CE152 Exp4

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Experiment 4: Soundness Test of Portland Cement

In the experiment, the Soundness of Portland Cement was determined. From the two
trials conducted, both had cracks. The cracks formed could be caused by multiple factors. Two
of these factors are the mixing process of the cement paste and molding the cement paste into
a disc-like structure.
After analyzing the cement paste, the volume had not changed from when it was mixed
until it had completely dried. The soundness of cement tests if the cement or concrete mix will
change its volume after it has dried completely.
The soundness of Portland cement is done to know if the cement used adheres to the
standard of cement. A few things need to be observed to see the soundness of cement, change
in volume, cracking, distortion, and disintegration of the cement paste.
To conduct the experiment, 500 g of cement was sieved using a No.200 sieve and
mixed with 160ml of water. After the cement paste was mixed, the cement paste was molded
into a bowl-like shape (Figure 1) on a glass plate. Then it was left to dry for 24 hours and
steamed for 1 hour.
Significance of the Experiment
The Experiment, Soundness of Portland Cement, was done to determine if the
cement is good quality. Cement has a standard needed to be followed by all manufacturers
since cement will only be unsound due to a mistake made by a manufacturer.
There are four causes of the unsoundness of cement: Excess Lime, Excess Magnesia,
Inadequate Burning, and Excess Calcium Sulphate. Excess lime causes the cement to hydrate
slowly and forms slaked lime that will occupy a large volume compared to the free calcium
oxide, which can compromise the straight of cement once it hardens. The excess magnesia also
affects the hydration rate of cement, which can then affects its properties once it sets. The
inadequate burning of cement is caused by an unsatisfactory burning and cooling process,
which will compromise the quality of the cement. Lastly, excess calcium sulfate, gypsum is
added to the cement to prevent flash setting cement, but if too much is added, the cement will
expand as it hardens. If the cement expands or contracts in any way, the strength of cement will
be compromised, resulting in a weaker structure.
Figure 1. Cement Paste
Conclusion and Application

The experiment, Soundness of Portland Cement, can conclude the cement used is of
good quality. As observed, the volume of the cement paste did not change as it hardened.
Although the cement had signs of cracking, this could have been caused by the mixing and
handling of the cement paste.
The experiment could be used to check if the manufactured batch of cement is of
good quality. Quality control of cement is regulated to ensure the sturdiness of the structures in
that the cement will be used. Manufacturers need to check the quality of the cement that they
are producing and selling, and the soundness of cement is one f the test that they can do.
It can also be used to check if the cement received at a construction site is of
good quality. Although cement is regulated, checking if the quality of cement reached the
standard can help to ensure the overall quality of the structure, especially if you doubt the
quality of the cement that has been received.
The soundness of cement can also be used to know how it will behave as it
hardens. The volume of the cement paste is the main factor being considered; knowing the
change in volume of the cement paste can help calculate the exact amount needed within a

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