initial days.

6. What all are the qualities that a nurse should possess?

Of course, a nurse should possess a variety of qualities. First of all he/she
should possess excellent communication skills which help them not only to
gather clinical data but also to maintain an effective relationship with other
team members. Secondly problem solving skills and critical thinking skills
are essential for nurses to deal with emergencies and difficult situations.
Other qualities such as punctuality, dedication, honesty and competency
are also pivotal for nurses.

7. What all are the different roles of a nurse?

A nurse plays different roles in her profession. The primary role of a nurse is
care giver. Apart from this role she functions as a mediator, advocate,
counselor, educator and the like.

8. What all are the pieces of advices to the upcoming nurses?

As a nurse definitely I can give a bunch of advices to the upcoming nurses.
Firstly I advise them to love their profession. If anyone loves their
profession they can carry put their responsibilities in an efficient manner
without complaints. Besides I advise them to be dedicated to their
profession and maintain the professional standards. These are very
essential because a nurse should abide with nursing ethics in any grounds.
These are a few advices that I like to give to future nurses.
9. Describe your typical working day?
My day starts with a prayer. After completing my daily routines I reach my
work station by 7 30.
Before taking handover I complete my inventories and update the crash
cart medication and dressing trolley. After receiving the hand over I interact
with my patients in order to identify their health needs. Based on my
assessment I plan a nursing care plan and provide quality care for my
patients. Afterwards I assist physician in his work and carry out necessary
clinical orders. Meanwhile I definitely find some time to interact with my
colleagues and maintain a good rapport with them. My duty ends by 3 30
after giving hand over to next scheduled staff members.

10.Do you think nurses should attend continuous nursing education?

Yes I do. The continuous nursing education programme helps the nurses to
update themselves with the current practices in their profession. Moreover
nowadays it is mandatory to have specific hours of continuous nursing
education in order to renew the nursing registration. Hence continuous
nursing education is very important for nurses.

11.Tell me quality that you possess which suits to your profession?

I think I have excellent communication skills which help me to interact with
my patient in a professional manner. Apart from this it also helps me to
maintain good relationship with my colleagues. So I think this is the one
quality which suits to my profession.

12.Do you believe there is gender disparity in your profession?

No I don’t. Previously it was female dominated profession. Now the trends
have been changed and there are large numbers of male nurses in my

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