Module 3 - Lesson 1

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Project Quality Management System

Module 3 Part 1
 Lesson 1: Project Quality Management System & how to
document it
 Lesson 2: Mandatory Standard operation procedures & how
to document it
Project Quality Management System
& How to Document it
Lesson 1
Developing Project Quality Management System
 Will depend on:
 Project scope of work
 Project quality requirements
 Services

 Primary responsibility:
 Quality Manager
 QA/QC Engineer
 Management Representative
Outline of Project Quality Management System
 Take many forms
 Varies depending on client requirements
Project Quality Management System
 A thorough training is need in quality management system
 Experience in construction engineering and project
management will be essential
Project Quality Management System
 Creating this document will need some critical input and
information regarding project details
 Project professionals, architects, and engineers alike, will be
one time or the other required in developing the Project
quality plan
 Project Manager or Managing Director:
 Overall responsible to make sure PQP is submitted on time
for approval
Leadership & Commitment
 Top or Senior Management:
 Performing their responsibility
 Active involvement to support a project
Management Commitment
 Communicating the project organization the importance of meeting
the customer, statutory and regulatory requirements
 Defining and documenting the quality policy and objectives.
 Ensuring the quality policy is communicated, understood,
implemented and maintained in all levels in the project organization.
 Providing adequate resources including trained personnel for Site
management, performance of work, verification and internal quality
audits conducting management review of the quality system to
ascertain continued suitability and effectiveness of the quality
Customer Focus
 Top management and leadership shall use the quality management
system to create a customer-focused project organization. In order to
satisfy the agreed project requirements, Pre and post Project reviews
shall be carried out.
 The quality system shall act as Vehicle to translate the project
requirements to operating parameters, specifications by way of
inspection test plans, of project shall be carried out, and result
analyzed for corrective actions and continual improvement.
Project Quality Objectives
 Critical in the establishment of key performance indicators and
management of project performance.
 Input of project manager and key project staff


POLICY A 100% project delivery as per the scope of work and compliance with technical
STATEMENT specifications and project drawings.

All Submittals of materials, technical specifications, and drawings shall be approved
by the owner or Consultant in a timely manner. 100% compliance
All management will ensure procurement of materials and delivery schedule are
executed and ready for use at site when needed. Again with 100% compliance.
Nomination of a Project Manager with at least 10 years experienced as Pm and with
3 similar exposure with the same nature of project to be approved by the
All project key staff to be selected shall have at least 5 years similar project
experience and to be approved by owner/Consultant.
Project Quality Management System
 Quality control procedure
 Reviews or inspection
 Performing quality assurance
 Document control procedure to ensure quality
Documenting Project Quality Management System
 Identify the main activities and sub main activities you want included
and to be controlled by the project quality plan; meaning how quality
control and quality assurance is to be performed and documented
 Write the procedures considering the sequence of activities
 Include the roles and responsibility of the project teams performing
the task
 Clearly state the activities to be accomplish and action to be done by
the team members
1st Step in Project Quality Management System
 Quality control procedures:
 Data validation and usability
 Document reviews
 Plan for review
 Design documentation requirements
Plan for Review
 All documents / drawing submittals will be checked prior to
presentation to the Project Manager for review.
 Properly completed QA Checklists for all applicable disciplines, signed
and dated by the checker, will be submitted with the review prints to
demonstrate that all items in the drawings were checked.
Methods of Statements
 The Method Statements or Quality Control procedures have been
created for critical activities or processes requiring interface among
various functions and which need to be follow up to perform a critical
activity. List of Method of Statements to be followed is in Appendix–G
for the project Specific Method Statements.
 All ''method statements '' applicable to the execution of the project
shall be approved by the consultant/client for review and approval.
 Safety procedures and its specific risks assessment shall be included
as part of the method statement.
Project Progress Reporting
 Project progress shall be monitored and recorded regularly.
 Project progress shall be compiled in prescribed/approved formats to
generate progress reports.
 Progress reports are generated as required in the contract
Project Progress Reporting
 Project-Manager shall be responsible for compiling progress reports
which are to be submitted on weekly and monthly basis:
 Description of work done
 Drawing submittal schedule
 Method statement schedule
 Material submission & procurement schedule
 Progress tracking in primavera format
 Other areas of concern
2nd Step in Project Quality Management System
 Quality control reviews or inspections
Constructability Review
 70% preliminary plans phase, a joint effort by the project design.
Work that is to be performed during construction is primarily defined
by the designer emphasizing a designer's perspective without
adequately addressing the actual "build-ability" of the project
 Intended to save on project costs, anticipate and mitigate field
problems, minimize potential change orders, improve the overall
project timeline, and still achieve the designer's intent. Some of the
items to be considered include scheduling requirements, sequencing,
phase conflicts, completeness and clarity, errors, omissions,
inconsistencies, change order potential, construction means,
construction methods, contracting strategy, construction materials
and fabrication requirements
Contractor Preparation and Method Statement Approval
 The project engineer shall prepare the draft of the MS before
approval of the Project Manager. The preparation of the documents
shall follow the company standards document in preparation of the
MS showing table of contents and outline of the MS. All the necessary
information such as, the work procedures shall describe the activities
to be accomplish and the sequence of activities to be properly in the
right order, from start to completion of activates.
 Important inclusion is the inspection and sign off from the consultant
approval of the activity.
 Once approved, the MS shall serve as implementation guideline or
procedure to be use by the site engineer.
3rd Step in Project Quality Management System
 Quality Assurance Procedures:
 Feedback:
The Project Manger for each construction project is required to
prepare a ‘post-bid’ checklist to provide feedback as to the quality
and accuracy of the design plans and tender documents.
This feedback is to be provided to the Project Manager to serve
as ‘lessons learned’ to the designer and to be considered in the
final rating for consultant designed plans. These checklists will be
compiled and categorized and distributed to all of the various
design sections to serve as a knowledge base to improve the
quality of drawing and documents.
Project Quality Management System
 Document Control Procedures:
 All comments made by phase reviewers shall be recorded either by
copy of QA/QC documents checklist, memos, e-mail, letters and/or
marked plans received from the reviewers and captured output
documents generated from the design development stages. In the
event that comments are received through meetings with
reviewers, there shall be minutes prepared that summarize the
comments received.
 All comments shall be addressed by the designer responsible for
the discipline that prepared the document being reviewed. The
response shall be in writing and shall be formatted in a manner that
identifies the document review date, reviewer’s comments and
responses to the comments.
Project Quality Management System
 Document Control Procedures:
 Where it is necessary and prudent to discuss the comments with
the reviewer(s) prior to making a response, the designer together
with the Project Manager shall arrange for the meeting with the
client approving authorities.
 It is good practice by the project team and coordination with quality
engineers for records of QA/QC activities to include the
checks/audits/reviews that were performed, when they were
performed, who performed them, and corrections and
modifications to the inventory resulting from the QA/QC activity as
evident from the checklist and forms
 The project quality management system described the main and sub
main activities covering the project quality requirements and scope of
work, leading from project initiation to project completion .
 It must include Top management and leadership commitment in
ensuring customer satisfaction and in achieveing project quality. To
achieve this, a project quality objectives must be established and
align with the company quality policy and to cover the specific
project requirements.
Summary Cont.
 Then, the quality assurance/ quality control procedures should be
performed on those main and sub main activities . this will depend on
how the company will develop its strategy and in performing its
quality control and quality assurance approach to manage project
 And then a document control procedures to cover this interaction
procedures as a result of the Quality control and assurance effort of
the company.

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