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Sharoanas Shapiee



1. Explain what new generations of mapmakers and map users is.

A new generation of mapmakers and map users is the one that uses technology in this sector.
Modern mapmaking found an essential tool within the use of computers. As technology
improves, cartography and its tools improve as well. The new generations of mapmakers and
map users are well tutored in using computers and, therefore, the peripheral instruments that
we are thus acquainted with, like plotters, printers, scanners, image processing, spatial analysis,
and database software.

GIS has become global, and GIS Analysts and Specialists have emerged because of the new
gurus of cartographic science. Almost anything is often studied currently from a geographical
point of view. Also, some technologies that previously were restricted to military uses, like
GPS or Remote Sensing, and the globalisation of data, with the employment of the internet,
internet mapping services, new software package applications, contributed considerably to the
use of GIS and mapmaking for a lot of and more applications each day.

Technology advances thus quick that it's hard to predict the consequent step within the
development of cartography. These days is that the transfer of cartography and GIS software
applications to mobile devices; however, tomorrow remains an enormous question mark. No
doubt, though, that engineering was the new big revolution in the history of cartography and,
therefore, the start of a brand-new era within the art and science of mapmaking.
2. What is the modern cartographer?

Modern cartographers use records from geodetic surveys and remote sensing systems, such as
aerial cameras, satellites, and technology which include light-imaging detection and ranging
(LIDAR). LIDAR uses lasers connected to planes and different methods to map the earth's
topography digitally. LIDAR is frequently greater accuracy than conventional surveying
techniques and can gather various data styles, including the place and density of wooded area
canopies. Data from LIDAR is used to offer spatial records to experts in water aid engineering,
geology, seismology, forestry, construction, and different fields. A present-day cartographer
who creates maps using geographic information system (GIS) technology is referred to as a
geographic records specialist. A GIS is commonly used to assemble, integrate, analyse, and
show spatial records digitally. Maps created with GIS generation hyperlink spatial, graphic
functions with non-graphic forms. These maps are beneficial for supplying aid for choices
related to environmental studies, geology, engineering, land-use planning, and enterprise
marketing. A present-day cartographer may even work from current maps, surveys, and
different records. To do so, they need to decide the thematic and positional accuracy of every
characteristic being mapped. They additionally make choices approximately the accuracy and
reliability of the very last map. In addition, they need to determine what in addition records
they want to satisfy the client's needs. The recognition on information while such as functions
wanted on a very last map, and discover and clear up problems with the equipment to be had
to them.
3. Why cartographer skills and jobs are still relevant in the 21st century?

Cartographer was still a relevant job in the 20th century. A few points will show that this is
still one of the best careers to have. The first one is the salary. What is the average cartographer
salary? The modern mapmaker generally enjoys an above-average wage. We have put together
an infographic illustrating how much cartographers make. On average in the United States,
cartographers are in the mid-to-high pay range of 60,000$ to 70,000$. Moreover, the minimum
salary of cartographers worldwide is 40,000$, which can grow more and more.

The next one is the skills to become a cartographer. Everyone can become an engineer of their
houses, but not everyone can become a cartographer. A cartographer requires specific skills
that only can be learned from someone and studied. This will make the cartographer career
more valuable than people think. The last one is that many maps have been made that need to
be updated. There is various map that came from many eras.

Furthermore, all cartographers from that era have made many maps, but all the maps are not
precise, and some have an error. Because of that, modern cartographers are required to update
all of them. If no one repairs this kind of map, the error will affect many sectors that use maps
such as airlines and delivery because the map is not updated to date, making many sectors slow
down. That is why modern cartography was a relevant job in the 20th century.

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