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Citrate Complexes of Copper in Acid Solutions

4, 1952

A method for identifying and obtaining instability constants of copper citrate coordination compounds in acid solution is
described. The nature of the compound formed is determined primarily by the citrate-copper ratio and in a secondary man-
ner by the age of the solution. The initial compound formed is [Cu(HCit)(HzCit)-]. If the citrate concentration is a t least
30 times the copper 11)concentration, this compound is stable, but if the citrate-copper ratio is less than 30 the above com-
plex adds copper(II\ ion and liberates hydrogen ion. The addition of the cupric ion is a relativelyslow process in solutions
of low total copper concentration. The ultimate product appearing in solutions of very low citrate-copper ratio [l to 21 is
the insoluble solid Cut [CsH'O,.]
The following instability constants in solutions of ionic strength 3.0 have been obtained at 25'. For the process: H + +
[Cu(HCit)(H&it)]- *Cu++ +
2HzCit- K8 = [CU++][HZC~~-]~/[CU(HC~~)(H~C~~)][H+]
constant fiH: [Cu(HCit)(HzCit)]- 4 Cu+; +
HCit' + = 1. For the process a t
HeCit-, KZ = [Cu++][[HCit'][HCit-]/[Cu(HCit)(H&it)-]=
10-4. An estimate of the lhermodynemzc value a t infinite dilution gives about 5 X lo-* for Ko and about 5 X 10-8 for Ks.

I n the past metal-citrate coordination com- percentage of Cit=. This unusual distribution re-
pounds have been formulated with the citrate ion sults because the p& for citric acid lies midway be-
(Cit-8) as the coordinated ligand. More recently tween the values for p& and ~ K s . If then a soh-
the possibility of complex formation by mono or di- tion of cupric ion a t the same pH as the KHZCit
hydrogen citrate ions in acid solution has been con- solution is added to the system, the identity of the
sidered, but the problem has not been carefully ex- complexing ligand may be established by the change
amined. Ketelle, Boyd, Schubert, Richter and in PH which results from complex formation. If
other members of the Oak Ridge Group who used HBCit- is the coordinating species, no change in pH
acid citrate solutions as an elutriant for ion ex- should result on addition of copper(I1) ion; if
change columns in rare earth separations suggested HCit- or Cit' is the coordinating species, the pH
that the dihydrogen and monohydrogen citrate should drop as a result of coordination; and if
anions might form coordination compounds with HaCit is the coijrdinating group the pH should rise.
the rare earths.' In 1950 Meites2 studied the po- The above facts can be represented in more gen-
larography of solutions containing cupric and citrate eral terms by the equation
ions a t different PH values and interpreted the
waves as indicating formation of copper complexes
Cu++ + n(H&it-) CU(HBC~~)~(~-~)+~ +
by both the mono and dihydrogen citrate ions;
n (2 B)H+ (1)
however, his data did not yield unambiguous results Because the concentrations of HaCit and HCit- are
for the formulas of the compounds or even the iden- equal in solutions of KHzCit, the dihydrogen citrate
tity of the coordinating groups, despite the fact ion used in equation 1is replaced by the equilibrium
that instability constants for complexes of unspe- shift without changing the ratio HtCit/HCit- Le.
cified composition were reported.
The present investigation resulted from an at-
H&it +H C i t ' s 2HsCit- (2)
In equation 1, ii equals the average number of hy-
tempt to study the citrate-cupric ion-resin system, drogen ions per coordinated citrate, and n equals
and had as its purpose identification of the coordi- the number of citrate groups coordinated per cupric
nation compounds formed between copper and ci- ion. Then let
trate systems in acid solution and determination of
their stability constants. The study was conducted
a t a constant pH value of 2.9 which represents the
pH of potassium dihydrogen citrate in a magnesium
[T*Cu++l= concn. total copper added
fT.Cit1 concn. total citrate added (all forms)
[Cu++], [HzCit-1, [HCit'], [Cit-1, [ H a c k ] = respective
concentrations of each species in system
sulfate salt solution of ionic strength 3.0a (see data [KOH] = milliequivalents of OH- needed to bring 1 cc.
for solutions l a , 4a, 7a, loa, Table 11). Using the of the-system back to the original pH after adding
constants of Bates and Pinching4 for citric acid, - cupric ion
Z = average number ofhydrogens per citrate in citrate
one calculates that a solution of KHzCit in water or solutions a t this pH (2 = very close to 2 for KHlCit
a solution of a salt such as MgS04 will contain 12% solutions a t pH of investigation)
HICit, 76% HzCit-, 12% HCit-, and a negligible The concentration of uncomplexed cupric ion
(1) B. H. Ketelle and G. E. Boyd, THISJOURNAL, 69, 2800 (1947). can be determined in the solution by means of the
(2) L. Meites, ibid., 72, 180 (1950). copper electrode; pH can be followed with a glass
(3) In a previous investigation of the effects of @Hon the polaro-
graphic reduction of copper citrate complexes, Meites' neglected the electrode; and the value of KOH can be deter-
effects of ionic strength in calculating solution composition from meas- mined by titration with standard potassium hydrox-
ured pH values. He calculated that a 0.6 M solution of citrate a t a ide solution. Then
pH of 4.0 should contain 0.38 M H;Cit- ion. According to similar
calculations a pH of 3.95 and an HsCit- concn. of 0.38 M should be -
copper coardinated with citrate = [T.Cu++] [Cu++]
citrate cosrdinated with copper = n([T-Cu++] -
found in a 0.5 M KHrCit solution. The magnitude of the error due to
neglecting activity effects is indicated by the fact that the pH of a [CU++I)
0.6 M KHrCit solution is actually 3.61 instead of 3.96; that of a 0.06 free citrate = [Tacit.] - -
n( [ T C u + + ] [Cu++]!+
hydrogen ion h complex = dn([T-Cu++] - [Cu I)
M RH;Cit is 3.71 and the ) H of all KHrCit solutions used in this in-
vestigation at a constant ionic strength of 3.0 is very close to 2.82
(Table I1 la, 4a, 7a, loa).
hydrogen ion on free citrate = Z([ T C i t ] n( [T.Cu++]
[CU +I I 1 + -
(4) R. G. Bates and 0.D. Pinching, THISJOURNAL, 71, 1274

total hydrogen ion before addition Cu++ = ZIT-Cit] +

(1849). [H+l
.\fter a copper has been added and the pH has been Table I. The values of the ratio [KOH]/[Cu complex]
restored to the original value by the addition of appear t o be vcry close to 1 on the avvrage at high ratios of
citrate to cupric ion, but the values appear to rise toward
potassium hydroxide, the hvdrogen balance is given 1.25 as the ratio of citrate to cupric ion becomes smallet;
hi* -the equation than about 3.0. In the region where the ratio [KOH]!
l'ot,il I i =- [H+on free citrate] + [H"i n complexj i [Cu complex] is 1.0, ci, the average number of hydrogens
per coordinated citrate, is given as d = ( 2 % - l>,'n. At
/H neutralizrd bv KOH] ;H j (3) smaller values of the citratelcupric ion ratio, ci = (2rz -
()r 1.2<5),'~. The significance of these results will be coilsidered
.L/r Clt] + [H"] = Z([TClt] - {. [T.CU '1 - (b) Determination of n, the Average Number of Citrate

ICU+']]) 4-U T Z { ['L CU j -- [ C I I ' J ) 4- [KOH] Groups Coardinated per Cu'+.-Data obtained in the pre-
[H'l (4) ceding investigation were not well suited t o determination
of n since the concentration of free citrate could not be con-
This may be solved for 5 , the average number of I3 i- veniently vaned over a wide range without adding an es-
per coordinated citrate, to give cess of copper. For this reason a separate set of solutions
was prepared containing 3 different cupric ion concentrations
and 4 different potassium dihydrogen citrate concentrations.
Data obtained in part (a) indicated one hydrogen ion lib-
erated for each cupric ion present. Accordingly one equiva-
Since 2 is known frorn the composition of the lent of KOH was added for each gram atom of Cui-+. The
solution (ie., is very close to 2 in this investigation) h a J ionic strength of each solution was adjusted to 3.0 with
magnesium sulfate, the adjustment being based on a final
and all terms other than 5 and n can be measured total volume of 260 C C . ~ The validity of the measurement of
experimentally, a can be determined in terms of n, ci. in part (a) is confirmed by the constancy of the PH
the number of citrate groups per cupric ion. throughout the series (see footnote ,f, Table 11). Details
The n value may be determined as the slope of a are summarized in Table 11.
Measurements of pH were made with a Beckman glass
straight line plot of log [Cu++]/[Cu complex] electrode and cupric ion was determined with a copper elec-
against the log [free citrate]. The n value used to trode. Since the precision of these measurements was t o
calculate the free citrate should be the n which ap- be higher than those of part (a) and since experimental con-
pears as the slope a t the point in question and is ob- ditions were different, the reliability of the copper electrode
again required verification. A calibration curve giving
tained by a series of approximations. The inter- cupric ion concentration versus potential was obtained by
cept of the line is equal to log K1where K1 is defined using a series of solutions containing varying concentrations
;1 s of Cu+', a constant PH of 3.0, and an ionic strength ad-
justed to 3.0 with MgSO, (pH effects negligible in absence
of citrate). Either copper-plated platinum flags or re-
cently polished copper wires could be used as electrodes.
About 8 t o 10 hours were allowed for the system t o reach
Since concentrations have been measured experi- equilibrium before each potential measurement. A plot
mentally, the true thermodynamic equilibrium con- of the potential of the cell
stant would require suitable correction for activity CU/(CU++,S04")(Mgf', S01')//0.75 X MgS04/
coefficients. When n is known, (z may be deter- HgzSOdHg
mined to establish the complete identity of the co-
ordination compound. against the log of the copper concentration is shown in Fig. 1.
(51 Since the ionic strength is influenced somewhat by the process
Experimental of complex formation and addition of KOH, i t was desirable t o correct
(a) Determination of ci, the Average Number of Hydro- for these effects using the data obtained in the determination of a, the
gen Ions per Citrate in the Cogrdination Compound.- number of hydrogens per coordinated citrate. Preliminary plots of
Seventy-five cc. of 1 -lf RHaCit (prepared from reagent a
data from determination of indicated a slope of between 1 and 2 for a
grade citric acid and potassium citrate) was diluted t o 250 plot of log [Cu++]/[Cu complex] vwsus log [free citrate]. In the
cc. with 1 X MgS04 [ionic strength of final solution = 3.11. region where the citrate/cupric ion ratio is large, if n = 1, ri = (212 -
The PH of the solution was measured with a Beckman glass 1j;u = 1. T h e following equatioii can then be assumed for thc prowhs
electrode. The PH of a 1 Jf CuS04 solution was then care-
fully adjusted with HzS04 to give the same PH as the citrate cu - -i + IIZCit - i- L; '- t SO4=---+
solution. Two copper electrodes, prepared by depositing Cu(1-ICitj + I;' 4-Ii + -L- SOi-
Cu on platinum flags (1-cm. square), were inserted in the €I +K $- Sod" + K + $- OFT- ---+
citrate solution, and an external half-cell Hg/HgZSOd/l M
MgSO4 was connected t o tlie ivstem by means of d salt 2Kf + so,= -+ 1120
bridge ( 1 M MgSO, 1. The addition of CuS04 and KOH to a KHZCit +
MgSOn solution will
A mechanical stirrer u'a5 placed in the system and the en- alter the ionic strength only by converting one formula weight of
tire apparatus was thermostated a t 2 5 ' . Increments of the KT-f?Cit to one formula weight of K?SOi for each formula weight of
one molar CuSOa solution were then added, with constant CIISOJaddrd Filial ionic strength may then br calculat?ii f r o m i h v
stirring, to the citrate solution; a drop in PH was noted; erluxtion
then the amount of standard KOH necessary to bring the
p H back t o the original u n h e >\as added. When the pH
was restored, the cupric ion concentration was determined
by means of the copper electrodes. To determine cupric -
ion concentration under these conditions, a calibration curve In computing the ionic strength secondary effects due to subsequeut
was made by adding 1 Af CuSO4 to 200 cc. of 1 M MgS04 ionization of HaCit- have been neglected. If n is assumed equal to
and then determining the potential of the cell C u / C u + + / l 2 . a = 3:'2 and the following equation is suggested:
111' MgSOa!Hg2SOo/Hg. A plot of the log of the copper
concentratlon against the potential gave a straight line of C h i SO?' + 2 K + + 2H2Cit- +
+ I%+ + Sod-

slope 0.029 and intercept 0.353. The free Cu'+ concentra- [Cu(HCit)(H&it)l- 4-2 K C
tion could then be calculated from the equation

Ionic strength calculations arc exactly the same since the compounds
The data obtained were then used in equation 2 to calcu- [K+, HzCit-1 and [ K + , (Cu(HCit)iH?Cit)1 - 1 cannot be Aistinguishetl
1,itr li in terms of n Rc2l)rewit:Ltive data are compiled in i n ?otnpti?ing ionic strength.

75 cc. 1 M KHaCit; 175 cc. 1 M MgS04; initial ionic strength = 3.1; used 1 M CuSOd a t PH 2.84; 2 = 2 for KHzCit;
1.702 N KOH; electrode system Cu/Cu+f//l M MgSO~/HgzSO~/Hg.Glass electrode checked at end with buffer = 4.00.
1 ,M pH torestore E.m.f. E.m.f. Total Free Concn.
CuSO4, after Cu
+ +pH (2.84), electrode electrode cu++ c u +a
+ complexed [XOHI
cc. addition cc. 1 2 coacn. concn. cu++ [KOH] [CuComplexl
0 2.84 0 0.4965 0.4957 ......... ......... ......... ......... ..
0.320 2.82f 0.15 .4797 .4794 1.28 X 4.57 X 1.24 X 1.03 X 0.83
3.02 2.82b 1.00 .4538 .4539 1.19 X 3.31 X 1.16 X 6.70 X l o u 3 .61
6.01 2.81* 3.02 .4454 ,4455 2.32 X 6.75 X 2.25 X 2.00 X .SB
10.00 2.:gb 5.56 .4390 ,4391 3.76 x 10-2 1.10 X 3.65 X 3.56 X lo-? .98
12.02 2.80 7.15 .4367 ,4369 4.46 X 1.29 x 10-3 4.33 x 1 0 - 2 4.52 x 10-2 1.0-1
15.00 2.79 9.24 .4338 .4340 5.48 X 1.62 X 5.32 X 5.73 X 1.08
20.00 2.76 13.02 .4302 .4305 7.06 X 2.24 X 6.84 X 7.85 X 1.14
25.00 2.76 17.25 .4272 .4274 ' 8 . 5 6 x 2.82 X 8.28 X 1.00 X lo-' 1.21
30.00 2.78 20.56 .4243 .4246 1.00 X lo-' 3.59 X 9.64 X 1.16 X 10-1 1.21
40.00 2.72 27.91 .4197 .a00 1.26 X lo-' 4.90 X 12.10 X 1.49 X lo-' 1.23
0 Concn. Cu++calculated from expression log [Cu+f] = - (E - 0.353)/0.029 (see text). b Additional increments
KOH between, so PH not as low as it would have gone.
7- Fresh solution -- ---Aged solution-75 days-
$6 -s


u :Y ij

B $8
2 a
zc4 B k l -0

la 0.500 0 0.625 2.98 .......................... ........ ......
.... d
1 .500 4.96 X 10-8 .622 2.97 0.4775 0.4778 -2.13' 0.372 0.059 -1.66 2.98
2 .500 9.92 x 10-8 .620 2.98 .4702 .4700 -2.16 ,364 .058 -1.67 2.97 0.4712 -2.20 -1.67
3 .500 4.96 X 10-2 .600 2.94 .4491 ,4491 -2.15 .305 .048 -1.83 2.98 ,4505 -2.19 -1.83
4a .300 0 .675 2.93 .......................... ........ ....
4 ,300 4.96 X 10-8 .672 2.92 .4627 .4618 -1.61 .221 .035 -2.11 2.93 ,4669 -1.75 -2.11
5 .300 9.92 X 10-8 .670 2.92 .4544 .4545 -1.61 ,214 .034 -2.14 2.88 ,4580 -1.75 -2.25
6 300 4.96 X lo-' .650 2.90 .4366 .4360 -1.71 .154 .018 -2.56 2.86 .4360 -1.71 -2.53
7a .loo 0 .725 2.90 .......................... ........ ....
7 .loo 4.96 X 10-8 ,722 2.91 .4408 .4394 -0.78 .069 .011 -3.12 2.88 .4460 -1.04 -3.24
8 .IO0 9.92 X 10-1 .720 2.91 ,4318 .4324 - .83 .063 ,010 -3.20 2.86 .4375 -1.03 -3.82
9 .loo 4.96 X 10-3 .700 2.90 .4095 .4090 - .72 .013' ,002' -4.59' 2.76b ,4258' -1.36'

10a .050 0 .737 2 . 9Zf .......................... ........ ...... ....

10 ,050 4.96 X 10-8 .735 2.97f ,4283 .4280 -0.23 0.033 0.005 -3.78 2.94 ,4382 -0.70 -3.91
11 .os0 9.92 X lo-* .732 2.95/ .4198 ,4191 - .27 0.028 0.004 -3.95 2.90 ,4267 - .60 -4.09
12 .050 4.96 X 10-2 .712 3.01f .4016 .4004 - .37 ....' ....' .....' 2.71 .4164 - .994b ....
0 PH measured after one milliequivalent KOH had been added for each mmole CuSOa. ' Precipitate of Cun[CeHaOi]
had formed in system. Ratio has little meaning. [Cu++] calculated from expression: - (E - 0.347)/0.0295 = log
[Cu++]. Mold damage-solution discarded. a Calculation of total free citrate, [HzCit-] and [HCit'] based on an as-
sumed value of 2 for n. Assumption confirmed in Fig. 2 for all solutions except 6 , Qand 12. f The pH in solutions 10, 11
and 12 is slightly higher than the control loa. This results because 1 meq. KOH had been added for each millimole CuSO4,
and actually only about 50 to 75% of the Cu++ in these solutions coordinated to release H+. In all other solutions essen-
tially all of C u f f added formed a complex.
Data fall on a straight line of slope 0.0295 and intercept very low (2 or below), a precipitate settled out after about
0.347. These data give a potential of 0.352 for the cell 3 weeks. In the latter case the pH of the resulting super-
. C~SO1/0.75 M MgSOI/HgzSO,/Hg
C ~ / 0 . 7 5 111 natant liquid dropped as the precipitate came out.
(c) Identity of the Precipitate Obtained when Solutions
Since the above cell has a negligible junction potentia1,e the with a Very Low Citrate-Cupric Ion Ratio Were Allowed to
value of 0.352 compares favorably with the value 0.351 ob- Stand.-The blue precipitates obtained from solutions 9 and
tained by Tourky and El Wakkad for the cell 12 (Table 11) were filtered off, washed, dried a t 100' under
C ~ / 0 . 7 5M CuSO4/HgzSO,/Hg vacuum and analyzed. Data shown below correspond t o
the fomula Cu2(CeH40,),0.7Hz0.
All potential measurements were made with duplicate Theor. Obsd.
electrodes. In general, the precision of the potential
measurements was greatest in solutions of high citrate con- CUP % 38.75 38.36
centration. H,% 1.64 1.62
As data of Table I1 indicate, pH and cupric ion deter-
minations were made on all solutions within 72 hours after c,% 22 * 00 22.60
their preparation, then again after the solutions had been 0, % (by difference) 37.60 37.42
standing for about 75 days. In cases where the ratio of ci-
trate to cupric ion was low, a marked change in potential was Interpretation of Results
observed on standing and in those cases where the ratio was (a) The Composition of Fresh Solutions.-A
(6) G. N. Lewis and W.N. Lacey, THISJOURNAL, $6, 804 (1914). plot of the log [Cu++]/[Cu complex] against log
2753 R.W. PARRYAND I;. W. DUBOIS VOl. 71

I corrections for activity coefficients must be ap-
Data for the series with a total copper concen-
tration of 0.05 M indicate that the average n value
is not constant in this region but drops from 2 to-
ward 1 as the citrate-copper ratio decreases sug-
gesting a new complex [Cu(HCit)],. Data ob-
tained from the aged solution plus the eventual
isolation from solutions 9 and 12 (Table 11) of the
solid cornpotintl Cuz(CsH40;).0.7 H 2 0 support this
From equation 7 it can be shown that the pH
dependence of the coordination process a t high ci-
trate-copper ratios is given by
log 'C'u + + ] / [ O L I ( H C ~ ~ ) ( H B C ~
pH~ ) -=] log K, -
2 log[H*Cit-]
33P --
3 I i In Fig. 3 this relationship is illustrated. The ex-
log [CU+f] pected slope of 2 is observed. From the intercept
Fig. 1. of the straight line the value of log Ks at an ionic
strength of 3.0 is 0.0 where
[Free Citrate] gives a straight line with a slope of li3 = [Cu*+![H?Cit-]*/[Cu(HCit)(H~Cit)-l [H+] = 1
approximately 2. The number of hydrogens per
The thermodynamic constant would require inclu-
coordinated citrate is (2n - 1)/2 = 3/2. The sion of activity coefficients. Estimates such as
equation for coordination compound formation those described in footnote 8 give a value for log
then becomes IC3 t)f - 2.2 a t infinite dilution.
Cu++ + 2HtCit-% [Cu(HCit)(HaCit)]- + I<+ (TI
Since the dissociation of the complex under the con-
ditions of constant $H used in this investigation
can be represented as
[Cu(HCit)(H,Cit)]- f3 Cu++ + HsCit- + HCit' (8)

a plot of log [Cu++]/[Cu complex] against log

[H&it-] [HCit-] should give a straight line of
slope -1. Data from Table I1 plotted in Fig. 2
show that this is true for those cases where the
total copper concentration is 0.01 molar or less.

(7) The true thermodynamic equilibrium constant may be esti-
mated by making reasonable estimates of the individual activity co-
efficientr. In view of the data of Fig. 1 it s e e m reasonable t o assume
that the activity coefficient of C u t + in the MgSOl solution of ionic
strength 8.0 is about the same as that of C u + + in 0.75 M CuSO4.
With much less confidence we may assume that the activity coeffi-
cients of the univalent ions HzCit- and [Cu(HzCit)(HCit) -1 are about
the same. Measurements of the p H of KHzCit in MgSO4 solution
indicate that the value for HzCit- is about 0.1 in the solution of ionic
strength 3.0. The larger complex ion would be expected to have
2 3 4 a n activity coefficient only slightly larger than this. The activity co-
log [HCit-] [HiCit-1. efficient of the divalent monohydrogen citrate ion can be estimated
from $H measurements in the MgSO4 solution as 0.01 if we assume the
Fig. 3 undissociated H G i t has a coefficient of 1. This value for the activity
coefficient of monohydrogen citrate automatically compensates for
For higher copper concentrations the plot is not citrate removed by complex formation with the large and nearly con-
linear, indicating a change in n with the copper/ *
stant amount of M g + in the solution. Using these values
citrate ratio. From the intercept of the straight
line, one obtains a value of - 3.98 0.06 for log IC,
a t an ionic strength of 3.0 where KZis defined as
K, = [Cu++][H2Cit-][HCit"]/[Cu(H2Cit)(HCit)-] = lo-' log Ks =s -3.98 - 3.3 -7.3
(9) Ks = 5 X 10-8
Experimental determination of these activity coefficientsis under con-
To obtain the true K 2 a t infinite dilution. suitable sideration.

(b) Composition of Solutions Which Have H HO

Been Allowed to Age for 75 Days.-Data of Fig. 2
show that in those cases where the ratio of total
citrate to total copper is large (30 or above), aging
appears to have little detectable effect on the com-
plex ion existing in the solution. On the other
hand, in those cases where the ratio of total citrate
to total copper is low, aging brings about a decrease
in the average number of citrate groups bound to a
given copper. This process culminates in the sep-
aration of the solid, Cus(CsH407), from solutions in
which the ratio of the total citrate to total copper is The addition of the second copper ion appears to be
2 or below. The ion [CsH107-4]represents the ci- a relatively slow process, the rate of which is deter-
trate group minus the hydroxyl hydrogen. In this mined in part by the copper concentration. In the
solid the copper has replaced all acid hydrogens of presence of a still larger copper concentration two
the citrate as well as the hydroxyl hydrogen. If additional copper(I1) ions will coordinate to the ci-
the process is represented by the equation trate structure, liberating two hydrogens per cop-
2[Cu(HaCit)(HCit)-] + 3HzCit-
+CU~(CP,HIOI) + H+ per in the process. This can be formulated as
it is apparent that the p H should drop as f
the precipitate forms. Data of Table 11,
solutions 9 and 12, show a drop in pH during
the aging period. Data of Table I also show
that more than one hydrogen is liberated per
copper when the citrate-copper ratio drops II + 2 c u + + - - 3 - I
/ I + 4H+
below 3.
The velocity of the aging process appears
to be influenced by the total copper concen-
I'? 'O\CuC
tration. In solutions where the total copper
concentration was 0.05 molar, even the fresh
solution showed significant amounts of such + C U 4
complexes as [CuHCit I,,, particularly in those .1
cases where the ratio of total citrate to total
copper was low (k.,6 and below). In solutions The presence of coordination positions on the end
where the total copper concentration was 0.01 or coppers makes possible coordination of water and
0.005 M , the fresh solutions contained only the the formation of a crystalline solid CuzCeH40~.
complex [Cu(HCit)(HtCit)]- a t all citrate-copper 2Hn0. Such a solid was isolated and the ex-
ratios. As the aging process progressed, how- pected drop in pH was observed.
ever, solutions with the lower citrate-copper ratios In view of the complexity of the citrate-copper
gave evidence of the presence of the complex system and the close relationship between compo-
[CuHCitI,,. sition of the coordination compound and the ci-
Discussion trate-copper ratio, i t is not surprising that ion ex-
change systems using citrate as the elutriant be-
The preceding data suggest that all of the ions come much more complicated when large concen-
present in the citrate solution, including the ion trations of the ion to be eluted are adsorbed on the
[CsH407]-4can form coordination compounds with resin. In such cases the elution process cannot be .
the cupric ion a t a pH below 3. The initial com- analyzed in terms of a single complex ion of citrate
plex, which appears to form rapidly in all solutions, and metal. The existence of a single ionic species
involves the HPCit- and the HCit- and can be is much more probable when the metal ion concen-
formulated as a double chelate structure involving tration is low, thus giving a large citrate-metal
all four of the copper cobrdination positions. As ratio.
the relative copper(I1) ion concentration is in- It is interesting to note that the precision of e.m.f.
creased, additional cupric ions coordinate to the ci- measurements in this investigation was greater in
trate structure, liberating one hydrogen for each the presence of citrate. This might be interpreted
copper(I1) ion coordinating. There are a number as resulting from a cleaning of the electrode surface
of points of attachment for copper ions. One mode by the citrate solution ; however, conclusive evi-
of representation is indicated below. dence on this point is not available.
H Acknowledgment.-The authors wish to express
0 OH their appreciation to the Horace H. Rackham
H-A-CJ //I
' 4 c u ' yO-C-C-OHI + cu++
School of Graduate Studies of the University of
Michigan for financial support in the form of a
Summer Faculty Research Fellowship held by one
I 0 ' I
of us (R.W.P.) during the summer of 1951. Valu-
able discussions with J. Richard Weaver are also
H-C-C--OH II I acknowledged.
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