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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 6 Issue 3, March-April 2022 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Actuality of Conversation Style in Teaching

Ahmadjonova Odina Anvarjon Qizi, Erkinova Maftuna
Student, Faculty of English Philology, Namangan State University, Uzbekistan

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Ahmadjonova

The interrelation between the strategical content of a Odina Anvarjon Qizi | Erkinova Maftuna
dialogAhmadjonova Odina Anvarjon qizi. Namangan davlat "Actuality of Conversation Style in
universiteti Ingliz filologiyasi fakulteti magistratura 2 bosqich Teaching" Published
talabasiue and the specific character of its grammatical, lexical and in International
Journal of Trend in
syntactic arrangement remains the most important question to be
Scientific Research
answered. The simulating of lingual interaction can be used in the and Development
process of creating new systems of conditionally communicative (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-
strategic exercises for teaching dialogue. This paper represents a 6470, Volume-6 | IJTSRD49535
study of the aspects of developing effective dialogic models with due Issue-3, April 2022,
consideration of their communicative structures in the process of pp.348-350, URL:
teaching a foreign language.

KEYWORDS: dialogical communication, lingual interaction Copyright © 2022 by author(s) and

simulation, com- municative tactics (approaches), communicative International Journal of Trend in
strategies, communicative structures of a dialogue Scientific Research and Development
Journal. This is an
Open Access article
distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)

The monologue predominance in the process of participation in a dialogue on a comprehensible topic

teaching a foreign language promotes poor and emotionally comfort conditions imply adequate
development of the skills of unrehearsed speech. Just acceptance of different conversational situations and
an unrehearsed dialogue is the basis for developing choosing familiar roles.
communicative competence.
Communication without any communication barrier
It is commonly believed that competence is a system is considered to be effective communication. The
of rules, which can generate an infinite number of creation of effective dialogical models facilitate
syntactic, phonological, and semantic structures. The clearing communication barriers and transferring
syntactic component, as one of the three main communication to more comfortable conversational
components of generative grammar, determines a set situation: vocabulary maximally understandable for a
of abstract objects, which include all information conversation partner is used, familiar conversation
necessary for the interpretation of a certain sentence. topics are implied. “Communicants' language
The phonological component determines a phonetic behaviour models depend both on their role in each
form of a sentence, and the semantic component certain act of conversation (verbal communication),
determines semantic interpretation. Therefore, using a and on the conditions and goals of such
language means the real use of a language, i.e. communication, as well as on certain constants such
competence in a certain situation. The communicative as any person's age, education, psychological make-
competence model of persons learning a language up, social status, national and cultural background,
includes “lingual, speech, strategic, sociocultural, etc.”. Under the conditions of multinational groups
conversational (discursive), social, pragmatic, and groups with mixed age communication success or
intellectual, and personal competence”. The necessity unsuccess (failure) in many respects depends on
of forming communicative competence for using a approaches and strategies chosen by communicants.
foreign language in different fields of human activity
According to E.K. Kliuyev, a communicative strategy
conditions the attention paid by teachers and
is “a part of communicative behaviour or
researchers to a dialogue as the most common
communicative interaction, in which a range of
phenomenon of oral speech. Communicants'

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD49535 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 3 | Mar-Apr 2022 Page 348
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
different verbal and nonverbal means is used for The comprehension of a dialogue as the most
achieving a communicative goal, and is a strategic common oral speech phenomenon reflecting all the
result, at which a communication act is aimed”. V.B. regularities of the communication process as a whole
Kashkin defines a strategy as a general framework, is typical for present-day studies and researches. The
behaviour outline, “which can include also deviation consideration of communication as the interaction of
from a goal in certain steps”. Many strategies are subjects performed by means of sign vehicles and
ritualized, turn into conversational conventions losing targeted at significant change of the condition,
their “specific qualities” and informational value”, behaviour, and personal and semantic formations of
and a tactics (an approach) as “a combination of partners defines the main goal of dialogical speech as
practical actions in a real process of talk exchange exercising some or other influence over a dialogue
(speech interaction). A communicative tactics is a partner. “Utterances of a dialogue at the
smaller scale of the communication process in psychological and relatively easy-to-observe level are
comparison with a communicative strategy. It is oriented against each other. They correlate as a
relevant not to a communicative goal, but to a set of stimulus and reaction”. If a communicant upsets the
certain communicative intentions”. Therefore, a right correlation, he/she causes relevant reaction of
communicative strategy is a way of achieving the other dialogue partner. The high significance of
communicative goals, and a communicative tactics strategies in learning and teaching dialogical speech
consists of practical actions and communicative is conditioned just by this factor.
intentions. A dialogue as the most important phenomenon of
From the perspective of psychology the analysis of unrehearsed oral speech is characterized by its
dialogical speech shall be based on the spontaneity. That is why dialogical speech has a lot of
comprehension of interaction subjects as compensation strategies and hesitation pauses
intersubjectivity dynamics, i.e. as a process of allowing a speaker considering further re-planning of
development of relations between certain subjects, his / her speech in case of any unexpected reaction of
forming of their assessment, emotions, values and a dialogue partner. Active application of
purposes under mutual influence in the process of compensation strategies makes a dialogue less
dialogic communication. “An utterance (as a lexically exact. The availability of speech mistakes,
conversational integral unit) cannot be recognized as short sentences, dividing sentences into several
a unit of the last, top level of the language structure communication units are typical for a dialogue. L.P.
(above the level of syntax), because it is a part of Yakubinsky notes that a dialogue is characterized not
fundamentally different relations (dialogic relations) only by interchange of communicants' speech, but
incomparable with the linguistic relations of other also by interruption of a dialogue partner, which is a
levels...”. “Dialogic relations between utterances... characteristic of a emotionally charged dialogue.
belong to metalinguistics. They are disparate to any According to him, “in some respects we can say that
other possible linguistic relations of different just alternate interruption is typical for a dialogue in
elements both in the language system, and in a general”.
separate utterance”. When using incentives, communicants will be forced
Intentional models of a dialogue represent interaction to combine grammatical and lexical units in the mode
as a process targeted at the implementation of a plan, of continuous speech interaction continuously. At
partners intentions, and achieving goal, and various stages of teaching, the topics of dialogues and
informational models outline a concept of interaction drivers incentives will be changed and will become
as a process of information interchange between the more complex: from elementary everyday topics to
participants of a dialogue. More specific models of a scientific discussions.
dialogue represent separate stages of verbal The consideration of the content of dialogical
interaction (start, the process itself , completion, structures allows us drawing the following
assessment, change or influence, taking a decision). conclusions.
A dialogue as a form of speech has a range of specific 1. Communication strategies used by a
features, such as communicant are closely related to his / her
1. substantial number of etiquette formulae, communicative role as a leader or a responder.
stereotypes, and set phrases; 2. There is a number of behavioral positions, which
2. unexpanded replication (reduced utterances); are typical only for one of the roles, to which
3. situational conditionality; specific sets of communicative strategies
4. proximity to internal speech by structural correspond. In the process of teaching the
characteristics, etc.

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD49535 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 3 | Mar-Apr 2022 Page 349
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
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@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD49535 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 3 | Mar-Apr 2022 Page 350

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