A Clinical Study On Ajamoda Churna Prayoga in Udavartini Yoni Vyapad W.S.R To Primary Dysmenorrhoea

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 6 Issue 3, March-April 2022 Available Online: www.ijtsrd.com e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

A Clinical Study on Ajamoda Churna Prayoga in

Udavartini Yoni Vyapad W.S.R to Primary Dysmenorrhoea
Dr. Soumya Manglure1, Dr. Shobha Nadagouda2, Dr. Satish Jalihal3, Dr. Laxmi Metri4
Assistant Professor, Department of Prasooti and Stree Roga,
Professor HOD, Department of PTSR,
Associate Professor, Department of PTSR,
Assistant Professor, Department of PTSR,
1, 2, 3, 4
S.V.M Ayurvedic Medical College, Ilkal, Karnataka, India

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Dr. Soumya

In present scenario women are maintaining personal and professional Manglure | Dr. Shobha Nadagouda | Dr.
life together. Because of more stress in routine life they are not able Satish Jalihal | Dr. Laxmi Metri "A
to take care of their health leading to many gynecological conditions. Clinical Study on Ajamoda Churna
Prayoga in Udavartini Yoni Vyapad
Udavartini yoni vyapad can be compared with the primary W.S.R to Primary Dysmenorrhoea"
dysmenorrhea according to modern science. Published in
International Journal
According to AcharyaCharaka, prakupitaapanavayu when of Trend in
getsvilomagati fills yoni pradesha with vayu. Due to this, there is Scientific Research
vedana. The person feels relief immediately following the discharge and Development
of menstrual blood. Dysmenorrhea meaning ‘PAINFUL (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-
MENSTRUATION’ is one of the major distressing factors in 6470, Volume-6 | IJTSRD49503
adolescent girls & women. Dysmenorrhoea is a complex symptom Issue-3, April 2022,
characterized by suprapubic cramps, lumbosacral backache, Pain pp.215-218, URL:
radiating from back down to anterior aspect of thigh which www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd49503.pdf
incapacitates her day to day activities.
Copyright © 2022 by author(s) and
Ajamodachurna - It has ushna, teekshna and shulaghna property. Due International Journal of Trend in
to above propety which does vatanulomana and helps in reducing the Scientific Research and Development
pain. As it is easily available, churna can be prepared easily. Journal. This is an
Open Access article
KEYWORDS: Udavartini yoni vyapad, Primary dysmenorrhoea, distributed under the
Ajamodachurna terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (CC BY 4.0) (http:

The woman`s health care is more important during month and immediate treatment, NSAIDs or one
reproductive age. In menstrual condition woman`s month hormonal treatment are available to reduces
physical and mental conditions are being changed the pain. But according to ayurveda to irradicate the
because of hormonal action. Because of busy disease, cause should be treated. So when we study
schedule woman is not able to take care of her health. the cause of udavartini yoni vyapad the
To reduce one of the gynecological condition, urdhwagatachalana of apanavata which restrict the
dysmenorrhea which effects on day to day activities movement of artava leads to painful menstruation..
of the women a study has been selected with an According to Ayurvedaagni, kosta play important role
Ayurvedic approach. Modern science contains in causing disease. To maintain these in normal
NSAIDs, hormonal therapy as line of treatment in condition ahara is important.
primary dysmenorrhoea. In one or other way they
have side effects so to avoid that and also to
1. To study and understand the concept of
implement the Ayurvedic treatment in dysmenorrhoea
Udavartini yoni vyapad W.S.R to Primary
this study is selected.
Usually the primary dysmenorrhoea is ignored by the 2. To study the effect of Ajamodachurna in Primary
people because of only one or two days pain in a dysmenorrhoea.

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD49503 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 3 | Mar-Apr 2022 Page 215
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
Case performa: Vikruti: Vata
Name: XYZ Sara: Medosara
Age: 18 years Satwa: Madhyama
Place: Ilkal Satmya: Madhyama
Samhana: Madhyama
Chief complaints:
Aharashakti: Avara
Patient c/o lower abdomen pain, lower back ache
Vyayamashakti: Madhyama
radiating to thighs since morning. Bleeding with
Pramana: Madhyama
Vayah: Madhyama
Associated symptoms: Nausea, vomiting, head ache
since morning. Samanyapariksha:
Pulse: 76 bpm
History of present illness: A patient of 18 year old, Blood pressure: 110/70 mmhg
c/o lower abdomen pain, lower back ache radiating to Temperature: 37.50c
thighs since morning. Pain abdomen during menstrual Height: 5.2”
period since menarche. She gradually developed the Weight: 58kgs
above said symptoms and has not taken any treatment Pallor: No
from anywhere. Now visited to R.P.K Ayurvedic Conjunctiva: Normal
hospital for treatment. Agni: Manda
Past history: Kosta: Krura.
No history of DM, HTN, TB Systemic examination:
Family history: RS: Bilateral airways are clear
Mother and father are healthy, no family member has CNS: Conscious and oriented
suffered from dysmenorrhea. CVS: S1 and S2 heard. No murmur sounds heard.

Vayaktikavruttanta: Local examination:

Diet: mixed P/A- Soft, lower abdomen pain
Sleep: Sound P/V-Bleeding with small clots
Bowel: Constipated P/S- Not done.(vergin)
Urine: clear, 5-6 times per day USG:
Habit: Habituated to tea. Uterus anteverted normal in size.
Menstrual history: LMP: 03/03/2018 Endometrium 7mm.
Age of Menarche: 14 years POD clear.
Interval of bleeding: 30 days Normal pelvic study.
Duration: 3-4 days LAB investigations:
Amount of bleeding: 2-4 pads/ day Hb%- 10.5gm%
Pain: +++ WBC: 3500cells/ cumm of blood
Clots: ++ Platelet count-2,55,000cu/mm
AstavidhaPariksha: HIV: -VE
Nadi: 76bpm HBs Ag: -VE
Mala: Constipated RBS: 88mg/dl
Mutra: Pale yellow Treatment given:
Jivha: Pinkish white Medicine given: Ajamoda churna
Shabda: Prakruta Dose: 10gm BD
Sparsha: prakruta Duration: 30 days
Drik: Prakruta Medicine given: From the first day of menstrual
Akriti: Madhyama cycle.
Dashavidhapariksha: Follow up: On the first day of next two consecutive
Prakriti: Vatakapha cycles.

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD49503 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 3 | Mar-Apr 2022 Page 216
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
Before treatment After treatment-1 After treatment-2
Vas grading G3 G2 G0

DISCUSSION: Cause of pain in udavartini yoni vyapad (primary

Dysmenorrhoea painful menstruation is common in dysmenorrhoea) are as follows,
reproductive age groups and it constitute more 1. Withholding the natural urges
number of visits to gynaecologist. Since sign and
2. Uterine hypoxia due to sudden fall in
symptoms as told in udavartini yoni vyapad and
progesterone levels that is because of vataprakopa
primary dysmenorrhoea, seem to be similar Hence we
increase of rukshata in garbhashaya.
took the primary dysmenorrhoea for the present
study. 3. Arrhythmic uterine contractions that is
vishamagati of vata.
The meaning of udavarta indicate upward movement
of vata that is obstructed at downward direction. 4. Release of prostaglandins from uterine muscles.
Expulsion of Artava is a function of Apanavayu gets There is sort of satisfaction and also pain reduction
obstructed because of vataprakopakanidanas near to occur after release of menstrual blood. Which tells us
the menstruation or the lady has complete frothy painful menstruation and arrhythmic
vatapradosha. Adolescent girls working woman and contraction of uterus during expulsion. This feature
students are mostly affected with udavartini yoni clearly indicate the presence of morbid apanavayu
vyapad because of night awakening, educational interference with the normal flow therefore
stress, night shifts and physical strain etc… These pathogenesis of dysmenorrhea include
conditions increases Apanavayu and above mentioned sthanikaapanavayudusti with no pelvic pathology. By
females withhold their urges for longer duration due using Ajamodachurna not only reduces dysmenorrhea
to which Apanavayu become morbid. also increases appetite and reduces constipation.
According to modern point spasmodic Ajamodachurna:
dysmenorrhoea and primary dysmenorrhoea are same. 1. It is not directly explained ajamoda helps in
Pain in spasmodic dysmenorrhoea is mainly due to udavartini.
inco-ordinate muscle action of uterus as a whole, pre
likely due to imbalance in autonomic nervous control 2. But its Vatanulomana property and shulaghna
of muscles is given maximum importance. Overactive property explained in Dhanwantarinighantu.Helps
sympathetic action lead to hypertonus of the circular in relieving the udavartini yoni vyapad.
fibres of isthamus and internal os, as well as irregular 3. As in the study we observed that majority of the
contractions of remaining muscle fibres of uterus. The patients suffering from constipation have the
menstrual blood normally going downwards is pushed primary dysmenorrhoea and acharyas also told
upwards due to hypretonisity or spasm of isthamus that the Apanavata moving in upward direction
and internal os. leads to pain during menstruation. So this

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD49503 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 3 | Mar-Apr 2022 Page 217
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
Ajamodachurna has vatanuloma property which But to prove this with greater confidence further
relieves constipation along with makes studies are to be conducted on this.
Apanavayu to move in downward direction. As the present paper is on a single case study trial
4. By these ushna,teekshna drugs the clots will in a large sample is required to generalize the
dilute. liquid flow will be there by this intensity outcome.
of pain reduces.
CONCLUSION: [1] Agnivesha, CharakSamhita,Charaka and
The main base for the treatment is Dridabala Revised, CharakaSamhita,
“Nidanaparivarjana”. It is givan more priority in Chakrapanidatta, Ayurveda dipika commentary,
ayurveda. Kashinathshastrividyotinihindi commentary,
UdavartiniYonivyapad(Dysmenorrhea), is a Dr. Gangasahayapandy edited Priyavat Sharma
common disorder having impact on both physical introduced Chaukambha SamsthanaVaranasi,
and mental status, there by affecting a woman’s edition Reprint 2012 part-II, 30/25,26 pg.no-
daily routine activities, characterized by painful 754.
[2] Susruta, SusrutaSamhita,Pro.K.R.Shrikanth
It is found more in young age & also working Murthy translated Chaukambaorientalia
women are more prone to have such symptoms. Varanasi 4th edition 2010 Uttarastana Vol-III
Pain abdomen & Nausea are common symptoms 38/9 pg.no.171.
in menstruation but if it becomes severe enough [3] Dr. D. C. Datta, Text book of Gynecology,
to cause physiological & biochemical effects then HiralalKonaredited, Jaypee brothers medical
there is need for treatment publishers,6th edition November 2013 pg.no-
Hence the study on Ajamodachurna has been used
for the Udavartini yoni vyapad. Which is found [4] Dhanwantarinighantu, Dr. S. D. Kamat
much effective on cause of the disease. There is commented Chaukambha Sanskrit pratisthana,
drastic improvement in signs ans symptom. published 2002 Shatapushpadiroga pg no - 183.

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD49503 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 3 | Mar-Apr 2022 Page 218

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