Shishu Janana Doshalu

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Fri Jul 22 14:02:28 GMT+05:30 2022 DATA OneDSUtils OneDS mitigation checks passed

Fri Jul 22 14:02:28 GMT+05:30 2022 I

Fri Jul 22 14:02:29 GMT+05:30 2022 DATA Build model
matches: false
Fri Jul 22 14:02:29 GMT+05:30 2022 I
Application is not started (:0)
Fri Jul 22 14:02:29 GMT+05:30 2022 I
Starting application (:0)
Fri Jul 22 14:02:29 GMT+05:30 2022 W
WARNING: QApplication was not created in the main() thread. (:0)
Fri Jul 22 14:02:29 GMT+05:30 2022 V WifiAvailableJob Scheduling a WifiAvailableJob
Fri Jul 22 14:02:29 GMT+05:30 2022 I
Opening database "/data/user/0/" (:0)
Fri Jul 22 14:02:29 GMT+05:30 2022 I
Current DB version is 168 (:0)
Fri Jul 22 14:02:29 GMT+05:30 2022 I
Log the database file info (:0)
Fri Jul 22 14:02:29 GMT+05:30 2022 I
File: "/data/user/0/" size: 1671168 bytes
permission: QFlags(0x200|0x400|0x2000|0x4000) (:0)
Fri Jul 22 14:02:29 GMT+05:30 2022 I
File: "/data/user/0/" size: 32768
bytes permission: QFlags(0x200|0x400|0x2000|0x4000) (:0)
Fri Jul 22 14:02:29 GMT+05:30 2022 I
File: "/data/user/0/" size: 0 bytes
permission: QFlags(0x200|0x400|0x2000|0x4000) (:0)
Fri Jul 22 14:02:29 GMT+05:30 2022 I
Inserting rule "JSONApiBaseUrl" with value "{SkyApiURLValue}/API/2/" (:0)
Fri Jul 22 14:02:29 GMT+05:30 2022 I
Inserting rule "AllowExpandedEditCommands" with value "True" (:0)
Fri Jul 22 14:02:29 GMT+05:30 2022 I
Inserting rule "RegisterNotificationSubscriptionUrl" with value
"{NotificationSubscriptionBaseUrl}/RegisterNotificationSubscription" (:0)
Fri Jul 22 14:02:29 GMT+05:30 2022 I
Inserting rule "DeleteNotificationSubscriptionUrl" with value
"{NotificationSubscriptionBaseUrl}/DeleteNotificationSubscription" (:0)
Fri Jul 22 14:02:29 GMT+05:30 2022 I
Inserting rule "NotificationSubscriptionSecondsToExpiry" with value "604800"
Fri Jul 22 14:02:29 GMT+05:30 2022 I
Inserting rule "NotificationSubscriptionSecondsToPreRenewal" with value "302400"
Fri Jul 22 14:02:29 GMT+05:30 2022 I
Inserting rule "FollowAFileScenarioName" with value "FollowAFile" (:0)
Fri Jul 22 14:02:29 GMT+05:30 2022 I
Inserting rule "FollowAFileUrl" with value "activity" (:0)
Fri Jul 22 14:02:29 GMT+05:30 2022 I
Inserting rule "FollowAFileSecondsToExpiry" with value "7776000" (:0)
Fri Jul 22 14:02:29 GMT+05:30 2022 I
Inserting rule "UnfollowAFileSecondsToExpiry" with value "34128000" (:0)
Fri Jul 22 14:02:29 GMT+05:30 2022 I
Inserting rule "CreatePersonalVault" with value "false" (:0)
Fri Jul 22 14:02:29 GMT+05:30 2022 I
Inserting rule "RevisedVaultQuota" with value "true" (:0)
Fri Jul 22 14:02:29 GMT+05:30 2022 I
Inserting rule "UserResolutionRamp" with value "1" (:0)
Fri Jul 22 14:02:29 GMT+05:30 2022 I
Inserting rule "UserFirstRunRamp" with value "1" (:0)
Fri Jul 22 14:02:29 GMT+05:30 2022 I
Inserting rule "FullSyncMaxItemCount" with value "1000" (:0)
Fri Jul 22 14:02:29 GMT+05:30 2022 I
Inserting rule "IncrementalSyncMaxItemCount" with value "50" (:0)
Fri Jul 22 14:02:29 GMT+05:30 2022 I
Inserting rule "PerFileSizeLimitBytes" with value "2147483647" (:0)
Fri Jul 22 14:02:29 GMT+05:30 2022 I
Inserting rule "FileNameLimit" with value "255" (:0)
Fri Jul 22 14:02:29 GMT+05:30 2022 I
Polling interval set to "86400" (:0)
Fri Jul 22 14:02:29 GMT+05:30 2022 I
Next refresh at QDateTime(2022-07-23 06:07:44.697 IST Qt::LocalTime) (:0)
Fri Jul 22 14:02:29 GMT+05:30 2022 I
The CreateVaultFolder rule in policy doc is "false" (:0)
Fri Jul 22 14:02:29 GMT+05:30 2022 I
onAppLaunch: updates records: 0 (:0)
Fri Jul 22 14:02:29 GMT+05:30 2022 I
Deleted 0 comments (cLocalStatus = cAddingToServer) on launch. (:0)
Fri Jul 22 14:02:29 GMT+05:30 2022 I
Updated 0 comments (cLocalStatus = cDeletingFromServer or
cFailedToDeleteFromServer) on launch. (:0)
Fri Jul 22 14:02:29 GMT+05:30 2022 I
Reset SP Lists Comments on Launch (:0)
Fri Jul 22 14:02:29 GMT+05:30 2022 I
Deleted 0 comments (cLocalStatus = cAddingToServer) on launch. (:0)
Fri Jul 22 14:02:29 GMT+05:30 2022 I
Updated 0 comments (cLocalStatus = cDeletingFromServer or
cFailedToDeleteFromServer) on launch. (:0)
Fri Jul 22 14:02:29 GMT+05:30 2022 I
Deleted 0 PhotoStream comments (cLocalStatus = cAddingToServer) on launch. (:0)
Fri Jul 22 14:02:29 GMT+05:30 2022 I
Updated 0 PhotoStream comments (cLocalStatus = cDeletingFromServer or
cFailedToDeleteFromServer) on launch. (:0)
Fri Jul 22 14:02:29 GMT+05:30 2022 I
cleanOrphanedCacheAsyncIfNecessary has the settings to run cleanup false (:0)
Fri Jul 22 14:02:30 GMT+05:30 2022 I
Fri Jul 22 14:02:30 GMT+05:30 2022 DATA NotificationChannelController
Fri Jul 22 14:02:30 GMT+05:30 2022 DATA OnThisDayBackgroundProcessor Canceling
sor)" before scheduling a new one
Fri Jul 22 14:02:30 GMT+05:30 2022 DATA DailyJob Received request for to run between
0:00:00.000 and 23:59:59.999 (absolute time of day)
Fri Jul 22 14:02:30 GMT+05:30 2022 DATA DailyJob Scheduled time for is to run
between 0:00:00.001 and 9:58:13.628 from now
Fri Jul 22 14:02:30 GMT+05:30 2022 DATA InAppPurchaseUtils isValueNotEmpty = true
and hasHighestPlan is false
Fri Jul 22 14:02:30 GMT+05:30 2022 E RansomwareNotificationChannel Non-Premium
users should not receive Ranswomware notifications
Fri Jul 22 14:02:30 GMT+05:30 2022 DATA OneDrivePrivacyDelegate (Q) QoS
RequiredServiceData null null true
Fri Jul 22 14:02:30 GMT+05:30 2022 DATA DailyJob Received request for to run between
7:00:00.000 and 23:59:59.999 (absolute time of day)
Fri Jul 22 14:02:30 GMT+05:30 2022 DATA DailyJob Scheduled time for is to run between
0:00:00.001 and 10:03:13.571 from now
Fri Jul 22 14:02:30 GMT+05:30 2022 DATA SamsungMigrationUpsellJob A job is already
Fri Jul 22 14:02:30 GMT+05:30 2022 DATA SamsungAuthUtils retrieved SA-MSA migration
status =None
Fri Jul 22 14:02:30 GMT+05:30 2022 DATA SamsungAuthUtils retrieved SA-MSA migration
status =None
Fri Jul 22 14:02:30 GMT+05:30 2022 DATA MeridianActivity isMeridianEnabled: true,
isSamsungDevice: true, mockSamsungPreInstalled: false
Fri Jul 22 14:02:30 GMT+05:30 2022 DATA MeridianUpsellJob isEnabled: false,
timesShown: 1, allAppsSetUp: false, areNotificationsEnabled, false,
isChannelEnabled: true
Fri Jul 22 14:02:30 GMT+05:30 2022 DATA MeridianActivity isMeridianEnabled: true,
isSamsungDevice: true, mockSamsungPreInstalled: false
Fri Jul 22 14:02:30 GMT+05:30 2022 DATA InAppPurchaseUtils isValueNotEmpty = true
and hasPaidPlan is false
Fri Jul 22 14:02:30 GMT+05:30 2022 DATA MeridianUpsellJob Job is not scheduled, no
need to cancel it
Fri Jul 22 14:02:30 GMT+05:30 2022 DATA VaultManager fixVaultTokenExpirationTime:
start checking and fixing vault expiration time.
Fri Jul 22 14:02:30 GMT+05:30 2022 DATA
Read ServiceConnections list from preferences: 0
Fri Jul 22 14:02:30 GMT+05:30 2022 DATA
Read hidden cloud account IDs list from preferences: 0
Fri Jul 22 14:02:30 GMT+05:30 2022 DATA OneAuth
Total Accounts found: 1
OneAuth Accounts Shared: 0
Total Accounts shared: 1
Fri Jul 22 14:02:30 GMT+05:30 2022 DATA OneDriveTokenProvider
Total Accounts found: 1
OneAuth Accounts Shared: 0
Total Accounts shared: 1
Fri Jul 22 14:02:31 GMT+05:30 2022 DATA OneDrivePrivacyDelegate (Q) QoS
RequiredServiceData null null true
Fri Jul 22 14:02:31 GMT+05:30 2022 DATA SamsungAuthUtils retrieved SA-MSA migration
status =None
Fri Jul 22 14:02:31 GMT+05:30 2022 I
Cache MISS for Drive by Resource Id (:0)
Fri Jul 22 14:02:31 GMT+05:30 2022 I
Creating refresh factory (:0)
Fri Jul 22 14:02:31 GMT+05:30 2022 I
Page size : "1000" (:0)
Fri Jul 22 14:02:31 GMT+05:30 2022 V b Google Api Availability return code: 0
Fri Jul 22 14:02:31 GMT+05:30 2022 DATA OnThisDayBackgroundProcessor onStartJob()
called with rampEnabled: true, isRunning: false, shouldBeProcessed: true,
experimentTreatment: A
Fri Jul 22 14:02:31 GMT+05:30 2022 DATA DailyJob
Fri Jul 22 14:02:31 GMT+05:30 2022 DATA DailyJob
Scheduling thread
Fri Jul 22 14:02:31 GMT+05:30 2022 DATA DailyJob
requestingToRunJob: true
Fri Jul 22 14:02:31 GMT+05:30 2022 DATA DailyJob
Thread scheduled
Fri Jul 22 14:02:31 GMT+05:30 2022 DATA OnThisDayNotifier onStartJob() called with
userDisabledNotifications: false, rampValue: true, isRunning: false,
shouldTryToNotify: false, experimentTreatment: A, shouldStart: false
Fri Jul 22 14:02:31 GMT+05:30 2022 DATA OnThisDayBackgroundProcessor
onRunDailyJob(): Battery start state: BatteryStatus(isCharging=false,
Fri Jul 22 14:02:31 GMT+05:30 2022 DATA OnThisDayBackgroundProcessor
onRunDailyJob(): Checking if GetChanges has completed at least once and if force
re-sync is active
Fri Jul 22 14:02:31 GMT+05:30 2022 V [Auth]OneDriveAuthenticator hasFeatures()
Fri Jul 22 14:02:31 GMT+05:30 2022 DATA PhotoStreamExperience initialize - trigger
experience check
Fri Jul 22 14:02:31 GMT+05:30 2022 DATA OneDrivePrivacyDelegate (Q) QoS
RequiredServiceData null null true
Fri Jul 22 14:02:31 GMT+05:30 2022 DATA OneDrivePrivacyDelegate (Q) QoS
RequiredServiceData OneDriveAccount 1880c931c6f44a77 true
Fri Jul 22 14:02:31 GMT+05:30 2022 I
The request sync root points to 1 "root" (:0)
Fri Jul 22 14:02:31 GMT+05:30 2022 DATA OnThisDayBackgroundProcessor
onRunDailyJob(): Skipping execution because the account is not valid with the
result code accountStatus: PRELOCK
Fri Jul 22 14:02:31 GMT+05:30 2022 DATA OneDrivePrivacyDelegate (Q) QoS
RequiredServiceData OneDriveAccount 1880c931c6f44a77 true
Fri Jul 22 14:02:31 GMT+05:30 2022 DATA PhotoStreamExperience Experience Check: Not
expired, do not run check
Fri Jul 22 14:02:31 GMT+05:30 2022 DATA DetectConnectivityJob onStartJob-resume
upload services
Fri Jul 22 14:02:31 GMT+05:30 2022 DATA OnThisDayBackgroundProcessor
onRunDailyJob(): Battery end state: BatteryStatus(isCharging=false, percentage=74)
Fri Jul 22 14:02:31 GMT+05:30 2022 DATA OneDrivePrivacyDelegate (Q) QoS
RequiredServiceData OneDriveAccount 1880c931c6f44a77 true
Fri Jul 22 14:02:31 GMT+05:30 2022 I ServiceUtils/SyncServiceManager session Id: 0
| startForegroundService:
Fri Jul 22 14:02:31 GMT+05:30 2022 I ServiceUtils/SyncServiceManager session Id: 0
| startForegroundService:
Fri Jul 22 14:02:31 GMT+05:30 2022 DATA SamsungAuthUtils retrieved SA-MSA migration
status =None
Fri Jul 22 14:02:31 GMT+05:30 2022 DATA DailyJob
Thread's finally block
Fri Jul 22 14:02:31 GMT+05:30 2022 DATA DailyJob Received request for to run between
0:00:00.000 and 23:59:59.999 (absolute time of day)
Fri Jul 22 14:02:31 GMT+05:30 2022 DATA DailyJob Scheduled time for is to run
between 10:37:07.000 and 34:37:06.999 from now
Fri Jul 22 14:02:31 GMT+05:30 2022 I ServiceUtils/SyncServiceManager session Id: 0
| startForegroundService:
Fri Jul 22 14:02:31 GMT+05:30 2022 I
start to clean offline root id from moved files (:0)
Fri Jul 22 14:02:31 GMT+05:30 2022 I
Items moved out of an offline root: 0 (:0)
Fri Jul 22 14:02:31 GMT+05:30 2022 I [Auth]SignInManager Is convergence enabled:
Fri Jul 22 14:02:31 GMT+05:30 2022 I [Auth]SignInManager Is convergence enabled in
Beta: false
Fri Jul 22 14:02:31 GMT+05:30 2022 I [Auth]SignInManager Is convergence enabled in
AppCenter: false
Fri Jul 22 14:02:31 GMT+05:30 2022 I
removeAllDeletedItems removed 0 items (:0)
Fri Jul 22 14:02:31 GMT+05:30 2022 I [Auth]SignInManager Is convergence enabled:
Fri Jul 22 14:02:31 GMT+05:30 2022 I [Auth]SignInManager Is convergence enabled in
Beta: false
Fri Jul 22 14:02:31 GMT+05:30 2022 I [Auth]SignInManager Is convergence enabled in
AppCenter: false
Fri Jul 22 14:02:31 GMT+05:30 2022 I [Auth]SignInManager Is convergence enabled:
Fri Jul 22 14:02:31 GMT+05:30 2022 I [Auth]SignInManager Is convergence enabled in
Beta: false
Fri Jul 22 14:02:31 GMT+05:30 2022 I [Auth]SignInManager Is convergence enabled in
AppCenter: false
Fri Jul 22 14:02:31 GMT+05:30 2022 V [Auth]OneDriveAuthenticator getAuthToken -
Cached valid token available for:
Fri Jul 22 14:02:31 GMT+05:30 2022 V [Auth]OneDriveAuthenticator getAuthToken -
Cached valid token available for:
Fri Jul 22 14:02:31 GMT+05:30 2022 W CreationTimeTracker Skipping launch time
telemetry because ramp is disabled
Fri Jul 22 14:02:31 GMT+05:30 2022 DATA ManualUploadService Starting service in the
foreground onCreate
Fri Jul 22 14:02:31 GMT+05:30 2022 DATA ManualUploadService Successfully started
service in the foreground onCreate
Fri Jul 22 14:02:31 GMT+05:30 2022 DATA SamsungAuthUtils Querying for Samsung
migration status took: 1376
Fri Jul 22 14:02:31 GMT+05:30 2022 DATA OneDrivePrivacyDelegate (Q) QoS
RequiredServiceData null null true
Fri Jul 22 14:02:31 GMT+05:30 2022 DATA SamsungAuthUtils Migration state sync -
Fri Jul 22 14:02:32 GMT+05:30 2022 DATA FileUploaderNotificationManager
Fri Jul 22 14:02:32 GMT+05:30 2022 DATA FileUploaderNotificationManager
uploadingStatus: Done
Fri Jul 22 14:02:32 GMT+05:30 2022 V ManualUploadService Upload Service Created.
Fri Jul 22 14:02:32 GMT+05:30 2022 DATA ManualUploadService Starting service in the
foreground onStartCommand
Fri Jul 22 14:02:32 GMT+05:30 2022 DATA SamsungAuthUtils logMigrationStateChangeQos
was invoked on a state update, but no QoS logging is performed because state change
was None->None
Fri Jul 22 14:02:32 GMT+05:30 2022 DATA ManualUploadService Successfully started
service in the foreground onStartCommand
Fri Jul 22 14:02:32 GMT+05:30 2022 DATA FileUploaderNotificationManager
Fri Jul 22 14:02:32 GMT+05:30 2022 DATA FileUploaderNotificationManager
uploadingStatus: Done
Fri Jul 22 14:02:32 GMT+05:30 2022 V ManualUploadService Upload Service
onStartCommand, intent = Intent { }
Fri Jul 22 14:02:32 GMT+05:30 2022 DATA ModalUploadService Starting service in the
foreground onCreate
Fri Jul 22 14:02:32 GMT+05:30 2022 DATA ModalUploadService Successfully started
service in the foreground onCreate
Fri Jul 22 14:02:32 GMT+05:30 2022 DATA ModalUploadNotificationManager
Fri Jul 22 14:02:32 GMT+05:30 2022 I [Auth]SignInManager Is convergence enabled:
Fri Jul 22 14:02:32 GMT+05:30 2022 I [Auth]SignInManager Is convergence enabled in
Beta: false
Fri Jul 22 14:02:32 GMT+05:30 2022 I [Auth]SignInManager Is convergence enabled in
AppCenter: false
Fri Jul 22 14:02:32 GMT+05:30 2022 I [Auth]SignInManager Is convergence enabled:
Fri Jul 22 14:02:32 GMT+05:30 2022 I [Auth]SignInManager Is convergence enabled in
Beta: false
Fri Jul 22 14:02:32 GMT+05:30 2022 I [Auth]SignInManager Is convergence enabled in
AppCenter: false
Fri Jul 22 14:02:32 GMT+05:30 2022 V [Auth]OneDriveAuthenticator getAuthToken -
Cached valid token available for:
Fri Jul 22 14:02:32 GMT+05:30 2022 V ModalUploadService Upload Service Created.
Fri Jul 22 14:02:32 GMT+05:30 2022 DATA ModalUploadService Starting service in the
foreground onStartCommand

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