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Cuadernos de Administración (Universidad del Valle)

ISSN: 0120-4645
ISSN: 2256-5078
Universidad del Valle

González-Campo, Carlos Hernán

Cuadernos de Administración (Universidad del Valle),
vol. 36, no. 68, 2020, September-December, pp. 1-2
Universidad del Valle


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Journal of Management
Print ISSN: 0120-4645 / E-ISSN: 2256-5078 / Short name: cuad.adm.
Pages: 1-2 / Vol: 36 / Issue: 68 / Sep. - Dec. 2020
Faculty of Administration Sciences / Universidad del Valle / Cali - Colombia
Cuadernos de

Carlos Hernán González-Campo
Full-time Professor, Editor in chief, Cuadernos de Administración journal, Faculty of Administration Sciences
Universidad del Valle, Colombia. e-mail:

This 68th issue of the journal Cuadernos to facilitate product handling and increase
de Administración corresponds to the their offer to tourists. The second one is
September-December 2020 period and a bibliometric literature study analyzing
gives closure to volume 36 on its 44th year. territorial governance by analyzing papers
Twenty-twenty was a different year in many from the Web of Science. The third paper
respects and with regards to past editorial presents the current state of accountability
processes, as it was faced with limitation and in Colombian public universities through
challenges associated with situation-specific research carried out analyzing university
constraints, new issues, and problems to be reports using the content analysis method.
addressed, such as research in the sciences
of administration, among other areas of the The second group of papers includes
knowledge. those entitled “The effect of human
resource management practices and
As with past issues, the 16 papers published innovation: Colombian small and medium-
in issue 68 come from the previous months’ sized enterprises”, “Quality Assessment
call, whose authors - from several countries in the Context of Banking Services” and
and different regions of Colombia - entrusted “Performance appraisal: an experience
their manuscripts to our editorial process. I between recognition and contempt” The first
thank our peer reviewers who supported us paper of that group accounts for the research
through their experience and expertise in carried with SME 492 managers in Cali,
assessing each paper for what we believe is Bogotá, and Medellín on human resources
an objectivity-based academic dialogue that management practices and their innovation
seeks to recognize the quality of the scientific effect. The second paper uses theoretical
output proposed for each issue of Cuadernos systematization to approach the quality
de Administración. assessment of services, banking services in
this case, from a critical standpoint. The third
The first three papers in this issue are article is a case study that uses qualitative
“Development of typical vacuum-packed interviews on a group of workers from a
and frozen Boyaca soups”, “Territorial Colombian company in the energy generation
Governance: A bibliometric analysis” and distribution sector. It examined the
and “University reports in Colombia: a recognition or contempt experienced by
contribution to accountability” The first and evidenced in the workers’ discourse
paper’s authors study gastronomy and after undergoing a performance appraisal
tourism in the department of Boyacá, designed under the Strategic Human
Colombia, and their production processes Resources Management (SHRM) logic.

Economist, Universidad del Valle, Doctor in Business Management, Universidad EAFIT, Senior Researcher

at Humanism and Management Research Group, Colciencias, Universidad del Valle, Colombia. 1
Carlos Hernán González-Campo ::

The third group of articles consists of Challenges of the Social Function of

those entitled “A comprehensive tax reform Accounting” The first of the aforementioned
under OECD parameters for Colombia”, papers’ authors study social commitment in a
“Updating the strategic framework for the case study applied to the Universidad del Valle
Spanish port system using a SWOT analysis” through interviews with officials and using
and “Correlating affective commitment with content analysis on the Outreach Office’s
prosocial behavior: Does it matter to perceive management reports and the University’s
that work has meaning?” The first one studies Strategic Development Plans. The second
tax reforms in Colombia, the orientation of article aims to determine potential social
these, and identifies structuring-related costs and financial statements’ models for
problems. The second paper uses the SWOT social accounting.
analysis and benchmarking to analyze
the Spanish port system. Finally, in the The last group of articles includes
third paper, a study was conducted on 144 “Strengths and opportunities of sustainable
professional employees across various entrepreneurship in Colombia” and
Colombian industries to analyze their “Institutional isomorphism in IPSAS
prosocial behavior and attitudes in different adoption” The first case is an analysis of the
organizational environments and under strengths and opportunities of sustainable
varying management practices, which may or entrepreneurship in Colombia based on the
may not promote prosocial behavior. review of papers published in the Colombian
context, as available in the primary databases
“Absenteeism at work, remuneration, (national journals and university repositories
and equity: a confusing relationship”, were also included). The last article presents
“The role of family dynamics and culture the results of a systematic literature review
in the psychological ownership of family to study institutional isomorphism in
shareholders in family businesses” and governments’ implementation of IPSAS into
“Prospective and its valuation in public their accounting model.
policy of two regional development strategies
in Chile” are the papers that follow in this The publication of Universidad del Valle’s
number. The first paper presents the Faculty of Administration’s 68th issue of
results of a study conducted in a higher Cuadernos de Administración consolidates
education institution that analyzes the us as a means of dissemination for scientific
relationship between absenteeism, workers’ knowledge in that area. Twenty twenty-
compensation, and equity variables using one will see our 45th year of publication,
statistical methods and based on 840 for which there will be a thematic issue on
inputs. The second article studies 14 cases Circular Economy, with the support of HEC
of Colombian and 5 Finns shareholders Montreal and the ITESM. In that anniversary
using qualitative and exploratory methods framework, the first issue will present an
to analyze the role of family dynamics and analysis of these 45 years’ publications,
culture in developing psychological ownership among other activities.
in family shareholders. The third article
Once again, we thank each of the authors
studies Chilean public officials’ perception
of these 16 papers and the peer reviewers
of prospective from a qualitative approach,
who supported our editorial process, always
which is considered a tool for public policies
bearing in mind that each article’s content is
in two regional development strategies.
its authors’ responsibility. We hope that this
The following two papers are “Social issue will contribute to our readers’ academic
commitment in organizations: a look work and that it will drive our research,
at Universidad del Valle“ and “Current reflections, or reviews in the sciences of

How to cite this paper?

González-Campo, C. H. (2020). Editorial. Cuadernos de Administración, 36(68), 1-2.
Cuadernos de Administración journal by Universidad del Valle is under licence Creative Commons Reconocimiento-
2 NoComercial-SinObrasDerivadas 4.0. Based in

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