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Sample Puzzle Clue 1: TV Clue 2: 168 Clue 3: Preamble3 Who's the Trylateral?

Solution: TV = Capital tv = New Delhi tv = NDtv. 168 = 24x7 Preamble3 = First three words of the preamble = WE, THE PEOPLE. Trylateral = NDTV + 24x7 + WE, THE PEOPLE = Barkha Dutt.

Puzzle # 1 Clue 1: S.C.I.E.N.C.E Clue 2: Hopeful Clue 3: 12/15 What's the Trylateral? SOLUTION S.C.I.E.N.C.E = Inclubus album = Incubus is the first film to be made in Esperanto. Hopeful = What the word Esperanto means. 12/15 = December 12th = Zamenhoff day = LL Zamenhoff invented the universal language Esperanto. Trylateral = Esperanto.

Puzzle # 2 Clue 1: 212 Clue 2: Insomnia Clue 3: Umbrella What's the Trylateral?

SOLUTION 212 = Area code of New York City = Citibank was founded in 1812 as the City Bank of New York. Insomnia = Never Sleeps = An allusion to the slogan 'Citi never sleeps'. Umbrella = The red umbrella, the current logo of Citi which will soon return to Travellers. Trylateral = Citibank

Puzzle # 3 Clue 1: 8B15 Clue 2: Thorma Clue 3: 101 Who's the Trylateral? SOLUTION 8215 = 8th alphabet + 2 + 15th alphabet = H20 = Water. (Note to simplify matters I modified the clue to 8B15. When you apply alphanumeric transformation it becomes H20 = Water - name of a movie by Deepa Mehta. Thorma = Mother of Norse God Thor = Jord = the Earth Goddess = Earth = Name of a movie by Deepa Mehta. 101 = Fire service number = Fire = Name of a movie by Deepa Mehta. Trylateral = Deepa Mehta

Puzzle # 4 Clue 1: ~70! Clue 2: Firelabs Clue3: Manometer What's the Trylateral?

Ans. YOUTUBE Clue 1: ~70! = Nearly 70 factorial = 10^100 = Google Google acquired YouTube. Clue 2: Firelabs = PyraLabs i.e. the company that created and coined Blogger/BlogSpot. Clue3: Manometer = U-Tube = YouTube

Puzzle # 7 Clue 1: Sickle Clue 2: McShadow Clue 3: 56 What's the Trylateral? Sickle - Symbol of Saturn McShadow - Shani - Son of Sun god and Chaaya 56 - Number of moons of Saturn Trylateral Saturn

Puzzle # 8 Clue 1: Sadida Clue 2: Buck Clue 3: Anterouth Who's the Trylateral? Ans. CHRISTOPHER REEVE Clue 1: Sadida = Reverse of Adidas. Adidas = Impossible is Nothing. Hencem Sadida = Nothing is impossible. i.e. a book by Christopher Reeve - the guy who played Superman. Clue 2: Buck = A horse owned by Christopher Reeve called Eastern Express was nicknamed Buck. It was the same horse which resulted in his injury. Clue 3: Anterouth = Before Routh = Christopher Reeve. Brandon Routh is the new Superman (in Superman Returns).

Puzzle # 9 Clue 1: Knight Clue 2: Lawman Clue 3: Cu8 Who's the Trylateral? ANS. MADHUR BHANDARKAR Clue 1: Knight = J P Knight, the inventor of the TRAFFIC SIGNAL Clue 2: Lawman = Lawman (Jeans brand) has a collection called PAGE 3 Clue 3: Cu8 = Copper8 which is phonetically the same as CORPORATE

Puzzle # 10 Clue 1: Dealer Clue 2: 1.44 Clue 3: IC* What's the Trylateral? CLUE 1: Dealer = Wheeler Dealer = Wheeler = John Wheeler, the man who coined the term 'black hole'. CLUE 2: 1.44 = Chandrasekhar's limit = minimum solar mass of a star to become a black hole. CLUE 3: IC* = Icy Star = Frozen Star = What black holes were called before they were called black holes. TRYLATERAL: Blackholes

Puzzle # 12 Clue 1: Unklpierce Clue 2: Zarathustra Clue 3: Pinhead Who's the Trylateral? THE SOLUTION Clue 1: Unklpierce = Uncle Pierce = Uncle Oscar Pierce = Oscar (The Oscar got its name when Maragaret Herrick remarked that the statuette reminded her of her Uncle Oscar Pierce) Clue 2: Zarathustra = Zoraster. Clue 3: Pinhead = P.I.N.H.E.A.D = Short form for Phadrig Isaac Norman Henkle Emmannuel Ambroise Diggs. Trylateral = Oscar + Zoraster + Phadrig Isaac Norman Henkle Emmannuel Ambroise Diggs = OZPINHEAD = Real name of Wizard of Oz.

Puzzle # 13 Clue 1: 00255 Clue 2: 255255255 Clue 3: 25500 Who's the Trylateral? THE SOLUTION In R,G,B colour code (0,0,255) is Blue, (255,255,255) is White & (255,0,0) is Red. Blue, White & Red were three flicks made by Krysztof Kieslowski as part of his Three Colors trilogy. Incidentally the three colors cue the French Flag which in turn notates liberty, equality, fraternity.

Puzzle # 14 Clue 1: 42213131015215 Clue 2: 916176 Clue 3: 121691015161619. What's the Trylateral? THE SOLUTION Diamond is about 4Cs & the tetrahedral carbon. So if one assigns 4 for the alphabet c, a will be 2, b will be 3 and so on...If you apply this code... CULLINAN becomes 42213131015215 HOPE will read as 916176 KOHINOR will be 1216910151619 Cullinan, Hope & Kohinoor are three of the famous diamonds. So the trylateral is diamonds.

Puzzle #15 Clue 1: Girl Clue 2: Painted Clue 3: St.Mary Who's the Trylateral? Christopher Columbus Nina Pinta Santa Maria

Puzzle # 16 Clue 1: Connects Clue 2: CU Clue 3: Fancy Identify the Trylateral. UNILEVER or HLL Clue 1: Connects = Links = LYNX (AXE) Clue 2: CU = CLOSE UP Clue 3: Fancy = Whim = VIM

Puzzle # 17 Clue 1: Cat Clue 2: Transporter Clue 3: Vedaant What's the Trylateral? Clue 1: Cat - Garfield -> James Garfield (20th U.S President) Clue 2: Transporter - Carter - James (Jimmy) Carter (39 U.S President) Clue 3: Vedaant - Maddy's (Madhavan) son - Madison --> James Madison (4th U.S. President) Trylateral - American presidents with "James" as their first name.

Puzzle # 18 Clue 1: Fakeposer Clue 2: 2.178 Clue 3: 81 What's the Trylateral?

fakeposer --> pseudoq--->sudoku 2.178 = e = the Euler number 81 = 9X9 = 9X9 square Euler was the first to devise a magic square (Latin square) Hence Trylateral => SUDOKU

Puzzle # 21 Clue 1: IITmonk Clue 2: Clue 3: Cloys What's the Trylateral?

SEARCH ENGINES Clue 1: IITmonk = Anagram of INKTOMI Clue 2: = Anagram of ASK.COM Clue 3: Cloys = Anagram of LYCOS These are all Search Engines/firms that kicked off with Search Engines.

Puzzle # 23 Clue 1: Mt.Moses Clue 2: Angel Clue 3: Noraa What's the Trylateral? Clue 1: Mt.Moses - Sinai - Midnight's Children Clue 2: Angel - Gibreel Farishta - Satanic Verses Clue 3: Noraa - Aaron - sounds like Haroun - Haroun and the sea of stories Trylateral - characters from Salman Rushdie books

Puzzle # 24 Clue 1: Channel Clue 2: Cauliflower Clue 3: Telegram What's the Trylateral? Channel- Sahara Cauliflower- Gobi Telegram- Thar Deserts

Puzzle # 25 Clue 1: Shelube Clue 2: Auburn Clue 3: Stocks3 What's the Trylateral?

SIX SIXES IN ONE OVER Clue 1: Shelube = Her + Shell = Herschelle Gibbs Clue 2: Auburn = Garfield (The Auburn cat) = Sir Garfield Sobers Clue 3: Stocks3 = Shares + Three = Shastri These are the three players to have scored six sixes in one over.

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