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To begin, the EPA regulates the distribution, production, processing, and use of chemicals and other

pollutants. In addition to regulating the safe disposal of chemicals and hazardous waste, this
organization investigates and prosecutes criminal activity related to the environment. Last but not least,
it is tasked with keeping an eye on programs that promote energy efficiency, environmental protection,
sustainable growth, pollution prevention, and the quality of the air and water. To wit: (Hughes &
Culpepper, 2000).

Legislation to reduce air pollution. It's a law that establishes the EPA's mandate to preserve and enhance
the quality of America's air and the ozone layer above it.

The Water Quality Act, in short. It establishes a foundation for governing the quality of surface water
and the discharge of pollutants into the aquatic environment in the United States.

Protecting Drinking Water Act. In the United States, it was created to safeguard the purity of drinking

Some groups and individuals are opposed to the rules because they fear the economy would suffer as a
result of the restrictions placed on the production of traditional carbon-emitting fuels.

Issues with recalled goods. There may be product recalls after the product has been widely distributed
due to unforeseen issues. There have been drug recalls. If a drug is thought to pose a risk to consumers,
it may be pulled from shelves. Concerns about recalled foods. It occurs when there is concern that
consuming a certain food product may make people sick, prompting its producer to pull it from shelves.
Recalled products. If a product develops a flaw, it may be subject to a recall. Removal of Implants. This
occurs when a medical gadget requires fine-tuning, maintenance, or inspection. Specifically,
(Zuckerman, Brown, & Nissen, 2011). Acella Pharmaceuticals declared a voluntary recall of NP Thyroid
on April 30th, 2021, due to low potency.

In order to ensure and improve the quality of higher education institutions and their programs,
accreditation was developed as an external quality assurance method. The term "certification" refers to
an independent validation of one's expertise in a given field. Both TEAC and NCCA are accrediting and
certifying bodies. (Cottrell, et al., 2009) Accreditation is one way to tell if a service provider is up to par
in terms of quality. Accreditation helps people advance in their chosen fields. (Eaton, 2009).

R. R. Cottrell, L. Lysoby, L. King, C. O. Airhihenbuwa, K. M. Roe, and J. P. Allegrante (2009). Research on

Quality Assurance Systems in the United States with an Emphasis on Health Promotion and Health
Education Accreditation and Certification Trends. It was published in the journal Health Education &
Behavior, volume 36, issue 3, pages 451-463.

Accreditation in the United States, Eaton, J. S. (2009). 2009(145) New Trends in Higher Education, pp.

Tong J. Hughes & Brian T. Culpepper (2000). HOW THE U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY
DOES QUALITY ASSURANCE. The Seventh Annual International Conference on Quality Improvement,

Brown, P., S. E. Nissen, & D. M. Zuckerman (2011). Procedures for Recalling and Approving Medical
Devices by the Food and Drug Administration. Journal of the American Medical Association 171 (11).

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