Quiz 1 Management - Villasor

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University of Cebu-Main Campus QUIZ 1B

College of Engineering Class Schedule: 3:00 – 5:00 M-F

ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT Instructor: Jericho C. Baruc, REE
Name: Andrew L. Villasor Date: July 19, 2022
Program & Year: BSEE – 4 Score: ___________________________

I. Answer/Discuss comprehensively your answer to the following questions/problems. Type your answers double-
spaced on short-size bond paper. Answer all items.

1. Why are engineers considered as important segment of the society?

Without engineers, humanity would still be living in an age before civilisation. Engineers are seen as significant

since they produced a society where everything is simple, cozy, and available. They created our roads, including

bridges and highways, constructed our infrastructure and buildings, provided electricity for our appliances,

developed machinery and engines, created medications for illnesses, and controlled traffic and water system

flow. Engineers ensure that society can sustain itself.

2. What are expected of engineers in general?

Engineers are typically required to perform their duties and tasks in accordance with their level of

specialization. Engineers are expected to use their understanding of mathematics, science, and engineering to

plan and carry out experiments as well as to evaluate and interpret data because they have earned a bachelor's

degree in those fields. Most importantly, they must serve the public responsibly and provide a secure

environment for them to remain in.

3. In what current concerns are engineering outputs needed?

Without a doubt, the results of engineering work aid in addressing the society's present issues and difficulties.

Engineering is required in the production of more food to feed a population that is rapidly expanding, in the

elimination of air and water pollution, in the solid waste disposal and materials recycling, in the reduction of

noise in various forms, in the provision of energy to meet rising demand for mobility, in the prevention and

resolution of crimes, and in the provision of communication facilities to meet rising demand.
4. In what areas are engineers currently involved?

Engineers are required in many fields because they offer solutions to the challenges that mankind faces.

Engineers are now employed in a wide range of professions, including research, design and development,

testing, manufacturing, construction, sales, consulting, government, teaching, and management.

5. How many organizations be classified according to engineering jobs performed?

Organizations can be categorized based on the level of engineering work they perform, such as Level One,

which includes businesses like retail, Level Two, which includes businesses like transportation, and Level

Three, which includes businesses with a high level of engineering work, such as construction firms.

6. Which organization level requires the highest management skills for engineer managers?

The Level Three organization includes those high engineering jobs, such as construction firms, and the engineer

managers need to function effectively and efficiently as they provide the greatest opportunity to become

president or general manager. As a result, the Level Three organization requires the highest management skills.

7. What is engineering management?

Engineering management is a skill that combines technical knowledge with the capacity to plan and coordinate

human labor, materials, equipment, and financial resources. It is a discipline concerned with organizing and

managing human and technological resources in order to accomplish a technological goal.

8. How may one defined management?

In order to achieve organizational goals and objectives, management is the process by which human activities

are coordinated and blended with other resources. An engineer may be tasked in engineering with overseeing

teams of individuals carrying out particular activities.

9. What qualifications must an engineer manager have?

A bachelor's degree in engineering from a respected university or other equivalent certification, a few years of

experience in a position requiring just engineering knowledge, supervision training, and specialized engineering

management training are some requirements for becoming an engineer manager.

10. How may one become a successful engineer manager?

According to Kreitner, if the prerequisites for achieving long-term success—ability, motivation to manage, and

opportunity to manage—are satisfied, one can succeed as an engineer manager.

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