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Centrul Cultural IONEL PERLEA Consiliul Județean Ialomița Asociația SUONARTE

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Centrul Cultural IONEL PERLEA Consiliul Județean Ialomița Asociația SUONARTE

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July, 20-27, 2022

Conductor: Maestro DUMITRU GOIA

Europe Concert Hall – Ionel Perlea Cultural Center, Slobozia – Romania


Ionel Perlea Cultural Center, SUONARTE Cultural Association and Conducting Teacher Dumitru
Goia offer an intensive week-long course in Opera Conducting

Limited to maximum 12 active participants and 12 passive participants, the masterclass guarantees
each participant 90 minutes of orchestra podium exposure, including public performance, in
addition to 105 minutes of conducting practicum with piano duo, and extensive score study. The
masterclass provides a unique opportunity to study and conduct one of the greatest Mozart’s operas
– DON GIOVANNI. The course provides a great opportunity to not only work with an orchestra,
choir, soloists and teacher, but also to produce professional-quality videos, in rehearsal and concert.
The program will be able to accommodate aspiring and practicing conductors at all stages of


Trained at the esteemed Sankt Petersburg Conservatory, Mr. Goia represents the Russian tradition of
conducting that includes Nicolai Malko and Evgeny Mravinsky, one of the best conducting schools
in the world. Dumitru Goia was part of an exceptional group of graduates of this school, which
included Valeri Gherghiev, Yuri Simonov or Yuri Temirkanov


The city of Slobozia is situated 120 km east of Bucharest, the capital of Romania, and 150 km west
of Constanța, an important port at the Black Sea

Centrul Cultural IONEL PERLEA Consiliul Județean Ialomița Asociația SUONARTE

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Don Giovanni by W.A. Mozart (full opera performance

Participants have the opportunity to rehearse the entire opera. Maestro Dumitru Goia will make
nal assignments for the performance


The duration of each rehearsal is 3 hours (180 min.) + 2 breaks of 15 min. The masterclass
guarantees each participant minimum 90 minutes of orchestra podium exposure, including public
performance, in addition to 105 minutes of conducting practicum with piano duo, and extensive
score study

• July 20, 2022 — Arrival in Slobozia, Romania

• July 21– 23, 2022 — Piano Sessions and Score Study: daily 3-hr sessions with piano duo between
11:00 – 14:30 and 18:00 – 21:30; additional score study and optional technique sessions

• July 24, 2022 — Orchestra Session between 11:00 – 14:30 and Piano Sessions and Score Study
between 18:00 – 21:30

• July 25, 2022 — Orchestra Sessions between 11:00 – 14:30 and 18:00 – 21:30 with orchestra,
soloists and choir

• July 26, 2022 — Orchestra Session with soloists and choir/ Dress Rehearsal between 11:00 –

• July 27, 2022 — Orchestra Sessions between 11:00 – 14:30 (if necessary) and Public performance
starting from 19:00. All active participants will receive video and audio recordings (raw or edited)
from front and back, as well as a large publicity poste

• July 28, 2022 — Departure


This masterclass is open to all conductors. There is no upper age limit. Applicants of varying levels
of training and experience will be considered. A maximum of 12 active applicants and 12 passive
applicants will be selected to participate

Centrul Cultural IONEL PERLEA Consiliul Județean Ialomița Asociația SUONARTE

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Complete application form here

The application documents to be send uploaded for each participant are

– a short curriculum vita

– a copy of an identity documen

– a recent phot

– a proof of payment of the registration fe

All documents must be sent at: of ce@suonarte.r

Applications will be accepted until July 10, 202

Important: The application for active participants requires a recent video recording with a length of
maximum 10 minutes which shows the applicant working as a conductor (frontview). Passive
participants will be accepted in the order of registration (no video recording needed)

Applicants will be noti ed of acceptance by July 15, 2022


Preselection fee:

• Active Participant Application Fee – 100

All application fees will be refunded only if the participants do not pass the pre-selection phase

Tuition & Recording Fee

• Active Participant Tuition & Recording Fee - 1900

• Six seats scholarship for Romanian conductors: - 800

• Passive Participant Tuition Fee – 350€



Centrul Cultural IONEL PERLEA Consiliul Județean Ialomița Asociația SUONARTE

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The cost for active participants include all tuition and professional recording fees, as well as
accommodation and 3 meals per day (breakfast/lunch/dinner)

The payment of the tuition fee in euro or the equivalent in RON at the National Bank of Romania
exchange rate on the day of payment will be paid into one of the following accounts

For payment in EURO

Asociatia SUONART

Banca Transilvania, Romani



With the mention: „Dumitru Goia Masterclass”

For payment in the equivalent in RON at the NBR exchange rate on the day of payment

Asociatia SUONART

Banca Transilvania, Romani



With the mention: „Dumitru Goia Masterclass

For questions or further information regarding the masterclass, please contact us

E-mail: of ce@suonarte.r

Tel.: +40 721 665 33


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