Management: Is An Art of Getting Things Done

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is an art of getting things done

Prepared  by    :  SERIR  WALID  

# What is Management

# Management Functions

# Management Level

# The Manager
According to some researches the success of
organizations is almost always based on the quality of
their management
what is management ?
Why is that ?
Nature of Management
Is an art , science
Management Functions
Planning , Organizing , Directing , Controlling
should know in advance what is to be done
the process of bringing together physical, information , financial
and human resources
guide and oversee the performance of the workers to achieve
predetermined goals
ensuring that the divisional, departmental, sectional and individual
performances are consistent with the predetermined objectives and
Management Forms
Management Strategy , Management Operations
Management Levels
Top , Middle , Low
The Manager
is a person responsible for supervising and motivating employees
and for directing the progress of an organization.
Roles of Manager
10 Roles According to Henry Mintzberg
Role interpersonal
Communication , Lead , Figurehead
Role Informational
Monitor , Disseminator , Spokesperson
Role Decisional
Entrepreneur , Disturbance Handler , Resource Allocator , Negtiator
Managerial Skills
Conceptual Skills , Human Relations Skills , Technical Skills
Communication Skills , Leadership Skills , PS Skills , Decision Making
•  Haynese  and  Massie,  Management  Analysis,  Concepts  and  
Cases,  Pren;ce  Hall  of  India,  New  Delhi  1990,  p.  147.  
•  Duncan,  J.  1973,  Decision  Making  and  Social  Issues,  Hindale,  
III  :  Richard  D  Irwin.  Inc.  
•  J.R.  Bigg,  G.N.  Plants  and  L.F.  Miller,  Dynamics  of  Par;cipa;ve  
Groups,  M.O.  :  swiR  and  Co.,  1950.  

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