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Consideration of one's own outlook and professional conduct

The way you feel about your job can have a significant impact on the quality of your professional
relationships, the quantity of work you produce, and the level of success you achieve overall. Most
people will have to deal with coworkers who they perceive to be unqualified or unprofessional at some
point in their careers. They whine about their jobs, spread rumors about coworkers, criticize their
managers, and disregard their schedules. Possessing a professional demeanor is essential, even if you
despise your job, because it demonstrates to your superiors, coworkers, and clients that you take what
you do seriously. A more productive workplace, a more attractive worker, and more job satisfaction are
all possible outcomes of keeping a professional and upbeat demeanor at all times. Establishing and
maintaining a professional demeanor in the workplace is a surefire way to gain the respect of coworkers
and superiors, both of which are crucial for climbing the corporate ladder. A polished presentation
demonstrates to clients that we value you, our work, and your business. Doing a good job is one of the
best ways to make a name for oneself. Be on time, stay out of other people's way, take part in group
initiatives, help out your coworkers, and don't be a time-waster. Don't be afraid to own up to and fix
your mistakes. Customers deserve your respect, and your work deserves your pride. Volunteering,
representing your firm in public, commercial, and community organizations, and giving public praise for
your company are all great ways to boost your professional reputation.

The effect of my improved attitude and conduct on me

With a more positive outlook, I can speed up my progress and perhaps enhance my health. Because a
positive outlook helps one keep up one's energy levels, this will increase my output. I am not going to
change who I am or how I operate, even if I am having a bad day at the office. My productivity, output,
and the overall quality of our products will all benefit from my adopting a more upbeat outlook on the
workplace, and the energy and enthusiasm of our team as a whole will also increase.

My strategy for addressing challenges and expanding upon my strengths

To bolster what I already have Even if it takes me a little while of introspection, I will figure out what I'm
here for. Fortifying my weaknesses with this will be a great aid. The first step in solving problems is
recognizing that there is a problem.


The Prosperous Occupational Therapy Fieldwork Student, Edited by Karen Sladyk, Slack, 2002.

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