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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 6 Issue 3, March-April 2022 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

On the Rheological Model of Asphalt Concrete

H. Jumaev
Tashkent State Transport University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: H. Jumaev "On

Since asphalt concrete exhibits elastic, plastic, and viscous properties the Rheological Model of Asphalt
in response to changes in temperature and external influences, Concrete" Published
establishing a relation-ship between stress and deformation is an in International
important issue. The study of the elastic and viscosity properties of Journal of Trend in
Scientific Research
physical bodies began in 1868 with the introduction of the con-cept
and Development
of relaxation by Maxwell. In 1890, Kelvin introduced the concept of (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-
retardation (subsequent effect). Different models have been proposed 6470, Volume-6 | IJTSRD49553
to establish the above-men-tioned relationship. Models such as Issue-3, April 2022,
Maxwell, Kelvin, Jeffries, Lesersich, Bingham, Burgers, Shvedov, pp.418-420, URL:
Hutchek, and Crassus have been proposed. Despite the large num-ber
of models offered, they are based on and are a combination of Hooke,
Newton, and Saint-Venan models for elastic, viscous, and plastic Copyright © 2022 by author(s) and
bodies. International Journal of Trend in
Scientific Research and Development
Journal. This is an
Open Access article
distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)

The Maxwell model consisted of the sum of the the central part of the flow is not deformed and moves
Hooke and Newton models (Fig-ure 1). The Maxwell like a solid, only a certain annular layer adjacent to
model did not take retardation (delay of deformation) the pipe walls is deformed.
into acco-unt when considering relaxation. In the
The description of complex mechanical properties of
Kelvin-Foyxt model (Figure 2), relaxation is not
materials requires the use of mul-tie-lement models
observed [2]. Similarly, the advantages and
characterized by a large number of parameters. The models
disadvantages of the remaining mo-dels can be
discussed in

Fig.2. Kelvin- Fig.3.Lesersich
Foyxt model model.
In 1874, a general linear connection was proposed by Fig.4. Fig. 5.
L.Boltzmann, and all the models shown were
described by L. Boltzmann. It can be obtained as a the previous paragraphs contained two parameters (Е, σsor
special case of the Boltzmann’s connection [4]. Е, µ or σs , µ). The model shown in Fig. 4. contains three
The movement of a viscoplastic medium is parameters E1 Е2, µ1. The deformation law of such a
characterized by peculiar features. Thus, when a medium can be obtained as follows: we write the
viscoplastic medium is pushed through a round pipe, deformation laws of simple elements I, II, III.

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD49553 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 3 | Mar-Apr 2022 Page 418
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
dε 2 moment τ. Thus, at the moment t> τ the deformation
σ s = Eε 1 ,σ 2 = µ1 ,σ 3 = Eε 3 (1) will have the value
and conditions of equilibrium and continuity
ϕ (t − τ )σ (τ )∆τ (4)
σ 1 + σ 2 = σ ,σ 3 = σ , ε 1 + ε 3 = ε , ε 1 = ε 2 (2) where φ(t-τ) is a monotonically decreasing function
characteristic of a given material .
From here we easily find:
If, in addition, at the moment t the stress σ (τ) acts on
dε  E  µ dε the body, then the latter, according to Hooke's law,
E1ε + µ1 = 1 + 1 σ + 1 . (3)
dt  E 2  E 2 dt will cause instant deformation; total deformation at
time t has the form:
An example of a model with four parameters Е1, Е2 ,
σ (t )
µ1 , µ2 is shown in Fig.5. An example of a 2n- ε (t ) = + ϕ (t − τ )σ (τ )∆τ . (5)
parametric model is shown in Fig.6. E
With a large number of elements of the same type, it By virtue of the superposition principle, the influence
is convenient to switch to a model with a continuous of the stress σ (τ) acting at the moment τ is not
distribution of parameters; deformation of such a disturbed by the stresses applied at other moments of
model will be defined by some integral. time. There-fore, if stresses σ (τj) acted at different
times τj during time intervals ∆τj, then the de-
formation at time t is determined by the sum
σ (t )
ε (t ) = + ∑ ϕ (t − τ j )σ (τ j )∆τ j (6)
Today, the above-mentioned complex properties of
asphalt concrete are almost taken into account in the
Boguslavsky model (Fig. 8), which generalizes the
Maxwell (Fig.1), Kelvin-Foyхt model (Fig.2),
Lesersich (Fig.3), and Burgers (Fig.7) models [3].
In the Boguslavsky model, the differential equation
Fig.6. between the stress and deformation formed in asphalt
concrete takes the following form [2]:
The properties of many real materials cannot be
satisfactorily described using the considered models, d 2ε d ε dσ
even with the introduction of a significant number of
θτ Е 2 + ( 2η + τ Е ) + ε Е = θ + σ (7)
dt dt dt
parameters. On the other hand, the use of complex
multielement models is associated with the The solution of this equation concerning eating a
cumbersomeness of the mathematical apparatus. single load is as follows.
A compact form of the general linear law of
deformation was proposed by L. Boltzmann. This law
is based on the principle of superposition of
Let the stress σ (τ) be applied to the body at the
moment of time τ during a small time interval ∆τ; the
latter caused some deformation, which, when the
stress is removed, will not disappear immediately, but
will gradually decrease. Let us assume that this
deformation at an arbitrary moment t> τ is
proportional to the magnitude of the acting stress σ Fig.7. Burgers
Fig. 8. Generalized model.
(τ), the duration of the action ∆τ, and some decreasing model.
function depending on the time elapsed since the

(1 + Р1θ ) Р2 σ −Р t σ  (1 + P2θ ) P1 −P t  σt
ε Д = ε ЭК + ε П = ⋅ е + 1 +
e + , 2
( Р1 − Р2 ) Е Е P1 − P2  η

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD49553 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 3 | Mar-Apr 2022 Page 419
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
The quantities involved in this equation and their After unloading
units of measurement are as follows: 2t i=n 0.5λ
Р1 and Р2 - kinetic characteristics of asphalt
ε 0Д ∑ = r (1 − e τ ) T1
2Е i =0
(0,5 e ∑ θ )i +
concrete, 1 / c; ) −0 ,5
К rστ ' e − (τ
(1 - ) (13)
θ + 0,5τ θ + 0,5τ 2 1 (9) η
Р1 , Р2 = − ± ( ) −
θτ θτ θτ This is the denominator under the sum sign in the
θ - relaxation time, с; σ - stress, Mpa; τ - 0 .5 λ

retardation time, с; t - stress expo-sure time, с; η − equation 0,5 e θ < 1 is a geo-metric progression.
Use the formula for the sum of the steps, instead (12)
viscosity coefficient n.s / cm2; ε П - plastic we create an equation
deformation; ε ЭК - elastic- viscous part of 2t 0.5λ
К σ n−1 К στ '
deformation; ε Д − total deformation; E- modulus of εД∑ = r (1 − e τ )T (0,5e ) − 1 + r
2Е 1 0.5λ η
elasticity, Мпа ; e- natural logarithm basis. 0,5e θ − 1

e − (τ ) −0 , 5
The relative deformation after multiple loads is
determined as follows [3]: - ) (14)
To verify this equation, a sample (similar to practical
ε Д∑ К rσ −P t
i = n −1
− Pλ i
= (0,5 − e ) T1 ∑ ( 0,5 e ) +2 1 experiments) was calcula-ted by taking the problem.
Е i =0 τ = 46 c , θ = 4000c; Р1 = 0,003; E = 70 МПа ;
К rστ (1 - e − (τ
' ' −0 ,5
) Р2
) (10)
η σ = 0 ,8 Мпа; η = 280000 МПа ⋅ с ; t= 0,05c
К r - coefficient of reduction of vertical stress to (speed 30km / h); К r = 0,3 ; n=40/соат ;
horizontal stress, Т1 - the number of loads of imported λ = 60 с ; m1 =2; m2 =124; T1 = 50 ; τ ' = 100
vehicles, Т1= К0КП т1 m2 , п- the number of
in values, after some simplification, the numerical
downloads per hour, т1- coating temperature 500С
expression of (12) is equal to:
and the number of hours per day that are higher, m2 -
coating temperature in three years 500С and the εД∑
number of days higher, К0 - co-efficient taking into 0.1 3 3
account the number of arrows, КП - a factor that takes 0.24 39
= (1 − 46
e ) ∑[( 0,5 e 400 )0+…+(0,5 e 400 )39]
into account the width of the pavement and the 140 i =0
location of the plot. λ - rest duration between −
τ ' - total duration of downloads,
downloads, + (1 - e )= 0,00172 (15)
τ ' = tnT1 After unloading according to(13),
ε 0Д ∑ =0,00078+0,00002=0,0008.
Р1, Р2 are the kinetic characteristics of the
deformation process (9) spreading the equation to The calculations using the equation (14) overlapped
Taylor's row, dropping infinitely small terms, we with the results of the equ-ation in which the sum was
obtain the following. involved.

Р1 = −
0 ,5 2
, Р2 = − , and Р1/ Р2 =0,25 / (11) τ θ References:
θ τ [1] L.B. Gezentsvey et al. Dorojniy asfaltobeton.
The result (10) looks like this: M. «Transport», 1976. 336s.
[2] A.M. Boguslavskiy, L.A. Boguslavskiy. Basic
К rσ i =n −1
rheology of asphalt concrete. M. "High
εД∑ = (1 − e τ ) T1 ∑ (0,5 e θ )i + School" 1972. 200s.
2Е i =0
[3] L.B. Gezentsvey et al. Dorojniy
К r στ ' − (τ ' ) − 0 , 5
(1 - e ) (12) asfaltobeton.M. «Transport», 1985. 352s.
η [4] L. M. Kachanov. Osnovy teoriya plastichnosti.
M. GITTL.1986. 324 s.

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD49553 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 3 | Mar-Apr 2022 Page 420

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