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OCTOBER 27, 2021


The rating criteria described below are derived from D.O. 16, s. 2017 rubric, with additional measures replicability and value/usefulness.
The quality description is the standard/requirement in order to meet the maximum/highest point rating for the specific component. Please refer
to the attached table for further guidance on rating. The top 3 researches, with a minimum of 70 points, will be chosen per learning area/theme.
A Division Bulletin will be issued for this announcement.

Maximum Research/ Presenter

Component/ Quality Description for Maximum Point
1 2 3 4 5
TITLE All key elements/ variables of the research 5 Pts.
questions or focus of inquiry are reflected in the
(Not all-2)
RATIONALE The nature, extent and salience of the identified
(Action Res) problem or issue are comprehensively 10 Pts.
INTRODUCTION discussed. Different aspects of the research
(Basic Res) setting are elaborated showing in-depth and Not
critical analysis of the situation. indicated-0

INTERVENTION/ The rationale, extent & limitation of the 10 Pts.

INNOVATION (Action intervention are explained in detail. Plausibility
Res) is given support.
(10 points)
USE OF LITERATURE/ Viewpoints and issues underlying the topic are
CITATION (Basic Res) discussed and synthesized. The study identifies
the gap/s in current knowledge that it intends
to address. Constructs are defined and
presented. Citation consistent.
(10 points)
RESEARCH Research questions logically proceed from the
QUESTIONS context of the study and clearly show the extent
10 Pts.
or scope of inquiry

PARTICIPANTS/ Details are provided about the target

SOURCE OF DATA OR participants (ex. number, characteristics,
INFORMATION sampling procedure, if any) and/or other
5 Pts.
sources of data and information. Clear rationale
for their inclusion in the study is given.

DATA GATHERING It explains why the data gathering methods are

METHOD suited to the nature and purpose of the study,
and how it is aligned with the research
questions. Details about research instruments
are presented such as sources or how these 10 Pts.
were developed and by whom, and their
appropriateness for obtaining the desired kind
of data/ information
(10 points)
DATA ANALYSIS The selected methods of data analysis are
shown to be appropriate to the nature of the
data/information gathered and for addressing 10 Pts.
the research questions.
(10 points)
DISCUSSION OF Results are extensively discussed.
RESULTS/ Interrelatedness of the variables are explained.
RECOMMENDATIONS Implications of the results are provided. 15 Pts.
Each recommendation is clearly stated, feasible
and related to the information/topic
OVERALL Presentation is clear and easy to understand. 10 Pts.
PRESENTATION Dressed appropriately/ professionally. Presents
the paper in logical and coherent manner.
Shows confidence and mastery of the topic.
Speaks clearly and provides adequate answers
to the questions. (15 points)
REPLICABILITY OF It explains the replicability and applicability of
THE STUDY the study to other areas and/or larger context
(ensured appropriate and robust design and 5 Pts.
analysis, ethical issues considered, relevant
studies cited in the results).
VALUE & Results are timely for use of the learning area,
USEFULNESS OF THE and aligned to the articulated priorities of 10 Pts.
RESULTS quality and distance learning education.
Total Score


MAIN CRITERIA LOW ------------- Increasing Levels of Quality and their Descriptions -------------- HIGH

Not all key elements/variables of the

research questions or focus of inquiry All key elements/ variables of the research questions or
are reflected focus of inquiry are reflected in the title
(2 points) (5 points)
RATIONALE (AR)/ Not It presents a general The educational relevance The nature, extent and
described description of the topic or and timeliness of the topic are salience of the identified
(no focus of inquiry shown. It explains the need to problem or issue are
INTRODUCTION (BR) points) (5 points) conduct to advance or comprehensively discussed.
validate knowledge, improve Different aspects of the
a situation, address an issue/ action research setting are
problem elaborated showing in-
(8 points) depth and critical analysis
of the situation.
(10 points)
It outlines when and where The rationale, extent &
For AR-
It mentions the the intervention will be limitation of the
intervention, innovation or undertaken and who will be intervention are explained
INTERVENTION/ INNOVATION strategy to be tried out involved and the activities to in detail. Plausibility is
(AR)/ (5 points) be undertaken. given support.
(8 points) (10 points)
It cites related theories
For BR- Viewpoints and issues underlying the topic are discussed
USE OF LITERATURE/CITATION and/or previous studies.
Not and synthesized. The study identifies the gap/s in current
(BR) Sources are properly
provided knowledge that it intends to address. Constructs are defined
(no and presented. Citation consistent.
(5 points)
points) (10 points)
Research questions
Not Research questions specify logically proceed from the
Aim, objective or general
stated the variables or the focus of context of the study and
RESEARCH QUESTIONS research questions stated
(no inquiry clearly show the extent or
(5 points)
points) (8 points) scope of inquiry
(10 points)
It states the study’s target
participants and/or other
sources of data and Details are provided about the target participants (ex.
information (ex. Division, number, characteristics, sampling procedure, if any) and/or
district, offices, schools, other sources of data and information. Clear rationale for
learners, teachers, parents, their inclusion in the study is given.
docs, secondary data, (10 points)
(5 points)
DATA GATHERING METHODS 10 Not It presents a general Details of data gathering It explains why the data
described description of the methods methods are provided: the gathering methods are
(no to be employed for specific kinds of data, how suited to the nature and
points) gathering data and when collected. It purpose of the study, and
(5 points) describes the research how it is aligned with the
instrument, if any (ex. test, research questions. Details
about research instruments
are presented such as
scale, survey questionnaire, sources or how these were
checklist, interview guide) to developed and by whom,
be developed or adopted and their appropriateness
(8 points) for obtaining the desired
kind of data/ information
(10 points)
The selected methods of
Details of the methods of data
data analysis are shown to
analysis are given. Techniques
Not It presents a general be appropriate to the
(ex. quantitative/statistical,
stated description of how the data nature of the
DATA ANALYSIS 10 qualitative, or both methods),
(no gathered are analysed data/information gathered
as well as tools (ex. software)
points) (5 points) and for addressing the
employed are specified.
research questions.
(8 points)
(10 points)
Results are presented in Results are extensively discussed. Interrelatedness of the
general terms and variables are explained. Implications of the results are
DISCUSSION OF RESULTS/ RECO recommendations are provided.
broad Each recommendation is clearly stated, feasible and related
(5 points) to the information/topic (15 points)
Presentation is clear and easy to understand. Dressed
Some parts of the presentation are not
appropriately/ professionally. Presents the paper in logical
clear. Did not consistently provide
OVERALL PRESENTATION and coherent manner. Shows confidence and mastery of the
adequate answers to the questions.
topic. Speaks clearly and provides adequate answers to the
Shows lack of self-confidence.
questions. (10 points)

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