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: TOPIC: Futuristic technology that can change the world

TEACHER: Lic. Debora Roxana.

MODULE: English Phrases Constrution

STUDENT: María José Granillo Guardado.


DIE DATE: Monday, November 22th 2021.

SAN SALVADOR November 2021


Scientists and engineers are redesigning technology for the future and the world
around us is getting closer and closer to the future we see in science fiction movies,
albeit in short steps of course. We have not realized that what we have experienced
in recent years has increased the rate of progress enormously, forcing us to change
our customs, our way of thinking and acting, to evolve as a person, thus giving
amazing discoveries and changes in such broad fields. such as computing,
medicine, communications and materials science, even discovering others such as
biotechnology, biological engineering, genetics etc.
Artificial eyes

Bionic eyes have been a mainstay of science fiction for decades, but now real-world
research is beginning to catch up with far-sighted storytellers. A raft of technologies
is coming to market that restore sight to people with different kinds of vision

In January 2021, Israeli surgeons implanted the world’s first artificial cornea into a
bilaterally blind, 78-year-old man. When his bandages were removed, the patient
could read and recognise family members immediately. The implant also fuses
naturally to human tissue without the recipient’s body rejecting it.

Likewise in 2020, Belgian scientists developed an artificial iris fitted to smart contact
lenses that correct a number of vision disorders. And scientists are even working on
wireless brain implants that bypass the eyes altogether.

Researchers at Montash University in Australia are working on trials for a system

whereby users wear a pair of glasses fitted with a camera. This sends data directly
to the implant, which sits on the surface of the brain and gives the user a rudimentary
sense of sight.

With this technology, there would be no need to obtain a human eye from a
compatible donor to cure vision disorders, a process that is time-consuming and
complicated, so if this is omitted and it is expanded and commercialized for the reach
of all This technology would reduce the number of people with eye disorders in the
world, quickly and efficiently with better success rates.

Energy storing bricks

Scientists have found a way to store energy in the red bricks that are used to build
Researchers led by Washington University in St Louis, in Missouri, US, have
developed a method that can turn the cheap and widely available building material
into “smart bricks” that can store energy like a battery.

Although the research is still in the proof-of-

concept stage, the scientists claim that
walls made of these bricks “could store a
substantial amount of energy” and can “be
recharged hundreds of thousands of times
within an hour”.

Red brick device developed by chemists at

Washington University in St. Louis lights up
a green light-emitting diode © D’Arcy laboratory/ Washington University in St. Louis

The researchers developed a method to convert red bricks into a type of energy
storage device called a supercapacitor.

This involved putting a conducting coating, known as Pedot, onto brick samples,
which then seeped through the fired bricks’ porous structure, converting them into
“energy storing electrodes”.

Iron oxide, which is the red pigment in the bricks, helped with the process, the
researchers said.

With this technology, it would be possible to see the possibilities to make

energetically autonomous and self-sustaining houses which could be at low costs
and there will be the possibility of being able to bring electrical energy to rural and
remote areas.
Artificial neurons on silicon chips

One of the artificial

neurons in its protective
casing on a fingertip ©
University of Bath/PA

Scientists have found a

way to attach artificial
neurons onto silicon
chips, mimicking the
neurons in our nervous
system and copying their electrical properties.

“Until now neurons have been like black boxes, but we have managed to open the
black box and peer inside,” said Professor Alain Noga ret, from the University of
Bath, who led the project.

“Our work is paradigm-changing because it provides a robust method to reproduce

the electrical properties of real neurons in minute detail.

“But it’s wider than that, because our neurons only need 140 nanowatts of power.
That’s a billionth the power requirement of a microprocessor, which other attempts
to make synthetic neurons have used.

With this technology researchers hope their work could be used in medical implants
to treat conditions such as heart failure and Alzheimer’s as it requires so little power.
My predictions about what the future will be like in 10
1. A good part of the elderly population will decide to place the artificial neurons,
in order to avoid the brain and heart diseases that come with old age or can be
hereditary such as Alzheimer's or hypertension and thus externder their
average life span.

2. Bionic implants will be the most common treatment among the population for
their ailments, as it could become a long-term investment because it would
reduce medical costs as if it were treated in the traditional way.

3. Entertainment technology will reach such a point that it will be common and
more possible among the population to have virtual and augmented reality
devices that open the door to another type of social interaction, and there may
be less social contact.

4. There will be fewer areas without electricity, internet and drinking water, as
there will be better ways to get electricity and drinking water to the most rural
and remote areas as well as the internet that with situations such as the
pandemic have made it a necessity, for therefore the internet and the devices
that use it will be present even in the most remote areas.

5. 3D printers could fall at the price of today's printers, becoming more common
among the population and being more accessible to domestic use and the
use of them in different areas will be more common from the creation of spare
parts to food printed with 3D printers. .
In conclusion, technology in the coming years will have great advances and will be
a more indispensable tool in many fields, such as in the medical field, through
biotechnology and bionic implants that will allow us to replace damaged organs
and missing parts, we can improve quality. and average life span of the population.

At the same time, it will also allow us to find new ways of interacting with people
without geographical limits thanks to virtual and augmented reality that will allow us
to connect more with people far from us, but also reducing real interaction with
Tecnología, F. (2021). Tecnología del futuro: 22 ideas a punto de cambiar nuestro
mundo. Consultado el 22 de noviembre de 2021 en
Fernández, Y. (2021). Qué es el Metaverso, qué posibilidades ofrece y cuándo
será real. Recuperado el 22 de noviembre de 2021, de
Secciones, Minuto, Internacional, Política, Sociedad, & Deportes et al. (2021).
Metaverso: Los otros gigantes tecnológicos que hay detrás de este nuevo mundo
virtual, además de Facebook. Consultado el 22 de noviembre de 2021 en
metaverso-pmv.html#:~:text=El%20metaverso%20es%20un%20mundo,este %
20concepto% 20de% 20realidad% 20alternativa.
Biónica - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre. (2021). Consultado el 22 de noviembre
de 2021 en
C3%B3nica%20significa%20la,de%20cerca%2C % 20o% 20incluso%

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