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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 6 Issue 3, March-April 2022 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

A Conceptual Study on Karnasrava W.S.R.

Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media
Dr. Yuvraj More1, Dr. Vinod Jadhav2, Dr. Santosh Pujari3
PG Scholar, 2Professor Guide and HOD, 3Assistant Professor, Co-Guide
1, 2, 3
Department of PG Studies in Shalakya Tantra, SVMAMC, Ilkal, Karnataka, India

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Dr. Yuvraj More

Karnasrava is a disease mentioned by Acharya Sushruta in the | Dr. Vinod Jadhav | Dr. Santosh Pujari
chapter of Karnaroga Vigyaniya under twenty eight Karnarogas. It is "A Conceptual Study on Karnasrava
the condition characterized by discharge from Karna and occurs W.S.R. Chronic Suppurative Otitis
mainly due to Avarana of Vata Dosha, Therefore karna Srava Media" Published in
International Journal
(CSOM) is the one of the most common complaint encountered in
of Trend in
clinical practice of ENT. Every year 60–300 million individuals with Scientific Research
draining ears, 50 -60% of whom (39–200 million) suffer from and Development
significant hearing impairment. (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-
On the basis of similarity between the etiological factors, symptoms, 6470, Volume-6 | IJTSRD49506
Issue-3, April 2022,
complications, prognosis, and treatment modalities tubotympanic
pp.232-234, URL:
type of CSOM can be correlated with Karna Srava . This disease can
be correlated to chronic suppurative otitis media C.S.O.M. on the
basis of sign and symptoms. CSOM is chronic infection of the middle Copyright © 2022 by author(s) and
ear and mastoid. It is characterised bya permanent perforation in International Journal of Trend in
Tympanic membrane. Any perforation which persist for more than 12 Scientific Research and Development
weeks is considered as permanent and leads to CSOM. Journal. This is an
Open Access article
and Perforation of Tympanic membrane seen in active mucosal COM distributed under the
can be compared with Yapya/Krichchha Sadhya, Twaka-Mamsa terms of the Creative Commons
Gata, and Pitta-Kaphaja Dushta Vrana. The treatment of this Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)
particular disease has never been satisfactory and therefore, a number (
of treatments were advised to relive this condition. Thus the study is
about understanding Karna srava in its depth which can be helpful in
managing the disease.
KEYWORDS: Karna srava, CSOM, Tympanic membrane, Avarana

INTRODUCTION Nirukthi of Karnasrava

Urdhvajatrugata (ENT) Roga is described very vastly "Karnasrava" word is made up of two words:
in classics. It is also a fact that systematic description 1. Karna which means the ear.
of Karanrogas1 are available in all the ancients 2. Srava which means flow, flowing, oozing,
treatises .In karnasrava discharge of pus from a Vata dropping, exudate or discharge. So
afflicted ear may result from head injury or due to Karnasrava literary means any type of oozing,
immersion in water or else due to suppuration of an discharge or exudates from ear.
abscess2. This disease can be correlated to chronic
suppurative otitis media, because of perforation of Nidana Pancaka of Karnasrava:
Tympanic membrane seen in active mucosal COM 1. Nidana ( Causes)
can be compared with Yapya/Krichchha Sadhya, 2. Purvarupa (Premonitory symptoms, prodromal)
Twaka-Mamsa Gata, and Pitta-Kaphaja Dushta 3. Rupa (Signs and symptoms, clinical features).
Vrana. Any perforation which persists for more than 4. Upashaya (Diagnostic tests).
12 weeks is considered as permanent and leads to 5. Samprapti (Process of manifestation
CSOM3. pathogenesis).

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD49506 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 3 | Mar-Apr 2022 Page 232
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
NIDANA 3. Karnakandu
Charaka Samhita 4. Mithya Yoga Shastrasya
Acharya Charaka has not mentioned any kind of Ashtanga Sangraha and Ashtanga Hridaya7
Nidana regarding Karnaroga but he has described Acharya Vagbhata has considered common Nidaana
Karna shoola, Badirya under Vataja vyadias and of Karnaroga as Nidaana of Karnasrava i.e.7
uttpatti of Karnaroga from Shiroroga in 1. Pratishyaya
Kiyantahshirasiyam adhyaya4. 2. Jalakrida
Sushruta Samhita 3. Karnakandu
According to Sushruta5 the Nidaana of Karnasrava 4. Mithyayogen Shabdasya (sound pollution)
1. Shiroabhigatha (Head injury) Acharya Madhavakara describes Purvarupa as
2. Jala Krida (Immersionin water)
expression of Rupa (Lakshanas) with less intensity
Yogaratnakara6 i.e. less intensity of sound in the ear, may be
Common causes of Karanrogas are considered as the Purvarupa of Lakshanas, therefore
1. Avasyava no specific purvroopa are found for Karnasrava in the
2. Jalakrida classical literature.
Karnasrava itself is the Rupa for this disease. The various characteristics of Srava according to involvement of
Dosha are mentioned by Acharya Charak in following table
Vatika Karnasrava Kaphaja Karnasrava
Tanusrava (thin discharge) Shukla-Snigdha Sruti (White and sticky)
Ashravana (Inability to hear Sthirata (stiffness)
Karnanaada (Tinnitus) Alpa Ruka (Dull pain)
Atiruka (Excessive pain) Visrutha (Defective hearing)
Karnamalasya Shosha (Drying of earwax) Kandu (Itching)
Samprapthi / Pathogenesis

Vata-kapha prakopaka Nidana Aagantuja Sirobhighata, Mithyayoga of sastra

Vata-kapha prakopa - Chaya prakopa Vata-kapha prakopaka -Achaya prakopa

Twak, Mamsa, Raktha dushti

Karna srava
Samprapti Ghatakas Rogamarga - Madhyama
Dosha - Vata Sanchara Sthana - Sarva Sharira (Vatavaha Nadi)
Dushya - Karnagata Siras, Rasa Vyakta Sthana - Karna
Shrotas - Shabdavaha Udhbhavasthana - Koshtha
Shroto dushti - Vimargagamana of Vata Prabheda - Vatika,kaphaja.
Adhishthana - Karna Lakshanas - Discharge of pus etc.

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD49506 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 3 | Mar-Apr 2022 Page 233
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Chikitsa: pramarjana, dhaavana, avachoornana and oral drug
Samanya Chikitsa9 therapy etc. The principles of Dushta Vrana Chikitsa
Acharya Sushruta described general treatment of ear can be adopted in treatment of Karnasrava.
disorders as Snehapana (Especially during night in
urdwajatru vyadis), Rasayana (rejuvenation therapy),
[1] Kaviraja Ambikadutta Shastri; Sushruta
maintaining celibacy (avoiding Sexual intercourse)
Samhita of Maharsi Susruta with the Ayurveda
avoidance of physical exercise and head bath, and not
tattva Sandipika hindi Commentary;
speaking too much.
Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan Varanasi,
Vishesha Chikitsa reprint 2010; Uttartantra.20/3, pg.No.111.
Acharya Sushruta mentioned some procedures in the
[2] Kaviraja Ambikadutta Shastri; Sushruta
treatment of Karnasraava which is shirovirechna,
Samhita of Maharsi Susruta with the Ayurveda
Dhupana with krimigna dravyas like varthaka,Lodra,
tattva Sandipika hindi Commentary;
Triphala, Nimba, Gugglulu,Dhavana with Triphala
Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan Varanasi,
kwatha. Pramarjana (Aragvadadikwatha,
reprint 2010; Uttartantra20/10, pg. No. 117.
Surasaadigana) Avachurnna ( Tankana Bhasma)10.
[3] Sakshi Arora Hans; Self-assessment & review
ENT; J.P. Brothers medical publishers (P)
CSOM (Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media) is the
Ltd.Seventh edition 2016; 07, pg.No. 95.
term given to the middle ear discharging problem in
the modern medical literature. Both Ayurveda and [4] Charaka Samhita with the Vidyotini Hindi
Modern science agrees unanimously that nose Commentary; Chaukhambha Bharati Academy
(Rhinitis) and nasopharynx are the main culprits for Varanasi, reprint: 2005 sutra sthana, 17/13, pg.
Karna Srava/CSOM. No. 332.
Due to the etiological factors which are of Vata - [5] Kaviraja Ambikadutta Shastri; Sushruta
Kapha provocative in nature, gradual vitiation of Samhita of Maharsi Susruta with the Ayurveda
Doshas will occur. After vitiation they get tattvaSandipika hindi Commentary;
accumulated (Sthaana samsraya) in the middle part Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan Varanasi,
of ear. On other hand, when Aagantuja Nidana likes reprint 2010; Uttartantra20/10, pg. No. 117.
water entry, scratching, head injury and itching leads [6] Vaidya Shrilaksmipati sastri, Yogratnakara,
to Achaya Purvaka Dosha Prakopa. These Dosha Vidyotini Hindi Commentary; Chaukhambha
causes Twaka and Mamsa Dhaatu Dushti which leads Bharati Academy Varanasi, reprint: 2009 karna
to formation of Vidradhi i.e. accumulation of pus rogadhikar pg. No. 309.
behind the TM in middle ear. When inflammation
occurs in Vidradhi it gets suppurated and causes [7] Astangahrdayam, edited by Dr.Brahmanand
serous\ to purulent discharge to come out from ear, Tripathi, Chaukhamba Sanskrit Pratishthan
according to the involvement of doshas. Now Prakashana, Delhi, uttarsthanam, 2009;
Vidradhi get converted into Vrana. The vitiated Vata 17/1,Pg.No.999.
will produce the symptoms like pain, tinnitus, hearing [8] Charaka Samhita with the Vidyotini Hindi
impairment and vitiated Kapha is responsible for the Commentary; Chaukhambha Bharati Academy
clinical features like itching, discharge, heaviness and Varanasi, reprint: 2005 chikitsa sthana, 26/127,
blockage. pg. No. 742.
Conclusion: [9] Kaviraja Ambikadutta Shastri; Sushruta
On the basis of similarity between the etiological Samhita of Maharsi Susruta with the Ayurveda
factors, symptoms, complications, prognosis, and tattva Sandipika hindi Commentary;
treatment modalities tubo tympanic type of CSOM Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan Varanasi,
can be correlated with Karna Srava. Samanya reprint 2010; Uttartantra 21/3, pg. No. 127.
chikitsa of Karna Roga, Rasayana, Ghrita Pana,
Avayayama, Bramchariya,Asnana etc. Specific [10] Kaviraja Ambikadutta Shastri; Sushruta
treatment of Karna Rogas–Nasya, karnapurana, Samhita of Maharsi Susruta with the Ayurveda
shirovirechan which is alleviating Vata Dosha along tattva Sandipika hindi Commentary;
with gives nourishment of nervous system. According Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan Varanasi,
to Acharya Sushruta, Karnasrava is treated by reprint 2010; Uttartantra 21/40, pg. No. 131.
shirovirechana (nasya), dhupana, poorana,

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD49506 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 3 | Mar-Apr 2022 Page 234

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