Performance of The Various Varieties On Growth and Yield of Wheat Crop Triticum Aestivum L.

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 6 Issue 2, January-February 2022 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Performance of the Various Varieties on Growth and

Yield of Wheat Crop (Triticum Aestivum L.)
Rakesh Bind1, Dr. Shrish Kumar Singh2, Aravind Kumar Patel1
M.Sc. (Ag.) Agronomy Student, TDPG College, Jaunpur, Uttar Pradesh, India
Associate Professor & Head Department of Agronomy, TDPG College, Jaunpur, Uttar Pradesh, India

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Rakesh Bind |

Wheat is the dominant crop in temperate countries being used for Dr. Shrish Kumar Singh | Aravind
human food and livestock feed. Its success depends partly on its Kumar Patel "Performance of the
adaptability and high yield potential but also on the gluten protein Various Varieties on Growth and Yield
fraction which confers the viscoelastic properties that allow dough to of Wheat Crop (Triticum Aestivum L.)"
Published in
be processed into bread, pasta, noodles, and other food products.
There are various factors, which are responsible for low and high Journal of Trend in
yield of wheat crop in the country but among these sowing time and Scientific Research
varietal selection are of primary importance. Wheat is the main crop and Development
of winter season and it has its own definite requirements for (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-
temperature and light for emergence, growth and flowering. Selection 6470, Volume-6 | IJTSRD49453
of suitable crop varieties according to the agro climatic condition Issue-2, February
may play crucial role in realizing the optimum production of any crop 2022, pp.1417-1421, URL:
commodity. Therefore the present study was conducted to judge the
performance of the various wheat varieties under late sown
conditions in the field achieving novel improvements in crop Copyright © 2022 by author (s) and
International Journal of Trend in
management. The experiment comprised of eight treatment
Scientific Research and Development
combination and test in randomized block design (RBD) with three Journal. This is an
replication Experiment consisted of one factors, viz. eight different Open Access article
varieties of wheat crop HUW-234,PBW-373,Saikedarplus,SGN- distributed under the
303,ML-5660,PBW-502,PBW-752,Anuradha.were sown under 22 terms of the Creative Commons
December. Sowing date and varieties significantly influenced the Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)
growth characters of wheat crop. The crop sown 22 December variety (
pbw-373 recorded highest plant height (cm), number of tillers/m2, dry
matter accumulation (gm2), leaf area index compared to rest of
sowing different varieties.

Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) which belongs to the The contribution of wheat is maximum as a result of
family Poaceae, is the worlds most widely cultivated its wild adaptability occupying nontraditional rice
cereal crop. In India, wheat is the second most growing area in eastern India as well as late sown and
important cereal crop next to rice contributing nearly problematic areas about from the amenability to
35 per cent to the national food basket and plays an technological innovation. Wheat maintains
important role in food and nutritional security. It finds superiority. in area, production and versatility in
a major place in both time meals of common adopting a wide range of agro climates. It occupies
population in major wheat growing states. The prime position for the nutrition of nearly 36 per cent
cultivation of wheat has also been symbolic of green of the world population. Nevertheless, the progress
revolution, self-sufficiency in food and sustained should not make us contented as the country face
production. As a result of technological innovation, countless challenges in the form of population growth
the country is 107.59 million tones in an area of 31.45 coupled with decreasing arable land, depleting water
million hectares (2019-20 Estimated data). India resources and climate change. As population is
ranks second among wheat producing country in the increasing leads to an increase demand of wheat with
world. This phenomenal increase in production is by no possibility in further increase in area due to
and large attributed to adoption of high yielding growing urbanization. As per present population
varieties. growth rate population of India by 2025 will be

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD49453 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 2 | Jan-Feb 2022 Page 1417
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
around 1.3 billion and assuming 20 percent more per 4. An excellent variety for late sown (25 November
capita requirement of food grain, due to better to Last week of
standard of living and increase in the demand of 5. December) irrigated conditions. It also performs
processing industries, requires wheat production to be very well in timely sown irrigated conditions.
around 109 million tonnes by the year 2025 AD. 6. Suitable for general cultivation, zero tillage and
Wheat is mainly used as house hold cereal. surface seeding.
7. Grain yield per hectare 45 to 50 q/ha.
8. A very good variety for chapatti making quality.
The present investigation entitled "Performance of
the various varieties on growth and yield of wheat PBW-373:
crop (Triticum aestivum L.)". Trial was performed PBW-373 is a wheat variety suitable for timely and
in session 2019-20 with one year of trial which were late sown and irrigated conditions. It gives an average
done at Pili-Kothi Student Research Farm, and also in yield of 55-60 q/ha. The variety normally takes about
the laboratory Department of Agronomy of T.D.P.G. 126-134 days to mature. On maturity the plants of the
College Jaunpur. The experimental site is situated on variety attains a height of 80-90 cm. The variety is
the right side of river Gomati at the latitude 25 43'58" resistant to karnal bunt. Although care should be
N & longitude 8241'10"E and at an altitude of 83 taken to save it from the attack of loose smut. Its
meters. Plots of homogeneous fertility were selected protein contents is 12-13 % (PBW-373). Suited for
from the field and well connected, keeping in view cultivation in the northern and western plains of UP,
with irrigation channel and with the source of Punjab, Uttarakhand and irrigated plains of Haryana.
irrigation. Pili Kothi Farm is situated in Jaunpur the Suggested period of sowing is from 2nd week of
eastern part of Uttar Pradesh with sub tropical climate November to 3rd week of December.
being often subjected to extremes of weather
General Characteristics
conditions, i.e., heat of the summer and cold of the The year of release was 1996.
winter. May and June months are the hottest months The variety was developed by PAU, Ludhiana.
with mean maximum temperature ranging from 36 to The variety is widely adopted in the area NWPZ.
43.8°C. However, the coldest month is January with The potential yield of this variety is 55-60 quintal
the average temperature varying from 4,7-10.5°C per hectare.
with occasional extreme the normal period for the
onset of monsoon in this reason is the third week of
June which lasts up to the end of the September the
area occasionally experience cyclonic ranges during
winter months the normal annual rain fall is 1100
mm. out which about 64.0 % is received for June to
September 0,07% from October to December, 6%
from the January to February and 9.3% from March
to May as pre monsoon ranges. The mean relative
humidity of the area is about 68% with maximum of
81% during July to September and minimum of 38%
during April to early July respectively. Anuradha:
The experiment was conduct out in Randomized Plant height is 95-100 cm. Earheads are white in
Complete Block Design Gross Plot size of 4.0 x 4.0 m colour. Suited for cultivation in the northern plains of
and 20.0 cm was sown row spacing .Crop was sown Punjab, Western U. P. Uttarakhand and irrigated
at recommended seed rate of 125 kg ha-1.Five plains of Haryana. Crop is ready for harvest in approx
irrigation applied was during crop period. Nitrogen 125-130 days from timely sowing. Under optimum
was applied @100kg through Urea, Phosphorus was conditions, estimated yield is 45-50 quintals per
applied @40kg as SSP and Potash given by MOP. All hectare.
other cultural practice were applied to need. SGN-303:
VARIETIES Period of Spike Emergence- 99 days.
HUW- 234: Average Plant Height- 88cm.
1. Year of Identification / Release: - 1984 / 1986. Profuse tillering habit.
2. Area of adaptation: - North Eastern Plains Zone Attractive, Lustrous & Bold Grains.
(NEPZ). Per 1000 grain Weight- 48 g.
3. One gene dwarf. Strong tillers and tolerant to logging.
Suitable for both early & late sowing.

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD49453 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 2 | Jan-Feb 2022 Page 1418
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Saikedarplus: It has profuse tillering Ears are medium dense and
Year of Identification / Release: - 2002\2008. tapering in shape with white glumes. Its grains are
Area of adaptation: - (NEPZ and NWPZ) in up amber, medium bold, hard and lustrous.
PBW-752:PBW-752 wheat seed plant height is 85-95
Strong tillers and Tolerant to logging. cm .suited for cultivation in the eastern part of
A good variety for late sown ( 25 November to
country. Medium duration variety (105-115). It gives
Last week of December ). an average yield of 46 -50q/ha.
Irrigated conditions.
Suitable for general cultivation, medium tall plant PBW-502:
duration (110-120DAS). PBW-502 wheat seed plant height is 95-100 cm. Plant
Grain yield per hectare 45-50 q/ha. growth semi-errect cultivation in the NWPZ and
Gold grains coupled with good chapatti making NEPZ eastern part of country Medium duration
quality. variety (130-135) days grain colour yellowish It is
gives an average yield of 50-55q/ha straw pith
ML-5660: medium thick it is resistant of insect pest and disease
ML-5660 is a double dwarf variety with an average grain is yellowish white and early sowing of the
plant height of 101 cm.
wheat varieties.
TABLE.1 Effect of various varieties on growth parameters of wheat crop
Growth Parameters
Treatments Plant Number of Dry matter Leaf area index
height (cm) tillers(m-2) accumulation (gm2) (90DAS)
HUW-234 90.10 363.66 1184.65 3.15
Anuradha 81.37 366.33 1184.39 3.13
ML-5660 83.67 361.66 1184.29 3.13
SGN-303 71.89 351.00 1288.40 3.11
PBW-373 92.46 378.00 1184.00 3.17
Saikedarplus 84.00 374.33 1286.44 3.14
PBW-752 81.32 371.00 1284.00 3.13
PBW-502 83.87 368.66 1180.67 3.13
SE(m) 0.41 3.93 0.361 0.004
CD at 5% 1.27 12.04 1.106 0.012
TABLE.2 Effect of various varieties on yield and Yield Component of wheat crop
No of Ear Length of Test weight Grain yield Straw yield Harvest
head/m2 spike (cm) (g) (q ha-1) (q ha-1) index (%)
HUW-234 319.10 8.43 35.95 42.84 64.44 40.80
Anuradha 313.66 8.41 36.63 45.58 63.87 40.10
ML-5660 322.03 8.43 36.46 43.41 58.40 39.72
SGN-303 309.29 8.30 35.85 42.71 58.18 39.44
PBW-373 344.12 10.17 38.76 53.35 69.83 41.98
Saikedarplus 341.00 10.10 36.63 48.97 67.55 40.80
PBW-752 338.52 9.13 36.39 47.06 64.73 40.94
PBW-502 325.86 9.13 35.77 49.36 68.15 40.83
SE(m) 0.253 0.039 0.256 0.40 0.214 0.433
CD at 5% 0.775 0.120 0.783 1.22 0.65 1.32

RESULT grain yield as compare to Varieties SGN-303

Wheat crop sown on 22 December recorded with recorded with lower No. of ear head (309.29/m2)
higher variety PBW-373, higher No of ear head lower spike length (8.30cm) No of grain/spike (40.00)
(344.12/m2) than higher spike length (10.17 cm), and 1000 grain weight (35.85g) grain yield
more grain/spike (42.66) and 1000 grain weight (42.71q/ha) and PBW-502, Saikedarplus, PBW-
(38.76g) that recorded under 22th December sown 752,Anuradha, ML-5660 ,HUW-234all various
wheat resulted in cumulative effect of these yield varieties. As per crop need boosting crop growth in
attributing parameter produced (53.35q/ha) higher the form of higher photosynthetic accumulation and

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD49453 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 2 | Jan-Feb 2022 Page 1419
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
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