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Data File C:\Chem32\1\Data\acetaminofen\02julio20220010.

Sample Name: 10ppm

Acq. Operator : SYSTEM Seq. Line : 10
Acq. Instrument : LC1100-UV Location : 10
Injection Date : 7/2/2022 11:17:40 AM Inj : 1
Inj Volume : Manually
Sequence File : C:\Chem32\1\TEMP\AESEQ\PS_02.07.2022_11.17.19\acetaminofen.S
Acq. Method : C:\CHEM32\1\METHODS\acetaminofen.M
Last changed : 7/2/2022 11:12:39 AM by SYSTEM
Analysis Method : C:\CHEM32\1\METHODS\acetaminofen.M
Last changed : 7/2/2022 11:20:56 AM by SYSTEM
(recalibrated in sequence after loading)
VWD1 A, Wavelength=243 nm (acetaminofen\02julio20220010.D)







0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 min

Calibration Table (after recalibration)

Calib. Data Modified : Saturday, July 02, 2022 11:20:56 AM

Level 3 calibrated: Average Response Factors of all calibrations,

Floating Average of Retention Times, New 75%

Signal 1: VWD1 A, Wavelength=243 nm

RetTime Lvl Amount Area Amt/Area Ref Grp Name

[min] Sig [ng/ul]
2.204 1 1 2.00000 2150.72292 9.29920e-4 ACETAMINOFEN
3 7.60000 8329.14886 9.12458e-4
4 10.40000 8922.50464 1.16559e-3
5 13.20000 1.15674e4 1.14114e-3
6 16.00000 2355.56274 6.79243e-3

Rel. Reference Window : 15.000 %

Abs. Reference Window : 0.000 min

LC1100-UV 7/2/2022 11:20:56 AM SYSTEM Page 1 of 2

Data File C:\Chem32\1\Data\acetaminofen\02julio20220010.D
Sample Name: 10ppm

Rel. Non-ref. Window : 10.000 %

Abs. Non-ref. Window : 0.000 min
Uncalibrated Peaks : not reported
Partial Calibration : Yes, identified peaks are recalibrated
Correct All Ret. Times: No, only for identified peaks

Curve Type : Linear

Origin : Included
Weight : Equal

External Standard Report (after recalibration)

Sorted By : Signal
Calib. Data Modified : Saturday, July 02, 2022 11:20:56 AM
Multiplier : 1.0000
Dilution : 1.0000
Do not use Multiplier & Dilution Factor with ISTDs

Signal 1: VWD1 A, Wavelength=243 nm

RetTime Type Area Amt/Area Amount Grp Name

[min] [mAU*s] [ng/ul]
2.206 BBA 1.42934e4 2.12549e-3 30.38057 ACETAMINOFEN

Totals : 30.38057

*** End of Report ***

LC1100-UV 7/2/2022 11:20:56 AM SYSTEM Page 2 of 2

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