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Ukraine Child Protection Sub-cluster Meeting

Зустріч Кластеру захисту дітей

Date 24 June 2022 Location Online

Kateryna Martynenko Olga Mudra

Chair Secretariat
UNICEF, Right to Protection, WeWorld International, People in Need, Center for social services for family, youth and children
Dnipropetrovsk region, Service for children’s affairs Dnipropetrovsk region, Save the Children, NGO Fund Professional Development
of Kharkiv, UNHCR, NGO Airlight, International Rescue Committee (IRC), Stabilization Support Services, Global Protection Cluster,
Participating Protection cluster Ukraine, Charity Fund "Posmishka UA", "Premiere Urgens international", Disability Rights International, HIAS,
organizations Canada-funded SURGe Project, CF ROKADA, Polish Humanitarian Action, International Charitable Organization “Yellow-Blue Wings”,
SOS Children's Villages Ukraine, IOM

Agenda Item

Agenda 1. Presentation of the Service mapping platform

2. Updates from partners

Previous action points Status Responsible


By Agenda Item Main Points and Decisions from Discussions Agreed Follow-Up Actions Responsible
Cecile Rossi, Global Protection Cluster, Abdifatah Ahmed Subow, Protec-
1. Presentation of tion cluster Ukraine
the Service map- The service mapping initiative was developed by the Protection Cluster in
ping platform March 2022
 Provide a detailed overview of Protection services;

 Including eligibility criteria, access conditions, hotline numbers; .

 Identify gaps in services and guide Protection Cluster activities;
 Support coordination between agencies through referral pathways;
 Communicate with communities on services.
Platform Link:
Ukraine Child Protection Sub-cluster Meeting
Зустріч Кластеру захисту дітей

In the public page of the platform there is the overview of the map of all the
services that are available for now, so you can filter by organization, by loca-
tion, by types of centers. But you can also view the details of the services:
location, contact, target beneficiaries, modality and referrals.
There is also the instruction of how to add services to the system.
There are three steps: the first one is how to add the service delivery point,
second one is how to register your focal point and the last one is how to reg-
ister your services.

Kateryna Martynenko, CP sub-cluster

We kindly ask colleagues to add information about their activities to the ser-
vice mapping platform. From our side we acknowledge the key role of state
child protection services and will add contact information on Centers for so-
cial services and Services for children’s affairs on regional and rayon (hro-
mada) levels. This information is collected by us from open sources and will
be available in one place. It is recommended to all civil society organizations
to start their activities in any new area from meeting with local authorities in
order to discuss priorities and needs with them.

Also, we would like to highlight the difference between 5W reporting and the
Service mapping. 5W is focusing on the numbers of beneficiaries reached,
their gender and age desegregation, number of beneficiaries per activity.
The main goal of 5W is to avoid gaps and duplications. This reporting is re-
quired more often (currently once every 2 weeks, but for those who don’t
have capacity they can send less frequently). This information is then sent
to the protection cluster, UN OCHA and Ministries.

Service mapping on the other hand has another goal which primarily is re-
ferrals. Due to this, you don’t have to update service mapping very often,
only when a new activity is started at a new location. The focus here is on
contact details and other information relevant for referrals, such as types of
beneficiaries that can receive support, age groups, working hours, docu-
ments that are required etc.

2.Updates from Maryna Petrenko, Save the Children

Ukraine Child Protection Sub-cluster Meeting
Зустріч Кластеру захисту дітей

partners We have some new partners today, one of them is Posmishka UA, Slavic
Heart, Global Synergy Foundation etc. Also we have a big project « I am
Mariupol » in coordination with the authorities of Mariupol. This is a very big
project around Ukraine. We will be also working with «Proliska». We have
opened 11 Child friendly spaces in June. In June we also plan to have a 10
new child friendly spaces, so we are expanding our network. We have more
opportunities to open child friendly spaces that try to socialize children to
provide psychosocial support to the children. There are big needs for case
management because we have a lot of internally displaced people who had
problems even before displacement (difficult life circumstances etc). And
they are not able to overcome their difficult circumstances by themselves.
They need some help. And we can see that case management is the
service which will be necessary in each community, in each region.

Liliia Kalytiuk, Service for children’s affairs Dnipropetrovsk region,

Olena Zhadko, Services for children’s affairs Dnipropetrovsk region CP sub-cluster regional level CP sub-cluster,
Sometimes we don't know about all the organizations who work in our meetings in Dnipro to be regional CP authorities
region, we don't have information about them. Then we find out later that started
they have visited some locations, did some research, did some work,
provided some material assistance and support. But everything is to be
coordinated from one center in order to allocate. As for the case
management in our country, we have national standards for the provision of
such services. If representatives of NGOs provide the social services, first
of all, they need to know the national standards which are required by the
law of Ukraine and they have to provide high quality services or not to
provide poor services at all because one of our tasks is to avoid the harm.
We have a great concentration of  civil society organizations in big cities but
a lot of support is needed by the remote villages, the villages and districts
located near the frontline. It would be good to have a meeting with all the
organizations working in our region that we get to know each other with their
activities, so we can sign some memoranda or agreements on cooperation.

Oksana Grinchuk, NGORC

Our organization have launched with the help of Ukrainian humanitarian
Fund a training on prevention and response to sexual violence and Child
Exploitation, child abuse. The training is on the 30th of June.
Registration form is below:
Ukraine Child Protection Sub-cluster Meeting
Зустріч Кластеру захисту дітей

Kateryna Martynenko , CP Sub-cluster

We also have a Facebook group and it is called Child protection subcluster.
We have experts on child protection from different regions and cities.

Dmytro Lobanov, Foundation of Professional Development of Kharkiv

The foundation in partnership with UNICEF Ukraine and the Ministry of
Youth and Sports, implements the project of meeting points «Spilno». We
have launched our project in nine towns. We have 28 points already working
where children can get basic psychoemotional support. We plan to open a
location in Chernihiv and have several points in Zaporizhia.
As for the challenges, for us is to find partners in the regions who could
support our project. When we start work with partners, we invest a lot of
time and effort into the trainings. So if there is a possibility to organize some
professional support events, if it is possible to develop partners in the
regions because we can expect a lot from the partners in a small town while
their actual capacities do not meet our expectations and this is a problem,
we are trying to resolve it, but I believe that this is a general problem and we
need to consolidate our efforts.

Hanna Kalyta, SOS Children's Villages Ukraine

Our organization works with the children with alternative forms of care. I
would like to remind you that if you have foster families or family type
homes, you can refer them to us if they need relocation inside Ukraine or
abroad. Another option is that we provide cash support for foster families.
We provide cash support to those families who have more than 3 foster
children or adopted children. Another direction is working with wounded
children. Whether this is a foster family or biological family, we have very
deep case management on rehabilitation, psychological and medical

Please visit for more information:

Request for cash assistance
Ukraine Child Protection Sub-cluster Meeting
Зустріч Кластеру захисту дітей


Danylo Nosanov, NGO Airlight

The civil organization Airlight has been working since 2014, since the start
of the conflict, we work with the victims who have suffered.
As for the global project, Airlight is realizing the project of urgent
humanitarian support with Ukrainian Deminers Association. We are
expanding the individual urgent help. We provide assistance to buy food and
medicine and childcare products. We also provide food assistance for local
communities, for hospitals, healthcare facilities.
We provide evacuation services from dangerous areas. Also, one of our
tasks is to find people with special needs and provide humanitarian help,
consultations on individual protection, legal help, social assistance, social
support and help with the search for family members. With the support of
the Street child from the UK, we will launch a special project of education
during the emergencies, so we start with Zaporizhia region. We are trying to
prepare children and schools to the new academic year. Our main goals are
to provide children from 3 years old to 17 years old with access to
psychoemotional social support.

Oksana Fomenko, International Migration organization

The International Migration organization continues to provide services to
IDP's in 18 regions with the help of our partners civil organizations. Today I
would like to share a very important event with you in the Vinnitsa region
and this is a summer school for youth «Together towards success». We do
it for the displaced children. The participants find out about safe migration,
how to protect themselves from exploitation and abuse when they travel and
relocate. We also talk about cultural diversity, civil responsibilities, the youth
is working on their leadership and communication skills.

Yulia Solokha, Lumos Foundation

Lumos works in Zhitomyr region in two directions: helps children and
families in difficult life circumstances, in crisis situations, provides food,
hygienic products, school stationery. Lumos is also working with the local
authorities in Zhytomyr region in order to provide capacity building.
Foundation expands capacities of expert, of social workers of professionals.
Lumos is conducting trainings for professionals on different kind of topics.
Ukraine Child Protection Sub-cluster Meeting
Зустріч Кластеру захисту дітей

Provides advocacy in the field of child protection.

Valentyna Triukhan, NGO Posmishka UA

We continue to work in partnership with Save the Children. We are
implementing the project on child and youth friendly spaces. We work in 3
regions. There we have the static and mobile units, we cover the compact
settlement places and remote communities and village areas. We work with
children from 3 to 17 years old and with adults. We have parent groups on
positive parenting and psychoemotional support of parents. We also have
a logistic hub in Zaporizhia, in Kozak Palace, where we meet all the ID's.

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