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HEAT EXCHANGERS 5744(2)94/09/14 29 AVAILABLE ENERGY TRANSFER In order to understand the practical application of availability an analysis of the heat transfer in a simple feedwater heater is used as an example. The feedwater passing through the tubes is heated from 40°C to 100°C by saturated steam at 120°C which condenses to water at 120°C. It is assumed that all the heat in the steam is transferred to the water (no external heat losses). The heat rejection temperature is taken to be 40°C (lowest temperature appearing in the system) and the feedwater flow is 250 kg/s. A heat balance calculation gives a steam flow of 28.5 kg/s assuming a thermal efficiency of 100%. Just as the change in energy is determined by (mass flow) x Ah so the change in available energy is determined by (mass flow ) x Aa. The available energy transferred out of the steam A34 is 12796 kJ/s but the available energy transferred into the water Aj.2 is only 5250 ki/s. There is thus a loss in available energy as a result of the transfer and a corresponding increase in unavailable energy. The usefulness of the heat in the fluid has been decreased and the effectiveness of transfer of available energy ‘is 41%. Although the thermal efficiency of the heater is 100% the value of the heat that has been transferred has been reduced. If the heat is to be subsequently used in a process this degradation is obviously undesirable. It has been shown that available energy is lost when there is an increase in entropy which in turn is the result of the transfer of heat across a boundary with a temperature difference. If the temperature difference can be reduced will this lead to a reduction in the loss of available energy during the transfer? Consider an improved design of a feedwater heater. By inserting baffles the steam can be directed in a counterflow path and the condensate cooled below the saturation temperature. The feedwater still enters at 40°C and Ieaves at 100°C but the steam which enters at 120°C is condensed and subcooled to 60°C. This gives a terminal temperature difference at each end of the counterflow arrangement of 20°C. A recalculation of the effectiveness gives an effectiveness of available energy transfer of 43%. This is an improvement as expected. L2/8 If the terminal temperature differences could be reduced at each end of the heat; exchanger would the effectiveness improve? With a reduction in terminal temperature differences to 10°C such that the feedwater enters at 40°C and leaves at 110°C and the steam enters at 120°C and leaves at 50°C (after condensation) the effectiveness becomes A9%. With a further reduction in terminal temperature differences to zero such that the feedwater leaves at 120°C (same temperature as entering steam) and the condensate leaves at 40 C (same temperature as entering feedwater) the effectiveness becomes 58%. Even though the terminal temperature differences are zero there is still a loss in available energy. This is strange as there is no more that can be done to improve the heat exchanger which has a thermal efficiency of 100% and terminal temperature differences of zero. Referring back to the original diagram of the transfer of heat from one fluid to another fluid on a T-s diagram clearly shows how 7) } the. increase in unavailable energy (loss in available energy) is derived. AVAILABLE An attempt to plot the process on party a T-s diagram gives an 7 indecipherable result. Why do the values of entropy and the plotted areas appear to be wrong? Bear in mind that the two flows in the heater are not equal. On a T-s To diagram the areas indicating heat UNAVAILABLE transferred have units ENERGY (°K)(kJ/kg°K) = Wikg. Since the © = flows (kg/s) are not equal the Se SS areas (kJ/kg) will not be consistent. A common basis (time) must be used to ensure compatibility of the areas. L2/9 If-the flow rate per unit time (kg/s) is incorporated and the area measured in heat transferred per unit time (KJ/s) consistency is obtained. The required plot is thus a T-GAs diagram. This gives areas having units (°K)(kg/s)(kI/kg°K) = ki/s = W which is power. The T-GAs diagram clearly shows that there is a definite increase in unavailable energy. The shapes of the plotted areas indicate a substantial amount of available energy in the steam which is not present in the water. This is as a result of temperature differences prevailing within the feedwater heater which are not evident from an external analysis of the heater. ose Lee 2.130 TEMPERATULE INCKEASE IW UNAVAILABLE ENEkCY ° $2 ay ast Flow RAYE x ENTKoPY DiFFELENCE GAS A AVAILABLE. ENERGY TRANSFER IN HEAT EXCHANGERS G, STEAM 120° (sarugated) FEEDWATER HEATER @® Gy @ FEEDWATER FEEDWATER (j) 120° (Sarukared) @ DRAIN + GAIN. IN | AVAILABLE: ENERGY? AE yg = Qig - TASi4 Loss IN AVAILABLE ENERGY = AEs, = Qse -— TASzy RATE OF GAIN IN AVAILABLE ENEREY : Ajg = Gw[(h-h,) - To (5-5), KATE OF LOSS IN AVAILABLE ENERGY? Ay, = Ge [ (hy-hy) —To (52-5) ASSumé NO HEAT Loss Fkom HEATER RATE of HEAT TKANSFER = Git bw = Qs bs Gw(he-h,) = Gs (ha~ he) " ASSuMe §=FeEDWATEK FLow : ow 250 kgls Assume Hear KETECTION TEMPEKATUKE t= 40°o To “ = a x A Fluip PRorekrits : h, = hp = he * STEAM Flow 168 kr lkg Ss = 0.992 kT |ky’c AID kT ky Se 1,307 kT kg 1106 Ar ly Ss 1.130 kT | kg*e Son betlky Se = 548 kT [hye Gw (hie- hi) = Gs (hs - hy) 180 (419-168) = Gs (2706 - S04) Gs = zso (481 | £202) ae 488 kgls GAIN IN AVAILABLE ENEKCY Ayes ann Gw [(he-~h) - T(s-5,)] aso [{ (at- Ibe) - 313 (1.307-0.572)] aso [ 251 - 230] gaso kT ls (cur) Loss IN AVAILABLE ENERGY ! Asy EFFECTIVENESS € EFFECTIVENESS IN is Gy [(hy-he) - Te (s5- 4] 18.9 [ (2706 - Sow) ~ 313 (7.130 -1.948)] 1e.8[ £202 - 1183] 12746 krls Ga) TRANSFER OF AVAILABLE EWERCY AVAILAQLE ENELCY our AVRICGCE ENELEY IN ‘THE AGILITY OF THE HEAT EXCHANCEK To TKANSFER HEAT WITH THE MINIMUM KEDUETION IN THE SYSTEM AVAILASLE ENEKCY é€ " won $480 | 14996 o. 41 Al IMPRo} VED DESIGN OF FEEDWATER HEATER Gs STEAM 120°C (SATURATED) FEEDWATER FEEDWATER 190°C 4o°e ATe 20°C . @ DRAIN TERMINAL TEMPERATULE DiFFEkENCES = 20€ b0% FLUID PROFELTIES h, = tbe kak = 0.587 kT] ky hp = ANd kr [ky $= 1307 kT / kg *c hy = 2206 kT Sy = 2.180 ETI ky'e hy = fst kT ky Ss = 0.831 lige STEAM FLOW GAIN Gwi(he-h) = Gs (hs ~ be) 490 (414 - Ibe) = Gs (2706 - 291) Cy = tso (451 | t459) Cy > £81 kgls IN AVAILABLE ENEKCY bw E(ageh) = Te (42-8:9] 250 [ (at - 16@) - 313 (1-307 - 0.872) ] ago [ 251 - 230] $450 kT s (our) (AS beroxe ) Ast oan A Loss IN AVAILABLE EWERCY 6s [(hs- hy) - 7 (55- 5,)] Are = = asa [ (2206 - £81) — 313 (1.130 - 0.831)] = asf 2eeg - 1992] = 121ag kT /s Cin) EFFECTIVENESS Z AVAILABLE ENELCY ouT é Z AVAICABCE ENEKCY IN = Sago | 14123 0.43 = 43% REDUCTION IN TERMINAL TEMPERATUKE DIFFEKENCES o'c FEEDWATER Gw o'r AT = 10°e FLUID = PROFELTIES hy = We ktlhy 3 = 8.974 kT n= Abt erly S = bee kil Iyec hy = 2906 kr ley Sy = W180 kT [ky *e he = 209 ly Se = Oty ktlkye STEAM FLOW Gw = 450 kgls Gs = 1th kyle GAIN IN AVAILAGLE ENELCY Aig = 1000 kris (our) LOSS IN AVAILABLE ENERGY Agy = e288 .kt]s (in) EFFECTIVENESS é ‘Jooo | 14288 O44 = 44% PERFECT HEATER WITH ZéKko TEKMINAL TEMPERATURE DICKELENCE TEMPELATUKES + Es . hore ft = [nore ts = 120°C tb = hore A Fluip PRoPeRTIES ho = 1g kill s = 0.97 kT /hg*c hy = Soh ket ky =e hy = 2908 ka|ky Ss = 1130) kT yee Cr Se = 0.912 KT] ky "te STEAM FLOW Cw = 280 kgls Gs > 380 igls GAIN IN AVAILABLE ENERCY Ava = Uso ktls (our) Loss IN AVAILABLE ENERGY Azy = dbose kIls in) EFFECTIVENESS € = 4480] Ibook = 0.86 = 9¢ OVERALL Of SYSTEM LOSS IN AVAILABLE ENERCY = 1b0S% — Faso = $60% Tis CORRESPONDING SYSTEM INCLEASE IN UNAVALLAGLE EWERCY 680k kr ls Simple Condensing Feedwater Heater (large terminal temperature differences) Steam Inlet 120°C saturated Feedwater Inlet Feedwater Outlet 40°C subcooled 100°C subcooled Condensate Outlet 120°C saturated Counterflow Condensing Feedwater Heater with Subcooling (zero terminal temperature differences) Steam Inlet 120°C saturated Feedwater Inlet 40°C subcooled Feedwater Outlet 120°C subcooled Condensate Outlet 40°C subcooled Figure 10 Simple feedwater heaters T- S$ DIAGRAM FOR HEAT EXCHANGER 08 18 1.130 s WHY » IS. AREA. UNDER , 1-2 (SECONDARY. Fluid) SMALLER THAN THAT UNDER $-& (PRIMAKY FLUID) ? TRANSFERKING HEAT To A LOoweR TémPERATULE FLUID 18 SuUPPOSéD TO INCREASE ENTROPY Bur ENTROPY UNDER 1-2 APPEALS YO BE LESS THAN UNDER 3-4. way if THis. ? A TEMPEKATURE VEKSuS FLOW KATE x ENTROPY DIFFERENCE Roig eG = G0 | oe = 1508 Cece esp Elise ON | 22) Gh S88, ly = 280 CwS, = 384 kils*e ponr 3: $3 = 2130 6s = 380 bss, = £36 kils‘e POINT #%: Sy = 09% bs > FI bss = 14 kile PonT S$: Sy = W828 Gs = 384 Gs Sy = 81 kT Isc RELATE - ALL VALUES To SAME BASE BY TAKING DIFFELENCES Nore THAT Point’ 1 AND PoInr 4% HAVE THE SAME ENTROPY (S$) Bur DIFFELENT = Ewrhory x Flow RATE (Gs) VALUES HENCE NEED Fok COMMON = BASE Pours 1-2: Gwds 382- h3 299 kris % pours 3-4 : Gs As 136-19 ur kris ve fonts S-4 > GsAS = S- 19 = ga kT Ie °c Incttase Iw UNAVAILABLE ENERGY ° sh a1 asa FLOWRATE x ENTKoPY DIFFERENCE GAs INCLEASE IN UNAVAILABLE ENEKCY = 313 (434 - 417) = 698 kI/s sexe 120 = 4 of Heat | Rejection Z | Rejection 2 0 2 s S P = Increase in s Unavailable Energy -273 (mass flow rate) x (entropy difference) MAs (kJ/s) Figure 11 Temperature versus mass flow rate x entropy difference Figure 6-12 Temperature-path length dia- gram for a three-zone closed feedwater Path length heater. vet U-tube Heater support Tre rod. Steam inet impingement Shel st baltle Tube support Tubesheet Optional drains Drains subcooling ssubcooling zone bypass zone Battie Drains outlet Figure $23 Feedwater heater internals. (From the EPRI Jounal, Dec. 1982.) Fecuwater outlet nozee Channel Feedwater inlet nozzle Leadership in designing and manufacturing the heat exchangers of today means anticipating the ever- higher standards of power generation. These standards can only be met by highly-qualified and specialised personnel who carry out precision construction with sophisticated materials according to rigid quality specifications. That is why Heat Exchangers work to. comprehensive and detailed Quality Assurance Programme in ac- cordance with BS and SABS specifications; why it provides round-the-clock service facilities and why it leads South Africa in providing heat exchangers for every modern industry. HEAT EXCHANGERS LTD Incorporating NATIONAL HEAT TRANSFER ITD Astainless steel bundle before assembly into shell of aL P Heater for Koeberg power station. Feed-waterheating 559 Feed water Feed water inlet outlet Figue 12.20(a) Location of feed heater air vents — bled steam only (CEGB) Feed-waterheating 539 Condensate inlet --—~" Waterbox inlet Condensate flow in waterbox {ff PTA || Inlet port (in steam belt) Support bracket Heater body a aL Tube “Pipes omitted |] | element for clarity i Air vent 1 outlet Drain cooling | i y; section Water level gauge connections Figure 12.3 Low pressure feed heater (CEGB) WATER LEVEL GAUGE. UFTING TRUNNION STEAMINLET + RELIEF VALVE FEED WATER INLET AIR VENT FEED WATER OUTLET CONDENSING SECTION ‘DRAIN COOLING SECTION waren LeveL, pnesune cauce suever-rrout' comecrion # DRAIN OUTLEY / ' arava, Saousat any, NOISad OISVE UaLVAH dH —a— ‘OoEGOS - NONE 560 Feed-water heating Air vent Water intet_ {facing Water outlet Water drain_§ bell Water drain Relief valve connection = Air vent (9 Figure 12.20(b) Location of feed heater air vents— mid level steam inlet (CEGB) Feed-waterheating 545 Figure 12.7(b) HP feed heater with tubular headers (CEGB)

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