TCVN 6165-2009

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TCVN TIEU CHUAN QUGC GIA * NATIONAL STANDARD TCVN 6165 : 2009 ISO/IEC GUIDE 99 : 2007 Xudt ban fn 2 Second edition TU VUNG QUOC TE VE BO LUONG HOC - KHAI NIEM, THUAT NGU’ CHUNG VA Co BAN (VIM) INTERNATIONAL VOCABULARY OF METROLOGY - BASIC AND GENERAL CONCEPTS AND ASSOCIATED TERMS (VIM) HA NOI- 2009 ‘TCVN 6165 : 2009 Mye lye Loi n6i dau .. Loi gidi thigu Quy ube. Pham vi ap dung ... 1 Bal lugng va don vi 2 Phép do 3. Thiét bj do... 4 Dac trung cia thiét bj do... 5 Chuan do lueng Phu Iyc A (tham khdo) So 43 khdi nigm ‘Thu myc tai ligu tham khdo ... Danh myc tir viét tat .. Chi myc theo bang cht cai... TCVN 6165 : 2009 Contents Page Foreword .... 5 Introduction .. 6 Conventions .... 12 15 16 2 Measurement... 3. Devices for measurement... 4 Properties of measuring devices 5 Measurement standards (Etalons) ... ‘Annex A (informative) Concept diagrams ... Bibliography List of acronyms 15 Alphabetical index... 117 Lai noi dau TCVN 6166 : 2008 thay thé cho TCVN 6165 : 1996 (VIM 1993); TCVN 6165 : 2009 hean toan tuong éyong véi ISO/IEC Guide 99 : 2007; TCVN 6165 : 2009 do Ban ky thuat Tiéu chudn Quéc gia TCVNITC 12 Bai iveng va don vj do bién sogn, Téng eye Tiéu chudn Go krdng Chat lugng 68 nghi, 86 Khoa hee va Cong nghé cong bb. TCVN 6165 : 2009 TCVN 6165 : 2009 Lai gidi thigu 0.1 Téng quat NOi chung, ti vyng [a “ty din va thugt ng, bao gdm t8n goi va dinh nghfa cia mot hay mot 86 Tinh wye cy tha" (ISO 1087-1:2000, 3.7.2). Tidu chuan tiv vyng nay lién quan dén do lueng hoc, “hoa hoe v8 phép do va vige 4p dung chung”. Tidu chudn nay cGng bao gdm céc nguyén tac co ban chi phi dal lugng va don vi. Cé thé tiép can Tinh wye dal lvgng va don vi theo nhiéu cach khdc nhau. Bidu 1 cia tiéu chudn nay 1a mot trong cdc cdch tiép can d6, dya tren co sé cdc nguyén tc da trinh bay trong nhéng phan khéc nhau cda TCVN 6398, Dai lugng va don vj, 38 va ang duge thay thé bang bé tiéu chudn TCVN 7870 Bai lugng va don vi, va trong Sé tay ve SI, H6 don vj quéc 18, (do BIPM xudt ban). Phign ban thy hai cia Tir vung quéc té cdc thugt ng chung va co ban trong do tuéng hoc (VIM) 44 duge xudt ban ndm 1993. Trvde hét ld sy cdn thiét phai 48 cp tai cdc php 6o trong hod hoc va y hoc phéng thi nghiém, cing nhu sy can thiét phai dua vao cdc khai nigm lién quan t6i tinh fién két chudn do lwéng, 66 khdng dam bdo do va cae tinh chdt danh nghia, 64 d4n dén phién ban ba, voi tén goi Tir vung québc té vé do ludng hoc — Khai nigm, thuét nga chung va co’ bén (VIM), nhm nhén manh vai tr hang édu cia céc khai nigm trong viée xAy dyng ter vyeng. Tiéu chuan nay d3 xem nh khong ob sy khéc nhau eg ban vd nhiéng nguyén téc co ban cla cdc phép do trong vat ly, hod hoc, y hoc phéng thi nghigm, sinh hoc hodc ky thuat. Hon nie, 4 6 sy cb géng dé dap tng nhu cau vé khai niém lia phép do trong cdc Itnh ve nhu sinh hod, 6 Introduction 0.1 General In general, a vocabulary is a “terminological dictionary which contains designations and definitions from one or more specific subject fields” (ISO 1087-1:2000, 3.7.2). The present Vocabulary pertains to metrology, the “science of measurement and its application". It also covers the basic principles governing quantities and units. The fleld of quantities and units could be treated in many different ways. Clause 1 of this Vocabulary is one such treatment, and is based on the principles laid down in the various parts of ISO 31, Quantities and units, currently being replaced by ISO 80000 and IEC 80000 series Quantities and units, and in the SI Brochure, The Intemational System of ,Units (published by the BIPM). ‘The second edition of the international vocabulary of basic and general terms in metrology (VIM) was published in 1993. The need to cover measurements in chemistry and laboratory medicine for the first time, as well incorporate concepts such as those that relate to metrological traceability, uncertainty, and nominal properties, led to this third edition. Its tile is now Intemational vocabulary of metrology — Basic and general concepts and associated terms (VIM), in order to as to measurement emphasize the primary role of concepts in developing a vocabulary. In this Vocabulary, itis taken for granted that there is no fundamental difference in the basic principles of measurement in physics, chemistry, laboratory medicine, biology, or engineering. Furthermore, an attempt has been made to meet conceptual needs of measurement in fields such as biochemistry, khoa hoc thye phim, khoa hoc phap y va sinh hoc phan tir. Mot sé khai nigm 68 c&p trong phién ban hai cla VIM khéng dugc 48 cap trong phién ban ba nay vi ching khéng can durgc xem 18 chung ha&c co ban nifa. Vi dy, khdi nigm ‘thei gian dép tng’, dung 48 md td trang thai tic thai cia mot hé théng do, khéng of nia. Phién ban ba cia VIM cGng khong 68 cap dén cdc khai nigm lién quan én thiét bj do, nén can tham khdo cdc ban tir ‘yng khéc nhu IEC 60050, Tir vyng ky thuét dign qués 18, IEV. B6i véi nhong khai nigm v8 quan iy chdt Ivgng, thoa thugn céng nhgn ln nhau lign quan dén do luémg hoc, hodc do lveng phap inh, cn tra ciru cc tal ligu cho trong Thy myc tai igu tham khdo. Vide xay ding tiéu chudn nay da néu in mot sé van d8 co ban vd cdc triét ly va sy mé td khac nhau hién nay déi voi phép do nhw sé tom tét dui day. Sy khdc nhau nay 66i khi d&n én cdc khé khan trong vic xy dyng nhing dinh nghta 06 thé duge sir dung qua céc m6 t& khdc nhau. Trong tiéu chudn nay khong ¢é sv wu tién cho bat oi cach tiép can oy thé nao. ‘Sy thay 66i trong viéc tidp can 6 khong dam bdo do tir Cach tiép can sai sé (d6i khi goi la Cach tiép can truyén théng hoac Cach tiép can gid tri thc) dén C&ch tiép cn a khéng dam bdo yeu chu phi xem xét lal mot s6 khal niém lién quan dang 06 & TCVN 6165:1999, Myc dich cla phép do trong Céch tiép cn sai sé la xdc dinh mOt udc lugng cia gid tri thyc gan vdi gid tri thyrc 66 d&n merc 06 thé. 6 léch khdi gid tr thre gdm sai sé ngdu nhién va sal sé hé théng. Hai TCVN 6185 : 2009 food science, forensic science, and molecular biology. Several concepts that appeared in the second edition of the VIM do not appear in this third edition because they are no longer considered to be basic or general. For example, the concept ‘response time’, used in describing the temporal behaviour of a measuring system, is not included. For concepts related to measurement devices that are not covered by this third edition of the VIM, the reader should consuit other vocabularies such as IEC 60050, International Electrotechnical Vocabulary, IEV. For concepts concemed with Quality management, mutual recognition arrange- ments pertaining to metrology, or legal metrology, the reader is referred to documents given in the bibliography. Development of this third edition of thé VIM has raised some fundamental questions about different current philosophies and descriptions of measurement, as will be summarized below. These differences sometimes lead to difficulties in developing definitions that could be used across the different descriptions, No preference is given in this third edition to any of the particular approaches. ‘The change in the treatment of measurement uncertainty from an Error Approach (sometimes called Traditional Approach or True Value Approach) to an Uncertainty Approach necessitated reconsideration of some of the related concepts appearing in the second edition of the VIM. The objective of measurement in the Error Approach is to determine an estimate of the true value that is as close as possible to that single true value. The deviation from the true TCVN 6165 : 2009 loai sai s6, duge thira nbn Ia lu6n ludn cé thé phan biét duge, phdi duge tiép can khac nhau. Khong thé dua ra quy tdc vé cdch thirc két hop 48 tao thanh sai sé téng cla mot két qua do da cho, thong duge I4y nh IA mot uéc luong. Thong throng, chi gid! han trén cia gid tri tuyét déi cla sai s6 ting duge ude hegng, déi khi dug goi mot c&ch khdng chat ché la “dd khong dam bao". Trong Khuyén nghj CIPM INC-1 (1980) vé Trinh bay 66 khéng dam bao, d& dé nghj cac thanh phan cla 4 khéng dam bao do can duge nhém lai thanh hai loal, Logi A va Logi B, tuy theo vic danh gia bang phwong phaép théng ké hode phuong phap khdc, va ching duge két hop lai 8 tao thanh mot phuong sai theo cdc quy téc cla ly thuyét ton xéc sudt cling bang cach xo ly c&c Thanh phan loai B theo phuong sai. BO lech chuan thu duc la sy thé hign cila a6 khong dam bdo do. Quan diém vé Céch tiép can 46 khéng dam bdo duge néu chi tiét trong Huéng dan trinh bay 4} khong dam bdo do (GUM) (1993, sta chia va in lal nm 1995) tap trung vao vige xt ly todn hoc d6 khéng dam bdo do thong qua mot mé hinh do r& rang v6i gid thidt l& dai lurgng do 6 thé duge dac trung bang mot gid tri co ban duy nhét. Hon na, trong GUM cing nhu trong 4c tai ligu cla IEC, huéng dn dugc dua ra vé Céch tip can 4 khong dim bdo trong trvdng hop gié tri ge don cila phurong tien do 8 duge higu chuan, mét tinh huéng thuéng g&p trong do Iwéng céng nghiép. Myc Gich olla phép do trong céch tiép cn theo 6 khéng dim bdo khang phai la xé¢ dinh gid tr thyc gan nhat dén mirc ¢6 thé, Bung hon la gia inh rang thong tin tt” phép do chi cho phép dn value is composed of random and systematic errors. The two kinds of errors, assumed to be always distinguishable, have to be treated differently. No rule can be derived on how they combine to form the total error of any given measurement result, usually taken as the estimate. Usually, only an upper limit of the absolute value of the total error is estimated, sometimes loosely named “uncertainty”. In the CIPM Recommendation INC-1 (1980) on the Statement of Uncertainties, it is suggested that the components of measurement uncertainty should be grouped into two categories, Type A and Type 8, according to whether they were evaluated by statistical methods or otherwise, and that they be combined to yield a variance according to the rules of mathematical probability theory by also treating the Type B components in terms of variances. The resulting standard deviation is an expression of a measurement uncertainty. A view of the Uncertainty Approach was detailed in the Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement (GUM) (1993, corrected and reprinted in 1995) that focused on the mathematical treatment of measurement uncertainty through an explicit measurement model under the assumption that the measurand can be characterized by an essentially unique value. Moreover, in the GUM as well as in IEC documents, guidance is provided on the Uncertainty Approach in the case of a single reading of a calibrated instrument, a situation normally met in industrial metrology. The objective of measurement in the Uncertainty Approach is not to determine a true value as closely as possible. Rather, it is assumed that the information from measurement only permits Ginh mgt khong céc gié tri hop Iy cho dai lvong do trén co s& cho rang khéng 6 cdc sai [Am khi thye hién phép do. Théng tin lién quan bé sung thém c6 thé rit ngdn phem vi cla khodng gid tr) 6 thé quy cho dai lugng do mét cach hgp ly. Tuy nhién, ngay cd phép do tinh vi nhdt cing KhOng thé gidm khoang nay t6i mOt gid tri don v1 86 lugng han ché va chi tiét trong dinh nghfa dai lugng do, Do 46, 46 khong dm bdo theo dinh nghfa tao ra gidi han t6i thidu ca mot 46 khéng dam bdo do nao 46. Khodng cé thd duge dai dign bang mOt trong c&c gia trj cla nd, goi la “gid tri dai lugng do duge”. ‘Trong GUM, 46 khéng dam bao dinh nghia dugc xem la khéng dang ké so véi cc thanh phan khae ela 4} khéng d&m bao do. Myc dich cla phép do Ia thiét lap mot xdc sudt 44 gid tri duy nhdt co ban nay n&m trong mét khodng ca c&c gid trj dai lvgng do dugc, trén co s& thong tin cb duge tir phép do. Phuong phap ciia IEC t@p trung vao phép do c6 gia tri doc don, cho phép phat hign céc dai lung 6 thay ddi theo théi gian hay khéng bang cdch chiéng minh c&c két qua do cé thé so sanh hay khéng. Quan diém ela IEC cGing cho 40 kh6ng 6m bao v8 dinh nghia la dang ka. Sy thay 46i cia kt qua do phy thugc nhidu vao céc dic trung do Ivéng cla phuong tign do nhu da duge ching minh bang viéc higu chudn nd. Khoang gid tri dua ra dé mé ta dal lugng do la khoang gia tr} cia chudn do luéng 64 cho cdc s6 chi nhu nhau. Trong GUM, khai nlém gid tri thyre dugc git lai 8 m6 té myc dich cla phép do, nhung tinh tir TCVN 6165 : 2009 assignment of an interval of reasonable values to the measurand, based on the assumption that no mistakes have been made in performing the measurement. Additional relevant information may reduce the range of the interval of values that can reasonably be attributed to the measurand. However, even the most refined measurement cannot reduce the interval to a single value because of the finite amount of detail in the definition of a measurand. The definitional uncertainty, therefore, sets a minimum limit to any measurement uncertainty. The interval can be represented by one of its values, called a “measured quantity value”. In the GUM, the definitional uncertainty is considered to be negligible with respect to the ‘other components of measurement uncertainty. The objective of measurement is then to establish a probability that this essentially unique value lies within an interval of measured quantity values, based on the avallable from measurement. information The IEC scenario focuses on measurements with single readings, permitting the investigation of whether quantities vary in time by demonstrating whether measurement results are compatible. The IEC view also allows non-negligible definitional uncertainties. The validity of the measurement results Is highly dependent on the metrological properties of the instrument as demonstrated by Its calibration. The interval of values offered to describe the measurand is the interval of values of measurement standards that would have given the same indications. In the GUM, the concept of true value is kept for describing the objective of measurement, but the TCVN 6165 : 2009 “thyc” duge xem [a khong cn thiét. IEC khong si dung khai niém d& m6 ta myc dich nay. Trong tiéu chudn nay, khai niém va thuat ngO dug gid lai vi viéc stv dyng chung va t4m quan trong cua khai nigm. 0.2 Lich str VIM Nam 1997 Uy ban chung vé céc huéng dan trong do lurgng hoc (JCGM), do Gidm déc BIPM lam Chi tich, duge bay té chirc quéc té thanh lap, 68 soan théo mét phién ban géc Hutng dan trinh bay d6 khéng dam bao do (GUM) va Tir ving quéc té vé cdc thudt ngo chung va co ban trong do lwong hoc (VIM). Uy ban chung nay 68 nhén phan céng viée nay tir Nhém tu vén ky thuat 4 cia ISO (TAG 4), Uy ban 43 x4y dyng GUM va VIM. Bau tién, Uy ban chung 44 duge thanh lap gdm c&c dai dign cia Vien c&n do quéc té (BIPM), Uy ban kg thuat dign quéc té (IEC), Lin doan quéc té va hod hoc y hec va y hee phdng thi nghiém (IFCC), Té chive tiéu chudn hod quéc: 18 (ISO), Lién doan quéc té vd hoa hoe tinh khiét va Ung dyng (IUPAC), Li8n doan quéc té va vat ly thudn tuy va Gng dung (IUPAP), va Td chic quéc té vé do lwéng phép dinh (OIML). Ném 2005, Té chizc cng nhgn phéng thi nghiém quéc 16 (ILAC) chinh thirc tham gia cing véi bay t6 chive quéc té sing I€p trén. JCGM c6 hai nhém céng téc. Nhém céng téc 1 (JCGMWG 1) vé GUM cé nhigm vy thic day vige six dyng GUM va soan thao cac phan bd sung ca GUM cho vigc ép dyng rong rai. Nhém cbng tic 2 (JCGMWG 2) va VIM 6 nhiém vy soat xét VIM va thic day vide si’ dung. Nhém 10 adjective “true” is considered to be redundant. The IEC does not use the concept to describe this objective. In this Vocabulary, the concept and term are retained because of common usage and the importance of the concept. 0.2 History of the VIM In 1997 the Joint Committee for Guides in metrology (JCGM), chaired by the Director of the BIPM, was formed by the seven Intemational Organizations that had prepared the original versions of the Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement (GUM) and the Internationa! vocabulary of basic and general terms in metrology (VIM). The Joint Committee took on this part of the work of the ISO Technical Advisory Group 4 (TAG 4), which had developed the GUM and the VIM. The Joint Committee was originally made up of representatives from the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM), the Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), the Intemational Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (FCC), the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), the Intemational Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (UPAP), and the Intemational Organization of Legal Metrology (OIML). In 2005, the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) officially joined the seven founding intemational organizations. ‘The JCGM has two Working Groups. Working Group 1 (JCGMMWG 1) on the GUM has the task of promoting the use of the GUM and preparing Supplements to the GUM for broad application, Working Group 2 (JCGM/WG 2) on the VIM has the task of revising the VIM and promoting its use. Intemational c6ng t4c 2 duge thanh lap gdm 2 dai dign cla m6i 18 chic thanh vien, va duge bd sung mot s6 lugng nhét dinh cae chuyén gia. Nném cong tac 2.48 sogn thao tiéu chudn nay. Nam 2004, dy thdo dau tién phign ban thé ba cia VIM dugc dua 48 Idy y kién va céc 4 xudt cua tam 18 chuc dai dign trong JCGM, trong hau hét céc trréng hyp cdc 18 chire nay dé hdi ¥ kién céc thanh vién va hdl vién, bao gdm rét nhibu Vign do lueng quéc gia. Cac y kién 4a duge ghién cfu va thao luan, durge tinh dén khi thich hop, va dugc JCGMIWG 2 tra Idi. Nam 2006 dy ‘thao cudl duge trinh len tam 18 chérc 8 xem xét va phé duyét. Tat ca cdc y kidn dong gép tiép theo duc Nhém ‘Ong lac 2 xem xét va tinh d&n khi thich hyp. Tidu chudn nay 68 duge timg t3 chic thanh vién ‘va tAt cd tam t8 chirc thanh vién cla JCGM phé duygt TCVN 6165 : 2009 Working Group 2 is composed of up to two representatives of each member organization, supplemented by a limited number of experts. The third edition of the VIM has been prepared by Working Group 2. In 2004, a first draft of the third edition of the VIM wes submitted for comments and proposals to the eight organizations represented in the JCGM, which in most cases consulted their members or affiliates, including numerous National Metrology Institutes. Comments were studied and discussed, taken into account when appropriate, and replied to by JCGMWWG 2. A final draft of the third edition ‘was submitted in 2006 to the eight organizations for review and approval. All subsequent comments were considered and taken into account as appropriate by Working Group 2. The third edition of the VIM has been approved by each and all of the eight JCGM Member organizations. " TCVN 6165 : 2009 Cae quy vec Quy tc thuat ngo Cac dinh nghia va thuat ng¢? trong phién ban ba cting nhuy sy sép xép ching tuan thi tél da nhOng quy téc ca thuat ng hoc, nhu trinh bay trong ISO 704, ISO 1087-1 va ISO 10241. Bac bigt 4p dung nguyén tac thay thé; d6 la, trong mét dinh nghfa nao 66 cé thé thay thé mdt thuat ng dua dén mét khdi nigm dug dinh nghia & mot ché khdc trong VIM bang dinh nghia tvong tng voi thuat ngi 46, ma kh6ng tao ra sy mau thudn ho’c véng quanh. Cac khéi nigm duge trinh bay trong nam chong va dugc sap xép h¢p ly trong mai chuong. Trong mét sé dinh nghta, viée sir dung cdc khéi nigm khéng éuge dinh nghta (con gol 1a “nguyen thuy’) la khong thé trénh duge. Trong tiéu chudn nay, nhOng khai nigm khong dugc inh nghTa nhu thé bao gdm: hé théng, thanh phan, hign tugng, vat thé, cht, tinh cht, quy chiéu, thyc nghiém, kiém tra, 66 16n, vat ligu, thiét bj va tin higu. 8 dB dang hidu cdc méi lién hé khéc nhau gita nh@ng khai nigm khong giéng nhau, so ob vd khdi nigm 48 dugc trinh bay & Phy luc A. Sé tra ctu Cc khai nigm xudt hign trong 08 hai phién ban th hai va thir ba cé mdt sé tra cu kép, sé tra iru phién ban ba in dém, va 6 tra oiru phign ban hal duge cho trong ngogc don khéng in dam. 12 Conventions Terminology rules The definitions and terms given in this third edition, as well as their formats, comply as far as possible with the rules of terminology work, as outlined in ISO 704, ISO 1087-1 and ISO 10241. In particular, the substitution principle applic that is, itis possible in any definition to replace a term referring to a concept defined elsewhere in the VIM by the definition corresponding to that term, without introducing contradiction or circularity. Concepts are listed in five chapters and in logical order in each chapter. In some definitions, the use of non-defined concepts (also called “primitives*) is unavoidable. In this Vocabulary, such non-defined concepts Include: system, component, phenomenon, body, substance, property, reference, experiment, examination, magnitude, material, device, and signal. To facilitate the understanding of the different relations between the various concepts given in this Vocabulary, concept diagrams have been introduced. They are given in Annex A. Reference number Concepts appearing In both the second and third editions have a double referance number, the third edition reference number is printed in bold face, and the earlier reference from the second edition is given in parentheses and in light font. Bang nghta Chép nhan 06 nhidu tén gol thuat ng& cho cing mét khai nigém. Néu 06 nhiéu thuat ng duge cho, thuat ng@ the nhét la uu tién, va duge sir dung & moi noi khi 66 thé. Chor dgm ‘Thust ngi ding cho Khai nigm durge dinh nghta in chO dam, Trong phan 18i cia mot dogn xc dinh, thuat ng@ ota céc khai nigm da dyoe dinh nghta & ché khdc trong VIM cing duge in bang ché dam ln dau né xudt hin, Déu higu trich din Trong phan Idi cia ti6u chudn nay, ddu higu trich din don (‘...") bao quanh thuét ng@ thé hign mot khal niém try khi n6 1a chr am, Ddu hhigu trich dn kép (*..." ) cht dling khi thuat ng duge xem xét hoc cho mét trich dan. Kyhigu thp phan Ky higu th8p phan trong tiéng Anh la déu chdm trén cling déng va trong tiéng Viét la ddu phay trén cling ding. Ky higu twang dong vé dinh nghia Ky higu := 06 nghia [a "theo dinh nghia bang” hur cho trong bé tidu chudn TCVN 7870. Khoang ‘Thugt ng® "khoang” duge ding véi ky higu [@; +b) cOnghia la tap hyp céc sé thyc x ma voi nda Sx Sb, Oday a va b> a la cdc 86 thyc, Thuat gt “khoang" & day dung cho ‘khong déng’. Ky higu a va b c6 nghia la “dim cudi' cla khodng fa; 5}. Vi dy [-452) TCVN 6165 : 2009 Synonyms Multiple terms for the same concept are permitted. If more than one term is given, the first term is the preferred one, and it is used throughout as far as possible. Bold face Terms used for a be defined are printed in bold face. In the text of a given entry, terms of concepts defined elsewhere in the VIM are also printed in bold face the first time they appear. Quotation marks In the text of this document, single quotation marks (‘...") surround the term representing a concept unless it is in bold. Double quotation marks ( *..." ) are used when only the term is considered, or for a quotation. Decimal sign The decimal sign in the English text is the point on the line, and the comma on the line is the decimal sign in the French text. Equal-by-definition symbol The symbol := denotes “is by definition equal to" as given in the ISO 80000 and IEC 80000 series. Interval The term “interval’ is used together with the symbol [a; 6] to denote the set of real numbers x for which @ $ x $b, where a and b > @ are real numbers. The term ‘interval’ is used here for ‘closed interval’. The symbols @ and b denote the ‘end-points’ of the interval [a; 5). EXAMPLE [-4; 2] TCVN 6165 : 2009 ee 6 4 3 2 i ax iém cudi a=—4 Bim cudi b = 2 End-point a=-4 End-point b = 2 Hai dim 2 va -4 ca khoang [~4; 2] cé thé trinh bay la -1 #3. Sy di&n tA sau khéng c6 nghfa la khodng [-4 ;2]. Tuy nhign, -1 + 3. thuong duge ding 48 chi khoang [~4; 2). Pham vi cla khoang Pham vi Pham vi ota khong (a; b] la higu b-a va dugc di&n td bang rfa; b]. MIDY: 1f-4:2]=2-(-4)=6 CHU THICH: Thugt ngi “quéing “ di khi urge ding ccho khai nlém nay. The two end-points 2 and —4 of the interval [-4; 2) can be stated as —1 + 3. The latter expression does not denote the interval [~4;2]. Nevertheless, “1 43s often used to denote the interval [-4: 2]. Range of interval Range The range of the interval [a; 6] is the difference b - a.and is denoted by ra; 6). EXAMPLE —rf-4; 2]= 2~(-4)=6 NOTE The term “span” is sometimes used for this concept. TIEU CHUAN QUOC GIA * NATIONAL STANDARD TCVN 6165 : 2009 Tie vung quéc té vé do Ilwong hoc — Khai niém, thuat ngir chung va co ban (VIM) International vocabulary of metrology — Basic and general concepts and associated terms (VIM) Pham vi 4p dyng Trong tigu chuan ndy, tap hep cdc dinh nghia va thuat ng kam theo cia hé théng céc khai nigm chung va co ban ding trong do lvéng hoc duge cho bang tiéng Anh va ting Viét, cing véi so 6b khdi nigm a8 thé hign méi lién quan cla ching, Théng tin bd sung dugc cho trong cac vi dy va ch thich cia nhidu dink nghta. Tiéu chudn nay o6 y nghfa tham chidu chung cho c&c nha khoa hoc va ky thuat — bao gdm céc nha vat lj, hod hoe, y hoc — cong nhu ngudi gang day va thyre hanh lién quan dén viée hogch dinh hoa thy hign c&c phép 6o, voi mol misc 66 cla 6} khéng dam bao do va trong bat ky tinh vyc &p sdyng nado. Tiéu chudn nay cing ob ¥ nghta tham chidu cho c&c oo quan chinh phi va lién chinh ‘phd, cdc higp hoi thuong mei, t8 chirc cing nhgn, cae nha quan ly va cae hoi nghé nghiép, Cac khai nigm sir dyng trong nhing cach tiép can khdc nhau 68 m6 ta phép 6o cing duge giéi thigu. Cac td chic thanh vién cilia JCGM o6 thé chon khai nigm va dinh nghfa theo cdc thuét ngi tong tng. Tuy nhién, mye dich ciia tiéu chudn nay la Scope In this Vocabulary, a set of definitions and associated terms is given, in English and French, for a system of basic and general concepts used in metrology, together with concept diagrams to demonstrate their relations. Additional information is given in the form of examples and notes under many definitions. ‘This Vocabulary is meant to be a common reference for scientists and engineers — including physicists, chemists, medical scientists - as well as for both teachers and practitioners involved in planning or performing measurements, imrespective of the level of measurement uncertainty and imespective of the field of application. It is also meant to be a reference for govemmental and inter- govemmental bodies, trade associations, accredi- tation bodies, regulators, and professional societies Concepts used in different approaches to describing measurement are presented together. The member organizations of the JCGM can select the concepts and definitions in accordance with their respective terminologies. Nevertheless, this Vocabulary is 15 TCVN 6165 : 2009 thic day sy hai hoa toan cau va thuat ngo sir dung trong do lwéng hee. 1 Bai lugng va don vi 4.4 (1.1) Dallugng Tinh ch&t cia mOt hign tugng, vat thé hoge cht ma 66 lén c6 thé duge bibu thi bang mot sé va mot méc quy chiéu. CHU THICH 4: Khéi niém ‘dai lugng’ néi chung cd thé phan ra theo mét sé mirc 4 cla cdc khdi nigm cy thé nhu trinh bay trong bang sau. Phia bén trai ctia bang trinh bay cdc khal nigm cy thé cla ‘dai lugng’. Day [a cc khai nigm chung cho nhOng dei intended to promote global harmonization of terminology used in metrology. 1 Quantities and units 1,.1(1.1) quantity property of a phenomenon, body, or substance, where the property has a magnitude that can be expressed as a number and a reference NOTE 1 The generic concept ‘quantity’ can be divided into several levels of specific concepts, as shown in the following table. The left hand side of the table shows specific concepts under ‘quantity’. ‘These are generic concepts for the individual lurong riéng bigt & cbt ben phi. quantities in the right hand column, [66 dai, [ban kinh, » [bain kinh ca vong trén A, ra hoe (A) length, 1 radius, r radius of circle A, ra of r(A) burs séng, 2 [purde song ca bac xa natri D, 2.p hoe 4(D; Na) wavelength, 2 wavelength of the sodium D radiation, 2p or 2(D; Na) jndinglvgng, E [dong nang, T [dong ning cis het i trong mot hg 48 cho, Ty Jenergy, E kinetic energy, 7 kinetic energy of particle i in a given system, Ti inbigt ning, O Inbigt kong eta mot mu hoi nude i, Q; heat, Q heat of vaporization of sample / of water, Or faign tich, [ign tich cia proton, € electric charge, O electric charge of the proton, € [aren tra, R [ign tro cia mot dign tri trong mgt mach 43 cho, R; electric resistance, R electric resistance of resistor / ina given circuit, Ry indng 3 Iuong chat cde thyc thd B, cp amount-of-substance concentration of entity 8, op Indng 66 lwgng chét cua ethanol trong mau ruvgu i, cj (CzHsOH) |amount-of-substance concentration of ethanol in wine sample i, cj (C2HgOH) ndng 46 s6 lugng cis thyc thé B, Ca number concentration of entity 8, } cimg Rockwell C (ti 150 kg), HRC (160 kg) Rockwell C hardness (160 kg load), HRC(150 kg) CHU THICH 2: Méc quy chigu ¢é thé la don vi do, thd tye 60, md chudn hogc mot két ching. CHU THICH 3: Ky higu oda dai lugng cho trong b& tigu chudn TCVN 7870 Del lvong va dom vi. Ky hidu 16 Indng 46 26 long cis erythrocyte trong mu mau i, C(Ere: Sg,) number concentration of enthrocytes in blood sample i, C(Erys: 8) | [60 cizng Rockwell C cia mau thép f, HRC; (150 kg) Rockwell C hardness of steel sample /, HRC;(150 kg) NOTE 2 A reference can be @ measurement unit, a measurement procedure, a reference material, or a combination of such. NOTE3 Symbols for quantities are given the ISO 80000 and IEC 80000 series Quantitios and hop cla in cla cc dai lgng duge vit kibu cho nghiéng. Mot ‘ky higu 4 cho c6 thé chi cdc dal lvgng khac nhau. CHU THICH 4: Céch thirc uu tién ca IUPAC - IFCC dua ra 8 dn dinh céc dal lveng trong phéng tht nghigm y hoc 1a "H8 théng - Thanh phan; logl dat lugng’. Vi DY: *Huyét tuong (Mau) - lon natri; ning 66 lugng chdt bang 143 mmol trong ngudi & mot thar did xéc dinh*, CHU THICH 5: Dal lvgng nhu duge éinh nghta & day la vd huéng. Tuy nhién vector hole tenxo cong uge xem la dai lvong néu cée thanh phan cia nd 1d dai lugng. CHU THICH 6: Khal nigm “dai lugng’ nél chung © thé phan ra thanh, vi dy “dai lugng vat ly, ‘dal long hod hoc’ va ‘dal lrgng sinh hoc’, hoe dal lugng co” ban va dal lugng din xudt. 4.2 (1.1, Chi thich 2) Loal dal lugng Loai Mat chung cla c4c dal Iugng 06 thé so sénh véi nheu. CHU THICH 1: Sy phan chia khdi nigm ‘dai lvgng’ theo ‘oal dai Iuong’ & mot mac dO ndo 46 c6 tinh chat ty y. VI DY 1: Cae del kegng duéng kinh, chu vi va buée song, néi chung du duge xem I dai wong cing loai, cy thé 14 thudc loal dal leng 49 dai. VIDY 2: Cac dai kegng nhigt lugng, dong nang va thé nang, néi chung déu duge xem Ia dai luong cing foal, cy thé 1a thuge loai dai lxgng ng lugng. CHU THICH 2: Cac dal lung ciing loal trong mot he gi hugng 4a cho cd cing thi nguyén. Tuy nhién cc dai Ieng cling thir nguyén khong nhét thiét la cing loai. VIDY: Bai lung momen ic va nang lang theo uy ude khOng 1d dai Ivong cing logi, tuy vay TCVN 6165 : 2009 units. The symbols for quantities are written in Italics, ‘A glven symbol can indicate different quantities. NOTE 4 The preferred IUPAC-IFCC formset for designations of quantities in laboratory medicine is *System-Component; kind-of-quantity’. EXAMPLE “Plasma (Blood) Sodium —_ ion; amount-of-substance concentration equal to 143 mmol in a given person at a given time”. NOTES A quantity as defined here is a scalar. However, @ vector or a tensor, the components of which are quantities, is also considered to be a quantity, NOTE 6 The concept ‘quantity’ may be generically divided into, @.g. ‘physical quantity, ‘chemical quantity, and ‘biological quantity’, or base quantity and derived quantity, 1.2 (1.1, Note 2) kind of quantity kind aspect common to mutually comparable quantities NOTE1 The division of the concept of ‘quantity according to ‘kind of quantity is to some extent arbitrary. EXAMPLE 1 The diameter, circumference, and wavelength are generally considered to be quantiles of the same kind, namely of the kind of quantity called length. quantities EXAMPLE 2 The quantities heat, kinetic energy, and potential energy are generally considered to be quant of the same kind, namely of the kind of quantity called energy. NOTE2 Quantities of the same kind within a given system of quantities have the same quantity dimension. However, quantities of the same dimension are not necessarily of the same kind. EXAMPLE The quantities moment of force and energy are, by convention, not regarded as being 7 TCVN 6165 : 2009 ching lai c8 cling tho nguy8n. Tuong ty, nhiet dung va entropy, s6 céc thyc thé, 4¢ thdm twong d8i, ty khdi cing 06 cing thir nguyén mac dit kh6ng cing logi. 4.3 (4.2) HG dal lugng Tap hop céc dai legng cling véi mot tap hop cac phuong trinh khéng mau thudn nhau lién két cdc ai lugng 66, CHU THICH: Cac dai lung thé ty, nhu 6 cong Rockwell C, thuéng khéng dug xem 1a mét bd phan cela hé dal lvong vi chting quan hé vi c&c dal lveng khde chi thong qua mi lén hé thye nghigm. 1.4 (1.3) Dai lugng co ban Bai lvgng thudc mot tap hyp nhd duge chon theo quy wdc cia mot hg dal legng A cho, trong 46 ai lzgng khong thud tap hop nhé c6 thé dign dat theo cdc dai legng khac. CHU THICH 1: Tap hyp nhd néu trong dinh nghia dug goi ld “tap hop céc dai rong co ban’. vi DU Tép hop céc dal lvgng eo ban trong He al lugng quéc té (I8Q) dugc cho & 1.6 CHU THICH 2: Céc Gel lvong co bain Ia d6¢ lep voi nhau vi mét dai lveng co ban khéng thé duce bidu didn nhy Ia tich lug thre cia céc ai lugng co ban khac. CHU THICH 3: 'Sé cac thy thé’ 66 thé coi la dai §ung co ban trong bat cir he dai lveng nao. 1.5 (1.4) ‘Bal lvgng dan xudt Bai lwgng trong mét hé dal lwgng dugc dinh inghia theo céc dai long co ban cia hé 6d. VI DY: Trong hé dai lugng 66 dal long co ban la 0 dai va khéi tugng, kh6i krgng ridng 1a dal lvgng dan xudt duge dinh ngha la ty sé gira khéi luong va thé tich (66 dai lug thiva ba). 18 of the same kind, although they have the same dimension. Similarly for heat capacity and entropy, as well as for number of entities, relative permeabiity, and mass fraction, 1.3(1.2) system of quantities set of quantities together with a set of non- contradictory equations relating those quantities NOTE Ordinal quantities, such as Rockwell C hardness, are usually not considered to be part of asystem of quantities because they are related to other quantities through empirical relations only. 1.4 (1.3) base quantity quantity in a conventionally chosen subset of a given system of quantities, where no subset quantity can be expressed in terms of the others NOTE 1 The subset mentioned in the definition is termed the "set of base quantities”. EXAMPLE The set of base quantities in the International System of Quantities (ISQ) is given in 1.6. NOTE 2 Base quantities are referred to as being ‘mutually independent since a base quantity cannot be expressed as a product of powers of the other base quantities. NOTES ‘Number of entities’ can be regarded ‘a8 a base quantity in any system of quantities. 1.5 (1.4) derived quantity quantity, in a system of quantities, defined in terms of the base quantities of that system EXAMPLE In a system of quantities having the base quantities length and mass, mass density Is a derived quantity defined as the quotient of mass ‘and volume (length to the third power). 16 H@ dai lrgng quéc t6 isa Ho dal luegng dya trén bay dal lugng co ban: 6) dai, khéi lugng, thé! gian, cudng 4 ding dign, nhigt dO nhiét d6ng lye, lugng chét, va cuéng dd sing. CHU THICH 1: H@ dai lugng nay duge cong bd trong bo tigu chudn TCVN 7870 Bai rong va don vi. CHU THICH 2: Hé den vj quéc tb (SI) (xem 1.16) dya tan IS. 17 (1.5) Thi nguyén dal legng Tho nguyén ca dal lvong Tho nguyén Bidu thi sy phy thugc ca mot dal lugng vao c&c dal lugng co ban cla hé dal Iegng nhu Ia tich lug thira cla cc thiva sé tong Ung vol dai lugng 9 ban, bd qua moi thira sé bang sé. VI DY 1: Trong ISQ, thir nguyén dai lung cila leo dug bidu thj bang dim F= LMT. VI DY 2: Trong he dal lugng tren dim ps = ML-* la ‘thar nguyén dai lugng cla ndng 46 khéi Ivgng cua thanh phan B va ML~ cting Ia thir nguyén dai lugng tia khéi lugng riéng, p, (khéi lurgng theo thé tich), VI DY 3: Chu ky T etia mét con lac 6 dO dai 1 mot dia ibm cb gia t6c roi ty do gla T=2n + hose T= Cig) vi g 2n trong d6 Cig) = ie Ter 66, dim Cig) = L-""7. CHU THICH 4; Lug thira ca m6t thira sé la thira sb 46 43 duge nang lén sé mO, MBi thira sé l& mot tho nguyén olla dai lrgng co ban TCVN 6165 : 2009 16 International System of Quantities Isa system of quantities based on the seven base quantities: length, mass, time, electric current, thermodynamic temperature, amount of substance, and luminous intensity NOTE 1 This system of quantities is published in the ISO 80000 and IEC 80000 series Quantities and units. NOTE 2 The International System of Units (Si) (see 1.16) is based on the ISQ. 4.7 (1.5) quantity dimension dimension of a quantity dimension expression of the dependence of a quantity on the base quantities of a system of quantities as a product of powers of factors corresponding to the base quantities, omitting any numerical factor EXAMPLE 1 In the ISQ, the quantity dimension of force is denoted by dim F = LMT-2, EXAMPLE 2 In the same system of quantities, dim py = ML-3 Is the quantity dimension of mass concen- tration of component B, and ML-S is also the quantity dimension of mass density, p, (volumic mass). EXAMPLE 3 The period 7 of a pendulum of length / ata place with the local acceleration of free fall gis reat orT= C@)vi & Qn where C(g) = ve Hence dim Cig) = L-""7. NOTE 1 A power of a factor is the factor raised to ‘an exponent. Each factor is the dimension of a base quantity. 19 TCVN 6165 : 2009 CHU THICH 2: Thé hign ky higu quy ude ther nguyén cla dai lrgng co ban la chor in hoa thdng ding co chan, Thé hign ky higu quy wéc tho nguyén cla dal Ing din xudt la tIch lug thiva tho nguyen cia c&c dai lugng co ban theo dinh nghta cia dal krgng dan xudt Th nguyén cla ai lvong @ duge bidu thi la dim 9. CHU THICH 3; Khi suy ra thé nguyén cla ai hrong, khong cn quan tam dén dac trung vo huréng, vecto: hod tenxo olla n6. CHU THICH 4: Trong mét hé dai hegng 4 cho, = cc dei furgng cing loal o6 cling thi nguyén; = ce dei hrgng 06 the nguyén khac nhau tuén ludn 1a cdc dai lugng khdc logi, va = cdc dai hegng cng thir nguyén khong nhét thiét lacing loal. CHU THICH 6: Kj higu thé hign tho nguyen cla cae ‘gi lrgng co ban trong ISQ la: ‘Dal lgng co ban quantity {thermodynamic temperature lugng chat Jamount of substance lcudng 66 sang iuminous intensity Nhu vay, thir nguyén cia dal lveng Q dug bidu thi bang dim @ = LeMBTNBOENGI, trong 46 cde s6 mG, goi la s6 mG thir nguyén, Ia dm, duong ho&c khéng. 20 NOTE 2 The conventional symbolic representation of the dimension of a base quantity is a single upper case letter in roman (upright) sans-serif type. The conventional symbolic representation of the dimension of a derived quantity is the product of powers of the dimensions of the base quantities according to the definition of the derived quantity. The dimension of a quantity @Q is denoted by dim Q. NOTE 3 In deriving the dimension of a quantity, Ro account Is taken of its scalar, vector, or tensor character. NOTE 4 Inagiven system of quantities, — quantities of the same kind have the same quantity dimension, = quantities of different quantity dimensions are always of different kinds, and = quantities having the same quantity dimension are not necessarily of the same kind. NOTES Symbols representing the dimensions of the base quantities in the ISQ are: Ky higu the nguyén Symbol for dimension Thus, the dimension of a quantity Q is denoted by dim Q = LAMBTYIB@SNGIN where the exponents, named dimensional negalive, or zero exponents, are positive, 1.8 (1.6) Bal hegng thir nguyén mot ‘Dai lugng khong th nguyén ‘Bal lugng ma tét ca sb mO cla céc thira sb tweng ing vol dal lugng co bin trong the nguyén dal lwgng cia nd bang khong. CHO THICH 1: Thugt ng@ “dal lxgng khOng thir rnguyén” nél chung duge ding va néu & day 18 do nhOng nguy&n nhén lich sir. Xudt phat tir thy té ta sup thé hign ky higu thir nguyén cla cdc dai rong 46 tt cd 56 ma ddu bling khéng, Thudt ngO “dal long thir nguyen mot" phan &nh quy ude trong 46 thé hign ky higu cho thir nguyén ctia cdc dai hegng nhu vay ia ky higu 1 (xem TCVN 6398-0 : 1992, 2.2.6), CHU THICH 2: Bon vi do va gid trl cla dai lrong 66 thir nguy&n mét 18 céc 6, nhumg nhOng dai lurgng 46 mang nhidu thong tin hon Ia mot con 86, CHU THICH 3: Mot 66 dal lugng thi nguyén mot urge dinh nghta la ty 56 cia hai dai lugng cing foal, VI DY): Géc phang, géc khéi, chiét sudt, 49 thdm turong 461, ty khéi, hg 96 ma sat, 86 Mach. CHU THICH 4: Sé cdc thye thd la dal Iugng thir guyén mot. VI DY: $6 ving cila mét cugn day, sé phan tir trong mot mau 8 cho, sy suy bién cdc merc nang ugng cia mot hé théng legng tir. 1.9 (1.7) Bon vj do Bon vi cla phép do Bon vi ‘Bal lwrgng thye vo hyéng, duge dinh nghia va thira nhdn theo quy uc ma mol dal lgng cling logi khéc 06 thé Guyc so sdnh vi nd a8 bidu didn ty s6 cia hai dal lugng bang mot sé. CHU THICH 1: Bon vi do duge thé hign bang tén va ky higu due dn dinh theo quy wéc. ‘TCVN 6165 : 2009 1.8 (1.6) quantity of dimension one dimensionless quantity quantity for which all the exponents of the factors corresponding to the base quantities in its quantity dimension are zero NOTE 1 The term ‘dimensionless quantity” is ‘commonly used and is kept here for historical reasons. It stems from the fact that all exponents are zero in the symbolle representation of the dimension for such quantities. The term “quantity of dimension one* reflects the convention in which the symbolic representation of the dimension for such quantities is the symbol 1 (see ISO 31-0:1992, 2.2.6). NOTE 2 The measurement units and values ‘of quantities of dimension one are numbers, but such quantities convey more information than a number. NOTE3 Some quantities of dimension: one are defined as the ratios of two quantities of the same kind. EXAMPLES Plane angle, solid refractive index, relative permeability, fraction, friction factor, Mach number. angle, mass NOTE 4 Numbers of entities are quantities of dimension one, EXAMPLES Number of tums in a coil, number of molecules in a given sample, degeneracy of the ‘energy levels of a quantum system. 1.9 (1.7) measurement unit unit of measurement unit unit real scalar quantity, defined and adopted by convention, with which any other quantity of the same kind can be compared to exprass the ratio of ‘the two quantities as a number NOTE 1 Measurement units are designated by conventionally assigned names and symbols. 2 TCVN 6165 : 2009 CHU THICH 2: Bon vi do cila céc dai lvgng cing ‘thi nguyén 06 thé dugc thé hign bang tan va ky higu nhu nhau ca khi céc dai lugng a6 khéng cing logi. VI dy, jun tr8n kenvin, JK, I& t8n va ky higu cla don ¥i do nhigt dung va don vi do entropy 1d hal del long khéng duge xem la cing logl. Tuy nhién, trong mot sé truéng hgp tén riéng cla don vj do duge giéi han chi 8 sir dung voi céc dai lugng cia mét loai x&c dinh. Vi dy, don vj do ‘gidy mo tir mot’ (1/s) urge goi la héc (Hz) khi siv dung cho tn 86 va becquerel (Bq) khi sir dung cho hoat 46 phéng xa. CHU THICH 3: Bon vj do cla dal legng thir nguyén mét la céc 6. Trong mot 6 trudng hop céc sb nay 6 tén rléng, vi dy radian, steradian va deciben, hoge duge dién ta bang céc ty sé nh milimol tr8n mol bang 10-$ va microgam trén kildgam bang 10-9, CHU THICH 4: B61 v6i mot dei lvgng 68 cho, thust Ngo “don vf thudng duoc két hop voi tén dei lueng, vi dy "don vi khéi turgng" hoe “don vi ela khdi wong”. 1.40 (1.13) Don vicoban Bon vj do dugc dn dinh bang quy wdc cho dai lwgng co ban. CHU THICH 1: Trong hé don vj nhét quan m&i dai long co ban chi cb mot don vi co ban. VI DY: Trong St, mét Ia don vi co ban cia 46 dal. Trong he CGS, centimét la on vi co ban cla a> dai, CHU THIGH 2: Bon vj co ban cOng 66 thé ding cho dal lugng dan xudt c6 cing tha nguyén. Vi DY: Lung mua, khi duge dinh nghta la thé tich dign tich (thé tich tran dign tich), cd mét a don vi dn xudt nhdt quan trong SI. 22 NOTE 2 Measurement units of quantities of the same quantity dimension may be designated by the same name and symbol even when the quantities are ‘not of the same kind. For example, joule per kelvin and uIK are respectively the name and symbol of both a measurement unit of heat capacity and a measurement unit of entropy, which are generally not considered to be quantities of the same kind. However, in some cases special measurement ‘unit names are restricted to be used with quantities of a specific kind only. For example, the measurement unit “second to the power minus one’ (1/s) Is called hertz (Hz) when used for frequencies and becquere! (Bq) when used for activities of radionuclides. NOTE3 Measurement units of quantities of dimension one sre numbers. In some cases these ‘measurement units are given special names, eg. radian, steradian, and decibel, or are expressed by ‘quotients such as milimole per mole equal to 10-8 and microgram per kilogram equal to 10-9, NOTE 4 Fora given quantity, the short term “unit” is often combined with the quantity name, such as “mass, ‘unit’ or “unit of mass", 4.40 (1.13) base unit measurement unit that is adopted by convention for a base quantity NOTE 1 Ineach coherent system of units, there is only one base unit for each base quantity. EXAMPLE In the SI, the metre is the base unit of length. In the CGS systems, the centimetre is the base unit of length, NOTE2 A base unit may also serve for a

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