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Parts of the Body

1. OBJECTIVE: Students will be able to say and recognize parts of their bodies
2. 2b Standards:. Express basic needs, feelings and information on familiar topics using
simple sentences.
3. ACTFL Proficiency level expected: Novice mid (children 4 years old)
4. Scaffolding :
a) What students already know? The students know some vocabulary of fruits,
numbers from 1 to 20, greetings, colors and alphabet.
b) What strategies will I use to teach them new information? The teacher will use a
song and body.
5. Review: The teacher will review the greetings, numbers and colors. (5 minutes)
6. List the Following:
- Vocabulary: They have just remembered the vocabulary they know, and they will
add some new words.
- Words: head, face, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, hair, shoulder, chest, back, knees,
feet, toes, hands, legs, elbow.
- New structures: They will learn the parts of the body.
- Materials: the teacher will use:
 Song
 Body
7. Teach the material:
 The teacher will sing a song showing the parts of the bodies.
 The teacher will invite the students to ask for other parts of the body they will
want to ask. (20 minutes)
8. Guided practice: the teacher will sing the song “Head, shoulder, knees and toes”. (5)
9. -Independent practice: Students will sing with the teacher the song presented before,
but with a simple variation which is to add other parts of the body that the students
will suggest or ask. (20 minutes)
10. Differentiated Instruction options: the instruction will be the same for all.
11. Formative Assessment: During the whole class the teacher will be helping with the
pronunciation and showing the correct part of the body.
12. Summative Assessment: The teacher will ask the students to show the part of the
body that is required. (5 minutes)

13. Closure: The teacher will ask the students to show the part of the body and say the
part of the body that the teacher has asked if they want to leave the class. (5 minutes)

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