A Translation Approach To Teaching Linear

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A Translation Approach To Teaching Linear Program

Scott P. Stevens, Susan W. Palocsay,

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Scott P. Stevens, Susan W. Palocsay, (2004) A Translation Approach To Teaching Linear Program Formulation. INFORMS
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A Translation Approach To Teaching Linear Program Formulation

A Translation Approach To Teaching Linear

Program Formulation
Scott P. Stevens And Susan W. Palocsay
Information Technology & Management Science Program
James Madison University, MSC 0202
Harrisonburg, VA 22807

While there have been many improvements in the teaching of operations research/management science (OR/MS)
in recent years, students continue to have great difficulty with the process of constructing a linear programming
model. We propose addressing this issue with a translation approach that breaks the process down into a series
of small, well-defined steps. The underlying idea is to develop a representation of the problem in terms of
measurable quantities that can then be translated, via application of an explicit rule, into the proper algebraic
form and/or equivalent spreadsheet formulas. As background, related research on word problem solving from
cognitive psychology and mathematical education is reviewed in the paper. We illustrate the translation approach
with several examples and explain how using it can improve students' modeling skills. Preliminary data on
the effectiveness of the methodology for undergraduate business students in an introductory MS course is also

Editor's note: This is a pdf copy of an html document which resides at http://ite.pubs.informs.org/Vo4No3/
StevensPalocsay/ (Volume 4, Number 3, May 2004)

1. Introduction ples than general formulas, so this numeric display

can help students to identify the correct relationships
Students without a strong mathematical background among the important elements of the problem. Unfor-
frequently have difficulty formulating linear programs tunately, spreadsheets are not a panacea. Students
(LPs). They read the word problem quickly and then may inadvertently create nonlinear programs. They
grope for the appropriate algebraic expressions. These may identify as changing cells (decision variables)
expressions often mimic those appearing in text or in- quantities that are outside of their direct control. If the
class examples, even when such examples are irrele- trial values used for the decision variables give reason-
vant to the current problem. When finished, the stu- able values for the other quantities in the problem,
dent may be unable to explain what the program's students will often assume that an erroneous formula-
variables represent, the meaning of its constraints, or tion is correct. Direct spreadsheet formulation does
the significance or reasonableness of any solutions not really eliminate the need for more traditional for-
proposed for it. This haphazard approach is common mulation skills - it recasts them as debugging skills.
even among otherwise good students, and overcoming Of particular concern is that many students seem un-
it demands a more intuitive way of thinking about able to generate an adequate spreadsheet representa-
formulation. It also requires introducing the tools to tion of a problem without a teacher-provided template.
apply that new perspective. Yet such templates are unlikely to be available in real-
world applications.
Spreadsheet applications can be used to address some
of these problems and are now widely employed in In response to these concerns, we propose an approach
teaching LP formulation and solution. In its normal of teaching LP formulation as a formal act of transla-
view a spreadsheet will display numbers, not formulas. tion. The approach provides students with a consistent,
Most students think more clearly about specific exam- step-by-step formulation method that emphasizes

INFORMS Transactions on Education 4:3(38-54) 38 © INFORMS ISSN: 1532-0545

A Translation Approach To Teaching Linear Program Formulation
understandable concepts over mathematical hiero- mantic knowledge in the form of schema to the solu-
glyphics. Classroom testing suggests that the transla- tion approach, which Hinsley, Hayes, and Simon hy-
tion approach discourages many of the most common pothesized is an important aspect of algebra problem
and glaring errors seen in student formulations. This solving. Their experiments showed that people have
linguistic orientation also dovetails naturally with two ways of attacking algebra word problems, depend-
Excel program representation. ing on whether or not they recognize a known type
early in the formulation. When encountering a familiar
problem type, subjects invoked empirical rules based
2. Student Difficulties with Word Prob- on information retrieved from memory that were
lem Solving specifically useful in setting up and solving that type.
But if they did not recognize a problem type, they ap-
The cognitive processes associated with "thinking" plied a general line-by-line procedure similar to the
have been studied extensively by psychologists, with STUDENT direct translation process.
an objective of understanding how humans reason
and solve problems. Mathematics has been a domain In more recent cognitive science studies, mathematics
of particular interest to cognitive scientists because it has been used as an application area for evaluating
provides a rich set of problems that have standard, various general theories of problem solving, including
unambiguous representations and well-defined solu- the relationship between conceptual and procedural
tion procedures. Mayer (1977) describes several early knowledge (Byrnes and Wasik, 1991), the integration
studies of the psychology of thinking in mathematics of examples and procedures in problem solving (Reed
that have some relevance, either directly or indirectly, and Bolstad, 1991), the ability of students to appropri-
to LP model formulation. An experiment by Paige and ately match examples to test problems (Reed, Willis,
Simon (1966) found evidence that students who can and Guarino, 1994), the acquisition of procedural
correctly solve algebra word problems are better able knowledge from example problems (Anderson and
to translate problem information into an integrated Fincham, 1994), and the evolution of the solution pro-
diagram, in contrast to non-solvers who produced a cess as people learn to skip steps (Blessing and Ander-
series of diagrams with each corresponding to a frag- son, 1996). While the implications of this research are
ment of the problem. In experiments on deductive not yet clear with respect to improving mathematical
reasoning using algebra word problems by Suppes, instruction, further development of these theoretical
Loftus, and Jerman (1969) and Loftus and Suppes models may eventually provide additional insight into
(1972), students' performance decreased under certain sources of student errors in word problem solving.
conditions: as the number of computational operations Another approach in cognitive science research has
increased, when unit conversions were required, if been to build computer-based tutoring tools to im-
problem sentence structure was complex, and when prove instruction in word problem solving as well as
the problem differed from the previous one. explore proposed theoretical models (e.g., Looi and
Tan, 1998; Singley, et al., 1991). Wheeler and Regian
In one of many early efforts reported by Mayer (1977) (1999) present the results of a study where the use of
to develop computer simulations of human problem an algebra word problem solving tutor improved the
solving behavior, Bobrow (1968) wrote a program he performance of students on both abstract and concrete
called STUDENT to solve algebra word problems. reasoning tests but showed that students experienced
Most of the computer processing in STUDENT was considerable more difficulty on the abstract reasoning
associated with "direct translation", the phase that re- test.
quired changing English into a set of algebraic equa-
tions to which computational algorithms could be ap- Mathematical word problems have also been studied
plied. Hinsley, Hayes, and Simon (1977) describe the by psychologists interested in reading comprehension
implementation of the STUDENT translation process (see e.g., Cummins, et al., 1988; LeBlanc and Weber-
in more detail, explaining that the basic process is Russell, 1996; Nathan, Kintsch, and Young, 1992).
sometimes augmented by heuristics that make changes Kintsch (1998) gives a detailed overview of text com-
to the processing when the text indicates a standard prehension theories from the perspective of solving
algebra problem type such as an "age" or "work" arithmetic and algebra word problems. He identifies
problem. This corresponds to the introduction of se-

INFORMS Transactions on Education 4:3(38-54) 39 © INFORMS ISSN: 1532-0545

A Translation Approach To Teaching Linear Program Formulation
two crucial steps in the process of solving word prob- instead of S = 6P (with S defined as the number of
lems where students have the most difficulty: students and P as the number of professors). Clement,
Lochhead, and Monk (1981) gave this problem to two
1. formulation of a mathematical model of the prob- samples of first-year college students; only 63% of the
lem, and calculus-level engineering students and 43% of the
non-science majors were able to answer it correctly. A
2. determining whether or not they formulated a
significant majority of the wrong answers were associ-
correct model.
ated with the students' tendency to reverse variables,
and further study indicated that this tendency ap-
He stresses the importance of providing help with the
peared to result from two different types of mistakes.
formulation step because students often "jump to
Some students were using "word order matching,"
equations without a clear understanding of the prob-
where they made a direct mapping from the English
lem structure" (Kintsch, 1998). He also notes that an
words to the algebraic symbols. Other students applied
important characteristic of experienced algebra prob-
a "static-comparative" method, understanding that the
lem solvers is that they have learned to provide their
student population was larger than the professor
own feedback by checking the reasonableness of their
population but incorrectly believing that the larger
answers, whereas students without this ability frequent-
coefficient should go with the variable for the larger
ly generate irrational values without noticing that their
population. In either case, the variables are treated as
solution is incorrect.
labels rather than numbers. Students who did the
problem correctly showed better comprehension of
The difficulty of word problem solving is also well
the static comparison of the two groups, seeing the
known among educators in mathematics. As the em-
number S as being larger than the number P so that P
phasis on applications of mathematics increased, they
must be multiplied by 6 to be equal to S.
observed a clear distinction between math computation
skills and higher-level problem solving abilities and
More recently, Verschaffel, Greer, and de Corte (2000)
began to investigate possible causes (Cloer, 1981). Their
performed a detailed analysis of a phenomenon called
research indicates that the modeling process is very
the "suspension of sense-making" (Schoenfeld, 1991)
complex, with algebra word problems having a signif-
that frequently occurs when elementary school chil-
icant cognitive component that requires construction
dren are solving arithmetic word problems. In essence,
and manipulation of representations of the problem
they ignore the real world aspects of the problem
elements (Singley, et al., 1989). Students begin to ex-
context and treat word problems as puzzles that re-
hibit difficulties with this cognitive process as early
quire the selection and application of some operation(s)
as the sixth grade, and these difficulties often persist
to be solved. Consequently, the authors propose the
even after many years of mathematical study.
adoption of a "modeling perspective" in the mathemat-
ics educational environment where word problems
Booth (1984) investigated the underlying causes of a
are presented as exercises in modeling realistic prob-
selected set of algebraic errors with high incidence
lem situations. A study by Lithner (2003) examined
among secondary school students and found these
how college calculus students apply simplified
students resist the interpretation of letters as symbols
strategies that result in answering questions with a
representing the numerical value of an object (versus
suspension of sense-making. He characterizes their
representing the object itself), and often do not under-
reasoning as superficial, based on identifying similar-
stand the process of writing a symbolic mathematical
ities and mimicking procedures instead of acquiring
statement (focusing instead on the numerical answer).
an understanding of the underlying, fundamental
Sharma (1987) describes three stages in the application
mathematical concepts.
of mathematics to real-world problems: translating
the problem situation into a formal mathematical
model, solving the mathematical problem, and inter- 3. The Linear Programming Model Formu-
preting the solution for the original situation. The most
frequent error identified in the translation stage is re-
lation Process
ferred to as the "reversal of variables". When asked to
Early books on linear programming devoted most of
mathematically represent the relation that there is one
their attention to theoretical and algorithmic topics,
professor for every six students, students write 6S = P
INFORMS Transactions on Education 4:3(38-54) 40 © INFORMS ISSN: 1532-0545
A Translation Approach To Teaching Linear Program Formulation
with discussion of the process of developing an LP perspective, graphical representations have also been
model primarily based on a few applications such as proposed as visual aids for helping students to trans-
diet, production-scheduling, and transportation late LP word problems into the appropriate mathemat-
problems (Gass, 1964). Dantzig's (1963) chapter on ical (algebraic) form. Evans and Camm (1990) advocate
formulating an LP model describes the "linear program- presenting semantic networks constructed with nodes
ming approach" as one of decomposing a system into and links as an intermediate step between the verbal
a number of black box activities where the focus is on problem statement and the LP model. Another exam-
the rates of flow into and out of the activities. He out- ple is influence diagrams, which are used as a guide
lines five steps in the model-building process: in the development of algebraic LP model formulations
by Meredith, Shafer, and Turban (2002). To date,
1. define the activities; however, there has been no formal research into the
pedagogical effectiveness of using visualization-based
2. define the items consumed or produced by the
approaches to teach model formulation.
3. determine the input-output coefficients; OR/MS textbooks have evolved to support the teaching
of LP modeling primarily by expanding discussion of
4. determine the net inputs or outputs of the system;
the general steps in formulating an LP model from
Dantzig and providing more detailed explanation of
5. determine the material balance equations. the development of example models. The steps are
typically summarized as
He notes that repetition of these steps may be required
in cases where the formulation of the balance con- 1. understand the problem;
straints leads to the identification of additional activi-
2. describe the objective in words;
ties. To support the model-building process, Dantzig
graphically depicts the input and output items for each 3. describe each constraint in words;
activity in a black box diagram before constructing the
4. define the decision variables;
coefficient matrix. This activity analysis approach has
been further developed and implemented in several 5. express the objective in terms of the decision vari-
computer-based modeling systems, including the LP- ables;
FORM system prototyped by Ma, Murphy, and Stohr
6. express each constraint in terms of the decision
(1996). Krishnan, Li, and Steier (1992) also use the ac-
variables (Anderson, Sweeney, and Williams,;
tivity analysis perspective in the development of a
Moore and Weatherford, (2001).
mathematical model formulation system based on ar-
tificial intelligence concepts. However, the potential
In some texts, these steps are modified to outline a
usefulness of these systems in teaching LP modeling
procedure for formulating an LP model directly onto
has not yet been explored.
a spreadsheet (Hillier and Hillier, 2003; Winston and
Albright, 2001). There are also guidelines for imple-
With the rapid advancements in computer technology
menting LP models in a spreadsheet, including sugges-
over the recent past, it has become increasingly viable
tions for designing models that give a clear presenta-
to develop graphical interfaces to assist in the formu-
tion of the problem situation while also being reliable
lation of mathematical models. A decision support
and easily modifiable (Conway and Ragsdale, 1997;
system with a graphical interface for network model-
Winston and Albright, 2001). Example problems are
ing was designed by Steiger, Sharda, and Leclaire
usually presented as instances of general applications
(1993) to provide a non-mathematical environment
of LP, such as make-buy decisions, blending problems,
for constructing models with NETFORM (Glover,
production and inventory planning, multiperiod cash
Klingman, and McMillan, 1977) notation. In an
flow problems, and transportation routing. This ap-
overview of visualization techniques for optimization,
proach has the benefit of defining schema that show
Jones (1994 and 1996) provides a comprehensive sur-
students the structural features usually associated with
vey of relevant literature on different representation
a particular type of application.
styles for formulation, some of which are now available
in commercial software products. From a teaching

INFORMS Transactions on Education 4:3(38-54) 41 © INFORMS ISSN: 1532-0545

A Translation Approach To Teaching Linear Program Formulation
Murphy and Panchanadam (1999) conducted an inter- ation, spreadsheet engineering, and basic analytics.
esting set of experiments to test the value of using The skill of modeling a problem from scratch is essen-
schemas in teaching undergraduate business students tial for them to address business situations they will
how to build LP models. Performance of students was encounter in their professional work. They also need
evaluated under three different teaching approaches: to be able to correctly develop a computer-based rep-
an instance-based framework, where students were resentation of the problem, and to apply basic analyt-
taught to derive models from individual example ical skills to systematically evaluate the final model.
problems with no categorization of problem types; a We believe that the translation approach described in
"schema-later" framework, where categorization and this paper can be useful to instructors who want to
identification of structural similarities by the instructor help their students improve their LP modeling skills,
occurred after presentation of multiple example algebraically and/or in the spreadsheet environment.
problems; and a "schema-earlier" framework where It offers additional structure to the model formulation
the order of presentation was reversed (i.e., schema process, thereby reducing what appear to our students
presented before examples). The researchers hypothe- to be the mystical aspects of such general steps as
sized that students in the two schema classes would "write the objective as a linear function of the decision
be better at categorizing LP problems, retrieving and variables." Its intrinsic focus on meaning leads to im-
using a similar example from taught material, defining provements in both spreadsheet implementation and
decision variables, and building the algebraic LP than post-optimality analysis. As a result, students respond
those students in the instance class. Using diet and more positively to OR/MS and leave the course with
transportation test problems, they found knowledge a higher level of confidence in their own ability to
of schema later did not help students in using earlier perform quantitative analysis.
examples, identifying the decision variables, or formu-
lating the correct model. When the schema was pre-
sented earlier, students were better able to construct 4. The Translation Approach: An
analogies to both categories and examples, but this Overview
schema knowledge did not improve performance as
measured by number of models that were correctly To translate from one language to another, one begins
formulated. They conclude that schemas do provide by understanding the text to be translated, then gener-
students with a conceptual framework that improves ates a meaningful (albeit foreign) text. Successful
their understanding at the start of the modeling pro- translation means that these two texts must express a
cess and give them a tool for organizing and accessing common meaning, although this correspondence is
the material. But unfortunately, presentation of this rarely at a word level. We exploit the parallel between
conceptual framework does not appear to significantly this process and the process of LP formulation to im-
decrease modeling errors, based on the results from prove students' formulation skills and program com-
their study. They cite two possible reasons for this: prehension.

1. students have difficulty in verbally recognizing The translation approach has two stages: rephrasing
model constraints, and the word problem and constructing the mathematical
program. In the first stage we focus on semantic con-
2. students have difficulty translating a verbal con-
tent only, restating the original problem in terms of
cept into the corresponding algebraic expression.
measurable quantities. This corresponds to the general
steps (1) through (4) listed above. We essentially use
Both the translation and interpretation stages of LP
a re-ordered version of the "helpful questions" posed
modeling require an understanding of the meaning of
by Camm and Evans (2000) to help identify the major
an equation and an operational process for converting
components of the LP model:
a word problem into a mathematical model and stating
its solution in words. Based on our experience, we
1. What is the objective to be maximized or mini-
believe that these translation difficulties are the prima-
ry cause of our students' struggles when attempting
to construct their own LP models. Grossman (2002) 2. What limitations or requirements restrict the values
has identified three "keys" that students need if they of the decision variables?
are to effectively use management science: model cre-
INFORMS Transactions on Education 4:3(38-54) 42 © INFORMS ISSN: 1532-0545
A Translation Approach To Teaching Linear Program Formulation
3. What am I trying to decide? than the second, or that the first is no less than the
second. We associate these three mathematical possi-
However, our approach differs in that the answers are bilities with three semantic categories of constraints:
formally expressed as measurable quantities. Because limited resource, minimum performance, and conser-
no numbers or variables are involved at this stage, vation.
students can and must focus on meaning and "math
phobic" reactions are minimized. The quantities iden-
tified are natural choices for calculated cells in an Excel
representation, and the relationships identified among
them form the constraints of the program. We note
that it is often appropriate to use graphical diagrams
in this stage, to show structural relationships for more
complex problems. In the second stage, a simple pro- Figure 1: Categories of Constraints.
cedure is used to transform each measurable quantity
into proper mathematical form. This stage corresponds Each constraint category has an equivalent in common
to the general steps (5) and (6) but augments them English. These English forms help students to identify
with a rule that generalizes the mechanics for building and correctly frame the problem's requirements. The
mathematical expressions in the model. result is the measurable quantity representation of the
problem. We present the following example to illus-
In the following sections of the paper, we detail both trate this process.
the steps in applying the translation approach and the
rationale for these steps, using several example prob- 5.1. Example 1
lems to discuss the process from the perspective of the
student. The development of this approach is based A bookstore receives 40 paperback copies and 65
on our own work in modeling real world problems hardback copies of a new novel from its shipping
(e.g., Bopp, et al., 1996) as well as our teaching experi- warehouse, but due to preorders taken from cus-
ence. A summary of the steps in the form of a class tomers, it needs at least 80 copies of each type before
handout that can be used by the instructor is provided the store opens tomorrow. The bookstore must have
as an appendix to the paper. these 160 books, but would like to have as many copies
of the book available for sale tomorrow as possible.
Given the short time horizon, the shipping warehouse
5. Measurable Quantities and Categories does its best. It has facilities to rush deliver up to ten
of Constraints boxes of books. The "paperback boxes" each hold 6
copies of the paperback. The warehouse also has 7
A measurable quantity is any physically meaningful "hardback boxes" on hand, but these boxes actually
quantity that can be identified as "the number of units contain 5 hardbacks and 2 paperbacks each. What
of something". The number of hours spent doing a job should the warehouse ship in order to best address
or the number employees working a given shift are the store's needs?
examples of measurable quantities. Sometimes an im-
portant quantity is best thought of as a percentage of The student begins in normal English, summarizing
another measurable quantity, such as "20% of total the problem as: "maximize books in the store tomor-
revenue". In those instances, we can broaden the term row"; "can't ship too many hardback boxes", "can't ship
"measurable quantity" to mean "measurable quantity more than 10 boxes" and "store has to have at least 80
or percentage thereof". of each book type". Most students will be able to reach
this point with relative ease. If not, students are encour-
Measurable quantities are natural building blocks for aged to look for key "constraint words" in the problem
LPs. The objective function of an LP represents a description, such as at most, at least, no more than, no
measurable quantity, as does each decision variable less than, up to, exactly, required, limited, restricted, must,
in its formulation. Each constraint in an LP represents cannot, budget, and demand. The objective is relatively
a relation between two measurable quantities, asserting easy to identify; it is the quantity to be made as large
either that they are equal, that the first is no greater as possible or as small as possible. The student then

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A Translation Approach To Teaching Linear Program Formulation
notes that the first two of the restrictions identified are could determine the values of all of the measurable
limited resource constraints, while the last implies two quantities in the representation. If the answer is yes,
separate minimum performance constraints. Applying the variables are sufficient for the problem. Most stu-
the definitions from Figure 1, the student expresses dents quickly see, in our example, that knowing the
the problem in terms of measurable quantities as number of boxes of each type shipped to the store will
shown in Figure 2. allow us to determine how many hardback boxes were
shipped, the total number of boxes shipped, and the
number of each type of book that the bookstore finally
receives. The other quantities, such as the number of
each type of book required, are given in the problem.
There is no need for the student to write the appropri-
ate algebra or spreadsheet formulas for these expres-
Figure 2: Measurable quantity representation for Example
sions at this time.

Notice that this representation involves none of the

5.2. Expressing Measurable Quantities Mathe-
numbers in the problem, nor knowledge of the prob- matically
lem's decision variables. It is an easily understandable
conceptual representation, highlighting similarities We turn now to the second stage of the translation
among constraints (such as the last two constraints approach: converting each measurable quantity into
here) and emphasizing important properties (such as the appropriate linear expression and/or spreadsheet
the fact that the two sides of a constraint must be ex- formula. While Hillier and Hillier (2003) propose a
pressed in a common unit). The language of the con- similar categorization of constraints, their presentation
straint templates can and should be adapted to reflect does not articulate a general procedure for conversion
common English usage (e.g., "# of boxes shipped" in- to a mathematical form. We have found it effective to
stead of "# of boxes used" ). implement this process as presented in Figure 3. The
mathematically literate are well aware that the coeffi-
Once the student has created this measurable quantity cient of a variable in a linear expression is just the
representation of the problem, he or she usually has partial derivative of that expression with respect to
a good idea of the decision variables - they are the di- the variable in question. However, with or without
rectly controlled quantities in the problem. When dif- this understanding, determining the numerical value
ficulties arise, students may examine the measurable of the coefficient in a particular problem instance re-
quantities appearing in the measurable quantity rep- quires a procedure to operationalize the concept.
resentation and ask, "What do the values of these
quantities depend upon?" By recursively asking this
question, they finally arrive at a point where the an-
swer is simply, "Nothing. I get to pick the value." At
that point, they have identified a decision variable. In
our example, one concludes that warehouse manage-
ment controls how many of each kind of box to ship.
Decision variable definitions are written (like every-
thing else) as measurable quantities, and thus must
include units: P = # of paperback boxes to ship; H = #
of hardback boxes to ship. (We have found that using
mnemonic variable names, rather than the more tradi-
tional x and y, can aid students in their formulations.) Figure 3: Mathematically Expressing a Measurable Quan-
tity: the Coefficient Rule
Students now apply a simple test to determine if all To demonstrate the use of the Coefficient Rule, we
of the necessary decision variables have been found. return to the bookstore problem.
They imagine that they are given numeric values for
all of their decision variables, as well as the informa-
tion in the problem. They then ask themselves if they
INFORMS Transactions on Education 4:3(38-54) 44 © INFORMS ISSN: 1532-0545
A Translation Approach To Teaching Linear Program Formulation

5.3. Example 1 (continued) H is the number of hardback boxes, one more box gives
2 more paperbacks, and the term 2H in the linear ex-
The bookstore problem has two decision variables, P pression. The error is thus avoided.
and H, so students know that every measurable
quantity in the problem can be written as __P + __H + We have seen improvements in students' ability to
__. They must simply fill in the blanks with the appro- develop an LP spreadsheet model when they express
priate numbers. Informally, the question becomes "if the problem initially in terms of measurable quantities,
the variable goes up by one, by how much does the whether or not they write an algebraic model. The
measurable quantity go up?" For example, consider measurable quantity analysis suggests to the student
the objective, # of books in store, total: __ P + __ H + a sensible template for entering the program into Excel.
__. If P increases by 1, then the warehouse shipped The decision variables (changing cells) and the objec-
one more box of paperbacks. The measurable quantity tive (target cell) have been identified, and each pro-
- the total number of books obtained - increases by 6. gram requirement has been explicitly stated as a direct
On the other hand, if H increases by 1, then one more comparison between two measurable quantities. It
hardback box is shipped and the bookstore gains five would then be reasonable to have the values of these
hardbacks and two paperbacks. The measurable two quantities be reflected by two proximate cells in
quantity is # of books in store, total, and this increases the spreadsheet. The application of the Coefficient
by 5 + 2 = 7 as a result of the additional hardback box. Rule from Figure 3 in this context identifies the proper
Thus, the coefficient of H is 7. To finish, the constant multiplier for each changing cell in the constraint and
term is found by setting P and H equal to zero, which objective function formulas. Figure 5 shows one possi-
means that the warehouse does not ship at all. Then ble arrangement of the model elements, completed
how many books does the bookstore have, total? Only with the optimal solution to demonstrate the appropri-
what they already have on hand: 65 + 40 = 105 books. ate calculations. We follow a convention of red borders
Hence, the objective is 6P + 7H + 105. Applying the for changing cells, gray cells for data provided in the
same techniques to the rest of the measurable quanti- problem, yellow for the objective value, and white for
ties, one at a time, yields the LP formulation shown in computed values.
Figure 4. The program is completed by adding any
appropriate nonnegativity constraints ( P ≥ 0, H ≥

Figure 5: An Excel representation for Example 1.

5.4. Addressing Common Formulation Errors:

Figure 4: Mathematical formulation for Example 1. Recipe Errors and Missing Constraints

Experience has shown that students who approach The pervasive error noted by Sharma (1987), the "re-
the bookstore problem without using this procedure versal of variables" is a special case of a more general
will commonly write the left-hand-side of the paper- error which we call "the recipe error". As an example,
back constraint as 6 P + 2 P + 40, since the two copies suppose that each Quality Control team consists of a
from the "hardback box" are actually paperback books. statistician, two inspectors, and two workers. Let T be
With our procedure, they ask, "if H goes up by 1, how the number of teams and S, I, and W represent the total
much does the # of paperbacks delivered go up?" Since number of statisticians, inspectors and workers on
INFORMS Transactions on Education 4:3(38-54) 45 © INFORMS ISSN: 1532-0545
A Translation Approach To Teaching Linear Program Formulation
these teams, respectively. Students commonly write need some partition of the variables into "essential in-
T = S + 2I + 2W. But the Coefficient Rule in Figure 3 formation" and "derived information". Once the parti-
shows this to be absurd. The constraint is measured tion into independent and auxiliary variables has been
in teams, so the term 2W, for example, says that obtain- carried out, correct formulation is assisted by invoking
ing one additional worker increases the number of the Auxiliary Rule given in Figure 7.
teams by two. Most students think of 2W as meaning
"two workers". A student using the Coefficient Rule
sees it properly as "two (of the measurable quantity -
teams) - for every worker". The Coefficient Rule thus
indirectly includes an analysis of units, showing that Figure 7: Constraints for Auxiliary Variables: the Auxiliary
the coefficient of W in this constraint would have to Rule
be measured in teams/worker, not in workers/team.
This constraint can often be sensibly viewed as a con-
The correct formulation, of course, is S = T, I = 2T, W
servation constraint, but it may also be defined as a
= 2T. The first constraint, in measurable quantities,
fourth category of constraint, the auxiliary variable
says "# of statisticians involved = # of statisticians on QC
definition. We use the next problem to demonstrate
teams ", and the other two are similar.
the incorporation of the Auxiliary Rule into the trans-
The recipe error often arises in problems that include lation approach.
decision variables whose values are entirely deter-
mined by the value of other variables, as in the QC 5.5. Example 2
team example. The inclusion of such dependent vari-
ables is not a mistake; indeed, "extra" variables may (From Winston and Albright, 2001) Rylon Corporation
improve program readability and clarify its structure, manufactures Brute and Channelle perfumes from a
as in many multiperiod planning problems. When raw material costing $3/pound. Processing 1 pound
using such variables, though, students often omit of the material takes 1 hour and yields 3 ounces of
needed program constraints. To address this problem, Regular Brute and 4 ounces of Regular Chanelle. This
we introduce the notion of "extra", or auxiliary variables perfume can be sold directly or can be further pro-
as defined in Figure 6. cessed to make luxury versions of the perfumes. One
ounce of Regular Brute can be sold for $7, but 3 hours
of processing will convert it into one ounce of Luxury
Brute, which sells for $18. One ounce of Regular
Chanelle can be sold for $6, but 2 hours of processing
will convert it into one ounce of Luxury Chanelle,
which sells for $14. Rylon has available 4000 pounds
of raw material, 6000 hours of processing time, and
will sell everything it produces. Determine how Rylon
can maximize its profit.

Using the templates from Figure 1, students immedi-

ately see the two limited resource constraints (raw
materials and time). The goal of maximizing profit is
Figure 6: A Partition of the Decision Variables
also clear to them. Many see the problem as involving
seven variables: RBM, RCM, RBS, RCS, LBS, LCS and
It's natural to view the independent variables as the
RAW. The first two are the number of ounces of Regu-
decisions directly made and the auxiliaries as the un-
lar Brute and Regular Channelle initially made, respec-
avoidable results of those decisions, but this is not
tively. The next four are the number of ounces of
strictly necessary. One would, for example, probably
Regular Brute, Regular Channelle, Luxury Brute, and
consider # of dollars of change received from the cashier as
Luxury Chanelle sold, respectively. The last, of course,
being an auxiliary to # of dollars tendered and # of dollars
is the number of pounds of raw materials used. While
spent on purchases. It would be equally correct to view
the materials constraint is easy enough now (RAW ≤
# of dollars tendered as auxiliary to the other two, and
4000), students are often flummoxed as to what to do
the choice does not affect our discussion. We simply

INFORMS Transactions on Education 4:3(38-54) 46 © INFORMS ISSN: 1532-0545

A Translation Approach To Teaching Linear Program Formulation
next. They may, for example, write a time constraint
like RBM + RCM + 3LBS + 2LCS ≤ 6000. If they write
any other constraints involving RAW at all, they are
commonly recipe errors, such as RAW = 3RBM +
4RCM. Auxiliary variables can help to cut through this

As soon as the value of RAW is known, students know

how many ounces of Regular Brute and Regular
Channelle are made. These quantities are auxiliary,
then. There must be an equation defining each of them
which depends on RAW alone. The translation proce-
dure from Figure 3 gives the correct forms as RBM =
3RAW and RCM = 4RAW. Now we sell some Regular
Brute and Regular Channelle. But as soon as we know
how much we sell, we also know how much Luxury Figure 8: Measurable Quantity and LP Formulation for
Brute and Luxury Channelle will be made and sold. Example 2.
That is, LBS and LCS are auxiliary. This being the case,
we need an equality constraint to define them. Since The detail in which we have analyzed the preceding
whatever Regular Brute is not sold will be made into examples may lead the reader to believe that the
Luxury Brute, LBS = RBM - RBS. Similarly, LCS = RCM translation approach is much more time consuming
- RCS. These constraints can be viewed as auxiliary than other methods of formulation. We have not found
variable definitions, of course, but they can also be this to be the case. Once students become familiar with
seen from the perspective of conservation constraints. the technique, the time required to formulate seems
The total Brute made ("total in") will have to be equal to be about the same as with other techniques. The
to the total Brute used ("total out"). Introducing the increase that we have observed has been in formula-
concept of auxiliary variables acts as a safety net: it tion quality, rather than formulation time. We close
lets students know that such a constraint must exist, with a multiperiod example, presenting the translation
even if they haven't yet identified it. approach solution with limited commentary.

From this point, completing the program is straightfor- 5.6. Example 3

ward. Time is used only in processing raw materials
or making luxury perfumes, so RAW + 3LBS + 2LCS Bel Aire Pillow Company needs to manufacture 12,000
≤ 6000. Money is made only on the sale of perfume, pillows in their factory next week. They have two
so the objective is 7RBS + 6RCS + 18LBS + 14LCS - kinds of employees: line workers (who do the actual
3RAW. In each case, the coefficients are obtained by work) and supervisors (who oversee the line workers).
the Coefficient Rule. The complete formulation is Bel Aire currently has 120 line workers and 20 super-
shown below in Figure 8. visors. Each line worker can make 300 pillows per
week. Supervisors do not engage in actual pillow-
The use of auxiliary variables is always optional, and making.
the problem above could be formulated with six, five,
or even four decision variables. Auxiliary variables A recent study done on Bel Aire's operation concluded
give the student more latitude in the particular way that, for proper supervision, there must be at least 1
that they frame the problem, and can help to simplify supervisor for every 5 line workers. The study also
the solution of a complex problem by recording the suggested that Bel Aire might be able to cut its costs
values of intermediate quantities of relevance. Few by doing some or all of the following:
people would choose to manage their checkbooks by
using only the decision variables of deposits and • hiring new employees as line workers (the training
withdrawals, while disdaining the auxiliary variable cost is $100/worker)
of bank balance.

INFORMS Transactions on Education 4:3(38-54) 47 © INFORMS ISSN: 1532-0545

A Translation Approach To Teaching Linear Program Formulation
• firing some current line workers (the fired worker
is given $240 severance pay)
• promoting some current line workers to supervi-
sors (the training cost is $200/worker)
• demoting some current supervisors to line workers
(no cost associated with this)

Pay for a line worker is $400/week. Pay for a supervi-

sor is $700/week. All hiring and firing, and training
occur before the upcoming work week, and the costs
of those activities will be charged against the upcoming
week. Bel Aire wishes to perform the appropriate hir-
ing, firing, promotions and demotions that will mini-
mize its operations cost for next week.
Figure 9: Measurable Quantity and LP Formulation for
Students easily identify the objective and understand Example 3.
that Bel Aire's requirements for next week are that
they must have sufficient production capacity to make 6. Preliminary Results
the required pillows and no more lineworkers than
can be supervised - a minimum performance constraint Result of experimental studies conducted to date have
and a limited resource constraint, respectively. These been encouraging. During each Spring and Fall aca-
things depend on how many people Bel Aire PRO- demic session from Fall 2001 until Spring 2003, each
Motes, DEMotes, HIREs, and FIREs. This list of variables student in the introductory management science for
is sufficient for the problem, but many students will business course at our institution was evaluated with
define additional (auxiliary) variables for the number a set of seven questions testing basic LP formulation
of each kind of employee that will be on staff next skills. These questions were administered at the end
week. Let SUP2 be the number of supervisors working of the semester and were given both to students who
next week and LINE2 be the number of lineworkers had been taught using the translation approach to
working next week. The measurable quantity represen- formulation (n = 548) and to those who were taught
tation of this problem and its corresponding linear with more traditional approaches (n = 771). Students
program appear in Figure 9. of the translation approach did better on six of the
seven questions, and worse on the remaining question.
Many students not using the translation approach will As can be seen in Figure 10, the results were statistical-
omit the last two constraints. Those using the transla- ly significant (with α = 0.1) in five of the seven cases.
tion approach know that, since two auxiliary variables
were used in the formulation, two equality constraints
must appear in the program to define them. The Coef-
ficient Rule given in Figure 3 does the rest.

Figure 10: Formulation Performance of Introductory Man-

agement Science Students.

The fifth question was an extremely easy formulation

question that was intended to verify minimal compe-
tency, and about 97% of all students answered it cor-
INFORMS Transactions on Education 4:3(38-54) 48 © INFORMS ISSN: 1532-0545
A Translation Approach To Teaching Linear Program Formulation
rectly. The translation approach students show marked student additional questions concerning linear pro-
superiority over their traditional counterparts on most gramming but not requiring "word problem" skills.
of the other questions, with the notable exception of Students were given the mathematical formulation of
generating a percentage constraint. Investigation re- a linear program without an English context, then
vealed that one of the translation approach teachers, asked questions about solving it graphically, identify-
in reworking course materials, had inadvertently re- ing binding and redundant constraints, and so on.
moved all homework problems and in-class examples Since the problem does not involve semantic content,
involving percentage constraints. The students with we would expect no consistent differences in perfor-
markedly poor performance on the percentage con- mance between the translation approach and tradition-
straint question were generally in these classes. Stu- al approach students. The results - 57.1% success for
dents of other translation approach teachers who had students of translation approach teachers and 54.5%
not made this omission showed no significant differ- success for students of traditional approach teachers
ence in performance on this question from those stu- - give no reason to suspect that either the teachers or
dents taught with the traditional approach. the students in the translation approach classes were
inherently better than their traditional counterparts
The data also suggest that the translation approach (p = 0.351).
may help students to better deal with questions of
post-optimality analysis. At the end of the Fall 2002 7. Conclusions
and Spring 2003 sessions, all students in the introduc-
tory management science course at our institution Students are generally more effective when using ap-
were asked seven questions dealing with post-optimal- proaches that allow them to proceed with their work
ity analysis of a linear program. Again, both students in sequential stages. The translation approach begins
taught with the translation approach (n = 316) and with the conceptual process of developing a measur-
those taught with traditional approaches (n = 268) were able quantity representation of the problem, avoiding
included. The difference in performance levels between formulas and numbers and focusing student attention
the two groups was significant for all seven questions on what, precisely, they are trying to say. Vague no-
at the 10% level of significance. The results are report- tions of constraints can be refined by using the con-
ed in Figure 11. straint templates for limited resource, minimum per-
formance, and conservation constraints. The notion of
auxiliary variables can help them to find implicit con-
straints. The results of this analysis can be used as the
springboard to Excel template design.

The translation stage of the approach, as embodied in

the Coefficient Rule, allows students to proceed in
easy steps. It focuses on only a single measurable
quantity (a "bracket") at a time. It creates the linear
expression for that quantity without reference to the
Figure 11: Post-Optimality Performance of Introductory
rest of the program. Students are "filling in the blanks"
Management Science Students.
in expressions like __ P + H + by repeatedly asking the
question "If this variable goes up by 1, how much does
Students taught with the translation approach
the measurable quantity go up?" This approach helps
methodology substantially outperformed students
to avoid many of the common formulation errors that
taught with the traditional approach on these ques-
are so tempting to the mathematically unsophisticated,
tions, with the exception of the question 5. We believe
including the recipe error and the omission of equality
that the tight linkage between English and mathemat-
constraints needed when auxiliary variables are used.
ics intrinsic in the translation approach may help to
avoid some of the obstacles discussed earlier, particu-
By focusing on the measurable quantity representation
larly the "suspension of sense-making" identified by
of the program, the translation approach helps stu-
Schoenfeld. While our study did not explicitly control
dents to bring their (nonmathematical) critical thinking
for differences in teachers, we did ask each tested
skills to bear on problems of mathematical modeling.

INFORMS Transactions on Education 4:3(38-54) 49 © INFORMS ISSN: 1532-0545

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INFORMS Transactions on Education 4:3(38-54) 52 © INFORMS ISSN: 1532-0545

A Translation Approach To Teaching Linear Program Formulation

Linear Program Model Formulation Steps

1. Read and understand the problem. Ignore the numbers in the problem and concentrate on verbally identi-
fying the parts of the linear program:
• Objective (overall goal)
• Constraints (limitations and requirements)
• Decision variables (quantities under direct control)
Drawing a picture, making a table, or finding a trial solution may help you to better understand the problem
2. Write the measurable quantity formulation of the linear programming model. A measurable quantity is
the "# of units of something." Translate your English statement of the objective into a measurable quantity
and define each decision variable as a measurable quantity. Rewrite each constraint as a relation between
two measurable quantities, based on one of the following categories:

3.Translate the measurable quantity formulation into a mathematical model. Apply the Coefficient Rule de-
scribed below to each measurable quantity in the problem, using a "fill in the blanks" approach.

INFORMS Transactions on Education 4:3(38-54) 53 © INFORMS ISSN: 1532-0545

A Translation Approach To Teaching Linear Program Formulation

4. Add an equality constraint for each auxiliary variable. If you used any variables whose values are entirely
determined by the other variables in the problem, your final program must include one equality constraint (=)
for each such auxiliary variable, defining how it is calculated from those other variables.

5. Validate your model, by plugging in numbers to make sure your mathematical expressions are correct.

INFORMS Transactions on Education 4:3(38-54) 54 © INFORMS ISSN: 1532-0545

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