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Training Manual

Oracle Sourcing
eShakti ERP Implementation

Document 1.0 Version Rev 1.0

Prepared By (Infosys) Date
Reviewed By Date
Authorized By Date
Approved By Date

OPTCL Sourcing Training Document -1-


Ver.Rev Date Author Description with Reason

1.0 05-Dec-2011 Infosys Initial Draft

OPTCL Sourcing Training Document -2-

Table of Contents
Tendering Process for OPTCL ............................................................................................................ 4

1 Requisitions Management for Tenders ...................................................................... 4

1.1 Assignment of Unassigned requisitions to Buyers .................................................. 4

1.2 Reassignment of requisition to a different Buyer .................................................... 4
1.3 Split of Requisition into multiple requisitions ........................................................... 5
1.4 Click on add and Order details will be available in the Document Builder Section.
1.5 Click on create to auto create a Tender from requisition details .A new Tendering
Screen will open. ......................................................................................................... 6
2 Tender Management ............................................................................................................ 7

2.1 Creation, Approval and Publishing of a Two Part Tender ........................................ 7

2.2 Closure of Tender for Bidding................................................................................... 22
2.3 Entry of Surrogate Bids from Suppliers .................................................................. 22
2.4 Evaluation of Bids and Award................................................................................... 26
2.5 Launching of a LOI/NOA letter Report ..................................................................... 31
2.6 Generation of a Purchase Order. ............................................................................. 33

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Tendering Process for OPTCL
1 Requisitions Management for Tenders
1.1 Assignment of Unassigned requisitions to Buyers
1.1.1 Go To OPTCL Tender Buyer >Requisitions
1.1.2 Click on Unassigned Requisition view and click on Go.
a) In the document builder section on the right hand side, Choose the Type as
Standard Purchase Order for Purchase Order and Work Orders
b) In case of Rate Contract choose the Type as ‘Blanket Purchase Agreement’ in
the document builder section
c) Select the requisitions that would be part of the tender.

1.2 Reassignment of requisition to a different Buyer

1.2.1 Click on Reassign and Select the Buyer Name if you want to reassign.

To change buyer
click on Reassign.

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Enter the Name of New
Buyer & Click on apply to
add new buyer

1.3 Split of Requisition into multiple requisitions

1.1.3 Go To OPTCL Tender Buyer >Requisitions
1.1.4 Enter the Requisition number and click on Go.
1.1.5 Select the requisition number and click on Split.

Click on Split to create

multiple requisitions
from one.

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1.4 Click on add and Order details will be available in the Document Builder

Select the Requisition & Click

on add to add the requisition
to document builder section.

Choose the outcome as

standard Purchase Order or
Blanket Purchase Agreement

1.5 Click on create to auto create a Tender from requisition details .A new
Tendering Screen will open.

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2 Tender Management
2.1 Creation, Approval and Publishing of a Two Part Tender
2.1.1 Enter the Tender Header Details

a) Enter the Tender Title or Name.

b) In case of two stage tendering process with Techno-Commercial and price bids,
click on ‘Two Stage’ checkbox.
c) Provide the Detail Description of the Tender. E.g.: Procurement of transformers
d) Enter the issuing Division field as the unit which will be issuing the Tender
e) In the Collaboration Team members section enter name of people participating in
tender. In case of approvers, approver checkbox has to be clicked.
f) Security Level can be assigned as Full, Scoring or View Only.
I. Full Access should be given in case the user will have full access to Tendering
II. Scoring Access should be given in case user will provide scores only.
III. Views Only in case user have read only privileges.

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2.1.2 In the Terms Section enter Bill To Address and Ship to Address where ship to
address is the Consignee and Bill to is the Paying officer Address.
2.1.3 Choose the Payment Terms as Immediate.
2.1.4 Choose the Freight Terms as the case may be. E.g. Air, Railway, prepaid etc.
2.1.5 In the Requirements section
a) If there is a questionnaire to be answered by the Supplier, Add a new Section.

Requirements Section to
enter Commercial &
Technical requirements

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b) Enter the Name of section, the RFQ Stage either Technical or Commercial
(where evaluation of the requirement would be done) and then click on ‘Apply
and add requirement’.

c) Add the requirement along with Type as ‘Required’, Optional, Internal and display
d) Add the value type as ‘Text’, Number or Date.
e) Select the Scoring method as Automatic or Manual .In case no scoring will be
done choose none.
f) Enter Target Scores in case you have potential target scores in mind for the
given requirement.
g) In the attachment Section, add drawings and Technical Specification Documents
if required.

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h) Click on apply to return to the Tendering header screen.

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i) After the header details are finished, review the line level details which has been
auto created from requisition by clicking on Update for each line.
j) For creation of a tender without a Purchase Requisition, select the Actions as
“Create Line” and then click on ‘Go’ button.

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k) Enter the item details, start price and Target Price if required. Target price is
always less than the start price. This will be used for Commercial evaluation.
l) Enter Need-By From and Need-To Date which is delivery date of the supply or
work order.

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m) In the attachment section add any attachments which need to be added for the
Items or works specifically.
n) In case the line item or the material has technical attributes associated with it.
i. Click on Attribute list in case you want to add already defined technical
attributes for the material. E.g. Primary Voltage, Secondary Voltage.
ii. Search for the required Technical attributes and click on add to add the
technical attributes of item.
iii. Search for “Financial Attributes” and click on add to add the EMD.

Click on Add to add the

Technical attributes of the

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2.1.6 Go to the Controls Section
a) Enter the Tender Postage Cost as per the guidelines.
b) Enter the Tender Document Sale From Date and To Date. These are the Dates
on which Tender Documents on sale are available to Vendors.
c) Enter the close Date as the Date after which no bids will be accepted from
suppliers Enter the Tender Document cost. This is the amount vendor’s needs to
pay to participate in the Tender.
d) Enter the Open Date as when the tender will open.
e) Enter the Award Date in case there is a prespecified Date for award of bids.
f) Enter the appropriate Tender Call Notice Number.
g) Enter the Demand Draft Payable To Unit.
h) Enter the Tender Bid Open Date. This is the date on which the Bid will open and
surrogate quotes can be entered in the application.
i) In case it is required to close the tender before the tender closing Dates, check
‘Allow manual close before the Close Date.’
j) Uncheck ‘Require full quantity’ in case suppliers are allowed to bid on partial
k) Click on ‘Allow Multiple Responses’ in case you want multiple bid from
suppliers against on Tender.

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2.1.7 Go to Contract Terms to add the Tender Terms & Conditions
a) Select the Contract Terms template that needs to be added to Tender and click
on apply.
b) Expand all to view all the clauses attached to the template.

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Click on Add Section to create a
new section & add clause to add
a clause under a section.

2.1.8 In case a new clause needs to be added, click on add new clause.
a) Click on create Non-standard Clause.
b) Create the appropriate clause.

Click here to add

clause on the fly.

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2.1.9 In Suppliers section click on add supplier and then search for the suppliers
to be added

Click here to add

supplier or an invitation

2.1.10 Check the suppliers that needs to be added and click on ‘add to invited
suppliers’ and then click on apply.

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2.1.11 Select the supplier sites and the in case there is an additional contact to be
added. Add the e-mail id in the additional Contact E-mail.

2.1.12 Click on review to review the tender and then submit for approval.

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2.1.13 Approvers will log on and can find approval notification in the worklist. Users
can take the following actions after opening the notification.
a) Approve: This will approve the tender from users side.
b) Reject: In case users want to reject the tender. A rejection reason has to be
c) Reassign: This will reassign the notification to a different user.
d) Request Information: Approvers can request for more information to be provided by
the tender owner.

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2.1.14 In case there are multiple approvers, simultaneously notifications are sent to all the
approvers for approval. After all of them approve the status of the tender will be set
to approved.

2.1.15 After the final approval, tender will be available to the buyer to be published .After the
user will Click on publish a notification will go to publish the tender in newspapers
and/or on OPTCL Website.

2.1.16 After the Tender has been published it will be available under the published
Negotiations Tab.

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2.1.17 Printing of Tender Print report
a) Go to OPTCL Tender Buyer>Administration>Concurrent Requests>’Tender
Print Report’
b) In the Parameters Window Enter the RFQ Number

2.1.18 Keep adding the Suppliers to the Oracle System as and when Tender forms are sold.
To know how to create a new supplier in oracle system, please refer the ‘Purchasing
Training Manual’.

2.2 Closure of Tender for Bidding

2.2.1 For closing the Tender for further bidding. After closing no bids can be further
i. Go to Actions
ii. Click on Close RFQ

2.3 Entry of Surrogate Bids from Suppliers

2.3.1 On the Day the Techno-Commercial bids have to be opened ,

a) Go to Actions>Unlock Technical Stage and click on Go.
b) Go to Actions>Unseal Technical Bids

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2.3.2 After Unlocking Technical Stage or Techno-Commercial Stage a surrogate Quote can
be entered in the system.
a) Go To Actions
b) Create Surrogate Quote

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2.3.3 Enter the Name of Supplier for Which Quote has to be entered and then click on
‘Create Surrogate Quote-Technical’ to enter the quote.

2.3.4 For entering the Technical Details , enter the

a) Quote Received Time
b) Technical requirements at the header section, the Questions answered by Supplier.
c) Line level Technical requirements answered by Supplier.

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2.3.5 Click on Continue to submit the Technical Specifications. Please note that system will
not allow entering the Price Bids as Price bidding has not been opened yet. Enter the
Technical Quotes for all the submitted bids.

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2.4 Evaluation of Bids and Award
2.4.1 Technical Evaluation
a) Go to Action>Analyze by Quote
b) Click on ‘Compare Requirements’ tab to compare and analyze the quotes given by all
c) Click on ‘Change Shortlist Status’ for the suppliers that will not carry forward for the
Commercial Stage evaluation or Price Bid Round.

2.4.2 Go to Actions>Complete Technical evaluation and then click on complete on the

next screen to finish the Technical evaluation of Suppliers.

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2.4.3 When the Price Bids will start
a) Go to Actions>Unlock Commercial Stage to start the Price Bid.
b) Go to Actions>Unseal Stage: Commercial to start the Price Bid.
2.4.4 For entering the Quote on behalf of suppliers
a) Go to actions>Create Surrogate quote-Commercial

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2.4.5 Enter the commercial details:
a) At the header level
b) If supplier has provided any drawings, add it as an attachment to the Bid.
c) Any Certificates can be scanned and entered as attachment.
d) Go to Lines to enter the Price Details on behalf of Supplier and click on Continue.

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2.4.6 After Verifying all the details, click on Submit to enter the Quote. Similar
process has to be followed while entering the quotes for all the Suppliers.
2.4.7 Now for Short listing the Suppliers for the price bid
a) Go to Actions > Analyze by Quote or Analyze by Lines. Either of actions can
be taken based on the requirement.

2.4.8 Select the Supplier that needs to shortlisted and click on Award .In case of
multiple suppliers have been shortlisted by different items or one line has
been awarded to multiple suppliers. Award can be done by Lines as well.
2.4.9 Click on the Award Radio Button in the screen and then go to Actions>Save
award to save the award shortlisted.

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2.4.10 To complete the Award process
a) Go to Actions>Complete Award.
b) In the next screen system will ask the user whether a Purchase order
should be created or not for the tender.
c) In case award decision has to be shared with all the suppliers. Check on
‘Share award decision with suppliers immediately’.

2.5 Launching of a LOI/NOA letter Report

a) Go to OPTCL Tender Super User >LOI/NOA Report

b) Select the following parameters and submit the Report

ii. Document Type as ‘Letter of Award ’ or ‘Letter of Intent’
iii. Document Copy as ‘New’ or Existent
iv. Letter Number : Provided by Diary Section
v. Tender Number
vi. Bid/Quote Number
vii. Note to Supplier : Any extra Information required by Supplier
viii. References : Any reference Documents/Annexure attached to the document
ix. CC To: Whoever this letter has to be copied to.
x. Enclosures: Names of any enclosures that has to be sent with the letter.

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For generating any existing letter, select the document copy as existing and provide the letter
number and a latest copy of letter will be generated.

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2.6 Generation of a Purchase Order.
After generating the LOI a purchase order can be generated.

2.4.11 Click on submit to create a Purchase Order.

2.4.12 Enter the Purchase Order Number and click on submit.
2.4.13 This will create an incomplete Purchase Order in Oracle Purchasing System.

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Training Manual

Supplier Set Up

eShakti ERP Implementation

OPTCL Sourcing Training Document - 34 -

Document 1.0 Version Rev 1.0
Prepared By (Infosys) Date 16-May-2012
Reviewed By Date
Authorized By Date
Approved By Date

OPTCL Sourcing Training Document - 35 -


Ver.Rev Date Author Description with Reason

0.0 16- Santosh Chauhan Initial version


OPTCL Sourcing Training Document - 36 -


1. ................................................................................................. Login to System


2. ..................................................................................................Supplier Set Up

3. ........................................................................ Supplier – India Localization Setup


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Login to System

Enter the required login credentials to login to the application.

First Screen will show all the responsibilities assigned to the User.

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Click Here

Navigate to – ‘OPTCL Purchasing Super User’ Responsibility

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Supplier Set Up

2.1 Navigate: OPTCL Purchasing Super User -> Oracle Purchasing -> Supply Base ->

The above navigation will open an HTML Page for creating the Supplier.

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2.2 HTML Page for Supplier Creation

From this page, user can Search an existing Supplier and/or Create a new Supplier

Click Here to
Create New

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2.3 Enter Supplier Details

Structure Information of Supplier Creation

Enter the following mandatory fields:

1. Supplier Type [Standard Supplier, most commonly used]

2. Organization Name [Enter a unique name for supplier]

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Click Here

Click on Apply

· If the Supplier Number Entry option in the Payables System Setup window is set to
Automatic, Payables automatically enters a Supplier Number for you.
· If this option is set to Manual, you must enter a unique Supplier Number.

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Click Here

To create sites for the supplier, go to the Suppliers: Address Book page

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2.4 Supplier Address Book Page

From this page, user can Search an existing Address of Supplier and/or create a new

Click here to
create new
Click on Create button to enter a new Address

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Enter Supplier Address Details

Structure Information of Supplier Creation

Enter the following:

1. Country
2. Address Line1
3. City
4. State
5. Address Name [This will be used as the Site name.]
6. Address Purpose:
a. Select Purchasing
b. Select Payment

After entering the details click on Continue

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2.5 Supplier Site Creation

· As soon as Address is created, System prompts user to create a Site for the address
created as shown in above navigation.

· Here, Site Name column as highlighted below uses the ‘Address Name’ created in
the previous screenshots.
Click here to
· A User can choose to have multiple sites using same address. Save the

Click on the Operating Units for which this Supplier Site will be available.

Click on Apply.

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Confirmation Screen Appears

Click here to
update and
manage Sites

Update and Manage Sites of Supplier by clicking on the icons

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2.6 Update Address Screen:

Update Address Screen can be used later for making any changes to the details of Address.

And click on Apply.

2.7 Manage Sites Screen (For creating multiple Sites using same address):

Click here to
create new Site

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Enter a Site
Name and

After entering Site Name and selecting Operating Unit, Click on Apply to Save the form.

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2.8 After creating Sites, Click on ‘+Show’ link below

Click here to
view all the
sites for this

Click here to
manage sites

· As per OPTCL requirement Construction and Non construction divisions have

different liability accounts.

· To allocate different liability accounts, we have created two different sites under
same address representing Construction Site with (C) and Non Construction Site
with (O).

· Example:

o Address Name – ‘Cuttack’

OPTCL Sourcing Training Document - 51 -
o Site Name for Construction Division – ‘Cuttack(C)’

o Site Name for any non-Construction Division – ‘Cuttack(O)’

Manage Sites form for updating other details of Sites.

Structure Information of Site Details

Enter the following fields as applicable:

1. Site Name
2. Select
a. Purchasing
b. Pay
c. Primary Pay

Click here to
save the

Note the highlighted area in the above screenshot. It defines the purpose of the Site.

· At the time of invoice creation Primary Pay site defaults for that supplier. If user wishes,
he/she can change it to other Pay site also from LOV.

· At least one of the sites for the supplier should be set as Pay or Primary Pay otherwise
the Supplier will not be listed at the time of creating invoice.

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· Only those sites which are set as Pay or Primary Pay will be listed at the time of invoice

· Only those sites which are set as Purchasing will be listed at the time of Purchase Order

· If none of the site is Purchasing enabled, the Supplier will not be listed at the time of
Purchase Order Creation.

2.9 Enter Contact Details for Supplier

· Navigate to Contact Directory Page for the Supplier.

· Click on Create to enter contact details of the supplier.

Click here to
enter Contact

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Enter Details for the Contact Directory.

Select this

Click on the check box as shown above. And then Scroll down in this page, following fields will
be visible.

Enter Username and select the responsibilities for the Supplier.

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Note: If User Account is not created for the contact and Sourcing Supplier is not checked, the
supplier will not be available in the LOVs in Sourcing module.

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Scroll up and
Click here to
Save the

Now, click here

to enter

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2.10 Accounting Details

· Following Liability Accounts will default with values set in Financial Options-
>Accounting Tab.

· User can change it as per the requirement.

· Note for Cuttack(C) and Cuttack (O) sites we have different liability accounts

Click here to
save the

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Supplier – India Localization Setup

· Supplier Additional Information is entered for TDS purposes only for already existing

· This information is required to be captured for Supplier (null site) and Supplier Site(s)

3.1 Navigate: OPTCL Purchasing Super User -> India Localization -> Suppliers -> Additional
Information Info

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Click here to

· Same navigation is used for entering Additional Information values for Supplier and
Supplier Site.

· For Supplier, the value in the field Site will remain null and for Supplier Site the value in
the same field will be the actual site value of that supplier.

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3.2 Enter Supplier Information

Structure Information
Enter the following as applicable:

1. Name: Supplier name. It can be searched from the LOV.

2. Number: As populated upon searching the supplier name
3. Site: Null for Supplier, otherwise Site Value
4. Sales Tax : CST Reg No.
5. VAT Reg No
6. Service Tax Registration Number

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Note that Site
value is Null.

Click here for

entering TDS

Fields above are set for other taxes like CST, VAT, Service Tax.

For entering PAN details for the purpose of TDS settings, click on ‘TDS Details’ as shown in
above screenshot.

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TDS Details for Supplier and Supplier Site:

Structure Information
Enter the following:

1. TDS Vendor Type

2. PAN No
3. Create Pre-Validated TDS Invoice and Credit Memo: Checked
4. Confirm Pan: Checked

· TDS Vendor Type is important because TDS Thresholds are for a combination of TDS
Section Code and Vendor Type. And therefore the threshold limit for a particular TDS
Section Code applicable to a supplier is determined by this Vendor Type.

· PAN number should be a 10 digit valid alphanumeric value.

· After entering PAN No. Confirm Pan check box is selected, this ensures that the details
entered by the user are correct and cannot be modified ever again.

· After entering the details Save the form.

· List of TDS applicable to this supplier is populated when the details are saved and the
same supplier is queried again.

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3.3 Supplier Site information and TDS Details are entered in the same way as mentioned
before for each site of the supplier. Note that Site
field has value

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OPTCL Sourcing Training Document - 64 -
Training Manual

Oracle Inventory /Procurement

eShakti ERP Implementation

OPTCL Sourcing Training Document - 65 -

Document 1.0 Version Rev 1.0
Prepared By (Infosys) Date
Reviewed By Date
Authorized By Date
Approved By Date


Ver.Rev Date Author Description with Reason

OPTCL Sourcing Training Document - 66 -

1.0 22-Nov- Infosys Initial Version

OPTCL Sourcing Training Document - 67 -

OPTCL Sourcing Training Document - 68 -
Table of Contents


1.1 Log in to Oracle EBS and enter your user name and password............................. 71

1.2 To create a new clause:.............................................................................................. 71


2.1 Log in to Oracle EBS with your User name and Password. .................................... 78

2.2 Go to OPTCL CPC Contract Terms Super User > Contract Template. ................. 78

2.3 Click on Create Template to create a new Contract ................................................ 79

2.4 Enter the Contract Template Details ......................................................................... 79

2.5 Click on Submit to submit the Contract template for approval. ............................... 87

2.6 Below is the approval Hierarchy for Contract template approval. ........................... 87

2.7 Below is the sample approval notification for approval ............................................ 88

2.8 Below is the approved template ................................................................................. 89

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1.1 Log in to Oracle EBS and enter your user name and password.

1.2 To create a new clause:

1.2.1 Click on ‘OPTCL CPC Contract Terms Super User’ > Clauses

1.2.2 Click on create clause to create a new clause

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1.2.3 Enter Clause header Details
i. Enter the clause Title.
ii. Enter the display name. Display name can be different than the clause
title. In case both are same, copy the clause title.

iii. Select the Intent as Buy and type as others.

iv. Enter the Description required for the clause.
v. Enter the Start Date and End Date for the clause.

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1.2.4 Enter the text required for the clause in text or paste the same incase
the clause is available in word document.

1.2.5 Perform the formatting required to be done in the clause.

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1.2.6 In case any variables have to be added, click on the add variable

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1.2.7 Select the required variable to be added to the clause and click on
apply. If the variable is system defined choose ‘System’, in case it is
user defined choose ‘User Defined’. In case the user does not know
the variable name, select all.

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1.2.8 Put the cursor where the variable has to be added and then click on insert.
The variable will be added in the text.

1.2.9 After the text has been completed in the clause,click on Submit.

1.2.10 The clause will be submitted for approval and status of the clause
will change to ‘Pending for Approval’.

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1.2.11 Each clause submitted will have to go for following approval hierarchy.
Only after approval by all the persons listed below, the clause status will
be changed to approved and it can be used to create Contract

1. AGM(Fin), CPC
2. Sr. GM(CPC)
3. Director of Engineering
4. MD

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2.1 Log in to Oracle EBS with your User name and Password.

2.2 Go to OPTCL CPC Contract Terms Super User > Contract Template.

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2.3 Click on Create Template to create a new Contract

2.4 Enter the Contract Template Details

2.4.1 Operating Unit Field will default to OPTCL.

2.4.2 Enter the Name of the Template

2.4.3 Select the intent as ‘Buy’.

2.4.4 Provide a Start Date and End Date.

2.4.5 Select the Layout template as ‘Oracle Contract Terms Template

OPTCL Sourcing Training Document - 79 -

OPTCL Sourcing Training Document - 80 -
2.4.6 Enter the Document types for which contract terms template will be
used. Document types can be ‘Standard Purchase Order’, ’Blanket
Purchase Order’, ‘Contract Purchase Agreement’ and RFQ

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2.4.7 Click on apply to create the Contract terms template.

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2.4.8 Click on clause section to go the clause section.

2.4.9 For adding a clause, a section has to be added first and then
subsequent clauses will be added.

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2.4.10 For selecting an existing section choose the create column as ‘From
Library’, provide description and click on apply.

2.4.11 For a new section choose the create column as ‘New’,

provide description and click on apply.

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2.4.12 Select the section that has been created and click on add clause.

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2.4.13 Select the clause which needs to be added to in the template and
then click on apply. The selected clauses will be added to the
Contract template.

2.4.14 Click on Save. The clauses will be added to the contract template.

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2.4.15 Go to Actions > preview to preview the contract.

2.5 Click on Submit to submit the Contract template for approval.

2.6 Below is the approval Hierarchy for Contract template approval.

2.6.1 Each contract template submitted will have to go for following

approval hierarchy. Only after approval all the below persons the
clause status will be changed to approved and it can be used to
create Contract Templates.

i. AGM(Fin), CPC
ii. Sr. GM(CPC)
iii. CGM(Const.)
iv. Director of Engineering
v. Director of Finance
vi. MD

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2.7 Below is the sample approval notification for approval

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2.8 Below is the approved template

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Training Manual

Oracle Inventory /Procurement

eShakti ERP Implementation

OPTCL Sourcing Training Document - 90 -

Document 1.0 Version Rev 1.0
Prepared By (Infosys) Date 09-Jul-2010
Reviewed By Date
Authorized By Date
Approved By Date

OPTCL Sourcing Training Document - 91 -


Ver.Rev Date Author Description with Reason

1 09-Jul-2010 (Infosys) Initial version

2 03-Oct- (Infosys) Initial version


OPTCL Sourcing Training Document - 92 -

1 Oracle Applications – startup information .................................................................. 95

Login to Oracle Applications ......................................................................................................... 95

1.1.1Log in To Oracle Application: ............................................................................ 95

1.1.2Basics of Oracle Applications Navigation........................................................... 96
2 INVENTORY ORGANZIATIONS OVERVIEW ................................................................. 101

2.1 Definition of Inventory Organizations ............................................................. 101

2.2 ................................................................................................ Stores Creation (Sub inventories)
.................................................................................................................................................. 113

3 ITEMS (parts) DEFNITION AND MAINTENAnCE.......................................................... 117

3.1 Create New Items ............................................................................................. 117

3.2 ............................................................................................................................... Transactions
.................................................................................................................................................. 121

3.2.1 Issue /Receipt Transactions ........................................................................... 121

3.2.1SCRAP ISSUE ................................................................................................... 124
3.2.2Item Transfer within Divisions (Move Order –Indent Transfer)........................ 126
3.2.3Material Transaction Query ............................................................................ 132
3.2.4On-Hand Availability Transaction Query ......................................................... 135
3.2.5Item Cost Transaction History ......................................................................... 138
3.2.6Min-Max Planning .......................................................................................... 140
3.2.7Material Transfer between Divisions (Indent –INTER TRANSFER) .................... 146
3.2.8Create Accounting .......................................................................................... 152
3.2.9Physical Inventory .......................................................................................... 154
4 Procurement ............................................................................................................ 162

Requisitions Creation and Approval............................................................................................ 162

Querying Requisitions (Indent /Purchase Requisitions)............................................................... 167

Purchase Orders Creation and Approval ..................................................................................... 169

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Query and View Purchase Orders ............................................................................................... 182

Receiving Process....................................................................................................................... 187

Blanket Purchase Agreement (Rate Contract) Process ................................................................ 194

5 Quality Collection Plans ............................................................................................ 197

5.1 Quality Collection Elements.................................................................................................. 197

5.2 Defining Collection Plans ...................................................................................................... 200

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Login to Oracle Applications

Log in To Oracle Application:

· Enter the URL for Application in address bar

· Enter Username and Password and click login


· If employee is logging in for first time system will ask for change of password.


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· Change the password. Click on Apply.

· List of responsibilities attached to the username will be seen. Responsibilities enable the
user to perform the necessary business functions in Oracle Applications. For e.g. Project
Managers will be assigned OPTCL basic or OPTCL Advanced,

Basics of Oracle Applications Navigation

· Oracle Applications are divided into two types of user interfaces – html based
applications and form-based applications.

· HTML based applications are like any other HTML portals and navigation through these
applications is very similar to navigation on any web based applications like bank
portals, air ticketing portal.

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· Form based applications appear as shown below: -

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Basic field terminology on form-based applications

· A typical form appears as shown below: -

· Color coding of fields appearing above is explained below: -

Color Description

Yellow Mandatory – has to be entered

White Non-mandatory – can be


Grey Non-updatable – cannot be

OPTCL Sourcing Training Document - 98 -

entered / changed

Blue Query mode

Basic Navigation

· Forms are visible in two modes – Entry mode (as in form above) and Query mode.
Query mode is achievable by pressing Function Key ‘F11’.

· Above shown query mode is known as ‘Query by example’ mode. ‘%’ is the wild
character that can be used to query for necessary data. For e.g. if AB% is entered in

OPTCL Sourcing Training Document - 99 -

Supplier field, all purchase orders raised on all suppliers with name starting with ‘AB’ will
be fetched. To execute the query entered, Ctrl+F11 should be pressed.

· Another query mode available is ‘Query -> Find’ mode in which data can be searched on
the basis of ranges (amount range, date range, etc.). This mode is achievable on
clicking torch icon on menu bar.

Find Torch

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Definition of Inventory Organizations

Define organizations that represent inventory entities (manufacturing facility, warehouse, branch
office) in your company.

Login as

Ø Responsibility: OPTCL India Inventory

Ø Navigation: Oracle Inventory-> Setup->Organizations->Organizations

Steps to Create Inventory Organizations (HR SETUP MANDATORY)

1. Enter the Organization which has to be classified as Inventory Organizations (HR

Department Should have Already Created the Name )

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1. In the Organization Classifications Choose as Inventory Organization and Click the
‘Enable Check Box’ and Save

2. Click on Other Button( Cursor Should Highlight in Inventory Organization)

3. Click on Accounting Information
4. Enter the Primary Ledger / Legal Entity &Operating Unit to which this Inventory
organization belongs to (Consult the Finance Team for Entering the same)
5. Click OK and Return to Organization Classification Screen

2. Enter the Organization Code ( As Approved by Finance)

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3. Choose the Item Master Organization ( For Item Reference ) –
4. Choose the Calendar
5. Set the Move Order Time Out Period / Action
6. Choose the Locator Control
7. Click on “EAM Enable” (if it is O&M Organization)
8. Click on Costing Information
9. Choose the Inventory Organizations
10. Enter the Costing Method
11. Select the Rate Cost types
12. Click on Project Cost Collection Enable (If Projects Enabled)
13. Enter Related Accounts for this Inventory Organization

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14. Click on Revision, Lot Serial and LPN

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15. Enter lot Control /Generation Details
16. Enter the Serial Control Details (Uniqueness, Generation)
17. Click on ATP,Pick.Item-Sourcing tab

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18. Enter on the Inter-organization tab

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19. Enter the Requested Details (If Mandatory)
20. Click on other Accounts Tab

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21. Enter the Receiving Accounts Details
22. Enter the Purchase Price Variance (If Applicable) , Invoice Price Variance , Inventory AP
Accrual ,

23. Enter the Profit and Loss Accounts

24. Enter the Project Clearance, Deferred COGS, Cost Variance Account based on Finance
Team Inputs

25. Save and Close

26. Repeat Step 3 to Select – Receiving Information

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27. Enter the Receiving Parameters for the Inventory Organization Defined
28. Enter The Relevant Receiving Account Details
29. Click on Save
30. Inventory Organizations thus Defined need to be Enabled for India Localizations (So that
Tax related Setups are Completed )

Ø Responsibility: OPTCL India Inventory

Ø Navigation: Oracle Inventory-> India Localization ->Setup->Additional Information

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31. Query the Inventory Organization Created and Enter the Tax (India Related Tax
32. Go to Preference TAB and enter the Location

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33. Click on Tax Calendar

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34. Save the Work
35. Requery the Organization and add the Location ( Next to Name in the Header Part)
36. Tax Details will Defaulted based on Details already entered including the tax Calendar
37. Verify the accounts and save the Work

Stores Creation (Sub inventories)

Sub inventories are unique physical or logical separations of material inventory, such as

raw inventory, finished goods, or defective material. All material within an

Organization (Other than Non-Inventory Items) is held in a sub inventory therefore, you must
define at least one sub inventory.

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· Login as


Ø (Change Organization - > Choose the Applicable Inventory Organization)
Ø Navigation: Oracle Inventory -> Setup ->Organizations->Sub inventories

1. Click on New – To Define a New Subinvnentory.

2. Enter the Name and Description

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3. Enter the Subdivision (Custom Flex Field)
4. Select the Locator Control Option
5. Verify the Quantity Tracked /Asset Sub inventory Checkbox based on Requirement
6. Verify the Accounts Defaulted
7. Save
8. Click on Locator Flex Field

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9. Enter the Applicable ROW/RACK/BIN Segment Information- Valid Combination to be
Entered and Should not Duplicate with other Stores ( PROJECT /TASK segment WILL
10. Click O.K to Save
11. Sub inventories thus Defined need to be Enabled for India Localizations (So that Tax
related Setups are Completed )

Ø Responsibility: OPTCL India Inventory

Ø Navigation: Oracle Inventory-> India Localization ->Setup->Sub inventory Locations

12. Select the Applicable Organization

13. Select the Applicable HR Location
14. Choose the Sub inventory Name
15. Save

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3.1 Create New Items

· Login as


Ø Navigation: Items -> Master Items

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Items are defined in one organization. To distinguish it from others, we call it the Item Master
organization. Other organizations (child organizations) refer to the Item Master for item
definition. After you define an item in the Item Master, you can assign it to any number of other

Templates are defined sets of attributes that can be used to create items. Templates make
initial item definition easier. There are Standard Templates defined by Oracle and we can create
Custom ones as well. The standards templates which are widely used are Purchase Items,
Finished Goods, and Non-Stocked Items Etc.



Steps to be Followed for Item Definition

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1. Click on Master Items shown in Navigation Screen. In the Item Field Type ‘New’
2. Enter the Item Number (Item Number should be unique for each item)
3. Enter the Description Field for the Item.( Description should be unique for each item.)
4. Enter the Primary Unit of Measure (UOM) for the Item (Commonly used as Each, Box,
Case, Dozen, Pack, Bundle e.t.c).
5. Enter the Item Status as “Active”
6. Save
7. Click on Tools in the Menu Bar and select ‘Copy From’.
8. Copy From Screen Appears and in this screen click on the LOV in the Template Field.
9. From the LOV select Appropriate ‘Master’ Template to be applied.( This is Done for the
Defaulting the Item attributes)
10. Click on Apply and Done
11. Verify the Items Attributes in all the tabs like Inventory , Purchasing, Costing Etc based
on the Template applied
12. Enter the Necessary User Item Type if Applicable (T&P, Prop , Purchased item Etc)

13. After Saving the Item created or after querying an existing item, click on Tools and select
Categories (For the Relevant Category Set)
14. Assign the Relevant category set and categories (Category sets/Categories are used to
group the items for various reports and programs. A category is a logical classification of
items that have similar characteristics. In OPTCL we have defined Categories like
Transformers, Conductors etc.
15. Also attach the Relevant Categories(If it is Major Material Item)

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16. Save and close the Window
17. Click on Tools and Select Organization Assignment.
18. Click on the Check box present against the Organization (Divisions) to which you want to
assign the Item.
19. Save the Work.

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20. Verify the Items Attributes in all the tabs like Inventory , Purchasing, Costing Etc based
on the Template applied in the Respective organizations (Divisions) Applied

You can enable your item in all organizations (Divisions) under the master organization, or you
can choose to enable your item in specific organizations (Divisions). You use the master item
window in each organization to enter or change organization level attributes


3.2.1 Issue /Receipt Transactions

· Login as

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Ø Responsibility: OPTCL India Inventory
Ø Navigation: Transactions -> Miscellaneous Transactions

Miscellaneous Transaction is used to issue material or receive material from general ledger
account in the Organization. By doing miscellaneous transaction manual adjustment can be
done to general ledger by receiving material from one account to inventory and then issuing that
material from inventory to another account.

In case the transaction has an account alias then the user needs to select the transaction Type
as Account Alias Issue./Receipt – This can used as an User Defined transaction type ( Like
scrap Issue Etc)

In case the transaction is for Miscellaneous Receipt /issue then the user needs to select the
transaction Type as Miscellaneous Receipt /Issue

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1. Click on the Miscellaneous Transactions and in the Miscellaneous Transaction Screen
choose Miscellaneous Issue or Miscellaneous Receipt or Choose the User Define
Transaction Type as Defined based on the Requirement
2. Click on Transaction Lines button
3. Enter the Item Number.
4. Enter the Sub Inventory
5. Enter the Locator
6. Enter the UOM

7. Enter the Quantity

8. Enter Unit Cost ( Optional- If entered this has Impact in Item Costing )
9. Enter Account which should be used in this miscellaneous issue or Receipt transaction.
10. For Account Alias Receipt or Issue , Account Details are defaulted

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11. Verify the details Entered and
12. Save the Work to complete the Miscellaneous Transaction
13. Verify the On-hand Quantity after the transaction after Costing in Successfully Done


Scrap Sales for Inventory is coordinated by Stores. On identifying the scrap material the
respective division will transfer the material in a logical Scrap Locator. After Scrap is sold, a
miscellaneous issue (Scrap Issue) will be done by the respective division to the Scrap
Account. Finance team has to be Coordinated for Respective Accounting Entries

· Login as

Ø Responsibility: OPTCL India Inventory

Ø (Choose the Current Inventory Organization)
Ø Navigation: Transactions -> Miscellaneous Transactions

OPTCL Sourcing Training Document - 124 -

1. Choose Scrap Issue ( or Choose the User Define Transaction Type as Defined based
on the Requirement )

2. Click on Transaction Lines button

3. Enter the Item Number.
4. Enter the Sub Inventory(Store Name)
5. Enter the Locator ( ROW, RACK , BIN ,- PROJECT & TASK (if Applicable)
6. Enter the UOM
7. Enter the Unit Cost (Optional – has Impact On Costing)
8. Enter the Account (Scrap Account )
9. Save the transaction
10. Coordinate with the Finance Team Accordingly
11. Verify the On-Hand Quantity

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Item Transfer within Divisions (Move Order –Indent Transfer)

· Login as

Ø Responsibility: OPTCL India Inventory

Ø Navigation: Move Orders -> Move Orders

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Sub inventory (Stores)is a logical or physical separation of the inventory material in a particular
inventory organization. Transfer of material within the Organization between sub inventories is
possible through Move Order transfer. You can transfer material within your current organization
between sub inventories. (Stores) – This transaction is applicable for Inventory Items Only (Not
Applicable Fixed Asset Items)

1. Enter the Move Order Number (Can be Auto generated also)

2. Select transaction type as Move Order Transfer
3. Enter the Item and the date required
4. Note the On-Hand Quantity before carrying out the transfer
5. Enter the Quantity to be Transferred
6. Go to Source tab

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7. Check the On-Hand quantity after the transfer to verify if the quantity exists in the given
Source Sub inventory and locator

8. Enter the Destination Sub inventory and locator (With Active or Other Applicable Status)
9. Save and Submit
10. Move Order Status Changes to Pending Approval

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11. Approval Notifications sent to the Competent Authority For Approval (Multi Level
Approval if Applicable)
12. After the Competent Authority Approves , Move Order Status changes to Approved

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Ø Navigation: Move Orders -> Transact Move Orders

13. Query the Move Order in the Find Move order Screen and Press Find

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14. Click the “Select” check Box and Click on Transact Button

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15. Message Displayed as Transaction Complete

16. Verify the On-hand Quantity for Source /Destination Sub inventory and locator
17. Generate the Gate Pass Report ( Based on the Transfer Need)

Material Transaction Query

· Login as

Ø Responsibility: OPTCL India Inventory

Ø Navigation: Transactions -> Material Transactions

OPTCL Sourcing Training Document - 132 -

We can view the details associated with inventory transactions using Material Transaction
query. Here we can search for transaction information by entering a combination of search

Some of the commonly used criteria are:

• Date Ranges
• Item Number
• Item Category
• Sub Inventory

Steps to be followed

1. Enter the Transaction Date Interval for which you want to view the Material Transactions.
2. Select the Item Number from the LOV for which you want to query the Material
3. Click on Find Button.

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4. The Material Transaction Screen Appears with the Detail of the Transactions for the Item
between the specified dates.
5. Click on the Transaction Type TAB to view more details on the transaction happened
based on the criteria entered

6. Click on the Distribution Button if Distribution details need to be viewed for the
transaction selected in the Material transactions Window

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On-Hand Availability Transaction Query

· Login as

Ø Responsibility: OPTCL India Inventory

Ø Navigation: On-hand Availability -> On Hand Quantity

Oracle Inventory enables you to view on-hand quantities, reservations, and supply and demand

Key Features Include:

- View material quantities and locations.

- Request a report of item quantities across multiple organizations.(Divisions)

- View item supply and demand.

Steps to be followed
OPTCL Sourcing Training Document - 135 -
1. Select the Inventory Organization
2. Enter the Sub inventory Name (Stores) Optional
3. Select the Item whose On-hand quantity is to be found from the drop down. Optionally if
we want to see all items in that Inv Org we need not choose any item
4. Click on Find Button.
5. Click on the Organizations/and drill Down further to the Items
6. Click on Availability

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a) Primary On-hand:

The Quantity of items those are available in the sub inventory in the primary UOM
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b) Primary Available to Reserve:

The available quantity of an item that you can reserve across an organization in Primary

c) Available to Transact:

The available quantity of an item that you can transact across an organization in the
primary UOM.

Item Cost Transaction History

· Login as

Ø Responsibility: OPTCL India Cost Management

Ø Navigation: Cost Management-SLAà Item Costs à Item Cost History

This transaction Query is normally used if we want to check whether the average cost of the
Item is getting updated as and when we perform certain transactions like Issue from Inventory
or Receipt into Inventory.(Only for Inventory Asset Items)

Steps to be followed

1. Select the Item for which Cost History is to be viewed from the dropdown in the Item
2. Choose the item and then Click on Find button.
3. Once the Item details gets listed , Click on Open Button

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Min-Max Planning

Min-max planning is used to maintain inventory levels for all of your items or selected items.
Here we can specify minimum and maximum inventory levels for our items. When the inventory
level for an item (on-hand quantities plus quantities on order) drops below the minimum, or
Maximum we need to Run the report and do the planning accordingly

The Planning Level can be done in Both Ways

1. Organization Level

When you min-max plan at the organization level, Oracle Inventory looks at inventory balances,
purchase orders and WIP jobs as supply and sales order and WIP job component requirements
as demand.

To use min-max planning at the organization level you must set the item attributes used by min-
max planning. You can start by setting the Inventory Planning Method item attribute to Min-max
planning. You establish your minimum and maximum levels used in the calculation using the
Min-Max Minimum Quantity and the Min-Max Maximum Quantity item attributes in the Planning
tab of the Item Definition Form

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Items which are Min Max Planned Must have the Inventory Planning Method as “Min – Max
Planned” and should be give Minimum /Maximum Quantities as shown above

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2. Subinventory Level

When you min-max plan at the sub inventory level, Oracle Inventory looks at inventory
balances, purchase order and internal order supply, and optionally, sales order demand for a
single sub inventory only. In addition, rather than using item attribute planning modifiers, Oracle
Inventory uses values and parameters set at the item/sub inventory level

· Login as

Ø Responsibility: OPTCL India Inventory

Ø (Choose the Relevant Inventory Organizations)
Ø Navigation: Setup->Organizations->Sub inventories

Query the Sub inventory for which Min Max Planning to be Updated

Click on ‘tem Sub inventory’ and enter the Item Details and Minimum /Maximum Quantity

Save the transactions

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To run the Report after the Setup is Complete

· Login as

Ø Responsibility: OPTCL India Inventory

Ø (Choose the Relevant Inventory Organizations)
Ø Navigation: Planning à Min-Max Planning

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Steps to be followed

1. Click on Min-Max Panning and the Request gets triggered.

2. A screen appears asking for the Parameters to be entered
3. Choose the Planning Level ( Organization or Sub inventory) and other Parameters
like(Category set ,
4. Enter the Demand Cutoff Date and Supply Cutoff Date.
5. Set the Restock Option = No so as to ensure that Requisitions are Not created on
running the Min-Max
6. Select Include PO Supply = ( whether you need approved Requisitions for the items
are also considered as supply or Not )
7. Select Include Interface Supply = No so that for items for which a Requisition has been
created and not imported shall also be not considered as Supply.
8. Demand Cutoff Date: The report includes demand on or before this date.)
9. Supply Cutoff Date: The calculation includes open supply orders on or before this date
10. Click on OK to submit the concurrent request.

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11. View the Min-Max Report to see if there are any items appear on the Min-Max report.
For this click on View Requests and choose the Corresponding Request Submitted
12. Click on Find
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13. Click on View Output.
14. This will show us the list of items for which Min-Max report has generated demand.

Material Transfer between Divisions (Indent –INTER TRANSFER)

Inventory Organization transfer is basically transferring of items between Inventory

Organizations. Based on the Requirement the Scenarios where we can have inventory org
transfer are:

· When Quantity of a Particular Item(s) on Division goes below minimum, Inter-org

transfer is done from the Other Division Manually which has Excess Quantity.

· Due to Emergency – Item(s) can be Transferred based on the Divisional Requirement

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Steps to be followed

1. Creation of Indent (For Transfer of Material between Divisions )

2. Approval of the Indent
3. Creation of Inter organization Transfer Transactions

· Login as

Ø Responsibility: OPTCL India Purchasing User

Ø Navigation: Oracle Purchasing à Requisitions->Requisitions

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Steps to be followed

1. Select the Operating Unit.

2. Enter the Indent Number Manually (If Required can be Automated )
3. Enter its Relevant Description
4. Select the type as “Indent
5. Go the Lines Block
6. Select the type as “Goods”
7. Select the Item to be transferred
8. Enter the Quantity to be Transferred
9. Enter the “Need-by-Date”
10. Select the Source type as “Inventory”
11. Select the “Source Organization” from the List of Values
12. Select the Stores (Subinventory) from Where Material need to be Shipped
13. Select the Destination type as “Inventory”
14. Enter the Requestor Name(if need to be changed)
15. Select the Destination Organization (Receving Organziation)

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16. Select the location(HR) Corresponding Location for the Receving Organziation
17. Select the Destination Stores(Subinventory)
18. Save the Details
19. Submit for Further Approval

· Login as

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Ø Responsibility: OPTCL India Inventory User
Ø Navigation: Oracle Inventory à Transactions->Inter Organization transfer

Shipment Number (To have Reference of Approved Indents):

Steps to be followed

For Shipping Organization

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1. Click on the LOV in the field “To Org”. Depending on Shipping Network Set Up we can
have many organizations in this LOV. Select the Organization to Which Inter-Org
Transfer has to be made e.g. “E.H.T O&M Division”
2. Enter the Type of Shipment Direct
3. Enter a Indent Number in the Shipment Section. This should be the Requisition(Indent)
Number generated in Purchase Requisition Screen with Requisition type “Indent”
which has been already approved by the Manager (Duplication of Indent Number
is not allowed and the system will prompt us if we try to use an already used
shipment number.)
4. Click on Transaction Lines to Enter the details of the item to be transferred

5. Enter the Item Number to be Transferred Item :

6. Enter the Sub inventory/Locator (Stores) from where the Item has to be transferred.
From Sub inventory/Locator:
7. Enter the To Sub inventory/Locator (Stores) to which the item has to be received. To
Sub inventory/Locator:
8. Enter the UOM :
9. Enter the Quantity to be transferred
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10. Click on the LOT/ SERIAL (if Applicable ) and the Serial Number Details to be
11. Save the work.
12. Verify the On-hand Quantity/Cost Once transaction Completes Successfully in Both
Destination and Source Divisions

Create Accounting

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Create Accounting – Cost Management is the Concurrent Program which is used to transfer
Accounting Entries from Inventory to General Ledger for the Relevant Transactions

· Login as

Ø Responsibility: OPTCL India Cost Management

Ø Navigation: Create Accounting-SLA

Steps to be followed

Finance has to be consulted accordingly for the Transaction getting posted to General Ledger

1. Run the Concurrent Program ‘ Create Accounting – Cost Management-SLA’

2. Enter the Parameters for the Concurrent Program

- Choose the Applicable Ledger

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- End Date: Till which date transactions should Create Accounting consider
- Mode: There are 2 modes, one is final mode when the actual entries are made in
the GL or Draft Mode where we can just view the accounting entries which will be
made in the Final Mode
- Report: We can have a ‘Detail’ Report or a ‘Summary’ Form
- Transfer to GL: Yes/No – If we want to transfer the entries to GL then we use
- Post in GL: If we want to Post the entries in GL we enter yes here otherwise we
have to manually post it in GL.
- Press O.K To Submit the Concurrent Program with the Parameters Entered

Physical Inventory


Physical inventory can be performed, whenever there is a need to verify the accuracy of system on-hand
quantities. This can be done for entire organization or for particular sub inventories within an organization.
Accurate system on-hand quantities are essential for managing supply & demand, maintaining high
service levels, effective planning, minimizing inventory investment and for audit purpose.
Physical inventory and cycle counting can both be a part of annual program to manage and
improve inventory record accuracy

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Physical inventory integrates with Oracle Cost Management and Oracle General Ledger. If there
is a quantity discrepancy for items, Inventory derives the item costs from Cost management and
posts the inventory value changes to General Ledger.

Steps Involved in Doing a Physical Inventory

1. Define Physical Inventory

2. Take a Snapshot of system On–hand quantities
3. Generate Physical Inventory Tags
4. Enter Counts
5. Approve or Reject Physical Inventory Adjustments
6. Post Adjustments

· Login as

Ø Responsibility: OPTCL India Inventory Management

Ø Navigation: Countingà Physical Inventory -> Define Physical Inventory

OPTCL Sourcing Training Document - 155 -

Steps to Create a Physical inventory
1. Enter a unique physical inventory name in the name field
2. Select approval requirements for the adjustment. Options available are
i. Always: Requires approval for all physical inventory adjustments. Adjustments
program cannot be run until all the adjustments are approved.
ii. If out of tolerance: Quantity and / or Value adjustment tolerances can be entered.
Adjustments exceeding tolerances must be approved before running the adjustment
program. (

iii. Never: Allow any adjustment to post without approval.

3. Enter positive and negative approval tolerances

4. Select the scope of physical inventory
i. Determines whether the physical inventory is for all sub inventories of the
organization or for one or more specific sub inventories. Enter only quantity-tracked
sub inventories
5. . Indicate whether to allow dynamic entry of tags

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6. Determines whether manually created tags can be entered. If the option is not to allow
dynamic tag entry all tags must generated before the use

7. To take Snapshot of system on–hand quantities follow the navigation

Counting -> Physical Inventory -> Define Physical Inventory -> Choose the
Snapshot button

8. Snapshot must be completed before generating the tags. After taking the snapshot,
system will no longer allow to update header information of the physical inventory.
The snapshot saves all item on–hand quantities and costs and uses this information as the basis
for all physical inventory adjustments rather than the current on-hand quantity. System allows
resuming transaction activities even before running the adjustments program for the physical
inventory .Therefore need to procedurally coordinate snapshot of physical inventory with actual
counting and ensure that no transaction activity occurs in a particular location until adjustments
are launched and posted.

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9. Once snapshot concurrent process is finished, the snapshot complete box is
checked, the snapshot date is updated and the Tags button is enabled in the
define Physical inventory window.

10. Physical inventory tags are used to record the count of inventory items. Tags are
referred by its alphanumeric identification code. Oracle Inventory can
automatically generate tag numbers that can be used to enter inventory counts.
Tags can be generated only after snapshot is completed. The system also
supports using numbers generated outside the Oracle Inventory. There should
be only one item on a tag but multiple tags can refer to the same item.

· Dynamic Tag: Determines whether manually created tags can be entered or not . If the
option is not to allow dynamic tag entry, all tags must be generated before the use.
Dynamic Tag Entry is allowed when tag numbers are generated outside the system. For
example when using third-party pre-numbered tags

· Default Tags: Contain information on items in the physical inventory definition.

Generates a tag for each SKU i.e. unique combination of item, sub inventory, locator,
revision, lot number and serial number that exists in the sub inventories of physical

· Blank Tags: Do not contain any information about the items in physical inventory
definition. Blank tags can be generated to enter counts for those items whose locations
are not currently recorded in the system

11. To generate the tags navigation is Counting -> Physical Inventory -> Tags Generation ->
Choose Generate button
i. Enter the name of the physical inventory.
ii. Select the type of tag to create.

12. Choose the Generate button to create the tag numbers and information

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13. Generated tags are used to record the physical counts. After recording the physical counts
user must enter the quantity for each tag.

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14. Navigate to -> counts -> Physical Inventory -> Tag Counts

15. Navigate to the Physical Inventory Tag Counts window. Enter name of the employee that
performed the physical inventory in the Default Counter field. This is used as a default for the
Counted by field of each tag.
If the default tags are used, the system will display the tags with relevant item information.
User need to enter only the quantity counted for each tag. User can also query a subset of tags by any
combination of tag number, item, revision, subinventory, locator, lot and serial number.
If blank tags are used in the physical inventory, user can query up the tags by tag number. The
system displays the tags but no item information. Need to enter the count quantity as well as
the item information i.e. item name, sub inventory, locator, revision, lot and serial numbers.
If dynamic tags are allowed in physical inventory definition user can enter tag numbers
generated outside the system. User needs to enter the count quantity as well as the item

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16. For approving physical inventory adjustments
Navigate to Counting -> Physical Inventory -> Approve Adjustments
a. Select the physical inventory and choose approve.
b. Enter the name of the employee approving the adjustments.
c. Select an adjustment to approve or reject and check the Approve/Reject option.
d. User must either approve or reject all adjustments of the physical inventory
before running adjustments program

After entering all the tag counts and approve the adjustments that need approval, user
can submit the process that posts the physical inventory adjustments. This will
automatically creates a material transaction, adjusting the item quantity and
debiting/crediting the adjustment account specified for the physical inventory. If the count
of an item matches with the snapshot system on–hand quantity, there will be no
adjustment transaction posted.

To run the adjustment program

a. Navigate to the Physical Inventories Summary window.
b. Select the physical inventory.
c. Choose Launch adjustments from the Tools menu. The Launch Adjustments window appears.
d. Enter the Adjustment Account number against which adjustments should be charged.
e. Enter the adjustment date.
f. Choose the Launch Adjustments button to submit the concurrent request.
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Requisitions Creation and Approval

Purchasing provides you with the features for basic requisition needs like Create, edit, and
review requisition; Purchase Orders, enter suggested supplier information, delivery instructions,
multiple accounting distributions and Notes to buyers, approvers, and receivers. These
Purchasing Documents can be created only by authorized Users based on the Access Given

The Purchase requisition is an internal Document and can serve as an Indent for the Purchase
order Requisition can be created for the Following Purpose Like and to be likely procured from
External Entity

· Requesting a Material
· Requesting a Description based item (EAM)
· Requesting a Service

Login as

Ø Responsibility: OPTCL India Purchasing

Ø Navigation: Requisitions -> Requisitions

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Steps to Create Requisitions

1. Select the Operating Unit (Defaulted as per Login Details)

2. Enter the Requisition type (Purchase Requisitions )
3. Enter the Requisition Number (If Not AutoPopulated)
4. Enter the Requisition Description
5. Choose the Line Num
6. Requisition line: Click on the List of Values for the Item Field. Search and select the Item
from the list of item that appears.
7. The Type field gets defaulted to Goods. And can be Changed based on Requirement
8. The Description for the Item gets defaulted based on Item selected.
9. Enter Quantity, Price and Need By Date

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10. Enter the Destination Type, organization and locations where you want have the items
11. Enter the Supplier Related Details(If Applicable ) For Prop Items
12. Enter the Type Of Work (From the Flex Field attached to the Requisition Screen) like
Electrical , Others Etc

13. Click on Distributions

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14. The Charge Account gets populated automatically for Item based requisition lines. If it is
project based then accounts are derived based on the project Category Flex field Value
Selected in the Flexfield else it is derived based on the material account linked to the

15. Verify the Other Accounts which gets Defaulted like Accrual, Variance A/c which gets

16. Save the Work and Requisition Number is generated automatically (If

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17. The status of the requisition will be Incomplete
18. Click on Submit
19. Document is Submitted for Further Approval based on the Approval Limits
20. Select Forward if Requisition needs to be forwarded to a specific employee
21. If Forward To is not checked then the default Requisition approval hierarchy is chosen
and requisition is forwarded to the higher up of the preparer in case preparer does not
have sufficient approval limits (Approval Path is defaulted based on setup done in
Purchase Requisition document type).
22. Click on OK and the Requisition gets submitted for Approval. Once submitted the
requisition will be in “in process” status till the Final Approval is Done based on the

Requisitions can have Multiple Status which are all explained above

• Incomplete : Requisition is saved and is in incomplete status

• In process : Requisition has been submitted for approval
• Approved: : Requisition is approved

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Approval Hierarchy

Approval Hierarchy governs purchase document routing for approval. Each person in hierarchy
will have predefined Approval limits (in terms of INR value) and Approval will go through

Querying Requisitions (Indent /Purchase Requisitions)

To view the Successfully Created Requisitions, we can use the Following

Requisitions can also be searched by the Following Criteria in Requisitions Summary Screen:

1. Buyer – The person to whom requisition is assigned

2. Preparer – The person who prepared the requisition
3. Status – The Status of Requisition (Approved, In process, incomplete)
4. Date ranges - Can search by creation date, need by date or closed dates
5. Item and category- can give the category or item details and see all the requisitions
raised for this item or category
6. Item Details ( E.t.c)

Login as

Ø Responsibility: OPTCL India Purchasing

Ø Navigation: Requisitions -> Requisitions Summary
Steps to View the Requisition

1. Enter the Requisition Number for which the Requisition Status has to be found.
2. Click on Find Button
3. The Requisition Status is shown in the Approval status field.

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5. In the Requisition Summary Screen, Click on Tools and Select View Action History.
6. In the Screen that appears we can see the name of the next approver in the approval
hierarchy to whom the Requisition has gone for approval.

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7 Action field indicates the Action taken by various employees who are involved in
Requisition creation and approval. A blank value indicates pending action

Purchase Orders Creation and Approval

Purchasing provides you with the features for basic Purchasing needs like:

• Create, edit, and review Purchase orders.

• Enter suggested supplier information, delivery instructions, multiple accounting

distributions and
• Notes to buyers, approvers, and receivers.
• Add multiple requisitions to a Purchase order

The Purchase orders can be created independently or can be auto created from awarded RFQ’s
/Tenders (from Sourcing module) or from Approved Requisitions created from earlier step
(Through Sourcing Module)

Click Open to launch the Purchase Order Screen (Base)

Login as

Ø Responsibility: OPTCL India Purchasing

Ø Navigation: Oracle Purchasing ->Purchase Orders -> Purchase Orders

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Steps to Create Purchase Orders (if not auto created)

6. From the Drop Down select type as Standard Purchase Order.(Blanket for Rate
Contracts if Applicable)
7. Enter the Purchase Order Number Manually (if not auto populated)
8. Supplier – Enter the supplier from whom the material needs to be procured
9. Supplier site – Select the supplier where the material needs to be procured
10. For Creating Goods Type Line with Item Number, select the Type as ‘Goods’. For other
types Choose the Relevant Types Applicable
11. The Price is pulled either as Unit Cost or List price for an item. Price can manually be
entered on PO for an item
12. Select the Item from the list of values in Item field.
13. For Creating Service Type Line Select Service as the Line Type from the drop down in
the line Type Field. Enter other line details. For Creating Category Based PO’s, Choose
the Line type as Expense and directly click on the List of Values for Categories and
select a category combination. Line types can be User Created and are Value based on
Quantity or Amount
14. Enter the Quantity and Price Details and Need-By Date. Based on the Need-by date, the
budget for the corresponding financial year is blocked.

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15. Enter the Items / Categories (If Applicable)/Unit Of Measure/Price/Promised Date and
other required parameters.
16. Enter the Bank Guarantee Details /Repeat Order Details (If Required) /Order T
Type(Custom Flex Field) and other Necessary Flex Fields (if Applicable)
17. Enter the Issuing Division ( Division from Which PO is Getting Issued)

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18. Approval will be Routed to Issuing Division (Finance Head and Organization

19. Click on the Shipments Button

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20. Enter the Ship-to-organization/Quantity details
21. Enter the Consignee/Paying Officer and Destination Details in the custom flexfield.
22. Click on Receiving Controls (Receiving Controls are defaulted from receiving option
setup. However user can change the receiving options in Purchase order if required).
Receipt Routing is usually ‘Inspection Required’ for ‘Goods’ type of items and ‘Direct’ for
any services.

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23. The destination type for Goods item will be Inventory and for Service items will be

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24. PO Charge Account gets defaulted for Inventory Items but need to be entered manually
for Category Related Purchase (Please Consult the Finance team for the Accounts to be
25. For Project Related Purchases Choose the Project and task and the Applicable Project
Purchase Category from the Custom Flex field ( as Referred Earlier In Requisitions

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26. For Service and Description based Items, we need to enter the Charge Accounts
Manually as above and save the Purchase Order

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27. Click on the Terms Button to Verify the terms and conditions of the Purchase order like
Payment terms and Freight/Carrier/FOB and Author Contract Terms and attach the
Relevant Template ( Applicable Contracts based on the Purchase)

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28. Save the Purchase Order

29. If there is an need to add India Localization Tax then

Ø Navigation to: India Localization -> Purchase Orders(Localized)

30. Query the Relevant Purchase Order

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31. Select the line level/Shipment details and click on Taxes button to add the taxes

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32. Add the Relevant taxes with mentioning the tax name and rate with Precedence (if
applicable ) click the Apply button
33. Tax Amount shown Successfully added as in tax amount column
34. Repeat the same steps for other lines in the Purchase order if there is a need to Enter
taxes for the applicable lines
35. Click on Open Button to Go back to base Purchase order screen

36. Click on the Submit Button

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37. Click on Reserve Check box(If Budget Check – Encumbrance to be Done)
38. Select Forward if Purchase Order needs to be forwarded to a specific employee
39. If forward to is not checked then the default Purchase Order approval hierarchy is
chosen and the Document is forwarded to the higher up and the Approval is sent to
Competent Authority (Finance head and Organization Manager)

40. Click on OK -Purchase Order gets submitted for Approval. Once submitted the purchase
Order will be in “in process” status till the Final Approval is Done based on the Setup

OPTCL Sourcing Training Document - 181 -

Approval Hierarchy

Approval Hierarchy governs purchase document routing for approval. There will multilevel

Query and View Purchase Orders

To view the Successfully Created Purchase Orders/Blanket Purchase Orders (Rate Contracts),
we can use the Following

Purchase Orders can also be searched by the Following Criteria in Summary Screen:

1. Buyer – The person to whom Purchase Order is assigned

1. Status – The Status of Purchase Order (Approved, Inprocess, incomplete)
2. Date ranges - Can search by creation date, need by date or closed dates

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3. Item and category- can give the category or item details and see all the Purchase Order
raised for this item or category
4. Item Details ( E.t.c)

Login as

Ø Responsibility: OPTCL India Purchasing

Ø Navigation: Oracle Purchasing -> Purchase Orders -> Purchase Orders Summary

Steps to View the Purchase Orders,

1. Enter the Purchase Order Number (if not Known Search with Other Criteria) for which
the Status has to be found.
2. Click on Find Button
3. The Purchase Orders, Status is shown in the Approval status field.

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4. In the Purchase Order Summary Screen, Click on Tools and Select View Action History.
5. In the Screen that appears we can see the name of the next approver in the approval
hierarchy to whom the Purchase Order has gone for approval

6. Action field indicates the Action taken by various employees who are involved in
Purchase Order creation and approval. A blank value indicates pending action

Supplier Site Inspection (Optional)

Once the Purchase Orders/Rate Contracts are approved – based on the Business Requirement
– Inspections at the Supplier Locations for the Material which are getting Supplied can be

OPTCL Sourcing Training Document - 184 -

inspected and necessary observations are recorded in the System for further Reference before
Receiving Process is done

This is recorded in the Quality Module by Entering the Supplier Site Inspection Details (Refer
Section 4 Regarding the Quality Module Collection Plan Definition Details)

· Login as

Ø Responsibility: OPTCL Quality

Ø Choose the Inventory organziation
Ø Navigation: Results ->Entry -> Enter Quality Results

OPTCL Sourcing Training Document - 185 -

Select the ‘Collection Plan’ from the list of values.

Enter the Purchase Order and Inspection details by entering the following attributes:

1. Serial No.
2. Purchase Order Number
3. Purchase Order Line
4. Purcahse Order Line Description
5. Inspected Quantity
6. Inspected Result (Accept /Reject)
7. Material Serial Number
8. Inspected By
9. Inspected Date
10. Remarks

Save the record for future reference.

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Receiving Process

Receiving Process would be required in following scenarios

• Receive Materials shipped by Suppliers against Standard Purchase orders

• Receive Materials Released against Blanket Purchase orders(Releases)
• Material Inspection before receiving material to Inventory.

Item that needs to be receipted, if defined as inventory item and can be stocked in Sub
inventory then the destination type will be Inventory. In this case Sub inventory information is
mandatory when entering the Receipt.

Item that needs to be receipted, if defined as expense item (non stock able) then the destination
type will be expense. In this case Location will be mandatory when entering the Receipt.

Login as

Ø Responsibility: OPTCL India Inventory

Ø Navigation: Oracle Purchasing -> Receiving -> Receipts

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Steps to Create Receipts

1. Select the inventory Organization where you want to receive the item from the list of
2. The Inventory organization corresponds to the Ship-to location specified for the item in
the Purchase Order. For e.g: Receiver in Bhubaneswar Stores Division will have
access to Bhubaneswar Stores Division Inventory org and can receive items shipped by
supplier for all the Purchase Orders corresponding to Bhubaneswar Stores Division.

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3. Enter the Purchase Order Number – for which receipt to be Made (The Purchase order
number can be entered or searched by clicking on the List of values in the Purchase
order field)
4. Click on Find button to search.

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5. Select the Line for which Item needs to be received
6. By default the ordered quantity or the quantity pending to be received is displayed in the
Quantity field. ( Please note User has flexibility can Change)).
7. Destination Type will be either Inventory or Expense or Receiving(For Inspection
8. Enter Location details for Item having destination type as Expense
9. The Header tab can be clicked to enter the Receiving date and note the receipt number
10. If there is a need to Inspect the Receipts for Standard Purchase Orders (Based on the
PO Setup)
a. Select the Line for which Item needs to be received and Enter the Quantity
b. Destination Type will be Receiving as it is a inspection based line
c. The Header tab can be clicked to enter the Receiving date and note the receipt
11. Close the Header Screen by Saving
12. Receipt Number Gets Generated

This is a 3 step receiving process where Items are first received to

· Receiving ,
· inspected and
· then delivered to inventory

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In the Purchase order for inspection based purchases the match approval will be 4 way i.e PO,
Receipt, Acceptance and Invoice need to be matched.

Ø Responsibility: OPTCL India Inventory

Ø Navigation: Oracle Purchasing -> Receiving -> Receiving Transactions

13. Enter the PO number for which we need to do an inspection transaction

14. Select the Shipment line
15. Click on Inspect Button to Do the Inspection

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16. Quality Collection Plan gets Launched (SUPPLY ORDER INSPECTION)
17. Enter the various Parameters like Approved Test Report , Guarantee Certificate Number
Etc for the Receipts - based on the Quality Collection Plan (Supply Order)
18. Enter the Accepted /Rejected Quantity based on the Quality Collection Plan
19. Once the quantities are entered the status of Inspected flag changes to Inspected
20. Save the transaction

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21. Go to Receiving Transaction screen
22. Responsibility: OPTCL India Inventory or Purchasing
23. Navigation: Receiving -> Receiving Transactions

24. Enter the PO number for which we need to do a delivery transaction and enter the Sub
inventory and Locator

25. Save the transaction

To Verify the Receiving transactions:

Ø Responsibility: OPTCL India Purchasing

Ø Navigation: Oracle Purchasing -> Receiving -> Receiving Transaction summary

OPTCL Sourcing Training Document - 193 -

26. Enter the PO or Receipt number for which we need to see the receipts summary
27. View the Receipt Details
28. Click in Transactions to see the Transaction details

Blanket Purchase Agreement (Rate Contract) Process

This Process is used when Material needs to be purchased from the supplier based on an

The process will cover the following steps:

• Create Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA)- Rate Contract

BPA Process would be required in following scenarios

Ø Responsibility: OPTCL Purchasing Super User

Ø Navigation : Oracle Purchasing->Purchase Order->Purchase Orders

OPTCL Sourcing Training Document - 194 -

Steps to create Blanket Purchase Agreement

1. By default operating unit column will be populated based on the responsibility selection.
In case of Multi OU structure select the OU from drop down list.
2. For ‘Type’ column, select from the list of values ‘Blanket Purchase Agreement’.
3. Select the following values for which the BPA needs to be created.
• Supplier
• Site
• Contact (if available)
4. Select the ‘Ship To’ and ‘Bill To’ locations from the list of values
5. By default the Buyer who is preparing the BPA will be displayed. If needed, enter
description for the BPA.
6. . Global check box indicates the usage of this agreement globally.
7. Enter the Applicable Flex Field (Issuing Division- As Explained in the Purchase Order

8. Enter the terms applicable

9. Click on Terms button to enter the terms and notes information for the BPA.
10. Select the payment code from the list of values.
11. Select the freight code from list of values.(if Applicable)
12. Enter if needed any notes to the supplier.

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13. Enter if needed, any notes to the receiver.
14. Enter if needed, the effective start date and end date of the agreement.
15. Enter the total amount limit that will be used for agreement, if needed.

16. Enter the Price Breaks (If Applicable)

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17. Approve the Blanket Purchase Agreement and submit it for further Approval
18. Create Releases by Referring the BPA (Refer EAM Training Manual)

Quality Collection Plans

5.1 Quality Collection Elements

These are the Data field which will be used in all collection plan are collection elements.

You can define any number of collection elements as per the business needs like defect,
disposition, severity, inspection results, recording voltage, length, mass , weight , corrective

OPTCL Sourcing Training Document - 197 -

active elements etc., For each collection element you can set up your own specification
limits in order to avoid the deviation of inspection. Lot of seeded collection elements
available in Oracle quality Module

· Login as

Ø Responsibility: OPTCL Quality

Ø Navigation: Set up -> Collection Elements

Steps to create a New Collection Element

1) Enter the collection element name. Special Characters are not allowed while defining the
collection element. One collection element can be used across many collection plans

OPTCL Sourcing Training Document - 198 -

2) Enter the Element Type – Under element type, there are three variables Attribute,
Reference Information and Variable. For all seeded collection element, element type is
reference information. For all Value related collection element, element type is attribute.
3) Enter the Prompt- Value entered in prompt will be displayed in all the transactions
4) Enter the Data type – Depends on the usage of the collection element data type to be
Character- This data type is used if the collection element is of alphanumeric.

Number- This data type is used if the collection element is Numeric

Date-This data type is used if the collection element is in Date format

Date and Time-This data type is used if the collection element is in Date and Time

5) Enter the Mandatory – This field represents whether this collection element to be
entered mandatorily in the collection plan.
6) Enter the Reporting Length- This length represents the field size in the collection plan
7) Enter the Default Value – In any value to be default in the collection plan, enter the
default value. This value can be over
8) Enter the Spec Limits (Optional) – Spec Limits are user to avoid deviation while
entering the quality results. While defining specification you can set upper and lower
limits of the collection elements. you can also set target value, which defaults in the
collection element while doing the inspection. You can also set actions based on the
9) Enter the Values – Enter the values, if there is any list of values to be defined for this
collection element.
10) Save the Work

OPTCL Sourcing Training Document - 199 -

5.2 Defining Collection Plans

Collection plan is like a inspection plan for transactions performed in oracle Group of collection
elements comprised of one collection plan. Same collection element can be used across in
different collection plans. Based on the set up some of the collection plans will be automatically
invoked while doing the transaction. By the collected collection plan you can take your own
customize reports and charts for analysis Depends on the collection plan, predefined collection
elements are assigned to the collection plan- These Plans once Created in a Particular
Inventory Organization – Can be Copied to Other Inventory Organization as well – Refer the
EAM training Manual for further Details

· Login as

Ø Responsibility: OPTCL Quality

Ø Navigation: Set up -> Collection Plans
Ø Choose the Respective Inventory Organizations where the Plan has to Created

Steps to create collection plan

OPTCL Sourcing Training Document - 200 -

1) Enter the name Collection plan –. No special characters are allowed except underscore
2) Enter the Effective – Effective date of the collection plan. Optionally enter the to date.
3) Enter the Plan type – Depends upon the collection plan select the plan type
4) Enter the Copy elements- Copy elements is used to copy all the elements form some
other collection plan
5) Enter the Specifications(Optional)-Under specifications there are four values
6) Enter the collection elements Name
7) Enter the sequence no. On this sequence all the collection elements will be displayed in
the collection plan.
8) Enter the Prompt name will default collection element
9) Enter the Mandatory – This option will default from collection element, but you can
overwrite here.
10) Enter the Enabled – If you are not using the collection element from the collection plan,
uncheck the enabled option.
11) Enter the Value – If you have defined any values for collection element, you need to
assign the values in the collection plan
12) Save the Work

Standalone collection plans- Irrespective of transactions ,you can create separate collection plan in
the quality module .Query the collection plan in the quality module and enter the results. Later you
can also update the results.

OPTCL Sourcing Training Document - 201 -

For E.g – We have Created Collection Plans for the above Process


2. RECEIVEING INSPECTION PLAN (For Purchase Order Inspection)

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