The Philosophical Turn To Mixed Methods For Nursing Science: Pamela G. Reed, RN PHD Faan

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NSQXXX10.1177/08943184211010442Nursing Science QuarterlyReed/Philosophical Issues

Philosophical Issues

Nursing Science Quarterly

The Philosophical Turn to Mixed Methods

2021, Vol. 34(3) 263­–267
© The Author(s) 2021
Article reuse guidelines:
for Nursing Science
DOI: 10.1177/08943184211010442

Pamela G. Reed, RN; PhD; FAAN1

In this article, I explore the turn to mixed methods in nursing. I examine the alignment of key characteristics (philosophical
underpinnings and the concept of integration) of mixed methods with nursing’s disciplinary perspective and its links with
theory. I also provide a brief overview of the history and current status of mixed methods and conclude by looking to the
future to suggest an additional twist in the turn to mixed methods for nursing science.

disciplinary perspective, mixed methods, nursing science, philosophy, research

The dust kicked up by the paradigm wars has settled and multitrait-multimethod matrix was used to control for the
mixed methods has become an accepted approach to research. effect of a particular quantitative method in measuring a psy-
[See Florczak (2014, 2017) and Onwuegbuzie (2012) for chological trait. In sociology, Denzin (1978) used triangula-
succinct overviews of this philosophical debate on research tion to combine different data sources to study one social
paradigms.] Review of mixed-methods literature over the phenomenon. His typology outlined four sources of triangu-
past two decades indicates that it is no longer novel or con- lation: data, investigator, theory, and method. Later, Creswell
troversial to use both qualitative and quantitative methods (1995) and others extended the idea of triangulation beyond
within the same study. Our nursing research literature reveals the focus on enhancing internal or external validity; they
an astounding array of scientific methodologies—grounded elaborated on convergence of sources into combinations of
theory method, the Parsesciencing method, participatory qualitative and quantitative approaches that varied by domi-
action research, and experimental, for example—to study nance of approach, or by temporal sequence in use of the two
nursing questions, and mixed methods is another approach approaches to enhance meaning or understanding of the find-
appearing more frequently in nursing research. An often- ings. In addition, philosophical perspectives or “paradigms”
cited strength of mixed methods in general is its capacity to typically associated with either qualitative or quantitative
generate findings that tap the breadth and depth of complex approaches were mixed within activities of other phases of
phenomena by explicitly incorporating qualitative and quan- the research process such as conceptualizing the problem and
titative methods in the same study. But it is the enthusiasm of interpreting the results.
doctoral students, our future leaders in nursing science, that Today, there is an abundance of literature (particularly in
motivated me to look a little deeper into the philosophical the Journal of Mixed Methods Research and the International
implications of this turn to mixed methods for knowledge Journal of Multiple Research Approaches), textbooks, and
development. handbooks on mixed methods, presenting various taxono-
In this column I address the alignment of key characteris- mies of mixed methods designs, strategies for integration of
tics (philosophical underpinnings and the concept of integra- its diverse components, and guidelines for evaluation and
tion) of mixed methods with nursing’s disciplinary publication. Reviews of the literature indicate that nurses’
perspective and its links with theory. I begin with a brief use of mixed methods has been lower compared to research-
overview of the history and current status of mixed methods ers in other fields such as education, mathematics, and school
and conclude by looking to the future to suggest an addi- psychology, although it may be on the rise. In a study of
tional twist in the turn to mixed methods for nursing science.
Along the way, I recommend a few readings on key mixed- 1
College of Nursing, The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA
methods topics.
Contributing Editor:
Historically, the “intellectual wedge” that gave momen-
Pamela G. Reed, RN; PhD; FAAN, Professor and Interim Associate Dean
tum to this movement was appearance of the concept of tri- for Academic Affairs, College of Nursing, The University of Arizona, 1305
angulation in the literature on methods (Tashakkori & Tedlie, N. Martin St., Tucson, AZ 85721-0203, USA.
1998, p. 41). In psychology, Campbell and Fiske’s (1959) Email:
264 Nursing Science Quarterly 34(3)

mixed-method publications by nurses across research jour- additional paradigms are the transformative-emancipatory
nals from 1998 to 2014, Beck and Harrison (2016) found that paradigm and the performative paradigm.
nearly all the 294 studies identified were published after The transformative-emancipatory perspective in mixed
2010. Investigators’ review of 10 peer-reviewed nursing methods (Mertens, 2007, 2010) reflects in part the realist
research journals from 2014 to 2018 identified 134 mixed- ontology, identifying what is real rather than leaving it to a
methods reports (about 2% of the total research articles) that relativist or pragmatic perspective. This view emphasizes as
included at least one nurse author (Younas, Pederson, & real the privilege of power and lack of social, political, and
Laoagan Tayaben, 2019). Irvine et al. (2020) reviewed five material resources that result in marginalization of individu-
top research journals from 2015 to 2018 and found 34 mixed- als, their problems, and perspectives. It promotes an inten-
methods articles published by nurses. They suggested that tional focus on facilitating others’ voices of and collaboration
dissemination of reporting guidelines (see Eckhardt & with marginalized and minority individuals. Sociohistorical
DeVon, 2017) increased the quality and number of published contexts of researcher and participant are essential consider-
mixed-methods papers by nurses. ations in scientific inquiry. Nursing epistemology, including
its ethical and sociopolitical patterns of knowing, is congru-
ent with this paradigm. Related, Giddings and Grant (2007)
Congruence With Nursing’s
argued for including the perspective of situatedness in
Disciplinary Perspective mixed-methods research lest it become just another positivist
The link between one’s philosophical views and choice of approach to science that silences different or conflicting
methodology is a relevant concern in the scholarship of views. Individuals are situated in various contexts including
knowledge development. Any consideration of philosophical the social, spiritual, and embodied. Mixed methods must be
paradigms should include awareness of their potential to a “research practice conscious of its underlying assumptions,
marginalize or otherwise limit vision of beliefs and values beliefs, and politics” (Giddings & Grant, 2007, p. 59) that
(of researchers or participants) relevant to inquiry. There is a does not let us forget the complexity of the world in which
considerable body of literature discussing and debating the we study and practice nursing.
philosophical underpinnings of mixed methods. [See Coates The performative paradigm is a preferable view for mixed
(2020) for an excellent and current overview, including para- methods according to Schoonenboom (2019), based upon her
digmatic, single paradigm, multiparadigm, and meta-para- comparisons between this and several key paradigms found in
digmatic stances in mixed methods.] mixed methods. She drew heavily from philosopher of science
The nursing disciplinary perspective (Fitzpatrick, Reed, Andrew Pickering and cites his classic 1995 work The Mangle
Smith, Smith, & Roy, 2019) is distinct but wide enough to of Practice: Time, Agency, and Science to discuss some key
accommodate many approaches to research, including mixed assumptions of this paradigm. In research as in clinical prac-
methods. The ontological component of this perspective tice, there is an ongoing mangle of interactions with elements
broadly identifies what is real, substantive, and central to in the research context that inform knowledge as an emergent
nursing inquiry: Unitary human-environment-health pro- process. Researchers do not readily flip their philosophical
cesses across the lifespan and healing relationships that view, but they are flexible to acknowledge the agency of the
enhance well-being. The epistemological component of this particular world (for nurses this can be a practice domain) they
perspective includes as accepted forms of scientific knowl- are investigating. Nurses inhabit different worlds (as when
edge conceptual, empirical, and practice-generated. Further, nurses dwell in different domains of research and practice)
the practice of nursing science, for example, as articulated in that interact to inform their inquiry. When researchers engage
intermodernism (Reed, 2018, 2019), depicts nursing knowl- in inquiry of their domain of reality, “reality talks back” and
edge as integrating diverse ways of knowing including prac- not as a passive subject. This active dialogue between the real-
tice (in terms of the trusted, caring nurse-patient process) as a ity of practice and research is reflected in Fawcett’s (2015)
pivotal source along with ethical, empirical, and sociopoliti- practice-informed perspective of single-case mixed-methods
cal dimensions. The methodology behind mixed methods research and in intermodern philosophy, where practice is not
espouses a research process based upon integration of diverse only a place of knowledge application but a dynamic context
sources of knowledge through simultaneous use of diverse for generating knowledge (Reed, 2019).
designs and techniques to gather evidence. Importantly,
Fawcett (2015) proposed that mixed methods is manifested in Centrality of Integration in Mixed
nursing practice.
Philosophical views espoused by mixed-methods research-
ers align or at least coexist with the philosophical disciplinary The term integration strikes a familiar tone in nursing con-
perspective of a nurse researcher. [See Shannon-Baker (2016) gruent with nurses’ approaches in both science and practice:
for a helpful overview of traditional philosophical perspec- Integration implies an organized connecting of differentiated
tives often associated with mixed-methods paradigms: prag- parts over time (like the organic process of lifespan develop-
matism, critical realism, and dialectical pluralism.] Two ment); a holistic rather than additive summing of parts; and a
Reed/Philosophical Issues 265

deliberative working within pluralism, contradiction, and insights or complement each other), and discordance (find-
conflict to bring something together in a meaningful way. ings are incongruous or conflictual). Uprichard and Dawney
Turns out, integration is a pivotal component in mixed-meth- (2019) expanded strategies of integration to include diffrac-
ods research. tion as a special approach to exploit discordant results.
My definition of mixed methods based upon several read- Diffraction, a term borrowed from physics about wave pat-
ings in the field including Creswell’s (2018) standard terns, fractures perspectives and expectations about phenom-
description illustrates the centrality of integration: Mixed ena to expose new insights that empirically capture inherent
methods represents a set of systematic approaches to a study contradictions and complexity.
in which qualitative and quantitative designs, data collec- Uprichard and Dawney (2019) incorporate ideas from two
tion, analyses, and interpretations are integrated to generate philosophers of science, Karen Barad and Donna Haraway,
theory-guided knowledge. Differing forms (traditionally who applied this optical metaphor to let “the messiness and
labeled qualitative and quantitative) of data are needed to complexity of the world speak” (p. 27). Uprichard and
answer a research question. Fetters and Molina-Azorin Dawney cite a health-related research example from Mol’s
(2017) classically describe integration as “the linking of (2002) The Body Multiple about persons with diabetes who
qualitative and quantitative approaches and dimensions display their own unique patterns and experiences of diabe-
together to create a new whole or a more holistic understand- tes despite epistemologically there being a standard list of
ing than achieved by either alone” (p. 293). This integration symptoms for the illness labeled Type-2 diabetes. Their point
provides contextual as well as in-depth understanding of illustrated by Mol (2002) is that while the empirical data
phenomena in a way congruent with Fawcett’s (2015) show diversity and difference, there may be coherence in the
description of practice: “Ideally, nursing practice involves underlying explanation of phenomena (Mol, 2002).
collection of both word and number information and data Integration is a theory-laden process, and theoretical think-
that are integrated to form an understanding of the whole ing can help make sense of puzzling results in mixed-methods
person’s health condition” (p. 168). research. Integration may not deliver data that obviously
Given the diversity of components and knowledge in cohere for an irrefutable scientific explanation, but then no
mixed methods, it is not surprising that integration is a criti- research method does this. Integration exposes contradictions
cal attribute of mixed methods for generating a clear state- and inconsistencies that are compelling and ultimately pro-
ment about the findings for a given research aim. Researchers ductive in the practice of science. Whether integration results
are advised to articulate their intentions for integration from in confirmation, expansion, or discordance, once sources of
the start in designing the study and then to regard integration error due to bias and measurement or other threats to internal
as an ongoing process that informs and enriches scientific validity are addressed, the researcher seeks explanations from
findings (Fetters & Molina-Azorin, 2019). If integration is theory. Theories facilitate tentative but systematic explana-
not pervasive or occurs only at the final phases (interpreta- tions and answers to research questions.
tion and conclusions), the research is more appropriately Theory also can be an important tool in guiding decisions
labeled as multimethod than mixed methods (Bazeley, 2017). about how data are used in mixed methods, particularly given
Scholars offer a variety of strategies for tapping the synergy the wide range of possibilities for interpreting reality.
inherent in integrating different data sources in mixed methods. Sandelowski (2011) explained that data become qualitative or
For example, Sandelowski (2011) detailed several productive quantitative based upon researchers’ decisions about “whether
outcomes possible from combining different components words, shapes, symbols, numbers or some other form best rep-
throughout the research process. Chatterjee (2011) elaborated resent the features of the phenomenon under investigation” (p.
on how experimental and case study designs can be combined 343). “Data collection and analysis approaches are determined
logically within a coherent epistemological perspective of sci- in part by decisions concerning the translation of participant’s
ence. The literature has abundant sources about scholarly and responses into meanings about health” (p. 346). Similarly,
creative strategies for integration across all components of the Bazeley (2018) explained that “[a]ny phenomenon has both
research process, including sampling, instrumentation, data col- qualities and quantities, each of which might be described
lection, and defining conceptual domains and constructs [see both objectively and subjectively” and “in multiple ways using
recent comprehensive sources by Akerblad, Seppanen-Jarvela, both numbers and words” (p. 335). Further, Bazeley proposed
and Haapakosk (2020); Creswell & Plano Clark (2018).] that the phenomena studied in research are “ontologically and
epistemologically neutral” (p. 335), implying a need for some
guiding philosophical or theoretical framework.
Theory as an Epistemic Resource in
Mixed Methods
The Theory-Research Link Flows in Both
There are three basic outcomes of integration from analyses
of different data sources for a given research problem
(Fetters, Curry, & Creswell, 2013): confirmation (findings Theory is not only a resource for generating scientific knowledge
support each other), expansion (findings diverge but expand in mixed methods. The integrative nature of mixed methods in
266 Nursing Science Quarterly 34(3)

turn can foster nursing theorizing. Nursing science scholars coherent understanding about a problem for the good of the
acknowledge the advantages of linking theory and research—for discipline.
example, to enhance understanding of relevant patterns or regu- Integration is central to mixed methods then, not so much
larities within specific domains of practice and to provide insight because there are ontological distinctions between qualita-
into underlying mechanisms or processes that help explain (not tive and quantitative data but because it is a way to be open
just describe) a phenomenon. To accomplish this, nurses—per- to and productive in the face of complexity and contradiction
haps more than those in other disciplines—integrate various pat- realized through epistemological diversity of methods inher-
terns of knowing into their research and theories. A mixed methods ent in the practice of science. Use of theories and theoretical
approach provides unique opportunities for application, develop- thinking facilitate development of knowledge through the
ment, and refinement of nursing theories within the same study. integrative process of mixed methods.
Two examples from health research are applicable to nursing For doctoral students in nursing science, learning about
research and theory development. In one mixed-methods study, a mixed methods may not be just a matter of learning the struc-
team of researchers illustrate movement through both the explor- ture, content, and strategies of the process. It should also
atory and confirmatory phases, incorporating grounded theory require wrestling with and clarifying their philosophical per-
methods into the research process to develop a theory of chronic spective about the phenomena they study and its congruence
pain management (Shim, Johnson, Bradt, & Gasson, 2021). with their method of choice. Their philosophical work has
Another mixed-methods study provided the context for a methodi- support from nursing’s existing theoretical and philosophical
cal series of steps to develop and test a theory-based culturally resources that transcend binary thinking by integrative views
appropriate mental health intervention (Nastasi et al., 2007). The of human-environment-health phenomena and healing rela-
investigators began with a conceptual model and advanced to tionships and by nurses’ expert integration of both numbers
development and testing of a theory to guide the intervention. and words in their practice.
In conclusion, I propose that we consider an additional twist
Transcending the Divide in the philosophical turn to mixed methods: To transcend the
qualitative and quantitative divide and broaden the concept of
The turn to mixed methods not only expands our repertoire of integration to include nursing theory-based integration of out-
research methods and theory development opportunities but comes generated by all data sources. In an editorial for an early
encourages confidence that our discipline can generate issue of the Journal of Mixed Methods Research, Tashakkori
knowledge from and about the open, dynamic, and complex and Creswell (2007) acknowledged the open question of
nature of human-environment-health phenomena. Results whether a single “mixed (hybrid, integrated) question should
from two reviews of mixed methods in nursing research indi- [be] written that transcends the subsequent qualitative and
cated increasing use of integration in mixed methods: In an quantitative subquestions” (p. 208). Then, setting this question
earlier study, researchers in 12% of the articles reported inte-
aside and concerned to advance understanding of the nature of
grating at both levels of data analysis and interpretation (Beck
integration, they instructed mixed-methods researchers to
& Harrison, 2016); a second study showed that approximately
include an explicit [my emphasis] research question about
70% of the research reports included some form of integra-
“how the findings of various strands [quantitative and qualita-
tion (Younas et al., 2019). The practice of integration will
tive] relate to one another. . . . Answers to the question should
likely increase as more nurses learn about mixed methods
be explicitly explored and presented at the end of the article”
along with the vital links between research and theory.
(Tashakkori & Creswell, 2007, p. 210). However, I suggest less
Despite the widespread popularity of mixed methods as a
emphasis on formulating research questions that reinforce any
design that depends on making a distinction between qualita-
dichotomies and instead regard integration as a methodological
tive and quantitative approaches, there is an undercurrent of
assumption that is not up for question but used to guide the
scholars who reject this notion. They encourage movement
away from dichotomous thinking that inhibits fruitful integra- integration of all types of data that may be studied within
tion in mixed methods or any research. Sandelowski (2014) mixed-methods research. May mixed methods continue evolv-
stressed that the binary perspective of qualitative/quantitative ing to where integration of diverse and multiple sources of data
method is a “serious impediment” and “reifies false distinc- is implicit and based on philosophical and theoretical perspec-
tions” within research. She clarified that we must not use these tives that something substantive beyond the form of the data is
methods to divide the knowledge that we seek for our research the operant influence in what we discover in research.
questions: “Data are neither QL nor QN, but rather aspects of
experiences or phenomena transformed into words, numbers, Declaration of Conflicting Interests
visual forms, and the like, each of which may in turn be trans- The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect
formed again into other forms” (Sandelowski, 2014, p. 5). to the authorship and/or publication of this review.
Onwuegbuzie (2012) wrote at length about finding the radical
middle where extremes are either avoided or bridged to make Funding
meaning. This requires a mutual process of communicating and The author(s) received no financial support for the authorship and/
negotiating and involves epistemic compromises to achieve a or publication of this review.
Reed/Philosophical Issues 267

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